Interface and Hardware Commands

bluetooth pin

To configure a new Bluetooth pin, use the bluetooth pin command in global configuration mode.

bluetooth pin pin

Syntax Description


Pairing pin for the Bluetooth interface.

The pin is a 4-digit number.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The bluetooth pin command can be configured either in the global configuration mode. Cisco recommends using the global configuration mode to configure the Bluetooth pin.


This example shows how to configure a new Bluetooth pin using the bluetooth pin command.

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# bluetooth pin 1111

clear coap database

To clear the CoAP database, use the clear coap database command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

clear coap database

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to clear the coap database:

Device(config)# clear coap database

clear macro auto configuration

To remove the macro applied configuration from the interfaces, use the clear macro auto configuration command.


Before executing the clear macro auto configuration command, you must disable Auto SmartPorts on the switch.

clear macro auto configuration {all | interface [interface-id] }

Syntax Description


Removes macro applied configuration from all the interfaces.

interface [interface-id]

Removes macro applied configuration from an interface.

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to remove configuration applied by macros from all the interfaces or a particular interface on the switch.

You can verify your settings by entering the show macro auto interface command in privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to remove the configuration from all the switch interfaces:

Device(config)# clear macro auto configuration all

coap endpoint (coap-proxy configuration)

To configure the COAP Proxy to support multiple IPv4/IPv6 static-endpoints, use the coap endpoint command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

coap endpoint {ipv4 | ipv6} [ip-address]

no coap endpoint {ipv4 | ipv6} [ip-address]

Syntax Description

ipv4 ip-address

Specifies IPv4 static endpoint.

ipv6 ip-address

Specifies IPv6 static endpoint.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example show how to configure IPv4 static endpoint

Device(config)# endpoint ipv4
Device(config-coap-proxy)# transport tcp

debug coap

To enable debugging of the coap configurations, use the debug coap command in privileged EXEC mode.

debug coap {all | database | errors | events | packet | trace | warnings}

Syntax Description


Displays all coap debug messages.


Displays coap database debug messages.


Displays coap error debug messages.


Displays coap event debug messages.


Displays coap packet debug messages.


Displays coap trace debug messages.


Displats coap warning debug messages

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


The example shows how to enable debugging for coap database:

Device# debug coap database

device classifier

To enable the device classifier, use the device classifier command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the device classifier.

device classifier

no device classifier

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the no device classifier command, in global configuration mode, to disable the device classifier. You cannot disable the device classifier while it is being used by features such as Auto SmartPorts (ASP).


This example shows how to enable the ASP device classifier on a switch:

Device(config)# device classifier
Device(config)# end

debug ilpower

To enable debugging of the power controller and Power over Ethernet (PoE) system, use the debug ilpower command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug ilpower {cdp | event | ha | port | powerman | registries | scp | sense}

no debug ilpower {cdp | event | ha | port | powerman | registries | scp | sense}

Syntax Description


Displays PoE Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) debug messages.


Displays PoE event debug messages.


Displays PoE high-availability messages.


Displays PoE port manager debug messages.


Displays PoE power management debug messages.


Displays PoE registries debug messages.


Displays PoE SCP debug messages.


Displays PoE sense debug messages.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on PoE-capable switches.

When you enable debugging on a switch stack, it is enabled only on the active switch. To enable debugging on a stack member, you can start a session from the active switch by using the session switch-number EXEC command. Then enter the debug command at the command-line prompt of the stack member. You also can use the remote command stack-member-number LINE EXEC command on the active switc to enable debugging on a member switch without first starting a session.

debug interface

To enable debugging of interface-related activities, use the debug interface command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug interface {interface-id | counters {exceptions | protocol memory} | null interface-number | port-channel port-channel-number | states| vlan vlan-id}

no debug interface {interface-id | counters {exceptions | protocol memory} | null interface-number | port-channel port-channel-number | states| vlan vlan-id}

Syntax Description


ID of the physical interface. Displays debug messages for the specified physical port, identified by type switch number/module number/port, for example, gigabitethernet 1/0/2.

null interface-number

Displays debug messages for null interfaces. The interface number is always 0.

port-channel port-channel-number

Displays debug messages for the specified EtherChannel port-channel interface. The port-channel-number range is 1 to 48.

vlan  vlan-id

Displays debug messages for the specified VLAN. The vlan range is 1 to 4094.


Displays counters debugging information.


Displays debug messages when a recoverable exceptional condition occurs during the computation of the interface packet and data rate statistics.

protocol memory

Displays debug messages for memory operations of protocol counters.


Displays intermediary debug messages when an interface's state transitions.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify a keyword, all debug messages appear.

The undebug interface command is the same as the no debug interface command.

When you enable debugging on a switch stack, it is enabled only on the active switch. To enable debugging on a stack member, you can start a session from the active switch by using the session switch-number EXEC command. Then enter the debug command at the command-line prompt of the stack member. You also can use the remote command stack-member-number LINE EXEC command on the active switch to enable debugging on a member switch without first starting a session.

debug lldp packets

To enable debugging of Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) packets, use the debug lldp packets command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug lldp packets

no debug lldp packets

Syntax Description

This commnd has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The undebug lldp packets command is the same as the no debug lldp packets command.

When you enable debugging on a switch stack, it is enabled only on the active switch. To enable debugging on a stack member, you can start a session from the active switch by using the session switch-number EXEC command.

debug platform poe

To enable debugging of a Power over Ethernet (PoE) port, use the debug platform poe command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug platform poe [error | info] [switch switch-number]

no debug platform poe [error | info] [switch switch-number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays PoE-related error debug messages.


(Optional) Displays PoE-related information debug messages.

switch switch-number

(Optional) Specifies the stack member. This keyword is supported only on stacking-capable switches.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The undebug platform poe command is the same as the no debug platform poe command.

debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start

To enable debugging of packets during high CPU utilization, for an active switch, use the debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging of packets during high CPU utilization, for an active switch, use the debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture stop command in privileged EXEC mode.

debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start

debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture stop

Syntax Description

switch active

Displays information about the active switch.


Specifies the punt information.


Specifies information about the captured packet.


Enables debugging of the active switch.


Disables debugging of the active switch.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start command starts the debugging of packets during high CPU utilization. The packet capture is stopped when the 4k buffer size is exceeded.


The following is a sample output from the debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture start command:

Device# debug platform software fed switch active packet-capture start 
Punt packet capturing started.

The following is a sample output from the debug platform software fed switch active punt packet-capture stop command:

Device# debug platform software fed switch active packet-capture stop 
Punt packet capturing stopped. Captured 101 packet(s)


To specify the duplex mode of operation for a port, use the duplex command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

duplex {auto | full | half}

no duplex {auto | full | half}

Syntax Description


Enables automatic duplex configuration. The port automatically detects whether it should run in full- or half-duplex mode, depending on the attached device mode.


Enables full-duplex mode.


Enables half-duplex mode (only for interfaces operating at 10 or 100 Mb/s). You cannot configure half-duplex mode for interfaces operating at 1000 Mb/s, 10,000 Mb/s, 2.5Gb/s, or 5Gb/s.

Command Default

The default is auto for Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Duplex options are not supported on the 1000BASE-x or 10GBASE-x (where -x is -BX, -CWDM, -LX, -SX, or -ZX) small form-factor pluggable (SFP) modules.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For Gigabit Ethernet ports, setting the port to auto has the same effect as specifying full if the attached device does not autonegotiate the duplex parameter.


Half-duplex mode is supported on Gigabit Ethernet interfaces if the duplex mode is auto and the connected device is operating at half duplex. However, you cannot configure these interfaces to operate in half-duplex mode.

Certain ports can be configured to be either full duplex or half duplex. How this command is applied depends on the device to which the switch is attached.

If both ends of the line support autonegotiation, we highly recommend using the default autonegotiation settings. If one interface supports autonegotiation and the other end does not, configure duplex and speed on both interfaces, and use the auto setting on the supported side.

If the speed is set to auto , the switch negotiates with the device at the other end of the link for the speed setting and then forces the speed setting to the negotiated value. The duplex setting remains as configured on each end of the link, which could result in a duplex setting mismatch.

You can configure the duplex setting when the speed is set to auto .


Changing the interface speed and duplex mode configuration might shut down and re-enable the interface during the reconfiguration.

You can verify your setting by entering the show interfaces privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to configure an interface for full-duplex operation:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Devic(config-if)# duplex full

errdisable detect cause

To enable error-disable detection for a specific cause or for all causes, use the errdisable detect cause command in global configuration mode. To disable the error-disable detection feature, use the no form of this command.

errdisable detect cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard shutdown vlan | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | pagp-flap | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psp shutdown vlan | security-violation shutdown vlan | sfp-config-mismatch}

no errdisable detect cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard shutdown vlan | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | pagp-flap | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psp shutdown vlan | security-violation shutdown vlan | sfp-config-mismatch}

Syntax Description


Enables error detection for all error-disabled causes.


Enables error detection for dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection.

bpduguard shutdown vlan

Enables per-VLAN error-disable for BPDU guard.


Enables error detection for DHCP snooping.


Enables error detection for the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) flapping.


Enables error detection for an invalid Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) module.



This error refers to an invalid small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module.


Enables error detection for the Power over Ethernet (PoE) error-disabled cause.



This keyword is supported only on switches with PoE ports.


Enables error detection for link-state flapping.


Enables error detection for detected loopbacks.


Enables error detection for the Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) flap error-disabled cause.


Enables error detection for the PPPoE Intermediate Agent rate-limit error-disabled cause.

psp shutdown vlan

Enables error detection for protocol storm protection (PSP).

security-violation shutdown vlan

Enables voice aware 802.1x security.


Enables error detection on an SFP configuration mismatch.

Command Default

Detection is enabled for all causes. All causes, except per-VLAN error disabling, are configured to shut down the entire port.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A cause (such as a link-flap or dhcp-rate-limit) is the reason for the error-disabled state. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in an error-disabled state, an operational state that is similar to a link-down state.

When a port is error-disabled, it is effectively shut down, and no traffic is sent or received on the port. For the bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) guard, voice-aware 802.1x security, and port-security features, you can configure the switch to shut down only the offending VLAN on the port when a violation occurs, instead of shutting down the entire port.

If you set a recovery mechanism for the cause by entering the errdisable recovery global configuration command, the interface is brought out of the error-disabled state and allowed to retry the operation when all causes have timed out. If you do not set a recovery mechanism, you must enter the shutdown and then the no shutdown commands to manually recover an interface from the error-disabled state.

For protocol storm protection, excess packets are dropped for a maximum of two virtual ports. Virtual port error disabling using the psp keyword is not supported for EtherChannel and Flexlink interfaces.

To verify your settings, enter the show errdisable detect privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable error-disabled detection for the link-flap error-disabled cause:

Device(config)# errdisable detect cause link-flap

This command shows how to globally configure BPDU guard for a per-VLAN error-disabled state:

Device(config)# errdisable detect cause bpduguard shutdown vlan

This command shows how to globally configure voice-aware 802.1x security for a per-VLAN error-disabled state:

Device(config)# errdisable detect cause security-violation shutdown vlan

You can verify your setting by entering the show errdisable detect privileged EXEC command.

errdisable recovery cause

To enable the error-disabled mechanism to recover from a specific cause, use the errdisable recovery cause command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

errdisable recovery cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard | channel-misconfig | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | mac-limit | pagp-flap | port-mode-failure | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psecure-violation | psp | security-violation | sfp-config-mismatch | storm-control | udld}

no errdisable recovery cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard | channel-misconfig | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | mac-limit | pagp-flap | port-mode-failure | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psecure-violation | psp | security-violation | sfp-config-mismatch | storm-control | udld}

Syntax Description


Enables the timer to recover from all error-disabled causes.


Enables the timer to recover from the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) guard error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the EtherChannel misconfiguration error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the DHCP snooping error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from an invalid Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) module error-disabled state.



This error refers to an invalid small form-factor pluggable (SFP) error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Power over Ethernet (PoE) error-disabled state.

This keyword is supported only on switches with PoE ports.


Enables the timer to recover from the link-flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from a loopback error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the mac limit error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP)-flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the port mode change failure error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the PPPoE IA rate limit error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from a port security violation disable state.


Enables the timer to recover from the protocol storm protection (PSP) error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from an IEEE 802.1x-violation disabled state.


Enables error detection on an SFP configuration mismatch.


Enables the timer to recover from a storm control error.


Enables the timer to recover from the UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) error-disabled state.

Command Default

Recovery is disabled for all causes.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A cause (such as all or BDPU guard) is defined as the reason that the error-disabled state occurred. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in the error-disabled state, an operational state similar to link-down state.

When a port is error-disabled, it is effectively shut down, and no traffic is sent or received on the port. For the BPDU guard and port-security features, you can configure the switch to shut down only the offending VLAN on the port when a violation occurs, instead of shutting down the entire port.

If you do not enable the recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the error-disabled state until you enter the shutdown and the no shutdown interface configuration commands. If you enable the recovery for a cause, the interface is brought out of the error-disabled state and allowed to retry the operation again when all the causes have timed out.

Otherwise, you must enter the shutdown and then the no shutdown commands to manually recover an interface from the error-disabled state.

You can verify your settings by entering the show errdisable recovery privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable the recovery timer for the BPDU guard error-disabled cause:

Device# Device#configure terminal
Device(config)# errdisable recovery cause bpduguard

errdisable recovery cause

To enable the error-disabled mechanism to recover from a specific cause, use the errdisable recovery cause command in global configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

errdisable recovery cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard | channel-misconfig | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | mac-limit | pagp-flap | port-mode-failure | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psecure-violation | psp | security-violation | sfp-config-mismatch | storm-control | udld}

no errdisable recovery cause {all | arp-inspection | bpduguard | channel-misconfig | dhcp-rate-limit | dtp-flap | gbic-invalid | inline-power | link-flap | loopback | mac-limit | pagp-flap | port-mode-failure | pppoe-ia-rate-limit | psecure-violation | psp | security-violation | sfp-config-mismatch | storm-control | udld}

Syntax Description


Enables the timer to recover from all error-disabled causes.


Enables the timer to recover from the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) inspection error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) guard error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the EtherChannel misconfiguration error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the DHCP snooping error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from an invalid Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) module error-disabled state.



This error refers to an invalid small form-factor pluggable (SFP) error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Power over Ethernet (PoE) error-disabled state.

This keyword is supported only on switches with PoE ports.


Enables the timer to recover from the link-flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from a loopback error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the mac limit error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP)-flap error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the port mode change failure error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from the PPPoE IA rate limit error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from a port security violation disable state.


Enables the timer to recover from the protocol storm protection (PSP) error-disabled state.


Enables the timer to recover from an IEEE 802.1x-violation disabled state.


Enables error detection on an SFP configuration mismatch.


Enables the timer to recover from a storm control error.


Enables the timer to recover from the UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) error-disabled state.

Command Default

Recovery is disabled for all causes.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A cause (such as all or BDPU guard) is defined as the reason that the error-disabled state occurred. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in the error-disabled state, an operational state similar to link-down state.

When a port is error-disabled, it is effectively shut down, and no traffic is sent or received on the port. For the BPDU guard and port-security features, you can configure the switch to shut down only the offending VLAN on the port when a violation occurs, instead of shutting down the entire port.

If you do not enable the recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the error-disabled state until you enter the shutdown and the no shutdown interface configuration commands. If you enable the recovery for a cause, the interface is brought out of the error-disabled state and allowed to retry the operation again when all the causes have timed out.

Otherwise, you must enter the shutdown and then the no shutdown commands to manually recover an interface from the error-disabled state.

You can verify your settings by entering the show errdisable recovery privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable the recovery timer for the BPDU guard error-disabled cause:

Device# Device#configure terminal
Device(config)# errdisable recovery cause bpduguard

hw-module beacon

To control the beacon LED on a device, use the hw-module beacon command in the privileged EXEC mode or global configuration mode.

Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.x and Earlier Releases

hw-module beacon { off | on } switch switch-number

Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1 and Later Releases

hw-module beacon slot { switch-number | active | standby } { off | on }

Syntax Description


Turns the beacon off.


Turns the beacon on.

switch switch-number

Specifies the switch to be controlled.

  • switch-number : Switch number. The range is from 1 to 9.

slot {switch-number | active | standby}

Specifies the switch to be controlled.

