Troubleshoot Phone-Related Problems
The following sections help you troubleshoot problems related to assigning phones to ERLs and managing the phones.
Check Unified CM SNMP Settings
If Cisco Emergency Responder (Emergency Responder) is not discovering the phones homing to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM), check that all Unified CMs are SNMP-reachable and that the SNMP settings are correct. Emergency Responder logs an event if Unified CM is SNMP-unreachable.
Step 1 |
Log in to the Emergency Responder Administration CLI and use the following command to ping the Unified CM server: utils network ping
<ipaddress of CUCM>
Step 2 |
If you successfully ping the Unified CM, verify that the SNMP settings are correct on Unified CM, as follows:
Step 3 |
Check to see if Unified CM is SNMP reachable by running the following CLI command on the Emergency Responder server:
If the Unified CM is SNMP reachable, then the output of the preceding command should be similar to the following:
Unlocated Phones
Emergency Responder obtains a list of registered phones from Unified CM and tries to locate all phones. If Emergency Responder cannot locate a phone behind a switch port or in any configured IP subnets, and the phone is not a configured synthetic phone, the phone is placed in the list of unlocated phones.
If there are a lot of unlocated phones, first try running the switch port and phone update process to see if Emergency Responder can resolve some of the problems automatically. See Manually Run the Switch-Port and Phone Update Process for more information.
These are some of the situations that can prevent Emergency Responder from locating a phone:
If more than one switch port reports the phone as a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) neighbor, then the phone is placed in unlocated phones. This condition is corrected in the next phone tracking when only one switch port reports this phone as its CDP neighbor.
The phone is attached to a switch that is not defined in Emergency Responder. See LAN Switch Identification for information about defining switches.
The phone is connected to an unsupported device, such as a router port, a hub connected to a router, or an unsupported switch. See Network Hardware and Software Requirements for a list of supported switches. See Manually Define Phones for information about configuring these types of phones if you cannot connect them to a supported device.
The phone is connected to a hub, which is connected to a supported switch port, but it does not support CDP. Emergency Responder can consistently discover CDP-enabled phones attached to hubs (which are attached to supported switch ports), but cannot always track non-CDP phones attached in this manner. For non-CDP phones, ensure the phones are attached directly to supported switch ports.
The switch to which the phone is connected is currently unreachable, for example, it does not respond to SNMP queries. This could be for several reasons:
The SNMP read community string on the switch does not match the string configured in Emergency Responder. Correct the Emergency Responder configuration. See Set Up SNMPv2.
The phone requires CAM table access, but CAM tracking is not enabled for the switch in Emergency Responder. See LAN Switch Identification.
There is a network outage preventing communication between the Emergency Responder server and the switch. Locate and resolve the network outage problem.
Unreachable switches are not retried until Emergency Responder runs the next full switch port and phone update process, unless you run it against the individual switch.
The phone has moved to a switch served by a different Emergency Responder group. If this is the case, the Emergency Responder group name is shown for the phone in the unlocated phones list. If the phone is not in the next incremental phone tracking process after it is moved, the phone remains unlocated in any Emergency Responder group until a full switch port and phone update process is run.
The phone requires CAM-based tracking, but CAM-based tracking is not enabled on the switch to which the phone is connected. Cisco IP SoftPhone and some other phone models require CAM-based tracking. See LAN Switch Identification for information about enabling CAM-based tracking, and Network Hardware and Software Requirements for a list of phones that require CAM-based tracking.
After fixing the problems that are preventing Emergency Responder from locating phones, run the switch port and phone update process on the affected switches, or on all switches:
To run the process on a specific switch—Select Phone Tracking > LAN Switch Details and select the switch in the left-hand column; then click Locate Switch Ports.
To run the process on all switches—Select Phone Tracking > Run Switch-Port & Phone Update.
Phones Not Located with SMNPv3
Check if the SNMP V3 settings on the SNMPv3 page match the Cisco Unified Communications Manager settings on the Serviceability page. Select Phone Tracking > SNMP V3 Settings. For more information, see Set Up SNMPv3.
Check if the Use SNMP V3 for Discovery check box is enabled on the LAN Switch Details page. Select Phone Tracking > Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Phone Tracking > LAN Switch Details .
Check if the Unified Communications Manager and switch added in Emergency Responder are SNMP reachable by executing a SNMP Walk command. Use the CLI and follow one of these examples:
snmpwalk –v3 <CUCM IP Address> -u <USERNAME> -l AuthNoPriv -a <AUTH PROTOCOL> -A <AUTH PASSWORD>
snmpwalk -v3 <CUCM IP Address> -u <USERNAME> -lNoAuthNoPriv
snmpwalk -v3 <SWITCH IP Address> -u <USERNAME> -lAuthNoPriv-a <AUTH PROTOCOL> -A <AUTH PASSWORD>
snmpwalk -v3 <SWITCH IP Address> -u <USERNAME> -lNoAuthNoPriv1.
If you notice a SNMPReqTimeOut or SNMP Unreachable issue in the event logs or the phone tracking logs, then increase the Timeout and Maximum Retry Attempts value under Phone Tracking > SNMP V3 Settings page and run a Major Discovery.
