Technical Assistance and Feedback

Technical Assistance

Technical support offered by Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is included in your Essentials license. If you face any issue with the installation, set up, or operations of Cisco Intersight Virtual Appliance, open a case with Cisco TAC for assistance.

The Cisco Technical Support website provides online documents and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies:

Using the TAC Support Case Manager online tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 support cases. (S3 and S4 support cases consist of minimal network impairment issues and product information requests.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Support Case Manager automatically provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved by using the recommended resources, TAC Support Case Manager assigns your support case to a Cisco TAC engineer. You can access the TAC Support Case Manager from this location:

For S1 or S2 support cases or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 support cases consist of production network issues, such as a severe degradation or outage.) S1 and S2 support cases have Cisco TAC engineers assigned immediately to ensure your business operations continue to run smoothly.

To open a support case by telephone, use one of the following numbers:

· Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411

· Australia: 1 800 805 227

· EMEA: +32 2 704 5555

· USA: 1 800 553 2447

For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts for Enterprise and Service Provider products, see

For a complete list of Cisco Small Business Support Center (SBSC) contacts, see

Opening a TAC Case directly from Intersight Virtual Appliance

After completing your setup and claiming a target, you can create a Cisco TAC Service Request (SR) directly from Cisco Intersight Virtual Appliance by launching Cisco Support Case Manager from the Server Details page. Before you open a case, please ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • A valid service contract (entitlement) exists for the hardware.

  • Your Cisco ID is associated with the service contract.


Your browser must be connected to the internet so that you can access Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and create a service request.

To open a Cisco TAC case directly from Cisco Intersight Virtual Appliance:

  1. From the appliance UI, select a server from the Servers table view.

  2. Click the ellipsis (...) button for your selected server and select Open TAC Case.

    The Open a TAC Case window displays with the name and serial number of the selected server.

  3. Click Continue to launch Cisco Support Case Manager.

  4. In the Cisco Support Case Manager UI, verify the auto-populated details of your case, add a description and a title for your TAC Case, and click Submit.

Collecting a Tech Support Bundle From Intersight Virtual Appliance

After completing your appliance setup and claiming a target, you can collect a tech support bundle for Intersight Virtual Appliance as well as for target claimed into the appliance, and attach it to your Cisco TAC Service Request (SR). You can collect tech support bundles from Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnects and connected UCS B, C, S Series Servers, Cisco UCS C-Series Standalone Servers, Cisco Hyperflex Clusters, and Cisco UCS Director.

To collect tech support bundles for targets claimed into your Appliance, do the following:

  1. Log into the Appliance as a user with one of the following roles:

    • Account administrator

    • Server administrator

    • Hyperflex administrator

  2. From the Appliance dashboard, navigate to the target for which you want to collect a tech support bundle.

    • In the case of Servers, Fabric Interconnects, and UCS Director, click the ellipsis (...) button for your selection and then select Collect Tech Support Bundle.

    • In the case of Hyperflex Clusters, after selecting a cluster and a corresponding node for the cluster, click the ellipsis (...) button for your selection and then select Collect Tech Support Bundle.


      You may have to provide tech support bundles for all the nodes in the cluster while creating a service request in Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

  3. From the Service Selector drop-down list, choose System, and navigate to Admin > Tech Support Bundles and download your tech support bundle for the target after the generation is complete.

To collect a tech suport bundle for your Appliance, do the following:

  1. Log into the Appliance as a user with one of the following roles:

    • Account administrator

    • Server administrator

    • Hyperflex administrator

  2. From the Service Selector drop-down list, choose System, and navigate to Admin > Tech Support Bundles .

  3. Click Collect Appliance Tech Support Bundle on the Tech Support Bundle page.

    You can download the tech support bundle for your appliance after the generation is complete.

You can now proceed to Cisco Support Case Manager and create a service request.

Configuring Cisco TAC Support Using a Serial Console

In extreme cases where your Intersight Virtual Appliance becomes unreachable via SSH on the network and you need Cisco TAC support, it is not possible to enable the Cisco TAC support mode on the Appliance via the VMWare Remote Console (VMRC). Hence, you will need to add a Serial Port device to the Appliance virtual machine. This Serial Port will enable Cisco TAC, with your assistance, to connect to your Intersight Virtual Appliance and enter a Cisco TAC support mode.


Serial console support is only available on Intersight Virtual Appliance version 1.0.9-589 and later.

To add a Serial Port device to the Appliance virtual machine, do the following:

  1. On the VMWare vSphere host where the Intersight Virtual Appliance virtual machine is running:

    1. Select the Configure tab.

    2. Under the System group, select Firewall.

    3. Click the Edit button to edit the firewall rules.

    4. Ensure that the rule named VM serial port connected over network is enabled.

      • Note the range of TCP ports that are allowed for this rule (an example being 23 and 1024-65535) as you need to enter this port range in Step 3.c (Port URI).

      • Optionally, allow only designated source IP addresses in the firewall rule.

    5. Save this rule.

  2. Power down the Intersight Virtual Appliance virtual machine.

  3. Edit the vSphere settings of the Intersight Virtual Appliance virtual machine.

    1. Select Add a New Device.

    2. Under Other Devices, select Serial Port.

    3. Select the following settings on the new Serial Port:

      1. New Serial port: Use Network

      2. Status: Connect At Power On is checked

      3. Direction: Server

      4. Port URI: telnet://:PORT_NUMBER, where PORT_NUMBER is an integer representing an available port on the vCenter host that is within the range allowed by the firewall rule enabled in Step 1 (example is 12345).

      5. Save this new device.

  4. Power on the Intersight Virtual Appliance virtual machine.

You will now be able to telnet to the vCenter host IP address at the port you specified (example is 12345) and connect to the login prompt on your Intersight Virtual Appliance. Cisco TAC, via a screen-sharing session, will be able to use this connection to enable Cisco TAC support mode on the Appliance to recover its functionality.

Send Feedback


This feature is available only for Intersight Connected Virtual Appliance deployments.

You can share feedback about your experience with Cisco Intersight Virtual Appliance from the appliance UI. Click the Help drop-down list (the question mark representation) on the appliance dashboard, and select Send Us Feedback. You can rate your experience, report a defect, or leave a comment for enhancement of any feature or functionality.