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Restriction for Optional Spanning-Tree Features
PortFast minimizes the time that interfaces must wait for spanning tree to converge, so it is effective only when used on
interfaces connected to end stations. If you enable PortFast on an interface connecting to another switch, you risk creating
a spanning-tree loop.
Information About Optional Spanning-Tree Features
PortFast immediately brings an interface configured as an access or trunk port to the forwarding state from a blocking state,
bypassing the listening and learning states.
Figure 1. PortFast-Enabled Interfaces. You can use PortFast on interfaces connected to a single workstation or server to allow those devices to immediately connect
to the network, rather than waiting for the spanning tree to converge.
Interfaces connected to a single workstation or server should not receive bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). An interface
with PortFast enabled goes through the normal cycle of spanning-tree status changes when the switch is restarted.
You can enable this feature by enabling it on either the interface or on all nontrunking ports.
BPDU Guard
The Bridge Protocol Data Unit
(BPDU) guard feature can be globally enabled on the switch or can be enabled
per port, but the feature operates with some differences.
When you enable BPDU guard at the global level on
PortFast edge-enabled ports, spanning tree shuts down ports that are in a
PortFast edge-operational state if any BPDU is received on them. In a valid
configuration, PortFast edge-enabled ports do not receive BPDUs. Receiving a
BPDU on a Port Fast edge-enabled port means an invalid configuration, such as
the connection of an unauthorized device, and the BPDU guard feature puts the
port in the error-disabled state. When this happens, the switch shuts down the
entire port on which the violation occurred.
When you enable BPDU guard at
the interface level on any port without also enabling the PortFast edge
feature, and the port receives a BPDU, it is put in the error-disabled state.
The BPDU guard feature
provides a secure response to invalid configurations because you must manually
put the interface back in service. Use the BPDU guard feature in a
service-provider network to prevent an access port from participating in the
spanning tree.
BPDU Filtering
The BPDU filtering feature
can be globally enabled on the switch or can be enabled per interface, but the
feature operates with some differences.
Enabling BPDU filtering on
PortFast edge-enabled interfaces at the global level keeps those interfaces
that are in a PortFast edge-operational state from sending or receiving BPDUs.
The interfaces still send a few BPDUs at link-up before the switch begins to
filter outbound BPDUs. You should globally enable BPDU filtering on a switch so
that hosts connected to these interfaces do not receive BPDUs. If a BPDU is
received on a PortFast edge-enabled interface, the interface loses its PortFast
edge-operational status, and BPDU filtering is disabled.
Enabling BPDU filtering on an
interface without also enabling the PortFast edge feature keeps the interface
from sending or receiving BPDUs.
Enabling BPDU filtering on an
interface is the same as disabling spanning tree on it and can result in
spanning-tree loops.
You can enable the BPDU
filtering feature for the entire switch or for an interface.
Figure 2. Switches in a Hierarchical Network. Switches in hierarchical networks can be grouped into backbone switches, distribution switches, and access switches. This
complex network has distribution switches and access switches that each have at least one redundant link that spanning tree
blocks to prevent loops.
If a switch loses connectivity, it begins using the alternate paths as soon as the spanning tree selects a new root port.
You can accelerate the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when the spanning tree reconfigures itself
by enabling UplinkFast. The root port transitions to the forwarding state immediately without going through the listening
and learning states, as it would with the normal spanning-tree procedures.
When the spanning tree reconfigures the new root port, other interfaces flood the network with multicast packets, one for
each address that was learned on the interface. You can limit these bursts of multicast traffic by reducing the max-update-rate
parameter (the default for this parameter is 150 packets per second). However, if you enter zero, station-learning frames
are not generated, so the spanning-tree topology converges more slowly after a loss of connectivity.
UplinkFast is most useful in wiring-closet switches at the access or edge of the network. It is not appropriate for backbone
devices. This feature might not be useful for other types of applications.
UplinkFast provides fast convergence after a direct link failure and achieves load-balancing between redundant Layer 2 links
using uplink groups. An uplink group is a set of Layer 2 interfaces (per VLAN), only one of which is forwarding at any given
time. Specifically, an uplink group consists of the root port (which is forwarding) and a set of blocked ports, except for
self-looping ports. The uplink group provides an alternate path in case the currently forwarding link fails.
