Configuring IPv6 WLAN Security

Prerequisites for IPv6 WLAN Security

A client VLAN must be mapped to the WLAN configured on the switch

Restrictions for IPv6 WLAN Security

RADIUS Server Support

  • If multiple RADIUS servers are configured for redundancy, the user database must be identical in all the servers for the backup to work properly.

Radius ACS Support

  • You must configure RADIUS on both your Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) and your switch

  • RADIUS is supported on Cisco Secure ACS version 3.2 and later releases.

Information About IPv6 WLAN Security

Information About RADIUS

Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a client/server protocol that provides centralized security for users attempting to gain management access to a network. It serves as a back-end database similar to Local EAP and provides authentication and accounting services.

  • Authentication—The process of verifying users when they attempt to log into the switch

    Users must enter a valid username and password for the switch to authenticate users to the RADIUS server. If multiple databases are configured, then specify the sequence in which the backend database must be tried.

  • Accounting— The process of recording user actions and changes.

    Whenever a user successfully executes an action, the RADIUS accounting server logs the changed attributes, the user ID of the person who made the change, the remote host where the user is logged in, the date and time when the command was executed, the authorization level of the user, and a description of the action performed and the values provided. If the RADIUS accounting server is unreachable, the users can continue their sessions uninterrupted.

User Datagram Protocol— RADIUS uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for its transport. It maintains a database and listens on UDP port 1812 for incoming authentication requests and UDP port 1813 for incoming accounting requests. The switch, which requires access control, acts as the client and requests AAA services from the server. The traffic between the switch and the server is encrypted by an algorithm defined in the protocol and a shared secret key configured on both devices.

Configures multiple RADIUS accounting and authentication servers. For example, you can have one central RADIUS authentication server but several RADIUS accounting servers in different regions. If you configure multiple servers of the same type and the first one fails or becomes unreachable, the controller automatically tries the second one, then the third one if necessary, and so on.

When RADIUS method is configured for the WLAN, the switch will use the RADIUS method configured for the WLAN. When the WLAN is configured to use local EAP, the RADIUS method configured on the WLAN points to Local. The WLAN must also be configured with the name of the local EAP profile to use.

If no RADIUS method is configured in the WLAN, the switch will use the default RADIUS method defined in global mode.

Information About Local EAP

Local EAP is an authentication method that allows users and wireless clients to be authenticated locally. It is designed for use in remote offices that maintain connectivity to wireless clients when the back-end system is disrupted or the external authentication server goes down. When you enable local EAP, the switch serves as the authentication server and the local user database, which removes dependence on an external authentication server. Local EAP retrieves user credentials from the local user database or the LDAP back-end database to authenticate users. Local EAP supports LEAP, EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, PEAPv0/MSCHAPv2, and PEAPv1/GTC authentication between the controller and wireless clients.

Without an EAP profile name being provided, or if a name was provided for an EAP profile that does not exist, then EAP by default allows no EAP method for local authentication.


The LDAP back-end database supports these local EAP methods: EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST/GTC, and PEAPv1/GTC. LEAP, EAP-FAST/MSCHAPv2, and PEAPv0. MSCHAPv2 is supported only if the LDAP server is set up to return a clear-text password.


Switch support Local EAP authentication against external LDAP databases such as Microsoft Active Directory and Novell’s eDirectory. For more information about configuring the controller for Local EAP authentication against Novell’s eDirectory, see the Configure Unified Wireless Network for Authentication Against Novell's eDirectory Database whitepaper.

Figure 1. Local EAP Example

Related Tasks
Creating a Local User
Creating an Client VLAN and Interface
Configuring a EAP Profile
Creating a Client VLAN
Creating 802.1x WLAN Using an External RADIUS Server

How to Configure IPv6 WLAN Security

Configuring Local Authentication

Creating a Local User


    1.    configure terminal

    2.    username aaa_test

    3.    password 0 aaa_test

    4.    end

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 configure terminal

    Switch# configure terminal

    Enters global command mode.

