Cisco Emergency Responder Administration Web Interface

Server Groups in Cluster

The Emergency Responder Server Groups in Cluster page appears when you choose System > CiscoEmergency Responder Groups in Cluster.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator, ERL administrator, or network administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Emergency Responder Server Groups in Cluster page to view the Emergency Responder groups that form an Emergency Responder cluster. You can view which Emergency Responder servers belong to each Emergency Responder group within the cluster. You can click on the link for the remote server groups in an Emergency Responder cluster (select either the primary server or the backup server) to go directly to the Emergency Responder interface for these servers.

The following table describes the Emergency Responder Server Groups in Cluster page.

Table 1. Cisco Emergency Responder Server Groups in Cluster Page




Emergency Responder Groups

Emergency Responder Groups list

A list of the Emergency Responder server groups that are pointing to the same cluster database host.

Click a group name to view the servers in the group.

The Emergency Responder cluster consists of this set of Emergency Responder groups. You create the cluster when installing Emergency Responder servers. See Installation on a New System.

Servergroup Details

Emergency Responder Group Name

The name of the server group.

Click the server group name to display the servers in that group in the Servergroup Details section of page.

Primary Host Name

The DNS host name or IP address of the primary server in the group.

Click this host name (except for the local server group) to open the Emergency Responder administration page for that server in a new window.

Standby Host Name

The DNS host name or IP address of the standby, or backup server in the group.

Click this host name (except for the local Server Group) to open the Emergency Responder administration page for that server in a new window.

Delete button

Click Delete to remove the Emergency Responder group you are viewing from the Emergency Responder cluster.

Only system administrators can delete a Emergency Responder group from the cluster.

Delete a group from the cluster before you uninstall a Emergency Responder group.

Group Settings

The Emergency Responder Group Settings page appears when you choose System > Cisco ER Group Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have a system administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Emergency Responder Group Settings page to define the operational characteristics of an Emergency Responder server group.

The following table describes the Emergency Responder Server Group Settings page.

Table 2. Cisco Emergency Responder Group Settings Page




Emergency Responder Group Name

The name of the server group. This name is used for your information only, so create a name you find useful.

Peer TCP Port

The TCP port used for communications between Emergency Responder servers within the server group. If you don't want to use the default port, ensure you select an unused port.

The range is 1024 to 65535.

Heartbeat Count

The number of counts an Emergency Responder server should wait before declaring an unresponsive Emergency Responder server unavailable.

The default number of counts is 3. The range is 3 to 10.

The time between counts is defined in Heartbeat Interval.

Heartbeat Interval (in sec)

The number of seconds between sending heartbeat messages to the other Emergency Responder server in the server group.

The default is 30 seconds. The range is 30 to 300 seconds.

Active Call Timeout (in min)

How long to maintain a call route mapping so the PSAP can call back the emergency caller.

The default is 180 minutes (3 hours). The range is 30 to 1440 minutes.

SMTP Mail Server

The IP address or fully qualified name of the mail server (for example,

Check the Enable Secured connection check box to send mails from the SMTP Mail Server in a secure mode.

Configure an email server if you want Emergency Responder to send email or email-based pages to security officers when an emergency call is made.

Ensure to configure the SMTP Mail Server in a secure mode and the SMTP server certificate is added to the Tomcat trust store of the Cisco Emergency Responder before enabling the check box. Failing to do so may result in email alert delivery failure.

The Port number for enabling Secure SMTP connection is 587. To set up a Secure SMTP connection, perform the following:

  1. Exchange Cisco Emergency Responder Tomcat certificate chain to SMTP server's root certificate directory.

  2. Upload SMTP server certificate chain as tomcat-trust certificates on Cisco Emergency Responder.

  3. Restart Cisco Tomcat service on Cisco Emergency Responder servers using the CLI command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat.

Source Mail ID

If you configure a mail server, you must enter an email account on that server that can be used for sending email.

Emails or pages sent to security come from this email account.

System Administrator Mail ID

Mail account where Emergency Responder sends critical information about the system.

Emails or pages sent to the system administrator by Emergency Responder come to this email account.

Calling Party Modification

Dynamic modification of the calling party number. Allows you to reduce the number of route patterns by configuring multiple ELIN numbers for a single route pattern. ELIN numbers must still be unique.

You must set this flag if you enabled Calling Party Modification when you created Emergency Responder as a Unified CM user.


Select from the drop-down list that enables and disables the writing of log messages.

Syslog Server

The name of the server that has the log messages.

Enter the fully qualified DNS name of the server, for example,

Enter the hostname or IP address of the syslog server to accept syslog messages. This server handles the logging of all the Cisco Emergency Responder application event-related information.

514 is the default port used to communicate.



You can only enter a server name if you choose Enable Syslog.


Any notes you want to enter to help you understand the use of the server group.

Dynamic Tracking of Switch IP Address

Dynamically updates a LAN switch's IP address if it is configured with hostname in Emergency Responder.

This action is not applicable to LAN switches that are added to Emergency Responder using an IP address.

Security end user web interface language

Pulldown menu allows you to select the language that is displayed on the users web page—English (US), French (Canada), or Spanish (Spain).

After you change the language, you must complete the following before the language is displayed on the users web page:

  • Restart Emergency Responder Service in Emergency Responder Serviceability by choosing Tools > Control Center.

  • Restart Cisco Tomcat service using the CLI command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat.

  • Refresh the current Emergency Responder User webpage.

Limit Concurrent Sessions

Limits the number of concurrent sessions per user.

Selecting or deselecting this check box enables or disables the Max. number of concurrent sessions drop-down list.

Max. number of concurrent sessions

If Limit Concurrent Sessions is enabled, this limit is applicable for all the users.

The limit is imposed separately for each Emergency Responder website:

  • Emergency Responder Administration

  • Emergency Responder Serviceability

  • Emergency Responder User

  • Emergency Responder Admin Utility

Enable AXL & Cluster Secured connection

AXL communication with other products and cluster communication is secured.

Ensure the Cisco Unified Communications Manager tomcat-trust certificate and the Cisco Emergency Responder server group certificate is added to the Tomcat trust store of the Cisco Emergency Responder (in both publisher and subscriber). Failing to do so may result in breaking of AXL communication between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Emergency Responder, along with the cluster communication within the Cisco Emergency Responder group.

Discovery Threshold Time (in hrs)

Set the threshold time after which the Emergency Responder sends you an email alert when the discovery of Cisco IP Phones or devices is stalled. Emergency Responder should be able to track the devices anytime from 6 to 24 hours.

Check the Enable Discovery Mail Alert check box to enable the Discovery mail alert option.

The default is 0 hours if you do not enable the Enable Discovery Mail Alert check box. The threshold range is 6 to 24 hours.

Update Settings button

Click Update Settings to save and activate your changes.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Table 3. Cisco Emergency Responder Group Settings Page




Emergency Responder Group Name

The name of the server group. This name is used for your information only, so create a name you find useful.

Peer TCP Port

The TCP port used for communications between Emergency Responder servers within the server group. If you don't want to use the default port, ensure you select an unused port.

The range is 1024 to 65535.

Heartbeat Count

The number of counts an Emergency Responder server should wait before declaring an unresponsive Emergency Responder server unavailable.

The default number of counts is 3. The range is 3 to 10.

The time between counts is defined in Heartbeat Interval.

Heartbeat Interval (in sec)

The number of seconds between sending heartbeat messages to the other Emergency Responder server in the server group.

The default is 30 seconds. The range is 30 to 300 seconds.

Active Call Timeout (in min)

How long to maintain a call route mapping so the PSAP can call back the emergency caller.

The default is 180 minutes (3 hours). The range is 30 to 1440 minutes.

SMTP Mail Server

The IP address or fully qualified name of the mail server (for example,

Check the Enable Secured connection check box to send mails from the SMTP Mail Server in a secure mode.

Configure an email server if you want Emergency Responder to send email or email-based pages to security officers when an emergency call is made.

Ensure to configure the SMTP Mail Server in a secure mode and the SMTP server certificate is added to the Tomcat trust store of the Cisco Emergency Responder before enabling the check box. Failing to do so may result in email alert delivery failure.

The Port number for enabling Secure SMTP connection is 587. To set up a Secure SMTP connection, perform the following:

  1. Exchange Cisco Emergency Responder Tomcat certificate chain to SMTP server's root certificate directory.

  2. Upload SMTP server certificate chain as tomcat-trust certificates on Cisco Emergency Responder.

  3. Restart Cisco Tomcat service on Cisco Emergency Responder servers using the CLI command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat.

Source Mail ID

If you configure a mail server, you must enter an email account on that server that can be used for sending email.

Emails or pages sent to security come from this email account.

System Administrator Mail ID

Mail account where Emergency Responder sends critical information about the system.

Emails or pages sent to the system administrator by Emergency Responder come to this email account.

Calling Party Modification

Dynamic modification of the calling party number. Allows you to reduce the number of route patterns by configuring multiple ELIN numbers for a single route pattern. ELIN numbers must still be unique.

You must set this flag if you enabled Calling Party Modification when you created Emergency Responder as a Unified CM user.


Select from the drop-down list that enables and disables the writing of log messages.

Syslog Server

The name of the server that has the log messages.

Enter the fully qualified DNS name of the server, for example,

Enter the hostname or IP address of the syslog server to accept syslog messages. This server handles the logging of all the Cisco Emergency Responder application event-related information.

514 is the default port used to communicate.



You can only enter a server name if you choose Enable Syslog.


Any notes you want to enter to help you understand the use of the server group.

Dynamic Tracking of Switch IP Address

Dynamically updates a LAN switch's IP address if it is configured with hostname in Emergency Responder.

This action is not applicable to LAN switches that are added to Emergency Responder using an IP address.

Security end user web interface language

Pulldown menu allows you to select the language that is displayed on the users web page—English (US), French (Canada), or Spanish (Spain).

After you change the language, you must complete the following before the language is displayed on the users web page:

  • Restart Emergency Responder Service in Emergency Responder Serviceability by choosing Tools > Control Center.

  • Restart Cisco Tomcat service using the CLI command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat.

  • Refresh the current Emergency Responder User webpage.

Limit Concurrent Sessions

Limits the number of concurrent sessions per user.

Selecting or deselecting this check box enables or disables the Max. number of concurrent sessions drop-down list.

Max. number of concurrent sessions

If Limit Concurrent Sessions is enabled, this limit is applicable for all the users.

The limit is imposed separately for each Emergency Responder website:

  • Emergency Responder Administration

  • Emergency Responder Serviceability

  • Emergency Responder User

  • Emergency Responder Admin Utility

Enable AXL & Cluster Secured connection

AXL communication with other products and cluster communication is secured.

Ensure the Cisco Unified Communications Manager tomcat-trust certificate and the Cisco Emergency Responder server group certificate is added to the Tomcat trust store of the Cisco Emergency Responder (in both publisher and subscriber). Failing to do so may result in breaking of AXL communication between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Emergency Responder, along with the cluster communication within the Cisco Emergency Responder group.

