
This chapter contains the following topics:

Summary Dashboard

The intent of the Summary dashboard is to enable network and storage administrators to focus on particular areas of concern around the health and performance of data center switching. This information is provided as 24-hour snapshots. The functional view of LAN and SAN switching consists of six dynamic dashlets that display information in the context of the selected scope by default. The scope can be adjusted in the upper right corner of the window to display focused information that is particular to the managed domain. It offers details of a specific topology or set of topologies that is a part of the data center scope.

The various scopes that are available on the Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) web interface are:

  • Data Center

  • Default_SAN

  • Default_LAN

  • Each SAN Fabric

  • Custom scopes that you create

From the left menu bar, choose Dashboard > Summary. The Summary window displays the default dashlets.

The following are the default dashlets that appear in the Summary window:

  • Data Center

  • Inventory - Switches

  • Inventory - Modules

  • Top CPU

  • Top ISLs/Trunks

  • Link Traffic

  • Alarms

  • Events

  • Server Status

  • Audit Log

From the Dashlets drop-down list, you can choose more dashlets so that they are added to the Summary dashboard.

The panels can be added, removed, and dragged around to reorder.


By default, a subset of the available dashlets is automatically displayed in the dashboard. To add a dashlet that is not automatically displayed in a dashboard, from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Summary.

Step 2

From the Dashlets drop-down list, choose the dashlet that you want to add in the dashboard.

In the Dashlets drop-down list, an icon appears before the selected dashlet.

The following table lists the dashlets that you can add on the Summary Dashboard window.




Displays events with Critical, Error, and Warning severity. In this dashlet, click the Show Acknowledged Events link to go to the Monitor > Switch > Events.


Displays alarms with Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning severity. In this dashlet, click the Show Acknowledged Alarms link to go to the Monitor > Alarms > View window. Hover the mouse cursor over the blue i icon for more information about a specific alarm. Click ACK to acknowledge a specific alarm.

Link Traffic

Displays a diagram of Inter-Switch Link (ISL) and saturation link for transmitting and receiving in the data center.

Data Center

Displays the number of access, spine and leaf devices, and a generic health score for each switch group in the current scope. Devices are aggregated by type within a switch group.

Audit Log

Displays the accounting log table of Cisco DCNM.

Network Map

Displays the populated switch groups that are visible in your Role Based Access Control (RBAC) scope on a world map. If you use the scope selector, it limits the set of switch groups displayed. If you click detach option, the map opens in a new tab and can be configured.

  • The network map dialog box has properties that are different from the Summary dashboard view:

  • You can click and drag nodes to move them around the map. The map saves their new positions.

  • You can double click a node to trigger a slider that contains the summary inventory information pertaining to a specific switch group.

  • You can upload an image of your choice as the background to the network map.


You will be prompted to upload an image file with recommended dimension, which is the current window size. Reset returns the network map to its default state, resetting the position of the nodes and clearing the custom image.

Server Status

Displays the status of DCNM and federation servers, and the health check status for the components.

The following services, server, and status details are displayed under the DCNM tab.

  • Database Server

  • Search Indexer

  • Performance Collector

  • NTPD Server

  • DHCP Server

  • SNMP Traps

  • Syslog Server

The following component status and details are displayed under the Health Check tab.

  • AMQP Server

  • DHCP Server

  • TFTP Server

  • EPLS

  • EPLC

Top ISLs/Trunks

Displays the performance data for the top ten performing ISLs, trunk ports or both. Each entry shows the current average receive and transmit percentage, with a graph depicting the percentage of time each trunk spent exceeding the currently configured thresholds.

Top SAN End Ports (SAN only)

Displays the performance data for the top ten performing SAN host and storage ports. Each entry shows the current receive and transmit percentage, with a graph depicting the percentage of time each trunk spent exceeding the currently configured thresholds.


This dashlet is only for SAN.


Displays CPU utilization for the discovered switches over the last 24 hours, with a red bar displaying the high watermark for that 24-hour period.

Top Temperature

Displays the module temperature sensor details of switches.


This dashlet is only for LAN.


Displays the health summary that contains two columns displaying the summary of problems and summary of events for the past 24 hours.

Click the count adjacent to the warnings pertaining to switches, ISLs, hosts, or storage (other than 0) to view the corresponding inventory for that fabric.

Click the count adjacent to the event severity levels (Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, or Debug) to view a summary of the corresponding events and descriptions.


Displays the error packets for the selected interface. This information is retrieved from the Errors > In-Peak and Errors > Out-Peak columns of the Monitor > LAN / Ethernet page.


Displays the error packets that are discarded for the selected interface.


The Discards dashlet is only for LAN.

Inventory (Ports)

Displays the ports inventory summary information.

Inventory (Modules)

Displays the switches on which the modules are discovered, the models name and the count.

Inventory (ISLs)

Displays the ISLs inventory summary information, such as the category and count of ISLs.

Inventory (Logical)

Displays the logical inventory summary information, such as the category and count of logical links.

Inventory (Switches)

Displays the switches inventory summary information such as the switch models and the corresponding count.

Inventory (Port Capacity)

Displays the port capacity inventory summary information such as the tiers, the number and percentage of the available ports, and the remaining days.


To restore the default dashlets in the dashboard page, click the Default Set link in the Dashlet drop-down list.

Network Dashboard

Cisco DCNM enables you to view details of switches including system information, switch capacity, modules, interfaces, and licenses.


Step 1

To access the Network dashboard, from the left menu bar, choose Dashboard > Network.

An inventory of all the switches that are discovered by Cisco DCNM is displayed.

The following table describes the fields that appear on this page.




Displays the group name of the switch.

Device Name

Displays the name of the switch.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the switch.

WWN/Chassis Id

Displays the World Wide Name (WWN) if available or chassis ID.


Displays the health situation of the switch.


Displays the status of the switch.

# Ports

Displays the number of ports.


Displays the model name of the switch.

Serial No

Displays the serial number of the switch.


Displays the switch version.


Displays the DCNM license that is installed on the switch.

Up Time

Displays the up time of the switch.

Step 2

Select a switch in the Device Name column to view the Switch Dashboard.

Switch Dashboard

The switch dashboard displays the details of the selected switch.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Dashboard > Network. Alternatively, from Cisco DCNM home page, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

An inventory of all the switches that are discovered by DCNM is displayed.

Step 2

Click a switch in the Device Name column.

The Switch dashboard that corresponds to that switch is displayed along with the following information:

  • System Info: Displays the detailed system information such as, the group name, health, module, the time when the system is up, the serial number, the version number, contact, location, DCNM license, status, system log sending status, CPU and memory utilization, and VTEP IP address.

    Click Health to access the Health score screen, which includes health score calculation and health trend. The popup contains Overview, Modules, Switch Ports, and Events tabs.

    From Cisco DCNM Release 11.0(1), you can view the vPC details of the selected switch in the System Info tab for LAN switches. It includes details of vPC domain ID, role, peer, peer-link state, keep alive state, consistency state, send interface, and receive interface. Click the vPCs Configured link to view the vPC configuration details of the selected switch.

    • (Optional) Click SSH to access the switch through Secure Shell (SSH).

    • (Optional) Click HTTP to access the switch through Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for that switch.

    • (Optional) Click Accounting to go to the Viewing Accounting Information window pertaining to this switch.

    • (Optional) Click Backup to go to the Viewing a Configuration window.

    • (Optional) Click Events to go to the Registration window.

    • (Optional) Click Show Commands to display the device show commands. The Device Show Commands page helps you to view commands and execute them.

    • (Optional) Click Copy Running Config to Startup Config to copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.

  • Click Device Manager to view a graphical representation of Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch chassis, a Cisco Nexus 5000/7000/9000 Series switch chassis including the installed switching modules, the supervisor modules, the status of each port within each module, the power supplies, and the fan assemblies.

  • Modules: Displays detailed modules that are discovered on the switch.

  • Interfaces: Displays all the interfaces that are discovered for the switch. Select multiple items and click Port Group to create a new port group or add the interfaces into an existing group.

  • FEX: Allows you to manage a Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender and its association with the Cisco NX-OS switch. You can create or modify FEX for the LAN devices by using this feature. The FEX feature is available only on LAN devices. If a Cisco Nexus switch is discovered as part of the SAN fabric, the FEX feature will not be available. The FEX feature is also not supported on Cisco Nexus 1000V devices.

