Working with the Flash File System
Information About the Flash File System
The flash file system is a single flash device on which you can store files. It also provides several commands to help you manage software bundles and configuration files. The default flash file system on the switch is named flash:.
As viewed from the active switch, or any stack member, flash: refers to the local flash device, which is the device attached to the same switch on which the file system is being viewed.
Only one user at a time can manage the software bundles and configuration files .
Displaying Available File Systems
To display the available file systems on your switch, use the show file systems privileged EXEC command as shown in this example for a standalone switch:
Switch# show file systems
File Systems:
Size(b) Free(b) Type Flags Prefixes
* 15998976 5135872 flash rw flash:
- - opaque rw bs:
- - opaque rw vb:
524288 520138 nvram rw nvram:
- - network rw tftp:
- - opaque rw null:
- - opaque rw system:
- - opaque ro xmodem:
- - opaque ro ymodem:
This example shows a switch stack. In this example, the active switch is stack member 1; the file system on stack member 2 is displayed as flash-2:, the file system on stack member 3 is displayed as flash-3: and so on up to stack member 8, displayed as flash-8: for a 8-member stack. The example also shows the crashinfo directories and a USB flash drive plugged into the active switch:
Switch# show file systems
File Systems:
Size(b) Free(b) Type Flags Prefixes
145898496 5479424 disk rw crashinfo:crashinfo-1:
248512512 85983232 disk rw crashinfo-2:stby-crashinfo:
146014208 17301504 disk rw crashinfo-3:
146014208 0 disk rw crashinfo-4:
146014208 1572864 disk rw crashinfo-5:
248512512 30932992 disk rw crashinfo-6:
146014208 6291456 disk rw crashinfo-7:
146276352 15728640 disk rw crashinfo-8:
146276352 73400320 disk rw crashinfo-9:
* 741621760 481730560 disk rw flash:flash-1:
1622147072 1360527360 disk rw flash-2:stby-flash:
729546752 469762048 disk rw flash-3:
729546752 469762048 disk rw flash-4:
729546752 469762048 disk rw flash-5:
1622147072 1340604416 disk rw flash-6:
729546752 469762048 disk rw flash-7:
1749549056 1487929344 disk rw flash-8:
1749549056 1487929344 disk rw flash-9:
0 0 disk rw unix:
- - disk rw usbflash0:usbflash0-1:
- - disk rw usbflash0-2: stby-usbflash0:
- - disk rw usbflash0-3:
- - disk rw usbflash0-4:
- - disk rw usbflash0-5:
- - disk rw usbflash0-6:
- - disk rw usbflash0-7:
- - disk rw usbflash0-8:
- - disk rw usbflash0-9:
0 0 disk ro webui:
- - opaque rw system:
- - opaque rw tmpsys:
2097152 2055643 nvram rw stby-nvram:
- - nvram rw stby-rcsf:
- - opaque rw null:
- - opaque ro tar:
- - network rw tftp:
2097152 2055643 nvram rw nvram:
- - opaque wo syslog:
- - network rw rcp:
- - network rw http:
- - network rw ftp:
- - network rw scp:
- - network rw https:
- - opaque ro cns:
- - opaque rw revrcsf:
Field |
Value |
Size(b) |
Amount of memory in the file system in bytes. |
Free(b) |
Amount of free memory in the file system in bytes. |
Type |
Type of file system. disk—The file system is for a flash memory device, USB flash, and crashinfo file. network—The file system for network devices; for example, an FTP server or and HTTP server. nvram—The file system is for a NVRAM device. opaque—The file system is a locally generated pseudo file system (for example, the system) or a download interface, such as brimux. unknown—The file system is an unknown type. |
Flags |
Permission for file system. ro—read-only. rw—read/write. wo—write-only. |
Prefixes |
Alias for file system. crashinfo:—Crashinfo file. flash:—Flash file system. ftp:—FTP server. http:—HTTP server. https:—Secure HTTP server. nvram:—NVRAM. null:—Null destination for copies. You can copy a remote file to null to find its size. rcp:—Remote Copy Protocol (RCP) server. scp:—Session Control Protocol (SCP) server. system:—Contains the system memory, including the running configuration. tftp:—TFTP network server. usbflash0:—USB flash memory. xmodem:—Obtain the file from a network machine by using the Xmodem protocol. ymodem:—Obtain the file from a network machine by using the Ymodem protocol. |
Setting the Default File System
You can specify the file system or directory that the system uses as the default file system by using the cd filesystem: privileged EXEC command. You can set the default file system to omit the filesystem: argument from related commands. For example, for all privileged EXEC commands that have the optional filesystem: argument, the system uses the file system specified by the cd command.