Discovery Threshold Time (in hrs)

Set the threshold time after which the Emergency Responder sends you an email alert when the discovery of Cisco IP Phones or devices is stalled. Emergency Responder should be able track the devices anytime from 6 to 24 hours.

Check the Enable Discovery Mail Alert check box to enable the Discovery mail alert option.

The default is 0 hours if you do not enable the Enable Discovery Mail Alert check box. The threshold range is 6 to 24 hours.

IPv6 Subnet Configurations have precedence over IPv4

Check the check box if you want the E911 calls to take precendence of IPv6 subnet over the IPv4 subnet. If you uncheck this option, IPv4 subnet is given precedence, and the calls are routed via the IPv4 subnet.

For more information on the various IPv6/IPv4 precedence scenarios using both dual-stack and single stack devices, see Table 3.



Cisco Jabber devices will not work with IPv6 subnets in Emergency Responder.

HTTPS Certificates

This parameter defines the certificates that are supported by the Cisco Tomcat service for establishing HTTPS connections. This parameter defines whether to enable RSA or both ECDSA and RSA certificates while establishing inbound connections. By default, the HTTPS interface supports only RSA Certificates.

ECDSA certificates are enabled only if the "All Supported EC and RSA Certificates" option is selected.

Default: RSA Certificates Only



Ensure that you restart the Cisco Tomcat service on all the nodes for the parameter change to take effect.

Update Settings button

Click Update Settings to save and activate your changes.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Table 4. IPv6 Subnet Precedence over IPv4 Scenarios


IPv6 Subnet Added

IPv4 Subnet Added

IPv6 Precedence Disabled

IPv6 Precedence Enabled

New call from IPv6 + IPv4 Dual stack phone



Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv4 subnet

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv6 subnet

New call from IPv6 + IPv4 Dual stack phone



Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv6 subnet

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv6 subnet

New call from IPv6 + IPv4 Dual stack phone



Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv4 subnet

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv4 subnet

New call from IPv6 + IPv4 Dual stack phone



Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

New call from IPv6 single stack phone


Not a valid scenario since the phone has only the IPv6 subnet configured

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv6 subnet

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv6 subnet

New call from IPv6 single stack phone


Not a valid scenario since the phone has only the IPv6 subnet configured

Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

New call from IPv4 single stack phone

Not a valid scenario since the phone has only the IPv4 subnet configured


Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv4 subnet

Calls are routed via the ERL assigned to the IPv4 subnet

New call from IPv4 single stack phone

Not a valid scenario since the phone has only the IPv4 subnet configured


Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

Call is routed using the routing pattern configured for the caller's ERL. If none of the call routing criteria is used to determine the phone location using the Call Routing Order, the default ERL treatment is provided.

Telephony Settings

The Telephony Settings page appears when you choose System > Telephony Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Telephony Settings page to define the telephone numbers and telephony ports used by the Emergency Responder group.

The following table describes the Telephony Settings page.

Table 5. Telephony Settings Page




Specify telephony attributes

Route Point for Primary Emergency Responder Server

The CTI route point that the primary server should use, such as 911.

See Create Emergency Call Route Points for more information.

Route Point for Standby Emergency Responder Server

The CTI route point that the standby server should use, such as 912. Configure this number as the call forward number for the primary emergency number.

See Create Emergency Call Route Points for more information.

PSAP Callback Route Point Pattern

CTI route point that you defined to receive calls from the public safety answering point (PSAP). For example, 913XXXXXXXXXX (913 plus ten Xs).

The number can only consist of numbers and Xs.

For more information, see Create Emergency Call Route Points.

ELIN Digit Strip Pattern

Digits to strip from the beginning of the PSAP Callback Route Point Pattern, for example, 913. The number that results from stripping the pattern should be the ELIN numbers that the PSAP can use to call into your network.

This string must be part of the PSAP Callback Route Point Pattern.

Default ELIN Digit Translation

ELIN number obtained after stripping 913 is matched to a callers extension. If the mapping is not found, Emergency Responder will translate ELIN to Default ELIN Digit Translation number and complete the PSAP Call-back.

The number could be a dialable extension number or a route pattern. If the number is not reachable the PSAP Call-back will receive a reorder tone.

UDP Port Begin

Port numbers that are used by CTI ports during their registration.

The range is 1024 to 65535.

Inter-Emergency Responder Group Route Pattern

Route pattern that other Emergency Responder groups use to route emergency calls to this group, for example, 1000.911.

The pattern can only consist of numbers and dots.

For a more detailed explanation of this number, see "Create route patterns for Inter-Cisco Emergency Responder Group Communications".

IP Type of service (00-FF)

Value of the type of service (ToS) byte in the IP header. The default 0xB8 implies a ToS class of Priority Queue. It is recommended that this default value be used for Emergency Responder.

The ToS value entered here only applies to the RTP packets sent by Emergency Responder for the onsite audio alert feature.

Onsite Alert Prompt Repeat Count

Number of times the prompt is played on the onsite alert phone.

Use IP Address from call signaling

If this parameter is enabled, Emergency Responder obtains the IP address of the phone from JTAPI. This parameter is used to route the call. If an IP subnet is configured for the phone, this parameter setting takes precedence over any other manual configuration.

If this parameter is disabled, Emergency Responder uses the manual configuration of the phone to route the call.


The feature is mainly for Analog Phones (which are manually defined). This option can be tracked behind IP Gateways and receive IP Subnet treatment.

This field is applicable only if Emergency Responder is configured with Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.x and above.

Update Settings button

Click Update Settings to save and activate your changes.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

National E911 Service Provider Route Pattern Settings

National E911 Service Provider Route/Translation Pattern

Enter the route patterns or translation pattern for an National E911 Service Provider emergency response location (ERL). An National E911 Service Provider ERL is an ERL that is serviced byNational E911 Service Provider. National E911 Service Provider ERL only lists the route patterns that have been configured on this page. You can add new route patterns or translation patterns, or you can update or remove existing route patterns or translation patterns. National E911 Service Provider Route Pattern Settings supports a maximum of 3000 characters in total.

To add a new route or translation pattern, click on the text box, enter the route pattern, including numbers and wildcard (do not use spaces), and click Add.

To update an existing route pattern, click on the appropriate route pattern, modify the pattern, and click Update.

To remove an existing route pattern, click on the appropriate route pattern and click Remove.

To cancel your existing changes and go back to the last saved settings, click Cancel Changes.

Server Settings for Emergency ResponderServerGroup

The Server Settings for Emergency ResponderServerGroup page appears when you choose System > Server Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator authority to access this page.


Emergency Responder servers are inserted in the Emergency Responder group when the Emergency Responder services are started. (See Installation on a New System.)

Use the Server Settings for Emergency ResponderServerGroup page to update server settings, for example, to change the server name or to change the trace and debug settings, or to delete servers.


You cannot modify the host name of the server.

The following table describes the Server Settings Emergency ResponderServerGroup page.

Table 6. Server Settings for the Emergency ResponderServerGroup Page





Displays the status of the Server Settings Emergency ResponderServerGroup page.

Select Server


List of servers you have already created. Click on a server name to see the settings for that server.

You can configure a maximum of two servers per server group.

Modify Server Settings

Server Name

The name of the server.

Change this server name field to any desired value.

Host Name

The DNS name of the Emergency Responder server.

This field cannot be modified.

Debug Package List

A selection of subsystems for which you must collect detailed debug information. Debug information includes trace messages as well as more detailed messages. Only select subsystems at the request of Cisco Technical Support; the debug information is for Cisco's use to help resolve problems that you cannot solve yourself.

See Trace and Debug Information for an explanation of each field.

Select All button

Selects all subsystems in the Debug Package List.

Clear All button

Clears all selected subsystems in the Debug Package List.

Trace Package List

A selection of subsystems for which you must collect brief trace information. Only select subsystems at the request of Cisco Technical Support; the trace information is for Cisco's use to help resolve problems that you cannot solve yourself.

If you select a subsystem for debug, you do not have to select it for trace.

See Trace and Debug Information for an explanation of each field.

Select All button

Selects all subsystems in the Trace Package List.

Clear All button

Clears all selected subsystems in the Trace Package List.

Update Settings button

Click Update when viewing an existing server's settings to save changes you make to the settings.

Only available when viewing the settings of an existing server.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

License Manager

The License Manager page appears when you choose System > License Manager.

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator authority to access the License Manager page.


The License Manager page provides the summary and detailed information on the system license usage, as it is reported to the Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite. Licenses are assigned to the company Smart Account and are not node locked to a device.

Table 7. License Manager Page




Displays the steps to register with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite and the current license registration mode.

For information on alarms or licensing alerts and compliance, see License Manager Status Messages and License Compliance.


For Specific License Reservation status message displays current license status.



For Permanent License Reservation, status message displays the number of licenses that the administrator specified for this system to operate within. License count does not affect compliance status and it is for administrator reference only.

Admin can set the license count through Command Line Interface.

Smart Software Licensing Status

Registration Status

Displays the current registration status of the product. The different statuses are:

  • Registered—For the product which is registered.

  • Unregistered or Unidentified—For the product which is unregistered.

  • Unregistered-Registration Expired—For the product whose registration has expired.

  • Registered-Specific License Reservation/Universal License Reservation—For product which is registered in SLR/PLR mode.


    Smart Agent may reflect status as Universal License Reservation but is for Permanent Licenses Reservation feature.
  • Reservation In Progress—For product whose License Reservation is in progress.

License Authorization Status

Displays the overall authorization status of the product. The different statuses are:

  • Authorized—Product in authorized or in compliance state.

  • Authorization Expired—Authorization is expired for the product. This usually happens when the product has not communicated with Cisco for 90 continuous days.

  • Out of Compliance—Product is in out of compliance state because of insufficient licenses.

  • No Licenses in Use—Product does not consume any licenses.

  • Evaluation Mode—Product is in evaluation mode and not yet registered with Cisco.

  • Evaluation Period Expired—Evaluation period has expired.

  • Not Applicable—Unable to determine current registration status.

  • Authorized-Reserved—Product in authorized or in compliance status for the reserved licenses.

  • Not Authorized-Reserved—Product is not in authorized state because of insufficient licenses reserved.

  • Export Control Not Allowed—Product in eval mode.

Transport Settings


This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation is enabled.

Specifies the type of licensing transport mode used in Emergency Responder.

Transport Settings for Emergency Responder displays one of the following modes:

  • Call Home—Indicates that Emergency Responder is using call home for smart licensing communication to Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

The different settings through which Cisco Emergency Responder can connect to Cisco Smart Software Manager or Smart Software Manager satellite are:

  • Direct—Emergency Responder sends usage information directly over the internet. No additional components are needed.

  • HTTP/HTTPS Proxy—Emergency Responder sends usage information over the internet through a proxy server.

