- show aaa
- show ac-driver
- show accounting
- show banner
- show boot
- show cdp
- show cli
- show clock
- show copyright
- show cores
- show debug
- show debug-filter
- show environment
- show event manager internal
- show event-log
- show feature
- show file
- show hardware
- show hostname
- show hosts
- show http-server
- show incompatibility
- show inspect ftp statistics
- show install all
- show interface
- show ip
- show ipv6
- show kernel internal
- show line
- show logging
- show ntp
- show password
- show platform internal
- show policy-engine
- show processes
- show redundancy status
- show resource
- show role
- show running-config
- show service-path connection
- show service-path statistics
- show sockets
- show ssh
- show startup-config
- show system
- show tech-support
- show telnet server
- show terminal
- show user-account
- show users
- show version
- show vnm-pa
- show vsg dvport
- show vsg ip-binding
- show vsg security-profile
- show vsg vm
- show vsg vm name
- show vsg vm uuid
- show vsg zone
- show xml server
Cisco Virtual Security Gateway Show Commands
This chapter provides information about Cisco Virtual Security Gateway (VSG) show commands.
show aaa
To display information about authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), use the show aaa command.
show aaa [accounting | authentication | authorization | groups | users]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show aaa command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the AAA configuration:
vsg# show aaa authentication
default: local
console: local
Related Commands
password |
Configures the password. |
show ac-driver
To display application container statistics, use the show ac-driver command.
show ac-driver statistics
Syntax Description
statistics |
Displays application container statistics. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show ac-driver command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display application container statistics:
vsg# show ac-driver statistics
#Packet Statistics:
Rcvd Total 5510 Buffers in Use 3188
Rcvd vPath L2 Pkts 1140 Rcvd vPath IPV4 Pkts 0
Rcvd VPath Pkts 1140 Sent to VPath 1140
Sent to Service-Path 1140 Sent to Control-Path 4370
All Drops 0
Non-vPath LLC 0 Non-vPath OUI 0
Non-vPath type L2 0
Non-vPath IPV4 0 Non-vPath IPV4 UDP 0
Service-Path not Inited 0 Service-Path Down 0
Rcvd Bad Descriptor 0 Send to Service-Path Err 0
Packet Offset Err 0 Send Bad Descriptor 0
Send NIC Err 0
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays information about a Cisco VSG. |
show accounting
To display the accounting log, use the show accounting command.
show accounting log [start-time year month day time end-time year month day time]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show accounting command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display the accounting log:
vsg# show accounting log
Fri Jan 21 17:19:35 2013:update: (SUCCESS)
Fri Jan 21 17:23:36 2013:update: vnsp sp1
Fri Jan 21 17:24:04 2013:update: vnsp sp1
Mon Jan 24 12:50:23 2013:start:
Mon Jan 24 12:52:59 2013:update: (SUCCESS)
Mon Jan 24 12:55:46 2013:stop: terminated gracef
Wed Feb 2 13:56:54 2013:start:
Wed Feb 2 14:20:41 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Wed Feb 2 14:32:19 2013:start:
Wed Feb 2 14:39:48 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Fri Feb 4 12:16:43 2013:start:
Fri Feb 4 12:17:11 2013:update: (SUCCESS)
Fri Feb 4 12:18:22 2013:update: terminal ; vn
m-policy-agent (SUCCESS)
Fri Feb 4 12:20:41 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Fri Feb 4 14:22:18 2013:start:
Fri Feb 4 14:23:05 2013:update: (SUCCESS)
Fri Feb 4 15:33:06 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Fri Feb 4 17:05:05 2013:start:
Fri Feb 4 18:25:32 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Mon Feb 7 14:12:19 2013:start:
Mon Feb 7 15:51:10 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Mon Feb 7 16:30:10 2013:start:
Mon Feb 7 19:11:13 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Wed Feb 9 14:43:26 2013:start:
Wed Feb 9 17:43:30 2013:stop: terminated because o
f telnet closed
Wed Feb 9 18:13:10 2013:start:
Wed Feb 9 18:40:00 2013:update: (SUCCESS)
Wed Feb 9 19:50:37 2013:start:
Wed Feb 9 20:49:00 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Wed Feb 9 22:03:36 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Thu Feb 10 18:41:45 2013:start:
Thu Feb 10 18:50:50 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Fri Feb 11 12:09:57 2013:start:
Fri Feb 11 16:55:21 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Fri Feb 11 18:19:49 2013:start:
Fri Feb 11 18:55:54 2013:stop: terminated because
of telnet closed
Mon Feb 14 13:35:27 2013:start:
Related Commands
show logging |
Displays the logging configuration and the contents of the log file. |
show banner
To display the banner, use the show banner command.
show banner motd
Syntax Description
motd |
Displays the message of the day. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show banner command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the banner:
vsg# show banner motd
Nexus 1000V VSG
Related Commands
banner |
Creates a banner message. |
show boot
To display boot variables, use the show boot command.
show boot [auto-copy | module | sup-1 | sup-2 | variables]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show boot command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display boot variables:
vsg# show boot
Current Boot Variables:
kickstart variable = bootflash:/ks.bin
system variable = bootflash:/sys.bin
kickstart variable = bootflash:/ks.bin
system variable = bootflash:/sys.bin
No module boot variable set
Boot Variables on next reload:
kickstart variable = bootflash:/ks.bin
system variable = bootflash:/sys.bin
kickstart variable = bootflash:/ks.bin
system variable = bootflash:/sys.bin
No module boot variable set
Related Commands
boot |
Creates boot variables. |
show cdp
To display Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) information, use the show cdp command.
show cdp {all | entry | global | interface | internal | neighbors | traffic}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show cdp command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display all interfaces in the CDP database:
vsg# show cdp all
Interface Index :83886080
Interface mgmt0:
Operational status: up
Config status: enabled
Refresh time: 60
Hold time: 180
Interface Index :117440512
Interface data0:
Operational status: up
Config status: enabled
Refresh time: 60
Hold time: 180
Related Commands
cdp |
Configures CDP parameters. |
show cli
To display command-line interface (CLI) information, use the show cli command.
show cli {alias | dynamic | history | interface | internal | list | syntax | variables}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show cli command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display CLI variables:
vsg# show cli variables
VSH Variable List
Related Commands
cli var |
Defines CLI variables. |
show clock
To display the clock, use the show clock command.
show clock [detail]
Syntax Description
detail |
(Optional) Displays the day, the time, and the year. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show clock command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the clock:
vsg# show clock detail
Mon Feb 14 17:47:44 UTC 2013
Related Commands
clock |
Manages the system clock. |
show copyright
To display copyright information, use the show copyright command.
show copyright
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show copyright command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display copyright information:
vsg# show copyright
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and
Related Commands
show version build-info |
Displays build information. |
show cores
To display all core dumps, use the show cores command.
show cores
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show cores command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display all core dumps:
vsg# show cores
Related Commands
show event-log |
Displays the event log. |
show debug
To show debug flags, use the show debug command.
