Troubleshooting System Issues

This chapter describes the Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG) system and how to identify and correct problems related to the system.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Information About the System

Problems with VM Traffic

VEM Troubleshooting Commands

VEM Log Commands

Information About the System

The Cisco VSG provides firewall functionality for the VMs that have the vEths with port profiles created by the Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM). To allow the Cisco VSG to function properly, the Cisco VSG should have registered with a Cisco Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC) and the Cisco VSGs data interface MAC address should be seen by the VSM.

The example shows how to display infomration about the system:

vsg# show vsg
Model: VSG
HA ID: 218
VSG Software Version: 4.2(1)VSG1(1) build [4.2(1)VSG1(1)]
VSG-PERF-1_1# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Installed Successfully. Version 1.0(1j)-vsg

Make sure that the Cisco VSG MAC address is learned by the VSM by entering the show vsn details command as follows:

vsm# show vsn detail
       3  00:50:56:83:00:01      Close          Up
#VSN Ports, Port-Profile, Org and Security-Profile Association:
  Port-Profile: profile-traffic, Security-Profile: sec-profile-perf, Org: 
    Module  Vethernet
         3  9

For more information, see the following documents:

Cisco Virtual Security Gateway, Release 4.2(1)VSG1(1)

Cisco Virtual Network Management Center, Release 1.0.1 Installation

Quick Start Guide for Cisco Virtual Security Gateway and Cisco Virtual Network Management Center.

Problems with VM Traffic

When troubleshooting problems with intra-host VM traffic, follow these guidelines:

Make sure that at least one of the VMware virtual NICs is on the correct DVS port group and is connected.

If the VMware virtual NIC is down, determine if there is a conflict between the MAC address configured in the OS and the MAC address assigned by VMware. You can see the assigned MAC addresses in the .vmx file.

When troubleshooting problems with inter-host VM traffic, follow these guidelines:

Determine if there is exactly one uplink sharing a VLAN with the VMware virtual NIC. If there is more than one, they must be in a port channel.

Ping a SVI on the upstream switch using the show intX counters command.

VEM Troubleshooting Commands

This section includes the following topics:

Displaying VEM information

Displaying Miscellaneous VEM Details

Displaying VEM information

Use the following commands to display Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) information:

vemlog—Displays and controls VEM kernel logs

vemcmd—Displays configuration and status information

vem-support all—Displays support information

vem status—Displays status information

vem version—Displays version information

vemcmd show arp allDisplays the ARP table on the VEM

vemcmd show vsn configDisplays all the Cisco VSGs configured on the VEM, and the Cisco VSG licensing status (firewall on or off).

vemcmd show vsn bindingDisplays all of the VM LTL port to the Cisco VSG bindings

vemcmd show learntDisplays all of the VMs that have been learned by the VEM

Displaying Miscellaneous VEM Details

These commands provide additional VEM details:

vemlog show last number-of-entriesDisplays the circular buffer

This example shows the results of the command:

[root@esx-cos1 ~]# vemlog show last 5
Timestamp                  Entry CPU  Mod Lv         Message
Oct 13 13:15:52.615416      1095   1    1  4 Warning vssnet_port_pg_data_ ...
Oct 13 13:15:52.620028      1096   1    1  4 Warning vssnet_port_pg_data_ ...
Oct 13 13:15:52.630377      1097   1    1  4 Warning svs_switch_state ...
Oct 13 13:15:52.633201      1098   1    1  8    Info vssnet new switch ...
Oct 13 13:16:24.990236      1099   1    0  0         Suspending log

vemlog show info—Displays information about entries in the log

This example shows the results of the command:

[root@esx-cos1 ~]# vemlog show info
          Enabled: Yes
    Total Entries: 1092
  Wrapped Entries: 0
     Lost Entries: 0
  Skipped Entries: 0
Available Entries: 6898
 Stop After Entry: Not Specified

vemcmd help—Displays the type of information you can display

This example shows the results of the command:

[root@esx-cos1 ~]# vemcmd help
show card              Show the card's global info
show vlan [vlan]       Show the VLAN/BD table
show bd [bd]           Show the VLAN/BD table
show l2 <bd-number>    Show the L2 table for a given BD/VLAN
show l2 all            Show the L2 table
show port [priv|vsm]   Show the port table
show pc                Show the port channel table
show portmac           Show the port table MAC entries
show trunk [priv|vsm]  Show the trunk ports in the port table
show stats             Show port stats

VEM Log Commands

Use the following commands to control the vemlog:

vemlog stop—tops the log

vemlog clear—Clears the log

vemlog start number-of-entriesStarts the log and stops it after the specified number of entries

vemlog stop number-of-entriesStops the log after the next specified number of entries

vemlog resume—Starts the log, but does not clear the stop value

Display the list of debug filters by entering the vemlog show debug | grp vpath command.

This example shows the results of the command:

~ # vemlog show debug | grep vpath
               vpath       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
            vpathapi       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
             vpathfm       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
            vpathfsm       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
          vpathutils       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
            vpathtun       ENWID P ( 95)       ENW     (  7)
~ #