  • Check the Authentication needed on HTTP or HTTPS proxy check box if want to register to Cisco Smart Software Manager using authentication based proxy server. If you enable this check box, only then the Proxy User and Proxy Password fields are enabled.

    Enter the details in the following fields:

    • Host Name/IP Address

    • Port

    • Proxy User


      Administrators should ensure that they enter the configured user name for proxy in the Proxy User field.
    • Proxy Password

  • Smart Software Manager satellite—Emergency Responder sends usage information to an on-premise Smart Software Manager. Periodically, an exchange of information is performed to keep the databases in synchronization. For more information on installation or configuration of the Smart Software Manager satellite, go to this URL:

  • Check the Do not share my hostname or IP address with Cisco check box to allow the administrator to restrict the exchange of IP Address and hostname of the Emergency Responder during the registration and synchronization to Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite.


    When the check box is selected, Emergency Responder will not share the IP Address or hostname information from being sent through registration and regular license compliance synchronization activities. A unique identifier is generated for the Cisco Emergency Responder Product Instance and must be used for cross-referencing in Cisco Smart Software Manager.


Select the Do not share my hostname or IP address with Cisco check box for privacy. It does not share IP Address or Hostname information being sent through during registration and regular license compliance sync.


If you choose to use a direct connection, then you must configure Domain Name System (DNS) on Emergency Responder that can resolve for Call Home .



If you choose not to configure the domain and Domain Name System (DNS) on Emergency Responder, then you can select the Cisco Smart Software Manager satelliteor proxy server under Transport settings. In such cases, DNS that can resolve has to be configured on the Cisco Smart Software Manager satelliteor HTTP/HTTPS Proxy server.


If you choose not to use the DNS server in your deployment and not connect to the internet, then you can select the Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite with manual synchronization in disconnected mode.

Smart Account Name


This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation is enabled.

Displays information of the customer Smart Account. It is created from the Request a Smart Account option under Administration section of the It is the primary account created to represent the customer and all licenses for a company that are assigned to this Smart Account. It also manages licenses for all Cisco products.

Virtual Account


This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation is enabled.

A self-defined construct to reflect the company organization. Licenses and Product instances can be distributed across virtual accounts. Created and maintained by the administrator on the Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite with full visibility to company assets.

Licensing Mode

Displays the licensing mode of the product. The default mode is Enterprise.

Export-Controlled Functionality

Specifies if the Export-Controlled functionality was enabled in the token with which the product was registered.


The Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token check box is not displayed for the Smart Accounts that are not permitted to use the Export-Controlled functionality.

Displays one of the following status information:

  • Allowed—The token registered with has Allow export-controlled functionality selected.

  • Not Allowed—The token registered with do not have Allow export-controlled functionality selected or Cisco Emergency Responder not registered.


In Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation, Export-Controlled functionality of product depends on the configuration of Smart Account to which it is registered.



This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation is enabled.

The Actions drop-down list box gets activated only after a successful registration. It lists the following type of actions which can be performed:

  • Renew Authorization Now

  • Renew Registration Now

  • Reregister

  • Deregister



This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation or Permanent License Reservation is enabled.

Use the Register button to register Cisco Emergency Responder with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.


The Register button gets disabled after a successful registration with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

Request Entitlement Now

Synchronize Now


This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation is enabled.

Click the Synchronize Now button to send a synchronization (entitlement) request to Cisco Smart License Manager.

Last Synchronization


This section will not be available when Specific License Reservation is enabled.

This is a static field that displays the last authorization attempt time and its success or failure status. For example, Jan 19 23:31:00 2017 IST (Succeeded).


This field gets displayed only after a successful registration with the Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

License Requirement by Type

License Type

Displays the Cisco Emergency Responder (CER) license type. The only available license type is CER_USER.


Displays the description for the license type which is, CER User License.


Displays the current license status based on the license type (CER_USER).The different statuses are:

  • Authorization Expired—The authorized period has expired.

  • Evaluation—The agent is using the evaluation period for this entitlement.

  • Evaluation Period Expired—Evaluation period has expired.

  • Authorized—In compliance (authorized).

  • No Licenses in Use—There are no licenses being consumed by the product instance.

  • Out of Compliance—Out of compliance.

  • Waiting—The initial state after an entitlement request while waiting for the authorization request response.


Displays the total number of users currently tracked.

Details of Cisco ER Licenses

Number of phones discovered

Displays the number of discovered phones tracked in an IP Subnet and the Switch port.

Number of phones manually configured

Displays the number of manually configured phones. For example, analog phones.

Total number of users being tracked currently

Displays the number of phones tracked by Cisco Emergency Responder, which requires a User License. When you click the displayed hyperlinked number, the Tracked Phones List window is displayed, which lists the tracked phones.

Total number of users configured not to be tracked

Displays a list of phones configured with an IP Subnet and Cisco Emergency Responder does not track it.

Smart Licensing Product Registration

The Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite manages the product license. It also provides a link to the Smart Software Manager page.

Smart Software Licensing Product Registration

The Smart Software Licensing Product Registration window is displayed when you click the Register button on the License Manager page. See License Manager page for more information on the system license usage.

Table 8. Smart Software Licensing Product Registration Page




Displays the product registration status.

Product Instance Registration Token

Displays a text area where you can enter the product registration token generated from the Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

Reregister this product instance if it is already registered

Check the Reregister this product instance if it is already registered check box to enable a force registration of the product with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.


Click the Register button to register Cisco Emergency Responder with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.


The Register button gets disabled after a successful registration with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

Transport Setting

The Transport Setting window is displayed when you click View/Edit link from the License Manager page. For more information on system license usage, see License Manager page.

In Transport Setting window, you can configure how the product communicates with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite. You can click the radio button to select one of the options. The available Transport Setting options are tabulated.

Table 9. Transport Setting Window




Displays the current configuration status of the Smart Call Home.

Transport Settings


Product sends usage information directly over the internet. No additional components are needed. This is the default communication mode.

HTTP or HTTPS Proxy Server

Product sends usage information over the internet through a proxy server (such as Cisco Transport Gateway or Apache).

Check the Authentication needed on HTTP or HTTPS proxy check box if want to register to Cisco Smart Software Manager using authentication based proxy server. If you enable this check box, only then the Proxy User and Proxy Password fields are enabled.

Enter the details in the following fields:

  • Host Name/IP Address

  • Port

  • Proxy User



    Administrators should ensure that they enter the configured user name for proxy in the Proxy User field.

  • Proxy Password

Smart Software Manager satellite

Emergency Responder sends usage information to an on-premise Smart Software Manager. Periodically, an exchange of information is performed to keep the databases in synchronization. For more information on installation or configuration of the Smart Software Manager satellite, go to this URL:

Do not share my hostname or IP address with Cisco

Check the check box to allow the administrator to restrict the exchange of IP Address and hostname of the Cisco Emergency Responder during the registration and synchronization to Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite.



When the check box is selected, Cisco Emergency Responder will not share the IP Address or hostname information from being sent through registration and regular license compliance synchronization activities. A unique identifier is generated for the Cisco Emergency Responder Product Instance and will need to be used for cross-referencing in Cisco Smart Software Manager.


Transport settings are shared with Smart Call Home, so any changes made in the Transport Setting window applies to other features using this service.

Smart Software Licensing Product Re-registration

The Smart Software Licensing Product Re-registration window is displayed when you select the Reregister option from the Actions drop-down list box on the License Manager page. See License Manager page for more information on the system license usage.

Table 10. Smart Software Licensing Product Re-registration Page




Displays the product re-registration status.

Product Instance Registration Token

Displays a text area where you can enter the product registration token generated from the Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.


Click the Re-register button to re-register the product with Cisco Smart Software Manager or Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite.

Email Alert Settings

The Email Alert Settings page appears when you choose System > Mail Alert Configurations.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Email Alert Settings page to specify the parameters under which Emergency Responder sends email alerts. Use the check box to the right of each parameter to enable (check) or disable (uncheck) email alerts for that parameter. Check the Include event viewer contents in mail check box if you want to include the details from the event viewer in the email message.

The following table describes the Email Alert Settings page.

Table 11. Email Alert Settings Page


An email alert is sent when:
Discovery Parameters

Discovery Engine Registration Failed

The Discovery Engine fails to register

Discovery Engine goes out of connection

The Discovery Engine loses connection

For unreachable devices during recovery

Devices such as switches and CiscoUnified CommunicationsManagers become unreachable

Emergency Call Routing Parameters

Call information

A 911 call is placed

Call routing session ended due to problems

Call routing is stopped due to any of these reasons:

  • Invalid CMC
  • Invalid FAC
  • FAC and CMC needed
  • CMC needed
  • FAC needed

Rerouting of call

An emergency call is rerouted

Routing failure

Call routing fails

Route Point out of Service

The route point goes out of service

Cluster Parameters

Cluster DB Failure

The server cannot communicate with the cluster database host

Intra Cluster Failure

The intra-cluster communication to a server group in the cluster fails

Misc Parameters

Subscriber becomes active

The Subscriber becomes active

Publisher comes back online

The Publisher comes back online

Not able to get the JTAPI Provider

When Emergency Responder cannot get the JTAPI provider

Available user licenses get exhausted during phone tracking

When the number of user licenses are exhausted during phone tracking

Switch Port location change reporting

When you enable switch port change reporting for phones

Suppress IP Communicator location change reporting

When you filter CiscoUnifiedIP Communicator from the location change reporting email alerts

DRF Alert

Enable or Disable DRF backup or restore mail alerts

Update Settings button

Updates the email alert settings

Cancel Changes button

Cancels changes made to the email alert settings

Add Subscriber

The Add Subscriber page appears when you choose System > Add Subscriber.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Add Subscriber page to add a subscriber server to an Emergency Responder server group. After adding the subscriber information, you must enter the correct publisher server information when prompted during installation.

Before You Begin

You must first configure a publisher server before configuring a subscriber server.

The following table describes the Add Subscriber page.

Table 12. Add Subscriber Page



Add Subscriber


Host name of the subscriber server.

Insert button

Click Insert to add the new subscriber server.

Cancel Changes button

Removes input from the Add Subscriber page.

Configured Servers

A list of all currently configured servers, showing the host name and IP address of each server.

National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings

The National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings page appears when you choose System > National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings page to enter the account information that is required for Emergency Responder to interoperate with National E911 Service Provider Validation and Update Interface. After entering the required information, you can test the connectivity to National E911 Service Provider from this page.

The following table describes the National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings page.

Table 13. National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings




Displays status messages.

National E911 Service Provider VUI Settings

Upload Certificate

Uploads the certificate from your local drive to the Emergency Responder server.

To upload a certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Click Upload Certificate

    An Upload Certificate window appears.

  2. Click the Browse button to locate the certificate file on your local machine.

  3. Click the Upload button to upload the certificate file.

Validate Certificate

National E911 Service Provider Certificate Password

The password that was generated with this certificate.


