Usage Guidelines
This command displays information about the Cisco IOS software version currently running on a device, the ROM Monitor and
Bootflash software versions, and information about the hardware configuration, including the amount of system memory. Because
this command displays both software and hardware information, the output of this command is the same as the output of the
hardware command. (The show
hardware command is a command alias for the show
version command.)
Specifically, the show
version command provides the following information:
Software information
- Main Cisco IOS image version
- Main Cisco IOS image capabilities (feature set)
- Location and name of bootfile in ROM
- Bootflash image version (depending on platform)
Device-specific information
- Device name
- System uptime
- System reload reason
- Config-register setting
- Config-register settings for after the next reload (depending on platform)
Hardware information
- Platform type
- Processor type
- Processor hardware revision
- Amount of main (processor) memory installed
- Amount I/O memory installed
- Amount of Flash memory installed on different types (depending on platform)
- Processor board ID
The output of this command uses the following format:
Cisco IOS Software, <platform> Software (<image-id>), Version <software-version>,
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) <date-range> by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled <day> <date> <time> by <compiler-id>
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version <software-version>, <software-type>
BOOTLDR: <platform> Software (image-id), Version <software-version>, <software-type>
<router-name> uptime is <w> weeks, <d> days, <h> hours,
<m> minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at <time> <day> <date>
System image file is "<filesystem-location>/<software-image-name>"
Last reload reason: <reload-reason>Cisco <platform-processor-type>
processor (revision <processor-revision-id>) with <free-DRAM-memory>
K/<packet-memory>K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID <ID-number
<CPU-type> CPU at <clock-speed>Mhz, Implementation <number>, Rev <
Revision-number>, <kilobytes-Processor-Cache-Memory>KB <cache-Level> Cache
See the Examples section for descriptions of the fields in this output.
Entering show version displays the IOS XE software version and the IOS XE software bundle which includes a set of individual packages that comprise
the complete set of software that runs on the switch.
The show version running command displays the list of individual packages that are currently running on the switch. When booted in installed mode,
this is typically the set of packages listed in the booted provisioning file. When booted in bundle mode, this is typically
the set of packages contained in the bundle.
The show version provisioned command displays information about the provisioned package set.
The following is sample output from the show version command on a Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switch:
Device# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2
Cisco IOS Software [Fuji], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Experimental Version 16.10.20180903:072347 [v1610_throttle-/nobackup/mcpre/BLD-BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602 183]
Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 03-Sep-18 11:53 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
BOOTLDR: System Bootstrap, Version 16.10.1r, RELEASE SOFTWARE (P)
C9300 uptime is 20 hours, 7 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 20 hours, 8 minutes
System returned to ROM by Image Install
System image file is "flash:packages.conf"
Last reload reason: Image Install
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Technology Package License Information:
Technology-package Technology-package
Current Type Next reboot
network-advantage Smart License network-advantage
dna-advantage Subscription Smart License dna-advantage
Smart Licensing Status: UNREGISTERED/EVAL MODE
cisco C9300-24U (X86) processor with 1415813K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FCW2125L0BH
8 Virtual Ethernet interfaces
56 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
16 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
4 TwentyFive Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
4 Forty Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8388608K bytes of physical memory.
1638400K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:.
1638400K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo-2:.
11264000K bytes of Flash at flash:.
11264000K bytes of Flash at flash-2:.
0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:.
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 70:d3:79:be:6c:80
Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-17954-06
Motherboard Serial Number : FOC21230KPX
Model Revision Number : A0
Motherboard Revision Number : A0
Model Number : C9300-24U
System Serial Number : FCW2125L0BH
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Mode
------ ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ----
* 1 40 C9300-24U 16.10.1 CAT9K_IOSXE INSTALL
2 40 C9300-24U 16.10.1 CAT9K_IOSXE INSTALL
Switch 02
Switch uptime : 20 hours, 8 minutes
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 70:d3:79:84:85:80
Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-17954-06
Motherboard Serial Number : FOC21230KPK
Model Revision Number : A0
Motherboard Revision Number : A0
Model Number : C9300-24U
System Serial Number : FCW2125L03W
Last reload reason : Image Install
Configuration register is 0x102
In the following example, the show version running command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switch to view information about the packages currently running on both
switches in a 2-member stack:
Device# show version running
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
Role: provisioning file
File: /flash/packages.conf, on: RP0
Built: n/a, by: n/a
File SHA1 checksum: 6a43991bae5b94de0df8083550f827a3c01756c5
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_base
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: rpboot, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_boot
File: /flash/cat9k-rpboot.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: n/a
Package: guestshell, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: guestshell
File: /flash/cat9k-guestshell.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 10827f9f9db3b016d19a926acc6be0541440b8d7
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_daemons
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_iosd
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_security
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: webui, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: rp_webui
File: /flash/cat9k-webui.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 5112d7749b38fa1e122ce6ee1bfb266ad7eb553a
Package: srdriver, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: srdriver
File: /flash/cat9k-srdriver.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: aff411e981a8dfc8de14005cc33462dc69f8bfaf
Package: cc_srdriver, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: active
Role: cc_srdriver
File: /flash/cat9k-cc_srdriver.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: e3da784f3e61ef1e153028e53d9dc94b2c9b1bf7
In the following example, the show version provisioned command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switch that is the active switch in a 2-member stack. The show version provisioned command displays information about the packages in the provisioned package set.
Device# show version provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
Role: provisioning file
File: /flash/packages.conf, on: RP0
Built: n/a, by: n/a
File SHA1 checksum: 6a43991bae5b94de0df8083550f827a3c01756c5
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_base
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: guestshell, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: guestshell
File: /flash/cat9k-guestshell.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 10827f9f9db3b016d19a926acc6be0541440b8d7
Package: rpboot, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_boot
File: /flash/cat9k-rpboot.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: n/a
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_daemons
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_iosd
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_security
File: /flash/cat9k-rpbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 78331327788b2cd00624043d71a15094bd19d885
Package: webui, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_webui
File: /flash/cat9k-webui.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 5112d7749b38fa1e122ce6ee1bfb266ad7eb553a
Package: wlc, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: rp_wlc
File: /flash/cat9k-wlc.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: ada21bb3d57e1b03e5af2329503ed6caa7236d6e
Package: srdriver, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: srdriver
File: /flash/cat9k-srdriver.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: aff411e981a8dfc8de14005cc33462dc69f8bfaf
Package: espbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: fp
File: /flash/cat9k-espbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: ESP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 1a2317485f285a3945b31ae57aa64c56ed30a8c0
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: cc
File: /flash/cat9k-sipbase.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: ce821195f0c0bd5e44f21e32fca76cf9b2eed02b
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: cc_spa
File: /flash/cat9k-sipspa.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 54645404860b662d72f8ff7fa5e6e88cb0960e20
Package: cc_srdriver, version: BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2, status: n/a
Role: cc_srdriver
File: /flash/cat9k-cc_srdriver.BLD_V1610_THROTTLE_LATEST_20180903_070602_V16_10_0_101_2.SSA.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2018-09-03_13.11, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: e3da784f3e61ef1e153028e53d9dc94b2c9b1bf7
Table 8. Table 5, show version running Field Descriptions
The individual sub-package name.
The individual sub-package version.
Reveals if the package is active or inactive for the specific Supervisor module.
The filename of the individual package file.
The slot number of the Active or Standby Supervisor that this package is running on.
The date the individual package was built.