  • License: Displays detailed information about the licenses that are installed on the switches. You can install a switch license file on a switch. See the Installing a Switch License section.You can rediscover switch licenses as well. See the Rediscovering Switch Licenses section.

  • Features: Displays all the enabled features.

  • VXLAN: Displays VXLANs and their details such as status, mode, multicast address, and mapped VLAN.

  • VLAN: Allows you to manage VLANs. You can add, edit, delete, and shutdown VLANs.

  • Port Capacity: This feature is available for Cisco DCNM-licensed switches only. The physical port capacity area includes the available ports in each tier, such as 40G, 10G, 8G, 4G, 2G, and 1G along with the predicted number of days remaining to reach the maximum (100%) utilization. Click a number under the Days Left column to view the capacity trend.

  • VDC: Allows you to create and manage VDCs. As DCNM supports Cisco Nexus 7000 Series only, click an active Cisco Nexus 7000 switch. After you create a VDC, you can change the interface allocation, VDC resource limits, and the high availability (HA) policies.

Installing a Switch License

To install a switch license from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Network, and select a switch in the Device Name column.

Alternatively, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

Step 2

Click License in the switch dashboard.

Step 3

Click Install to install the switch license file on a switch.

A Switch License Install window appears.

Step 4

Click Select License File, and select the license file from your local system.

Step 5

Select the transport method. The available options are:

  • SCP

  • SFTP

Step 6

Enter the username and password to connect to the DCNM server.

Step 7

Click Install.

Rediscovering Switch Licenses

To rediscover switch licenses from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Network.

Alternatively, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

Step 2

Choose a switch in the Device Name column.

Step 3

Click the License tab in the switch dashboard.

Step 4

Click Rediscover to rediscover switch licenses on a switch.

Rediscovering the switch licenses takes some time.

Step 5

Click the Last Updated icon to refresh the licenses.

Storage Dashboard

The Storage dashboard provides information about the SAN and LAN storage.

To access the Storage dashboard, from the left menu bar, choose Dashboard > Storage.

Viewing Storage Enclosures Information

After a datasource is configured and the discovery is completed, the discovered storage systems are displayed under the Name column in the Storage Enclosures area. In this area, you can view details of SAN Storage Enclosures, Storage Systems, or both.

To view the storage enclosures information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage.

Step 2

From the Show drop-down list, choose SAN Storage Enclosures.

Step 3

Choose the storage name to view more details.

The events, topology, and traffic information are displayed in the dashboard.

Step 4

Click the Filter icon to filter the storage enclosures by Name or by IP Address.

Step 5

In the Traffic pane, the Enclosure Traffic is displayed by default. Click the Traffic Utilization icon to view the traffic utilization. The daily average percentage of traffic utilization of the enclosure ports is displayed as a pie chart.

Clicking on an individual port slice of the pie chart displays specific traffic utilization details for that port.

Viewing Storage Systems Information

To view information about storage systems from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage.

Step 2

From the Show drop-down list, choose Storage Systems.

  • The datasource must be configured and discovered at least once to display the discovered storage system(s).

  • Cisco DCNM now differentiate Block Storage and Filer Storage in terms of what it discovers and displays. Filer storage has additional elements: Shares, Quotas, and Q-trees.

    • Shares: Individual storage folders on the file server to which users have access.

    • Quotas: File and repository size limitations.

    • Q-trees: Tree based quotas. By using Q-trees, you can partition data and take advantage of different backup strategies, security styles, and settings.

Step 3

Click the Click to see more details... icon to view the storage systems summary.

The following are the elements of the Storage Systems area:


Components are containers for a set or subset of the disks in a storage system. The Component elements view displays a table of disks in the collection, total number of disks managed. It also displays a summary of the collection’s used vs. raw space.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

The right pane displays a summary of the storage components. Click each name to go to the item in the left menu.

Step 3

Hover the mouse cursor on the graph to display its details.

Step 4

In the left pane, select the storage component to view its details.

The number of disks that are managed along with its details are displayed.

Step 5

Click a Serial Number to display the disk and the mapped LUNs details.

Step 6

You can use the search box to search for a specific component.


Pools are user-defined collections of LUNs displaying the pool storage. The pools elements view displays a summary of the pools, lists the LUNs in the pool, and also displays the total managed and raw space.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

The bar graph next to each pool indicates the total managed space of that pool.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a pool to display:

  • Status of the pool

  • LUNs in the pool displaying the total raw space and the total managed space.

  • Raid Type

  • Disk Type

  • Details of the LUNs in the pool

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific pool.


LUNs refer to a storage volume or a collection of volumes that are abstracted into a single volume. It is a unit of storage which can be pooled for access protection and management. Each LUN in the LUN Element View is displayed along with the mapping from Hosts to LUNs. If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information concerning the end-to-end connection between a host and LUN is also displayed.

You are able to create and delete LUNs, create and delete host and LUN maps, and create zoning for HLMs.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

You can create LUN from Cisco DCNM by choosing Storage > LUNs.

  1. In the middle pane, click Add LUN.

  2. Enter a valid Name for the LUN, and select its Type and Size. The pool which we carve the storage from is indicated.


    The Create LUN pop-up window can also be accessed from a Pool’s details page, when the LUN list view is selected.

  3. Click Add.

    A confirmation window displays each step. Once confirmed, the status is updated with the results of each step.

    After LUN creation completes successfully, you can Assign Hosts, or click Close and assign Hosts later from the LUN Details view.

Step 3

Select a LUN in the left navigation pane to view the details.

  • The LUN details along with its status and the number of Associated Hosts.

  • The Host LUN Mapping details along with the Access (Granted) information.

If the associated fabric has also been discovered, additional information about the switch interfaces and zoning concerning the end-to-end connection between the Host and LUN is also displayed.

All fabrics that are discovered must be licensed or the fabric correlation will be disabled in the Cisco DCNM. When the feature is disabled, all correlation fields display “Unlicensed Fabric.”
Step 4

You can delete LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure.

  1. Navigate to Storage > Storage System > LUNs.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select one LUN from the list and then click Remove.

    A confirmation window is displayed at each step. Once confirmed, the status will update with the results of each step.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 5

You can add mapping from Host to LUN.

  1. Select the LUNs from a pane on the left.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN.

  3. Click the Add button.

    The Add Hosts to Mask window pops out.

  4. Select one or more Hosts, and then click Add. The Hosts are then added to the LUN Mapping. In addition, each HLM pair is zoned if it is not already zoned.


    Host LUN Mappings can also be added through the Host Dashboard. See Viewing Host Enclosures, for more information.

Step 6

You can remove mapping from Host to LUN.

  1. Select the LUNs from the pane on the left.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN.

  3. Select one or more existing Host LUN Mappings and click the remove icon.

    A confirmation window appears and displays each step.

  4. Click Apply.

    The status will update with the results of each step.

Step 7

(Optional) You can add Zoning to the LUNs.

  1. Select the LUNs from the left pane.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN. One of the columns of the Host LUN Mapping table identifies the existing zones if any of the HLM currently has for zoning.

  3. Select one or more HLMs which have Unknown or None for zoning, and click Add Zoning.

  4. Click Apply.

    The status will update with the results of each step.

Filer Volumes

Filer Volumes are applicable only for NetApp. The Filer Volume Element view displays the Status, Containing Aggregate along with the total capacity and used space.

To view filer volumes from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select the filer to display:

  • The status of the filer along with the containing aggregate name.

  • Hover the mouse cursor over the graph to view the total capacity and available storage of the filer.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific Filer.


The Hosts describe the NWWNs associated with a host or host enclosure along with the associated Host-LUN Mapping and the Host Ports. If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information concerning the connection between a host and LUN is also displayed.

To configure hosts from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a Host to display:

  • The NWWN (Node WWN) is the WWN of the device that is connected to the switch.

  • The Host Ports along with the Host LUN Mapping.

  • In the Host Ports section, click a Host Enclosure Name to view its Events, Topology, and SAN Traffic. For more information, see the Storage section.

  • In the Host Ports sections, click a Host Interface to view the Switch Dashboard.

  • In the Host-LUN Mapping section, click a Storage Interface to view the Switch Dashboard.

  • In the Host-LUN Mapping section, click a Storage Name to view its Events, Topology, and SAN Traffic. For more information, see the Storage section.

If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information about the switch interfaces and zoning concerning the connection between the Host and LUN is also displayed.

All fabrics that are discovered must be licensed or the fabric correlation is disabled in the Web UI. When the feature is disabled, all correlation fields display “Unlicensed Fabric”.
Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific host.