VUI URL is provided by National E911 Service Provider.

Enable HTTP Proxy

Check this check box if you want to use a proxy server for requests between Emergency Responder and National E911 Service Provider.

Proxy Host Name/IP Address

Enter the IP address or hostname of the proxy server, along with the port.

For example, http://<ip_address_or_hostname>:port.

Authentication needed on HTTP Proxy

Check this check box if you want to communicate with the National E911 Service Provider using authentication based proxy server. If you enable this check box, only then the Proxy User Name and Proxy Password fields are enabled.

Proxy User Name

Enter the configured user name for proxy server in the Proxy User Name field.

Proxy Password

Enter the password that is associated to the username.

Test and Validate Certificate

Use this button to test the validity of your certificate.

Configure Account Details

VUI Schema URL

The VUI Schema URL provided by National E911 Service Provider.

National E911 Service Provider Account ID

Your National E911 Service Provider Account ID provided by National E911 Service Provider.

Max VUI Connections

The maximum number of simultaneous VUI connections that Emergency Responder allows across the Server group.

MyE911 for Location Updates

Set this drop-down to True if Cisco Jabber and Webex App are using MyE911 or Remote Location Manager to set the users location when Off-premises. Setting this drop-down to False requires users to update their location through Cisco’s Off-Premise User Page.

By default, this option is set to True.

Test Connectivity

Use this link to verify whether Emergency Responder can successfully connect to National E911 Service Provider VUI.

Delete Account

Deletes an existing National E911 Service Provider account from the Emergency Responder database.


Click Update to save the changes you made on this page.


Click Cancel to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Onsite Alert Settings

The Onsite Alert Settings page appears when you choose ERL > Onsite Alert Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Onsite Alert Settings page to add information about your onsite alert personnel. When you configure ERLs, you assign these personnel to them. Emergency Responder alerts the assigned personnel when an emergency call is made within the zone.


Sometimes the prompts do not get played at the onsite alert phone when the call is initiated from the CTI ports. To avoid this problem, configure only one line per CTI port in the Unified CM that is configured for Emergency Responder.


In case a user configures an onsite alert for a call (not for email), the calling party displays as the Emergency Responder CTI port.

The following table describes the Onsite Alert Settings page.

Table 14. Onsite Alert Settings Page




Add New Onsite Alert Contact

Onsite Alert ID

The identifier for the onsite alert contact. The identifiers you use should be based on your site identification strategy (for example, security ID or badge number). This field is used throughout Emergency Responder to identify the contact; for example, you select from Onsite Alert IDs when assigning contacts to zones. The Onsite Alert ID cannot be modified after you have saved it.

Use a naming strategy meaningful to your organization, but which is also useful when configuring zones in Emergency Responder.

Onsite Alert Name

The name of the onsite alert contact.

Onsite Alert Number

The telephone number for the onsite alert contact. This number must be a voice telephone number; do not enter the number of a voice-mail system or an automated attendant.

When Emergency Responder gets an emergency call from an ERL, it calls the onsite alert number of the contact for the ERL and plays a prerecorded message that includes the phone number from which the emergency call was placed.

Onsite Alert Email Address

The email address for the onsite alert contact, for example,

When Emergency Responder gets an emergency call from an ERL, it emails the onsite alert contact associated with the ERL. If the email ID is for an email paging system, the contact receives a page instead of an email. The email or page includes the phone number from which the emergency call was placed.



You can add multiple email addresses by separating each address with a comma (,). Avoid extra spaces between the email addresses.

Onsite Alert Pager Address

The pager email address for the onsite alert contact, for example, <pager_number>

You can limit the size of the message that is sent to the pager by configuring the fields on the Pager Alert Setting Page. See Pager Alert Settings.

Available User Group

The User Group which will receive the specific web alert from the associated ERL. By default Emergency Responder User Group is selected, which has all users.

The users can view all alerts in the system by selecting ALL on the Web Alert page.


Click the Insert button to add the contact to the list of contacts. The contact is then listed in the Available Onsite Alerts section of the page.

Cancel Changes

Click the Cancel Changes button to cancel any changes made to this page.

Available Onsite Alerts

Section of the page that displays onsite alert contacts that have already been configured. For configured onsite alert contacts, the following information is displayed:

  • Onsite Alert ID

  • Onsite Alert Name

  • Onsite Alert Number

  • Onsite Alert Email Address

  • Onsite User Group

To change an entry, click the entry or click the Edit icon; the person's contact information is loaded in the edit boxes. Make your changes and click Update.

To delete an entry, click the Delete icon on the same line as the entry.

If no contacts have previously been configured, this section is blank.

You cannot modify a contact's Onsite Alert ID.

Before you can delete the entry, you must update the ERLs to which the person is assigned to remove the person from the ERL.

Add New

Click the Add New button to add another contact.


Click the Update button when viewing an existing contact's information to save changes you make to the information.

Only available when viewing the information for an existing contact.


Click the Export button to export the onsite alert settings to another file. For more information, see Export OnsiteAlert Data.


Click the Import button to import the onsite alert settings to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration. For more information, see Import OnsiteAlert Data.

Export OnsiteAlert Data

The Export OnsiteAlert Data window appears when you click Export on the Onsite Alert Settings page (opened when you choose ERL > Onsite Alert Settings).

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this window.


Use the Export OnsiteAlert Data window to perform the following:
  • Create a file containing the Emergency Responder Export OnsiteAlert Data.

  • Use the Download option to download a file containing the Emergency Responder Export OnsiteAlert Data. For more information, see Download File.

The following table describes the fields found on the Export OnsiteAlert Data window.

Table 15. Export OnsiteAlert Data Window



Export OnsiteAlert Data

Select Export Format

Select the file format from the drop-down list that matches the file being imported.

Enter Export File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want to create. Do not include the file extension.


Click the Export button to add data from the import file to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.


Click the Close button to close the window.

Export Status

This text box displays status information.


Select a File to Download

Select a file from the drop-down list and click the Download button to download the file to your machine.

Import OnsiteAlert Data

The Import OnsiteAlert Data window appears when you click Import on the Onsite Alert Settings page (opened when you choose ERL > Onsite Alert Settings).

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this window.


Use the Import OnsiteAlert Data window to create or update several OnsiteAlert Data details at once from the file in which you have defined their data. You can create this file using a spreadsheet and save the information in the required formats. The View sample file link provides the sample information to create or update your import file.

You can import a previously exported file or you can upload a file that you created on your local system using the Upload option. For more information, see Upload File.


Ensure that you restart the Cisco Emergency Responder service after using the Import feature to update the Emergency Responder onsite alerts in bulk, for the changes to take effect.

The following table describes the fields found on the Import OnsiteAlert Data window.

Table 16. Import OnsiteAlert Data Window



Import OnsiteAlert Data

Select Import Format

Select the file format from the drop-down list that matches the file being imported.

Click View sample file link to view an example of the expected format and sequence of values. Use this sample information to create your import file in a spreadsheet.

Select File to Import

Select the file from the drop-down list from which you want to import data.


Click the Import button to add data from the import file to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.


Click the Upload button to upload the file from your machine. For more information, see Upload File.


Click the Close button to close the window.

Import Status

This text box displays status information.

Pager and Email Alert Configurations

The Pager Alert Settings and Email Alert Settings page appears when you choose ERL > Pager Alert and Email Alert Configurations.

Authorization Requirements

You must have a system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Pager Alert and Email Alert Configurations page to limit the size of system-wide pager and email messages by selecting the fields that are sent to the pager and by editing the labels for those fields.


If you are upgrading Emergency Responder from any source version prior to Release 12.5.1, ensure that you check the Local Call Time check box to receive the local call time via emails and pager alerts in the upgraded version.

The following table describes the Pager Alert Settings and Email Alert Settings page.

Table 17. Pager Alert and Email Alert Configuration Settings



Pager Alert Settings

You can limit the size of the pager message that is sent by selecting the following fields and editing the labels are associated with those fields:

  • Extension

  • ERL

  • Location

  • System Time

  • Server

  • Local Time

Check the check box to select the fields that you want to display on the pager.

Click the text box to edit the label that you want to send to the pager.

Update Pager Settings

Click Update Settings to save changes that you made.

Restore Pager Defaults

Click Restore Defaults to restore the default pager and label settings.

Send Sample Message to a pager

Enter a pager address in the text box and click Send Test Message to send a test message to your pager.

Email Alert Settings

You can customize email messages sent to the configured onsite security person by choosing the required fields. You can also add additional notes or mask digits on Caller DN to reflect the local dialing pattern.

  • Caller Extension

  • Display Name

  • Zone

  • Location

  • System Call Time

  • Local Call Time

  • Server Details—Enter the URL details for the Emergency Responder User page in which you can check the 911 call details. In case you are updating the hostname, ensure that you enter the new hostname in the server details.

  • Additional Notes—Enables you to provide any additional information as Admin Notes and the information is available in the email alerts.

  • Discard DN digits—You can enter the count of digits to be masked from the beginning on Caller DN to reflect the local dialing pattern.

Check the check box to select the fields that you want to display on the email message.

Click the editable label text boxes to modify the label that you want to send to the email message.

Update Email Settings

Click Update Email Settings to save the changes made.

Restore Email Defaults

Click Restore Email Defaults to restore the default email message and label settings.

Sample Email Message Preview

Select the required email alert field settings and click Update Email Settings to preview the sample email message.

Conventional ERL

The Conventional ERL page appears when you choose ERL >Conventional ERL.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Conventional ERL Data page to define the emergency response locations (ERLs) for your company. An ERL might be a whole building (if it is small), the floor of a building, or an area on a floor. Each community can have different laws concerning the size of an ERL, so consult your local ordinances and with your service provider before deciding on your ERLs. The ERLs you create are used by emergency response teams to locate the emergency, so the ERL should be small enough that these teams can locate the caller within a reasonable time.

The following table describes the Find and List ERLs page.

Table 18. Find and List ERLs Page




ERL Search Parameters

Find Conventional ERL where...

Select search criteria and click Find to list existing ERLs. To list all ERLs, click Find without entering any criteria. From the drop-down menu, you can select the number of records that display per page for each search.

From the search results list, you can:

  • Click an entry to view and update its characteristics.
  • Click the Copy icon to create a new ERL with the same ALI data.
  • Click the Delete icon to remove the ERL.
  • Click view... in the Audit Trail column to view a history of changes made to that ERL. See ERL Audit Trail for more information.

When copying an ERL, information that must be unique in an ERL is not copied.

See Add New ERL for more information.

Configure Default ERL

You must configure the Default ERL before configuring any other ERLs.

The default ERL is the system-defined ERL that is used to route calls if no other ERL configuration is found.



During the migration of data in an upgrade scenario, if any manually configured phone is assigned to the Default ERL, it remains there until it is modified.

See Add New ERL for more information.

Add New ERL

Click Add New ERL to create a new ERL.