  • switch-number : Switch number. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • active : Specifies the active switch.

  • standby : Specifies the standby switch.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config) (Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.x and Earlier Releases)

Privileged EXEC (#) (Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1 and Later Releases)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.4.1

This command was modified.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the switch LED. Blue indicates the switch LED is on and black indicates that it is off.


The following example shows how to switch on the LED beacon of the active switch:

Device> enable
Device# hw-module beacon slot active on


To configure an interface, use the interface command.

interface {AccessTunnel interface-number | Auto-Template interface-number | GigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number | Internal Interface Internal Interface number | LISP interface-number Loopback interface-number Null interface-number Port-channel interface-number TenGigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number TwentyFiveGigE switch-number/slot-number/port-number Tunnel interface-number Vlan interface-number }

Syntax Description

AccessTunnel interface-number

Enables you to configure an access tunnel interface.

Auto-Template interface-number

Enables you to configure a auto-template interface. The range is from 1 to 999.

GigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.3z interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number — Slot number. The range is from 0 to 1.

  • port-number — Port number. The range is from 1 to 48.

LISP interface-number

Enables you to configure a LISP interface.

Loopback interface-number

Enables you to configure a loopback interface. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Null interface-number

Enables you to configure a null interface. The default value is 0.

Port-channel interface-number

Enables you to configure a port-channel interface. The range is from 1 to 128.

TenGigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number

    — Slot number. The range is from 0 to 1.
  • port-number — Port number. The ranges are 1 to 4, 17 to 24, and 37 to 48.

TwentyFiveGigE switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a 25-Gigabit Ethernet interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number — Slot number. Value is 1.

  • port-number — Port number. The range is from 1 to 2.

Tunnel interface-number

Enables you to configure a tunnel interface. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Vlan interface-number

Enables you to configure a switch VLAN. The range is from 1 to 4094.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

The TwentyFiveGigE keyword was added to the command.

Usage Guidelines

You can not use the "no" form of this command.

The range for uplink ports is 0-4.

The range for multi-Gigabit Ethernet ports on 24-port switches is 17-24.

The range for multi-Gigabit Ethernet ports on 48-port switches is 41-48.


The following example shows how to configure a tunnel interface:

Device(config)# interface Tunnel 15

The following example shows how to configure a 25-Gigabit Ethernet interface

Device(config)# interface TwentyFiveGigE 1/1/1

The following example shows how to configure a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface

interface range

To configure an interface range, use the interface range command.

interface range { GigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number | Loopback interface-number Null interface-number Port-channel interface-number TenGigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number TwentyFiveGigE switch-number/slot-number/port-number Tunnel interface-number Vlan interface-number }

Syntax Description

GigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802.3z interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number — Slot number. The range is from 0 to 1.

  • port-number — Port number. The range is from 0 to 48.

Loopback interface-number

Enables you to configure a loopback interface. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Port-channel interface-number

Enables you to configure a port-channel interface. The range is from 1 to 48.

TenGigabitEthernet switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number

    — Slot number. The range is from 0 to 1.
  • port-number — Port number. The ranges are 1 to 4, 17 to 24, and 37 to 48.

TwentyFiveGigE switch-number/slot-number/port-number

Enables you to configure a 25-Gigabit Ethernet interface.

  • switch-number — Switch ID. The range is from 1 to 8.

  • slot-number — Slot number. Value is 1.

  • port-number — Port number. The range is from 1 to 2.

Tunnel interface-number

Enables you to configure a tunnel interface. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.

Vlan interface-number

Enables you to configure a switch VLAN. The range is from 1 to 4094.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

The TwentyFiveGigE keyword was added to the command.

Usage Guidelines

The range for uplink ports is 0-4.

The range for multi-Gigabit Ethernet ports on 24-port switches is 17-24.

The range for multi-Gigabit Ethernet ports on 48-port switches is 41-48.


This example shows how you can configure interface range:

Device(config)# interface range vlan 1-100

ip mtu

To set the IP maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of routed packets on all routed ports of the switch or switch stack, use the ip mtu command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default IP MTU size, use the no form of this command.

ip mtu bytes

no ip mtu bytes

Syntax Description


MTU size, in bytes. The range is from 68 up to the system MTU value (in bytes).

Command Default

The default IP MTU size for frames received and sent on all switch interfaces is 1500 bytes.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The upper limit of the IP value is based on the switch or switch stack configuration and refers to the currently applied system MTU value. For more information about setting the MTU sizes, see the system mtu global configuration command.

To return to the default IP MTU setting, you can apply the default ip mtu command or the no ip mtu command on the interface.

You can verify your setting by entering the show ip interface interface-id or show interfaces interface-id privileged EXEC command.


The following example sets the maximum IP packet size for VLAN 200 to 1000 bytes:

Device(config)# interface vlan 200
Device(config-if)# ip mtu 1000

The following example sets the maximum IP packet size for VLAN 200 to the default setting of 1500 bytes:

Device(config)# interface vlan 200
Device(config-if)# default ip mtu

This is an example of partial output from the show ip interface interface-id command. It displays the current IP MTU setting for the interface.

Device# show ip interface gigabitethernet4/0/1
GigabitEthernet4/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Address determined by setup command
  MTU is 1500 bytes
  Helper address is not set

<output truncated>

ipv6 mtu

To set the IPv6 maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of routed packets on all routed ports of the switch or switch stack, use the ipv6 mtu command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default IPv6 MTU size, use the no form of this command.

ipv6 mtu bytes

no ipv6 mtu bytes

Syntax Description


MTU size, in bytes. The range is from 1280 up to the system MTU value (in bytes).

Command Default

The default IPv6 MTU size for frames received and sent on all switch interfaces is 1500 bytes.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The upper limit of the IPv6 MTU value is based on the switch or switch stack configuration and refers to the currently applied system MTU value. For more information about setting the MTU sizes, see the system mtu global configuration command.

To return to the default IPv6 MTU setting, you can apply the default ipv6 mtu command or the no ipv6 mtu command on the interface.

You can verify your setting by entering the show ipv6 interface interface-id or show interface interface-id privileged EXEC command.


The following example sets the maximum IPv6 packet size for an interface to 2000 bytes:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet4/0/1
Device(config-if)# ipv6 mtu 2000

The following example sets the maximum IPv6 packet size for an interface to the default setting of 1500 bytes:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet4/0/1
Device(config-if)# default ipv6 mtu

This is an example of partial output from the show ipv6 interface interface-id command. It displays the current IPv6 MTU setting for the interface.

Device# show ipv6 interface gigabitethernet4/0/1
GigabitEthernet4/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Address determined by setup command
  MTU is 1500 bytes
  Helper address is not set

<output truncated>

list (coap-proxy configuration)

To restrict the IP address range where the lights and their resources can be learnt, use the list command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

A maximum of five ip-lists can be configured, irrespective of ipv4 or ipv6, using the list command.

list {ipv4 | ipv6} [list-name]

no list {ipv4 | ipv6} [list-name]

Syntax Description

ipv4 list-name

Specifies IPv4 list name.

ipv6 list-name

Specifies IPv6 list name.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to restrict the IPv4 address range using a list name.

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device config-coap-proxy)# list ipv4 trial_list

lldp (interface configuration)

To enable Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) on an interface, use the lldp command in interface configuration mode. To disable LLDP on an interface, use the no form of this command.

lldp {med-tlv-select tlv | receive | tlv-select power-management | transmit}

no lldp {med-tlv-select tlv | receive | tlv-select power-management | transmit}

Syntax Description


Selects an LLDP Media Endpoint Discovery (MED) time-length-value (TLV) element to send.


String that identifies the TLV element. Valid values are the following:

  • inventory-management — LLDP MED Inventory Management TLV.

  • location — LLDP MED Location TLV.

  • network-policy — LLDP MED Network Policy TLV.

  • power-management — LLDP MED Power Management TLV.


Enables the interface to receive LLDP transmissions.


Selects the LLDP TLVs to send.


Sends the LLDP Power Management TLV.


Enables LLDP transmission on the interface.

Command Default

LLDP is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on 802.1 media types.

If the interface is configured as a tunnel port, LLDP is automatically disabled.


The following example shows how to disable LLDP transmission on an interface:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# no lldp transmit

The following example shows how to enable LLDP transmission on an interface:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# lldp transmit

logging event power-inline-status

To enable the logging of Power over Ethernet (PoE) events, use the logging event power-inline-status command in interface configuration mode. To disable the logging of PoE status events, use the no form of this command.

logging event power-inline-status

no logging event power-inline-status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Logging of PoE events is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The no form of this command does not disable PoE error events.


This example shows how to enable logging of PoE events on a port:

Device(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# logging event power-inline-status 


To apply a macro to an interface or to apply and debug a macro on an interface, use the macro command in interface configuration mode.

macro {apply | trace} macro-name [parameter {value}] [parameter {value}] [parameter {value}]

Syntax Description


Applies a macro to an interface.


Applies a macro to an interface and then debugs it.


Specifies the name of the macro.

parameter value

(Optional) Specifies unique parameter values that are specific to the interface. You can enter up to three keyword-value pairs. Parameter keyword matching is case sensitive.

All matching occurrences of the keyword are replaced with the corresponding value.

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the macro apply macro-name command to apply and show the macros running on an interface.

You can use the macro trace macro-name command to apply and then debug the macro to find any syntax or configuration errors.

If a command fails because of a syntax error or a configuration error when you apply a macro, the macro continues to apply the remaining commands to the interface.

When creating a macro that requires the assignment of unique values, use the parameter value keywords to designate values specific to the interface.

Keyword matching is case sensitive. All matching occurrences of the keyword are replaced with the corresponding value. Any full match of a keyword, even if it is part of a larger string, is considered a match and is replaced by the corresponding value.

Some macros might contain keywords that require a parameter value. You can use the macro apply macro-name ? command to display a list of any required values in the macro. If you apply a macro without entering the keyword values, the commands are invalid and are not applied.

There are Cisco-default SmartPorts macros embedded in the switch software. You can display these macros and the commands that they contain by using the show parser macro command in user EXEC mode.

Follow these guidelines when you apply a Cisco-default SmartPorts macro on an interface:

  • Display all macros on the switch by using the show parser macro command in user EXEC mode. Display the contents of a specific macro by using the show parser macro macro-name command in user EXEC mode.

  • Keywords that begin with $ mean that a unique parameter value is required. Append the Cisco-default macro with the required values by using the parameter value keywords.

The Cisco-default macros use the $ character to identify required keywords. You can use the $ character to define keywords when you create a macro.

When you apply a macro to an interface, the macro name is automatically added to the interface. You can display the applied commands and macro names by using the show running-config interface interface-id command in user EXEC mode.

A macro applied to an interface range behaves the same way as a macro applied to a single interface. When you use an interface range, the macro is applied sequentially to each interface within the range. If a macro command fails on one interface, it is still applied to the remaining interfaces.

You can delete a macro-applied configuration on an interface by entering the default interface interface-id command in interface configuration mode.


After you use the macro name command, in interface configuration mode, you can apply it to an interface. This example shows how to apply a user-created macro called duplex to an interface:

Device(config-if)# macro apply duplex

To debug a macro, use the macro trace command, in interface configuration mode, to find any syntax or configuration errors in the macro as it is applied to an interface.

Device(config-if)# macro trace duplex
Applying command...‘duplex auto’
%Error Unknown error.
Applying command...‘speed nonegotiate’

This example shows how to display the Cisco-default cisco-desktop macro and how to apply the macro and set the access VLAN ID to 25 on an interface:

Device# show parser macro cisco-desktop
Macro name : cisco-desktop
Macro type : default
# Basic interface - Enable data VLAN only
# Recommended value for access vlan (AVID) should not be 1
switchport access vlan $AVID
switchport mode access
# Enable port security limiting port to a single
# MAC address -- that of desktop
switchport port-security
switchport port-security maximum 1
# Ensure port-security age is greater than one minute
# and use inactivity timer
switchport port-security violation restrict
switchport port-security aging time 2
switchport port-security aging type inactivity
# Configure port as an edge network port
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Device# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/4
Device(config-if)# macro apply cisco-desktop $AVID 25

macro auto

To configure and apply a global macro using the CLI, use the macro auto command in privileged EXEC mode.

Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.

macro auto {apply | config} macro-name

Syntax Description


Applies the macro.


Enters the macro parameters.


Specifies the macro name.

Command Default

No macros are applied to the switch.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To remove the macro from the switch, enter the no forms of the macro commands.

If you enter the macro auto config macro-name command, you are prompted to enter values for all the macro parameters.

Use the exact text string when entering the macro-name. The entries are case sensitive.

The user-defined values appear only in the show macro auto or show running-config command output.


This example shows how to display global macros:

Device# macro auto apply ?
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_ACCOUNTING         Configure aaa accounting parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHENTICATION     Configure aaa authentication parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHORIZATION      Configure aaa authorization parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_IP_CONFIG         Configure the ip parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_PCI_CONFIG        Configure PCI compliant parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_DOMAIN_NAME_CONFIG     Configure domain name
CISCO_SWITCH_ETHERCHANNEL_CONFIG    Configure the etherchannel parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_HOSTNAME_CONFIG        Configure hostname
CISCO_SWITCH_HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure http server
CISCO_SWITCH_MGMT_VLAN_CONFIG       Configure management vlan parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_NAME_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure name server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_SNMP_TRAPS       Configure SNMP trap parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_USR_CONFIG       Configure the user parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SNMP_SOURCE_CONFIG     Configure snmp source interface
CISCO_SWITCH_USER_PASS_CONFIG       Configure username and password
Device# macro auto config ?
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_ACCOUNTING         Configure aaa accounting parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHENTICATION     Configure aaa authentication parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHORIZATION      Configure aaa authorization parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_IP_CONFIG         Configure the ip parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_PCI_CONFIG        Configure PCI compliant parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_DOMAIN_NAME_CONFIG     Configure domain name
CISCO_SWITCH_ETHERCHANNEL_CONFIG    Configure the etherchannel parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_HOSTNAME_CONFIG        Configure hostname
CISCO_SWITCH_HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure http server
CISCO_SWITCH_MGMT_VLAN_CONFIG       Configure management vlan parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_NAME_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure name server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_SNMP_TRAPS       Configure SNMP trap parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_USR_CONFIG       Configure the user parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SNMP_SOURCE_CONFIG     Configure snmp source interface
CISCO_SWITCH_USER_PASS_CONFIG       Configure username and password

This example shows how to display the parameters for a specific macro:

Device# macro auto config CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_IP_CONFIG ?
CISCO_SWITCH_DOMAIN_NAME_CONFIG     domain name parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_NAME_SERVER_CONFIG     name server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_NTP_SERVER_CONFIG      ntp server parameters
LINE                                Provide parameters of form [Parameters

Device# macro auto config CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_PCI_CONFIG ?
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_ACCOUNTING         aaa accounting parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHENTICATION     aaa authentication parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHORIZATION      aaa authorization parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG     http server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_RADIUS_SERVER_CONFIG   radius server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_TACACS_SERVER_CONFIG   tacacs server parameters
LINE                                Provide parameters of form [Parameters   

Device# macro auto config CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_SNMP_TRAPS ?
CISCO_SWITCH_SNMP_SOURCE_CONFIG     snmp source parameters
LINE                                Provide parameters of form [Parameters   

Device# macro auto config CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_USR_CONFIG ?CISCO_AUTO_TIMEZONE_CONFIG timezone parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_HOSTNAME_CONFIG        hostname parameter
LINE                                Provide parameters of form [Parameters

This example shows how to set macro parameters and apply the macro using the CLI:

Enter the port channel id[1-48] for 3K & 2350,[1-6] for 2K: 2
Enter the port channel type, Layer:[2-3(L3 not supported on 2K)]: 2
Enter etherchannel mode for the interface[auto/desirable/on/active/passive]: active
Enter the channel protocol[lacp/none]: lacp
Enter the number of interfaces to join the etherchannel[8-PAGP/MODE:ON,16-LACP]: 7
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/1
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/2
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/3
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/4
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/5
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/6
Enter interface name[GigabitEthernet3/0/3]: gigabitethernet1/0/7
Do you want to apply the parameters? [yes/no]: yes
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

macro auto apply (Cisco IOS shell scripting capability)

To configure and apply a global macro using the Cisco IOS shell scripting capability, use the macro auto apply command in privileged EXEC mode. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.

macro auto apply macro-name

Syntax Description


Applies the macro.


