Extension Mobility

Extension Mobility Overview

Cisco Extension Mobility allows users to temporarily access their phone settings, such as line appearances, services, and speed dials, from other phones within your system. If you have a single phone that will be used by multiple workers, for example, you can configure extension mobility so that individual users can log in to the phone and access their settings without affecting settings on other user accounts.

After a user logs in using extension mobility and if the extension mobility profile is already associated to the application user, then CTI application sends device-related information.

CTI application can control a device the user is logged into (using that extension mobility profile) without having to have direct control of the device. Therefore, the recording with the device profile association to the application user should work though they have not associated the device directly.

Extension Mobility Prerequisites

  • A TFTP server that is reachable.

  • Extension mobility functionality extends to most Cisco Unified IP Phones. Check the phone documentation to verify that Cisco Extension Mobility is supported.

Extension Mobility Configuration Task Flow

Before you begin


      Command or Action Purpose

    Step 1

    Generate a Phone Feature List

    Generate a report to identify devices that support the extension mobility feature.

    Step 2

    Activate Extension Mobility Services

    Step 3

    Configure the Cisco Extension Mobility Phone Service

    Configure the extension mobility IP phone service to which users can later subscribe to access extension mobility.

    Step 4

    Create an Extension Mobility Device Profile for Users

    Configure an extension mobility device profile. This profile acts as a virtual device that maps onto a physical device when a user logs in to extension mobility. The physical device takes on the characteristics in this profile.

    Step 5

    Associate a Device Profile to a User

    Associate a device profile to users so that they can access their settings from a different phone. You associate a user device profile to a user in the same way that you associate a physical device.

    Step 6

    Subscribe to Extension Mobility

    Subscribe IP phones and device profiles to the extension mobility service so that users can log in, use, and log out of extension mobility.

    Step 7

    Configure the Change Credential IP Phone Service

    To allow users to change their PINs on their phones, you must configure the change credential Cisco Unified IP Phone service and associate the user, the device profile, or the IP phone with the change credential phone service.

    Step 8

    (Optional) Configure Service Parameters for Extension Mobility


    If you want to modify the behavior of extension mobility, configure the service parameters.

    Activate Extension Mobility Services


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified Serviceability, choose Tools > Service Activation.

    Step 2

    From the Server drop-down list, choose the requried node.

    Step 3

    Activate the following services:

    1. Cisco CallManager

    2. Cisco Tftp

    3. Cisco Extension Mobility

    4. ILS Service



      You must choose publisher node to activate the ILS services.

    Step 4

    Click Save.

    Step 5

    Click OK.

    Configure the Cisco Extension Mobility Phone Service

    Configure the extension mobility IP phone service to which users can later subscribe to access extension mobility.


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Device Settings > Phone Services.

    Step 2

    Click Add New.

    Step 3

    In the Service Name field, enter a name for the service.

    Step 4

    In the Service URL field, enter the Service URL.

    The format is http://<IP Address>:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#. IP Address is the IP address of the Unified Communications Manager where Cisco Extension Mobility is activated and running.

    It should be a IPv4 address.




    This format allows a user to sign-in using User ID and PIN. You can configure more sign-in options for IP phone users who have subscribed to the extension mobility service. To configure more sign-in options, append the loginType parameter to the Service URL, in the following formats:

    • loginType=DN enables users to sign in using Primary Extension and PIN.

      The Service URL format is:http://<IP Address>:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#&loginType=DN.

    • loginType=SP enables users to sign in using Self Service User ID and PIN.

      The Service URL format is:http://<IP Address>:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#&loginType=SP.

    • loginType=UID enables users to sign in using User ID and PIN.

      The Service URL format is:http://<IP Address>:8080/emapp/EMAppServlet?device=#DEVICENAME#&loginType=UID.

    If you do not append loginType to the end of the URL, the default sign-in option displayed is User ID and PIN.

    Step 5

    In the Service Type field, choose whether the service is provisioned to the Services, Directories, or Messages button.

    Step 6

    Click Save.

    Create an Extension Mobility Device Profile for Users

    Configure an extension mobility device profile. This profile acts as a virtual device that maps onto a physical device when a user logs in to extension mobility. The physical device takes on the characteristics in this profile.


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Device Settings > Device Profile.

    Step 2

    Perform one of the following tasks:

    • Click Find to modify the settings and choose an existing device profile from the resulting list.
    • Click Add New to add a new device profile and choose an option from the Device Profile Type. Click Next.
    • Choose a device protocol from the Device Protocol drop-down list and click Next.