See Add New ERL for more information.

Configure Default ERL

Click Configure Default ERL to configure a default ERL


Click the Export link to create a file containing your ERL configuration.

See Export ERL Data for information about exporting ERL data.


Click the Import link to create or update ERLs using information stored in a separate file. By importing ERL data, you can create or update many ERLs at one time.

See Import ERL Data for information about importing ERL data.

Add New ERL


On the ERL Information for ERL Name page, the ERL Name variable is replaced with the name of the ERL associated with the page. For example, if you click the Default ERL, the page that appears is titled ERL Information for Default. If the ERL name is First Floor, the page that appears is titled ERL Information for First Floor.

The Add New ERL and ERL Information for ERL Name pages are essentially the same, as follows:

  • The Add New ERL page appears when you select Add New ERL on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Conventional ERL). The page also appears if you click Copy for an existing ERL.

  • The ERL Information for Default page opens when you click Configure Default ERL on the Find ERL Data page. The ERL Information for ERL Name page also appears when you click any of the links associated with an existing ERL in the list on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Conventional ERL).


    You cannot use default ERLs as a Test ERL. The Test ERL check box is not available on the ERL Information for Default page.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Add New ERL page to create a new emergency response location (ERL). Alternatively, you can create or update many ERLs at once by importing predefined ERL information from a separate file.

Emergency Responder allows you to select the ERL as a Test ERL.

Use the Find ERL Data page to view or update an existing ERL.

See ELIN Numbers Emergency Calls and PSAP Callbacks for information about configuring the ELIN numbers in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

If you want to route emergency calls to onsite security instead of the PSAP, see Set Up ERLs for Non-PSAP Deployment for the Route and Translation Pattern and ELIN settings.


If you are upgrading Emergency Responder from any source version prior to Release 12.5.1, ensure that you check the Local Call Time check box to receive the local call time via emails and pager alerts in the upgraded version.

The following table describes the Add New ERL and ERL Information pages.

Table 19. Add New ERL and ERL Information Pages




ERL Settings

ERL Name

The name of the ERL. The naming strategy you use is critical. The ERL name is one of the primary pieces of information your security team sees when alerted to an emergency call. If the name is easy to understand and descriptive, it can help your team respond quickly to a call.

For example, if you are creating an ERL for each floor in a three story building called Building J, your ERL names might be BldgJ-Floor1, BldgJ-Floor2, BldgJ-Floor3.

Work with your security team to develop an ERL naming strategy.

You cannot change the name of an existing ERL. To change an ERL name, create a new ERL, then delete the old ERL.

Any leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.


Enter a description of the new ERL (optional).

Test ERL (Used for Synthetic Testing)

Check this check box if this ERL is used for testing.

See Set Up Test ERLs.

This setting is not available on the ERL Information for Default; default ERLs may not be used as test ERLs.

ELIN Settings

The combination of a route pattern and a phone number that jointly route the emergency call to the PSAP and provide the PSAP with a callback number if the PSAP needs to call the emergency caller after disconnecting the call.

Each ERL must have unique ELINs. The number of ELINs that you define determines how many callbacks you can support. ELINs are used in order as emergency calls are made, and recycled as needed. For example, if you define two ELINs for an ERL, and three emergency calls are made, the PSAP cannot recontact the first emergency caller.

However, concurrent emergency calls are not limited by the number of ELINs: you could have ten active emergency calls even if you only have two ELINs. The number of ELINs only controls PSAP callback capability.



Emergency Responder restricts the association of an ELIN with an ERL if the ELIN has been configured as a DID Number for an Off-Premises Emergency Responder user. Emergency Responder does not impose this restriction if the DID Number belongs to a user who has never associated an off-premises location in Emergency Responder.

Route/Translation Pattern

The phone number, defined as a route pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, that is configured to use the gateway that the call should be routed through to get to the correct PSAP. This number must include the external emergency number, such as 911 in the USA. For example, 10.911 or 10911. The pattern can only contain numbers and dots.

ELIN Number

The unique phone number which the PSAP can use to locate a caller an emergency caller if the call is hung up. This number must be a DID (direct inward dial) number provided by your service provider; that is, it must be routeable on the PSTN. Enter the entire number, including area code, for the North American Numbering Plan, such as 4085551212, or an E.164 Number including country code such as +14085551212. The number can only contain numbers, a plus sign (+), single hyphens, dots, or parentheses.

The National E911 Service Provider ERL allows maximum of 10 characters and the data type should only be numbers.

An ELIN when being sent as ANI to PSAP through outgoing Gateway must be a DID (direct inward dial) number provided by your service provider.

If an ELIN number has a numerical sign "+", then add a "." between the "+" sign and the number in Cisco Unified Communications Manager ,PSAP Call Back translation pattern. The '+' can be removed using discard digit "Predot".

For example, if E.164 number includes a country code such as +14085551212, then in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager ,PSAP Call Back translation pattern you should enter '\+.XXXXXXXXXX X ' , not '\+1.XXXXXXXXXX'. The 913 pattern should be 913 followed by 11X instead of 10X.

Add button

To add a route point and ELIN combination, enter the information and click Add.

Update button

To change an existing combination, select it in the list, change the information in the edit boxes, and click Update.

Remove button

To remove a combination, select it in the list and click Remove.

Onsite Alert Settings

Available Onsite Alert IDs

Text box that displays the IDs of all available onsite alert personnel.



The onsite alert IDs list displays in a numerical order.

You must first add the contact to the list of onsite alert personnel.

Add button

Select the onsite alert (security) contacts to be assigned to the ERL. These contacts are notified when an emergency call is made from the ERL. To add a contact, select an Onsite Alert ID from the Available Onsite Alert IDs list and click Add. The contact's ID then appears in the Onsite Alert IDs for the ERL text box.

Remove button

To remove a contact for the ERL, select the appropriate ID in the Onsite Alert IDs for the ERL text box and click Remove.

ERL Address

ALI Details button

Click ALI Details to view or change the automatic location information (ALI) of an ERL. The ALI provides detailed information about the location of the ERL, such as street address and phone number.

Time Zone

Select a time zone for the ERL. The time zone provides the list of all available time zones.

When you dial 911, the selected time zone is set as the local call time in Pager and Emergency alert. If a time zone is not selected, then the local call time is same as the system call time.

Insert button

Click Insert to save your changes to the new ERL.

The Insert button is only available when creating a new ERL.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Update button

Click Update to save your changes to the ERL.

The Update button is only available when changing an existing ERL.

Close button

Click Close to close the window. You must click Update or Insert to save your changes before you click Close.

ALI Information


On the ALI Information (for ERL Name) page, the ERL Name variable is replaced with the appropriate ERL name. For example, if you click on ALI Details on the ERL Information for Default page, the page that appears is titled ALI Information for Default. If the ERL name is First Floor, the page that appears is titled ALI Information for First Floor.

The ALI Information (for ERL Name) page appears when you do one of these:

  • Click Add/Edit ALI in the ERL Address section on the Add New ERL page.


    The Add New ERL page appears when you choose Add New ERL on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Conventional ERL).

  • Click Add/Edit ALI on the ERL Information for ERL Name page. The ERL Information for ERL Name page appears when you click on an existing ERL name or on Configure Default ERL on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Details).

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Enter ALI Information page to enter the automatic location information (ALI) for an emergency response location (ERL). Send this information to your service provider, who will ensure it gets into the required database so that calls from your ELINs are routed to the local PSAP and public safety answering points (PSAPs) can locate an emergency caller.

The data requirements for these fields might differ from service provider to service provider. Contact your service provider to determine their requirements. The descriptions of the fields in are based on the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Version 2 standards (USA).


The quality of the information you enter here is critical. This information is displayed to emergency call operators and to your local response team. They use this information to locate emergency callers. If the data is incorrect or difficult to understand, emergency response can be delayed, which might result in casualties that could have been prevented.

Table 20. Enter ALI Information Page




Find all prevalidated fields from validation file by selecting a tag

Select a Tag

Select the tag whose associated ALI data you want to load into the window. You can then edit the information for this specific ALI.

You can simplify the entry of ALI data by setting up tags in a file called validate.txt. This page explains where to place the file, and where to find the samplevalidate.txt file, which explains the format of the file.

When you create a tag, you enter information that is common between several ALIs, such as company name, city, state, and so forth. For example, if you have a 25-story building, and you are creating an ERL for each floor, you could create a tag called "25story." Then, instead of retyping the information for the building 25 times, you select a tag and the ALI data is loaded with the data you defined for the tag.



Value Type

(A = Alphabets, N = Numeric, S = Special Characters [# @ & * ( ) - _ + , . : ; " ' /] )

ALI Data

House Number

The number from the postal street address for the building. Example: 170 in 170 West Tasman Dr.

AN, dash "-", and @ sign "@"

The number can be up to 10 characters, but your service provider might only support 8 character numbers.

House Number Suffix

The number extension (such as /2) for the house number, if any.


Street Name

The street name from the postal address for the building.


You are limited to 60 characters.

Prefix Directional

The type of street. Select the type from the drop-down list, and the field is filled with one of the abbreviations accepted by the U.S. Postal Service Publication 28, for example, AVE for Avenue.

Can be one of these directions:
  • N

  • S

  • E

  • W

  • NE

  • NW

  • SE

  • SW

Street Suffix

The type of street. Select the type from the drop-down list, and the field is filled with one of the abbreviations accepted by the U.S. Postal Service Publication 28, for example, AVE for Avenue.


You can also type in the suffix. You are limited to 4 characters.

Post Directional

A trailing directional indicator if the street name contains one, for example, N for North.

Can be one of these directions:
  • N

  • S

  • E

  • W

  • NE

  • NW

  • SE

  • SW

Community Name

The community name for the address, for example, a city, town, or district name.


You are limited to 32 characters.


The 2-digit state abbreviation.


You are limited to 2 characters.

Main NPA

The 3-digit area code of the main number associated with the ERL.


Main Telephone No.

The main phone number associated with the ERL. This might be the number of the security office for the ERL.


Class of Service

Select the class of service for the ERL.

If you do not know your class of service, ask your service provider.

Type of Service

Select the type of service for the ERL.

If you do not know your class of service, ask your service provider.


The Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) exchange identifier for the serving telephone office for the phone.


You are limited to 4 characters. Ask your service provider for this identifier

Customer Name

The subscriber name associated with the ERL, and typically your company name.


You are limited to 32 characters.

Order Number

The service order number of the activity of establishing or updating this record.


You are limited to 10 characters. Work with your service provider to determine a valid order number, if one is needed.

Extract Date

The date on which the record was created.

Date [mmddyy]

County ID

The county identification code for the zone. In the USA, use the FIPS code assigned to the county by the U.S. Census Bureau.


You are limited to 4 characters.

Zip Code

The postal zip code for the address.