    Step 2 username aaa_test

    Switch(config)# username aaa_test

    Creates a username.

    Step 3password 0 aaa_test

    Switch(config)# usernameaaa_test password 0 aaa_test

    Assigns a password for the username.

    Step 4end

    Switch(config)# end

    Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.


    Switch# configure terminal
    Switch(config)# username aaa_test password 0 aaa_test
    Switch(config)# end

    Related Concepts
    Information About IPv6 WLAN Security

    Creating an Client VLAN and Interface


      1.    configure terminal

      2.    vlan

      3.    exit

      4.    interface vlan vlan_ID

      5.    ip address

      6.    ipv6 address

      7.    end

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 configure terminal

      Switch# configure terminal

      Enters global command mode.

      Step 2 vlan

      Switch(config)# vlan 137

      Creates a VLAN.


      Step 3exit

      Switch (config-vlan)# exit

      Exits VLAN configuration mode.

      Step 4interface vlan vlan_ID

      Switch (config)# interface vlan 137

      Associates the VLAN to an interface.

      Step 5ip address

      Switch(config-if)# ip address

      Assigns an IP address to the VLAN interface.


      Step 6ipv6 address

      Switch(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8::20:1/64

      Assigns an IPv6 address to the VLAN interface.


      Step 7end

      Switch(config)# end

      Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.

      Switch# configure terminal
      Switch(config)# vlan 137
      Switch(config)#interface vlan 137
      Switch(config-if)#ip address
      Switch(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8::20:1/64
      Related Concepts
      Information About IPv6 WLAN Security

      Configuring a EAP Profile


        1.    eap profile name

        2.    method leap

        3.    method tls

        4.    method peap

        5.    method mschapv2

        6.    method md5

        7.    method gtc

        8.    method fast profile my-fast

        9.    description my_localeap profile

        10.    exit

        11.    eap method fast profilemyFast

        12.    authority-id [identity|information]

        13.    local-key 0 key-name

        14.    pac-password 0 password

        15.    end

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1eap profile name

        Switch(config)# eap profile wcm_eap_prof

        Creates a EAP profile.

        Step 2method leap

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method leap

        Configures EAP-LEAP method on the profile.

        Step 3method tls

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method tls

        Configures EAP-TLS method on the profile.


        Step 4method peap

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method peap

        Configures PEAP method on the profile.

        Step 5method mschapv2

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method mschapv2

        Configures EAP-MSCHAPV2 method on the profile.

        Step 6method md5

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method md5

        Configures EAP-MD5 method on the profile.

        Step 7method gtc

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# method gtc

        Configures EAP-GTC method on the profile.

        Step 8method fast profile my-fast

        Switch(config-eap-profile)# eap method fast profile my-fast
        Switch (config-eap-profile)#description my_local eap profile

        Creates a EAP profile named my-fast.

        Step 9description my_localeap profile

        Switch (config-eap-profile)#description my_local eap profile

        Provides a description for the local profile.

        Step 10exit

        Switch (config-eap-profile)# exit

        Exits the eap-profile configuration mode.

        Step 11eap method fast profilemyFast

        Switch (config)# eap method fast profile myFast

        Configures the EAP method profile.

        Step 12 authority-id [identity|information]

        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)# authority-id identity my_identity
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)#authority-id information my_information

        Configure the authority ID and information for the EAP method profile.

        Step 13local-key 0 key-name

        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)# local-key 0 test

        Configures the local server key.

        Step 14pac-password 0 password

        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)# pac-password 0 test

        Configures the PAC password for manual PAC provisioning.

        Step 15end

        Switch(config)# end

        Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.