    Step 3

    Configure the fields. For more information on the fields and their configuration options, see Online Help.

    Step 4

    Click Save.

    Step 5

    From the Association Information section, click Add a new DN.

    Step 6

    In the Directory Number field, enter the directory number and click Save.

    Step 7

    Click Reset and follow the prompts.

    Associate a Device Profile to a User

    Associate a device profile to users so that they can access their settings from a different phone. You associate a user device profile to a user in the same way that you associate a physical device.


    You can use the Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) to add and delete several user device profiles for Cisco Extension Mobility at one time. See the Bulk Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose User Management > End User.

    Step 2

    Perform one of the following tasks:

    • Click Find to modify the settings for an existing user, enter search criteria, and choosing an existing user from the resulting list.
    • Click Add New to add a new user.

    Step 3

    Under Extension Mobility, locate the device profile that you created and move it from Available Profiles to Controlled Profiles.

    Step 4

    Check the Home Cluster check box.

    Step 5

    Click Save.

    Subscribe to Extension Mobility

    Subscribe IP phones and device profiles to the extension mobility service so that users can log in, use, and log out of extension mobility.


    Step 1

    Perform one of the following tasks from Cisco Unified CM Administration:

    • Choose Device > Phone, specify search criteria, click Find, and choose a phone which users will use for extension mobility.
    • Choose Device > Device Settings > Device Profile, specify search criteria, click Find, and choose the device profile that you created.

    Step 2

    From the Related Links drop-down list, choose Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services, and then click Go.

    Step 3

    From the Select a Service drop-down list, choose the Extension Mobility service.

    Step 4

    Click Next.

    Step 5

    Click Subscribe.

    Step 6

    Click Save and close the popup window.

    Configure the Change Credential IP Phone Service

    To allow users to change their PINs on their phones, you must configure the change credential Cisco Unified IP Phone service and associate the user, the device profile, or the IP phone with the change credential phone service.


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Device Settings > Phone Services.

    Step 2

    Click Add New.

    Step 3

    In the Service Name field, enter Change Credential.

    Step 4

    In the Service URL field, enter the following value, where server designates the server where the Change Credential IP phone service runs:


    Step 5

    (Optional) In the Secure-Service URL field, enter the following value, where server is the server where the Change Credential IP phone service runs:


    Step 6

    Configure the remaining fields in the IP Phone Services Configuration window, and choose Save.

    Step 7

    To subscribe the Cisco Unified IP Phone to the Change Credential IP phone service, choose Device > Phone.

    Step 8

    In the Phone Configuration window, go to the Related Links drop-down list and choose Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services.

    Step 9

    Click Go.

    Step 10

    From the Select a Service drop-down list, choose the Change Credential IP phone service.

    Step 11

    Click Next.

    Step 12

    Click Subscribe.

    Step 13

    Click Save.

    Configure Service Parameters for Extension Mobility


    If you want to modify the behavior of extension mobility, configure the service parameters.


    Step 1

    From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > Service Parameters.

    Step 2

    From the Server field, choose the node that is running the Cisco Extension Mobility service.

    Step 3

    From the Service field, choose Cisco Extension Mobility.

    Step 4

    Click Advanced to show all service parameters.

    See Extension Mobility Service Parameters for more information about these service parameters and their configuration options.

    Step 5

    Click Save.

    Extension Mobility Service Parameters

    Table 1. Extension Mobility Service Parameters

    Service Parameter


    Enforce Intra-cluster Maximum Login Time

    Select True to specify a maximum time for local logins. After this time, the system automatically logs out the device. False, which is the default setting, means that no maximum time for logins exists.

    To set an automatic logout, you must choose True for this service parameter and also specify a system maximum login time for the Intra-cluster Maximum Login Time service parameter. Cisco Unified Communications Manager then uses the automatic logout service for all logins.

    Intra-cluster Maximum Login Time

    This parameter sets the maximum time that a user can be locally logged in to a device, such as 8:00 (8 hours) or:30 (30 minutes).

    The system ignores this parameter and set the maximum login time to 0:00, if the Enforce Intra-cluster Maximum Login Time parameter is set to False.

    Valid values are between 0:01 and 168:00 in the format HHH:MM, where HHH represents the number of hours and MM represents the number of minutes.

