Cisco Unified Operating System Administration Web Interface


The ServerGroup page appears when you choose Show > ServerGroup.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the ServerGroup page to view information about the Emergency Responder servers in the server group.

The following table describes the ServerGroup page.

Table 1. ServerGroup Page





Displays the name of the host.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the host.


Displays the alias of the host

Type of Node

Displays the node type of the host.

Database Replication

Displays the name of the database which will either be a Publisher or Subscriber.

Hardware Status

The Hardware Status page appears when you choose Show > Hardware.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Hardware Status page to view information about the Emergency Responder hardware.

The following table describes the Hardware Status page.

Table 2. Hardware Status Page



Hardware Resources

Platform Type

Model identity of the platform server

Serial Number

Displays serial number of the virtual machine.

Virtual Hardware

Shows you the status as "Configured" if the hardware is a virtual machine.

Virtual Support

Shows you the status as "Supported" if the support is on a virtual machine.

Processor Speed

Speed of the processor

CPU Type

Type of processor in the platform server


Total amount of memory in Mbytes

Object ID

Object ID of the platform server

OS Version

Operating system version running on the platform server

RAID Details

Detailed summary of the platform hardware

Network Configuration

The Network Configuration page appears when you choose Show > Network.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Network Configuration page to view information about the network settings.


The network status information that displays depends on whether Network Fault Tolerance is enabled. When Network Fault Tolerance is enabled, Ethernet port 1 automatically takes over network communications if Ethernet port 0 fails. If Network Fault Tolerance is enabled, network status information displays for the network ports Ethernet 0, Ethernet 1, and Bond 0. If Network Fault Tolerance is not enabled, status information displays only for Ethernet 0.

The following table describes the Network Configuration page.

Table 3. Network Configuration Page



Ethernet Details

DHCP Status

Indicates whether DHCP is enabled for Ethernet port 0.


Indicates whether the port is Up or Down for Ethernet ports 0 and 1.

IP Address

Shows the IP address of Ethernet port 0 (and Ethernet port 1 if Network Fault Tolerance (NFT) is enabled).

IP Mask

Shows the IP mask of Ethernet port 0 (and Ethernet port 1 if NFT is enabled).

Link Detected

Indicates whether there is an active link.

Queue Length

Displays the length of the queue.


Displays the maximum transmission unit.

MAC Address

Displays the hardware address of the port.

RX Stats

Displays information about received bytes and packets.

TX Stats

Displays information about transmitted bytes and packets.

DNS Details

Primary DNS

Displays the IP address of the primary domain name server.

Secondary DNS

Displays the IP address of the secondary domain name server.


Displays the number of attempts and timeouts.


Displays the domain of the server.


Displays the IP address of the network gateway on Ethernet port 0.

Software Packages

The Software Packages page appears when you choose Show > Software.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Software Packages page to view the software versions and installed software options.

The following table describes the Software Packages page.

Table 4. Software Packages Page



Partition Versions

Displays the software version that is running on the active and inactive partitions.

Active Version Installed Software Options

Displays the versions of installed software options that are installed on the active version.

Inactive Version Installed Software Options

Displays the versions of installed software options that are installed on the inactive version.

Installed Software Options

Displays the cop file installed on the system.

System Status

The System Status page appears when you choose Show > System.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the System Status page to view the status of the Emergency Responder system.

The following table describes the System Status page.

Table 5. System Status Page



Host Name

Name of the Cisco UCS host where the Emergency Responder system is installed.


Date and time based on the continent and region that were specified during operating system installation.

Time Zone

Time zone that was chosen during installation.


Locale of the system.

Product Version

Operating system version.


Displays system uptime information.


Displays the percentage of CPU capacity that is idle, the percentage that is running system processes, and the percentage that is running user processes.


Displays information about memory usage, including the amount of total memory, free memory, and used memory in kilobytes.


Displays the amount of total, free, and used disk space on the active disk.


Displays the amount of total, free, and used disk space on the inactive disk.


Displays the amount of total, free, and disk space that is used for disk logging.

IP Preferences

The IP Preferences page appears when you choose Show > IP Preferences.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the IP Preferences page to view a list of registered ports that can be used by the system. The following table describes the IP Preferences page.

Table 6. IP Preferences Page




Name of the application using (listening on) the port.


Protocol used on this port (TCP, UDP, and so on).