Storage Processors

Storage processors are elements on a storage system, which enable some of its features. A storage processor includes the collection of storage ports it manages. In the Storage Processor Element View, the list of Storage Ports that are associated with a Storage Processor is displayed.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a storage processor to display:

  • The status, adapter details, and the number of ports of the storage processor.

  • The storage ports details.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific storage processor.

Storage Ports

A storage port is a single port on the Storage System. It displays the summary information of each port selected.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a storage port to display its details.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific storage port.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Events

To view the storage enclosure events information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures is displayed in a table.

Step 2

Click the Events icon next to the storage enclosure to view the Events panel.

Step 3

You can use the slider control to resize the panel.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Topology

To view the storage enclosure topology information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures, or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures in a table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the topology details.

Step 3

Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out.

Step 4

Click the Fabric/Network icon to view the Fabric or Network path.

Step 5

Click the All Paths icon to view the complete setup.

Step 6

Click the First Shortest Path icon to view the shortest path.

Click Map View icon to enable the icons that are listed in the preceding Step 4, 5 and 6.
Step 7

Click the Tabular View icon to view the host topology in tabular format.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Traffic

To view the storage enclosure traffic from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures is displayed in the table.

Step 2

Select the row to view the topology details.

Step 3

Use the drop-down to select the traffic according to the time duration.

Step 4

Select the icons to view the traffic as a Grid, Line Chart or Stacked Chart.

Step 5

Click the Show Events icon to view the events.

Step 6

Use the options at the bottom of the screen to view a pie chart or a line chart. Click on each name on the chart to view its details.

Introduction to SAN Insights

The SAN Insights feature enables you to configure, monitor, and view the flow analytics in fabrics. Cisco DCNM enables you to visualize the health-related indicators in the interface so that you can quickly identify issues in fabrics. Also, the health indicators enable you to understand the problems in fabrics. The SAN Insights feature also provides more comprehensive end-to-end flow-based data from the host to LUN.

From Release 11.2(1), Cisco DCNM supports SAN Telemetry Streaming (STS) using compact GPB transport, for better telemetry performance and to improve the overall scalability of SAN Insights.

For SAN insights streaming stability and performance, refer to System Requirements section in the Cisco DCNM Installation Guide for SAN Deployment Guide and the section Increasing Elasticsearch Database Heap Size of the Cisco DCNM SAN Management for OVA and ISO Deployments Configuration Guide. Ensure system RAM is of adequate size. Use of NTP is recommended to maintain time synchronization between the DCNM and the switches. Enable PM collection for viewing counter statistics.

SAN Insights Dashboard

Cisco DCNM visually displays fabric-level information in a holistic view from end-to-end. To view the SAN Insights Dashboard, choose Dashboard > SAN Insights. The SAN Insights Dashboard provides visibility for overall read/write IO operations/latency.

In the SAN Insights dashboard page, you can select protocol, fabric, and switches from protocol, fabric, and switches drop-down lists. The dashlets display insight data based on protocol, fabric, and switches that you select.

The dashboard displays the data over the last 72 hours.

Dashboard > SAN InsightsDashboard > SAN Insights

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

From the Fabric drop-down list, select the SAN Fabric for which you need to see the SAN Insights data and metrics. The switches that are capable and licensed for SAN Analytics are displayed in the drop-down list.


Click on the title on top of the donuts, to navigate to the relevant page on Monitor > SAN > SAN Insights. You can also click on different colored sections on the donuts to see more detailed counts in percentages.

The SAN Insights dashboard contains the following dashlets.

  • Flow Summary (ECT)

    From the drop-down list, select Read Completion Time or Write Completion Time, based on which the donuts show IT Pairs and ITL Flows. These data-points are computed based on the last available 15mins data in the Elasticsearch.

  • Enclosure Summary (ECT)

    From the drop-down list, select Read Completion Time or Write Completion Time, based on which the donuts display Storage and Hosts. These data-points are computed based on the last available 15mins data in the Elasticsearch.

  • Throughput

    Displays the Read and Write throughput rate. Hover the mouse on the graph to view the value at that instance. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours.

  • IOPS

    Displays the Read and Write IOPs trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours.

  • Aborts

    Displays the Read and Write Aborts trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours. This metric is computed based on the read_io_aborts and write_io_aborts metric reported by the Cisco MDS SAN Analytics infrastructure.

  • Failures

    Displays the Read and Write Failures trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours. This metric is computed based on the read_io_failures and write_io_failures metric reported by the Cisco MDS SAN Analytics infrastructure.

  • Top 10 Hosts

    Represents the top 10 Host Enclosures/WWPNs in the selected Protocol/Fabric/Switch scope based on the metric selected in the drop-down list. The data can be sorted by Read/Write IOPS, Throughput, Exchange Completion Time or Data Access Latency.

  • Top 10 Storage

    Represents the top 10 Storage Enclosures/WWPNs in the selected Protocol/Fabric/Switch scope based on the metric selected in the drop-down list. The data can be sorted by Read/Write IOPS, Throughput, Exchange Completion Time or Data Access Latency.


The Top 10 Hosts and Top 10 Storage are computed over the last 72 hours, based on hourly data collected for the selected protocol, Fabric(s), and Switch(es). If you change the enclosure names for specific WWPNs, the names of the old enclosures names are visible until the data ages out after 72Hours.

A warning message appears as HIGH NPU LOAD Detected on top of the Dashboard > SAN Insights window. The warning implies that one or more switches has an unacknowledged Syslog event during the previous week. The event may affect the availability of the analytics data stored or displayed. You must acknowledge these events to remove the warning.

A warning appears as HIGH ITL LOAD Detected on top of the Dashboard > SAN Insights window. The warning is displayed when the number of ITLs seen in the last interval exceeds 20,000.

Ensure that you have configured Syslog on the DCNM Device Manager, to capture NPU and ITL Loads. Choose Inventory > View > Switches. Click on a switch to view System Info. On the Device Manager tab, click on Logs > Syslog > Setup. Click Create. Enter the required parameters. Ensure that you choose the syslog radio button in the Facility area. Click Create to enable Syslog on the DCNM server.

To resolve the high NPU and high ITL loads, click on the HIGH NPU LOAD Detected or HIGH ITL LOAD Detected link. The Monitor > Switch > Events page appears. The list of events is filtered for Type: HIGH_NPU_LOAD and Type: HIGH_ITL_LOAD. Select all the switches and click Acknowledge. This removes the HIGH NPU LOAD Detected and HIGH ITL LOAD Detected warnings.

Viewing SAN Insights Metrics

To view the SAN Insights metrics, choose Dashboard >SAN Insights. The SAN Insights Dashboard page appears. Click the View SAN Insights Metrics button. From the Use Case drop-down list, choose ECT Analysis or Custom Graphing.

The dashboard displays the data over the last 72 hours.


The refresh interval for ECT Analysis and Custom Graphing page is 5 minutes. Click on the Play icon ">" to refresh every 5 minutes automatically.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

ECT Analysis

From the Cisco DCNM Web UI > Dashboard > SAN Insights, click on the View SAN Insights Metrics to view the ECT Analysis.

There are four components in ECT Analysis:

  • Data table

  • ECT Sequencing by Baseline Deviation

  • ECT Baseline Deviation Aggregated

  • ITL By Time & Baseline Deviation

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

From Release 11.4(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view data for a time frame of any 14 days within the last 90 days. (up to a default maximum of 90 days). You can modify the san.telemetry.expire.rollup property on the Web UI > Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties to modify the maximum default days. You can choose the date using the date picker and view the historical data starting from the selected date at hourly granularity.


The default duration of the ECT analysis 60 minutes. You can click the Reset button to clear all the applied data filters.


The Last filter displays the period of historical data. The default period of the historical data is 60 minutes.

When you upgrade from Release 11.1(1) to 11.2(1) or 11.3(1), the old data takes two weeks to age out. The performance of the SAN Insights metrics improves after two weeks, after the upgrade.


The data in the ECT Analysis view can be filtered by selecting the switch from the drop-down list or by specifying the WWPN\Enclosure Name\LUN-ID\Switch-IP in the Search here field.

You can enter the text in the Search here field to search for the value in the ECT Sequencing by Baseline Deviation table.

The Search here field in the filters indicates that you must search for their value.

The ECT Analysis page is representing the aggregated behavior of the ITL Flows by comparing the current normalized Exchange Completion Time (ECT) to its historical behavior (ECT Baseline) using the below logic. The normalized ECT value is the amount of time it takes to transfer a KB (kilobyte) of data.