Figure 3. UplinkFast Example Before Direct Link Failure. This topology has no link failures. Switch A, the root switch, is connected directly to Switch B over link L1 and to Switch C
over link L2. The Layer 2 interface on Switch C that is connected directly to Switch B is in a blocking state.Figure 4. UplinkFast Example After Direct Link Failure. If Switch C detects a link failure on the currently active link L2 on the root port (a direct link failure), UplinkFast unblocks
the blocked interface on Switch C and transitions it to the forwarding state without going through the listening and learning
states. This change takes approximately 1 to 5 seconds.
BackboneFast detects indirect failures in the core of the backbone. BackboneFast is a complementary technology to the UplinkFast
feature, which responds to failures on links directly connected to access switches. BackboneFast optimizes the maximum-age
timer, which controls the amount of time the switch stores protocol information received on an interface. When a switch receives
an inferior BPDU from the designated port of another switch, the BPDU is a signal that the other switch might have lost its
path to the root, and BackboneFast tries to find an alternate path to the root.
BackboneFast starts when a root port or blocked interface on a switch receives inferior BPDUs from its designated switch.
An inferior BPDU identifies a switch that declares itself as both the root bridge and the designated switch. When a switch
receives an inferior BPDU, it means that a link to which the switch is not directly connected (an indirect link) has failed
(that is, the designated switch has lost its connection to the root switch). Under spanning-tree rules, the switch ignores
inferior BPDUs for the maximum aging time (default is 20 seconds).
The switch tries to find if it has an alternate path to the root switch. If the inferior BPDU arrives on a blocked interface,
the root port and other blocked interfaces on the switch become alternate paths to the root switch. (Self-looped ports are
not considered alternate paths to the root switch.) If the inferior BPDU arrives on the root port, all blocked interfaces
become alternate paths to the root switch. If the inferior BPDU arrives on the root port and there are no blocked interfaces,
the switch assumes that it has lost connectivity to the root switch, causes the maximum aging time on the root port to expire,
and becomes the root switch according to normal spanning-tree rules.
If the switch has alternate paths to the root switch, it uses these alternate paths to send a root link query (RLQ) request.
The switch sends the RLQ request on all alternate paths to learn if any stack member has an alternate root to the root switch
and waits for an RLQ reply from other switches in the network and in the stack. The switch sends the RLQ request on all alternate
paths and waits for an RLQ reply from other switches in the network.
When a stack member receives an RLQ reply from a nonstack member on a blocked interface and the reply is destined for another
nonstacked switch, it forwards the reply packet, regardless of the spanning-tree interface state.
When a stack member receives an RLQ reply from a nonstack member and the response is destined for the stack, the stack member
forwards the reply so that all the other stack members receive it.
If the switch discovers that it still has an alternate path to the root, it expires the maximum aging time on the interface
that received the inferior BPDU. If all the alternate paths to the root switch indicate that the switch has lost connectivity
to the root switch, the switch expires the maximum aging time on the interface that received the RLQ reply. If one or more
alternate paths can still connect to the root switch, the switch makes all interfaces on which it received an inferior BPDU
its designated ports and moves them from the blocking state (if they were in the blocking state), through the listening and
learning states, and into the forwarding state.
Figure 5. BackboneFast Example Before Indirect Link Failure. This is an example topology with no link failures. Switch A, the root switch, connects directly to Switch B over link L1 and
to Switch C over link L2. The Layer 2 interface on Switch C that connects directly to Switch B is in the blocking state.Figure 6. BackboneFast Example After Indirect Link Failure. If link L1 fails, Switch C cannot detect this failure because it is not connected directly to link L1. However, because Switch B
is directly connected to the root switch over L1, it detects the failure, elects itself the root, and begins sending BPDUs
to Switch C, identifying itself as the root. When Switch C receives the inferior BPDUs from Switch B, Switch C assumes that
an indirect failure has occurred. At that point, BackboneFast allows the blocked interface on Switch C to move immediately
to the listening state without waiting for the maximum aging time for the interface to expire. BackboneFast then transitions
the Layer 2 interface on Switch C to the forwarding state, providing a path from Switch B to Switch A. The root-switch election
takes approximately 30 seconds, twice the Forward Delay time if the default Forward Delay time of 15 seconds is set. BackboneFast
reconfigures the topology to account for the failure of link L1.Figure 7. Adding a Switch in a Shared-Medium Topology. If a new switch is introduced into a shared-medium topology, BackboneFast is not activated because the inferior BPDUs did
not come from the recognized designated switch (Switch B). The new switch begins sending inferior BPDUs that indicate it is
the root switch. However, the other switches ignore these inferior BPDUs, and the new switch learns that Switch B is the designated
switch to Switch A, the root switch.
