Configuring VideoStream GUI

Configuring VideoStream (GUI)

Complete the following steps to configure VideoStream using GUI.


Step 1

Configure the multicast feature by following these steps:

  1. Choose Wireless > MediaStream > General.

  2. Select or unselect the Multicast Direct feature check box. The default value is disabled.

    Enabling the multicast direct feature does not automatically reset the existing client state. The wireless clients must rejoin the multicast stream after enabling the multicast direct feature on the controller.
  3. In the Session Message Config area, select Session announcement State check box to enable the session announcement mechanism. If the session announcement state is enabled, clients are informed each time a controller is not able to serve the multicast direct data to the client.

  4. In the Session announcement URL text box, enter the URL where the client can find more information when an error occurs during the multicast media stream transmission.

  5. In the Session announcement e-mail text box, enter the e-mail address of the person who can be contacted.

  6. In the Session announcement Phone text box, enter the phone number of the person who can be contacted.

  7. In the Session announcement Note text box, enter a reason as to why a particular client cannot be served with a multicast media.

  8. Click Apply.

Step 2

Add a media stream by following these steps:

  1. Choose Wireless > Media Stream > Streams to open the Media Stream page.

  2. Click Add New to configure a new media stream. The Media Stream > New page appears.

    The Stream Name, Multicast Destination Start IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6), and Multicast Destination End IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6) text boxes are mandatory. You must enter information in these text boxes.
  3. In the Stream Name text box, enter the media stream name. The stream name can be up to 64 characters.

  4. In the Multicast Destination Start IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6) text box, enter the start (IPv4 or IPv6) address of the multicast media stream.

  5. In the Multicast Destination End IP Address (IPv4 or IPv6) text box, enter the end (IPv4 or IPv6) address of the multicast media stream.


    Ensure that the Multicast Destination Start and End IP addresses are of the same type, that is both addresses should be of either IPv4 or IPv6 type.
  6. In the Maximum Expected Bandwidth text box, enter the maximum expected bandwidth that you want to assign to the media stream. The values can range between 1 to 35000 kbps.


    We recommend that you use a template to add a media stream to the controller.
  7. From the Select from Predefined Templates drop-down list under Resource Reservation Control (RRC) Parameters, choose one of the following options to specify the details about the resource reservation control:

    • Very Coarse (below 300 kbps)

    • Coarse (below 500 kbps)

    • Ordinary (below 750 kbps)

    • Low (below 1 Mbps)

    • Medium (below 3 Mbps)

    • High (below 5 Mbps)


      When you select a predefined template from the drop-down list, the following text boxes under the Resource Reservation Control (RRC) Parameters list their default values that are assigned with the template.

    • Average Packet Size (100-1500 bytes)—Specifies the average packet size. The value can be in the range of 100 to 1500 bytes. The default value is 1200.

    • RRC Periodic update—Enables the RRC (Resource Reservation Control Check) Periodic update. By default, this option is enabled. RRC periodically updates the admission decision on the admitted stream according to the correct channel load. As a result, it may deny certain low priority admitted stream requests.
    • RRC Priority (1-8)—Specifies the priority bit set in the media stream. The priority can be any number between 1 and 8. The larger the value means the higher the priority is. For example, a priority of 1 is the lowest value and a value of 8 is the highest value. The default priority is 4. The low priority stream may be denied in the RRC periodic update.

    • Traffic Profile Violation—Specifies the action to perform in case of a violation after a re-RRC. Choose an action from the drop-down list. The possible values are as follows:

      Drop—Specifies that a stream is dropped on periodic revaluation.

      Fallback—Specifies that a stream is demoted to Best Effort class on periodic reevaluation.

      The default value is drop.

  8. Click Apply.

Step 3

Enable the media stream for multicast-direct by following these steps:

  1. Choose WLANs > WLAN ID to open the WLANs > Edit page.

  2. Click the QoS tab and select Gold (Video) from the Quality of Service (QoS) drop-down list.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 4

Set the EDCA parameters to voice and video optimized (optional) by following these steps:

  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > EDCA Parameters.