ECT Baseline for each ITL Flow (Reads and Writes) is calculated using weighted average learned continuously over a training period:

  • The ECT Baseline computation consists of two parts: the training period and the recalibration time.

  • The training period for ECT Baseline is seven days by default (configurable).

  • After the training is completed, the ECT Baseline remains the same until the recalibration is triggered after 21 days by default (configurable).

  • By default every 28 days training runs for seven days (cyclic).

  • The percentage (%) deviation shows the deviation of the current normalized ECT compared to the ECT Baseline.


  • To configure the default training period, edit the san.telemetry.train.timeframe parameter (default 7) in the Cisco DCNM Administration > Server Properties. Restart the DCNM Server process. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

  • To configure the recalibration time, edit the san.telemetry.train.reset parameter (default 28 days) in the Cisco DCNM Administration > Server Properties. Restart the DCNM Server process. Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments.

  • For example, to train the baseline for four days and recalibrate the baseline 10 days after the training period set the training period to four days and the recalibration time to 14 days.

Table 1. Baseline Color Legends



If ECT is above 50% from Baseline


If ECT is above and in range 30–50% from Baseline


If ECT is above and in range 10–30% from Baseline


If ECT is below 10% from Baseline


The range of value for the Baseline Color Legends can be modified on the Server Properties file. See the san.telemetry.deviation definitions in the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments.

You can click on the Trend Identifier () icon to navigate to Trend Identifier. For more information, see Trend Identifier.

The data in the ECT Analysis UI can be filtered to view data of ITLs corresponding to the above legend, by clicking the circles to disable and enable. For example, on clicking and disabling the Yellow and Orange legend circles, the corresponding data will be displayed.

You can copy and paste the values in the data table into the Search here input field at the top of the UI to filter the data in all components. Values in all the columns marked with Magnifying Glass () icon in the data table are the only fields searchable for this functionality.

The data in the ECT BASELINE DEVIATION AGGREGATED component shows the number of ITLs that are in each deviation range. Similarly, the data in ITL BY TIME component shows the number of ITLs grouped by time that are in each deviation range. Clicking on a section of the pie chart or histogram shows drill down data with Initiator Enclosures, Initiator WWPNs, Target Enclosures, Target WWPNs, and LUN/Namespaces. Click on the corresponding section of the chart to download the results in a .csv format.


The maximum ECT Baseline Deviation aggregated data is set to 20000.

Script Timeout Error in Mozilla browser

In the Mozilla browser, if you see script timeout error with option Stop or Wait, don’t click Stop. Perform the following steps to troubleshoot the script timeout error.

  1. Launch the Mozilla Firefox.

  2. On the Firefox address bar type about:config and press Return key.

  3. In the confirmation message, click I accept the risk!.

  4. In the Search field, enter dom.max_script_run_time.

    The Preference names are displayed.

  5. Right click on the dom.max_script_run_time Preference name.

    Select Modify.

  6. Enter an integer value of 0 or 20 for dom.max_script_run_time.

  7. Click OK to confirm.

  8. Restart the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Custom Graphing

This is a freestyle dashboard where multiple metrics can be selected and the real-time data for the selected metrics is shown in multi-line graph which is configured to refresh every 5 minutes and corresponding raw data will be shown in the data table.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)


The Auto Refresh option is disabled by default. You must click on the pause icon to enable the Auto Refresh feature.

There are two components in the custom graphing use case.

  • Real Time Graph

  • Datatable

The Real Time Graph is plotted with corresponding metrics with from & to date selected. This component has the slider present below the graph as per your selection. It’s dynamic in nature as the data can be refreshed every 5 minutes, and can be converted into a static graph using the pause button.

To view, input any of the six dimensions (Initiator WWN, LUN/NSID, Target WWN, Source enclosure, Target enclosure, Switch IP) in the search tab, and select an associated metric.

Click on the download icon at the right corner to download the datatable information to your local database, for further analysis.


We recommend that you use Google Chrome browser to download the datatable information to your local database.

You can also add multiple graphs for comparison by clicking on the "+" icon at the top right. The data table is replaced by multiple Real Time graphs in this view and you can select the corresponding metric to be plotted by using the multiselect text search feature.

Trend Identifier

Click the Trend Identifier () icon in the top-right corner to navigate to Trend Identifier.

You can also click on the Trend () icon in each row of the data table to navigate to Trend Identifier, with prepopulated ITL/ITN input fields. There are two components showing data corresponding to selected ITL. Trends ITL Metrics shows area chart of ECT, DAL, IOPs, and Baseline ECT in the selected time interval (1 hour selected). Histogram Correlation tab shows the histogram of count of correlated ITLs with current ITL binned by correlation value. Clicking on any bar in this tab converts the histogram into datatable which shows the data corresponding to the selected bar.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)


The default interval for the trend identifier is 30 minutes. You can specify the interval using the Start With Last drop-down list.

Outlier Detection

Click the Outlier Detection icon () that appears in the top-right corner of the page, to view the Outlier Detection metrics. To view data on this page, enter either Host-Enclosure or Initiator Enclosure name in the Search here input box, select a Metric, select a time range, and click Submit. This screen takes aggregated data for every 60 minutes.

ITL/ITN Distribution tab shows the scatter plot of metrics selected for all ITL/ITN’s present in the selected time interval (1week in this case). To navigate to the Trend screen, click any of the dots (corresponds to specific ITL/ITN) in the scatter plot. Functionality added two tabs namely ITL/ITN’s Below Confidence interval and ITL/ITN’s above confidence interval. These two tabs are data calculated based on the Average Confidence Interval line.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

You can zoom in to view the respective ITL/ITN dots at a more granular level by dragging the mouse and selecting a specific region to be viewed. Click on Reset Zoom in the zoomed screen to restore default zoom settings.

This use case consists of Multiselect text search feature, where you can search for specific text maximum up to two search criteria that can be present in any field (Initiator/Target Enclosure) and corresponding data is plotted in both the components.

Average Confidence Interval shows a band with an average line where most of the metric value lies in the selected time interval. Remaining two tabs shows Box Plot and Pie chart distribution of Top n (5 selected) Initiator/Target of the selected metric in the selected time interval.


The Compute dashboard provides you with all the information that are related to the discovered SAN and LAN hosts. It provides detailed information that is related to the network, such as I/O traffic, disk latency, CPU, memory statistics, topology, and events about each individual host and virtual machines that are configured on top of the virtual host. The Compute dashboard consists of four panels:

  • Host Enclosures panel—Lists the hosts and their network attributes.

  • Traffic panel—Provides the I/O statistics, CPU and memory information, and disk latency of individual hosts or virtual machines.

  • Topology panel—Provides an end-to-end topology layout and path information between host enclosures and storage enclosures. The discovered virtual machines are displayed and when you select the virtual machine, the path to the SAN data source is displayed. You can toggle this view to list all data paths.

  • Event panel—Provides information about events of all the switch ports that are configured within a specific host enclosure.

This section contains the following topics:

Viewing Host Enclosures

Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 6.x, you can view and search the network servers that are connected to the Cisco NX-OS devices. Cisco DCNM extends the fabric visibility up to the server and allows you to discover and search the end devices that are attached to the network.

The following table describes the fields that appear on this page.




Displays the hostname.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the switch.


Displays the number of MAC addresses.

Mac Address(es)

Displays the MAC addresses.


Displays the number of World Wide Names


Port WWN(s)

Displays the port WWN.


Specifies the associated FCID.


Displays the OS details.


Displays the number of VMs.

VHost Name

Displays the name of the virtual host.


Displays the name of the virtual cluster.


Displays the multipath details.


  • Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 6.x, Server Credentials, Servers, and Static Server-Adapter Mapping are no longer available.

  • Beginning from Cisco DCNM Release 10.1, you are able to assign storage to hosts.

  • Collection level in the vCenter settings determines the amount of data that is gathered and displayed in charts. Level 1 is the default Collection Level for all collection intervals. Change the vCenter statistics settings to Level 2 or higher to collect disk I/O history data.

  • From DCNM Release 11.4(1), you can set the default enclosure names from the Device Alias. Choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, and edit the fabric.aliasRE property.

To view the host enclosures from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Choose a host to view more details.

The events, topology, and traffic information on the dashboard are displayed. You can also click the corresponding icons on a host entry to view the events, topology, and traffic information.