AN, hyphen "-"

Indicates a U.S. zip code on a U.S. service order record or a Canadian postal code on a Canadian service order record. U.S. Format: NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN; Canadian Format: ANANAN or ANA[space] NAN

Zip Code Extension

The postal zip code "plus four" number.

AN, hyphen "-"

You are limited to 4 digits.

Customer Code

Your customer code. Ask your service provider if you do not know your code.


You are limited to 3 characters.

If you change this field, Emergency Responder generates two records: a Delete record to remove the ALI with the old code, and an Insert record to add the ALI with the new code. This Delete and Insert sequence is only generated the next time you export ALI: you must ensure that you submit this export file to the service provider.


Optional comments. These commentsmight be displayed at the PSAP if an emergency call is made from this ERL.

You are limited to 30 characters.


The longitude of the ERL.

N, dot ".", plus "+", minus "-"

You are limited to 9 digits.


The latitude of the ERL.

N, dot ".", plus "+", minus "-"

You are limited to 9 digits.


The elevation of the ERL.

AN dot ".", plus "+",minus "-"

You are limited to 5 digits.

TAR Code

The taxing area rate code.


You are limited to 6 characters.


Additional location information, in free form, to help identify the exact location of the phone.

This information is displayed to your security personnel along with the ERL name when an emergency call is made, so use this field to help locate the caller. For example, you might repeat the street address that is defined in several separate fields elsewhere on this page.


You are limited to 60 characters.


Information your service provider might require to create a valid ALI file.


Ask your service provider if you must

enter anything in the reserved area.

Be aware that NENA and CSV requirements may be different. For example, ERL Import does not require that you enter anything in the Reserved field. You can give an empty string in each of the ERL records and Emergency Responder accepts this file for importing. However, you must not delete the field itself from the file. The field must be there in the record; it can be an empty string delimited with a comma.

Export ERL Data

The Export ERL Data page appears when you click the Export link on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Conventional ERL).

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Export ERL Data page to create ERL export files for your own use only; do not submit ERL export files to your service provider. For example, use an ERL export file to back up your configuration or to move it to another Emergency Responder server.

To create a file to send to your service provider to update their ALI data, see Export PS-ALI Records.

The following table describes the Export ERL Data page.

Table 21. Export ERL Data Page



Select Export Format

The file format to be used in the export file. For ERL data, either csv (comma-separated value) or XML.

Enter Export File Name

The name of the file you want to create. Do not include a file extension.

Export button

Click Export to create the export file.

Close button

Click Close to close the window.

Import ERL Data

The Import ERL Data page appears when you click the Import link on the Find ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Conventional ERL).

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Import ERL Data page to create or update many ERLs at once from a file in which you have defined the ERL data. Create this file using a spreadsheet that can save the information in one of the required formats (CSV or XML). View the samples from this page before attempting to create an import file.


Import ERL Data does not support configuring E.164 number with a leading plus sign ( +). Ensure that you remove the leading plus sign before importing onsite alert details.

If you must update many ERLs, you can export the ERL data, update the export file, and reimport the file.

You can also use the Upload utility to upload a file containing ERL data from your local system; you can then import the ERL data. See Upload File for more information.

The following table describes the Import ERL Data page.

Table 22. Import ERL Data Page



Select Import Format

Select the format used in the file you are importing.

After you select the format, click View sample file to see an example of the expected format and sequence of values. Use this sample information to create your import file in a spreadsheet.

Select File to Import

Select the file from which you want to import ERL data.

Upload button

Click Upload to upload a file from your local system. See Upload File for more information.

Import button

Click Import to add ERL data from the import file to the Emergency Responder database.



The imported ERL data overwrites conflicting data in the Emergency Responder database.

Close button

Click Close to close the window.

Off-Premises ERL

The Find Off-Premises ERL Data page appears when you choose ERL > Off-Premise ERL > Search And List.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Off-Premise ERL Data page to define the emergency response locations (ERLs) for individuals with phones that are located outside of the corporate network.

The following table describes the Find and List Off-Premise ERLs page.

Table 23. Find National E911 Service Provider ERL Data (Off-Premise)




ERL Search Parameters

Find Off-Premises ERL where...

Select search criteria and click Find to list existing Off-Premise ERLs. To list all ERLs, click Find without entering any criteria. From the drop-down list, you can select the number of records that display per page for each search.

From the search results list, you can:

  • Click an entry to view and update its characteristics.

  • Click the Copy icon to create a new ERL with the same ALI data.

  • Click the Delete icon to remove the ERL.

  • Click view... in the Audit Trail column to view a history of changes made to that ERL. See ERL Audit Trail for more information.

When copying an ERL, information that must be unique in an ERL is not copied.

Add New ERL

Click Add New ERL to create a new ERL.

Add New ERL

The Add New ERL (Off-Premise phones) page appears when you choose Add New ERL on the Find National E911 Service Provider ERL Data page (opened when you choose ERL > Off-Premise ERL > Search and List).

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Add New ERL page to create a new emergency response location (ERL) for Off-Premise phones. Alternatively, you can create or update many ERLs at once by importing predefined ERL information from a separate file.

Use the Find ERL Data page to view or update an existing ERL.

The following table describes the Add New ERL (Off-Premise Phones) page.

Table 24. Add New ERL (Off-Premise Phones)




ERL Settings

ERL Name

The name of the ERL. The naming strategy you use is critical. The ERL name is one of the primary pieces of information your security team sees when alerted to an emergency call. If the name is easy to understand and very descriptive, it can help your team respond quickly to a call.

Work with your security team to develop an ERL naming strategy.

You cannot change the name of an existing ERL. To change an ERL name, create a new ERL, then delete the old ERL.

Any leading and trailing spaces is trimmed.


Enter a description of the new ERL (optional).

Route/Translation Pattern Settings

Route/Translation Pattern

The phone number, defined as a route pattern in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, that is configured to use the gateway the call should be routed through to get to the correct PSAP. This number must include the external emergency number, such as 911 in the USA. For example, 10.911 or 10911. The pattern can only contain numbers and dots.

Add button

To add a route point, choose a route point from the drop-down list and click Add.

Remove button

To remove a combination, select it in the list and click Remove.

Onsite Alert Settings

Available Onsite Alert IDs

Text box that displays the IDs of all available onsite alert personnel.

You must first add the contact to the list of onsite alert personnel.

Add button

Select the onsite alert (security) contacts to be assigned to the ERL. These contacts are notified when an emergency call is made from the ERL. To add a contact, select an Onsite Alert ID from the Available Onsite Alert IDs list and click Add. The contact ID then appears in the Onsite Alert IDs for the ERL text box.

Remove button

To remove a contact for the ERL, select the appropriate ID in the Onsite Alert IDs for the ERL text box and click Remove.

ERL Address

ALI Details button

Click ALI Details to view or change the automatic location information (ALI) of an ERL. The ALI provides detailed information about the location of the ERL, such as street address and phone number.

Time Zone

Select a time zone for the ERL. The time zone provides the list of all available time zones.

When you dial 911, the selected time zone is set as the local call time in Pager and Emergency alert. If a time zone is not selected, then the local call time is same as the system call time.

Insert button

Click Insert to save your changes to the new ERL.

The Insert button is only available when creating a new ERL.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Update button

Click Update to save your changes to the ERL.

The Update button is only available when changing an existing ERL.

Close button

Click Close to close the window. You must click Update or Insert to save your changes before you click Close.

Off-Premise ERL - Secondary Status

The Secondary Status page appears when you choose ERL > Off-Premise ERL > Secondary Status.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Secondary Status page to query the National E911 Service Provider Secondary Status database for information about off-premise telephone number record update transactions that were flagged with errors. These records may include the following:

  • Corrected records that are now in the National E911 Service Provider database.

  • Error records that are referred back to customers for correction.

  • Deleted error records from the National E911 Service Provider database.

You can query the National E911 Service Provider Secondary status database for off-premise telephone number records with errors.

The following table describes the Secondary Status for Off-Premise phones.

Table 25. Secondary Status (Off-Premise Phones)



Find DIDs where...

Select search criteria and click Find to list the result of a query on the National E911 Service Provider secondary status server.

Find National E911 Service Provider ERL

The Find National E911 Service Provider ERL page appears when you choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL (Search and List).

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


When you use National E911 Service Provider V91-1-1 services, you can use the National E911 Service Provider ERL Data page to define the emergency response locations (ERLs) for your company.

The following table describes the Find and List National E911 Service Provider ERLs page.

Table 26. Find National E911 Service Provider ERL Data




ERL Search Parameters

Find National E911 Service Provider ERL where...

Select search criteria and click Find to list existing National E911 Service Provider ERLs. To list all ERLs, click Find without entering any criteria. From the drop-down list, you can select the number of records that display per page for each search.

From the search results list, you can:

  • Click an entry to view and update its characteristics.

  • Click the Copy icon to create a new ERL with the same ALI data.

  • Click the Delete icon to remove the ERL.

  • Click view... in the Audit Trail column to view a history of changes made to that ERL. See ERL Audit Trail for more information.

When copying an ERL, information that must be unique in an ERL is not copied.

See Add New ERL for more information.

Add New ERL

Click Add New ERL to create a new ERL.

See Add New ERL for more information.

Level of service button

Click Level of service to display the level of service that National E911 Service Provider designates for the specific address that is configured in the ALI details. National E911 Service Provider supports the following level of service:

  • No Coverage—National E911 Service Provider does not have access to the selective router and cannot provide the callback number and address to the PSAP that services that address.

  • Basic—The PSAP that provides service currently can not provide emergency support for wire line services or VoIP service providers.

  • Enhanced—Calls can be routed to the PSAP with the existing E9-1-1 selective router network, and National E911 Service Provider can provide the callback number and address to the PSAP.

Bulk TN Update button

Select multiple ERLs and click Bulk TN Update to update the ELIN for the selected ERL.


Click the Export link to create a file containing your ERL configuration.

See Export ERL Data for information about exporting ERL data.


Click the Import link to create or update ERLs using information stored in a separate file. By importing ERL data, you can create or update many ERLs at one time.

See Import ERL Data for information about importing ERL data.

Default ALI Values

The Default ALI Values page appears when you choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > Default ALI Values.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Default ALI Values page to set the default values that automatically populate the respective ALI fields when a new National E911 Service Provider ERL is created.

The following table describes the Default ALI Information page.

Table 27. Default ALI Values



Default ALI Values for National E911 Service Provider ERLs

Type of Service

Defines the type of service for the calling party number, such as FX in 911 area or Non-Pub.



National E911 Service Provider recommends setting the default to Non-Pub.

Class of Service

Defines the class of service for the calling party number, such as residential, business, VoIP.



National E911 Service Provider recommends setting the default to VoIP.

Company ID

Specified by National E911 Service Provider.

Customer Name

Specified by National E911 Service Provider.

