Provides options for Smart Licensing.
Provides the option to request for, or return, authorization codes.
Authorization codes are required only if you use licenses with enforcement type: export-controlled or enfored.
Requests an authorization code from CSSM, CSLU (CSLU in-turn fetches it from CSSM), or SSM On-Prem and installs it on the product instance.
Adds the requested license to the existing authorization code. The new authorization code will contain all the licenses of
the existing authorization code and the requested license.
Replaces the existing authorization code. The new authorization code will contain only the requested license. All licenses
in the current authorization code are returned.
When you enter this option, the product instance verifies if licenses that correspond to the authorization codes that will
be removed, are in-use. If licenses are being used, an error message tells you to first disable the corresponding features.
save filepath_filename
Saves the authorization code request to a file.
For filepath_filename , specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.
Name of the license for which you are requesting an authorization code.
Performs the action for all product instances in a High Availability or stacking set-up.
Performs the action for the active product instance. This is the default option.
Returns an authorization code back to the license pool in CSSM.
offline filepath_filename
Means the product instance is not connected to CSSM. The authorization code is returned offline. This option requires you
to print the return code to a file.
Optionally, you can also specify a path to save the file. The file format can be any readable format, such as .txt
If you choose the offline option, you must complete the additional step of copying the return code from the CLI or the saved
file and entering it in CSSM.
Means that the product instance is in a connected mode. The authorization code is returned to CSLU or CSSM directly.
clear eventlog
Clears all event log files from the product instance.
export return
Although visible on the CLI, this command is not applicable in the Smart Licensing Using Policy environment. Use the license smart authorization return privileged EXEC command to return an authorization code instead.
factory reset
Clears all saved licensing information from the product instance.
import filepath_filename
Imports a file on to the product instance. The file may be that of an authorization code, a trust code, or, or a policy.
For filepath_filename , specify the location, including the filename.
Provides options to save RUM reports or trust code requests.
trust-request filepath_filename
Saves the trust code request for the active product instance in the specified location.
For filepath_filename , specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.
| unreported
Saves RUM reports (license usage information) in the specified location. You must specify one of these options:
all : Saves all RUM reports.
days days : Saves RUM report for the last n number of days (excluding the current day). Enter a number. The valid range is 0 to 4294967295.
For example, if you enter 3, RUM reports of the last three days are saved.
rum-Id rum-ID : Saves a specified RUM ID. The valid value range is 0 to 18446744073709551615.
unreported : Saves all unreported RUM reports.
file filepath_filename : Saves the specified usage information to a file. Specify the absolute path to the file, including the filename.
Synchronizes with CSSM or CSLU, or SSM On-Prem, to send and receive any pending data. This includes uploading pending RUM reports, downloading the ACK response, any pending
authorization codes, trust codes, and policies for the product instance.
Specify the product instance by entering one of these options:
all : Performs synchronization for all the product instances in a High Availability or stacking set-up. If you choose this option,
the product instance also sends the list of all the UDIs in the synchronization request.
local : Performs synchronization only for the active product instance sending the request, that is, its own UDI. This is the default
Establishes a trusted connection with CSSM.
To use this option, you must first generate a token in the CSSM portal. Provide the generated token value for id_token_value .
Submits a trust code request even if a trust code already exists on the product instance.
A trust code is node-locked to the UDI of a product instance. If the UDI is already registered, CSSM does not allow a new
registration for the same UDI. Entering the
force keyword overrides this behavior.