Step 3

To edit the hostname, select the row and click the Rename icon. Enter the new name in the pop-out dialog.


Specifying a blank name causes the server to default the name.

Cisco DCNM allows you to change the default assigned Host enclosure name or grouping multiple enclosures into the same enclosure by assigning the same name. Assigning custom enclosure names to respective WWPNs is supported on the Cisco DCNM SAN Client only.

Step 4

To assign storage to host, you can choose the host, and click the Assign icon next to the Rename icon.

The Assign Storage to Host window pops out. The selection of Host is by enclosure, and multiple selections of LUNs is allowed. Click Assign. A confirmation message is displayed. After confirmed, the status will update with the results of each step.

Step 5

Click Quick Filter drop down to filter host enclosures (not storage) by LAN, SAN, and Virtual.

Viewing Host Events

To view the host events from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Click the Events icon next to the host enclosure to view the Events panel.

You can use the slider control to resize the panel.

Viewing Host Topology

To view host topology from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the host topology details.

You can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out.

Step 3

Click the Fabric/Network icon to view the fabric and network path.

Fabric/Network and All Paths icon

1 - Fabric/Network

6 - Custom Port Group

2 - All Paths

7 - Zoom In

3 - First Shortest Path

8 - Zoom Out

4 - Map View

9 - Zoom Fit

5 - Tabular View

Step 4

Click the All Paths icon to view the complete set-up.

Step 5

Click the First Shortest Path icon to view the first shortest path.

Click Map View icon to enable the icons that are listed in the preceding step 4, 5 and 6.
Step 6

Click the Tabular View icon to view the host topology in tabular format.

Step 7

Click the Custom Port Group icon to view the custom port group.

View Host Traffic

To view the host traffic from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the menu bar, choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the host topology details.

Step 3

Use the drop-down to select the traffic according to the time duration.

Step 4

Select the icons to view the traffic as a Grid, Line Chart, or Stacked Chart.

Step 5

In the Traffic pane, the Enclosure Traffic is displayed by default. Click the Traffic Utilization icon to view the traffic utilization. The daily average percentage of traffic utilization of the enclosure ports is displayed as a pie chart.

Network Dashboard

Cisco DCNM enables you to view details of switches including system information, switch capacity, modules, interfaces, and licenses.


Step 1

To access the Network dashboard, from the left menu bar, choose Dashboard > Network.

An inventory of all the switches that are discovered by Cisco DCNM is displayed.

The following table describes the fields that appear on this page.




Displays the group name of the switch.

Device Name

Displays the name of the switch.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the switch.

WWN/Chassis Id

Displays the World Wide Name (WWN) if available or chassis ID.


Displays the health situation of the switch.


Displays the status of the switch.

# Ports

Displays the number of ports.


Displays the model name of the switch.

Serial No

Displays the serial number of the switch.


Displays the switch version.


Displays the DCNM license that is installed on the switch.

Up Time

Displays the up time of the switch.

Step 2

Select a switch in the Device Name column to view the Switch Dashboard.

Switch Dashboard

The switch dashboard displays the details of the selected switch.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Dashboard > Network. Alternatively, from Cisco DCNM home page, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

An inventory of all the switches that are discovered by DCNM is displayed.

Step 2

Click a switch in the Device Name column.

The Switch dashboard that corresponds to that switch is displayed along with the following information:

  • System Info: Displays the detailed system information such as, the group name, health, module, the time when the system is up, the serial number, the version number, contact, location, DCNM license, status, system log sending status, CPU and memory utilization, and VTEP IP address.

    Click Health to access the Health score screen, which includes health score calculation and health trend. The popup contains Overview, Modules, Switch Ports, and Events tabs.

    From Cisco DCNM Release 11.0(1), you can view the vPC details of the selected switch in the System Info tab for LAN switches. It includes details of vPC domain ID, role, peer, peer-link state, keep alive state, consistency state, send interface, and receive interface. Click the vPCs Configured link to view the vPC configuration details of the selected switch.

    • (Optional) Click SSH to access the switch through Secure Shell (SSH).

    • (Optional) Click HTTP to access the switch through Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for that switch.

    • (Optional) Click Accounting to go to the Viewing Accounting Information window pertaining to this switch.

    • (Optional) Click Backup to go to the Viewing a Configuration window.

    • (Optional) Click Events to go to the Registration window.

    • (Optional) Click Show Commands to display the device show commands. The Device Show Commands page helps you to view commands and execute them.

    • (Optional) Click Copy Running Config to Startup Config to copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.

  • Click Device Manager to view a graphical representation of Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch chassis, a Cisco Nexus 5000/7000/9000 Series switch chassis including the installed switching modules, the supervisor modules, the status of each port within each module, the power supplies, and the fan assemblies.

  • Modules: Displays detailed modules that are discovered on the switch.

  • Interfaces: Displays all the interfaces that are discovered for the switch. Select multiple items and click Port Group to create a new port group or add the interfaces into an existing group.

  • FEX: Allows you to manage a Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender and its association with the Cisco NX-OS switch. You can create or modify FEX for the LAN devices by using this feature. The FEX feature is available only on LAN devices. If a Cisco Nexus switch is discovered as part of the SAN fabric, the FEX feature will not be available. The FEX feature is also not supported on Cisco Nexus 1000V devices.

  • License: Displays detailed information about the licenses that are installed on the switches. You can install a switch license file on a switch. See the Installing a Switch License section.You can rediscover switch licenses as well. See the Rediscovering Switch Licenses section.

  • Features: Displays all the enabled features.

  • VXLAN: Displays VXLANs and their details such as status, mode, multicast address, and mapped VLAN.

  • VLAN: Allows you to manage VLANs. You can add, edit, delete, and shutdown VLANs.

  • Port Capacity: This feature is available for Cisco DCNM-licensed switches only. The physical port capacity area includes the available ports in each tier, such as 40G, 10G, 8G, 4G, 2G, and 1G along with the predicted number of days remaining to reach the maximum (100%) utilization. Click a number under the Days Left column to view the capacity trend.

  • VDC: Allows you to create and manage VDCs. As DCNM supports Cisco Nexus 7000 Series only, click an active Cisco Nexus 7000 switch. After you create a VDC, you can change the interface allocation, VDC resource limits, and the high availability (HA) policies.

Installing a Switch License

To install a switch license from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Network, and select a switch in the Device Name column.

Alternatively, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

Step 2

Click License in the switch dashboard.

Step 3

Click Install to install the switch license file on a switch.

A Switch License Install window appears.

Step 4

Click Select License File, and select the license file from your local system.

Step 5

Select the transport method. The available options are:

  • SCP

  • SFTP

Step 6

Enter the username and password to connect to the DCNM server.

Step 7

Click Install.

Rediscovering Switch Licenses

To rediscover switch licenses from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Network.

Alternatively, you can choose Inventory > View > Switches.

Step 2

Choose a switch in the Device Name column.

Step 3

Click the License tab in the switch dashboard.

Step 4

Click Rediscover to rediscover switch licenses on a switch.

Rediscovering the switch licenses takes some time.

Step 5

Click the Last Updated icon to refresh the licenses.

Storage Dashboard

The Storage dashboard provides information about the SAN and LAN storage.

To access the Storage dashboard, from the left menu bar, choose Dashboard > Storage.

Viewing Storage Enclosures Information

After a datasource is configured and the discovery is completed, the discovered storage systems are displayed under the Name column in the Storage Enclosures area. In this area, you can view details of SAN Storage Enclosures, Storage Systems, or both.

To view the storage enclosures information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage.

Step 2

From the Show drop-down list, choose SAN Storage Enclosures.

Step 3

Choose the storage name to view more details.

The events, topology, and traffic information are displayed in the dashboard.

Step 4

Click the Filter icon to filter the storage enclosures by Name or by IP Address.

Step 5

In the Traffic pane, the Enclosure Traffic is displayed by default. Click the Traffic Utilization icon to view the traffic utilization. The daily average percentage of traffic utilization of the enclosure ports is displayed as a pie chart.

Clicking on an individual port slice of the pie chart displays specific traffic utilization details for that port.

Viewing Storage Systems Information

To view information about storage systems from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage.

Step 2

From the Show drop-down list, choose Storage Systems.

  • The datasource must be configured and discovered at least once to display the discovered storage system(s).

  • Cisco DCNM now differentiate Block Storage and Filer Storage in terms of what it discovers and displays. Filer storage has additional elements: Shares, Quotas, and Q-trees.