show debug [aaa | arp | ascii-cfg | bootvar | capability | cdp | cert-enroll | clis | core | ethpm | evmc | fm | fs-daemon | igmp | im | ip | ipconf | ipv6 | kadb | klm-rswem | logfile | module | monitor | msp | mvsh | ntp | platform | plugin | port-channel | redundancy | res_mgr | scheduler | security | system | tcap | ttyd | vdc | vlan | vnm | vnm-pa | vsh | vshd | xml]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show debug command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display AAA debug flags:
vsg# show debug aaa
Related Commands
show debug-filter |
Displays debugging filters. |
show debug-filter
To display debug filters, use the show debug-filter command.
show debug-filter {all | arp | igmp | ip | ipv6}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show debug-filter command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display debug filters:
vsg# show debug-filter all
Related Commands
show debug |
Displays debugging flags. |
show environment
To display information about the system environment, use the show environment command.
show environment [clock | fan | power | temperature]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show environment command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information about the system fan:
vsg# show environment fan
Fan Model Hw Status
ChassisFan1 0.0 Ok
ChassisFan2 0.0 None
Fan Air Filter : NotSupported
Related Commands
show clock |
Displays the system clock. |
show event manager internal
To display event manager events, use the show event manager internal command.
show event manager internal [evmc | mvsh | errors]
Syntax Description
evmc |
(Optional) Displays event manager events. |
mvsh |
(Optional) Displays memory allocation statistics. |
errors |
(Optional) Displays the error log. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show event manager command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display event manager errors:
vsg# show event manager internal errors
1) Event:E_DEBUG, length:253, at 232142 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:20:07 2013
[100] fu_sdb_handle_update: validation fail, fu_is_state_active = 1, fu_is_sync_pss_to_standby_enabled = 0,
mts_sync_event_get(mts_msg) = 0,
create_del) = 0
2) Event:E_DEBUG, length:43, at 232138 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:20:07 2013
[100] fu_sdb_handle_update: validation fail
3) Event:E_DEBUG, length:55, at 232136 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:20:07 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Set of checks failed
4) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971337 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:20:02 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
5) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971525 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:57 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
6) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971719 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:52 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
7) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971918 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:47 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
8) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971103 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:42 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
9) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971307 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:37 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
10) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971524 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:32 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
11) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971693 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:27 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
12) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971886 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:22 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
13) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971094 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:17 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
14) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971275 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:12 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
15) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971494 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:07 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
16) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971702 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:19:02 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
17) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971921 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:18:57 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
18) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971218 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:18:52 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
19) Event:E_DEBUG, length:58, at 971289 usecs after Wed Feb 16 15:18:47 2013
[100] fu_sync_pss_to_standby_apply:Input event not MTS msg
Related Commands
show event-log |
Displays the event log. |
show event-log
To display the event log, use the show event-log command.
show event-log all
Syntax Description
all |
Displays the event log. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show event-log command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display the event log:
vsg# show event-log all
Related Commands
show event manager internal |
Displays the event manager. |
show feature
To display system features, use the show feature command.
show feature
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show feature command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display system features:
vsg# show feature
Feature Name Instance State
-------------------- -------- --------
dhcp-snooping 1 disabled
http-server 1 enabled
lacp 1 disabled
netflow 1 disabled
port-profile-roles 1 disabled
private-vlan 1 disabled
sshServer 1 enabled
tacacs 1 enabled
telnetServer 1 enabled
Related Commands
show http-server |
Displays the status of the HTTP server. |
show file
To confirm a directory's existence, use the show file command.
show file {bootflash: | debug: | modflash: | volatile:}
Syntax Description
bootflash: |
Displays the bootflash directory. |
debug: |
Displays the debug directory. |
modflash: |
Displays the modflash directory. |
volatile: |
Displays the volatile directory. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show file command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to confirm the existence of the bootflash directory:
vsg# show file bootflash:
/bin/showfile: /bootflash/: Is a directory
Related Commands
pwd |
Displays the current directory. |
show hardware
To display hardware statistics, use the show hardware command.
show hardware [capacity | internal | stats]
Syntax Description
capacity |
(Optional) Displays usage levels. |
internal |
(Optional) Displays internal hardware information. |
stats |
(Optional) Displays hardware statistics. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show hardware command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display management 0 port statistics:
vsg# show hardware internal mgmt0 stats
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:56:BB:00:38
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:1193889201 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1298817 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:162479674502 (151.3 GiB) TX bytes:192218320 (183.3 MiB)
Related Commands
show interface |
Displays interface status and information. |
show hostname
To display the hostname, use the show hostname command.
show hostname
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show hostname command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the hostname:
vsg# show hostname
Related Commands
show hosts |
Displays the hosts. |
show hosts
To display hosts, use the show hosts command.
show hosts
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show hosts command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display hosts:
vsg# show hosts
DNS lookup enabled
Name/address lookup uses domain service
Name servers are
Host Address
Related Commands
show hostname |
Displays the hostname. |
show http-server
To display the status of the HTTP server, use the show http-server command.
show http-server
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show http-server command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows to display the status of the HTTP server:
vsg# show http-server
http-server not enabled
Related Commands
show feature |
Displays system features. |
show incompatibility
To display incompatibilities with an image, use the show incompatibility command.
show incompatibility system {bootflash: | volatile:}
Syntax Description
system |
Displays directories. |
bootflash: |
Displays the bootflash directory. |
volatile: |
Displays the volatile directory. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show incompatibility command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows to display incompatibilities with an image:
vsg# show incompatibility system bootflash:
Related Commands
show version image |
Displays the software version of an image. |
show inspect ftp statistics
To display inspection File Transfer Protocol (FTP) statistics, use the show inspect ftp statistics command.
show inspect ftp statistics [svs-domain]
Syntax Description
svs-domain |
(Optional) Displays the SVS domain identification number. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show inspect ftp statistics command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows to display inspection FTP statistics:
vsg# show inspect ftp statistics
Input packets 1000
Dropped packets 6
Reset-drop packets 0
New connections 1
Deleted connections 0
IPC errors 0
IPC allocation errors 0
Related Commands
show ip tftp |
Displays TFTP client information. |
show install all
To display installation logs, use the show install all command.
show install all {failed-standby | failure-reason | impact | status}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show install all command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display a log that reports the status of the current installation:
vsg# show install all status
No installation has taken place since the last reboot.