Specifies the macro name.

Command Default

No macros are applied to the switch.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To remove the macro from the switch, enter the no forms of the macro commands.

Use the exact text string when entering the macro-name . The entries are case sensitive.

The user-defined values appear only in the show macro auto or show running-config command output.

You can also use the Cisco IOS shell scripting capability to set the parameters. For examples, see the

“Configuring and Applying Global Macros” section in the “Configuring Auto Smartports and Static Smartports Macros” chapter.


This example shows how to display global macros:

Device# macro auto apply ?

CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_ACCOUNTING         Configure aaa accounting parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHENTICATION     Configure aaa authentication parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AAA_AUTHORIZATION      Configure aaa authorization parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_IP_CONFIG         Configure the ip parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_PCI_CONFIG        Configure PCI compliant parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_DOMAIN_NAME_CONFIG     Configure domain name
CISCO_SWITCH_ETHERCHANNEL_CONFIG    Configure the etherchannel parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_HOSTNAME_CONFIG        Configure hostname
CISCO_SWITCH_HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure http server
CISCO_SWITCH_MGMT_VLAN_CONFIG       Configure management vlan parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_NAME_SERVER_CONFIG     Configure name server parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_SNMP_TRAPS       Configure SNMP trap parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SETUP_USR_CONFIG       Configure the user parameters
CISCO_SWITCH_SNMP_SOURCE_CONFIG     Configure snmp source interface
CISCO_SWITCH_USER_PASS_CONFIG       Configure username and password

macro auto config (Cisco IOS shell scripting capability)

To configure and apply a global macro, use the macro auto config command in privileged EXEC mode. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.

macro auto config macro-name [parameter=value [parameter=value]...]

Syntax Description


Enters the macro parameters.


Specifies the macro name.

parameter=value [parameter=value] ...

parameter=value —Replaces values for global macro parameter values. Enter values in the form of name value pair separated by a space: <name1>=<value1> [<name2>=<value2>...]

Command Default

No macros are applied to the switch.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To remove the macro from the switch, enter the no forms of the macro commands.

If you enter the macro auto config macro-name command, you are prompted to enter values for all the macro parameters.

Use the exact text string when entering the macro-name and parameters . The entries are case sensitive.

The user-defined values appear only in the show macro auto or show running-config command output.

You can also use the Cisco IOS shell scripting capability to set the parameters. For examples, see the “Configuring and Applying Global Macros” section in the “Configuring Auto Smartports and Static Smartports Macros” chapter.

macro auto control

To specify when the switch applies an Auto Smartports macro based on the detection method, device type, or trigger (referred to as event trigger control), use the macro auto control command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable trigger-to-macro mapping. The switch then does not apply macros based on event triggers.

macro auto control {detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address] | device [ip-camera] [media-player] [phone] [lightweight-ap] [access-point] [router] [switch] | trigger [last-resort]}

no macro auto control {detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address] | device [ip-camera] [media-player] [phone] [lightweight-ap] [access-point] [router] [switch] | trigger [last-resort]}

Syntax Description

detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address]

detection—Sets one or more of these as an event trigger:

  • (Optional) cdp —CDP messages

  • (Optional) lldp —LLDP messages

  • (Optional) mac-address —User-defined MAC address groups

device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch]

device—Sets one or more of these devices as an event trigger:

  • (Optional) access-point —Autonomous access point

  • (Optional) ip-camera —Cisco IP video surveillance camera

  • (Optional) lightweight-ap —Lightweight access point

  • (Optional) media-player —Digital media player

  • (Optional) phone —Cisco IP phone

  • (Optional) router —Cisco router

  • (Optional) switch —Cisco switch

trigger [last-resort]

trigger—Sets a specific event trigger.

  • (Optional) last-resort —Last-resort trigger.

Command Default

The switch uses the device type as the event trigger. If the switch cannot determine the device type, it uses MAC address groups, MAB messages, 802.1x authentication messages, and LLDP messages in random order.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not set event triggers, the switch uses the device type as the event trigger. If the switch cannot determine the device type, it uses MAC address groups, MAB messages, 802.1x authentication messages, and LLDP messages in random order.

To verify that a macro is applied to an interface, use the show macro auto interface command in user EXEC mode.


This example shows how to set LLDP messages and MAC address groups as event triggers:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/0/2
Device(config-if)# macro auto control detection lldp mac-address
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# end

This example shows how to set access points, video surveillance cameras, and digital media players as event triggers:


The switch applies a built-in macro only when it detects an access point, video surveillance camera, or digital media player.

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/0/1
Device(config-if)# macro auto control device access-point ip-camera media-player
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# end

macro auto execute

To replace built-in macro default values and to configure mapping from an event trigger to a built-in or user-defined macro, use the macro auto execute command in global configuration mode.

macro auto execute event trigger {builtin built-in macro | remote url} {parameter | = | value} {function | contents}

no macro auto execute event trigger {builtin built-in macro | remote url} {parameter | = | value} {function | contents}

Syntax Description

event trigger

Defines mapping from an event trigger to a built-in macro.

Specifies an event trigger:










  • WORD—Apply a user-defined event trigger such as a MAC address group

builtin built-in macro name

(Optional) Specifies a builtin built-in macro name:


    Specify the parameter value: NATIVE_VLAN=1


    Specify the parameter value: ACCESS_VLAN=1.


    Specify the parameter value: ACCESS_VLAN=1.


    Specify the parameter value: ACCESS_VLAN=1.


    Specify the parameter values: ACCESS_VLAN=1 and VOICE_VLAN=2.


    Specify the parameter value: NATIVE_VLAN=1.


    Specify the parameter value: NATIVE_VLAN=1.


(Optional) parameter=value —Replaces default values for parameter values shown for the bultin-macro name, for example, ACCESS_VLAN=1. Enter new values in the form of name value pair separated by a space: [<name1>=<value1> <name2>=<value2>...].

{function contents}

(Optional) {function contents} — Specifies a user-defined macro to associate with the trigger. Enter the macro contents within braces. Begin the Cisco IOS shell commands with the left brace and end the command grouping with the right brace.

remote url

(Optional) Specifies a remote server location:

  • The syntax for the local flash file system on the standalone switch or the stack's active switch: flash :

    The syntax for the local flash file system on a stack member:

    flash member number :

    The syntax for the FTP:


    The syntax for an HTTP server:

    http://[[username:password]@]{hostname | host-ip}[/directory]/filename

    The syntax for a secure HTTP server:

    https://[[username:password]@]{hostname | host-ip}[/directory]/filename

    The syntax for the NVRAM:


    The syntax for the Remote Copy Protocol (RCP):


    The syntax for the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP):


    The syntax for the TFTP:


Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the macro auto execute command to replace the built-in macro default values with values that are specific to your switch.

The switch automatically maps from event triggers to built-in macros. The built-in macros are system-defined macros in the software image. You can also create user-defined macros by using the Cisco IOS shell scripting capability.

You can create new event triggers by using the shell trigger commands in global configuration mode. Use the show shell triggers command in privileged EXEC to display the contents of the user-defined triggers and macros.

You can use the macro auto mac-address-group command in global configuration mode to create event triggers for devices that do not support Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) or Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).

You can use the remote macro feature to store macros in a central location for designated network switches to use. You can then maintain and update the macro files for use by multiple switches. Use remote url to configure the remote server location and macro path information. There are no specific file extension requirements for saved macro files.

Auto Smartports macros and antimacros (the antimacro is the portion of the applied macro that removes it at link down) have these guidelines and limitations:

  • You can delete or change the built-in macros. However, you can override a built-in macro by creating a user-defined macro with the same name. To restore the original built-in macro, delete the user-defined macro.

  • If you enable both the macro auto device and the macro auto execute commands, the parameters specified in the command last executed are applied to the switch. Only one command is active on the switch.

  • To avoid system conflicts when macros are applied, remove all port configurations except for 802.1x authentication.

  • Do not configure port security when enabling Auto SmartPorts on the switch.

  • If the macro conflicts with the original configuration, either the macro does not apply some of the original configuration commands, or the antimacro does not remove them. (The antimacro is the portion of the applied macro that removes the macro at a link-down event.)

  • For example, if 802.1x authentication is enabled, you cannot remove the switchport-mode access configuration. Remove the 802.1x authentication before removing the switchport mode configuration.

  • A port cannot be a member of an EtherChannel when you apply Auto SmartPorts macros.

  • The built-in-macro default data VLAN is VLAN 1. The default voice VLAN is VLAN 2. If your switch uses different access, native, or voice VLANs, use the macro auto device or the macro auto execute commands to configure the values.

  • For 802.1x authentication or MAC authentication bypass (MAB), to detect non-Cisco devices, configure the RADIUS server to support the Cisco attribute-value pair auto-smart-port=event trigger

  • The switch supports Auto SmartPort macros only on directly connected devices. Multiple device connections, such as hubs, are not supported.

  • If authentication is enabled on a port, the switch ignores a MAC address trigger if authentication fails.

  • The order of CLI commands within the macro and the corresponding antimacro can be different.



This example shows how to use two built-in macros for connecting Cisco switches and Cisco IP phones to the switch. This example modifies the default voice VLAN, access VLAN, and native VLAN for the trunk interface:

Device(config)# !!! the next command modifies the access and voice vlans
Device(config)# !!! for the built in Cisco IP phone auto smartport macro
Device(config)# macro auto execute CISCO_PHONE_EVENT builtin CISCO_PHONE_AUTO_SMARTPORT ACCESS_VLAN=10 VOICE_VLAN=20
Device(config)# !!! the next command modifies the Native vlan used for inter switch trunks
Device(config)# macro auto execute CISCO_SWITCH_EVENT builtin CISCO_SWITCH_AUTO_SMARTPORT NATIVE_VLAN=10
Device(config)# !!! the next command enables auto smart ports globally
Device(config)# macro auto global processing 
Device(config)# exit
Device# !!! here is the running configuration of the interface connected
Device# !!! to another Cisco Switch after the Macro is applied
Device# show running-config interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 284 bytes
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk native vlan 10
 switchport mode trunk
 srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20
 queue-set 2
 priority-queue out 
 mls qos trust cos
 auto qos voip trust 
 macro description CISCO_SWITCH_EVENT


This example shows how to map a user-defined event trigger called media player to a user-defined macro

  1. Connect the media player to an 802.1x- or MAB-enabled switch port.

  2. On the RADIUS server, set the attribute-value pair to auto-smart-port=DMP_EVENT

  3. On the switch, create the event trigger DMP_EVENT, and enter the user-defined macro commands.

  4. The switch recognizes the attribute-value pair=DMP_EVENT response from the RADIUS server and applies the macro associated with this event trigger.

Device(config)# shell trigger DMP_EVENT mediaplayer 
Device(config)# macro auto execute DMP_EVENT {
if [[ $LINKUP == YES ]]; then 
conf t 
 interface $INTERFACE 
   macro description $TRIGGER 
   switchport access vlan 1 
   switchport mode access 
   switchport port-security 
   switchport port-security maximum 1 
   switchport port-security violation restrict 
   switchport port-security aging time 2 
   switchport port-security aging type inactivity 
   spanning-tree portfast 
   spanning-tree bpduguard enable 
if [[ $LINKUP == NO ]]; then 
conf t 
interface $INTERFACE 
     no macro description $TRIGGER 
     no switchport access vlan 1 
     if [[ $AUTH_ENABLED == NO ]]; then 
        no switchport mode access 
     no switchport port-security 
     no switchport port-security maximum 1 
     no switchport port-security violation restrict 
     no switchport port-security aging time 2 
     no switchport port-security aging type inactivity 
     no spanning-tree portfast 
     no spanning-tree bpduguard enable 
Table 1. Supported Cisco IOS Shell Keywords




Begin the command grouping.


End the command grouping.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Use as a conditional construct.


Variables that begin with the $ character are replaced with a parameter value.


Use the # character to enter comment text.

Table 2. Unsupported Cisco IOS Shell Reserved Keywords






Conditional construct.


Conditional construct.


Looping construct.


Shell function.


Conditional construct.


Conditional construct.




Looping construct.


Looping construct.

macro auto global control

To specify when the switch applies an Auto Smartports macro based on the device type or trigger (referred to as event trigger control), use the macro auto global control command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable trigger-to-macro mapping.

macro auto global control {detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address] | device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch] | trigger [last-resort]}

no macro auto global control {detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address] | device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch] | trigger [last-resort]}

Syntax Description

detection [cdp] [lldp] [mac-address]

detection—Sets one or more of these as an event trigger:

  • (Optional) cdp —CDP messages

  • (Optional) lldp —LLDP messages

  • (Optional) mac-address —User-defined MAC address groups

device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch]

device—Sets one or more of these devices as an event trigger:

  • (Optional) access-point —Autonomous access point

  • (Optional) ip-camera —Cisco IP video surveillance camera

  • (Optional) lightweight-ap —Lightweight access point

  • (Optional) media-player —Digital media player

  • (Optional) phone —Cisco IP phone

  • (Optional) router —Cisco router

  • (Optional) switch —Cisco switch

trigger [last-resort]

trigger—Sets a specific event trigger.

  • (Optional) last-resort —Last-resort trigger.

Command Default

The switch uses the device type as the event trigger. If the switch cannot determine the device type, it uses MAC address groups, MAB messages, 802.1x authentication messages, and LLDP messages in random order.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not set event triggers, the switch uses the device type as the event trigger. If the switch cannot determine the device type, it uses MAC address groups, MAB messages, 802.1x authentication messages, and LLDP messages in random order.

To verify that a macro is applied to a switch, use the show macro auto global command in user EXEC mode.


This example shows how to set CDP messages, LLDP messages and MAC address groups as event triggers:

Device(config)# macro auto global control detection cdp lldp mac-address
Device(config)# end

This example shows how to set autonomous access points, lightweight access points, and IP phones:

Device(config)# macro auto global control device access-point lightweight-ap phone
Device(config)# end

macro auto global processing

To enable Auto SmartPorts macros on the switch, use the macro auto global processing command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the macros.

macro auto global processing

no macro auto global processing

Command Default

Auto Smartports is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the macro auto global processing command to globally enable macros on the switch. To disable macros on a specific port, use the no macro auto processing command in interface mode.

When using 802.1x or MAB authentication, you need to configure the RADIUS server to support the Cisco attribute-value pair auto-smart-port =event trigger . If authentication fails, the macro is not applied. If the 802.1x or MAB authentication fails on the interface, the switch does not use the fallback CDP event trigger.

When CDP-identified devices advertise multiple capabilities, the switch chooses a capability first by switch and then by router.

To verify that a macro is applied to an interface, use the show macro auto interface command in privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to enable Auto SmartPorts on the switch and to disable the feature on a specific interface:

Device(config)# macro auto global processing
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Device(config-if)# no macro auto processing
Device(config-if)# exit

macro auto mac-address-group

To create an event trigger for devices that do not support Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) or Link Layer Discover Protocol (LLDP), use the macro auto mac-address-group command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete the group.

macro auto mac-address-group name {mac-address list list | oui {list list | range start-value size number}}

no macro auto mac-address-group name {mac-address list list | oui {list list | range start-value size number}}

Syntax Description


Specifies the group name.


(Optional) Specifies an operationally unique identifier (OUI) list or range .

  • list —Enter an OUI list in hexadecimal format separated by spaces.

  • range—Enter the starting OUI hexadecimal value (start-value).

  • size —Enter the length of the range (number) from 1 to 5 to create a list of sequential addresses.

mac-address list list

(Optional) Configures a list of MAC addresses separated by a space.

Command Default

No groups are defined.

Command Modes

Group configuration (config-addr-grp-mac)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the macro auto mac-address-group command to create an event trigger for devices that do not support CDP or LLDP. Use the MAC address group as a trigger to map to a built-in or user-defined macro by using the macro auto execute command. At link-up the switch detects the device type and applies the specified macro.

The switch supports up to ten MAC address groups. Each group can have up to 32 OUI and 32 MAC configured addresses.