        Switch(config)#eap profile wcm_eap_prof
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method leap 
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method tls
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method peap
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method mschapv2
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method md5
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#method gtc
        Switch(config-eap-profile)#eap method fast profile my-fast
        Switch (config-eap-profile)#description my_local eap profile
        Switch(config-eap-profile)# exit
        Switch (config)# eap method fast profile myFast
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)#authority-id identity my_identity
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)#authority-id information my_information
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)#local-key 0 test
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)#pac-password 0 test
        Switch(config-eap-method-profile)# end
        Related Concepts
        Information About IPv6 WLAN Security

        Creating a Local Authentication Model


          1.    aaa new-model

          2.    authentication dot1x default local

          3.    dot1x method_list local

          4.    aaa authentication dot1x dot1x_name local

          5.    aaa authorization credential-download name local

          6.    aaa local authentication auth-name authorization authorization-name

          7.    session ID

          8.    dot1x system-auth-control

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 aaa new-model

          Switch(config)# aaa new-model

          Creates a AAA authentication model.

          Step 2authentication dot1x default local

          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default local

          Implies that the dot1x must use the default local RADIUS when no other method is found.

          Step 3dot1x method_list local

          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x wcm_local local

          Assigns the local authentication for wcm_local method list.

          Step 4aaa authentication dot1x dot1x_name local

          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x aaa_auth local

          Configures the local authentication for the dot1x method.

          Step 5aaa authorization credential-download name local

          Switch(config)# aaa authorization credential-download wcm_author local

          Configures local database to download EAP credentials from Local/RADIUS/LDAP.

          Step 6aaa local authentication auth-name authorization authorization-name

          Switch(config)# aaa local authentication wcm_local authorization wcm_author

          Selects local authentication and authorization.

          Step 7session ID

          Switch(config)# aaa session-id common

          Configures a session ID for AAA.

          Step 8dot1x system-auth-control

           Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

          Enables dot.1x system authentication control.

          Switch(config)# aaa new-model
          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default local
          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x wcm-local local
          Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x aaa_auth local
          Switch(config)# aaa authorization credential-download wcm_author local
          Switch(config)# aaa local authentication wcm_local authorization wcm_author
          Switch(config)# aaa session-id common
          Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

          Creating a Client WLAN


          This example uses 802.1x with dynamic WEP. You can use any other security mechanism supported by the wireless client and configurable on the switch

            1.    configure terminal

            2.    wlan wlan name <identifier> SSID

            3.    broadcast-ssid

            4.    no security wpa

            5.    security dot1x

            6.    security dot1x authentication-list wcm-local

            7.    local-auth wcm_eap_prof

            8.    client vlan 137

            9.    no shutdown

            10.    end

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 configure terminal

            Switch# configure terminal

            Enters global command mode.

            Step 2 wlan wlan name <identifier> SSID

            Switch(config)# wlan wlanProfileName 1 ngwcSSID

            Creates a WLAN.

            Step 3broadcast-ssid

            Switch(config-wlan)# broadcast-ssid

            Configures to broadcast the SSID on a WLAN.

            Step 4no security wpa

            Switch(config-wlan)# no security wpa

            Disables the wpa for WLAN to enable 802.1x.

            Step 5security dot1x

            Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x 

            Configures the 802.1x encryption security for the WLAN.

            Step 6security dot1x authentication-list wcm-local

            Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x authentication-list wcm-local

            Configures the server group mapping to the WLAN for dot1x authentication.

            Step 7local-auth wcm_eap_prof

            Switch (config-wlan)# local-auth wcm_eap_profile

            Configures the eap profile on the WLAN for local authentication.

            Step 8client vlan 137

            Switch(config-wlan)# client vlan 137

            Associates the VLAN to a WLAN.

            Step 9no shutdown

            Switch(config-wlan)# no shutdown

            Enables the WLAN.

            Step 10end

            Switch(config)# end

            Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.

            Switch# config terminal
            Switch(config)#wlan wlanProfileName 1 ngwcSSID
            Switch(config-wlan)#no security wpa
            Switch(config-wlan)#security dot1x 
            Switch(config-wlan)#security dot1x authentication-list wcm-local
            Switch (config-wlan)# local-auth wcm_eap_prof
            Switch(config-wlan)#client vlan 137
            Switch(config-wlan)#no shutdown
            Related Tasks
            Creating Client VLAN for WPA2+AES

            Configuring Local Authentication with WPA2+AES

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    configure terminal

              2.    aaa new model

              3.    dot1x system-auth-control

              4.    aaa authentication dot1x default local

              5.    aaa local authorization credential-download default local

              6.    aaa local authentication default authorization default

              7.    eap profile wcm_eap_profile

              8.    method leap

              9.    end

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 configure terminal

              Switch# configure terminal

              Enters global command mode.