    Maximum Concurrent Requests

    Specify the maximum number of login or logout operations that can occur simultaneously. This number prevents the Cisco Extension Mobility service from consuming excessive system resources. The default value of 5 is acceptable in most cases.

    Intra-cluster Multiple Login Behavior

    Choose one of the following options:

    • Multiple Logins Allowed—A user can log in to more than one device at a time.

    • Multiple Logins Not Allowed—The second and subsequent login attempts after a user successfully logs in once will fail.

    • Auto Logout—After a user logs in to a second device, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager automatically logs the user out of the first device.

    For EMCC, multiple logins are always allowed.

    Alphanumeric User ID

    Choose True to allow the user ID to contain alphanumeric characters. Choosing False allows the user ID to contain only numeric characters.



    The Alphanumeric User ID parameter applies systemwide. You can have a mix of alphanumeric and numeric user IDs. The system supports only user IDs that can be entered by using the alphanumeric keypad. The case-sensitive userid field requires the characters to be lowercase.

    Remember the Last User Logged In

    When you choose False, the system does not remember the last user who logged in to the phone. Use this option when the user access the phone on a temporary basis only. Choose True to remember the last user that logged into the phone. Use this option when a phone has only one user.

    For example, Cisco Extension Mobility is used to enable the types of calls that are allowed from a phone. Individuals who are not logged in and who are using their office phone can make only internal or emergency calls. But after logging in using Cisco Extension Mobility, the user can make local, long-distance, and international calls. In this scenario, only this user regularly logs in to the phone. It makes sense to set the Cisco Extension Mobility to remember the last user ID that logged in.

    Clear Call Logs on Intra-cluster EM

    Choose True to specify that the call logs are cleared during the Cisco Extension Mobility manual login and logout process.

    While a user is using the Cisco Extension Mobility service on an IP phone, all calls (placed, received, or missed) appear in a call log and can be retrieved and seen on the IP phone display. To ensure privacy, set the Clear Call Log service parameter to True. This ensures that the call logs are cleared when a user logs out and another user logs in.

    For extension mobility cross cluster (EMCC), the call log is always cleared when the user logs in or out of a phone.



    Call logs are cleared only during manual login/logout. If a Cisco Extension Mobility logout occurs automatically or any occurrence other than a manual logout, the call logs are not cleared.

    Validate IP Address

    This parameter sets whether validation occurs on the IP address of the source that is requesting login or logout.

    If the parameter is set to True, the IP address from which a Cisco Extension Mobility log in or log out request occurs and is validated to ensure that it is trusted.

    Validation is first performed against the cache for the device that will log in or log out.

    If the IP address is found in the cache or in the list of trusted IP addresses or is a registered device, the device can log in or log out. If the IP address is not found, the log in or log out attempt is blocked.

    If the parameter is set to False, the Cisco Extension Mobility log in or log out request is not validated.

    Validation of IP addresses can affect the time that is required to log in or log out a device, but it offers additional security that prevents unauthorized log in or log out attempts. This function is recommended, especially when used with logins from separate trusted proxy servers for remote devices.

    Trusted List of IPs

    This parameter appears as a text box (the maximum length is 1024 characters). You can enter strings of trusted IP addresses or hostnames which are separated by semicolons, in the text box. IP address ranges and regular expressions are not supported.

    Allow Proxy

    If the parameter is True, the Cisco Extension Mobility log in and log out operations that use a web proxy are allowed.

    If the parameter is False, the Cisco Extension Mobility log in and log out requests coming from behind a proxy get rejected.

    The setting that you select takes effect only if the Validate IP Address parameter specifies true.

    Extension Mobility Cache Size

    In this field, enter the size of the device cache that is maintained by Cisco Extension Mobility. The minimum value for this field is 1000 and the maximum is 20000. The default value is 10000.

    The value that you enter takes effect only if the Validate IP Address parameter is True.

    Cisco Extension Mobility Interactions

    Table 2. Cisco Extension Mobility Interactions
    Feature Interaction

    A manager who uses Cisco Extension Mobility can simultaneously use Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant. The manager logs in to the Cisco Unified IP Phone by using Cisco Extension Mobility and then chooses the Cisco IP Manager Assistant service. When the Cisco IP Manager Assistant service starts, the manager can access assistants and all Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant features (such as call filtering and Do Not Disturb).

    BLF Presence

    When you configure BLF/speed dial buttons in a user device profile, a phone that supports Cisco Extension Mobility displays BLF presence status on the BLF/SpeedDial buttons after you log in to the device.