This example shows how to create a MAC-address-group event trigger called address_trigger and how to verify your entries:

Device(config)# macro auto mac-address-group mac address_trigger
Device(config-addr-grp-mac)# mac-address list 2222.3333.3334 22.33.44 a.b.c
Device(config-addr-grp-mac)# oui list 455555 233244
Device(config-addr-grp-mac)# oui range 333333 size 2
Device(config-addr-grp-mac)# exit
Device(config)# end
Device# show running configuration
!macro auto mac-address-group address_trigger
 oui list 333334
 oui list 333333
 oui list 233244
 oui list 455555
 mac-address list 000A.000B.000C
 mac-address list 0022.0033.0044
 mac-address list 2222.3333.3334

<output truncated>

macro auto processing

To enable Auto SmartPorts macros on an interface, use the macro auto processing command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the macros.

macro auto processing

no macro auto processing

Command Default

Auto SmartPorts is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the macro auto processing command, in interface configuration mode, to enable macros on a specific interface. To disable macros on a specific interface, use the no macro auto processing command, in interface configuration mode.

A port cannot be a member of an EtherChannel when you apply Auto SmartPorts macros. If you use EtherChannels, disable Auto SmartPorts on the EtherChannel interface by using the no macro auto processing command. The EtherChannel interface applies the configuration to the member interfaces.

To verify that a macro is applied to an interface, use the show macro auto interface command in privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to enable Auto SmartPorts on the switch and to disable the feature on a specific interface:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Device(config-if)# no macro auto processing
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# macro auto global processing

macro auto sticky

To configure macros to remain active after a link-down event, referred to as macro persistence, use the macro auto sticky command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the macro persistence.

macro auto sticky

no macro auto sticky

Command Default

Macro persistence is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the macro auto sticky command so that macros remain active after a link-down event.


This example shows how to enable macro persistence on an interface:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/0/2
Device(config-if)# macro auto port sticky
Device(config-if)# exit
Device(config)# end

macro auto trigger

To enter the configure-macro-trigger mode and define a trigger for a device that has no built-in trigger and associate the trigger with a device or profile, use the macro auto trigger command in global configuration mode. To remove the user-defined trigger, use the no form of this command.

macro auto trigger trigger_name {device | exit | no | profile}

no macro auto trigger trigger_name {device | exit | no | profile}

Syntax Description


Specifies a trigger to be associated with the device type or profile name.


Specifies a device name to map to the named trigger.


Exits device group configuration mode.


Removes any configured device.


Specifies a profile name to map to the named trigger.

Command Default

No user-defined triggers are configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If a device is classified by the Device Classifier, but does not have a built-in trigger defined, use the macro auto trigger command, in global configuration mode, to define a trigger based on a device name or a profile name. After you enter the command, the switch is in the configure-macro-trigger mode and the device , exit , no , and profile keywords are visible. In this mode, you can provide a device name or a profile name to map to the trigger. It is not necessary to map the trigger to both a device name and a profile name. If you map the trigger to both names, the trigger-to-profile name mapping has preference for macro application.

You must use this command to configure a trigger when you configure a user-defined macro. The trigger name is required for the custom macro configuration.

After the device is profiled, you must add the complete string to the device-group database.


This example shows how to configure a user-defined trigger for a profile called DMP_EVENT mediaplayer for use with a media player that has no built-in trigger:

Device(config)# macro auto trigger DMP
Device(config-macro-trigger)# profile mediaplayer-DMP
Device(config-macro-trigger)# exit

macro description

To enter a description about which macros are applied to an interface, use the macro description command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the description. This command is mandatory for Auto SmartPorts to work.

macro description text

no macro description text

Syntax Description

description text

Enters a description about the macros that are applied to the specified interface.

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the description keyword to associate comment text or the macro name with an interface. When multiple macros are applied on a single interface, the description text is from the last applied macro.

You can verify your settings by entering the show parser macro description command in privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to add a description to an interface:

(config-if)# macro description duplex settings

macro global

To apply a macro to a switch or to apply and debug a macro on a switch, use the macro global command in global configuration mode.

macro global {apply | trace} macro-name [parameter {value}] [parameter {value}] [parameter {value}]


Syntax Description


Applies a macro to the switch.


Applies a macro to a switch and debugs the macro.


Specifies the name of the macro.

parameter value

(Optional) Specifies unique parameter values that are specific to the switch. You can enter up to three keyword-value pairs. Parameter keyword matching is case sensitive. All matching occurrences of the keyword are replaced with the corresponding value.

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines


You can delete a global macro-applied configuration on a switch only by entering the no version of each command in the macro.

Use the macro global apply macro-name command to apply the macro to an interface.

Use the macro global trace macro-name command to apply and then debug the macro to find any syntax or configuration errors.

If a command fails when you apply a macro because of a syntax error or a configuration error, the macro continues to apply the remaining commands to the switch.

When creating a macro that requires the assignment of unique values, use the parameter value keywords to designate values specific to the switch.

Keyword matching is case sensitive. All matching occurrences of the keyword are replaced with the corresponding value. Any full match of a keyword, even if it is part of a larger string, is considered a match and is replaced by the corresponding value.

Some macros might contain keywords that require a parameter value. You can use the macro global apply macro-name ? command to display a list of any required values in the macro. If you apply a macro without entering the keyword values, the commands are invalid and are not applied.

There are Cisco-default Smartports macros embedded in the switch software. You can display these macros and the commands they contain by using the show parser macro command in user EXEC mode.

Follow these guidelines when you apply a Cisco-default Smartports macro on a switch:

  • Display all macros on the switch by using the show parser macro command. Display the contents of a specific macro by using the show parser macro name macro-name command.

  • Keywords that begin with $ mean that a unique parameter value is required. Append the Cisco-default macro with the required values by using the parameter value keywords.

    The Cisco-default macros use the $ character to help identify required keywords. There is no restriction on using the $ character to define keywords when you create a macro.

When you apply a macro to a switch, the macro name is automatically added to the switch. You can display the applied commands and macro names by using the show running-config command.


After you have created a new macro by using the macro auto execute command, you can apply it to a switch. This example shows how to view the snmp macro, how to apply the macro, set the hostname to test-server, and set the IP precedence value to 7:

Device# show parser macro name snmp
Macro name : snmp
Macro type : customizable

#enable port security, linkup, and linkdown traps
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps linkup
snmp-server enable traps linkdown
#set snmp-server host
snmp-server host ADDRESS
#set SNMP trap notifications precedence
snmp-server ip precedence VALUE

Device(config)# macro global apply snmp ADDRESS test-server VALUE 7

To debug a macro, use the macro global trace command to find any syntax or configuration errors in the macro when you apply it to a switch. In this example, the ADDRESS parameter value was not entered, the snmp-server host command failed, and the remainder of the macro is applied to the switch:

Device(config)# macro global trace snmp VALUE 7
Applying command...‘snmp-server enable traps port-security’
Applying command...‘snmp-server enable traps linkup’
Applying command...‘snmp-server enable traps linkdown’
Applying command...‘snmp-server host’
%Error Unknown error.
Applying command...‘snmp-server ip precedence 7’

macro global description

To enter a description about the macros that are applied to a switch, use the macro global description command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the description.

macro global description text

no macro global description text

Syntax Description

description text

Enters a description about the macros that are applied to the switch.

Command Default

This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the description keyword to associate comment text or the macro name with a switch. When multiple macros are applied on a switch, the description text is from the last applied macro.

You can verify your settings by entering the show parser macro description command in privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to add a description to a switch:

Device(config)# macro global description udld aggressive mode enabled

max-endpoints (coap-proxy configuration)

To specify the maximum number of endpoints that can be learnt on the device, use the max-endpoints command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

max-endpoints number

no max-endpoints

Syntax Description


Range is from 1 to 500

Command Default

The default number of endpoints is 10.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to specify maximum endpoints as 12 that can be learnt on the device.

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device(config-coap-proxy)# max-endpoints 12

mdix auto

To enable the automatic medium-dependent interface crossover (auto-MDIX) feature on the interface, use the mdix auto command in interface configuration mode. To disable auto-MDIX, use the no form of this command.

mdix auto

no mdix auto

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Auto-MDIX is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When auto-MDIX is enabled, the interface automatically detects the required cable connection type (straight-through or crossover) and configures the connection appropriately.

When you enable auto-MDIX on an interface, you must also set the interface speed and duplex to auto so that the feature operates correctly.

When auto-MDIX (and autonegotiation of speed and duplex) is enabled on one or both of the connected interfaces, link up occurs, even if the cable type (straight-through or crossover) is incorrect.

Auto-MDIX is supported on all 10/100 and 10/100/1000 Mb/s interfaces and on 10/100/1000BASE-TX small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module interfaces. It is not supported on 1000BASE-SX or -LX SFP module interfaces.

You can verify the operational state of auto-MDIX on the interface by entering the show controllers ethernet-controller interface-id phy privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable auto-MDIX on a port:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# speed auto
Device(config-if)# duplex auto
Device(config-if)# mdix auto
Device(config-if)# end


To enable monitoring of all optical transceivers and to specify the time period for monitoring the transceivers, use the monitoring command in transceiver type configuration mode. To disable the monitoring, use the no form of this command.

monitoring [ interval seconds ]

no monitoring [interval]

Syntax Description

interval seconds

(Optional) Specifies the time interval for monitoring optical transceivers.

The range is from 300 to 3600 seconds, and the default interval time is 600 seconds.

Command Default

The interval time is 600 seconds.

Command Modes

Transceiver type configuration (config-xcvr-type)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You need digital optical monitoring (DOM) feature and transceiver module compatibility information to configure the monitoring command. Refer to the compatibility matrix to get the lists of Cisco platforms and minimum required software versions to support Gigabit Ethernet transceiver modules.

Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers transmit and receive Ethernet frames at a rate of a gigabit per second, as defined by the IEEE 802.3-2008 standard. Cisco's Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver modules support Ethernet applications across all Cisco switching and routing platforms. These pluggable transceivers offer a convenient and cost effective solution for the adoption in data center, campus, metropolitan area access and ring networks, and storage area networks.

The interval keyword enables you to change the default polling interval. For example, if you set the interval as 1500 seconds, polling happens at every 1500th second. During the polling period entSensorStatus of optical transceivers is set to Unavailable, and once the polling finishes entSensorStatus shows the actual status.


This example shows how to enable monitoring of optical transceivers and set the interval time for monitoring to 1500 seconds:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# transceiver type all
Device(config-xcvr-type)# monitoring interval 1500

This example shows how to disable monitoring for all transceiver types:

Device(config-xcvr-type)# no monitoring


To apply a network-policy profile to an interface, use the network-policy command in interface configuration mode. To remove the policy, use the no form of this command.

network-policy profile-number

no network-policy

Syntax Description


The network-policy profile number to apply to the interface.

Command Default

No network-policy profiles are applied.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the network-policy profile number interface configuration command to apply a profile to an interface.

You cannot apply the switchport voice vlan command on an interface if you first configure a network-policy profile on it. However, if switchport voice vlan vlan-id is already configured on the interface, you can apply a network-policy profile on the interface. The interface then has the voice or voice-signaling VLAN network-policy profile applied.


This example shows how to apply network-policy profile 60 to an interface:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# network-policy 60

network-policy profile (global configuration)

To create a network-policy profile and to enter network-policy configuration mode, use the network-policy profile command in global configuration mode. To delete the policy and to return to global configuration mode, use the no form of this command.

network-policy profile profile-number

no network-policy profile profile-number

Syntax Description


Network-policy profile number. The range is 1 to 4294967295.

Command Default

No network-policy profiles are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the network-policy profile global configuration command to create a profile and to enter network-policy profile configuration mode.

To return to privileged EXEC mode from the network-policy profile configuration mode, enter the exit command.

When you are in network-policy profile configuration mode, you can create the profile for voice and voice signaling by specifying the values for VLAN, class of service (CoS), differentiated services code point (DSCP), and tagging mode.

These profile attributes are contained in the Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED) network-policy time-length-value (TLV).


This example shows how to create network-policy profile 60:

Device(config)# network-policy profile 60

platform usb disable

To disable all the USB ports on a device, use the platform usb disable command in global configuration mode. To reenable all the USB ports on the device, use the no platform usb disable command.

platform usb disable no platform usb disable

Command Default

All the USB ports are enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.5.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The platform usb disable command disables all the USB ports on both stacked and standalone devices, but not Bluetooth dongles connected to USB ports.


The following example shows how to disable USB ports on a device:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# platform usb disable
This config cli may cause data corruption if there is some ongoing operation on usb device. Do you want to proceed [confirm]? 
Device(config)# end

port-dtls (coap-proxy configuration)

To configure a Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) port, use the port-dtls command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

port-dtls number

no port-dtls

Syntax Description


Range is from 1 to 65000.

Command Default

The default port is 5683.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to configure a dtls port .

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device(config-coap-proxy)# port-dtls 5899

port-unsecure (coap-proxy configuration)

To configure a port, use the port-unsecure command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

port-unsecure number

no port-dtls

Syntax Description


Range is from 1 to 65000.

Command Default

The default port is 5683.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to configure a port .

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device(config-coap-proxy)# port-unsecure 5899


To configure Cisco StackPower power-priority values for a switch in a power stack and for its high-priority and low-priority PoE ports, use the power-priority command in switch stack-power configuration mode. To return to the default setting, use the no form of the command.

power-priority {high value | low value | switch value}

no power-priority {high | low | switch}

Syntax Description

high value

Sets the power priority for the ports configured as high-priority ports. The range is 1 to 27, with 1 as the highest priority. The high value must be lower than the value set for the low-priority ports and higher than the value set for the switch.

low value

Sets the power priority for the ports configured as low-priority ports. The range is 1 to 27. The low value must be higher than the value set for the high-priority ports and the value set for the switch.

switch value

Sets the power priority for the switch. The range is 1 to 27. The switch value must be lower than the values set for the low and high-priority ports.

Command Default

If no values are configured, the power stack randomly determines a default priority.

The default ranges are 1 to 9 for switches, 10 to 18 for high-priority ports, 19 to 27 for low-priority ports.

On non-PoE switches, the high and low values (for port priority) have no effect.

Command Modes

Switch stack-power configuration (config-stack)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access switch stack-power configuration mode, enter the stack-power switch switch-number global configuration command.

Cisco StackPower power-priority values determine the order for shutting down switches and ports when power is lost and load shedding must occur. Priority values are from 1 to 27; the highest numbers are shut down first.

We recommend that you configure different priority values for each switch and for its high priority ports and low priority ports to limit the number of devices shut down at one time during a loss of power. If you try to configure the same priority value on different switches in a power stack, the configuration is allowed, but you receive a warning message.


This command is available only on switch stacks running the IP Base or IP Services feature set.


This is an example of setting the power priority for switch 1 in power stack a to 7, for the high-priority ports to 11, and for the low-priority ports to 20.

Device(config)# stack-power switch 1
Device(config-switch-stackpower)# stack-id power_stack_a
Device(config-switch-stackpower)# power-priority high 11
Device(config-switch-stackpower)# power-priority low 20 
Device(config-switch-stackpower)# power-priority switch 7
Device(config-switch-stackpower)# exit

power inline

To configure the power management mode on Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports, use the power inline command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

power inline {auto [max max-wattage] | never | port priority {high | low} | static [max max-wattage]}

no power inline {auto | never | port priority {high | low} | static [max max-wattage]}

Syntax Description


Enables powered-device detection. If enough power is available, automatically allocates power to the PoE port after device detection. Allocation is first-come, first-serve.

max max-wattage

(Optional) Limits the power allowed on the port. The range is 4000 to 30000 mW. If no value is specified, the maximum is allowed.


Disables device detection, and disables power to the port.


Configures the power priority of the port. The default priority is low.

priority { high| low}

Sets the power priority of the port. In case of a power supply failure, ports configured as low priority are turned off first and ports configured as high priority are turned off last. The default priority is low.


Enables powered-device detection. Pre-allocates (reserves) power for a port before the switch discovers the powered device. This action guarantees that the device connected to the interface receives enough power.

Command Default

The default is auto (enabled).

The maximum wattage is 30,000 mW.

The default port priority is low.

Command Default

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on PoE-capable ports. If you enter this command on a port that does not support PoE, this error message appears:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# power inline auto
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

In a switch stack, this command is supported on all ports in the stack that support PoE.

Use the max max-wattage option to disallow higher-power powered devices. With this configuration, when the powered device sends Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) messages requesting more power than the maximum wattage, the switch removes power from the port. If the powered-device IEEE class maximum is greater than the maximum wattage, the switch does not power the device. The power is reclaimed into the global power budget.