Port Number

Numeric port number.


Type of traffic allowed on this port:

  • Public—All traffic allowed.

  • Translated—All traffic allowed but forwarded to a different port.

  • Private—Traffic only allowed from a defined set of remote servers, for example, other servers in the server group.

Translated Port

Traffic destined for this port get forwarded to the port listed in the Port Number column. This field applies to Translated type ports only.


Status of port usage:

  • Enabled—In use by the application and opened by the firewall.

  • Disabled—Blocked by the firewall and not in use.


Brief description of how the port is used.

Ethernet Configuration

The Ethernet Configuration page appears when you choose Settings > IP > Ethernet.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Ethernet Configuration page to view or change Ethernet settings.


All Ethernet settings apply only to Eth0. You can't configure any settings for Eth1. The maximum transmission unit (MTU) on Eth0 defaults to 1500.

The following table describes the Ethernet Configuration page.

Table 7. Ethernet Configuration Page



DHCP Information


Indicates whether DHCP is enabled or disabled and allows you to change the DHCP setting using the pull-down menu.

Host Information


Displays the hostname of the node.

Port Information

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the system. You can change the IP address by entering a new IP address in the text box.

Subnet Mask

Displays the IP subnet mask address. You can change the mask by entering a new subnet mask in the text box.

Gateway Information

Default Gateway

Displays the IP address of the default network gateway. You can change the gateway IP address by entering a new IP address in the text box.

Save button or icon

Saves any changes made to the Ethernet Configuration page.



If you click Save, the machine reboots. Don't click Save unless you want to shut down and reboot your system.



To recognize any new IP addresses, both servers in the server group must be manually rebooted.

Ethernet IPv6 Configuration

Use the Settings > IP > Enternet IPv6 menu to enable and configure IPv6 on the node.


All Ethernet settings apply only to Eth0. You cannot configure any settings for Eth1. The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) on Eth0 defaults to 1500.

Table 8. Ethernet IPv6 Configuration Page



Enable IPv6

Check this check box to enable IPv6 on the node.

Router Advertisement

Choose one of the following IP address sources:

  • Router Advertisement

  • DHCP

  • Manual Entry

The three IP address sources are mutually exclusive.



Unless you specify Manual Entry, IPv6 Address, Prefix Length, and Default Gateway fields remain read only.

IPv6 Address

If you chose Manual Entry, enter the IPv6 address of the node. For example, fd6:2:6:96:21e:bff:fecc:2e3a.

Prefix Length

If you chose Manual Entry, enter the prefix length. For example, 64.

Default Gateway

If you chose Manual Entry, enter the default gateway. For example, fe80::3ece:73ff:fea9:c641.

Update with Reboot

If you want the system to reboot immediately after you click Save, check this check box. If you want to reboot later, leave the check box blank.



If you check the Update with Reboot check box, the system reboots after you click Save. For the IPv6 settings to take effect, reboot the system.

Publisher Settings

The Publisher Settings page appears when you choose Settings > IP > Publisher.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Publisher Settings page to view or change the Publisher hostname or IP address.


You can only view and change the publisher hostname IP address only on the Emergency Responder Subscriber, not on the Emergency Responder publisher itself. Changing these fields must be followed by an immediate reboot of the Subscriber.

Table 9. Publisher Settings Page




Displays the hostnames of the Emergency Responder Publisher for this Subscriber. To change the hostname, enter the new hostname in the text box, and click Save.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the Emergency Responder Publisher for this Subscriber. To change the IP address, enter the IP address in the text box, and click Save.

Save button or icon

Saves the information in the Publisher Configuration Settings page.

NTP Server List

The NTP Server List page appears when you choose Settings > NTP Servers.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the NTP Server List page to add, modify, or delete an NTP server. You can only configure the NTP server settings on the Publisher.


Ensure that the external NTP server is stratum 9 or higher (1 to 9).


Any change you make to the NTP servers can take up to five minutes to complete. Whenever you make any change to the NTP servers, you must refresh the page to display the correct status.


If you add, modify, or delete an NTP server, you must reboot both the Publisher and the Subscriber.

The following table describes the NTP Server List page.

Table 10. NTP Server List Page




Displays how many configured NTP server were found.

NTP Server

Hostname or IP Address field

Displays the hostnames or IP addresses of the configured NTP servers. To change a hostname or IP address, click it, enter the new hostname or IP address, and click Save.