  2. From the EDCA Profile drop-down list, choose the Voice and Video Optimized option.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 5

Enable the admission control on a band for video (optional) by following these steps:


Keep the voice bandwidth allocation to a minimum for better performance.

  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > Media to open the 802.11a/n (5 GHZ) or 802.11b/g/n > Media page.

  2. Click the Video tab.

  3. Select the Admission Control (ACM) check box to enable bandwidth-based CAC for this radio band. The default value is disabled.

  4. Click Apply

Step 6

Configure the video bandwidth by following these steps:


The template bandwidth that is configured for a media stream should be more than the bandwidth for the source media stream. The voice configuration is optional. Keep the voice bandwidth allocation to a minimum for better performance.

  1. Disable all WMM WLANs.

  2. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > Media to open the 802.11a/n/ac (5 GHZ) or 802.11b/g/n > Media page.

  3. Click the Video tab.

  4. Select the Admission Control (ACM) check box to enable the video CAC for this radio band. The default value is disabled.

  5. In the Max RF Bandwidth field, enter the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for video applications on this radio band. Once the client reaches the value specified, the access point rejects new requests on this radio band.

    The range is 5 to 85%. The default value is 9%.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Reenable all WMM WLANs and click Apply.

Step 7

Configure the media bandwidth by following these steps:

  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > Media to open the 802.11a (or 802.11b) > Media > Parameters page.

  2. Click the Media tab to open the Media page.

  3. Select the Unicast Video Redirect check box to enable Unicast Video Redirect. The default value is disabled.

  4. In the Maximum Media Bandwidth (0-85%) text box, enter the percentage of the maximum bandwidth to be allocated for media applications on this radio band. Once the client reaches a specified value, the access point rejects new calls on this radio band.

    The default value is 85%; valid values are from 0% to 85%.
  5. In the Client Minimum Phy Rate text box, enter the minimum transmission data rate to the client. If the transmission data rate is below the phy rate, either the video will not start or the client may be classified as a bad client. The bad client video can be demoted for better effort QoS or subject to denial.

  6. In the Maximum Retry Percent (0-100%) text box, enter the percentage of maximum retries that are allowed. The default value is 80. If it exceeds 80, either the video will not start or the client might be classified as a bad client. The bad client video can be demoted for better effort QoS or subject to denial.

  7. Select the Multicast Direct Enable check box to enable the Multicast Direct Enable field. The default value is enabled.

  8. From the Max Streams per Radio drop-down list, choose the maximum number of streams allowed per radio from the range 0 to 20. The default value is set to No-limit. If you choose No-limit, there is no limit set for the number of client subscriptions.

  9. From the Max Streams per Client drop-down list, choose the maximum number of streams allowed per client from the range 0 to 20. The default value is set to No-limit. If you choose No-limit, there is no limit set for the number of client subscriptions.

  10. Select the Best Effort QoS Admission check box to enable best-effort QoS admission.

  11. Click Apply.

Step 8

Enable a WLAN by following these steps:

  1. Choose WLANS > WLAN ID. The WLANs > Edit page appears.

  2. Select the Status check box.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 9

Enable the 802.11 a/n/ac or 802.11 b/g/n network by following these steps:

  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > Network.

  2. Select the 802.11a or 802.11b/g Network Status check box to enable the network status.

  3. Click Apply.

Step 10

Verify that the clients are associated with the multicast groups and group IDs by following these steps:

  1. Choose Monitor > Clients. The Clients page appears.

  2. Check if the 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n network clients have the associated access points.

  3. Choose Monitor > Multicast. The Multicast Groups page appears.

  4. Select the MGID check box for the VideoStream to the clients.

  5. Click MGID. The Multicast Group Detail page appears. Check the Multicast Status details.