Related Commands
show version image |
Displays the software version of an image. |
show interface
To display information about interfaces, use the show interface command.
show interface [brief | capabilities | counters | data | description | ethernet | loopback | mac-address | mgmt | port-channel | status | switchport | transceiver | trunk]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show interface command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information about the management 0 interface:
vsg# show interface mgmt 0
mgmt0 is up
Hardware: Ethernet, address: 0050.56bb.0038 (bia 0050.56bb.0038)
Internet Address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s
Auto-Negotiation is turned on
1 minute input rate 44136 bits/sec, 62 packets/sec
1 minute output rate 1808 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
755797571 input packets 131701 unicast packets 2575417 multicast packets
753090453 broadcast packets 107614075553 bytes
1240518 output packets 1144680 unicast packets 43411 multicast packets
52427 broadcast packets 203763544 bytes
Related Commands
show ip interface |
Displays IP interface information. |
show ip
To display IP statistics, use the show ip command.
show ip {adjacency | arp | client | igmp | interface | internal | logging | netstack | process | route | static-route | tftp | traffic}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show ip command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display IP traffic statistics:
vsg# show ip traffic
IP Software Processed Traffic Statistics
Transmission and reception:
Packets received: 647601245, sent: 1145486, consumed: 0,
Forwarded, unicast: 1099007, multicast: 0, Label: 0
end: 0, nop: 0, basic security: 0, loose source route: 0
timestamp: 0, record route: 0
strict source route: 0, alert: 4,
other: 0
Bad checksum: 0, packet too small: 0, bad version: 0,
Bad header length: 0, bad packet length: 0, bad destination: 0,
Bad ttl: 0, could not forward: 645386546, no buffer dropped: 0,
Bad encapsulation: 20, no route: 377, non-existent protocol: 0
MBUF pull up fail: 0
Fragments received: 0, fragments sent: 0, fragments created: 0,
Fragments dropped: 0, packets with DF: 0, packets reassembled: 0,
Fragments timed out: 0
ICMP Software Processed Traffic Statistics
Redirect: 30725, unreachable: 0, echo request: 0, echo reply: 0,
Mask request: 0, mask reply: 0, info request: 0, info reply: 0,
Parameter problem: 0, source quench: 0, timestamp: 0,
Timestamp response: 0, time exceeded: 0,
Irdp solicitation: 0, irdp advertisement: 0
Redirect: 0, unreachable: 0, echo request: 0, echo reply: 0,
Mask request: 0, mask reply: 0, info request: 0, info reply: 0,
Parameter problem: 0, source quench: 0, timestamp: 0,
Timestamp response: 0, time exceeded: 0,
Irdp solicitation: 0, irdp advertisement: 0,
Format error: 0, checksum error: 0
Statistics last reset: never
Related Commands
show ipv6 |
Displays IPv6 information. |
show ipv6
To display IPv6 statistics, use the show ipv6 command.
show ipv6 {adjacency | icmp | mld | nd | neighbor | route | routers}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show ipv6 command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display an IPv6 adjacency table:
vsg# show ipv6 adjacency summary
IPv6 AM Table - Adjacency Summary
Static : 2
Dynamic : 03
Others : 0
Total : 5
Related Commands
show ip |
Displays IP information. |
show kernel internal
To display kernel information, use the show kernel command.
show kernel internal {aipc | cpuhogmon | ide-statistics | malloc-stats | meminfo | messages | skb-stats | softnetstat}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show kernel internal command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information about memory:
vsg# show kernel internal meminfo
MemTotal: 1944668 kB
MemFree: 909024 kB
Buffers: 70880 kB
Cached: 397144 kB
RAMCached: 351732 kB
Allowed: 486167 Pages
Free: 227256 Pages
Available: 257029 Pages
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 567632 kB
Inactive: 329852 kB
HighTotal: 1179584 kB
HighFree: 334080 kB
LowTotal: 765084 kB
LowFree: 574944 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree: 0 kB
Dirty: 0 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
Mapped: 548996 kB
Slab: 29756 kB
CommitLimit: 972332 kB
Committed_AS: 943536 kB
PageTables: 4064 kB
VmallocTotal: 114680 kB
VmallocUsed: 87644 kB
VmallocChunk: 26940 kB
Related Commands
show system internal kernel |
Displays kernel information. |
show line
To display the command line configuration, use the show line command.
show line [com1 | console]
Syntax Description
com1 |
(Optional) Displays the auxiliary command line configuration. |
console |
(Optional) Displays the console command line configuration. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show line command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the command line configuration:
vsg# show line
line Console:
Speed: 9600 baud
Databits: 8 bits per byte
Stopbits: 1 bit(s)
Parity: none
Modem In: Disable
Modem Init-String -
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
line Aux:
Speed: 9600 baud
Databits: 8 bits per byte
Stopbits: 1 bit(s)
Parity: none
Modem In: Disable
Modem Init-String -
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
Hardware Flowcontrol: ON
Related Commands
cli |
Configures the command line. |
show logging
To display logging information, use the show logging command.
show logging [console | info | internal | last | level | logfile | module | monitor | pending | pending-diff | server | session | status | timestamp]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show logging command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display the logfile:
VSG129-2# show logging logfile start-seqn 1
Last Log cleared/wrapped time is : None
1: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-2-SYSTEM_MSG: Starting kernel... - kernel
2: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: PCI: Cannot allocate resour
ce region 1 of device 0000:00:0f.0 - kernel
3: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: sda: assuming drive cache:
write through - kernel
4: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: sda: assuming drive cache:
write through - kernel
5: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: CMOS: Module initialized -
6: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-1-SYSTEM_MSG: calling register_stun_set_d
omain_id() - kernel
7: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-1-SYSTEM_MSG: register_stun_set_domain_id
() - kernel
8: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-1-SYSTEM_MSG: Successfully registered SNA
P client for SNAP=0x00000c013200 0xf1117360 - kernel
9: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-1-SYSTEM_MSG: STUN : Successfully created
Socket - kernel
10: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : Ent
ered - kernel
11: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : SW
version is set 5.2.1VSG1(4.1) - kernel
12: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: - dhcpd
13: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: No subnet declaration fo
r ftp0 ( - dhcpd
14: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: ** Ignoring requests on
ftp0. If this is not what - dhcpd
15: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: you want, please writ
e a subnet declaration - dhcpd
16: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: in your dhcpd.conf fi
le for the network segment - dhcpd
17: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: to which interface ft
p0 is attached. ** - dhcpd
18: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: - dhcpd
19: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: Not configured to listen
on any interfaces! - dhcpd
20: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: loading cmd files be
gin - clis
21: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : Ent
ered - kernel
22: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:21 VSG129-2 %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : Hos
t name is set VSG129-2 - kernel
23: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: - dhcpd
24: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: No subnet declaration fo
r ftp0 ( - dhcpd
25: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: ** Ignoring requests on
ftp0. If this is not what - dhcpd
26: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: you want, please writ
e a subnet declaration - dhcpd
27: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: in your dhcpd.conf fi
le for the network segment - dhcpd
28: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: to which interface ft
p0 is attached. ** - dhcpd
29: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: - dhcpd
30: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %LOCAL7-3-SYSTEM_MSG: Not configured to listen
on any interfaces! - dhcpd
31: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %MODULE-5-ACTIVE_SUP_OK: Supervisor 1 is activ
e (serial: T5056BB0038)
32: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:23 VSG129-2 %PLATFORM-5-MOD_STATUS: Module 1 current-statu
33: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:26 VSG129-2 %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: loading cmd files en
d - clis
34: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:26 VSG129-2 %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: init begin - clis
35: 2013 Jan 21 17:17:44 VSG129-2 %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: Invalid feature name eth-p
ort-sec - clis
36: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %POLICY_ENGINE-5-POLICY_ACTIVATE_EVENT: Policy
p1 is activated by profile sp1
37: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %IM-5-IM_INTF_STATE: mgmt0 is DOWN in vdc 1
38: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %IM-5-IM_INTF_STATE: mgmt0 is UP in vdc 1
39: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %IM-5-IM_INTF_STATE: data0 is DOWN in vdc 1
40: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %IM-5-IM_INTF_STATE: data0 is UP in vdc 1
41: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %POLICY_ENGINE-5-POLICY_COMMIT_EVENT: Commit o
42: 2013 Jan 21 17:18:00 VSG129-2 %VDC_MGR-2-VDC_ONLINE: vdc 1 has come online
43: 2013 Jan 24 12:53:47 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
44: 2013 Feb 7 16:30:00 VSG129-2 %AUTHPRIV-3-SYSTEM_MSG: pam_aaa:Authentication
failed for user admin from - sshd[7496]
45: 2013 Feb 9 18:41:38 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
46: 2013 Feb 14 14:15:31 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
47: 2013 Feb 14 15:58:21 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
48: 2013 Feb 14 16:34:25 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
49: 2013 Feb 14 18:38:57 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
50: 2013 Feb 17 20:18:55 VSG129-2 %AUTHPRIV-3-SYSTEM_MSG: pam_aaa:Authentication
failed for user admin from - sshd[23785]
51: 2013 Feb 18 15:14:03 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
52: 2013 Feb 21 13:16:43 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
53: 2013 Feb 21 14:08:23 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
54: 2013 Feb 22 11:47:27 VSG129-2 %VSHD-5-VSHD_SYSLOG_CONFIG_I: Configured from
vty by admin on
Related Commands
show event-log |
Displays the event log. |
show ntp
To display Network Time Protocol (NTP) information, use the show ntp command.