Add New button or icon

Adds a new NTP server. After you click Add New, enter the hostname of IP address of the new NTP server and click Save.

Select All button or icon

Selects all NTP servers listed. When you click this button or icon, a check mark appears in the boxes to the left of each NTP hostname or IP address and to the left of the Hostname or IP Address column heading.



The Select All button or icon is only visible if you have previously configured one or more NTP servers.

Clear All button or icon

Deselects all NTP servers listed. When you click this button or icon, all check marks disappear.



The Clear All button or icon is only visible if you have previously configured one or more NTP servers.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the selected NTP server. To delete an NTP server, you must first select it from the list of NTP servers. Click the box to the left of the NTP server name to select it. To select all listed NTP servers, click the box to the left of the Hostname or IP Address column heading or click Select All.



The Delete Selected button or icon is only visible if you have previously configured one or more NTP servers.

The following table describes the NTP Server Configuration page.

Table 11. NTP Server Configuration Page




Displays how many configured NTP server were found.

NTP Server Settings

Hostname or IP Address field

Displays the hostnames or IP addresses of the configured NTP servers. To change a hostname or IP address, click it, enter the new hostname or IP address, and click Save.

Save button or icon

Saves the information about the new NTP server.

SMTP Settings

The SMTP Settings page appears when you choose Settings > SMTP.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the SMTP Settings page to manually configure the SMTP host.

The following table describes the SMTP Settings page.

Table 12. SMTP Settings Page




Displays the status of the SMTP Settings page.


Hostname or IP Address

Enter the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server in the text box.

Host Status

Displays the status of the SMTP host server.

Save button or icon

Saves changes made to the SMTP Settings page.

Time Settings

The Time Settings page appears when you choose Settings > Time.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Time Settings page to manually configure the server time.


Before you can manually configure the server time, you must delete any NTP servers that you have configured. See NTP Server List for more information.


If you change the server time, you must reboot both the Publisher and the Subscriber.

The following table describes the Time Settings page.

Table 13. Time Settings Page




Allows you to set the month, day, year, hours, minutes, and seconds using the pull-down menus.

Save button or icon

Saves changes made to the Time Settings page.

Version Settings

The Version Settings page appears when you choose Settings > Version.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Version Settings page to restart or shutdown the system and to switch software versions.


You must have a different software version installed on the inactive partition to switch versions.


Initiating this action causes the system to restart and become temporarily unavailable.

The following table describes the Version Settings page.

Table 14. Version Settings Page




Displays the current status.

Installed Versions

Active Version

Displays the version running on the active partition.

Inactive Version

Display the version on the inactive partition.

Restart button or icon

Restarts the system.

Shutdown button or icon

Shuts down the system.

Switch Versions button or icon

Actives the software version on the inactive partition.



The Switch Versions button or icon is only visible if there is a software version installed on the inactive partition.

Certificate Management

The Certificate List page appears when you choose Security > Certificate Management.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Certificate Management page to do the following:

  • Search for existing certificates

  • Generate a new certificates

  • Upload a certificate

  • Upload a CTL

  • Generate a CSR

The following table describes the Certificate List page.

Table 15. Certificate List Page




Displays the current status.

Certificate List

Find certificate list where

Enter search criteria for the certificate lists you want to find.

To find all certificate lists by file name, select File Name from the pull-down menu and click Find without entering any criteria.

To find all certificate lists by certificate name, select Certificate Name from the pull-down menu and click Find without entering any criteria.

To narrow your search:

  • Select the search relationship (begins with, contains, and so on) from the pull-down menu, and enter the search string in the text box.

  • To search on a combination of fields, click the Plus icon (+) to add additional search parameters. Click the Minus icon (–) to remove search parameters. Click Clear Filter to remove all additional search parameters.

  • Use the Rows per Page pull-down menu to select how many rows are displayed per page.

When you have entered all of the search parameters, click Find.

If the search finds existing certificates, the information about the certificates (File Name, Certificate Name, and Certificate Type) displays in the Certificate List.

Click the File Name link to display the Certificate Configuration page. See Table 8 for information about the Certificate Configuration Page.

Generate New button or icon

Allows you to generate a new certificate. When you click Generate New, the Generate Certificate page appears. See Table 2 for a description of the Generate Certificate page.