The switch never powers any class 0 or class 3 device if the power inline max max-wattage command is configured for less than 30 W.

If the switch denies power to a powered device (the powered device requests more power through CDP messages or if the IEEE class maximum is greater than the maximum wattage), the PoE port is in a power-deny state. The switch generates a system message, and the Oper column in the show power inline privileged EXEC command output shows power-deny.

Use the power inline static max max-wattage command to give a port high priority. The switch allocates PoE to a port configured in static mode before allocating power to a port configured in auto mode. The switch reserves power for the static port when it is configured rather than upon device discovery. The switch reserves the power on a static port even when there is no connected device and whether or not the port is in a shutdown or in a no shutdown state. The switch allocates the configured maximum wattage to the port, and the amount is never adjusted through the IEEE class or by CDP messages from the powered device. Because power is pre-allocated, any powered device that uses less than or equal to the maximum wattage is guaranteed power when it is connected to a static port. However, if the powered device IEEE class is greater than the maximum wattage, the switch does not supply power to it. If the switch learns through CDP messages that the powered device needs more than the maximum wattage, the powered device is shut down.

If the switch cannot pre-allocate power when a port is in static mode (for example, because the entire power budget is already allocated to other auto or static ports), this message appears: Command rejected: power inline static: pwr not available. The port configuration remains unchanged.

When you configure a port by using the power inline auto or the power inline static interface configuration command, the port autonegotiates by using the configured speed and duplex settings. This is necessary to determine the power requirements of the connected device (whether or not it is a powered device). After the power requirements have been determined, the switch hardcodes the interface by using the configured speed and duplex settings without resetting the interface.

When you configure a port by using the power inline never command, the port reverts to the configured speed and duplex settings.

If a port has a Cisco powered device connected to it, you should not use the power inline never command to configure the port. A false link-up can occur, placing the port in an error-disabled state.

Use the power inline port priority {high | low} command to configure the power priority of a PoE port. Powered devices connected to ports with low port priority are shut down first in case of a power shortage.

You can verify your settings by entering the show power inline EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable detection of a powered device and to automatically power a PoE port on a switch:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
Device(config-if)# power inline auto

This example shows how to configure a PoE port on a switch to allow a class 1 or a class 2 powered device:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
Device(config-if)# power inline auto max 7000

This example shows how to disable powered-device detection and to not power a PoE port on a switch:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
Device(config-if)# power inline never

This example shows how to set the priority of a port to high, so that it would be one of the last ports to be shut down in case of power supply failure:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
Device(config-if)# power inline port priority high

power inline police

To enable policing of real-time power consumption on a powered device, use the power inline police command in interface configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command

power inline police [action {errdisable | log}]

no power inline police

Syntax Description

action errdisable

(Optional) Configures the device to turn off power to the port if the real-time power consumption exceeds the maximum power allocation on the port. This is the default action.

action log

(Optional) Configures the device to generate a syslog message while still providing power to a connected device if the real-time power consumption exceeds the maximum power allocation on the port.

Command Default

Policing of the real-time power consumption of the powered device is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on Power over Ethernet (PoE)-capable ports. If you enter this command on a device or port that does not support PoE, an error message appears.

In a switch stack, this command is supported on all switches or ports in the stack that support PoE and real-time power-consumption monitoring.

When policing of the real-time power consumption is enabled, the device takes action when a powered device consumes more power than the allocated maximum amount.

When PoE is enabled, the device senses the real-time power consumption of the powered device. This feature is called power monitoring or power sensing. The device also polices the power usage with the power policing feature.

When power policing is enabled, the device uses one of the these values as the cutoff power on the PoE port in this order:

  1. The user-defined power level that limits the power allowed on the port when you enter the power inline auto max max-wattage or the power inline static max max-wattage interface configuration command

  2. The device automatically sets the power usage of the device by using CDP power negotiation or by the IEEE classification and LLPD power negotiation.

If you do not manually configure the cutoff-power value, the device automatically determines it by using CDP power negotiation or the device IEEE classification and LLDP power negotiation. If CDP or LLDP are not enabled, the default value of 30 W is applied. However without CDP or LLDP, the device does not allow devices to consume more than 15.4 W of power because values from 15400 to 30000 mW are only allocated based on CDP or LLDP requests. If a powered device consumes more than 15.4 W without CDP or LLDP negotiation, the device might be in violation of the maximum current Imax limitation and might experience an Icut fault for drawing more current than the maximum. The port remains in the fault state for a time before attempting to power on again. If the port continuously draws more than 15.4 W, the cycle repeats.

When a powered device connected to a PoE+ port restarts and sends a CDP or LLDP packet with a power TLV, the device locks to the power-negotiation protocol of that first packet and does not respond to power requests from the other protocol. For example, if the device is locked to CDP, it does not provide power to devices that send LLDP requests. If CDP is disabled after the device has locked on it, the device does not respond to LLDP power requests and can no longer power on any accessories. In this case, you should restart the powered device.

If power policing is enabled, the device polices power usage by comparing the real-time power consumption to the maximum power allocated on the PoE port. If the device uses more than the maximum power allocation (or cutoff power) on the port, the device either turns power off to the port, or the device generates a syslog message and updates the LEDs (the port LEDs are blinking amber) while still providing power to the device.

  • To configure the device to turn off power to the port and put the port in the error-disabled state, use the power inline police interface configuration command.

  • To configure the device to generate a syslog message while still providing power to the device, use the power inline police action log command.

If you do not enter the action log keywords, the default action is to shut down the port, turn off power to it, and put the port in the PoE error-disabled state. To configure the PoE port to automatically recover from the error-disabled state, use the errdisable detect cause inline-power global configuration command to enable error-disabled detection for the PoE cause and the errdisable recovery cause inline-power interval interval global configuration command to enable the recovery timer for the PoE error-disabled cause.


If policing is disabled, no action occurs when the powered device consumes more than the maximum power allocation on the port, which could adversely affect the device.

You can verify your settings by entering the show power inline police privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to enable policing of the power consumption and configuring the device to generate a syslog message on the PoE port on a device:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
Device(config-if)# power inline police action log

power supply

To configure and manage the internal power supplies on a switch, use the power supply command in privileged EXEC mode.

power supply stack-member-number slot {A | B} {off | on}

Syntax Description


Stack member number for which to configure the internal power supplies. The range is 1 to 9, depending on the number of switches in the stack.

This parameter is available only on stacking-capable switches.


Selects the switch power supply to set.


Selects the power supply in slot A.


Selects the power supply in slot B.



Power supply slot B is the closest slot to the outer edge of the switch.


Sets the switch power supply to off.


Sets the switch power supply to on.

Command Default

The switch power supply is on.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The power supply command applies to a switch or to a switch stack where all switches are the same platform.

In a switch stack with the same platform switches, you must specify the stack member before entering the slot {A | B} off or on keywords.

To return to the default setting, use the power supply stack-member-number on command.

You can verify your settings by entering the show env power privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to set the power supply in slot A to off:

Device> power supply 2 slot A off
Disabling Power supply A may result in a power loss to PoE devices and/or switches ...
Continue? (yes/[no]): yes
Jun 10 04:52:54.389: %PLATFORM_ENV-6-FRU_PS_OIR: FRU Power Supply 1 powered off
Jun 10 04:52:56.717: %PLATFORM_ENV-1-FAN_NOT_PRESENT: Fan is not present

This example shows how to set the power supply in slot A to on:

Device> power supply 1 slot B on
Jun 10 04:54:39.600: %PLATFORM_ENV-6-FRU_PS_OIR: FRU Power Supply 1 powered on

This example shows the output of the show env power command:

Device> show env power
SW  PID                 Serial#     Status           Sys Pwr  PoE Pwr  Watts
--  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  -------  -----
1A  PWR-1RUC2-640WAC    DCB1705B05B OK               Good     Good     250/390
1B  Not Present

power supply autoLC shutdown

To enable automatic shutdown control on linecards, use the power supply autoLC shutdown command in global configuration mode. This command is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. The AutoLC shutdown cannot be disabled message will be displayed if you try to disable it.

power supply autoLC shutdown

no power supply autoLC shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Automatic shutdown control on linecards is enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to enable automatic shutdown on linecards:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# power supply autoLC shutdown

resource directory (coap-proxy configuration)

To unicast upstream resource directory server to which the switch can act as a COAP client, use the resource directory command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

A maximum of five ip-lists can be configured, for each ipv4 or ipv6, using the resource directory command.

resource directory {ipv4 | ipv6} [ip-address]

no resource directory

Syntax Description

ipv4 ip-address

Specifies IPv4 address.

ipv6 ip-address

Specifies IPv6 address.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to unicast upstream resource directory server to which the switch can act as a COAP client.

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device(config-coap-proxy)# resource-directory ipv4

security (coap-proxy configuration)

To configure CoAP security features, use the security command in coap-proxy configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of the command.

security {none [ipv4 { ip-address | ip-mask/prefix} | ipv6 { ip-address | ip-mask/prefix} | list {ipv4-list-name | ipv6-list-name}] | dtls { [id-trustpoint {identity-trustpoint label}] [verification-trustpoint { verification-trustpoint}] | [ipv4 { ip-address | ip-mask/prefix} | ipv6 { ip-address | ip-mask/prefix} | list {ipv4-list-name | ipv6-list-name}]}}

no security

Syntax Description


Indicates no security on that port.



A maximum of five ipv4 and five ipv6 addresses can be associated.


The DTLS security takes RSA trustpoint and Verification trustpoint which are optional. Without Verification trustpoint it does the normal Public Key Exchange.



A maximum of five ipv4 and five ipv6 addresses can be associated.

Command Modes

coap-proxy configuration (config-coap-proxy)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To access coap-proxy configuration mode, enter the coap proxy command in global configuration mode.


This example shows how to configure no security on the port.

Device(config)# coap proxy
Device(config-coap-proxy)# security none ipv4

shell trigger

To create an event trigger, use the shell trigger command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete the trigger.

shell trigger identifier description

no shell trigger identifier description

Syntax Description


Specifies the event trigger identifier. The identifier should have no spaces or hyphens between words.


Specifies the event trigger description text.

Command Default

System-defined event triggers:








Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create user-defined event triggers for use with the macro auto device and the macro auto execute commands.

To support dynamic device discovery when using IEEE 802.1x authentication, you need to configure the RADIUS authentication server to support the Cisco attribute-value pair: auto-smart-port =event trigger .


This example shows how to create a user-defined event trigger called RADIUS_MAB_EVENT:

Device(config)# shell trigger RADIUS_MAB_EVENT MAC_AuthBypass Event 
Device(config)# end 

show beacon all

To display the status of beacon LED on the device, use the show beacon all command in privileged EXEC mode.

show beacon { rp { active | standby} | slot slot-number } | all}

Syntax Description

rp { active | standby}

Specifies the active or the standby Switch whose beacon LED status is to be displayed.

slot slot-num

Specifies the slot whose beacon LED status is to be displayed.


Displays the status of all beacon LEDs.

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Usage Guidelines

Use the command show beacon all to know the status of all beacon LEDs.


Device#show beacon all
Switch#   Beacon Status
*1        OFF


Device#show beacon rp active
Switch#   Beacon Status
*1        OFF


Device#show beacon slot 1
Switch#   Beacon Status
*1        OFF

show coap dtls endpoints

To display the CoAP dtls endpoints, use the show coap dtls endpoints command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap dtls endpoints

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the CoAP dtls endpoint:

Device# show coap dtls endpoints
#     Index StateString StateValue  Port IP

show coap endpoints

To display the CoAP endpoints, use the show coap endpoints command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap endpoints

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the CoAP endpoint

Device# show coap endpoints
List of all endpoints : 

Code : D - Discovered , N - New
#    Status  Age(s)    LastWKC(s)    IP

Endpoints - Total : 0	Discovered : 0	New : 0 

show coap globals

To display the CoAP globals, use the show coap globals command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap globals

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show coap globals command:

This example shows how to display the CoAP configuration:

Device# show coap dtls globals
Coap System Timer Values : 
	Discovery  : 120 sec
	Cache Exp  : 5 sec
	Keep Alive : 120 sec
	Client DB  : 5 sec
	Query Queue: 500 ms
	Ack delay  : 500 ms
	Timeout    : 5 sec
	Ageout     : 300 sec

Max Endpoints      : 10

Max DTLS Endpoints : 20
Resource Disc Mode : POST

show coap resources

To display the CoAP resources, use the show coap resources command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap resources

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the CoAP resources:

Device# show coap resources
Link format data = 


show coap stats

To display the CoAP stats, use the show coap stats command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap stats

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the CoAP stats:

Device# show coap stats
Coap Stats :
Endpoints    : 0
Requests     : 20
Ext Queries  : 0
New Endpoints: 0

show coap version

To display the CoAP version, use the show coap version command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show coap version

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the CoAP version:

Device# show coap version
CoAP version 1.0.5
RFC 7252

show device classifier attached

To display the devices connected to a switch and their associated properties, use the show device classifier attached command in user EXEC mode.

show device classifier attached [detail | interface interface_id | mac-address mac_address]

Syntax Description


Displays detailed device classifier information.

interface interface_id

Displays information about devices attached to the specified interface.

mac mac_address

Displays device information for the specified endpoint.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the devices connected to a switch. Use the show device classifier attached command in privileged EXEC mode to display the configurable parameters for a device.


This example shows how to use the show device classifier attached command with no optional keywords to view the devices connected to the switch:

Device# show device classifier attached
MAC_Address       Port_Id     Profile Name
==============    =======     ============================
000a.b8c6.1e07    Gi1/0/2    Cisco-Device
001f.9e90.1250    Gi1/0/4    Cisco-AP-Aironet-1130

This example shows how to use the show device classifier attached command in privileged EXEC mode with the optional mac-address keyword to view summary information about the connected device with the specified MAC address:

Device# show device classifier attached mac-address 001f.9e90.1250
MAC_Address       Port_Id     Profile Name
==============    =======     ============================
001f.9e90.1250    Gi1/0/4    Cisco-AP-Aironet-1130

This example shows how to use the show device classifier attached command in privileged EXEC mode with the optional mac-address and detail keywords to view detailed information about the connected device with the specified MAC address:

Device# show device classifier attached mac-address 001f.9e90.1250 detail
MAC_Address       Port_Id     Certainty Parent    ProfileType      Profile Name                Device_Name
==============    =======     ========= ======    ===========  ============================    ===========
001f.9e90.1250    Gi1/0/4      40       2         Built-in       Cisco-AP-Aironet-1130        cisco AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9

This example shows how to use the show device classifier attached command in privileged EXEC mode with the optional interface keyword to view summary information about the device connected to the specified interface:

Device# show device classifier attached interface gi 1/0/2
MAC_Address       Port_Id          Profile Name
==============    =======     ============================
000a.b8c6.1e07    Gi1/0/2    Cisco-Device

This example shows how to use the show device classifier attached command in privileged EXEC mode with the optional interface and detail keywords to view detailed information about the device connected to the specified interface:

Device# show device classifier attached interface gi 1/0/2 detail
MAC_Address       Port_Id     Certainty Parent    ProfileType  Profile Name                    Device_Name
==============    =======     ========= ======    ===========  ============================    ===========
000a.b8c6.1e07    Gi1/0/2      10       0        Default       Cisco-Device        cisco WS-C2960-48TT-L

show device classifier clients

To display the clients using the device classifier facility on the switch, use the show device classifier clients command in user EXEC mode.

show device classifier clients

Command Default

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Device classifier (DC) is enabled by default when you enable a client application (for example, Auto SmartPorts) that uses its functionality. Use the show device classifier clients command to display the clients that are using the DC feature on the switch.

As long as any clients are using the DC, you cannot disable it by using the no device classifier command. If you attempt to disable the DC while a client is using it, an error message appears.


This example shows how to use the show device classifier clients command to view the clients using the DC on the switch:

Device# show device classifier clients
Client Name
Auto Smart Ports

This example shows the error message that appears when you attempt to disable DC while a client is using it:
Switch(config)# no device classifier
These subsystems should be disabled before disabling Device classifier
Auto Smart Ports

% Error - device classifier is not disabled

show device classifier profile type

To display all the device types recognized by the device classifier, use the show device classifier profile type command in user EXEC mode.

show device classifier profile type [table [built-in | default] | string filter_string]

Syntax Description


Displays device classification in a table.