show ntp [internal | peer-status | peers | rts-update | source | statistics | timestamp-status]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show ntp command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display local NTP statistics:
VSG129-2# show ntp statistics local
system uptime: 2669747
time since reset: 2669747
old version packets: 0
new version packets: 10
unknown version number: 0
bad packet format: 0
packets processed: 0
bad authentication: 0
Related Commands
show clock |
Displays the time. |
show password
To enable the password strength check, use the show password command.
show password strength-check
Syntax Description
strength-check |
Displays the strength of the password. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show password command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to enable password strength check:
vsg# show password strength-check
Password strength check enabled
Related Commands
show aaa |
Display authentication and authorization information. |
show platform internal
To display platform manager information, use the show platform internal command.
show platform {all | errors | event-history | info | mem-stats | msgs}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show platform command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display platform manager memory statistics:
VSG129-2# show platform internal mem-stats
Inside pfm_cli_show_memstats
sending mts msg 18
Private Mem stats for UUID : Malloc track Library(103) Max types: 5
Curr alloc: 414 Curr alloc bytes: 19803(19k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : Non mtrack users(0) Max types: 81
Curr alloc: 149 Curr alloc bytes: 1322797(1291k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : libsdwrap(115) Max types: 22
Curr alloc: 11 Curr alloc bytes: 1448(1k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : Associative_db library(175) Max types: 14
Curr alloc: 6 Curr alloc bytes: 200(0k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : Event sequence library(158) Max types: 4
Curr alloc: 0 Curr alloc bytes: 0(0k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : Associative_db utils library(174) Max types: 4
Curr alloc: 0 Curr alloc bytes: 0(0k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : libfsrv(404) Max types: 11
Curr alloc: 0 Curr alloc bytes: 0(0k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : FSM Utils(53) Max types: 68
Curr alloc: 136 Curr alloc bytes: 7760(7k)
Private Mem stats for UUID : Platform Manager(24) Max types: 25
Curr alloc: 0 Curr alloc bytes: 0(0k)
Curr alloc: 716 Curr alloc bytes: 1352008 (1320k)
Related Commands
show system internal mem-alerts-log |
Displays the memory alert log. |
show policy-engine
To display policy engine statistics, use the show policy-engine command.
show policy-engine {policy-name | stats}
Syntax Description
policy-name |
Name of the policy engine. |
stats |
Displays policy engine statistics. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show policy-engine command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display policy engine statistics:
vsg# show policy-engine stats
Policy Match Stats:
p1 : 30378
r1 : 30378 (Permit)
Related Commands
policy |
Configures a policy. |
show processes
To display processes, use the show processes command.
show processes [cpu | log | memory | vdc]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show processes command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display information about memory processes:
vsg(config)# show processes memory
PID MemAlloc MemLimit MemUsed StackBase/Ptr Process
----- -------- ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
1 147456 0 1441792 bffffe60/bffff950 init
2 0 0 0 0/0 ksoftirqd/0
3 0 0 0 0/0 desched/0
4 0 0 0 0/0 events/0
5 0 0 0 0/0 khelper
10 0 0 0 0/0 kthread
18 0 0 0 0/0 kblockd/0
35 0 0 0 0/0 khubd
188 0 0 0 0/0 pdflush
189 0 0 0 0/0 pdflush
190 0 0 0 0/0 kswapd0
191 0 0 0 0/0 aio/0
776 0 0 0 0/0 kseriod
823 0 0 0 0/0 kide/0
833 0 0 0 0/0 ata/0
837 0 0 0 0/0 scsi_eh_0
1175 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
1180 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
1740 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
1747 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
1976 155648 0 1536000 bffffdb0/bffffcb0 portmap
1989 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1990 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1991 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1992 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1993 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1994 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1995 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1996 0 0 0 0/0 nfsd
1997 0 0 0 0/0 lockd
1998 0 0 0 0/0 rpciod
2003 180224 0 1642496 bffffd80/bffffb60 rpc.mountd
2009 159744 0 1601536 bffffda0/bffffb10 rpc.statd
2036 2551808 0 15540224 bffffd40/bfffed20 sysmgr
2319 0 0 0 0/0 mping-thread
2320 0 0 0 0/0 mping-thread
2336 0 0 0 0/0 stun_kthread
2337 0 0 0 0/0 stun_arp_mts_kt
2338 0 0 0 0/0 stun_packets_re
2373 0 0 0 0/0 redun_kthread
2374 0 0 0 0/0 redun_timer_kth
2513 0 0 0 0/0 sf_rdn_kthread
2514 364544 214619750 69095424 bffffa40/bffff8b0 xinetd
2515 421888 95819750 68964352 bffffa70/bffff8a0 tftpd
2516 23015424 125824371 106741760 bffffa40/bfffe73c syslogd
2517 933888 109213561 74809344 bffffa80/bfffe850 sdwrapd
2519 4120576 0 81752064 bffffa70/bfff79e0 platform
2524 0 0 0 0/0 ls-notify-mts-t
2537 282624 92591910 74170368 bffffa70/bfffe058 pfm_dummy
2545 155648 0 1441792 bffffa60/bffff988 klogd
2552 2109440 393881241 78864384 bffffa80/bffff278 vshd
2553 1073152 95385382 76709888 bffffa80/bfffe4d0 stun
2554 2732032 367819865 144842752 bffffa30/bffff690 smm