    When the extension mobility user logs out, a phone that supports Cisco Extension Mobility displays BLF presence status on the BLF/SpeedDial buttons for the logout profile that is configured.

    Call Display Restrictions

    When you enable call display restrictions, Cisco Extension Mobility functions as usual: when a user is logged in to the device, the presentation or restriction of the call information depends on the user device profile that is associated with that user. When the user logs out, the presentation or restriction of the call information depends on the configuration that is defined for that phone type in the Phone Configuration window.

    To use call display restrictions with Cisco Extension Mobility, check the Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only) check obx in both the Device Profile Configuration window and the Phone Configuration window.

    Call Forward All Calling Search Space

    An enhancement to call forward all calling search space (CSS) lets you upgrade to later releases of Cisco Unified Communications Manager without loss of functionality.

    The CFA CSS Activation Policy service parameter supports this enhancement. In the Service Parameter Configuration window, this parameter displays in the Clusterwide Parameters (Feature - Forward) section with two options:

    • With Configured CSS (default)
    • With Activating Device/Line CSS
    Do Not Disturb

    For extension mobility, the device profile settings include do not disturb (DND) incoming call alert and DND status. When a user logs in and enables DND, the DND incoming call alert and DND status settings are saved, and these settings are used when the user logs in again.



    When a user who is logged in to extension mobility modifies the DND incoming call alert or DND status settings, this action does not affect the actual device settings.


    Cisco Extension Mobility supports the intercom feature. To support intercom, Cisco Extension Mobility uses a default device that is configured for an intercom line. An intercom line is presented on only the default device.

    You can assign an intercom line to a device profile. When a user logs in to a device that is not the default device, the intercome line is not presented.

    The following additional considerations apply to intercom for Cisco Extension Mobility:

    • When Unified Communications Manager assigns an intercom line to a device and the default device value is empty, the current device is selected as the default device.
    • When AXL programatically assigns an intercom DN, you must update the intercom DN separately by using Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration to set the default device.
    • When you delete a device that is set as the intercom default device for an intercom line, the intercom default device is no longer set to the deleted device.

    Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

    Cisco Extension Mobility Supports IPv6. You can use phones with an IP addressing mode of IPv6 or dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6).

    Prime Line

    If you select On for the Always Use Prime Line parameter in the Device Profile or Default Device Profile Configuration window, a Cisco Extension Mobility user can use this feature after logging in to the device that supports Cisco Extension Mobility.

    Cisco Extension Mobility Restrictions

    Table 3. Cisco Extension Mobility Restrictions
    Feature Restriction
    Cache Cisco Extension Mobility maintains a cache of all logged-in user information for 2 minutes. If a request comes to extension mobility regarding a user who is represented in the cache, the user is validated with information from the cache. For example, if a user changes the password, logs out, and then logs back in within 2 minutes, both the old and new passwords are recognized.
    Call Back When a Cisco Extension Mobility user logs out of a device, all call back services that are active for the Cisco Extension Mobility user are automatically cancelled.
    Character Display The characters that display when a user logs in depend on the current locale of the phone. For example, if the phone is currently in the English locale (based on the Logout profile of the phone), the user can only enter English characters in the UserID.
    Hold Reversion Cisco Extension Mobility does not support the hold reversion feature.
    IP Phones Cisco Extension Mobility requires a physical Cisco Unified IP Phone for login. Users of office phones that are configured with Cisco Extension Mobility cannot remotely log in to their phones.
    Locale If the user locale that is associated with the user or profile is not the same as the locale or device, after a successful login, the phone will restart and then reset. This behavior occurs because the phone configuration file is rebuilt. Addon-module mismatches between profile and device can cause the same behavior.
    Log Out If Cisco Extension Mobility is stopped or restarted, the system does not automatically log out users who are already logged in after the logout interval expires. Those phones automatically log out users only once a day. You can manually log out these users from either the phones or from Cisco Unified CM Administration.
    Secure Tone Cisco Extension Mobility and join across line services are disabled on protected phones.
    User Group Although you can add users to the Standard EM authentication proxy rights user group, those users are not authorized to authenticate by proxy.

    Remember the Last User Logged In

    The service parameter Remember the Last User Logged In is applicable only for default Extension Mobility service URL or the Extension Mobility service URL with loginType as UID.