              Step 2aaa new model

              Switch(config)# aaa new-model

              Creates a AAA authentication model.

              Step 3dot1x system-auth-control

              Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

              Enables dot1x system authentication control.

              Step 4aaa authentication dot1x default local

              Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default local

              Configures the local authentication for the default dot1x method.

              Step 5aaa local authorization credential-download default local

              Switch(config)# aaa authorization credential-download default local

              Configures default database to download EAP credentials from local server.

              Step 6aaa local authentication default authorization default

              Switch(config)# aaa local authentication default authorization default

              Selects the default local authentication and authorization.

              Step 7eap profile wcm_eap_profile

              Switch(config)#eap profile wcm_eap_profile

              Creates an EAP profile.

              Step 8method leap

              Switch(config)# method leap

              Configures EAP-LEAP method on the profile.

              Step 9end

              Switch(config)# end

              Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.


              Switch# configure terminal
              Switch(config)# aaa new-model
              Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control
              Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x default local
              Switch(config)# aaa authorization credential-download default local
              Switch(config)# aaa local authentication default authorization default
              Switch(config)#eap profile wcm_eap_profile
              Switch(config)# method leap
              Switch(config)# end

              Creating Client VLAN for WPA2+AES

              Create a VLAN for the WPA2+AES type of local authentication. This VLAN is later mapped to a WLAN.

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    configure terminal

                2.    vlan vlan_ID

                3.    exit

                4.    interface vlan vlan_ID

                5.    ip address

                6.    ipv6 address

                7.    exit

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 configure terminal

                Switch# configure terminal

                Enters global command mode.

                Step 2vlan vlan_ID

                Switch (config)# vlan 105

                Creates a VLAN.

                Step 3exit

                Switch (config-vlan)# exit

                Exits from the VLAN mode.

                Step 4 interface vlan vlan_ID

                Switch(config)# interface vlan 105

                Associates the VLAN to the interface.

                Step 5ip address

                Switch(config-if)# ip address

                Assigns IP address to the VLAN interface.

                Step 6ipv6 address

                Switch(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8::10:1/64

                Assigns IPv6 address to the VLAN interface.

                Step 7exit

                Switch (config-if)# exit

                Exits from the interface mode.


                Switch# configure terminal
                Switch(config)# vlan105
                Switch (config-vlan)# exit
                Switch (config)# interface vlan 105
                Switch(config-if)#ip address
                Switch(config-if)#ipv6 address 2001:db8::10:1/64

                Related Tasks
                Creating a Client WLAN

                Creating WLAN for WPA2+AES

                Create a WLAN and map it to the client VLAN created for WPA2+AES.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    configure terminal

                  2.    wlan wpas2-aes-wlan 1 wpas2-aes-wlan

                  3.    client vlan 105

                  4.    local-auth wcm_eap_profile

                  5.    security dot1x authentication-list default

                  6.    no shutdown

                  7.    end

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 configure terminal

                  Switch# configure terminal

                  Enters global command mode.

                  Step 2 wlan wpas2-aes-wlan 1 wpas2-aes-wlan

                  Switch(config)#wlan wpa2-aes-wlan 1 wpa2-aes-wlan

                  Creates a WLAN.

                  Step 3client vlan 105

                  Switch(config-wlan)#client vlan 105

                  Maps the WLAN to the client VLAN.

                  Step 4local-auth wcm_eap_profile

                  Switch(config-wlan)#local-auth wcm_eap_profile

                  Creates and sets the EAP profile on the WLAN.

                  Step 5security dot1x authentication-list default

                  Switch(config-wlan)#security dot1x authentication-list default 

                  Uses the default dot1x authentication list.