Displays device classification information from the built-in device table.


Displays device classification information from the default device table.

filter string

Displays information for devices that match the filter.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays all the device types recognized by the device classification engine. The number of available device types is the number of profiles stored on the switch. Because the number of profiles can be very large, you can use the filter keyword to limit the command output.


This example shows how to use the show device classifier profile type command in privileged EXEC mode with no optional keywords to view the devices recognized by the device classifier:

Device# show device classifier profile type table
  Valid         Type       Profile Name                         min Conf   ID 
===========  =========  ==================                      ========  ====
  Valid        Default      Apple-Device                              10        0    
  Valid        Default      Aruba-Device                              10        1    
  Valid        Default      Avaya-Device                              10        2    
  Valid        Default      Avaya-IP-Phone                            20        3    
  Valid        Default      BlackBerry                                20        4    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-Device                              10        5    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone                            20        6    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7902                       70        7    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7905                       70        8    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7906                       70        9    
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7910                       70        10   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7911                       70        11   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7912                       70        12   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7940                       70        13   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7941                       70        14   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7942                       70        15   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7945                       70        16   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7945G                      70        17   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7960                       70        18   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7961                       70        19   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7962                       70        20   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7965                       70        21   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7970                       70        22   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7971                       70        23   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7975                       70        24   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-7985                       70        25   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Phone-9971                       70        26   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-WLC-2100-Series                     40        27   
  Valid        Default      DLink-Device                              10        28   
  Valid        Default      Enterasys-Device                          10        29   
  Valid        Default      HP-Device                                 10        30   
  Valid        Default      HP-JetDirect-Printer                      30        31   
  Valid        Default      Lexmark-Device                            10        32   
  Valid        Default      Lexmark-Printer-E260dn                    30        33   
  Valid        Default      Microsoft-Device                          10        34   
  Valid        Default      Netgear-Device                            10        35   
  Valid        Default      NintendoWII                               10        36   
  Valid        Default      Nortel-Device                             10        37   
  Valid        Default      Nortel-IP-Phone-2000-Series               20        38   
  Valid        Default      SonyPS3                                   10        39   
  Valid        Default      XBOX360                                   20        40   
  Valid        Default      Xerox-Device                              10        41   
  Valid        Default      Xerox-Printer-Phaser3250                  30        42   
  Valid        Default      Aruba-AP                                  20        43   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-Access-Point                        10        44   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Conference-Station-7935          70        45   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Conference-Station-7936          70        46   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-IP-Conference-Station-7937          70        47   
  Valid        Default      DLink-DAP-1522                            20        48   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AP-Aironet-1130                     30        49   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AP-Aironet-1240                     30        50   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AP-Aironet-1250                     30        51   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-LAP                             25        52   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-LAP-1130                        30        53   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-LAP-1240                        50        54   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-LAP-1250                        50        55   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-AP                              25        56   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-AP-1130                         30        57   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-AP-1240                         50        58   
  Valid        Default      Cisco-AIR-AP-1250                         50        59   
  Invalid      Default      Sun-Workstation                           10        60   
  Valid        Default      Linksys-Device                            20        61   
  Valid        Default      LinksysWAP54G-Device                      30        62   
  Valid        Default      HTC-Device                                10        63   
  Valid        Default      MotorolaMobile-Device                     10        64   
  Valid        Default      VMWare-Device                             10        65   
  Valid        Default      ISE-Appliance                             10        66   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Device                              10        0    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Router                              10        1    
  Valid        Built-in     Router                                    10        2    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera                           10        3    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-2xxx                      30        4    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-2421                      50        5    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-2500                      50        6    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-2520                      50        7    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-2530                      50        8    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Camera-4xxx                      50        9    
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Transparent-Bridge                  8         10   
  Valid        Built-in     Transparent-Bridge                        8         11   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Source-Bridge                       10        12   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Switch                              10        13   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-IP-Phone                            20        14   
  Valid        Built-in     IP-Phone                                  20        15   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-DMP                                 10        16   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-DMP-4305G                           70        17   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-DMP-4310G                           70        18   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-DMP-4400G                           70        19   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-WLC-2100-Series                     40        20   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-Access-Point                        10        21   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-AIR-LAP                             30        22   
  Valid        Built-in     Cisco-AIR-AP                              30        23   
  Valid        Built-in     Linksys-Device                            20        24 

show environment

To display fan, temperature, and power information, use the show environment command in EXEC mode.

show environment { all | fan | power | stack | temperature }

Syntax Description


Displays the fan and temperature environmental status and the status of the internal power supplies.


Displays the switch fan status.


Displays the internal power status of the active switch.


Displays all environmental status for each switch in the stack or for the specified switch.

This keyword is available only on stacking-capable switches.


Displays the switch temperature status.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show environment EXEC command to display the information for the switch being accessed—a standalone switch or the active switch. Use this command with the stack keyword to display all information for the stack or for the specified stack member.

If you enter the show environment temperature status command, the command output shows the switch temperature state and the threshold level.

You can also use the show environment temperature command to display the switch temperature status. The command output shows the green and yellow states as OK and the red state as FAULTY.

On the C9200CX-12P-2X2G, C9200CX-8P-2X2G, and C9200CX-12T-2X2G models of the Cisco Catalyst 9200CX Series Switches, the show environment temperature command does not display the correct value of 74 for yellow threshold system temperature if the device is upgraded from an older release where the supported value is 71. To fix this, run the no system environment temperature threshold yellow command.


This example shows a sample output of the show environment all command:

Device> show environment all

Switch 1 FAN 1 is OK
Switch 1 FAN 2 is OK
Switch 1 FAN 3 is OK
FAN PS-2 is OK
Inlet Temperature Value: 25 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 46 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 56 Degree Celsius

Hotspot Temperature Value: 35 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 125 Degree Celsius
SW  PID                 Serial#     Status           Sys Pwr  PoE Pwr  Watts
--  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  -------  -----
1A  Unknown             Unknown      No Input Power  Bad      Bad      235 
1B  PWR-C1-350WAC       DCB2137H04P  OK              Good     Good     350 

This example shows a sample output of the show environment power command:

Device> show environment power

SW  PID                 Serial#     Status           Sys Pwr  PoE Pwr  Watts
--  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  -------  -----
1A  Unknown             Unknown      No Input Power  Bad      Bad      235 
1B  PWR-C1-350WAC       DCB2137H04P  OK              Good     Good     350 

This example shows a sample output of the show environment stack command:

Device# show environment stack

System Temperature Value: 41 Degree Celsius
System Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 66 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 76 Degree Celsius

This example shows a sample output of the show environment temperature command:

Device> show environment temperature

Inlet Temperature Value: 25 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 46 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 56 Degree Celsius

Hotspot Temperature Value: 35 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 125 Degree Celsius
Table 3. States in the show environment temperature status Command Output




The switch temperature is in the normal operating range.


The temperature is in the warning range. You should check the external temperature around the switch.


The temperature is in the critical range. The switch might not run properly if the temperature is in this range.

show errdisable detect

To display error-disabled detection status, use the show errdisable detect command in EXEC mode.

show errdisable detect

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A gbic-invalid error reason refers to an invalid small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module.

The error-disable reasons in the command output are listed in alphabetical order. The mode column shows how error-disable is configured for each feature.

You can configure error-disabled detection in these modes:

  • port mode—The entire physical port is error-disabled if a violation occurs.

  • vlan mode—The VLAN is error-disabled if a violation occurs.

  • port/vlan mode—The entire physical port is error-disabled on some ports and is per-VLAN error-disabled on other ports.


This is an example of output from the show errdisable detect command:

Device> show errdisable detect
ErrDisable Reason    Detection    Mode
-----------------    ---------    ----
arp-inspection       Enabled      port
bpduguard            Enabled      vlan
channel-misconfig    Enabled      port
community-limit      Enabled      port
dhcp-rate-limit      Enabled      port
dtp-flap             Enabled      port
gbic-invalid         Enabled      port
inline-power         Enabled      port
invalid-policy       Enabled      port
l2ptguard            Enabled      port
link-flap            Enabled      port
loopback             Enabled      port
lsgroup              Enabled      port
pagp-flap            Enabled      port
psecure-violation    Enabled      port/vlan
security-violatio    Enabled      port
sfp-config-mismat    Enabled      port
storm-control        Enabled      port
udld                 Enabled      port
vmps                 Enabled      port

show errdisable recovery

To display the error-disabled recovery timer information, use the show errdisable recovery command in EXEC mode.

show errdisable recovery

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A gbic-invalid error-disable reason refers to an invalid small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module interface.


Though visible in the output, the unicast-flood field is not valid.

show ip interface

To display the usability status of interfaces configured for IP, use the show ip interface command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip interface [type number] [brief]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface type.


(Optional) Interface number.


(Optional) Displays a summary of the usability status information for each interface.



The output of the show ip interface brief command displays information of all the available interfaces whether or not the corresponding network module for these interfaces are connected. These interfaces can be configured if the network module is connected. Run the show interface status command to see which network modules are connected.

Command Default

The full usability status is displayed for all interfaces configured for IP.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The Cisco IOS software automatically enters a directly connected route in the routing table if the interface is usable (which means that it can send and receive packets). If an interface is not usable, the directly connected routing entry is removed from the routing table. Removing the entry lets the software use dynamic routing protocols to determine backup routes to the network, if any.

If the interface can provide two-way communication, the line protocol is marked "up." If the interface hardware is usable, the interface is marked "up."

If you specify an optional interface type, information for that specific interface is displayed. If you specify no optional arguments, information on all the interfaces is displayed.

When an asynchronous interface is encapsulated with PPP or Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), IP fast switching is enabled. A show ip interface command on an asynchronous interface encapsulated with PPP or SLIP displays a message indicating that IP fast switching is enabled.

You can use the show ip interface brief command to display a summary of the device interfaces. This command displays the IP address, the interface status, and other information.

The show ip interface brief command does not display any information related to Unicast RPF.


The following example shows interface information on Gigabit Ethernet interface 1/0/1:

Device# show ip interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1

GigabitEthernet1/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
  Address determined by setup command
  MTU is 1500 bytes
  Helper address is not set
  Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
  Outgoing access list is not set
  Inbound access list is not set
  Proxy ARP is enabled
  Local Proxy ARP is disabled
  Security level is default
  Split horizon is enabled
  ICMP redirects are always sent
  ICMP unreachables are always sent
  ICMP mask replies are never sent
  IP fast switching is enabled
  IP fast switching on the same interface is disabled
  IP Flow switching is disabled
  IP CEF switching is enabled
  IP Feature Fast switching turbo vector
  IP VPN Flow CEF switching turbo vector
  IP multicast fast switching is enabled
  IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled
  IP route-cache flags are Fast, CEF
  Router Discovery is disabled
  IP output packet accounting is disabled
  IP access violation accounting is disabled
  TCP/IP header compression is disabled
  RTP/IP header compression is disabled
  Policy routing is enabled, using route map PBR
  Network address translation is disabled
  BGP Policy Mapping is disabled
  IP Multi-Processor Forwarding is enabled
     IP Input features, "PBR",
         are not supported by MPF and are IGNORED
     IP Output features, "NetFlow",
         are not supported by MPF and are IGNORED

The following example shows how to display the usability status for a specific VLAN:

Device# show ip interface vlan 1

Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up
  Internet address is
  Broadcast address is
Address determined by non-volatile memory
  MTU is 1500 bytes
  Helper address is not set
  Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
  Outgoing access list is not set
  Inbound  access list is not set
  Proxy ARP is enabled
  Local Proxy ARP is disabled
  Security level is default
  Split horizon is enabled
  ICMP redirects are always sent
  ICMP unreachables are always sent
  ICMP mask replies are never sent
  IP fast switching is enabled
  IP fast switching on the same interface is disabled
  IP Flow switching is disabled
  IP CEF switching is enabled
  IP Fast switching turbo vector
  IP Normal CEF switching turbo vector
  IP multicast fast switching is enabled
  IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled
  IP route-cache flags are Fast, CEF
  Router Discovery is disabled
  IP output packet accounting is disabled
  IP access violation accounting is disabled
  TCP/IP header compression is disabled
  RTP/IP header compression is disabled
  Probe proxy name replies are disabled
  Policy routing is disabled
  Network address translation is disabled
  WCCP Redirect outbound is disabled
  WCCP Redirect inbound is disabled
  WCCP Redirect exclude is disabled
  BGP Policy Mapping is disabled
  Sampled Netflow is disabled
  IP multicast multilayer switching is disabled
  Netflow Data Export (hardware) is enabled

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. show ip interface Field Descriptions



Broadcast address is

Broadcast address.

Peer address is

Peer address.

MTU is

MTU value set on the interface, in bytes.

Helper address

Helper address, if one is set.

Directed broadcast forwarding

Shows whether directed broadcast forwarding is enabled.

Outgoing access list

Shows whether the interface has an outgoing access list set.

Inbound access list

Shows whether the interface has an incoming access list set.

Proxy ARP

Shows whether Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is enabled for the interface.

Security level

IP Security Option (IPSO) security level set for this interface.

Split horizon

Shows whether split horizon is enabled.

ICMP redirects

Shows whether redirect messages will be sent on this interface.

ICMP unreachables

Shows whether unreachable messages will be sent on this interface.

ICMP mask replies

Shows whether mask replies will be sent on this interface.

IP fast switching

Shows whether fast switching is enabled for this interface. It is generally enabled on serial interfaces, such as this one.

IP Flow switching

Shows whether Flow switching is enabled for this interface.

IP CEF switching

Shows whether Cisco Express Forwarding switching is enabled for the interface.

IP multicast fast switching

Shows whether multicast fast switching is enabled for the interface.

IP route-cache flags are Fast

Shows whether NetFlow is enabled on an interface. Displays "Flow init" to specify that NetFlow is enabled on the interface. Displays "Ingress Flow" to specify that NetFlow is enabled on a subinterface using the ip flow ingress command. Shows "Flow" to specify that NetFlow is enabled on a main interface using the ip route-cache flow command.

Router Discovery

Shows whether the discovery process is enabled for this interface. It is generally disabled on serial interfaces.

IP output packet accounting

Shows whether IP accounting is enabled for this interface and what the threshold (maximum number of entries) is.

TCP/IP header compression

Shows whether compression is enabled.

WCCP Redirect outbound is disabled

Shows the status of whether packets received on an interface are redirected to a cache engine. Displays "enabled" or "disabled."

WCCP Redirect exclude is disabled

Shows the status of whether packets targeted for an interface will be excluded from being redirected to a cache engine. Displays "enabled" or "disabled."

Netflow Data Export (hardware) is enabled

NetFlow Data Expert (NDE) hardware flow status on the interface.

The following example shows how to display a summary of the usability status information for each interface:

Device# show ip interface brief

Interface              IP-Address      OK? Method Status                Protocol
Vlan1                  unassigned      YES NVRAM  administratively down down
GigabitEthernet0/0     unassigned      YES NVRAM  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/1   unassigned      YES NVRAM  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/2   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/3   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/4   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/5   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/6   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down
GigabitEthernet1/0/7   unassigned      YES unset  down                  down

<output truncated>
Table 5. show ip interface brief Field Descriptions




Type of interface.


IP address assigned to the interface.


"Yes" means that the IP Address is valid. "No" means that the IP Address is not valid.


The Method field has the following possible values:

  • RARP or SLARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) or Serial Line Address Resolution Protocol (SLARP) request.

  • BOOTP: Bootstrap protocol.

  • TFTP: Configuration file obtained from the TFTP server.

  • manual: Manually changed by the command-line interface.

  • NVRAM: Configuration file in NVRAM.

  • IPCP: ip address negotiated command.

  • DHCP: ip address dhcp command.

  • unset: Unset.

  • other: Unknown.


Shows the status of the interface. Valid values and their meanings are:

  • up: Interface is up.

  • down: Interface is down.

  • administratively down: Interface is administratively down.


Shows the operational status of the routing protocol on this interface.

show interfaces

To display the administrative and operational status of all interfaces or for a specified interface, use the show interfaces command in the EXEC mode.

show interfaces [ interface-id | vlan vlan-id ] [ accounting | capabilities [ module number ] | description | etherchannel | flowcontrol | link [ module number ] | private-vlan mapping | pruning | stats | status [ err-disabled | inactive ] | trunk | ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the interface. Valid interfaces include physical ports (including type, stack member for stacking-capable switches, module, and port number) and port channels.