Update button

Click Update to save your changes.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

National E911 Service Provider ERL - Secondary Status

The Secondary Status page appears when you choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > Secondary Status.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Secondary Status page to query the National E911 Service Provider Secondary Status database for information about telephone number record update transactions that were previously flagged with errors. These records may include the following:

  • Corrected records that are now in the National E911 Service Provider database.

  • Error records that are referred back to customers for correction.

  • Deleted error records from the National E911 Service Provider database.

You can query the National E911 Service Provider Secondary status database for telephone number records with errors that have been corrected.

The following table describes the Secondary Status for phones that are serviced by National E911 Service Provider.

Table 28. Secondary Status (National E911 Service Provider Phones)



Find ELINS where...

Select search criteria and click Find to list the result of a query on the National E911 Service Provider secondary status server.

National E911 Service Provider Schedule

The National E911 Service Provider Schedule page appears when you choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > National E911 Service Provider Schedule.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the National E911 Service Provider Schedule page to specify the day of the week and time when ALI update requests and secondary status update requests are sent to National E911 Service Provider. ALI update requests sends newly created TN records to National E911 Service Provider. Secondary Status update requests sends queries to National E911 Service Provider requesting information about records with errors that have been corrected.

The following table describes the National E911 Service Provider Schedule page.

Table 29. National E911 Service Provider Schedule




Add new schedule

Specify the day of the week and time of the day when you want to schedule an update:

  1. Select the days of the week when you want to run the switch port and phone update process.

  2. Select the time of day when you want the process to run. 00 hour and 00 min is midnight. Time is based on the 24-hour clock.

  3. Check the Enable Schedule check box if you want to activate this schedule.

  4. Choose either ALI Update Schedule or Secondary Status Update Schedule.

We recommend that you run the National E911 Service Provider update process at least once per day. Because of the added network traffic, it is best to run the process outside normal business hours.

Add button

Click Add to add the schedule to the list of schedules.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Update button

Click Update when viewing an existing schedule to save changes you make to the schedule.

Only available when viewing an existing schedule.

View ALI Discrepancies

The View ALI Discrepancies page appears when you choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > View ALI Discrepancies.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the View ALI Discrepancies page to view discrepancies in the records between the ALI data that is stored in the local Emergency Responder database and the ALI data for this ELIN in the National E911 Service Provider database.

The following table describes the Find ALI Discrepancies page.

Table 30. ALI Discrepancies



Find ELIN where...

Enter search criteria to select the ELIN that you want to find.

To find all ELIN, click Find without entering any criteria.

To narrow your search, select the field that you want to search on from the drop-down list, select the search relationship (is contains, begins with, and so on), and enter the search string. Click Find.

View ALI Discrepancies for a Specific ELIN

Choose ERL > National E911 Service Provider ERL > View ALI Discrepancies and search for discrepancies. The View ALI Discrepancies for a specific ELIN page appears when you select a specific ELIN from the results.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the View ALI Discrepancies for a Specific ELIN page to view discrepancies in the records between the ALI data that is stored in the local Emergency Responder database and the ALI data for this ELIN in the National E911 Service Provider database.

The following table describes the Find ALI Discrepancies for a specific ELIN page.

Table 31. ALI Discrepancies for Specific ELIN



View National E911 Service Provider ALI Discrepancies

ALI Fields

List of ALI field information from the local Emergency Responder database and from National E911 Service Provider database:

  • House Number

  • House Suffix

  • Street Name

  • Prefix Directional

  • Street Suffix

  • Post Directional

  • Community Name

  • State

  • Main NPA

  • Class of Service

  • Type of Service

  • Exchange

  • Customer Name

  • Order Number

  • Extract Date

  • County ID

  • Company ID

  • Zip Code

  • Zip Code Extension

  • Customer Code

  • Comments

  • Longitude

  • Latitude

  • Elevation

  • TAR Code

  • Location

  • Reserved

Save button

Click Save to save your changes in the local Emergency Responder database.

Save National E911 Service Provider ALI Info button

Click Save National E911 Service Provider ALI Info to update the National E911 Service Provider VUI database.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Close button

Click Close to close the window.

ERL Migration Tool

The ERL Migration Tool page appears when you choose ERL > ERL Migration Tool.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this page.


Use the ERL Migration Tool page to migrate ERLs from conventional ERL data to National E911 Service Provider ERL data and vice versa.

The following table describes the ERL Migration Tool page.

Table 32. ERL Migration Tool




Displays status messages

ERL Search Parameter


Select search criteria and click Find to list either existing Conventional ERLs or National E911 Service Provider ERLs.

From the search results list, you can select the ERLs that you want to migrate

Migrate to National E911 Service ProviderERL Button

When you search for Conventional ERLs, you can select the ERLs that you want to migrate to National E911 Service Provider.

When you click the Migrate to National E911 Service Provider ERL button, you can select an National E911 Service Provider route point for all the selected ERL.

Migrate to Regular ERL

When you search for National E911 Service Provider ERLs, you can select the ERLs that you want to migrate to a conventional ERL data.

When you click the Migrate to Regular ERL button, you can enter a route point, and specify whether the ERL is a test ERL and test the ERL.

SNMP Settings

The SNMP Settings page appears when you choose Phone Tracking > SNMPv2 Settings or Phone Tracking > SNMPv3 Settings.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or network administrator authority to access this page.


Use the SNMPv2 Settings page or the SNMPv3 Settings page to define the SNMP read community string used by your switches.

SNMP v2 Settings Page

Use the information in the following table to configure the SNMPv2 Settings.

Table 33. SNMP v2 Settings Page




Add SNMPv2 Community Setting

IP Address/Host Name

The IP address or hostname of a switch whose SNMP read community string you are defining.

If you use the same read community string for all switches, you only need to define one entry: *.*.*.*.

If you use different read community strings for sets of switches, you can define each set, using variables and ranges. For example, if you have 10 switches from to, you can use 10.1.115-125.0 as the IP address. You can also mix ranges and variables, such as *.*.115-125.*.


If you are using IPv6 address, then wildcard characters are not supported. Enter the details for each switch.

You are not defining your switches on this page, you are only associating IP address patterns to read community strings.

Emergency Responder only tries to use the string with the specific switches you identify on the LAN Switch Details page. See LAN Switch Details for more information.

If two or more patterns match an IP address, Emergency Responder uses the SNMP string associated with the most closely matching pattern.


The time, in seconds, in which Emergency Responder should consider an attempted SNMP connection to a switch to have failed. See the explanation of Retries for more information.

Default is 10 seconds. The optimal value is 10 to 15 seconds.

Maximum Retry Attempts

The number of times Emergency Responder should attempt to contact a switch.

With each retry, the previous timeout is multiplied by 2, to ensure that the switch has enough time to respond. For example, if you specify 10 for timeout, the first attempt times out in 10 seconds, the second attempt times out in 20 seconds, the third attempt times out in 40 seconds, and so forth.

Default is 2 retries. This number does not include the initial attempt; that is, if retries are 2, Emergency Responder attempts to contact a switch up to 3 times (the initial attempt plus 2 retries).

The optimal value is 2 to 3 retries.

Read Community

The SNMPv2 read community string for the switch.



Community string does not support special characters like angle brackets (< >), backslash (\), colon (:), quotation marks (“ “), and tilde (~).

Default is public for any IP address not covered in the SNMPv2 settings list.


Click the Insert button to add the entry to the list of SNMP settings.

Cancel Changes

Click the Cancel Changes button to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

SNMPv2 Settings

A list of SNMPv2 settings that you have already defined.

To change an entry, click any of the links associated with the entry to load the details into the edit boxes at the top of the page. Then make your changes and click Update.

To delete an entry, click the Delete icon for the entry.

Add New

Click the Add New button to add another SNMPv2 setting.


Click the Update button to save changes you make to an existing SNMPv2 setting.

Only available when viewing an existing setting.


Click the Export button to export the SNMPv2 data settings to another file. For more information, see Export SNMPv2 Data.


Click the Import button to import the SNMPv2 data settings to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration. For more information, see Import SNMPv2 Data.

Export SNMPv2 Data

The Export SNMPv2 Data window appears when you click Export on the SNMPv2 Settings page (opened when you choose Phone Tracking > SNMPv2 Settings).

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this window.

Use the Export SNMPv2 Data window to perform the following:
  • Create a file containing the Emergency Responder Export SNMPv2 Data.

  • Use the Download option to download a file containing the Emergency Responder Export SNMPv2 Data. For more information, see Download File.

The following table describes the fields found on the Export SNMPv2 Data window.

Table 34. Export SNMPv2 Data Window



Export SNMPv2 Data

Select Export Format

Select the file format from the drop-down list that matches the file being imported.

Enter Export File Name

Enter the name of the file that you want to create. Do not include the file extension.


Click the Export button to add data from the import file to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.


Click the Close button to close the window.

Export Status

This text box displays status information.


Select a File to Download

Select a file from the drop-down list and click the Download button to download the file to your machine.

Import SNMPv2 Data

The Import SNMPv2 Data window appears when you click Import on the SNMPv2 Settings page (opened when you choose Phone Tracking > SNMPv2 Settings).

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this window.


Use the Import SNMPv2 Data window to create or update several SNMPv2 settings details at once from the file in which you have defined their data. You can create this file using a spreadsheet and save the information in the required formats. The View sample file link provides the sample information to create or update your import file.

You can import a previously exported file or you can upload a file that you created on your local system using the Upload option. For more information, see Upload File.

The following table describes the fields found on the Import SNMPv2 Data window.

Table 35. Import SNMPv2 Data Window



Import SNMPv2 Data

Select Import Format

Select the file format from the drop-down list that matches the file being imported.

Click View sample file link to view an example of the expected format and sequence of values. Use this sample information to create your import file in a spreadsheet.

Select File to Import

Select the file from the drop-down list from which you want to import data.


Click the Import button to add data from the import file to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.


Click the Upload button to upload the file from your machine. For more information, see Upload File.


Click the Close button to close the window.

Import Status

This text box displays status information.

SNMP v3 Settings Page

Use the information in the following table to configure the SNMP v3 Settings.

Table 36. SNMP v3 Settings Page




Add SNMPv3 User Details

User Information

IP Address/Host Name

Enter the IP address or hostname of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.

For IPv4 address, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.



For IPv6 address, wildcard characters are not supported.

You can also use a range of number for octets, such as 15 to 30.

User Name

Enter the username configured on Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.

The name can contain up to 32 characters and can contain any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_).

Authentication Information


To enable authentication, check the Authentication Required check box; in the Password and the Reenter Password fields, enter the password for the user configured on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.


Choose the appropriate protocol as configured for the user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.

Privacy Information


If you selected the Authentication Required check box, you can specify the privacy information.

To require privacy, select the check box, enter the password in both the Password, and the Reenter Password fields for the user configured on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.


Choose the appropriate protocol as configured for the user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager or LAN switch.

Other Information

Timeout (in seconds)

The length of time that an attempted SNMP connection remains idle before it is considered to have failed.