                  Step 6no shutdown

                  Switch(config-wlan)#no shutdown

                  Enables the WLAN.

                  Step 7end

                  Switch(config)# end

                  Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.


                  Switch# configure terminal
                  Switch(config)#wlan wpa2-aes-wlan 1 wpa2-aes-wlan
                  Switch(config-wlan)#client vlan 105
                  Switch(config-wlan)#local-auth wcm_eap_profile
                  Switch(config-wlan)#security dot1x authentication-list default 
                  Switch(config-wlan)#no shutdown
                  Switch(config-wlan)# exit

                  Configuring External RADIUS Server

                  Configuring RADIUS Authentication Server Host

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    configure terminal

                    2.    radius server One

                    3.    address ipv4 address auth-portauth_port_number acct-port acct_port_number

                    4.    address ipv6 address auth-portauth_port_number acct-port acct_port_number

                    5.    key 0cisco


                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 configure terminal

                    Switch# configure terminal

                    Enters global command mode.

                    Step 2radius server One

                    Switch (config)# radius server One

                    Creates a radius server.

                    Step 3address ipv4 address auth-portauth_port_number acct-port acct_port_number

                    Switch (config-radius-server)# address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813  

                    Configures the IPv4 address for the radius server.

                    Step 4address ipv6 address auth-portauth_port_number acct-port acct_port_number

                    Switch (config-radius-server)# address ipv6 2001:db8::25:2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 
                    Configures the IPv6 address for the radius server. 
                    Step 5key 0cisco

                    Switch (config-radius-server)# key 0 cisco


                    Step 6

                    Switch (config-radius-server)# exit

                    Exits from the radius server mode.


                    Switch# configure terminal
                    Switch (config)# radius server One
                    Switch (config-radius-server)# address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 
                    Switch (config-radius-server)# address ipv6 2001:db8::25:2 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                    Switch (config-radius-server)# key 0 cisco
                    Switch (config-radius-server)#exit

                    Related Tasks
                    Configuring RADIUS Authentication Server Group

                    Configuring RADIUS Authentication Server Group

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    configure terminal

                      2.    aaa new-model

                      3.    aaa group server radius wcm_rad

                      4.    server <ip address>auth-port1812acct-port1813

                      5.    aaa authentication dot1x method_list group wcm_rad

                      6.    dot1x system-auth-control

                      7.    aaa session-idcommon

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 configure terminal

                      Switch# configure terminal

                      Enters global command mode.

                      Step 2aaa new-model

                      Switch(config)#aaa new-model

                      Creates a AAA authentication model.

                      Step 3aaa group server radius wcm_rad

                      Switch(config)# aaa group server radius wcm_rad

                      Creates an radius server-group.

                      Step 4server <ip address>auth-port1812acct-port1813

                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server One auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server Two auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server Three auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

                      Adds servers to the radius group created in Step 3. Configures the UDP port for RADIUS accounting server and authentication server.

                      Step 5aaa authentication dot1x method_list group wcm_rad

                      Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x method_list group wcm_rad

                      Maps the method list to the radius group.

                      Step 6dot1x system-auth-control

                      Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control

                      Enables the system authorization control for the radius group.

                      Step 7aaa session-idcommon

                      Switch(config)# aaa session-id common

                      Ensures that all session IDs information sent out, from the radius group, for a given call are identical.


                      Switch# configure terminal
                      Switch(config)# aaa new-model
                      Switch(config)# aaa group server radius wcm_rad
                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server One auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server Two auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                      Switch(config-sg-radius)# server Three auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
                      Switch(config)# aaa authentication dot1x method_list group wcm_rad
                      Switch(config)# dot1x system-auth-control
                      Switch(config)# aaa session-id common

                      Related Tasks
                      Configuring RADIUS Authentication Server Host

                      Creating a Client VLAN

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    configure terminal

                        2.    vlan 137

                        3.    exit

                        4.    interface vlan 137

                        5.    ip address

                        6.    ipv6 address 2001:db8::30:1/64

                        7.    end

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 configure terminal

                        Switch# configure terminal

                        Enters global command mode.