Upload Certificate button or icon

Allows you to upload a certificate from a remote server. When you click Upload Certificate, the Upload Certificate page appears. See Table 3 for a description of the Upload Certificate page.

Upload CTL button or icon

Allows you to upload a Certificate Trust List (CTL) from a remote server. When you click Upload CTL, the Upload Certificate Trust List page appears. See Table 4 for a description of the Upload Certificate Trust List page.

Generate CSR button or icon

Allows you to generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR). When you click Generate CSR, the Generate Certificate Signing Request page appears. See Table 6 for a description of the Generate New page.

Download CSR button or icon

Allows you to download a CSR. When you click Download CSR, the Download Certificate Signing Request page appears. See Table 7 for a description of the Download Certificate Signing Request page.

The following table describes the Generate New Self-signed Certificate page.

Table 16. Generate New Self-signed Certificate Page




Displays the current status of the Generate New Self-signed Certificate page.

Generate Self-signed

Certificate Purpose

Choose the required option from the drop-down list. When you choose any of the following options, the Key Type field is automatically set to RSA.

  • tomcat

  • ipsec

When you choose any of the following options, the Key Type field is automatically set to EC (Elliptical Curve).

  • tomcat-ECDSA


Choose a Emergency Responder server from the drop-down list.


Displays the name of the Emergency Responder server that you have chosen using the Distribution drop-down list.

Auto-populated Domains

Appears only if you have chosen any of the following options using the Certificate Purpose drop-down list.

  • tomcat-ECDSA

Key Type

This field lists the type of keys used for encryption and decryption of the public-private key pair. Emergency Responder supports EC and RSA key types.

Key Length

Allows you to choose 2048, 3072, or 4096 from the drop-down list.


Certificates with a key length value of 256, 384, or 521 are chosen only for ECDSA certificates. These options are not available for RSA certificates.
  • If the key length value is 2048, 3072, or 4096, the supported hash algorithm is SHA256.

  • If the key length value is 256, 384, or 521, the supported hash algorithms are SHA384 or SHA512.

Hash Algorithm

Choose a value that is greater than or equal to the key length from the drop-down list:



The values in the Hash Algorithm drop-down list changes based on the value you have chosen in the Key Length field.

If your system is running in FIPS mode, it is mandatory to choose SHA256 as the hashing algorithm.

Generate button

Generates a new certificate. You must first select a Certificate Name from the pull-down menu.

Close button

Closes the Generate New Self-signed Certificate page.

The following table describes the Upload Certificate page.

Table 17. Upload Certificate Page




Displays the current status of the Upload Certificate page.

Upload Certificate

Certificate Name

Use the pull-down menu to select the name of the certificate to upload.

Root Certificate

Enter the name of the root certificate.

Upload File

Use the Browse button to select the file to be uploaded.

Upload File button or icon

Uploads the certificate file specified in the Upload Certificate section.

Close button or icon

Closes the Update Certificate page.

The following table describes the Upload CTL page.

Table 18. Upload CTL Page




Displays the current status of the Upload CTL page.

Upload Certificate

Certificate Name

Use the pull-down menu to select the name of the CTL file to upload.

Root Certificate

Enter the name of the root certificate.

Upload File

Use the Browse button to select the file to be uploaded.

Upload File button or icon

Uploads the certificate file specified in the Upload Certificate Trust List section.

Close button or icon

Closes the Update CTL page.

The following table lists the Certificate Signing Request Fields.

Table 19. Certificate Signing Request Fields



Certificate Purpose

From the drop-down list, select a value:

  • Tomcat

  • Tomcat-ECDSA

  • IPSec


ITLRecovery and Authz certificates aren't supported in Emergency Responder.


Select a Emergency Responder server.

When you select this field for multiserver for ECDSA, the syntax is:
Tomcat-ECDSA common name: <host-name>-EC-ms.<domain>

Common Name / Common Name_SerialNumber

Displays the common name or the common name appended with the serial number of the certificate. Common Name or Common Name_SerialNumber is the file name of the certificate.

Shows the name of the Unified Communications Manager application that you selected in the Distribution field by default.

Auto-populated Domains

This field appears in Subject Alternate Names (SANs) section. It lists the host names that are to be protected by a single certificate.

Parent Domain

This field appears in Subject Alternate Names (SANs) section. It shows the default domain name. You can modify the domain name, if required.

Key Type

This field identifies the type of key used for encryption and decryption for the public-private key pair.

Key Length

From the Key Length drop-down list, select one of the values.

Depending on the key length, the CSR request limits the hash algorithm choices. By having the limited hash algorithm choices, you can use a hash algorithm strength that is greater than or equal to the key length strength. For example, for a key length of 256, the supported hash algorithms are SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512. Similarly, for the key length of 384, the supported hash algorithms are SHA384 or SHA512.



Certificates with a key length value of 3072 or 4096 can only be selected for RSA certificates. These options aren't available for ECDSA certificates.



Some phone models may fail to register if the RSA key length selected for the CallManager Certificate Purpose is greater than 2048. From the Unified CM Phone Feature List Report on the Cisco Unified Reporting Tool (CURT), you can check the 3072/4096 RSA key size support feature for the list of supported phone models.

Hash Algorithm

Select a value from the Hash Algorithm drop-down list to have stronger hash algorithm as the elliptical curve key length. From the Hash Algorithm drop-down list, select one of the values.


  • The values for the Hash Algorithm field change based on the value you select in the Key Length field.

  • If your system is running on FIPS mode, it's mandatory that you select SHA256 as the hashing algorithm.

The following table describes the Generate CSR page.

Table 20. Generate CSR Page




Displays the current status of the Generate CSR page.

Generate Certificate Signing Request

Certificate Name

Use the pull-down menu to select the name of the CTL file to generate.

Generate CSR button or icon

Generates a new CSR.

Close button or icon

Close the Generate CSR page.

The following table describes the Download CSR page.

Table 21. Download CSR Page




Displays the current status of the Download CSR page.

Download Certificate Signing Request

Certificate Name

Use the pull-down menu to select the name of the CTL file to download.

Download CSR button or icon

Downloads the CSR specified in the Download Certificate Signing Request section.

Close button or icon

Closes the Download CSR page.

The following table describes the Certificate Configuration page.

Table 22. Certificate Configuration Page




Displays the current status of the Certificate Configuration page.

Certificate Settings

Displays the following information about the certificate:

  • File Name

  • Certificate Name

  • Certificate Type

  • Certificate Group

  • Description

Certificate File Data

Displays the contents of the certificate file.

Delete button or icon

Deletes the current certificate.

Download button or icon

Downloads the certificate to your local system.

Certificate Monitor

The Certificate Monitor page appears when you choose Security > Certificate Monitor.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Certificate Monitor page to do the following:

  • Specify the start time

  • Specify the frequency

  • Enable email notification and provide email addresses of those to be notified

The following table describes the Certificate Monitor page.

Table 23. Certificate Monitor Page




Displays the current status of the Certificate Monitor page.

Certificate Monitor Configuration

Notification Start Time

Enter the number of days before the certificate expires that you want to be notified.

Notification Frequency

Enter the notification frequency and click one of the radio buttons to indicate days or hours.

Enable Email Notification

Check the box to the enable email notification.



For the system to send notifications, you must configure an SMTP host.

Email ID

Enter the email addresses of those to be notified in the text box. Enter multiple e-mail addresses by separating each address with a semicolon (;). There should be no spaces between the email addresses.

Save button or icon

Saves the information entered on the Certificate Monitor page.

IPSec Policy List

The IPSec Policy List page appears when you choose Security > IPSec Configuration.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the IPSec Policy List page to display existing IPSec policies, add an additional IPSec policy, or modify an existing IPSec policy.

The following table describes the IPSec Policy List page.

Table 24. IPSec Policy List Page




Displays the current status of the IPSec Policy List page.

IPSec Policy List

Displays the currently configured IPSec policies. Click on the Policy Name link to IPSec Policy Configuration page for that policy.

Add New button or icon

Adds a new IPSec policy. When you click Add New, the IPSec Policy Configuration page appears. See Table 2 for information about the IPSec Policy Configuration page.

The following table describes the IPSec Policy Configuration page in Non Federal Information Processing Standard (Non FIPS) Mode.

Table 25. IPSec Policy Configuration Page




Displays the current status of the IPSec Policy Configuration page.

IPSec Policy Details

Policy Group Name

Specifies the name of the IPSec policy group.

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the IPSec policy.

Authentication Method

Specifies the authentication method.

The Authentication Method field has two options Preshared Key and Certificate.