For more information, see the explanation for Maximum Retry Attempts.

The default value is 10 seconds. The optimal value is 10 to 15 seconds.

Maximum Retry Attempts

The number of times Emergency Responder attempts to contact a Cisco Unified Communications Manager or a switch.

With each retry, the previous timeout is multiplied by two to ensure that the switch has time to respond. For example, if you specify a Timeout value of 10 seconds, the first attempt times out in 10 seconds, the second attempt times out in 20 seconds, and the third attempt times out in 40 seconds.

The default value is two. But the optimal value is two to three retries.

The Maximum Retry Attempts does not include the initial attempt. For example, if Maximum Retry Attempts is set to two, Emergency Responder attempts to contact a switch three times - the initial attempt plus two retries.


Click the Insert button to add the entry to the list of SNMP settings.

Cancel Changes

Click the Cancel Changes button to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

SNMPv3 Settings

A list of SNMPv3 settings that you have already defined.

To change an entry, click any of the links associated with the entry to load the details into the edit boxes at the top of the page. Then make your changes and click Update.

To delete an entry, click the Delete icon for the entry.

Add New

Click the Add New button to add another SNMPv3 setting.


Click the Update button to save changes you make to an existing SNMPv3 setting.

Only available when viewing an existing setting.


Click the Import button to import the SNMPv3 data settings to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration. For more information, see Import SNMPv3 Data.

Import SNMPv3 Data

The Import SNMPv3 Data window appears when you click Import on the SNMPv3 Settings page (opened when you choose Phone Tracking > SNMPv3 Settings).

Authorization Requirements

You must have the system administrator or ERL administrator authority to access this window.


Use the Import SNMPv3 Data window to create or update several SNMPv3 settings details at once from the file in which you have defined their data. You can create this file using a spreadsheet and save the information in the required formats. The View sample file link provides the sample information to create or update your import file.

You can import a previously exported file or you can upload a file that you created on your local system using the Upload option. For more information, see Upload File.

The following table describes the fields found on the Import SNMPv3 Data window.

Table 37. Import SNMPv3 Data Window



Import SNMPv3 Data

Select Import Format

Select the file format from the drop-down list that matches the file being imported.

Click View sample file link to view an example of the expected format and sequence of values. Use this sample information to create your import file in a spreadsheet.

Select File to Import

Select the file from the drop-down list from which you want to import data.


Click the Import button to add data from the import file to your Cisco Emergency Responder configuration.


Click the Upload button to upload the file from your machine. For more information, see Upload File.


Click the Close button to close the window.

Import Status

This text box displays status information.

Phone Tracking Schedule

The Phone Tracking Schedule page appears when you choose Phone Tracking > Schedule.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or network administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Phone Tracking Schedule page to define the CiscoEmergencyResponder (Emergency Responder) schedule for updating phone and switch information from the network. Emergency Responder updates network information using two processes:

  • Phone Tracking—A periodic comparison of the phones registered with CiscoUnifiedCommunicationsManager to the location information obtained from the switches. If a phone moves, Emergency Responder updates the phone ERL.

  • Switch Port and Phone Update—The phone tracking process plus a more extensive check of the network switches, which can identify new or changed switch modules (additional or removed ports). Ensure that your ERL administrator updates the ERL assignment for new ports.

The following table describes the Phone Tracking Schedule page.

Table 38. Phone Tracking Schedule Page




Incremental Phone Tracking

Incremental Phone Tracking Interval

The time, in minutes, between making updates to the known phone locations. This periodic update ensures that phones that have moved are located and assigned to the correct ERL.

Click Update to save your changes to this field.

The default is 30 minutes.

The range of the interval that can be defined is 5 to 300 minutes.

Enhanced Location Phone Tracking

The time, in minutes, between

making updates to the unknown phone locations. This periodic update ensures that devices that have moved are located and assigned to the correct ERL.

Click Update to save your changes to this field.

The default is 2 minutes.

The range of the interval that can be defined is 1 to 180 minutes.



By default, AXL Incremental Phone tracking should not be greater than Incremental Phone tracking.

Add New Schedule

Enter the schedule that you want to add:

  1. Select the days of the week when you want to run the switch port and phone update process.

  2. Select the time of day when you want the process to run. 00 hour and 00 min is midnight. Time is based on the 24-hour clock.

We recommend that you run the switch port and phone update process at least once per day. Because of the added network traffic, it is best to run the process outside normal business hours.

Insert button

Click Insert to add the schedule to the list of schedules.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Update button

Click Update when viewing an existing schedule to save changes that you make to the schedule.

Only available when viewing an existing schedule.

Switch-Port and Phone Update Schedule

The list of schedules you have defined.

To change a schedule, click the Hour link, the Minute link, or the Edit icon to load it into the Modify Schedule area above the list. Then, make your changes and click Update.

To remove a schedule, click the Delete icon for the schedule.

If any schedules overlap, only one schedule is run.

Add New button

Click Add New to add another schedule.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters

The Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters page appears when you choose Phone Tracking > Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or network administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters page to identify the Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters whose emergency calls this Emergency Responder group handles. Only assign a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster to a single Emergency Responder group. Emergency Responder gets the list of phones registered with these Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers and tracks the movements of these phones.

The following table describes the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters page.

Table 39. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters Page




Add New Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

The IP address or DNS name of a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server that is running Cisco Unified Communications Manager and SNMP services.

Only add one server per Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster—Emergency Responder can identify the other servers in the cluster. The Cisco Unified Communications Manager server you specify represents the cluster in which it is a member.

When viewing a previously defined Cisco Unified Communications Manager server, Emergency Responder displays a CCM List link. Click CCM List to view a list of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers that belong to the same cluster as the selected server.



The Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers should have run the CCM service at least once.

After the IP address or DNS name has been configured, it cannot be modified.

CTI Manager

The IP address or DNS name of the CTI Manager used by the specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

CTI Manager User Name

The name of the user created in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server for Emergency Responder use.

This user must have specific characteristics and device assignments. See Create Emergency Responder Cisco Unified Communications Manager User for specific information.

CTI Manager Password

The password for the user.

Backup CTI Manager 1

The IP address or DNS name of the backup CTI Manager used by the specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

Backup CTI Manager 2

The IP address or DNS name of the backup CTI Manager used by the specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

Telephony Port Begin Address

The number of the first CTI port to use for calling onsite alert (security) personnel. When an emergency call is made, Emergency Responder calls the onsite alert personnel for the originating ERL using the telephony ports you configure here.

You must first create this port in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. See Create Required CTI Ports for more information.

Number of Telephony Ports

The number of CTI ports. Enter the number of CTI ports you created in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The number of ports is the number of concurrent calls Emergency Responder can make to onsite alert personnel.

The ports used are in sequence from the beginning port. For example, if you enter 3000 for the begin port, and 4 for number of ports, Emergency Responder uses 3000, 3001, 3002, and 3003.

Enable Secure Connection

Enable Secure Connection check box

Check this check box to enable a secure connection. You can enter data in the other fields of this section only if you have enabled Secure Connection.

TFTP Server IP Address

The IP address of the TFTP server.

TFTP Server Port

The port of the TFTP server.

Backup TFTP Server IP Address

The IP address of the backup TFTP server, for the Unified CM node being added.

CAPF Server IP Address

The IP address of the CAPF server.

CAPF Server Port

The port of the CAPF server.

Instance ID for Publisher

The instance ID for the Publisher node.

Secure Authentication String for Publisher

The secure authentication string for the Publisher node.

Instance ID for Subscriber

The instance ID for the Subscriber node.

Secure Authentication String for Subscriber

The secure authentication string for the Subscriber node.

Enable SRTP for Audio Alerts

Check this check box if you want Emergency Responder to send Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) enabled Onsite Phone alert to Onsite Security Users during an Emergency Call. With this option enabled for each Unified Communication Manager cluster, the Emergency Responder Onsite personnel receive secured onsite audio alerts.

The default value for this check box leaves it unchecked.


Ensure that the onsite phone supports encrypted audio calls and is properly configured in the Unified Communications Manager to get the onsite audio alerts.

The value of this field gets determined by the setting of the Unified Communications Manager service parameter Block Unencrypted Calls. This parameter specifies whether Unified Communications Manager allows calls from Emergency Responder without data encryption.

When the Block Unencrypted Calls parameter is set to TRUE, only calls with media encryption support are allowed and unencrypted calls are blocked. When the Block Unencrypted Calls parameter is set to FALSE, calls are allowed whether or not their media is encrypted.

AXL Settings

AXL Username

The username for the application user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager with privileges to perform AXL queries.



The selected user in the Cisco Emergency Responder Location Management application server in Unified CM should match the user in the Cisco Emergency Responder page: Phone Tracking > CUCM > AXL Username. Though, the Emergency Responder AXL username and CTI username have the required permissions, the username selected in the application server must match the AXL username.

After updating the application server username, you must also restart the CUCM Cisco E911 network service on all the nodes in the cluster. This service restart causes the Unified CM 911 to use the new userID and establish the connection between the two servers.

AXL Password

The password for the application user on Cisco Unified Communications Manager with privileges to perform AXL queries.

AXL Port Number

The port number that is used by the application on Cisco Unified Communications Manger. The default value is 8443.

SNMP Settings

Use SNMPv3 for discovery

Check this check box if the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has SNMPv3 enabled and you want Emergency Responder to use SNMPv3 for discovery.

Insert button

Click Insert to add the new CiscoUnifiedCommunicationsManager server to the list of servers.

Cancel Changes button

Click Cancel Changes to change the fields on this page back to the last saved settings.

Update button

Click Update when viewing an existing server to save changes you make to the server.

Only available when viewing an existing server. Replaces the Insert button when viewing an existing server.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Clusters

Add New button

Click Add New to add another Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager list

A list of Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers defined for this Emergency Responder group. Click a server link or the Edit icon to view and modify the Emergency Responder configuration for the server. Click the Delete icon to delete the server.

Click Number of Users associated link to find the list of remote users associated with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server node.

LAN Switch Details

The LAN Switch Details page appears when you choose Phone Tracking > LAN Switch Details.


Cisco Emergency Responder supports SNMP Version 1, Version 2 , Version 2C, and Version 3 of a LAN switch.

Authorization Requirements

You must have system administrator or network administrator authority to access this page.


Use the LAN Switch Details page to add, remove, or change the switches that Emergency Responder manages. Ensure that you identify all switches that might have phones attached to them. You can only assign switch ports to ERLs if you enter the switches on this page. Any phones attached to unidentified switches or ports are listed as unlocated phones in Emergency Responder, and are assigned to the Default ERL.


Switches should not be configured with Static Engine ID.

The following table describes the LAN Switch Details page.

Table 40. LAN Switch Details Page



LAN Switch Details

Switch Host Name/IP Address

The IP address or DNS name of the switch.

For more information on standardized valid IPv4 or IPv6 address formats, see the following: