Adding an IMM Transition for Conversion
Converting Service Profiles from UCSM/Central to Server Profiles in Intersight
Perform the following steps to start with the IMM transition:
Click Add IMM Transition.
Enter a name for the Transition.
Select a Transition Type.
(a) Select Generate Readiness Report if you only want to view the compatibility/readiness summary of the UCS Manager hardware and configuration or the compatibility of the UCS Central configuration.
(b) Select Generate Readiness Report + Push Config to Intersight if you want to view the readiness report and push the converted configuration to Intersight.
(c) Select Clone Intersight if you want to migrate from one Intersight account to another by cloning the configurations. For the detailed procedure, see Adding an IMM Transition for Cloning.
(d) Select Upload Configuration + Push to Intersight if you want to directly upload a JSON configuration file and push it to Intersight. For the detailed procedure, see Adding an IMM Transition to Push the Uploaded Configuration.
Click Next.
Select the Source UCS Device - UCS Manager or UCS Central.
Enter the selected device details.
(a) Choose the Select Existing UCS Manager/ Select Existing UCS Central option if you want to migrate the configuration of an existing device.
(b) Choose the Add New UCS Manager/Add New UCS Central option if you want to add a new UCS Manager/UCS Central configuration.
Enter the Domain IP/FQDN, Username, and Password for the device. If required, enable the proxy for the newly added device by turning on the Use Proxy toggle button. Add proxy settings details in the Proxy Settings interface. To know about the procedure to enable Proxy Settings, see Proxy Settings.
Click Refresh to retrieve the latest configuration and inventory details from the UCS Manager/Central device.
If the selected source device is UCS Central, then you can choose the UCS Central instance from the Choose UCS Central drop-down list.
You can download the Configuration JSON file and Inventory JSON file for the current device using the Download link.
Configuration JSON file contains the detailed information of the software configuration present in the existing UCS Manager/UCS Central device.
Inventory JSON file contains the detailed information of the hardware inventory present in the UCS Manager domain or in all the UCS domains of the UCS Central instance.
These files can be shared with the technical support team for troubleshooting purpose.
While adding a transition, the configuration/inventory fetched from a live device is represented by , and the configuration/inventory fetched from a file (manually uploaded by user) is denoted by on the Select Source UCS/Intersight Device page.
For more details, see Uploading Custom Device File.
In case an error occurs, you can enable the Force Fetch toggle button to allow the tool to ignore the failed objects and proceed to fetch the configurations of the remaining devices.
Click Next.
Select the destination Intersight Account.
(a) Select Choose from existing account option if you want to migrate the configuration to an existing Intersight account. Go to Step 12.
(b) Select Add new account option if you want to migrate the configuration to a new Intersight SaaS or a new Intersight Appliance VM account. Go to Step 10.
From release 4.0.1 onwards, If you select Intersight SaaS account, you can also select the region to which the account belongs: US or EU.
(c) Select Proceed without Intersight device option if you want to generate the conversion readiness report without adding the details of the destination Intersight account. Go to Step 12.
Perform the following steps to generate an API Key ID from Intersight.
Log into the Intersight application.
On the top-right corner, click on the Gear icon and select Settings.
Under the API section, click API Keys.
On the top-right of the page, click Generate API Keys.
Enter a name in the Description field and select API Key for OpenAPI Schema Version 2 or Version 3.
OpenAPI schema version 2 is not supported till IMM Transition Tool, Release 3.0.1. The support for API Keys with V2 and V3 schema is available from IMM Transition Tool, Release 3.0.2 onwards.
Click Generate.
The API Key ID and Secret Key get generated. Use the Copy to Clipboard blue icon to copy these values to the clipboard. Go back to the IMM Transition Tool application.
Complete the following fields:
• API Key ID: Enter the API Key Id generated in the previous step.
• Secret Key: Enter the Secret Key generated in the Intersight.
Also, enter the FQDN if you have selected Intersight Appliance VM.
Click Next.
Configure the settings that you want for the transition.
For details on each of the Transition Settings field, see B.Transition Settings for Conversion in Default Settings.
For defining a default set of configurations for every new transition that you create, see A. Default Transition Settings for Conversions in Default Settings.
Click Next.
Select the Service Profiles/Templates that need to be converted.
Next to the profile name, profile state, and association details with the physical server can be viewed.
You can search for a specific service profile/template using the search bar located on the top.
You can apply a filter to only view the Templates, or Org, Profile, and Template in the Show drop-down list, located beside the search bar.
The system displays a warning for profiles in states such as pending reboot, configuration failure, or other invalid conditions, which could lead to a misconfigured setup.
Click Next.
Configure the mapping of converted objects from UCSM to Intersight from Organization Mapping page. You can choose either Advanced Mapping or Default Mapping.