The port channel range is 1 to 48.

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) VLAN identification. The range is 1 to 4094.


(Optional) Displays accounting information on the interface, including active protocols and input and output packets and octets.



The display shows only packets processed in software; hardware-switched packets do not appear.


(Optional) Displays the capabilities of all interfaces or the specified interface, including the features and options that you can configure on the interface. Though visible in the command line help, this option is not available for VLAN IDs.

module number

(Optional) Displays capabilities of all interfaces on the switch or specified stack member.

This option is not available if you entered a specific interface ID.


(Optional) Displays the administrative status and description set for interfaces.



The output of the show interfaces description command displays information of all the available interfaces whether or not the corresponding network module for these interfaces are connected. These interfaces can be configured if the network module is connected. Run the show interface status command to see which network modules are connected.


(Optional) Displays interface EtherChannel information.


(Optional) Displays interface flow control information.

link [modulenumber]

(Optional) Displays the up time and down time of the interface.

private-vlan mapping

(Optional) Displays private-VLAN mapping information for the VLAN switch virtual interfaces (SVIs). This keyword is not available if the switch is running the LAN base feature set.


(Optional) Displays trunk VTP pruning information for the interface.


(Optional) Displays the input and output packets by switching the path for the interface.


(Optional) Displays the status of the interface. A status of unsupported in the Type field means that a non-Cisco small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module is inserted in the module slot.


(Optional) Displays interfaces in an error-disabled state.


(Optional) Displays interfaces in an inactive state.


(Optional) Displays interface trunk information. If you do not specify an interface, only information for active trunking ports appears.


Though visible in the command-line help strings, the crb , fair-queue , irb , mac-accounting , precedence , random-detect , rate-limit , and shape keywords are not supported.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

The link keyword was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show interfaces capabilities command with different keywords has these results:
  • Use the show interface capabilities module number command to display the capabilities of all interfaces on that switch in the stack. If there is no switch with that module number in the stack, there is no output.

  • Use the show interfaces interface-id capabilities to display the capabilities of the specified interface.

  • Use the show interfaces capabilities (with no module number or interface ID) to display the capabilities of all interfaces in the stack.


The field Last Input displayed in the command output indicates the number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface and processed by the CPU on the device. This information can be used to know when a dead interface failed.

Last Input is not updated by fast-switched traffic.

The field output displayed in the command output indicates the number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully transmitted by the interface. The information provided by this field can useful for knowing when a dead interface failed.

The show interfaces link command with different keywords has these results:

  • Use the show interface link module number command to display the up time and down time of all interfaces on that switch in the stack. If there is no switch with that module number in the stack, there is no output.


    On a standalone switch, the module number refers to the slot number.

  • Use the show interfaces interface-id link to display the up time and down time of the specified interface.

  • Use the show interfaces link (with no module number or interface ID) to display the up time and down time of all interfaces in the stack.

  • If the interface is up, the up time displays the time (hours, minutes, and seconds) and the down time displays 00:00:00.

  • If the interface is down, only the down time displays the time (hours, minutes, and seconds).


This is an example of output from the show interfaces command for an interface on stack member 3:

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet3/0/2

GigabitEthernet3/0/2 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect)
  Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 2037.064d.4381 (bia 2037.064d.4381)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
  Keepalive set (10 sec)
  Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX
  input flow-control is off, output flow-control is unsupported
  ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
  Last input never, output never, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
  Queueing strategy: fifo
  Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
  5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
     0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
     Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts)
     0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
     0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input
     0 input packets with dribble condition detected
     0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
     0 unknown protocol drops
     0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
     0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Device# show interfaces accounting

                Protocol    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
                      IP          0          0          6        378
                Protocol    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
                Protocol    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
                   Other     165476   11417844          0          0
           Spanning Tree    1240284   64494768          0          0
                     ARP       7096     425760          0          0
                     CDP      41368   18781072      82908   35318808
                Protocol    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.
                Protocol    Pkts In   Chars In   Pkts Out  Chars Out
No traffic sent or received on this interface.

<output truncated>

This is an example of output from the show interfaces interface description command when the interface has been described as Connects to Marketing by using the description interface configuration command:

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/0/2 description

Interface                      Status         Protocol Description
Gi1/0/2                        up             down     Connects to Marketing

Device# show interfaces etherchannel
Age of the Port-channel   = 28d:18h:51m:46s
Logical slot/port   = 12/34          Number of ports = 0
GC                  = 0x00000000      HotStandBy port = null
Passive port list   =
Port state          = Port-channel L3-Ag Ag-Not-Inuse
Protocol            =    -
Port security       = Disabled

This is an example of output from the show interfaces interface-id pruning command when pruning is enabled in the VTP domain:

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/0/2 pruning

Port 				 Vlans pruned for lack of request by neighbor
Gi1/0/2   3,4

Port 			  Vlans traffic requested of neighbor
Gi1/0/2   1-3

This is an example of output from the show interfaces stats command for a specified VLAN interface:

Device# show interfaces vlan 1 stats

Switching path    Pkts In    Chars In    Pkts Out    Chars Out
     Processor    1165354   136205310      570800     91731594
   Route cache          0           0           0            0
         Total    1165354   136205310      570800     91731594

This is an example of output from the show interfaces status err-disabled command. It displays the status of interfaces in the error-disabled state:

Device# show interfaces status err-disabled

Port 		   Name       Status         Reason
Gi1/0/2              err-disabled   gbic-invalid
Gi2/0/3              err-disabled   dtp-flap

This is an example of output from the show interfaces interface-id pruning command:

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/0/2 pruning

Port Vlans pruned for lack of request by neighbor

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/0/1 trunk

Port        Mode             Encapsulation  Status        Native vlan
Gi1/0/1     on               802.1q         other         10

Port        Vlans allowed on trunk
Gi1/0/1     none

Port        Vlans allowed and active in management domain
Gi1/0/1     none

Port        Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned
Gi1/0/1     none

This is an example of output from the show interfaces description command:

Device# show interfaces description

Interface                      Status         Protocol Description
Vl1                            admin down     down
Gi0/0                          down           down 
Gi1/0/1                        down           down
Gi1/0/2                        down           down
Gi1/0/3                        down           down
Gi1/0/4                        down           down
Gi1/0/5                        down           down
Gi1/0/6                        down           down
Gi1/0/7                        down           down

<output truncated>


The following is a sample output of the show interfaces link command:

Device> enable 
Device# show interfaces link 
Port           Name               Down Time      Up Time
Gi1/0/1                           6w0d
Gi1/0/2                           6w0d
Gi1/0/3                           00:00:00       5w3d
Gi1/0/4                           6w0d
Gi1/0/5                           6w0d
Gi1/0/6                           6w0d
Gi1/0/7                           6w0d
Gi1/0/8                           6w0d
Gi1/0/9                           6w0d
Gi1/0/10                          6w0d
Gi1/0/11                          2d17h
Gi1/0/12                          6w0d
Gi1/0/13                          6w0d
Gi1/0/14                          6w0d
Gi1/0/15                          6w0d
Gi1/0/16                          6w0d
Gi1/0/17                          6w0d
Gi1/0/18                          6w0d
Gi1/0/19                          6w0d
Gi1/0/20                          6w0d
Gi1/0/21                          6w0d

show interfaces counters

To display various counters for the switch or for a specific interface, use the show interfaces counters command in privileged EXEC mode.

show interfaces [interface-id] counters [errors | etherchannel | module member-number | protocol status | trunk]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the physical interface, including type, stack member (stacking-capable switches only) module, and port number.


(Optional) Displays error counters.


(Optional) Displays EtherChannel counters, including octets, broadcast packets, multicast packets, and unicast packets received and sent.

module member-number

(Optional) Displays counters for the specified member.

The range is 1 to 9.



In this command, the module keyword refers to the stack member number. The module number that is part of the interface ID is always zero.

protocol status

(Optional) Displays the status of protocols enabled on interfaces.


(Optional) Displays trunk counters.


Though visible in the command-line help string, the vlan vlan-id keyword is not supported.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter any keywords, all counters for all interfaces are included.


This is an example of partial output from the show interfaces counters command. It displays all counters for the switch.

Device# show interfaces counters
Port            InOctets    InUcastPkts    InMcastPkts    InBcastPkts
Gi1/0/1                0              0              0              0
Gi1/0/2                0              0              0              0
Gi1/0/3         95285341          43115        1178430           1950
Gi1/0/4                0              0              0              0

<output truncated>

This is an example of partial output from the show interfaces counters module command for module 2. It displays all counters for the specified switch in the module.

Device# show interfaces counters module 2
Port            InOctets    InUcastPkts    InMcastPkts    InBcastPkts
Gi1/0/1              520              2              0              0
Gi1/0/2              520              2              0              0
Gi1/0/3              520              2              0              0
Gi1/0/4              520              2              0              0

<output truncated>

This is an example of partial output from the show interfaces counters protocol status command for all interfaces:

Device# show interfaces counters protocol status
Protocols allocated:
Vlan1: Other, IP
Vlan20: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan30: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan40: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan50: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan60: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan70: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan80: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan90: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan900: Other, IP, ARP
Vlan3000: Other, IP
Vlan3500: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/1: Other, IP, ARP, CDP
GigabitEthernet1/0/2: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/3: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/4: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/5: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/6: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/7: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/8: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/9: Other, IP
GigabitEthernet1/0/10: Other, IP, CDP

<output truncated>

This is an example of output from the show interfaces counters trunk command. It displays trunk counters for all interfaces.

Device# show interfaces counters trunk
Port        TrunkFramesTx   TrunkFramesRx   WrongEncap
Gi1/0/1                 0               0            0
Gi1/0/2                 0               0            0
Gi1/0/3             80678               0            0
Gi1/0/4             82320               0            0
Gi1/0/5                 0               0            0

<output truncated>

show interfaces switchport

To display the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port, including port blocking and port protection settings, use the show interfaces switchport command in privileged EXEC mode.

show interfaces [interface-id] switchport [module number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the interface. Valid interfaces include physical ports (including type, stack member for stacking-capable switches, module, and port number) and port channels. The port channel range is 1 to 48.

module number

(Optional) Displays switchport configuration of all interfaces on the switch or specified stack member.

This option is not available if you entered a specific interface ID.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show interface switchport module number command to display the switch port characteristics of all interfaces on that switch in the stack. If there is no switch with that module number in the stack, there is no output.


This is an example of output from the show interfaces switchport command for a port. The table that follows describes the fields in the display.

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/0/1 switchport
Name: Gi1/0/1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: down
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Negotiation of Trunking: On
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 10 (VLAN0010)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: enabled
Voice VLAN: none
Administrative private-vlan host-association: none
Administrative private-vlan mapping: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled
Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q
Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none
Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none
Operational private-vlan: none
Trunking VLANs Enabled: 11-20
Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001
Capture Mode Disabled
Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL

Protected: false
Unknown unicast blocked: disabled
Unknown multicast blocked: disabled
Appliance trust: none




Displays the port name.


Displays the administrative and operational status of the port. In this display, the port is in switchport mode.

Administrative Mode

Operational Mode

Displays the administrative and operational modes.

Administrative Trunking Encapsulation

Operational Trunking Encapsulation

Negotiation of Trunking

Displays the administrative and operational encapsulation method and whether trunking negotiation is enabled.

Access Mode VLAN

Displays the VLAN ID to which the port is configured.

Trunking Native Mode VLAN

Trunking VLANs Enabled

Trunking VLANs Active

Lists the VLAN ID of the trunk that is in native mode. Lists the allowed VLANs on the trunk. Lists the active VLANs on the trunk.

Pruning VLANs Enabled

Lists the VLANs that are pruning-eligible.


Displays whether or not protected port is enabled (True) or disabled (False) on the interface.

Unknown unicast blocked

Unknown multicast blocked

Displays whether or not unknown multicast and unknown unicast traffic is blocked on the interface.

Voice VLAN

Displays the VLAN ID on which voice VLAN is enabled.

Appliance trust

Displays the class of service (CoS) setting of the data packets of the IP phone.

show interfaces transceiver

To display the physical properties of a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module interface, use the show interfaces transceiver command in EXEC mode.

show interfaces [interface-id] transceiver [detail | module number | properties | supported-list | threshold-table]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the physical interface, including type, stack member (stacking-capable switches only) module, and port number.


(Optional) Displays calibration properties, including high and low numbers and any alarm information for any Digital Optical Monitoring (DoM)-capable transceiver if one is installed in the switch.

module number

(Optional) Limits display to interfaces on module on the switch.

This option is not available if you entered a specific interface ID.


(Optional) Displays speed, duplex, and inline power settings on an interface.


(Optional) Lists all supported transceivers.


(Optional) Displays alarm and warning threshold table.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This is an example of output from the show interfaces interface-id transceiver properties command:

Device# show interfaces transceiver                                       

If device is externally calibrated, only calibrated values are printed.      
++ : high alarm, +  : high warning, -  : low warning, -- : low alarm.        
NA or N/A: not applicable, Tx: transmit, Rx: receive.                        
mA: milliamperes, dBm: decibels (milliwatts).                                

                                           Optical   Optical
           Temperature  Voltage  Current   Tx Power  Rx Power
Port       (Celsius)    (Volts)  (mA)      (dBm)     (dBm)   
---------  -----------  -------  --------  --------  --------
Gi5/1/2      42.9       3.28      22.1      -5.4      -8.1   
Te5/1/3      32.0       3.28      19.8       2.4      -4.2   

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/1/1 transceiver properties
		Name : Gi1/1/1
		Administrative Speed: auto 
		Operational Speed: auto 
		Administrative Duplex: auto
		Administrative Power Inline: enable
		Operational Duplex: auto
		Administrative Auto-MDIX: off
		Operational Auto-MDIX: off

This is an example of output from the show interfaces interface-id transceiver detail command:

Device# show interfaces gigabitethernet1/1/1 transceiver detail
		ITU Channel not available (Wavelength not available),
		Transceiver is internally calibrated.
		mA:milliamperes, dBm:decibels (milliwatts), N/A:not applicable.
		++:high alarm, +:high warning, -:low warning, -- :low alarm.
		A2D readouts (if they differ), are reported in parentheses.
		The threshold values are uncalibrated.
		                            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
		         Temperature        Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
		Port     (Celsius)         (Celsius)   (Celsius)  (Celsius)  (Celsius)
		-------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
		Gi1/1/1  29.9               74.0        70.0       0.0        -4.0
		                            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
		         Voltage            Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
		Port     (Volts)            (Volts)     (Volts)    (Volts)    (Volts)
		-------  ---------------    ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
		Gi1/1/1  3.28               3.60        3.50       3.10       3.00

		         Optical            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
		         Transmit Power     Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
		Port     (dBm)              (dBm)       (dBm)      (dBm)      (dBm)
		-------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
		Gi1/1/1  1.8                7.9         3.9        0.0        -4.0
		         Optical            High Alarm  High Warn  Low Warn   Low Alarm
		         Receive Power      Threshold   Threshold  Threshold  Threshold
		Port     (dBm)              (dBm)       (dBm)      (dBm)      (dBm)
		-------  -----------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------
		Gi1/1/1  -23.5              -5.0        -9.0       -28.2      -32.2

Device# show interfaces transceiver supported-list
Transceiver Type           Cisco p/n min version     
                               supporting DOM        
------------------       -------------------------   