    • Shares: Individual storage folders on the file server to which users have access.

    • Quotas: File and repository size limitations.

    • Q-trees: Tree based quotas. By using Q-trees, you can partition data and take advantage of different backup strategies, security styles, and settings.

Step 3

Click the Click to see more details... icon to view the storage systems summary.

The following are the elements of the Storage Systems area:


Components are containers for a set or subset of the disks in a storage system. The Component elements view displays a table of disks in the collection, total number of disks managed. It also displays a summary of the collection’s used vs. raw space.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

The right pane displays a summary of the storage components. Click each name to go to the item in the left menu.

Step 3

Hover the mouse cursor on the graph to display its details.

Step 4

In the left pane, select the storage component to view its details.

The number of disks that are managed along with its details are displayed.

Step 5

Click a Serial Number to display the disk and the mapped LUNs details.

Step 6

You can use the search box to search for a specific component.


Pools are user-defined collections of LUNs displaying the pool storage. The pools elements view displays a summary of the pools, lists the LUNs in the pool, and also displays the total managed and raw space.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

The bar graph next to each pool indicates the total managed space of that pool.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a pool to display:

  • Status of the pool

  • LUNs in the pool displaying the total raw space and the total managed space.

  • Raid Type

  • Disk Type

  • Details of the LUNs in the pool

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific pool.


LUNs refer to a storage volume or a collection of volumes that are abstracted into a single volume. It is a unit of storage which can be pooled for access protection and management. Each LUN in the LUN Element View is displayed along with the mapping from Hosts to LUNs. If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information concerning the end-to-end connection between a host and LUN is also displayed.

You are able to create and delete LUNs, create and delete host and LUN maps, and create zoning for HLMs.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

You can create LUN from Cisco DCNM by choosing Storage > LUNs.

  1. In the middle pane, click Add LUN.

  2. Enter a valid Name for the LUN, and select its Type and Size. The pool which we carve the storage from is indicated.


    The Create LUN pop-up window can also be accessed from a Pool’s details page, when the LUN list view is selected.

  3. Click Add.

    A confirmation window displays each step. Once confirmed, the status is updated with the results of each step.

    After LUN creation completes successfully, you can Assign Hosts, or click Close and assign Hosts later from the LUN Details view.

Step 3

Select a LUN in the left navigation pane to view the details.

  • The LUN details along with its status and the number of Associated Hosts.

  • The Host LUN Mapping details along with the Access (Granted) information.

If the associated fabric has also been discovered, additional information about the switch interfaces and zoning concerning the end-to-end connection between the Host and LUN is also displayed.

All fabrics that are discovered must be licensed or the fabric correlation will be disabled in the Cisco DCNM. When the feature is disabled, all correlation fields display “Unlicensed Fabric.”
Step 4

You can delete LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure.

  1. Navigate to Storage > Storage System > LUNs.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select one LUN from the list and then click Remove.

    A confirmation window is displayed at each step. Once confirmed, the status will update with the results of each step.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 5

You can add mapping from Host to LUN.

  1. Select the LUNs from a pane on the left.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN.

  3. Click the Add button.

    The Add Hosts to Mask window pops out.

  4. Select one or more Hosts, and then click Add. The Hosts are then added to the LUN Mapping. In addition, each HLM pair is zoned if it is not already zoned.


    Host LUN Mappings can also be added through the Host Dashboard. See Viewing Host Enclosures, for more information.

Step 6

You can remove mapping from Host to LUN.

  1. Select the LUNs from the pane on the left.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN.

  3. Select one or more existing Host LUN Mappings and click the remove icon.

    A confirmation window appears and displays each step.

  4. Click Apply.

    The status will update with the results of each step.

Step 7

(Optional) You can add Zoning to the LUNs.

  1. Select the LUNs from the left pane.

    A list of LUNs in the SMI-S Storage Enclosure is displayed in the right.

  2. Select a LUN from the list underneath.

    The details for the selected LUN are displayed, including the current Host LUN Mappings for that LUN. One of the columns of the Host LUN Mapping table identifies the existing zones if any of the HLM currently has for zoning.

  3. Select one or more HLMs which have Unknown or None for zoning, and click Add Zoning.

  4. Click Apply.

    The status will update with the results of each step.

Filer Volumes

Filer Volumes are applicable only for NetApp. The Filer Volume Element view displays the Status, Containing Aggregate along with the total capacity and used space.

To view filer volumes from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select the filer to display:

  • The status of the filer along with the containing aggregate name.

  • Hover the mouse cursor over the graph to view the total capacity and available storage of the filer.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific Filer.


The Hosts describe the NWWNs associated with a host or host enclosure along with the associated Host-LUN Mapping and the Host Ports. If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information concerning the connection between a host and LUN is also displayed.

To configure hosts from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a Host to display:

  • The NWWN (Node WWN) is the WWN of the device that is connected to the switch.

  • The Host Ports along with the Host LUN Mapping.

  • In the Host Ports section, click a Host Enclosure Name to view its Events, Topology, and SAN Traffic. For more information, see the Storage section.

  • In the Host Ports sections, click a Host Interface to view the Switch Dashboard.

  • In the Host-LUN Mapping section, click a Storage Interface to view the Switch Dashboard.

  • In the Host-LUN Mapping section, click a Storage Name to view its Events, Topology, and SAN Traffic. For more information, see the Storage section.

If the associated Fabric has also been discovered, additional information about the switch interfaces and zoning concerning the connection between the Host and LUN is also displayed.

All fabrics that are discovered must be licensed or the fabric correlation is disabled in the Web UI. When the feature is disabled, all correlation fields display “Unlicensed Fabric”.
Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific host.

Storage Processors

Storage processors are elements on a storage system, which enable some of its features. A storage processor includes the collection of storage ports it manages. In the Storage Processor Element View, the list of Storage Ports that are associated with a Storage Processor is displayed.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a storage processor to display:

  • The status, adapter details, and the number of ports of the storage processor.

  • The storage ports details.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific storage processor.

Storage Ports

A storage port is a single port on the Storage System. It displays the summary information of each port selected.


Step 1

Use the Storage System drop-down to select the storage system.

Step 2

In the left pane, select a storage port to display its details.

Step 3

You can use the search box to search for a specific storage port.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Events

To view the storage enclosure events information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures is displayed in a table.

Step 2

Click the Events icon next to the storage enclosure to view the Events panel.

Step 3

You can use the slider control to resize the panel.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Topology

To view the storage enclosure topology information from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures, or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures in a table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the topology details.

Step 3

Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out.

Step 4

Click the Fabric/Network icon to view the Fabric or Network path.

Step 5

Click the All Paths icon to view the complete setup.

Step 6

Click the First Shortest Path icon to view the shortest path.

Click Map View icon to enable the icons that are listed in the preceding Step 4, 5 and 6.
Step 7

Click the Tabular View icon to view the host topology in tabular format.

Viewing Storage Enclosure Traffic

To view the storage enclosure traffic from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Storage. Use the drop-down to select All, SAN Storage Enclosures or Storage Systems.

The list of storage enclosures is displayed in the table.

Step 2

Select the row to view the topology details.

Step 3

Use the drop-down to select the traffic according to the time duration.

Step 4

Select the icons to view the traffic as a Grid, Line Chart or Stacked Chart.

Step 5

Click the Show Events icon to view the events.

Step 6

Use the options at the bottom of the screen to view a pie chart or a line chart. Click on each name on the chart to view its details.

Introduction to SAN Insights

The SAN Insights feature enables you to configure, monitor, and view the flow analytics in fabrics. Cisco DCNM enables you to visualize the health-related indicators in the interface so that you can quickly identify issues in fabrics. Also, the health indicators enable you to understand the problems in fabrics. The SAN Insights feature also provides more comprehensive end-to-end flow-based data from the host to LUN.

From Release 11.2(1), Cisco DCNM supports SAN Telemetry Streaming (STS) using compact GPB transport, for better telemetry performance and to improve the overall scalability of SAN Insights.

For SAN insights streaming stability and performance, refer to System Requirements section in the Cisco DCNM Installation Guide for SAN Deployment Guide and the section Increasing Elasticsearch Database Heap Size of the Cisco DCNM SAN Management for OVA and ISO Deployments Configuration Guide. Ensure system RAM is of adequate size. Use of NTP is recommended to maintain time synchronization between the DCNM and the switches. Enable PM collection for viewing counter statistics.