2555 1155072 165002041 75182080 bffffa50/bfffe4b0 session-mgr
2556 479232 135244736 73154560 bffffa40/bffff770 psshelper
2557 212992 96888422 69488640 bffff9f0/bfffe680 lmgrd
2558 528384 91650240 73543680 bffffa60/bffff5f8 licmgr
2559 512000 92225126 78594048 bffffa90/bffff260 fs-daemon
2560 397312 85133312 72286208 bffffa60/bfff3690 feature-mgr
2561 315392 85106278 72122368 bffffa70/bffff840 confcheck
2562 958464 92785651 74874880 bffffa60/bfffe910 capability
2563 479232 135244736 73154560 bffffa20/bffff750 psshelper_gsvc
2573 217088 0 2572288 bffff9c0/bffff820 cisco
2576 7733248 664149376 106373120 bffffa30/bffff3e0 clis
2583 2248704 372636352 103321600 bffffa50/bfffd960 port-profile
2585 274432 85254963 72257536 bffffa60/bffff830 xmlma
2586 1245184 95083507 76578816 bffffa60/bfffe2dc vnm_pa_intf
2587 2146304 115889523 76902400 bffffa60/bfffe060 vmm
2588 708608 127975372 76795904 bffffa70/bfffe9c0 vdc_mgr
2589 634880 109440179 84406272 bffffaa0/bffff3c0 ttyd
2590 450560 78402579 70279168 bffffa70/bffff530 sysinfo
2591 438272 91884531 73687040 bffffa80/bffff490 sksd
2593 610304 91614195 73551872 bffffa70/bffff234 res_mgr
2594 1028096 93695782 75186176 bffffa80/bfffe4b0 plugin
2595 3956736 375542464 94433280 bffffa50/bffff4f0 npacl
2596 811008 175709177 74731520 bffffa60/bfffbf80 mvsh
2597 2596864 109250944 79581184 bffffa80/bfffcf70 module
2598 3489792 182622105 87179264 bffffa80/bfffd980 fwm
2599 1175552 100089228 81141760 bffffa60/bfffe490 evms
2600 1015808 93312806 74964992 bffffa60/bfffe4a0 evmc
2601 581632 92554035 84045824 bffffa90/bffff470 core-dmon
2602 454656 92722572 74289152 bffffa80/bffff3b0 bootvar
2603 9854976 367171059 93200384 bffffa60/bffff4c0 ascii-cfg
2604 647168 87422156 74403840 bffffa40/bfffe678 securityd
2605 1048576 98226585 84234240 bffffa60/bfffdce0 cert_enroll
2606 495616 87332044 75096064 bffffa60/bfffe850 aaa
2614 5029888 369338252 86528000 bffffa50/bffff960 l3vm
2615 4288512 366242905 106196992 bffffa50/bffff950 u6rib
2616 6340608 367112486 129155072 bffffa50/bffff8c0 urib
2617 1568768 139989132 77787136 bffffa70/bfffe680 ExceptionLog
2618 3047424 116793318 86609920 bffffa80/bfffe490 ifmgr
2619 806912 87336550 74678272 bffffa80/bfffe8c0 tcap
2623 5693440 262289420 137621504 bffffa10/bfffd8f0 snmpd
2636 163840 293819750 68661248 bffffa20/bffff018 PMon
2637 3104768 256175321 84361216 bffffa50/bfffe210 aclmgr
2662 9428992 373095923 151752704 bffffa50/bffff530 adjmgr
2676 4755456 366648409 128327680 bffffa50/bffff920 arp
2677 6037504 369130995 110952448 bffffa40/bffff2c8 icmpv6
2678 53452800 584746060 201703424 bffffa20/bffff490 netstack
2751 1368064 229098848 124534784 bffffa40/bfffdac0 radius
2752 233472 98996198 69996544 bffffa30/bffff8c8 ip_dummy
2753 233472 98996198 69996544 bffffa30/bffff8c8 ipv6_dummy
2754 1826816 165916537 126001152 bffffa50/bfffeb30 ntp
2755 233472 98996198 69996544 bffffa30/bffff8c8 pktmgr_dummy
2756 233472 98996198 69996544 bffffa30/bffff8c8 tcpudp_dummy
2758 1097728 202319744 126873600 bffffa60/bfffed90 cdp
2762 1024000 109019750 80056320 bffff990/bfffec90 dcos-xinetd
2764 729088 0 12656640 bffffef0/bffff220 ntpd
2881 1409024 113508736 83517440 bffffa80/bfffe0a0 vsim
2882 2785280 366824128 90828800 bffffa60/bfffdbb0 ufdm
2883 1273856 365913996 140460032 bffffa60/bfffd970 sal
2884 2342912 107612243 84082688 bffffa60/bfffd940 pltfm_config
2885 4083712 206235110 88436736 bffffa50/bfffd970 monitor
2886 3870720 317199308 90644480 bffffa50/bfffdf80 ipqosmgr
2887 7446528 504510195 132648960 bffffa50/bffff980 igmp
2888 5025792 186650112 89972736 bffffa40/bfffd8f0 eth-port-sec
2889 2170880 199314508 82145280 bffffa60/bfffe220 copp
2890 2453504 118573030 87961600 bffffa40/bfffd730 eth_port_channel
2891 8450048 156970739 94244864 bffffa50/bfffe990 vlan_mgr
2892 14442496 309585689 102936576 bffffa60/bfffdb40 ethpm
2933 1544192 204094950 85684224 bffffa60/bfffe480 msp
2936 1048576 93330828 74928128 bffffa50/bfffe480 vsn_service_mgr
2937 169234432 1191148288 251592704 bffffa60/bfffe48c sp
2938 10510336 651213798 103919616 bffffa40/bfffe89c policy_engine
2939 3485696 633948339 85774336 bffffa40/bfffe24c inspect
3006 159744 0 1441792 bffffdc0/bffffc58 getty
3007 172032 0 1527808 bffffd90/bffffc28 getty
3019 1142784 0 14630912 bffffa30/bfffe810 dcos_sshd
3021 1167360 0 31797248 bffffdc0/bffffaa0 vsh
28520 1142784 0 14630912 bffffa30/bfffe810 dcos_sshd
28521 1167360 0 31797248 bffffdc0/bfffa7c8 vsh
30327 155648 0 1712128 bffffcf0/bffffb4c more
30328 1167360 0 31830016 bffffdc0/bfffa2d8 vsh
30329 0 0 0 bffffa10/bfffef28 ps
All processes: MemAlloc = 445857792
Related Commands
show system resources |
Displays memory usage. |
show redundancy status
To display redundancy status, use the show redundancy status command.
show redundancy status
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show redundancy status command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display redundancy status:
vsg# show redundancy status
Redundancy role
administrative: standalone
operational: standalone
Redundancy mode
administrative: HA
operational: None
This supervisor (sup-1)
Redundancy state: Active
Supervisor state: Active
Internal state: Active with no standby
Other supervisor (sup-2)
Redundancy state: Not present
Supervisor state: N/A
Internal state: N/A
System start time: Fri Jan 21 15:45:28 2013
System uptime: 32 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes, 2 seconds
Kernel uptime: 32 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes, 45 seconds
Active supervisor uptime: 32 days, 1 hours, 45 minutes, 20 seconds
Related Commands
show system redundancy status |
Displays the system redundancy status. |
show resource
To display resources, use the show resource command.