   DWDM GBIC                ALL                      
   DWDM SFP                 ALL                      
   RX only WDM GBIC         ALL                      
   DWDM XENPAK              ALL                      
   DWDM X2                  ALL                      
   DWDM XFP                 ALL                      
   CWDM GBIC                NONE                     
   CWDM X2                  ALL                      
   CWDM XFP                 ALL                      
   XENPAK ZR                ALL                      
   X2 ZR                    ALL                      
   XFP ZR                   ALL                      
   Rx_only_WDM_XENPAK       ALL                      
   XENPAK_ER                10-1888-04               
   X2_ER                    ALL                      
   XFP_ER                   ALL                      
   XENPAK_LR                10-1838-04               
   X2_LR                    ALL                      
   XFP_LR                   ALL                      
   XENPAK_LW                ALL                      
   X2_LW                    ALL                      
   XFP_LW                   NONE                     
   XENPAK SR                NONE                     
   X2 SR                    ALL                      
   XFP SR                   ALL                      
   XENPAK LX4               NONE                     
   X2 LX4                   NONE                     
   XFP LX4                  NONE                     
   XENPAK CX4               NONE                     
   X2 CX4                   NONE
   XFP CX4                  NONE
   SX GBIC                  NONE
   LX GBIC                  NONE
   ZX GBIC                  NONE
   CWDM_SFP                 ALL
   Rx_only_WDM_SFP          NONE
   SX_SFP                   ALL
   LX_SFP                   ALL
   ZX_SFP                   ALL
   EX_SFP                   ALL
   SX SFP                   NONE
   LX SFP                   NONE
   ZX SFP                   NONE
   GIgE BX U SFP            NONE
   GigE BX D SFP            ALL
   X2 LRM                   ALL
   SR_SFPP                  ALL
   LR_SFPP                  ALL
   LRM_SFPP                 ALL
   ER_SFPP                  ALL
   ZR_SFPP                  ALL
   DWDM_SFPP                ALL
   GIgE BX 40U SFP          ALL
   GigE BX 40D SFP          ALL
   GigE BX 40DA SFP         ALL
   GIgE BX 80U SFP          ALL
   GigE BX 80D SFP          ALL
   GIG BXU_SFPP             ALL
   GIG BXD_SFPP             ALL
   GIG BX40U_SFPP           ALL
   GIG BX40D_SFPP           ALL
   GigE Dual Rate LX SFP    ALL
   CWDM_SFPP                ALL
   CPAK_SR10                ALL
   CPAK_LR4                 ALL
   QSFP_LR                  ALL
   QSFP_SR                  ALL

This is an example of output from the show interfaces transceiver threshold-table command:

Device# show interfaces transceiver threshold-table
              Optical Tx     Optical Rx    Temp     Laser Bias    Voltage
             -------------  -------------  ------   ------------  ---------

Min1             -4.00        -32.00        -4            N/A          4.65
Min2              0.00        -28.00        0             N/A          4.75
Max2              4.00         -9.00        70            N/A          5.25
Max1              7.00         -5.00        74            N/A          5.40
Min1             -4.00        -32.00        -4            N/A          3.00
Min2              0.00        -28.00        0             N/A          3.10
Max2              4.00         -9.00        70            N/A          3.50
Max1              8.00         -5.00        74            N/A          3.60
Min1              N/A         -32.00        -4            N/A          4.65
Min2              N/A         -28.30        0             N/A          4.75
Max2              N/A          -9.00        70            N/A          5.25
Max1              N/A          -5.00        74            N/A          5.40
Min1             -5.00        -28.00        -4            N/A          N/A
Min2             -1.00        -24.00        0             N/A          N/A
Max2              3.00         -7.00        70            N/A          N/A
Max1              7.00         -3.00        74            N/A          N/A
Min1             -5.00        -28.00        -4            N/A          N/A
Min2             -1.00        -24.00        0             N/A          N/A
Max2              3.00         -7.00        70            N/A          N/A
Max1              7.00         -3.00        74            N/A          N/A
Min1             -5.00        -28.00        -4            N/A          N/A
Min2             -1.00        -24.00        0             N/A          N/A
Max2              3.00         -7.00        70            N/A          N/A
Max1              7.00         -3.00        74            N/A          N/A
Min1              N/A           N/A         0             N/A          N/A
Min2              N/A           N/A         0             N/A          N/A
Max2              N/A           N/A         0             N/A          N/A
Max1              N/A           N/A         0             N/A          N/A

<output truncated>

show macro auto

To display Auto Smartports macro information, use the show macro auto command in user EXEC mode.

show macro auto {address-group address-group-name | | device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch] | global [event_trigger] | | interface [interface_id] }

Syntax Description

address-group [address-group-name]

Displays address-group information.

(Optional) address-group-name —Displays information for the specified address group.

device [access-point] [ip-camera] [lightweight-ap] [media-player] [phone] [router] [switch]

Displays device information about one or more devices.

  • (Optional) access-point —Autonomous access point

  • (Optional) ip-camera —Cisco IP video surveillance camera

  • (Optional) lightweight-ap —Lightweight access point

  • (Optional) media-player —Digital media player

  • (Optional) phone—Cisco IP phone

  • (Optional) router —Cisco router

  • (Optional) switch —Cisco switch

global [event_trigger]

Displays Auto Smartports information about the switch.

(Optional) event_trigger —Displays information about the specified event trigger.

interface [interface_id]

Displays interface status.

(Optional) interface_id —isplays information about the specified interface.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display the Auto SmartPorts information for the switch. Use the show macro auto device command to display the configurable parameters for a device.


This example shows how to use the show macro auto device to view the configuration on the switch:

Device# show macro auto device
Configurable Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1

Configurable Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1

Configurable Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN VOICE_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1 VOICE_VLAN=2
Current Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1 VOICE_VLAN=2

Configurable Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1

Configurable Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:NATIVE_VLAN=1

Configurable Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1

Configurable Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN
Defaults Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1
Current Parameters:ACCESS_VLAN=1

This example shows how to use the show macro auto address-group name command to view the TEST3 address group configuration on the switch:

Device# show macro auto address-group TEST3MAC Address Group Configuration:

Group Name OUI  MAC ADDRESS               
TEST3 2233.33     0022.0022.0022            

show memory platform

To display memory statistics of a platform, use the show memory platform command in privileged EXEC mode.

show memory platform [compressed-swap | information | page-merging]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays platform memory compressed-swap information.


(Optional) Displays general information about the platform.


(Optional) Displays platform memory page-merging information.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Free memory is accurately computed and displayed in the Free Memory field of the command output.


The following is sample output from the show memory platform command:

Switch# show memory platform
 Virtual memory   : 12874653696
  Pages resident   : 627041
  Major page faults: 2220
  Minor page faults: 2348631

  Architecture     : mips64
  Memory (kB)
    Physical       : 3976852
    Total          : 3976852
    Used           : 2761276
    Free           : 1215576
    Active         : 2128196
    Inactive       : 1581856
    Inact-dirty    : 0
    Inact-clean    : 0
    Dirty          : 0
    AnonPages      : 1294984
    Bounce         : 0
    Cached         : 1978168
    Commit Limit   : 1988424
    Committed As   : 3343324
    High Total     : 0
    High Free      : 0
    Low Total      : 3976852
    Low Free       : 1215576
    Mapped         : 516316
    NFS Unstable   : 0
    Page Tables    : 17124
    Slab           : 0
    VMmalloc Chunk : 1069542588
    VMmalloc Total : 1069547512
    VMmalloc Used  : 2588
    Writeback      : 0
    HugePages Total: 0
    HugePages Free : 0
    HugePages Rsvd : 0
    HugePage Size  : 2048

  Swap (kB)
    Total          : 0
    Used           : 0
    Free           : 0
    Cached         : 0

  Buffers (kB)     : 437136

  Load Average
    1-Min          : 1.04
    5-Min          : 1.16
    15-Min         : 0.94

The following is sample output from the show memory platform information command:

Device# show memory platform information

 Virtual memory   : 12870438912
  Pages resident   : 626833
  Major page faults: 2222
  Minor page faults: 2362455

  Architecture     : mips64
  Memory (kB)
    Physical       : 3976852
    Total          : 3976852
    Used           : 2761224
    Free           : 1215628
    Active         : 2128060
    Inactive       : 1584444
    Inact-dirty    : 0
    Inact-clean    : 0
    Dirty          : 284
    AnonPages      : 1294656
    Bounce         : 0
    Cached         : 1979644
    Commit Limit   : 1988424
    Committed As   : 3342184
    High Total     : 0
    High Free      : 0
    Low Total      : 3976852
    Low Free       : 1215628
    Mapped         : 516212
    NFS Unstable   : 0
    Page Tables    : 17096
    Slab           : 0
    VMmalloc Chunk : 1069542588
    VMmalloc Total : 1069547512
    VMmalloc Used  : 2588
    Writeback      : 0
    HugePages Total: 0
    HugePages Free : 0
    HugePages Rsvd : 0
    HugePage Size  : 2048

  Swap (kB)
    Total          : 0
    Used           : 0
    Free           : 0
    Cached         : 0

  Buffers (kB)     : 438228

  Load Average
    1-Min          : 1.54
    5-Min          : 1.27
    15-Min         : 0.99

show module

To display module information such as switch number, model number, serial number, hardware revision number, software version, MAC address and so on, use this command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show module [switch-num]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the switch.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Entering the show module command without the switch-num argument is the same as entering the show module all command.

show network-policy profile

To display the network-policy profiles, use the show network policy profile command in privileged EXEC mode.

show network-policy profile [profile-number] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the network-policy profile number. If no profile is entered, all network-policy profiles appear.


(Optional) Displays detailed status and statistics information.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This is an example of output from the show network-policy profile command:

Device# show network-policy profile
Network Policy Profile 10
   voice vlan 17 cos 4
Network Policy Profile 30
   voice vlan 30 cos 5
Network Policy Profile 36
   voice vlan 4 cos 3

show parser macro

To display the parameters for all configured macros or for one macro on the switch, use the show parser macro command in user EXEC mode.

show parser macro {brief | description [interface interface-id] | name macro-name}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the name of each macro.

description [interface interface-id]

(Optional) Displays all macro descriptions or the description of a specific interface.

name macro-name

(Optional) Displays information about a single macro identified by the macro name.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.


This is a partial output example from the show parser macro command. The output for the Cisco-default macros varies depending on the switch platform and the software image running on the switch:

Device# show parser macro
Total number of macros = 6
Macro name : cisco-global
Macro type : default global
# Enable dynamic port error recovery for link state
# failures
errdisable recovery cause link-flap
errdisable recovery interval 60

<output truncated>

Macro name : cisco-desktop
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $AVID
# Basic interface - Enable data VLAN only
# Recommended value for access vlan (AVID) should not be 1
switchport access vlan $AVID
switchport mode access

<output truncated>

Macro name : cisco-phone
Macro type : default interface
# Cisco IP phone + desktop template
# macro keywords $AVID $VVID
# VoIP enabled interface - Enable data VLAN
# and voice VLAN (VVID)
# Recommended value for access vlan (AVID) should not be 1
switchport access vlan $AVID
switchport mode access

<output truncated>

Macro name : cisco-switch
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $NVID
# Access Uplink to Distribution
# Do not apply to EtherChannel/Port Group
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan (NVID) should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $NVID

<output truncated>

Macro name : cisco-router
Macro type : default interface
# macro keywords $NVID
# Access Uplink to Distribution
# Define unique Native VLAN on trunk ports
# Recommended value for native vlan (NVID) should not be 1
switchport trunk native vlan $NVID

<output truncated>

Macro name : snmp
Macro type : customizable

#enable port security, linkup, and linkdown traps
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps linkup
snmp-server enable traps linkdown
#set snmp-server host
snmp-server host ADDRESS
#set SNMP trap notifications precedence
snmp-server ip precedence VALUE


This example shows the output from the show parser macro name command:

Device# show parser macro name standard-switch10
Macro name : standard-switch10
Macro type : customizable
macro description standard-switch10
# Trust QoS settings on VOIP packets
auto qos voip trust
# Allow port channels to be automatically formed
channel-protocol pagp

This example shows the output from the show parser macro brief command:

Device# show parser macro brief    
    default global   : cisco-global
    default interface: cisco-desktop
    default interface: cisco-phone
    default interface: cisco-switch
    default interface: cisco-router
    customizable     : snmp

This exampe shows the output from the show parser macro description command:

Device# show parser macro description     
Global Macro(s): cisco-global
Interface    Macro Description(s)
Gi1/0/1        standard-switch10
Gi1/0/2       this is test macro

This example shows the output from the show parser macro description interface command:

Device# show parser macro description interface gigabitethernet1/0/2     
Interface    Macro Description
Gi1/0/2      this is test macro

show platform hardware bluetooth

To display information about Bluetooth interface, use the show platform hardware bluetooth command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware bluetooth

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show platform hardware bluetooth command is to be used when an external USB Bluetooth dongle is connected on the device.


This example shows how to display the information of the Bluetooth interface using the show platform hardware bluetooth command.

Device> enable
Device# show platform hardware bluetooth
Controller: 0:1a:7d:da:71:13
Type: Primary
Bus: USB
State: DOWN
HCI Version:

show platform hardware fed switch forward interface

To debug forwarding information and to trace the packet path in the hardware forwarding plane, use the show platform hardware fed switch switch_number forward interface command. This command simulates a user-defined packet and retrieves the forwarding information from the hardware forwarding plane. A packet is generated on the ingress port based on the packet parameters that you have specified in this command. You can also provide a complete packet from the captured packets stored in a PCAP file.

This topic elaborates only the interface forwarding-specific options, that is, the options available with the show platform hardware fed switch { switch_num | active | standby } forward interface command.

show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num | active | standby} forward interface interface-type interface-number source-mac-address destination-mac-address {protocol-number | arp | cos | ipv4 | ipv6 | mpls}

show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num | active | standby} forward interface interface-type interface-number pcap pcap-file-name number packet-number data

show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num | active | standby} forward interface interface-type interface-number vlan vlan-id source-mac-address destination-mac-address {protocol-number | arp | cos | ipv4 | ipv6 | mpls}

Syntax Description

switch { switch_num | active | standby }

The switch on which packet tracing has to be scheduled. The input port should be available on this switch. You have the following options :

  • switch_num —ID of the switch on which the ingress port is present.

  • active —indicates the active switch on which the the ingress port is present.

  • standby —indicates the standby switch on which the ingress port is present.



    This keyword is not supported.

interface interface-type interface-number

The input interface on which packet trace is simulated.


The source MAC address of the packet you want to simulate.


The MAC address of the destination interface in hexadecimal format.


The number assigned to any L3 protocol.


The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) parameters.


The IPv4 packet parameters.


The IPv6 packet parameters.


The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) label parameters.


The class of service (CoS) number from 0 to 7 to set priority.

pcap pcap-file-name

Name of the pcap file in internal flash (flash:).

Ensure that the file already exists in flash:.

number packet-number

Specifies the packet number in the pcap file.

vlan vlan-id

VLAN id of the dot1q header in the simulated packet. The range is 1 to 4096.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1

The command was enhanced to support MPLS/ARP/VxLAN packet parameters and trace packets captured in a PCAP file.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

The command was enhanced to support data capture across a stack.

Usage Guidelines

Do not use this command unless a technical support representative asks you to. Use this command only when you are working directly with a technical support representative while troubleshooting a problem.

This command supports the following packet types:

  • Non-IP packets with any L3 protocol

  • ARP packets

  • IPv4 packets with any L4 protocol

  • IPv4 packets with TCP/UDP/IGMP/ICMP/SCTP payload

  • VxLAN packets

  • MPLS packets with up to 3 Labels and meta data

  • MPLS packets with IPv4/IPv6 payload

  • IPv6 packets with TCP/UDP/IGMP/ICMP/SCTP payload

In a stack environment, you can trace packets across the stack irrespective of the number of stack members and topology. The show platform hardware fed switch switch-number forward interface interface-type interface-number command consolidates packet-forwarding information of all the stack members on the ingress switch. To achieve this, ensure that the switch number specified in the switch_num and interface-number arguments are of the input switch and that the number matches.

To trace any particular packet from the captured packets stored in a PCAP file, use the show platform hardware fed switch forward interface interface-type interface-number pcap pcap-file-name number packet-number data command.


This is an example of output from the show platform hardware fed switch { switch_num | active | standby } forward interface command.

Device#show platform hardware fed switch active forward interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/35 0000.0022.0055 0000.0055.0066 ipv4 udp 1222 3333

Show forward is running in the background. After completion, syslog will be generated.

*Sep 24 05:57:36.614: %SHFWD-6-PACKET_TRACE_DONE: Switch 1 R0/0: fed: Packet Trace Complete:  Execute (show platform hardware fed switch <> forward last summary|detail)
*Sep 24 05:57:36.614: %SHFWD-6-PACKET_TRACE_FLOW_ID: Switch 1 R0/0: fed: Packet Trace Flow id is 150323855361

show platform hardware fed switch fwd-asic counters tla

To display the register information of a counter from the forwarding ASIC, use the show platform hardware fed switch fwd-asic counters tla command in the Privileged EXEC mode.

show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num | active | standby} fwd-asic counters tla tla_counter {detail | drop | statistics}[ asic asic_num] output location:filename

Syntax Description