If the issue continues, then try the following:
Log in to Cisco Emergency Responder from CLI and enter the command utils network capture eth0 file <"filename"> count 10000 size ALL port 161.
Navigate to Phone Tracking > Run Switch-Port & Phone Update and run a Major Discovery.
When the Major Discovery is completed, stop the CLI command by pressing CTRL-C.
Download the packet capture file. The packet capture files will be stored in activelog platform/cli/ location on the server. You can transfer the files through CLI to an SFTP server using the command file get activelog platform/cli/packets.cap. Alternatively to collect all .cap files stored on the server, use ‘file get activelog platform/cli/*.cap’. See the Command Reference guide for more information.
Open it and examine the file for the error codes; take the appropriate actions, if needed.
SL No |
Error message |
Occurrence |
1 |
usmStatsUnsupportedSecurityLevel (. |
This is set when the security level (AuthPrivAuthNoPriv/NoAuthNoPriv) specified is not supported by the agent. This error is reported by the agent with its first varbind containing the OID .". |
2 |
usmStatsNotInTimeWindows (. |
This is set when the engineTime specified is not within the timeWindow of agent. The engineTime is considered not within the timeWindow if any of the following is true:
3 |
usmStatsUnknownUserNames (. |
This is set when the user name specified is not present in the agent. This error is reported by the agent with its first varbind containing the OID . |
4 |
usmStatsWrongDigests (. |
This is set when the password specified is not correct. So check if both Auth and Priv passwords are correct if configured. This error is reported by the agent with its first varbind containing the OID . |
5 |
usmStatsDecryptionErrors (. |
This is set when the packet is unable to decrypt on the agent side. This error occurs while querying an AuthPriv user. So check if the Auth and Priv Protocol specified are correct. This error is reported by the agent with it's first varbind containing the OID .". |
IP Subnet Marked as Non-trackable
The IP Subnet Phones page appears when you choose ERL Membership> IP Subnets. The Tracked column shows if the phones under the IP subnet are tracked or not. For IP subnets configured as non-trackable, the View Phones icon will show all phones that are not tracked.
- If a phone falls under both a tracked and non-tracked IP subnets, precedence is given to the more specific IP subnet.
- The phones under the IP subnet marked as non-trackable are not displayed on Switch Ports or Unlocated Phones page.
- If a phone moves between a trackable and non-trackable IP subnet, you must perform a Major Discovery to reflect the changes.
- Cisco Emergency Responder does not restrict a 911 call flow for the phones that are under a non-trackable IP subnet. If a call is made, the default ERL treatment is provided.
Phone Disappears in Emergency Responder
If Emergency Responder is in the middle of a phone tracking process, and a phone is in the middle of homing to a different Unified CM cluster, no Unified CM cluster has a record of the phone. Thus, Emergency Responder does not know the phone exists, and you cannot look up the phone in the Emergency Responder interface. However, assuming the phone successfully connects to a Unified CM cluster, Emergency Responder tracks the phone during the next incremental phone tracking process, and the phone should then appear in the Emergency Responder interface.
This problem can also occur if phones are reconnecting to a primary Unified CM server from a backup server during the Emergency Responder phone tracking process.
Wrong ERL Used for Shared Line
When two or more phones with a shared line appearance move from switches that are monitored by one Emergency Responder group to switches that are monitored by a different Emergency Responder group, then Emergency Responder may assign an incorrect ERL to these phones during an emergency call. This situation can occur when the phones move to a different campus that has a different Unified CM cluster (although the moved phones are still registered with the original Unified CM cluster), and it can also occur when the phones move within a single large campus that is served by multiple Unified CM clusters.
Because the moved phones are still registered to their original Unified CM cluster, emergency calls from these phones are routed to the original Emergency Responder group. In this case, the Emergency Responder group detects that the calling phone is connected to a switch that is monitored by a different Emergency Responder group, and the call is forwarded to the appropriate Emergency Responder group through an H.323 inter-cluster trunk. Because the inter-cluster trunk does not pass the MAC address of the calling phone, the receiving Emergency Responder group does not know the MAC address of the calling phone and must associate the phone to an ERL based on the calling party number.
In cases with a single phone connected to the switches monitored by the receiving Emergency Responder group, this is not a problem. However, when multiple phones with a shared line appearance connect to switches monitored by the receiving Emergency Responder group, then Emergency Responder must guess which phone has placed the emergency call. If all of the phones with a shared line appearance are in the same ERL, the guess is correct. If the phones span multiple ERLs, then the guess might be incorrect.
Wireless Endpoints Using Unexpected ERL
Wireless endpoints (such as CiscoWirelessIP7920Phones and CiscoIPSoftPhones) may be using switch port-based ERL instead of the configured subnet-based ERL.
CiscoEmergency Responder (Emergency Responder) give a higher priority to switch port association for call routing. If Emergency Responder finds a switch port mapping for any endpoint (including wireless endpoints), it uses the switch port mapping to route emergency calls. If the switch port mapping is not found or if the ERL is not configured for the corresponding switch port, Emergency Responder routes emergency calls using subnet-ERL configuration.
See the switch port screen or the ERL debug tool (see Check Emergency Responder Configuration Using ERL Debug Tool) to check if the wireless endpoint is associated with a switch port.
It is recommended that you track wireless endpoints using subnet-based ERLs.