By default, the default file system is flash:.
You can display the current default file system as specified by the cd command by using the pwd privileged EXEC command.
Displaying Information About Files on a File System
You can view a list of the contents of a file system before manipulating its contents. For example, before copying a new configuration file to flash memory, you might want to verify that the file system does not already contain a configuration file with the same name. Similarly, before copying a flash configuration file to another location, you might want to verify its filename for use in another command. To display information about files on a file system, use one of the privileged EXEC commands listed in the following table.
Command |
Description |
dir [/all] [filesystem:filename] |
Displays a list of files on a file system. |
show file systems |
Displays more information about each of the files on a file system. |
show file information file-url |
Displays information about a specific file. |
show file descriptors |
Displays a list of open file descriptors. File descriptors are the internal representations of open files. You can use this command to see if another user has a file open. |
Changing Directories and Displaying the Working Directory
Follow these steps to change directories and to display the working directory:
- enable
- dir filesystem:
- cd directory_name
- pwd
- cd
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Step 2 |
dir filesystem: Example:
Displays the directories on the specified file system. For filesystem:, use flash: for the system board flash device. |
Step 3 |
cd directory_name Example:
Navigates to the specified directory. The command example shows how to navigate to the directory named new_configs. |
Step 4 |
pwd Example:
Displays the working directory. |
Step 5 |
cd Example:
Navigates to the default directory. |
Creating Directories
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create a directory:
- dir filesystem:
- mkdir directory_name
- dir filesystem:
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 |
dir filesystem: Example:
Displays the directories on the specified file system. For filesystem:, use flash: for the system board flash device. |
Step 2 |
mkdir directory_name Example:
Creates a new directory. Directory names are case sensitive and are limited to 45 characters between the slashes (/); the name cannot contain control characters, spaces, slashes, quotes, semicolons, or colons. |
Step 3 |
dir filesystem: Example:
Verifies your entry. |
Removing Directories
To remove a directory with all its files and subdirectories, use the delete /force /recursive filesystem:/file-url privileged EXEC command.
Use the /recursive keyword to delete the named directory and all subdirectories and the files contained in it. Use the /force keyword to suppress the prompting that confirms a deletion of each file in the directory. You are prompted only once at the beginning of this deletion process.
For filesystem , use flash: for the system board flash device. For file-url , enter the name of the directory to be deleted. All of the files in the directory and the directory are removed.
![]() Caution |
When directories are deleted, their contents cannot be recovered. |
Copying Files
To copy a file from a source to a destination, use the copy source-url destination-url privileged EXEC command. For the source and destination URLs, you can use running-config and startup-config keyword shortcuts. For example, the copy running-config startup-config command saves the currently running configuration file to the NVRAM section of flash memory to be used as the configuration during system initialization.
You can also copy from special file systems (xmodem:, ymodem:) as the source for the file from a network machine that uses the Xmodem or Ymodem protocol.
Network file system URLs include ftp:, rcp:, tftp:, scp:, http:, and https: and have these syntaxes:
FTP—ftp:[[//username [:password]@location]/directory]/filename
SCP—scp:[[//username [:password]@location]/directory]/filename
HTTP—http:[[//username [:password]@location]/directory]/filename
HTTPS—https:[[//username [:password]@location]/directory]/filename
![]() Note |
The password must not contain the special character '@'. If the character '@' is used, the copy fails to parse the IP address of the server. |
Local writable file systems include flash:.
