

The SAML SSO Deployment Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Applications provides information on how to enable the Security Assertion Markup Language Single Sign-On (SAML SSO) solution, which allows administrators to access a defined set of Cisco collaboration applications seamlessly after signing into one of those applications. This document describes the various applications that can be used with the SAML-based SSO solution as well as the supported Identity Providers (IdPs) that provide the user authentication for the solution. This document provides links to product documentation for configuration of specific collaboration applications.


This document is intended for system administrators who are familiar with the SAML-based SSO solution for the various Cisco Unified Communications applications and supported IdPs. This guide also requires knowledge of Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Domain Name System (DNS) server settings.


The following table provides the organization of this guide.

Chapters Description

SAML-Based SSO Solution

Provides an overview of how the SAML-based SSO solution works and contains information about general topics, and components that are related to the configuration and operation of SAML SSO feature. It also details the basic configuration flow and system requirements.

SAML SSO Requirements for Identity Providers

Contains information on the requirements that Identity Providers must meet to support a SAML SSO solution with Cisco Collaboration applications.

SAML SSO Configuration

Contains procedures that describe how to configure SAML SSO for Cisco Collaboration applications.

End User SSO

Contains information about end user SSO.


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