show resource [internal | monitor-session | port-channel | u4route-mem | u6route-mem | vlan | vrf ]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show resource command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display resources:
vsg# show resource
Resource Min Max Used Unused Avail
----------- ----- ----- ------ -------- -------
vlan 16 2049 2 14 2047
monitor-session 0 2 0 0 2
vrf 16 8192 2 14 8190
port-channel 0 768 0 0 768
u4route-mem 32 32 1 31 31
u6route-mem 16 16 1 15 15
Related Commands
show system resources |
Displays system resources. |
show role
To show user role information, use the show role command.
show role [feature | name role-name | pending | pending-diff | session | status]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show role command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the details of the network-admin role:
vsg# show role name network-admin
Role: network-admin
Description: Predefined network admin role has access to all commands
on the switch
Rule Perm Type Scope Entity
1 permit read-write
Related Commands
show users |
Displays users. |
show running-config
To display running configurations, use the show running-config command.
show running-config [aaa | diff| ip| port-profile | vlan | acllog | eem | ipqos | port-security | vrf | aclmgr | exclude | ipv6 | radius | vservice | adjmgr | exclude-provision | l3vm | rpm| vshd | all | expand-port-profile | license | security | arp | icmpv6 | monitor | cdp | igmp | network | spanning-tree | cert-enroll | interface | ntp | vdc-all]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show running-config command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you enter a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-C at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display the running configuration:
vsm-hpv# show running-config
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Sun May 5 20:04:22 2013
version 5.2(1)SM1(5.1)
svs switch edition essential
hostname VSM-hpv
no feature telnet
feature network-segmentation-manager
username admin password 5 $1$KxvwqWCb$8PqeCVrfY6QDy9nau.hBf. role network-admin
banner motd #Nexus 1000V Switch
ip domain-lookup
errdisable recovery cause failed-port-state
svs license volatile
vem 3
host id 0F5A5036-A5BF-1244-896D-760C4E3AC29C
vem 4
host id 1022F40A-D033-FB44-B228-6B48FBD14928
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xda2d510adcc26f463fc5c476a19be55b priv 0xda2d510adcc26f463fc5c476a19be55b localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
vrf context management
ip route
vlan 1,550-555,914
port-channel load-balance ethernet source-mac
port-profile default max-ports 32
port-profile default port-binding static
port-profile type vethernet NSM_template_vlan
no shutdown
guid 86ceec5b-7a9c-4df4-9218-333bfc6f40a5
description NSM default port-profile for VLAN networks. Do not delete.
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet NSM_template_segmentation
no shutdown
guid 4a6cf01d-80df-48b2-87d8-0b0a15e7d450
description NSM default port-profile for VXLAN networks. Do not delete.
state enabled
port-profile type ethernet Uplink
no shutdown
guid 2122b8d9-8d21-4fb3-9e75-971fbb1a266d
max-ports 512
state enabled
port-profile type ethernet uplink_network_default_policy
no shutdown
guid bf7bd8ce-9a90-4af2-98c9-d7f8bafa9cb2
max-ports 512
description NSM created profile. Do not delete.
state enabled
port-profile type vethernet N1K
no shutdown
guid 70cff39e-9136-434c-8f36-f17e82210031
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet service
no shutdown
guid 6b9b60fd-4aff-40da-896c-7df7bc252908
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet ha
no shutdown
guid 7f598f09-68d6-47a3-97e0-158ce8558292
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet vnadp
capability l3-vservice
no shutdown
guid d41c34d0-7c93-4fec-92ef-1f4383276b28
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet veth-1
org root/Tenant-1
vservice node VSG-138 profile SP11
no shutdown
guid 14fa09d3-6cf8-4c55-b7f5-ad0ae4e4c8bd
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet veth-2
org root/Tenant-1/VDC-1/App-1/Tier-1
vservice node VSG-138 profile SP14
no shutdown
guid 4be00543-2965-4d4e-be39-2f0ed5c606e6
state enabled
publish port-profile
port-profile type vethernet veth-3
org root/Tenant-1/VDC-1/App-1/Tier-1
vservice node VSG-N1010 profile SP11
no shutdown
guid 335f49a3-95e8-4c88-b078-7a5424f4537b
state enabled
publish port-profile
Related Commands
show startup-config |
Displays the startup configuration. |
show service-path connection
To display service path connection information, use the show service-path connection command.
show service-path connection [svs-domain-id domain-id [module module-number]]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show service-path connection command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
Note The show service-path connection command might not display inspect-rsh actions for remote shell traffic. This issue affects the display only and does not disrupt the traffic policy decisions.
This example shows how to display service path connections:
show service-path connection
P - policy at src p - policy at dst
O - conn offloaded to ser-path at src o - conn offloaded to ser-path at dst
S - seen syn from src s - seen syn from dst
A - seen ack for syn/fin from src a - seen ack for syn/fin from dst
F - seen fin from src f - seen fin from dst
R - seen rst from src r - seen rst from dst
E - tcp conn established (SasA done) T - tcp conn torn down (FafA done)
#SVS Domain 3720 Module 5
Proto SrcIP[:Port] DstIP[:Port] VLAN Action Flags
tcp PpOoSas
Related Commands
show svs |
Displays SVS information. |
show service-path statistics
To display service path statistics, use the show service-path statistics command.
show service-path statistics [svs-domain-id domain-id [module module-number]]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show service-path statistics command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display service path statistics:
vsg# show service-path statistics
Input Packet 9130015 Output Packet 879012
Active Flows 17 Active Connections 12
Flow Create 36696 Flow Destroy 36679
Input Packet Drop 0 Output Packet Drop 0
SP Packet Drop 0 Corrupted Packet 0
Input mode Signal Input mode change fail 0
Input signal mode 1 Input interrupt mode 0
PE Corrupted Packet 0 FTP Corrupted Packet 0
RSH Corrupted Packet 0 TFTP Corrupted Packet 0
Buffer Free Fail 0
Vpath Frag Packet 8249047 Vpath Inst Frag 0
IPV4 Frag Packet 850338 IPV4 Inst Frag 0
Aged Vpath Frag Packet 0 Vpath Frag Packet Drop 0
Aged IPV4 Frag Packet 10 IPV4 Frag Packet Drop 0
Bad Vpath Frag 0 Bad IPV4 Frag 0
Vpath Frag/Packet Exceed 0 IPV4 Frag/Packet Exceed 0
Total Frag Inst Exceed 0
Non-Vpath Packet 0 Vpath Ver Mismatch Packet 0
SVS Domain 15 Module 3
Input Packet 20957 Output Packet 19328
Flow Create 28856 Flow Destroy 28848
Packet Drop 0
SVS Domain 15 Module 4
Input Packet 9109058 Output Packet 859684
Flow Create 7840 Flow Destroy 7831
Packet Drop 0
Related Commands
show svs |
Displays SVS information. |
show sockets
To display socket information, use the show sockets command.