If Preshared Key is selected, the Preshared Key field is editable and the Peer Type and Certificate Name fields are disabled.

If Certificate is selected, the Preshared Key field is disabled. The Peer Type and Certificate Name fields are enabled.

Preshared Key

Specifies the preshared key if you selected Pre-shared Key in the Authentication Method field.

Peer Type

Specifies that the peer type is different.

Certificate Name

Specifies the certificate name.

Destination Address

Specifies the IP address of the destination (FQDN is not supported).

Destination Port

Enter the port number at the destination.

Source Address

Specifies the IP address of the source (FQDN is not supported).

Source Port

Specifies the port number at the source.


Select the Transport mode.

Remote Port

Specifies the port number to use at the destination.


Specifies the specific protocol, or Any:

  • TCP

  • UDP

  • Any

Encryption Algorithm

From the drop-down list, choose the encryption algorithm. Choices include:

  • 3DES

  • AES 128

  • AES 256

Hash Algorithm

Specifies the hash algorithm:

  • SHA1

  • SHA256

ESP Algorithm

From the drop-down list, choose the ESP algorithm. Choices include:

  • 3DES

  • AES 128

  • AES 256

Phase 1 DH Group

Phase One Life Time

Specifies the lifetime for phase One, IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Phase One DH

From the drop-down list, choose the phase One DH value. Choices include: 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.

Phase 2 DH Group

Phase Two Life Time

Specifies the lifetime for phase Two, IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Phase Two DH

From the drop-down list, choose the phase Two DH value. Choices include: 2, 5, 14, 16, 17, and 18.

IPSec Policy Configuration

Enable Policy

Check the check box to enable the policy.

Save button or icon

Saves the changes made to the IPSec Policy List page.

The following table lists the field names that are displayed when the system is in FIPS Mode or ESM Mode.

Table 26. IPSec Policy Configuration Page




Displays the current status of the IPSec Policy Configuration page.

IPSec Policy Details

Policy Group Name

Specifies the name of the IPSec policy group.

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the IPSec policy.

Authentication Method

Specifies the authentication method. By default, certificate is selected.



Preshared key is not present in FIPS Mode.

Peer Type

Specifies the peer type is different.

Certificate Name

The name of the certificate.

Destination Address

Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the destination.

Destination Port

Enter the port number at the destination.

Source Address

Specifies the IP address or FQDN of the source.

Source Port

Specifies the port number at the source.


Specifies the Transport mode.

Remote Port

Specifies the port number to use at the destination.


Specifies the specific protocol, or Any:

  • TCP

  • UDP

  • Any

Encryption Algorithm

From the drop-down list, choose the encryption algorithm. Choices include:

  • 3DES (default)

  • AES 128

  • AES 256

Hash Algorithm

Specifies the hash algorithm:

  • SHA1

  • SHA256

ESP Algorithm

From the drop-down list, choose the ESP algorithm. Choices include:

  • 3DES (default)

  • AES 128

  • AES 256

Phase 1 DH Group

Phase One Life Time

Specifies the lifetime for phase One, IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Phase One DH

From the drop-down list, choose the phase One DH value. The choices are from 14 to 18.

Phase 2 DH Group

Phase Two Life Time

Specifies the lifetime for phase Two, IKE negotiation, in seconds.

Phase Two DH

From the drop-down list, choose the phase Two DH value. The choices are from 14 to 18.

IPSec Policy Configuration

Enable Policy

Check the check box to enable the policy.

Save button or icon

Saves the changes made to the IPSec Policy Configuration page.

Software Installation/Upgrade

The Software Installation/Upgrade page appears when you choose Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Software Installation/Upgrade page to install or upgrade software from a DVD/CD or from a file system on a remote server.

The following table describes the Software Installation/Upgrade page.

Table 27. Software Installation/Upgrade Page




Displays the current status of the Software Installation/Upgrade page.

Software Location


Pull-down menu used to specify the source for the installation/upgrade. Options are DVD/CD or Remote Filesystem.


The name of the directory containing the files.



If the upgrade file is on a Linux or Unix server, you must enter a forward slash at the beginning of the directory path that you want to specify. For example, if the upgrade file is in the patches directory, you must enter /patches. If the upgrade file is on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path.


The hostname or IP address of the remote server from which the software is downloaded.

User Name

The name of a user who is configured on the remote server.

User Password

Password that is configured for this user on the remote server.