EtherChannel Guard
You can use EtherChannel guard to detect an EtherChannel misconfiguration between the switch and a connected device. A misconfiguration
can occur if the switch interfaces are configured in an EtherChannel, but the interfaces on the other device are not. A misconfiguration
can also occur if the channel parameters are not the same at both ends of the EtherChannel.
If the switch detects a misconfiguration on the other device, EtherChannel guard places the switch interfaces in the error-disabled
state, and displays an error message.
Root Guard
Figure 8. Root Guard in a Service-Provider Network.
The Layer 2 network of a service provider (SP) can include many connections to switches that are not owned by the SP. In such
a topology, the spanning tree can reconfigure itself and select a customer switch as the root switch. You can avoid this situation
by enabling root guard on SP switch interfaces that connect to switches in your customer’s network. If spanning-tree calculations
cause an interface in the customer network to be selected as the root port, root guard then places the interface in the root-inconsistent
(blocked) state to prevent the customer’s switch from becoming the root switch or being in the path to the root.
If a switch outside the SP network becomes the root switch, the interface is blocked (root-inconsistent state), and spanning
tree selects a new root switch. The customer’s switch does not become the root switch and is not in the path to the root.
If the switch is operating in multiple spanning-tree (MST) mode, root guard forces the interface to be a designated port.
If a boundary port is blocked in an internal spanning-tree (IST) instance because of root guard, the interface also is blocked
in all MST instances. A boundary port is an interface that connects to a LAN, the designated switch of which is either an
IEEE 802.1D switch or a switch with a different MST region configuration.
Root guard enabled on an interface applies to all the VLANs to which the interface belongs. VLANs can be grouped and mapped
to an MST instance.
Misuse of the root guard feature can cause a loss of connectivity.
Loop Guard
You can use loop guard to prevent alternate or root ports from becoming designated ports because of a failure that leads to
a unidirectional link. This feature is most effective when it is enabled on the entire switched network. Loop guard prevents
alternate and root ports from becoming designated ports, and spanning tree does not send BPDUs on root or alternate ports.
When the switch is operating in PVST+ or rapid-PVST+ mode, loop guard prevents alternate and root ports from becoming designated
ports, and spanning tree does not send BPDUs on root or alternate ports.
When the switch is operating in MST mode, BPDUs are not sent on nonboundary ports only if the interface is blocked by loop
guard in all MST instances. On a boundary port, loop guard blocks the interface in all MST instances.
STP PortFast Port
You can configure a spanning tree
port as an edge port, a network port, or a normal port. A port can be in only
one of these states at a given time. The default spanning tree port type is
normal. You can configure the port type either globally or per interface.
Depending on the type of device to which the interface is connected, you
can configure a spanning tree port as one of these port types:
A PortFast edge port—is connected to a Layer 2 host. This can be
either an access port or an edge trunk port (portfast edge trunk). This
type of port interface immediately transitions to the forwarding state,
bypassing the listening and learning states. Use PortFast edge on Layer 2
access ports connected to a single workstation or server to allow those devices
to connect to the network immediately, rather than waiting for spanning tree to
Even if the interface receives a bridge protocol data unit (BPDU),
spanning tree does not place the port into the blocking state. Spanning tree
sets the port’s operating state to
non-port fast even if the configured state remains
port fast edge and starts participating in the topology
If you configure a port connected to a Layer 2 switch or bridge as
an edge port, you might create a bridging loop.
A PortFast network port—is connected only to a Layer 2 switch or
bridge. Bridge Assurance is enabled only on PortFast network ports. For more
information, refer to
Bridge Assurance.
If you configure a port that is connected to a Layer 2 host as a
spanning tree network port, the port will automatically move into the blocking
A PortFast normal port—is the default type of spanning tree port.
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)E, or IOS XE 3.8.0E, if
you enter the
spanning-tree portfast [trunk] command in the global or
interface configuration mode, the system automatically saves it as
spanning-tree portfast edge [trunk].
