- Preface
- Overview
- Installing the Cisco VSG and the Cisco Prime NSC-Quick Start
- Installing Cisco Prime Network Services Controller
- Installing the Cisco VSG
- Registering Devices With the Cisco Prime NSC
- Installing the Cisco VSG on a Cisco Cloud Services Platform Virtual Services Appliance
- Upgrading the Cisco VSG and the Cisco Prime NSC
- Examples of Cisco Prime NSC OVA Template Deployment and Cisco Prime NSC ISO Installations
- Index
* - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W
******high availability 1hardware requirements 1ISO image 1OVF template 1A
accepting VEM upgrade 1accessfirewall ports 1B
bootflash 1C
Cisco Cloud Services Platforminstallation 1Cisco port profile 1Cisco Prime NSCoverview 1system requirements 1Cisco VSG 1configuringinitial settings 1tenant on Prime NSC 1configuring{security profile}tenant 1D
datastore 1deploying the OVA 1downloadingvCenter extension file 1dynamic operation 1E
enablingglobal policy engine logging 1enabling logging 1ESXi serverrequirement 1F
firewall portsaccess 1G
global policy-engine 1guidelines and limitationCisco Cloud Services Platform 1H
high availability 1hypervisorrequirements 1hypervisors 1I
informationPrime NSC upgrade 1initial settings 1installationVMware 1installation and configuration checklist 1installingon VMware 1Prime Network Services Controller 1InstallingVSG from OVA template 1installing Cisco VSG 1installing Prime Network Services Controller 1ISO file 1ISO image 1ISSUcommand attributes 1dual VSMs 1VSM switchover 1ISSU process 1L
log 1loggingenabling 1level 6 1policy engine 1M
multitenancy 1multitenant 1multitenant access 1N
Nexus 1000V device terminology 1O
OVA file 1OVA installation 1OVF template 1P
planning checklist 1PNSC 1prerequisites 1installing the VSG 1Prime NSC benefits 1Prime NSC components 1Prime NSC installation 1Prime NSC security 1R
registeringCisco VSG 1Nexus 1000V 1vCenter 1vCenter extension plugin 1requirements 1Prime NSC installation 1VLAN configuration 1web-based GUI client 1rulepermit-all 1S
security policy 1security profilepolicy management 1software images 1software requirements 1standby Cisco VSG 1statistics 1system requirementsCisco Prime NSC 1T
trusted zones 1U
upgradeguidelines 1limitations 1procedure 1upgrade procedures 1VEM software using the vCLI 1VSMs from 4.2(1) SV1(4), (4a), (4b), (5.1), (5.1a), (5.2) to SV2(1.1a) 1V
VEMupgrade methods 1verifyingpermit-all rule 1verifying communication 1virtualization 1VLAN 1VLAN setting 1VLAN usages 1VM communication 1VM port-profile 1VM requirements 1VMwareinstallation 1VSGupgrade 1VSG architecture 1VSG device terminology 1VSG information 1VSG setting 1W
web-based GUI clientrequirements 1