show sockets {client | connection | internal | statistics}
Syntax Description
client |
Displays client socket information. |
connection |
Displays socket connections information. |
internal |
Displays internal socket information. |
statistics |
Displays socket statistics. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show sockets command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display socket statistics:
vsg# show sockets statistics
TCP Received:
43556 packets total
0 checksum error, 0 bad offset, 0 too short, 0 MD5 error
33557 packets (1428824 bytes) in sequence
435 duplicate packets (8296 bytes)
0 partially dup packets (0 bytes)
141 out-of-order packets (7736 bytes)
0 packets (0 bytes) with data after window
1 packets after close
0 window probe packets, 0 window update packets
470 duplicate ack packets, 0 ack packets with unsent data
17669 ack packets (1759693 bytes)
TCP Sent:
20950 total, 0 urgent packets
20 control packets
20057 data packets (1759592 bytes)
5 data packets (736 bytes) retransmitted
809 ack only packets
0 window probe packets, 59 window update packets
0 connections initiated, 129 connections accepted, 129 connections established
129 connections closed (including 107 dropped, 0 embryonic dropped)
4 total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout
40 keepalive timeout, 40 keepalive probe, 0 connections dropped in keepalive
Related Commands
show interface |
Displays information about interfaces. |
show ssh
To display secure shell (SSH) information, use the show ssh command.
show ssh {key | name | server}
Syntax Description
key |
Displays the SSH keys. |
name |
Displays the preestablished master SSH connections. |
server |
Displays the status of SSH on the server. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show ssh command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the SSH keys:
vsg# show ssh key
rsa Keys generated:Fri May 8 16:49:02 2013
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAtL6+T2oK4lT1edlXus/eY6FChVxGdDA1T9B3pC06MWst
could not retrieve dsa key information
Related Commands
show telnet |
Displays the Telnet server configuration. |
show startup-config
To display startup configurations, use the show startup-config command.
show startup-config [aaa | am | arp | cdp | cert-enroll | exclude | expand-port-profile | icmpv6 | igmp | interface | ip | l3vm | log | monitor | ntp | security | vdc-all | vshd]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show startup-config command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the startup configuration:
vsg# show startup-config
Sap 106 returned failure code:0x80480002
!Command: show startup-config
!Time: Wed Feb 23 12:52:55 2013
!Startup config saved at: Tue Apr 30 19:23:55 2013
version 5.2.1VSG1(4.1)
ip domain-lookup
ip domain-lookup
switchname VSG129-2
snmp-server user admin auth md5 0x49381b1f90fcb52a70b55a0bbf05d032 priv 0x49381b
1f90fcb52a70b55a0bbf05d032 localizedkey engineID 128:0:0:9:3:0:0:0:0:0:0
snmp-server user vsnbetauser auth md5 0x272e8099cab7365fd1649d351b953884 priv 0x
272e8099cab7365fd1649d351b953884 localizedkey engineID 128:0:0:9:3:0:0:0:0:0:0
vrf context management
ip route
vlan 1
port-channel load-balance ethernet source-mac
port-profile default max-ports 32
vdc VSG129-2 id 1
limit-resource vlan minimum 16 maximum 2049
limit-resource monitor-session minimum 0 maximum 2
limit-resource vrf minimum 16 maximum 8192
limit-resource port-channel minimum 0 maximum 768
limit-resource u4route-mem minimum 32 maximum 32
limit-resource u6route-mem minimum 16 maximum 16
limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58
limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8
interface mgmt0
ip address
interface data0
ip address
ip address
interface data0
ip address
ip address
line console
boot kickstart bootflash:/ks.bin sup-1
boot system bootflash:/sys.bin sup-1
boot kickstart bootflash:/ks.bin sup-2
boot system bootflash:/sys.bin sup-2
ha-pair id 1292
security-profile sp1
policy p1
rule r1
action 1 permit
policy p1
rule r1 order 10
shared-secret **********
Related Commands
show running-config |
Displays the running configuration. |
show system
To display system information, use the show system command.
show ssh {clis | cores | error-id | exception-info | internal | pss | redundancy | resources | standby | uptime}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show system command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display system resources:
vsg# show system resources
Load average: 1 minute: 0.22 5 minutes: 0.28 15 minutes: 0.12
Processes : 245 total, 2 running
CPU states : 0.0% user, 0.0% kernel, 100.0% idle
Memory usage: 1944668K total, 1041116K used, 903552K free
71456K buffers, 398416K cache
Related Commands
show hardware |
Displays hardware information. |
show tech-support
To display information about technical support, use the show tech-support command.
show tech-support [adjmgr | arp | bootvar | brief | cert-enroll | cli | clis | details | dhcp | epp | ethport | ha | icmpv6 | im | include-time | internal | ip | ipv6 | l3vm | module | npacl | ntp | pktmgr | platform | port | port-channel | routing | sockets | sys-mgr | time-optimized | vdc | vsd | xml]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show tech-support command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
When you execute a show command that displays a long list of data, you can press Ctrl-c at any time to exit that list.
This example shows how to display HA information:
VSG129-2# show tech-support ha
`show system internal sysmgr event-history msgs`
1) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 12198 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:48 2013
Src:0x00000101/39469, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF618, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:216
0x0000: 01 00 2f 74 6d 70 2f 64 62 67 64 75 6d 70 31 32
2) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 952704 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:47 2013
Src:0x00000101/39467, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF601, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
3) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 504521 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:39 2013
Src:0x00000101/39441, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF494, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
4) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 824041 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39438, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0FB, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:624
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
5) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 823997 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39438, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0F9, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:112
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
6) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 823918 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39438, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0F7, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
7) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 819079 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39437, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0F5, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:624
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
8) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 819034 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39437, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0F3, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:112
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
9) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 818960 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39437, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0F1, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
10) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 814417 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39436, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0EF, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:624
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
11) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 814364 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39436, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0ED, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:112
0x0000: 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
12) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 814283 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39436, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0EB, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
13) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:44, at 800624 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:38:18 2013
Src:0x00000101/39435, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECF0D3, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:0
14) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37941 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA4B, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
15) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37931 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA4A, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
16) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37921 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA49, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
17) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37910 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA48, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
18) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37900 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA47, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
19) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37890 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA46, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
20) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37880 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA45, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
21) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37870 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA44, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
22) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37860 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA43, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
23) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37850 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA42, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
24) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37840 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA41, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
25) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37830 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA40, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
26) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37820 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA3F, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
27) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:48, at 37808 usecs after Thu Feb 24 11:37:00 2013
Src:0x00000101/342, Dst:0x00000101/3, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x02ECEA3E, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:4
0x0000: 00 00 00 00
Related Commands
show debug |
Displays debug flags. |
show telnet server
To display the status of Telnet services, use the show telnet server command.
show telnet server
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show telnet server command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the status of Telnet services:
vsg# show telnet server
telnet service not enabled
Related Commands
show http |
Displays the status of HTTP services. |
show terminal
To display information about the terminal, use the show terminal command.