You can use Bridge
Assurance to help prevent looping conditions that are caused by unidirectional
links (one-way traffic on a link or port), or a malfunction in a neighboring
switch. Here a malfunction refers to a switch that is not able to run STP any
more, while still forwarding traffic (a brain dead switch).
BPDUs are sent out on
all operational network ports, including alternate and backup ports, for each
hello time period. Bridge Assurance monitors the receipt of BPDUs on
point-to-point links on all network ports. When a port does not receive BPDUs
within the alloted hello time period, the port is put into a blocked state (the
same as a port inconsistent state, which stops forwarding of frames). When the
port resumes receipt of BPDUs, the port resumes normal spanning tree
Only Rapid PVST+ and
MST spanning tree protocols support Bridge Assurance. PVST+ does not support
Bridge Assurance.
The following example
shows how Bridge Assurance protects your network from bridging loops.
The following figure
shows a network with normal STP topology.
Figure 9. Network with
Normal STP Topology
The following figure
demonstrates a potential network problem when the device fails (brain dead) and
Bridge Assurance is not enabled on the network.
Figure 10. Network Loop
Due to a Malfunctioning Switch
The following figure
shows the network with Bridge Assurance enabled, and the STP topology
progressing normally with bidirectional BDPUs issuing from every STP network
Figure 11. Network with
STP Topology Running Bridge Assurance
The following figure
shows how the potential network problem shown in figure
Network Loop Due to
a Malfunctioning Switch does not occur when you have Bridge Assurance
enabled on your network.
Figure 12. Network
Problem Averted with Bridge Assurance Enabled
The system generates
syslog messages when a port is block and unblocked. The following sample output
shows the log that is generated for each of these states:
Sep 17 09:48:16.249 PDT: %SPANTREE-2-BRIDGE_ASSURANCE_BLOCK: Bridge Assurance blocking port GigabitEthernet1/0/1 on VLAN0001.
Sep 17 09:48:58.426 PDT: %SPANTREE-2-BRIDGE_ASSURANCE_UNBLOCK: Bridge Assurance unblocking port GigabitEthernet1/0/1 on VLAN0001.
Follow these
guidelines when enabling Bridge Assurance:
It can only be
enabled or disabled globally.
It applies to all
operational network ports, including alternate and backup ports.
Only Rapid PVST+
and MST spanning tree protocols support Bridge Assurance. PVST+ does not
support Bridge Assurance.
For Bridge
Assurance to work properly, it must be supported and configured on both ends of
a point-to-point link. If the device on one side of the link has Bridge
Assurance enabled and the device on the other side does not, the connecting
port is blocked and in a Bridge Assurance inconsistent state. We recommend that
you enable Bridge Assurance throughout your network.
To enable Bridge
Assurance on a port, BPDU filtering and BPDU Guard must be disabled.
You can enable
Bridge Assurance in conjunction with Loop Guard.
You can enable
Bridge Assurance in conjunction with Root Guard. The latter is designed to
provide a way to enforce the root bridge placement in the network.
How to Configure Optional Spanning-Tree Features
Enabling PortFast
An interface with the
PortFast feature enabled is moved directly to the spanning-tree forwarding
state without waiting for the standard forward-time delay.
If you enable the voice VLAN
feature, the PortFast feature is automatically enabled. When you disable voice
VLAN, the PortFast feature is not automatically disabled.
You can enable this feature
if your switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or MSTP.
Use PortFast only when
connecting a single end station to an access or trunk port. Enabling this
feature on an interface connected to a switch or hub could prevent spanning
tree from detecting and disabling loops in your network, which could cause
broadcast storms and address-learning problems.
This procedure is optional.
spanning-tree portfast [trunk]
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Specifies an
interface to configure, and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 4
spanning-tree portfast [trunk]
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast trunk
Enables PortFast on an access port connected to a single workstation or server.
By specifying the trunk keyword, you can enable PortFast on a trunk port.
To enable PortFast on trunk ports, you must use the spanning-tree portfast trunk interface configuration command. The spanning-tree portfast command will not work on trunk ports.
Make sure that there are no loops in the network between the trunk port and the workstation or server before you enable PortFast
on a trunk port.
By default, PortFast is disabled on all interfaces.
Step 5
Switch(config-if)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
What to do next
You can use the
spanning-tree portfast default global
configuration command to globally enable the PortFast feature on all
nontrunking ports.
Enabling BPDU Guard
You can enable the BPDU guard
feature if your switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or MSTP.
Configure PortFast edge only
on ports that connect to end stations; otherwise, an accidental topology loop
could cause a data packet loop and disrupt switch and network operation.
This procedure is optional.
portfast edge
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Specifies the
interface connected to an end station, and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 4
portfast edge
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast edge
Enables the
PortFast edge feature.
Step 5
Switch(config-if)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
What to do next
To prevent the port from
shutting down, you can use the
errdisable detect cause bpduguard shutdown vlan
global configuration command to shut down just the offending VLAN on the port
where the violation occurred.
You also can use the
spanning-tree bpduguard enable interface
configuration command to enable BPDU guard on any port without also enabling
the PortFast edge feature. When the port receives a BPDU, it is put it in the
error-disabled state.
Enabling BPDU Filtering
You can also use the
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable interface
configuration command to enable BPDU filtering on any interface without also
enabling the PortFast edge feature. This command prevents the interface from
sending or receiving BPDUs.
Enabling BPDU filtering on an
interface is the same as disabling spanning tree on it and can result in
spanning-tree loops.
You can enable the BPDU
filtering feature if your switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or MSTP.
Configure PortFast edge only
on interfaces that connect to end stations; otherwise, an accidental topology
loop could cause a data packet loop and disrupt switch and network operation.
Specifies the
interface connected to an end station, and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 5
portfast edge
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast edge
Enables the
PortFast edge feature on the specified interface.
Step 6
Switch(config-if)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Enabling UplinkFast for Use with Redundant Links
When you enable UplinkFast, it affects all VLANs on the switch or switch stack. You cannot configure UplinkFast on an individual VLAN.
You can configure the UplinkFast or the Cross-Stack UplinkFast (CSUF) feature for Rapid PVST+ or for the MSTP, but the feature remains disabled (inactive) until you change the spanning-tree mode
to PVST+.
This procedure is optional.
Follow these steps to enable UplinkFast and CSUF.
Before you begin
UplinkFast cannot be enabled
on VLANs that have been configured with a switch priority. To enable UplinkFast
on a VLAN with switch priority configured, first restore the switch priority on
the VLAN to the default value using the
no spanning-tree vlanvlan-idpriority global configuration command.
(Optional) For
pkts-per-second, the range is 0 to 32000 packets
per second; the default is 150.
If you set the
rate to 0, station-learning frames are not generated, and the spanning-tree
topology converges more slowly after a loss of connectivity.
When you enter
this command, CSUF also is enabled on all nonstack port interfaces.
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
When UplinkFast is enabled,
the switch priority of all VLANs is set to 49152. If you change the path cost
to a value less than 3000 and you enable UplinkFast or UplinkFast is already
enabled, the path cost of all interfaces and VLAN trunks is increased by 3000
(if you change the path cost to 3000 or above, the path cost is not altered).
The changes to the switch priority and the path cost reduce the chance that a
switch will become the root switch.
When UplinkFast is disabled,
the switch priorities of all VLANs and path costs of all interfaces are set to
default values if you did not modify them from their defaults.
When you enable the
UplinkFast feature using these instructions, CSUF is automatically globally
enabled on nonstack port interfaces.
Disabling UplinkFast
This procedure is
Follow these steps
to disable UplinkFast and Cross-Stack UplinkFast (CSUF).
Before you begin
UplinkFast must be
no spanning-tree
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
no spanning-tree
Switch(config)# no spanning-tree uplinkfast
UplinkFast and CSUF on the switch and all of its VLANs.
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
When UplinkFast is disabled,
the switch priorities of all VLANs and path costs of all interfaces are set to
default values if you did not modify them from their defaults.
When you disable the
UplinkFast feature using these instructions, CSUF is automatically globally
disabled on nonstack port interfaces.
Enabling BackboneFast
You can enable BackboneFast
to detect indirect link failures and to start the spanning-tree reconfiguration
You can configure the
BackboneFast feature for Rapid PVST+ or for the MSTP, but the feature remains
disabled (inactive) until you change the spanning-tree mode to PVST+.
This procedure is optional.
Follow these steps to enable BackboneFast on the switch.
Before you begin
If you use BackboneFast, you
must enable it on all switches in the network. BackboneFast is not supported on
Token Ring VLANs. This feature is supported for use with third-party switches.
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
Switch(config)# spanning-tree backbonefast
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Enabling EtherChannel Guard
You can enable
EtherChannel guard to detect an EtherChannel misconfiguration if your
switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or
This procedure is optional.
Follow these steps to enable EtherChannel Guard on the
You can use the
show interfaces status err-disabled privileged
EXEC command to show which
switch ports are disabled because of an
EtherChannel misconfiguration. On the remote device, you can enter the
show etherchannel summary privileged EXEC command
to verify the EtherChannel configuration.
After the configuration is
corrected, enter the
shutdown and
no shutdown interface configuration commands on
the port-channel interfaces that were misconfigured.
Enabling Root Guard
Root guard enabled on an
interface applies to all the VLANs to which the interface belongs. Do not
enable the root guard on interfaces to be used by the UplinkFast feature. With
UplinkFast, the backup interfaces (in the blocked state) replace the root port
in the case of a failure. However, if root guard is also enabled, all the
backup interfaces used by the UplinkFast feature are placed in the
root-inconsistent state (blocked) and are prevented from reaching the
forwarding state.
You cannot enable both root
guard and loop guard at the same time.
You can enable this feature
if your switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or MSTP.
This procedure is optional.
Follow these steps to enable
root guard on the switch.
guard root
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
Specifies an
interface to configure, and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 4
guard root
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root
Enables root guard
on the interface.
By default, root
guard is disabled on all interfaces.
Step 5
Switch(config-if)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Enabling Loop Guard
You can use loop guard to
prevent alternate or root ports from becoming designated ports because of a
failure that leads to a unidirectional link. This feature is most effective
when it is configured on the entire switched network. Loop guard operates only
on interfaces that are considered point-to-point by the spanning tree.
You cannot enable both loop
guard and root guard at the same time.
You can enable this feature
if your
switch is running PVST+, Rapid PVST+, or
This procedure is optional.
Follow these steps to enable loop guard on the
Enter one of the following
show spanning-tree
show spanning-tree
loopguard default
Command or Action
Step 1
Enter one of the following
show spanning-tree
show spanning-tree
Switch# show spanning-tree active
Switch# show spanning-tree mst
Verifies which
interfaces are alternate or root ports.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global
configuration mode.
Step 3
loopguard default
Switch(config)# spanning-tree loopguard default
Enables loop
By default, loop
guard is disabled.
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Enabling PortFast
Port Types
This section describes the different steps to enable Portfast Port
Configuring the
Default Port State Globally
To configure the default PortFast
state, perform this task:
Configures the default state for all interfaces on the switch. You
have these options:
edge—Configures all interfaces as edge ports. This
assumes all ports are connected to hosts/servers.
network—Configures all interfaces as spanning tree
network ports. This assumes all ports are connected to switches and bridges.
Bridge Assurance is enabled on all network ports by default.
normal—Configures all interfaces normal spanning tree
ports. These ports can be connected to any type of device.
default—The default port type is normal.
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Configuring PortFast
Edge on a Specified Interface
configured as edge ports immediately transition to the forwarding state,
without passing through the blocking or learning states, on linkup.
Because the
purpose of this type of port is to minimize the time that access ports must
wait for spanning tree to converge, it is most effective when used on access
ports. If you enable PortFast edge on a port connecting to another switch, you
risk creating a spanning tree loop.
To configure an edge
port on a specified interface, perform this task:
Enables edge
behavior on a Layer 2 access port connected to an end workstation or server.
trunk—Enables edge behavior on a trunk port. Use this
keyword if the link is a trunk. Use this command only on ports that are
connected to end host devices that terminate VLANs and from which the port
should never receive STP BPDUs. Such end host devices include workstations,
servers, and ports on routers that are not configured to support bridging.
Use the
version of the command to disable PortFast edge.
Step 5
Switch(config-if)# end
configuration mode.
Step 6
show running interfaceinterface-id |
Switch# show running interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1| port-channel port_channel_number
Verifies the
Configuring a
PortFast Network Port on a Specified Interface
Ports that are
connected to Layer 2 switches and bridges can be configured as network ports.
Bridge Assurance
is enabled only on PortFast network ports. For more information, refer to
To configure a port
as a network port, perform this task.