The Advanced Mapping option helps in mapping a single UCS organization or multiple UCS organizations to an Intersight organization. Whereas, the Default Mapping option maps each UCS organization to an Intersight organization with the same name in Intersight.
Proceed with the below steps, if you select Advanced Mapping:
To add a new Destination Intersight Org, click Add New.
From the list of UCS Orgs, select one or more UCS Orgs and map it to a Destination Org in Intersight.
To configure a Destination Org as a Shared Org, select the Share with Other Organizations checkbox, and then click Share.
In this case, the UCS Orgs mapped to the Shared Intersight Destination Org will share the same Resources.
To maintain a similar resource inheritance as in Cisco UCSM/Central, you need to map the Root and Parent Orgs with a Shared Intersight Destination Org, and then map the Sub-orgs to the non shared Intersight Destination Orgs.
We can not have the same inheritance as in UCSM/Central because Intersight does not support transitive sharing.
Consider the scenario in UCSM with orgs: root, root/Org1, root/Org1/Org2. In UCSM, Org2 can inherit resources from both Org1 and root, while Org1 inherits resources from root. However, replicating the same inheritance structure in Intersight is not feasible due to the absence of transitive sharing.
In Intersight, sharing root with Org1 creates a constraint—Org1 cannot be a shared org. This is because, in Intersight, a sub-org (an Org to which a parent org is shared) cannot itself be a shared org. This distinction necessitates a thoughtful approach when translating UCSM inheritance structures to Intersight.
Proceed with the below steps, if you select Default Mapping:
To manually enter the name of the Destination Intersight Org, enter a Root Org name.
Unlike the same name mapping behavior, customized mapping avoids creating multiple Intersight Orgs for an account.
To retain the Source UCS Org name in the Destination Intersight Org, turn on Keep source Org path in Intersight Org name.
If Keep source Org path in Intersight Org name is disabled, "root/PROD/WINDOWS" and "root/NONPROD/WINDOWS" would get converted to the same "WINDOWS" organization in Intersight. This could cause conflicts if policies/pools/profiles/templates objects are named the same in both source UCS orgs.
To configure all Sub-orgs to share resources with the Root Org, turn on the Share Root with Sub-orgs option.
If this option is disabled, the resources present in the Root Org that are used by profiles or templates in sub-orgs will be cloned to each corresponding converted Org.
Go to step 19.
Click Map Now.
When the Source Org and Destination Org mapping is complete, a Mapped tag is displayed next to the Destination Intersight Org. You can also review the mapped Source Orgs in the Mapping section present at the bottom of the Organization Mapping page.
You can use the Un-Map All option to unmap the existing Source Org to Destination Org mapping within a selected Intersight account. Also, you can unmap a single mapped entity by going to the mapping section, selecting the mapped entity, clicking the three-dot menu against it, and selecting the unmap option.
Click Next.
If Advanced Mapping is selected, the Next button will appear enabled only when the all the source UCS orgs have been selected and mapped to the respective destination Intersight org.
A readiness report gets generated. This process may take several minutes as the selected config attributes are fetched from UCS Manager/UCS Central, converted to IMM, and the resultant report is generated.
Depending on the size of UCS Manager/Central Configurations and number of servers connected, some operations may take a significant amount of time to complete (more than an hour).
Click View Report to view the report or download the report in PDF format using the Download option.
For details on interpreting the report, see Interpreting Transition Readiness Report.
Report generation for any selected config is a one-time activity and cannot be regenerated. This ensures that the history of transitions is maintained and can be referred anytime. If you want to edit the config and generate the report, you can clone the transition. For more details, see Transition Management.
Click Next.
Push converted configuration to Intersight page appears.
In case an error occurs, you can enable the Force Push toggle button to allow the tool to ignore the failed objects and proceed to push the configurations to Intersight.
In IMM Transition Tool, Release 1.0.2 and above, you can download the available configuration file, manually edit it, and then upload the same using Advanced Options.
Click Advanced Options, browse to the edited file, and click Upload.
The uploaded file is used for pushing the configuration to Intersight.
Click Next.
A connection with Intersight is established, the converted config attributes get pushed to Intersight.
When a transition is being pushed to Intersight using an Intersight device or is fetching a config/inventory from a UCS Manager/UCS Central device, then the same device cannot be used by other transitions until the previous task on the device completes.
Reset the default password for the converted polices if those have been pushed to Intersight.
Click View Push Summary to view the push status of each of the converted object.
This summary lets you know the push status for each of the object. Clicking the three-dot menu (...) next to each object status displays the detailed commits performed by the IMM Transition Tool in order to push the object to Intersight. The status can be any one of the following:
Success - The converted object has been pushed successfully to Intersight.
Skipped - The converted object already exists in the destination Intersight account and has been skipped in the push operation.
Failed - The converted object could not be pushed to Intersight.
Click the three-dot menu present next to the object status to know the reason for push failure.