SAN Insights Dashboard

Cisco DCNM visually displays fabric-level information in a holistic view from end-to-end. To view the SAN Insights Dashboard, choose Dashboard > SAN Insights. The SAN Insights Dashboard provides visibility for overall read/write IO operations/latency.

In the SAN Insights dashboard page, you can select protocol, fabric, and switches from protocol, fabric, and switches drop-down lists. The dashlets display insight data based on protocol, fabric, and switches that you select.

The dashboard displays the data over the last 72 hours.

Dashboard > SAN InsightsDashboard > SAN Insights

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

From the Fabric drop-down list, select the SAN Fabric for which you need to see the SAN Insights data and metrics. The switches that are capable and licensed for SAN Analytics are displayed in the drop-down list.


Click on the title on top of the donuts, to navigate to the relevant page on Monitor > SAN > SAN Insights. You can also click on different colored sections on the donuts to see more detailed counts in percentages.

The SAN Insights dashboard contains the following dashlets.

  • Flow Summary (ECT)

    From the drop-down list, select Read Completion Time or Write Completion Time, based on which the donuts show IT Pairs and ITL Flows. These data-points are computed based on the last available 15mins data in the Elasticsearch.

  • Enclosure Summary (ECT)

    From the drop-down list, select Read Completion Time or Write Completion Time, based on which the donuts display Storage and Hosts. These data-points are computed based on the last available 15mins data in the Elasticsearch.

  • Throughput

    Displays the Read and Write throughput rate. Hover the mouse on the graph to view the value at that instance. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours.

  • IOPS

    Displays the Read and Write IOPs trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours.

  • Aborts

    Displays the Read and Write Aborts trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours. This metric is computed based on the read_io_aborts and write_io_aborts metric reported by the Cisco MDS SAN Analytics infrastructure.

  • Failures

    Displays the Read and Write Failures trend. The metrics in these line charts are computed based on the data during the last 72 hours. This metric is computed based on the read_io_failures and write_io_failures metric reported by the Cisco MDS SAN Analytics infrastructure.

  • Top 10 Hosts

    Represents the top 10 Host Enclosures/WWPNs in the selected Protocol/Fabric/Switch scope based on the metric selected in the drop-down list. The data can be sorted by Read/Write IOPS, Throughput, Exchange Completion Time or Data Access Latency.

  • Top 10 Storage

    Represents the top 10 Storage Enclosures/WWPNs in the selected Protocol/Fabric/Switch scope based on the metric selected in the drop-down list. The data can be sorted by Read/Write IOPS, Throughput, Exchange Completion Time or Data Access Latency.


The Top 10 Hosts and Top 10 Storage are computed over the last 72 hours, based on hourly data collected for the selected protocol, Fabric(s), and Switch(es). If you change the enclosure names for specific WWPNs, the names of the old enclosures names are visible until the data ages out after 72Hours.

A warning message appears as HIGH NPU LOAD Detected on top of the Dashboard > SAN Insights window. The warning implies that one or more switches has an unacknowledged Syslog event during the previous week. The event may affect the availability of the analytics data stored or displayed. You must acknowledge these events to remove the warning.

A warning appears as HIGH ITL LOAD Detected on top of the Dashboard > SAN Insights window. The warning is displayed when the number of ITLs seen in the last interval exceeds 20,000.

Ensure that you have configured Syslog on the DCNM Device Manager, to capture NPU and ITL Loads. Choose Inventory > View > Switches. Click on a switch to view System Info. On the Device Manager tab, click on Logs > Syslog > Setup. Click Create. Enter the required parameters. Ensure that you choose the syslog radio button in the Facility area. Click Create to enable Syslog on the DCNM server.

To resolve the high NPU and high ITL loads, click on the HIGH NPU LOAD Detected or HIGH ITL LOAD Detected link. The Monitor > Switch > Events page appears. The list of events is filtered for Type: HIGH_NPU_LOAD and Type: HIGH_ITL_LOAD. Select all the switches and click Acknowledge. This removes the HIGH NPU LOAD Detected and HIGH ITL LOAD Detected warnings.

Viewing SAN Insights Metrics

To view the SAN Insights metrics, choose Dashboard >SAN Insights. The SAN Insights Dashboard page appears. Click the View SAN Insights Metrics button. From the Use Case drop-down list, choose ECT Analysis or Custom Graphing.

The dashboard displays the data over the last 72 hours.


The refresh interval for ECT Analysis and Custom Graphing page is 5 minutes. Click on the Play icon ">" to refresh every 5 minutes automatically.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

ECT Analysis

From the Cisco DCNM Web UI > Dashboard > SAN Insights, click on the View SAN Insights Metrics to view the ECT Analysis.

There are four components in ECT Analysis:

  • Data table

  • ECT Sequencing by Baseline Deviation

  • ECT Baseline Deviation Aggregated

  • ITL By Time & Baseline Deviation

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

From Release 11.4(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view data for a time frame of any 14 days within the last 90 days. (up to a default maximum of 90 days). You can modify the san.telemetry.expire.rollup property on the Web UI > Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties to modify the maximum default days. You can choose the date using the date picker and view the historical data starting from the selected date at hourly granularity.


The default duration of the ECT analysis 60 minutes. You can click the Reset button to clear all the applied data filters.


The Last filter displays the period of historical data. The default period of the historical data is 60 minutes.

When you upgrade from Release 11.1(1) to 11.2(1) or 11.3(1), the old data takes two weeks to age out. The performance of the SAN Insights metrics improves after two weeks, after the upgrade.


The data in the ECT Analysis view can be filtered by selecting the switch from the drop-down list or by specifying the WWPN\Enclosure Name\LUN-ID\Switch-IP in the Search here field.

You can enter the text in the Search here field to search for the value in the ECT Sequencing by Baseline Deviation table.

The Search here field in the filters indicates that you must search for their value.

The ECT Analysis page is representing the aggregated behavior of the ITL Flows by comparing the current normalized Exchange Completion Time (ECT) to its historical behavior (ECT Baseline) using the below logic. The normalized ECT value is the amount of time it takes to transfer a KB (kilobyte) of data.

ECT Baseline for each ITL Flow (Reads and Writes) is calculated using weighted average learned continuously over a training period:

  • The ECT Baseline computation consists of two parts: the training period and the recalibration time.

  • The training period for ECT Baseline is seven days by default (configurable).

  • After the training is completed, the ECT Baseline remains the same until the recalibration is triggered after 21 days by default (configurable).

  • By default every 28 days training runs for seven days (cyclic).

  • The percentage (%) deviation shows the deviation of the current normalized ECT compared to the ECT Baseline.


  • To configure the default training period, edit the san.telemetry.train.timeframe parameter (default 7) in the Cisco DCNM Administration > Server Properties. Restart the DCNM Server process. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

  • To configure the recalibration time, edit the san.telemetry.train.reset parameter (default 28 days) in the Cisco DCNM Administration > Server Properties. Restart the DCNM Server process. Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments.

  • For example, to train the baseline for four days and recalibrate the baseline 10 days after the training period set the training period to four days and the recalibration time to 14 days.

Table 2. Baseline Color Legends



If ECT is above 50% from Baseline


If ECT is above and in range 30–50% from Baseline


If ECT is above and in range 10–30% from Baseline


If ECT is below 10% from Baseline


The range of value for the Baseline Color Legends can be modified on the Server Properties file. See the san.telemetry.deviation definitions in the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments.

You can click on the Trend Identifier () icon to navigate to Trend Identifier. For more information, see Trend Identifier.

The data in the ECT Analysis UI can be filtered to view data of ITLs corresponding to the above legend, by clicking the circles to disable and enable. For example, on clicking and disabling the Yellow and Orange legend circles, the corresponding data will be displayed.

You can copy and paste the values in the data table into the Search here input field at the top of the UI to filter the data in all components. Values in all the columns marked with Magnifying Glass () icon in the data table are the only fields searchable for this functionality.

The data in the ECT BASELINE DEVIATION AGGREGATED component shows the number of ITLs that are in each deviation range. Similarly, the data in ITL BY TIME component shows the number of ITLs grouped by time that are in each deviation range. Clicking on a section of the pie chart or histogram shows drill down data with Initiator Enclosures, Initiator WWPNs, Target Enclosures, Target WWPNs, and LUN/Namespaces. Click on the corresponding section of the chart to download the results in a .csv format.


The maximum ECT Baseline Deviation aggregated data is set to 20000.