Enables edge
behavior on a Layer 2 access port connected to an end workstation or server.
the port as a network port. If you have enabled Bridge Assurance globally, it
automatically runs on a spanning tree network port.
Use the
version of the command to disable PortFast.
Step 5
Switch(config-if)# end
configuration mode.
Step 6
show running interfaceinterface-id |
Switch# show running interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 | port-channel port_channel_number
Verifies the
Enabling Bridge
To configure the
Bridge Assurance, perform the steps given below:
spanning-tree bridge assurance
spanning-tree summary
Command or Action
Step 1
Switch> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
spanning-tree bridge assurance
Switch(config)# spanning-tree bridge assurance
Enables Bridge
Assurance on all network ports on the switch.
Bridge Assurance
is enabled by default.
Use the
no version
of the command to disable the feature. Disabling Bridge Assurance causes all
configured network ports to behave as normal spanning tree ports.
Step 4
Switch(config)# end
Returns to
privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
spanning-tree summary
Switch# show spanning-tree summary
spanning tree information and shows if Bridge Assurance is enabled.
Configuring PortFast Edge on a Specified Interface
This example shows how to enable edge behavior on GigabitEthernet interface 1/0/1:
This example shows
how to verify the configuration:
Switch# show running-config interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
no ip address
switchport access vlan 200
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast edge
This example shows how you can display that port GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 is currently in the edge state:
Switch# show spanning-tree vlan 200
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 2
Address 001b.2a68.5fc0
Cost 3
Port 125 (GigabitEthernet5/9)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 2 (priority 0 sys-id-ext 2)
Address 7010.5c9c.5200
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 0 sec
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Gi1/0/1 Desg FWD 4 128.1 P2p Edge
Configuring a PortFast Network Port on a Specified Interface
This example shows how to configure GigabitEthernet interface 1/0/1 as a network port:
This example shows
how to verify the configuration:
Switch# show running-config interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
no ip address
switchport access vlan 200
switchport mode access
spanning-tree portfast network
This example shows
the output for show spanning-tree vlan
Switch# show spanning-tree vlan
Sep 17 09:51:36.370 PDT: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console2
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 2
Address 7010.5c9c.5200
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 2 (priority 0 sys-id-ext 2)
Address 7010.5c9c.5200
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 0 sec
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Gi1/0/1 Desg FWD 4 128.1 P2p Edge
Po4 Desg FWD 3 128.480 P2p Network
Gi4/0/1 Desg FWD 4 128.169 P2p Edge
Gi4/0/47 Desg FWD 4 128.215 P2p Network
Example: Configuring
Bridge Assurance
This output shows port GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 has been configured as a network port and it is currently in the Bridge Assurance inconsistent state.
The output shows
the port type as network and *BA_Inc, indicating that the port is in an
inconsistent state.
Switch# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 32778
Address 0002.172c.f400
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32778 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 10)
Address 0002.172c.f400
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio. Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Gi1/0/1 Desg BKN*4 128.270 Network, P2p *BA_Inc
The example shows
the output for show spanning-tree summary.
Switch#sh spanning-tree summary
Switch is in rapid-pvst mode
Root bridge for: VLAN0001-VLAN0002, VLAN0128
EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled
Extended system ID is enabled
Portfast Default is network
Portfast Edge BPDU Guard Default is disabled
Portfast Edge BPDU Filter Default is disabled
Loopguard Default is enabled
PVST Simulation Default is enabled but inactive in rapid-pvst mode
Bridge Assurance is enabled
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
Configured Pathcost method used is short
Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
VLAN0001 0 0 0 5 5
VLAN0002 0 0 0 4 4
VLAN0128 0 0 0 4 4
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
3 vlans 0 0 0 13 13
Monitoring the Spanning-Tree Status
Table 1. Commands for Monitoring the
Spanning-Tree Status
show spanning-tree
Displays spanning-tree
information on active interfaces only.
show spanning-tree
Displays a detailed summary
of interface information.
show spanning-tree
Displays spanning-tree
information for the specified interface.
show spanning-tree
mst interfaceinterface-id
Displays MST information for
the specified interface.
show spanning-tree
summary [totals]
Displays a summary of
interface states or displays the total lines of the spanning-tree state
show spanning-tree mst interfaceinterface-idportfast edge
Displays spanning-tree portfast information for the specified