    Extension Mobility Troubleshooting

    Troubleshoot Extension Mobility


    • Configure the Cisco Extension Mobility trace directory and enable debug tracing by performing the following steps:

      1. From Cisco Unified Serviceability, choose Trace > Trace Configuration.

      2. From the Servers drop-down list, select a server.

      3. From the Configured Services drop-down-list, select Cisco Extension Mobility.

    • Make sure that you entered the correct URL for the Cisco Extension Mobility service. Remember that the URL is case sensitive.

    • Check that you have thoroughly and correctly performed all the configuration procedures.

    • If a problem occurs with authentication of a Cisco Extension Mobility user, go to the user pages and verify the PIN.

    Authentication Error

    Problem "Error 201 Authentication Error" appears on the phone.

    Solution  The user should check that the correct user ID and PIN were entered; the user should check with the system administrator that the user ID and PIN are correct.

    Blank User ID or PIN

    Problem "Error 202 Blank User ID or PIN" appears on the phone.

    Solution  Enter a valid user ID and PIN.

    Busy Please Try Again

    Problem "Error 26 Busy Please Try Again" appears on the phone.

    Solution  Check whether the number of concurrent login and logout requests is greater than the Maximum Concurrent requests service parameter. If so, lower the number of concurrent requests.


    To verify the number of concurrent login and logout requests, use the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool to view the Requests In Progress counter in the Extension Mobility object. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide at http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/unified-communications/unified-communications-manager-callmanager/products-maintenance-guides-list.html

    Database Error

    Problem "Error 6 Database Error" appears on the phone.

    Solution  Check whether a large number of requests exists. If a large number of requests exists, the Requests In Progress counter in the Extension Mobility object counter shows a high value. If the requests are rejected because of a large number of concurrent requests, the Requests Throttled counter also shows a high value. Collect detailed database logs.

    Dev Logon Disabled

    Problem "Error 22 Dev Logon Disabled" appears on the phone.

    Solution  Verify that you checked the Enable Extension Mobility check box in the Phone Configuration window (Device > Phone).

    Device Name Empty

    Problem "Error 207 Device Name Empty" appears on the phone.

    Solution  Check that the URL that is configured for Cisco Extension Mobility is correct. See the Related Topics section for more information.

    EM Service Connection Error

    Problem "Error 207 EM Service Connection Error" appears on the phone.

    Solution Verify that the Cisco Extension Mobility service is running by selecting Tools > Control Center—Feature in Cisco Unified Serviceability.

    Host Not Found

    Problem The "Host Not Found" error message appears on the phone.

    Solution Check that the Cisco Tomcat service is running by selecting Tools > Control Center—Network Services in CIsco Unified Serviceability.

    HTTP Error

    Problem HTTP Error (503) appears on the phone.

    • If you get this error when you press the Services button, check that the Cisco IP Phone Services service is running by selecting Tools > Control Center—Network Services in Cisco Unified Serviceability.
    • If you get this error when you select Extension Mobility service, check that the Cisco Extension Mobility Application service is running by selecting Tools > Control Center—Network Services in Cisco Unified Serviceability.

    Phone Resets

    Problem  After users log in or log out, their phones reset instead of restarting.

    Possible Cause  Locale change is the probable cause of the reset.

    Solution  No action is required. If the user locale that is associated with the logged-in user or profile is not the same as the locale or device, after a successful login the phone will restart and then reset. This pattern occurs because the phone configuration file is rebuilt.

    Phone Services Unavailable After Login

    Problem  After logging in, the user finds that the phone services are not available.

    Possible Cause  This problem occurs because the user profile had no services associated with it when it was loaded on the phone.

    • Ensure that the user profile includes the Cisco Extension Mobility service.

    • Change the configuration of the phone where the user is logged in to include Cisco Extension Mobility. After the phone is updated, the user can access the phone services.

    Phone Services Unavailable After Logout

    Problem  After a user logs out and the phone reverts to the default device profile, the phone services are no longer available.

    • Verify that the Synchronization Between Auto Device Profile and Phone Configuration enterprise parameter is set to True.
    • Subscribe the phone to the Cisco Extension Mobility service.

    User Logged in Elsewhere

    Problem "Error 25 User Logged in Elsewhere" appears on the phone.

    Solution Check whether the user is logged in to another phone. If multiple logins must be allowed, ensure that the Multiple Login Behavior service parameter is set to Multiple Logins Allowed.

    User Profile Absent

    Problem "Error 205 User Profile Absent" appears on the phone.

    Solution Associate a device profile to the user.