Transfer Protocol

Pull-down menu used to specify which transfer protocol to use. Options are ftp or sftp.



These options are available only if you selected Remote Filesystem from the Source pull-down menu. If you selected DVD/CD, this pull-down menu is grayed out.

Cancel Install button or icon

Cancels the installation or upgrade procedure.

Next button or icon

Continues with the installation or upgrade procedure.


The Branding page appears when you choose Software Upgrades > Branding.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


You can upload customized branding for Cisco Emergency Responder. Use the Branding page to upload the folder which contains the " CER" directory.

Once the folder is uploaded successfully, you can enable or disable Branding using either the command line or graphical user interface and then refresh the page for the changes to take effect. For more information, refer to the "Branding" chapter.

The following table describes the Branding page.

Table 28. Branding Page




Displays status of the Branding page.

Upload Branding File

Click the Browse button to locate the folder on the server.

Upload File

Click the Upload File button to upload the file to the server. It uploads the file successfully after it validates the required contents of the folder.

Enable Branding

After you have uploaded the file, click this button to enable branding customizations on this Cisco Emergency Responder node. After you enable branding, refresh your browser.


Ensure that you use only one among GUI and CLI to enable branding as well as to disable it. For example, if you enable branding using the GUI interface, you must use the GUI interface itself to disable branding. Else, it will not function properly.
Disable Branding

Click this button to disable customized branding from Cisco Emergency Responder.


Ensure that you use only one among GUI and CLI to enable branding as well as to disable it. For example, if you enable branding using the GUI interface, you must use the GUI interface itself to disable branding. Else, it will not function properly.

Ping Configuration

The Ping Configuration page appears when you choose Services > Ping.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Ping Configuration page to send ping requests to test if other systems are reachable over the network.

The following table describes the Ping Configuration page.

Table 29. Ping Configuration Page




Displays the current status of the Ping Configuration page.

Ping Settings

Hostname or IP Address

Text box into which you enter the IP address or network name for the system that you want to ping.

Ping Interval

Text box in which you enter the amount of time between ping requests, in seconds.

Packet Size

Text box into which you enter the packet size of the ping request.

Ping iterations

Pull-down menu that allows you to choose the number of times you want to send ping requests to the other system. Available options are 1, 5, 25, or 100 times



When you specify multiple pings, the ping command does not display the ping date and time in real time. Be aware that the ping command displays the data after the number of pings that you specified are complete.

Validate IPsec

Select the check box to have the system validate IPsec.

Ping Results

Text box in which the ping results are displayed.

Ping button or icon

Sends the ping request.

Remote Access Configuration

The Remote Access Configuration page appears when you choose Services > Remote Support.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Remote Access Configuration page to set up a remote account that Cisco support personnel can use to access the system for a specified period of time. If the account duration limit expires, Cisco support can not access the remote support account.

When you establish a remote account, the system generates a pass phrase.

Follow this procedure to complete the remote account setup:

  1. Call Cisco support and provide them with the remote support account name and pass phrase.

  2. Cisco support enters the pass phrase into a decoder program that generates a password from the pass phrase.

  3. Cisco support logs into the remote support account on the customer system by using the decoded password.

If you have not already created a remote account, when you navigate to the Remote Access Configuration page you can create a new account.

The following table describes the Remote Access Configuration page.

Table 30. Remote Access Configuration Page




Displays the current status of the Remote Access Configuration page.

Remote Access Account Information

Account Name

Name for the new remote account. Account names must be at least six-characters long and consist of all lowercase, alphabetic characters

Account Duration

The amount of time that the remote account exists, in days.

Save button or icon

Creates a new remote account. You must provide the Account Name and Account Duration before you click Add. Remote Access Configuration page redisplays. See Table 2 for a description of the fields on the Remote Access Configuration page.

Delete button or icon

Deletes the currently configured remote account.



The Delete button or icon is only visible if there is an existing remote account.

If you have already created a remote account, when you navigate to the Remote Access Configuration page you view and delete the remote account.

The following table describes the Remote Access Configuration page.

Table 31. Remote Access Configuration Page



Remote Access Account Information

Account Name

Displays the name of the remote support account.


Displays the date and time when access to the remote account expires.


Displays the generated pass phrase.

Decode Version

Indicates the version of the decoder in use.

Delete button or icon

Deletes the remote access account information.