Some invalid combinations of source and destination exist. Specifically, you cannot copy these combinations:
From a running configuration to a running configuration
From a startup configuration to a startup configuration
From a device to the same device (for example, the copy flash: flash: command is invalid)
Copying Files from One Switch in a Stack to Another Switch in the Same Stack
To copy a file from one switch in a stack to another switch in the same stack, use the flash-X: notation, where X is the switch number.
To view all switches in a stack, use the show switch command in privileged EXEC mode, as in the following example of a 9-member switch stack:
Switch#show switch
Switch/Stack Mac Address : 046c.9d01.3b80 - Local Mac Address
Mac persistency wait time: 4 mins
H/W Current
Switch# Role Mac Address Priority Version State
*1 Active 046c.9d01.3b80 15 P4B Ready
2 Standby 046c.9d01.0f80 13 P3C Ready
3 Member 046c.9d01.1180 11 P4B Ready
4 Member 046c.9d01.0e80 9 P3C Ready
5 Member 046c.9d01.4d00 7 P3C Ready
6 Member 046c.9d01.2800 5 P3C Ready
7 Member 046c.9d01.6e80 3 P4B Ready
8 Member 046c.9d01.8180 1 P4B Ready
To view all file systems available to copy on a specific switch, use the copy command as in the following example of a 5-member stack:
This example shows how to copy a config file stored in the flash partition of switch 2 to the flash partition of switch 4. It assumes that switch 2 and switch 4 are in the same stack.
Switch# copy flash-2:config.txt flash-4:config.txt
Deleting Files
When you no longer need a file on a flash memory device, you can permanently delete it. To delete a file or directory from a specified flash device, use the delete [/force] [/recursive] [filesystem:]/file-url privileged EXEC command.
Use the /recursive keyword for deleting a directory and all subdirectories and the files contained in it. Use the /force keyword to suppress the prompting that confirms a deletion of each file in the directory. You are prompted only once at the beginning of this deletion process. Use the /force and /recursive keywords for deleting old software images that were installed by using the archive download-sw command but are no longer needed.
If you omit the filesystem: option, the switch uses the default device specified by the cd command. For file-url , you specify the path (directory) and the name of the file to be deleted.
When you attempt to delete any files, the system prompts you to confirm the deletion.
![]() Caution |
When files are deleted, their contents cannot be recovered. |
Switch# delete myconfig
Creating, Displaying and Extracting Files
You can create a file and write files into it, list the files in a file, and extract the files from a file as described in the next sections.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to create a file, display the contents, and extract it:
- archive tar /create destination-url flash: /file-url
- archive tar /table source-url
- archive tar /xtract source-url flash:/file-url [dir/file...]
- more [ /ascii | /binary | /ebcdic] /file-url
Command or Action | Purpose | |
Step 1 |
archive tar /create destination-url flash: /file-url Example:
Creates a file and adds files to it. For destination-url, specify the destination URL alias for the local or network file system and the name of the file to create:
For flash:/file-url , specify the location on the local flash file system in which the new file is created. You can also specify an optional list of files or directories within the source directory to add to the new file. If none are specified, all files and directories at this level are written to the newly created file. |
Step 2 |
archive tar /table source-url Example:
Displays the contents of a file. For source-url , specify the source URL alias for the local or network file system. The -filename. is the file to display. These options are supported:
You can also limit the file displays by specifying a list of files or directories after the file. Only those files appear. If none are specified, all files and directories appear. |
Step 3 |
archive tar /xtract source-url flash:/file-url [dir/file...] Example:
Extracts a file into a directory on the flash file system. For source-url , specify the source URL alias for the local file system. The -filename. is the file from which to extract files. These options are supported:
For flash:/file-url [dir/file...] , specify the location on the local flash file system from which the file is extracted. Use the dir/file... option to specify a list of files or directories within the file to be extracted. If none are specified, all files and directories are extracted. |
Step 4 |
more [ /ascii | /binary | /ebcdic] /file-url Example:
Displays the contents of any readable file, including a file on a remote file system. |