Script Timeout Error in Mozilla browser

In the Mozilla browser, if you see script timeout error with option Stop or Wait, don’t click Stop. Perform the following steps to troubleshoot the script timeout error.

  1. Launch the Mozilla Firefox.

  2. On the Firefox address bar type about:config and press Return key.

  3. In the confirmation message, click I accept the risk!.

  4. In the Search field, enter dom.max_script_run_time.

    The Preference names are displayed.

  5. Right click on the dom.max_script_run_time Preference name.

    Select Modify.

  6. Enter an integer value of 0 or 20 for dom.max_script_run_time.

  7. Click OK to confirm.

  8. Restart the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Custom Graphing

This is a freestyle dashboard where multiple metrics can be selected and the real-time data for the selected metrics is shown in multi-line graph which is configured to refresh every 5 minutes and corresponding raw data will be shown in the data table.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)


The Auto Refresh option is disabled by default. You must click on the pause icon to enable the Auto Refresh feature.

There are two components in the custom graphing use case.

  • Real Time Graph

  • Datatable

The Real Time Graph is plotted with corresponding metrics with from & to date selected. This component has the slider present below the graph as per your selection. It’s dynamic in nature as the data can be refreshed every 5 minutes, and can be converted into a static graph using the pause button.

To view, input any of the six dimensions (Initiator WWN, LUN/NSID, Target WWN, Source enclosure, Target enclosure, Switch IP) in the search tab, and select an associated metric.

Click on the download icon at the right corner to download the datatable information to your local database, for further analysis.


We recommend that you use Google Chrome browser to download the datatable information to your local database.

You can also add multiple graphs for comparison by clicking on the "+" icon at the top right. The data table is replaced by multiple Real Time graphs in this view and you can select the corresponding metric to be plotted by using the multiselect text search feature.

Trend Identifier

Click the Trend Identifier () icon in the top-right corner to navigate to Trend Identifier.

You can also click on the Trend () icon in each row of the data table to navigate to Trend Identifier, with prepopulated ITL/ITN input fields. There are two components showing data corresponding to selected ITL. Trends ITL Metrics shows area chart of ECT, DAL, IOPs, and Baseline ECT in the selected time interval (1 hour selected). Histogram Correlation tab shows the histogram of count of correlated ITLs with current ITL binned by correlation value. Clicking on any bar in this tab converts the histogram into datatable which shows the data corresponding to the selected bar.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)


The default interval for the trend identifier is 30 minutes. You can specify the interval using the Start With Last drop-down list.

Outlier Detection

Click the Outlier Detection icon () that appears in the top-right corner of the page, to view the Outlier Detection metrics. To view data on this page, enter either Host-Enclosure or Initiator Enclosure name in the Search here input box, select a Metric, select a time range, and click Submit. This screen takes aggregated data for every 60 minutes.

ITL/ITN Distribution tab shows the scatter plot of metrics selected for all ITL/ITN’s present in the selected time interval (1week in this case). To navigate to the Trend screen, click any of the dots (corresponds to specific ITL/ITN) in the scatter plot. Functionality added two tabs namely ITL/ITN’s Below Confidence interval and ITL/ITN’s above confidence interval. These two tabs are data calculated based on the Average Confidence Interval line.

From Release 11.3(1), Cisco DCNM allows you to view SAN Insights metrics based on two protocols, SCSI and NVMe. By default, the SCSI protocol is selected. However, you can change this setting from the Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. Ensure that you restart the SAN Insights service to use the new properties. (Restart the SanInsight service on Linux or Pause/Resume Post Processor App on SAN-OVA/ISO/SE deployments)

You can zoom in to view the respective ITL/ITN dots at a more granular level by dragging the mouse and selecting a specific region to be viewed. Click on Reset Zoom in the zoomed screen to restore default zoom settings.

This use case consists of Multiselect text search feature, where you can search for specific text maximum up to two search criteria that can be present in any field (Initiator/Target Enclosure) and corresponding data is plotted in both the components.

Average Confidence Interval shows a band with an average line where most of the metric value lies in the selected time interval. Remaining two tabs shows Box Plot and Pie chart distribution of Top n (5 selected) Initiator/Target of the selected metric in the selected time interval.


The Compute dashboard provides you with all the information that are related to the discovered SAN and LAN hosts. It provides detailed information that is related to the network, such as I/O traffic, disk latency, CPU, memory statistics, topology, and events about each individual host and virtual machines that are configured on top of the virtual host. The Compute dashboard consists of four panels:

  • Host Enclosures panel—Lists the hosts and their network attributes.

  • Traffic panel—Provides the I/O statistics, CPU and memory information, and disk latency of individual hosts or virtual machines.

  • Topology panel—Provides an end-to-end topology layout and path information between host enclosures and storage enclosures. The discovered virtual machines are displayed and when you select the virtual machine, the path to the SAN data source is displayed. You can toggle this view to list all data paths.

  • Event panel—Provides information about events of all the switch ports that are configured within a specific host enclosure.

This section contains the following topics:

Viewing Host Enclosures

Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 6.x, you can view and search the network servers that are connected to the Cisco NX-OS devices. Cisco DCNM extends the fabric visibility up to the server and allows you to discover and search the end devices that are attached to the network.

The following table describes the fields that appear on this page.




Displays the hostname.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the switch.


Displays the number of MAC addresses.

Mac Address(es)

Displays the MAC addresses.


Displays the number of World Wide Names


Port WWN(s)

Displays the port WWN.


Specifies the associated FCID.


Displays the OS details.


Displays the number of VMs.

VHost Name

Displays the name of the virtual host.


Displays the name of the virtual cluster.


Displays the multipath details.


  • Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 6.x, Server Credentials, Servers, and Static Server-Adapter Mapping are no longer available.

  • Beginning from Cisco DCNM Release 10.1, you are able to assign storage to hosts.

  • Collection level in the vCenter settings determines the amount of data that is gathered and displayed in charts. Level 1 is the default Collection Level for all collection intervals. Change the vCenter statistics settings to Level 2 or higher to collect disk I/O history data.

  • From DCNM Release 11.4(1), you can set the default enclosure names from the Device Alias. Choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, and edit the fabric.aliasRE property.

To view the host enclosures from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Choose a host to view more details.

The events, topology, and traffic information on the dashboard are displayed. You can also click the corresponding icons on a host entry to view the events, topology, and traffic information.

Step 3

To edit the hostname, select the row and click the Rename icon. Enter the new name in the pop-out dialog.


Specifying a blank name causes the server to default the name.

Cisco DCNM allows you to change the default assigned Host enclosure name or grouping multiple enclosures into the same enclosure by assigning the same name. Assigning custom enclosure names to respective WWPNs is supported on the Cisco DCNM SAN Client only.

Step 4

To assign storage to host, you can choose the host, and click the Assign icon next to the Rename icon.

The Assign Storage to Host window pops out. The selection of Host is by enclosure, and multiple selections of LUNs is allowed. Click Assign. A confirmation message is displayed. After confirmed, the status will update with the results of each step.

Step 5

Click Quick Filter drop down to filter host enclosures (not storage) by LAN, SAN, and Virtual.

Viewing Host Events

To view the host events from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Click the Events icon next to the host enclosure to view the Events panel.

You can use the slider control to resize the panel.

Viewing Host Topology

To view host topology from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the host topology details.

You can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out.

Step 3

Click the Fabric/Network icon to view the fabric and network path.

Fabric/Network and All Paths icon

1 - Fabric/Network

6 - Custom Port Group

2 - All Paths

7 - Zoom In

3 - First Shortest Path

8 - Zoom Out

4 - Map View

9 - Zoom Fit

5 - Tabular View

Step 4

Click the All Paths icon to view the complete set-up.

Step 5

Click the First Shortest Path icon to view the first shortest path.

Click Map View icon to enable the icons that are listed in the preceding step 4, 5 and 6.
Step 6

Click the Tabular View icon to view the host topology in tabular format.

Step 7

Click the Custom Port Group icon to view the custom port group.

View Host Traffic

To view the host traffic from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the menu bar, choose Dashboard > Compute.

The list of hosts in the host enclosures table is displayed.

Step 2

Select the row to view the host topology details.

Step 3

Use the drop-down to select the traffic according to the time duration.

Step 4

Select the icons to view the traffic as a Grid, Line Chart, or Stacked Chart.

Step 5

In the Traffic pane, the Enclosure Traffic is displayed by default. Click the Traffic Utilization icon to view the traffic utilization. The daily average percentage of traffic utilization of the enclosure ports is displayed as a pie chart.