                        Step 2vlan 137

                        Switch(config)# vlan 137

                        Creates a VLAN and associate it to the interface.

                        Step 3exit

                        Switch (config-vlan)# exit

                        Exits from the VLAN mode.

                        Step 4interface vlan 137

                        Switch (config)# interface vlan 137

                        Assigns a VLAN to an interface.

                        Step 5ip address

                        Switch(config-if)# ip address

                        Assigns an IPv4 address to the VLAN interface.

                        Step 6ipv6 address 2001:db8::30:1/64

                        Switch(config-if)# ipv6 address  2001:db8::30:1/64

                        Assigns an IPv6 address to the VLAN interface.

                        Step 7end

                        Switch(config)# end

                        Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.


                        Switch# configure terminal
                        Switch(config)# vlan137
                        Switch(config-vlan)# exit
                        Switch(config)# interface vlan137
                        Switch(config-if)# ip address
                        Switch(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:db8::30:1/64
                        Switch(config-if)# end

                        Related Concepts
                        Information About IPv6 WLAN Security
                        Creating 802.1x WLAN Using an External RADIUS Server

                        Creating 802.1x WLAN Using an External RADIUS Server

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    configure terminal

                          2.    wlan ngwc-1x<ssid>ngwc-1x

                          3.    broadcast-ssid

                          4.    no security wpa

                          5.    security dot1x

                          6.    security dot1x authentication-list wcm-rad

                          7.    client vlan 137

                          8.    no shutdown

                          9.    end

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1 configure terminal

                          Switch# configure terminal

                          Enters global command mode.

                          Step 2 wlan ngwc-1x<ssid>ngwc-1x

                          Switch(config)# wlan ngwc_8021x 2 ngwc_8021x

                          Creates a new WLAN for 802.1x authentication.

                          Step 3broadcast-ssid

                          Switch(config-wlan)# broadcast-ssid

                          Configures to broadcast the SSID on WLAN.

                          Step 4no security wpa

                          Switch(config-wlan)# no security wpa

                          Disables the WPA for WLAN to enable 802.1x.

                          Step 5security dot1x

                          Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x 

                          Configures the 802.1x encryption security for the WLAN.

                          Step 6security dot1x authentication-list wcm-rad

                          Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x authentication-list wcm-rad

                          Configures the server group mapping to the WLAN for dot1x authentication.

                          Step 7client vlan 137

                          Switch(config-wlan)# client vlan 137

                          Associates the VLAN to a WLAN.

                          Step 8no shutdown

                          Switch(config-wlan)# no shutdown

                          Enables the WLAN.

                          Step 9end

                          Switch(config)# end

                          Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit the global configuration mode.

                          Switch# configure terminal
                          Switch(config)#wlan ngwc_8021x 2 ngwc_8021x
                          Switch(config-wlan)# broadcast-ssid
                          Switch(config-wlan)# no security wpa
                          Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x 
                          Switch(config-wlan)# security dot1x authentication-list wcm-rad
                          Switch(config-wlan)# client vlan 137
                          Switch(config-wlan)# no shutdown
                          Switch(config-wlan)# end
                          Related Concepts
                          Information About IPv6 WLAN Security
                          Related Tasks
                          Creating a Client VLAN

                          Additional References

                          Related Documents

                          Related Topic Document Title
                          IPv6 command reference IPv6 Command Reference (Catalyst 3850 Switches)
                          WLAN command reference WLAN Command Reference, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches)
                          WLAN configuration WLAN Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches)

                          Error Message Decoder

                          Description Link

                          To help you research and resolve system error messages in this release, use the Error Message Decoder tool.



                          MIB MIBs Link
                          All supported MIBs for this release.

                          To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:


                          Technical Assistance

                          Description Link

                          The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

                          To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

                          Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.


                          Feature Information for IPv6 WLAN Security

                          This table lists the features in this module and provides links to specific configuration information:




                          IPv6 WLAN Security Functionality

                          Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

                          This feature was introduced.