show terminal [internal]
Syntax Description
internal |
(Optional) Displays internal terminal information. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show terminal command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information about the terminal:
VSG129-2# show terminal internal
Process info:
Name: vsh
State: R (running)
SleepAVG: 88%
Tgid: 4157
Pid: 4157
PPid: 4156
TracerPid: 0
Uid: 2002 2002 2002 2002
Gid: 503 503 503 503
FDSize: 256
Groups: 503
VmSize: 31080 kB
VmLck: 0 kB
VmRSS: 9208 kB
VmData: 1140 kB
VmStk: 84 kB
VmExe: 44 kB
VmLib: 13664 kB
VmPTE: 48 kB
Threads: 1
SigPnd: 0000000000000000
ShdPnd: 0000000000000000
SigBlk: 0000001000000000
SigIgn: 0000000000300004
SigCgt: 0000000180007002
CapInh: 0000000000000000
CapPrm: 0000000000000000
CapEff: 0000000000000000
Memory limits:
core file size (blocks, -c) 146484
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) unlimited
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) 204800
Related Commands
show processes |
Displays process information. |
show user-account
To display information about user accounts, use the show user-account command.
show user-account [user-account-name]
Syntax Description
user-account-name |
(Optional) User account name. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show user-account command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display user accounts:
vsg# show user-account
this user account has no expiry date
this user account has no expiry date
this user account has no expiry date
Related Commands
show users |
Displays current users. |
show users
To display users, use the show users command.
show users
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show users command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display users:
vsg# show users
admin pts/0 Jan 21 17:19 old 3021 ( session=ssh
admin pts/29 Feb 23 11:13 . 4157 ( session = ssh *
Related Commands
show user-account |
Displays information about user accounts. |
show version
To display the software version, use the show version command.
show version [build-info | image | internal]
Syntax Description
build-info |
(Optional) Displays software build information. |
image |
(Optional) Displays software image information. |
internal |
(Optional) Displays software compatibility results between two images. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show version command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display software build information:
vsg# show version build-info
Related Commands
show install |
Displays the software install impact between two images. |
show vnm-pa
To display the Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC) policy agent, use the show vnm-pa command.
show vnm-pa [status | tech-support]
Syntax Description
status |
(Optional) Displays the policy agent status. |
tech-support |
(Optional) Displays technical support information. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vnm-pa command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display the policy agent status:
vsg# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Not Installed
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays Cisco VSG information. |
show vsg dvport
To display information about a Cisco VSG DV port, use the show vsg dvport command.
show vsg dvport [port-name]
Syntax Description
port-name |
(Optional) DV port name. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vsg dvport command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information about a DV port:
vsg# show vsg dvport
DV Port : 576::bcaa1c50-8747-8d08-fe7e-a9aa8924bf8e
Security Profile : spcustom
VM uuid : 421c5ae4-51c3-5dd9-60fa-a50cb04ed0ea
Port Profile : vm_data
IP Addresses :
Related Commands
show vsg ip-binding |
Displays information about IP bindings. |
show vsg ip-binding
To display a list of Virtual Machine (VM) IP addresses and associated virtual network security profile (VNSP) and policy sets, use the show vsg ip-binding command.
show vsg ip-binding
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vsg ip-binding command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display a list of VM IP addresses:
vsg# show vsg ip-binding
VM IP address Security-Profile Name Policy Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spcustom policy_one sp_new policy_one
Related Commands
show vsg security-profile |
Displays information about security profiles. |
show vsg security-profile
To display information about security profiles, use the show vsg security-profile command.
show vsg security-profile [vnsp-name | detail | table]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vsg security-profile command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
The detail version of the show vsg security-profile command includes the names of the Virtual Machines (VMs) that are using the security profile in addition to the information about the security profile information. A VNSP name can be specified to get details of a specific security-profile.
This example shows how to display detailed information about the security profile sp_deny@root:
vsg# show vsg security-profile sp_deny@root detail
VNSP : sp_deny@root
VNSP id : 5
Policy Name : ps_deny@root
Policy id : 3
Custom attributes :
Name : vnsporg
Value : root
Name : profile1
Value : eng
Virtual Machines:
Related Commands
show policy stats |
Displays policy statistics. |
show vsg vm
To display information about a Virtual Machine (VM), use the show vsg vm command.
show vsg vm
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vsg vm command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display information for the Cisco VSG VM:
vsn22# show vsg vm
VM uuid : 421c5ae4-51c3-5dd9-60fa-a50cb04ed0ea
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays Cisco VSG information. |
show vsg vm name
To display the name information about a Virtual Machine (VM), use the show vsg vm name command.
show vsg vm name name
Syntax Description
name |
Name or partial name of a VM in your Cisco VSG network. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2(1)VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show vsg vm name command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This command displays information for one or more Virtual machines (VMs). The VMs name should be specified as a parameter and can be a prefix (first few characters) or the entire name. The information for the VM includes details of each DV port used by the VM and zones that the VM belongs to.
This example shows how to display information for the Cisco VSG VM with the name linux-204:
vsg# show vsg vm name linux-204
VM uuid : 421ceac2-3b3f-67f9-b71c-3755d2c8cabe
DV Port(s) :
DV Port : 272::1c7b1c50-f1b7-9a71-259d-820f4713a4b1
Security Profile : SP-DC1@root/Cisco-Tenant1
Port Profile : profile_App2
IP Addresses :
DV Port : 240::1c7b1c50-f1b7-9a71-259d-820f4713a4b1
Security Profile : SP-App1@root/Cisco-Tenant1
Port Profile : profile_App1
IP Addresses :
Zone(s) :
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays Cisco VSG information. |
show vsg vm uuid
To display the Cisco VSG virtual machine UUID, use the show vsg vm uuid command.
show vsg vm uuid uuid
Syntax Description
uuid |
Designates the name of the UUID. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2(1)VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the VM UUID as a parameter. Information for the specified VM is displayed.
This example shows how to display the Cisco VSG UUID information:
vsg# show vsg vm uuid 421cefd6-29d1-4c8e-e563-2c3a4d58cd31
VM uuid : 421cefd6-29d1-4c8e-e563-2c3a4d58cd31
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays Cisco VSG information. |
show vsg zone
To display the Cisco VSG zones, use the show vsg zone command.
show vsg zone
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2(1)VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display Cisco VSG zones:
vsg(config-vnm-policy-agent)# show vsg zone
Zone : centos5.3_2_VEM2@root/tenant_d3337/dc1
Virtual Machines :
Zone : tenant_3337_zonename1@root/tenant_d3337
Virtual Machines :
Zone : deletetest@root/tenant_d3337
Virtual Machines :
Related Commands
show vsg |
Displays Cisco VSG information. |
show xml server
To display XML server information, use the show xml server command.
show xml server [logging | status]
Syntax Description
logging |
(Optional) Displays the logging configuration and the contents of the log file. |
status |
(Optional) Displays XML agent information. |
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Command History
5.2.1VSG1(4.1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can use the following operators with the show xml server command:
•>—Redirects the output to a file.
•>>—Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
•|—Pipes the command output to a filter.
This example shows how to display XML server information:
vsg# show xml server status
operational status is enabled
maximum session configured is 8
Related Commands
show http-server |
Displays the HTTP server configuration. |