Manage Phones

Phone Management Overview

This chapter describes how to manage the phones in your network. The topics describe tasks such as adding new phones, moving existing phones to another user, locking phones and resetting phones.

The Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for your phone model contains configuration information specific to the phone model.

Phone Button Template

Phone button template is created based on the phone models. Some phone models do not use any specific phone button template but some phone models require specific templates, either individual template or device default template.

The Phone Template Selection for Non-Size Safe Phone and Auto Registration Legacy Mode enterprise parameter on Enterprise Parameters Configuration page specifies the type of phone button template used. See the online help for more information about the fields.

Table 1. Phone Button Templates in Different Scenarios

Phone Template Selection for Non-Size Safe Phone

Auto Registration Legacy Mode


Create an Individual Template


Individual phone button template is created when adding a phone through Universal Device Template.

Use Template From Device Defaults


Individual phone button template is not created, it takes the phone button template from Device defaults.

Use Template From Device Defaults


The values for Device Pool, Phone Template, Calling Search Space, Phone Button Template is taken from Device defaults.

Create an Individual Template


The values for Device Pool, Phone Template, Calling Search Space, Phone Button Template is taken from Device defaults.

Individual templates are not created.

Auto Registration Legacy Mode has the priority.

Phone Management Tasks


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Add New Phone from Template with or Without an End User

Add a new phone from universal device template with or without an end user.

Step 2

Add Phone Manually

Add a new phone for an end user without device template.

Step 3

Add a New Phone from Template with an End User

Add a new phone for an end user and assign a universal device template.

Step 4

Move an Existing Phone

Move a configured phone to a different end user.

Step 5

Find an Actively Logged-In Device

Search for a specific device or list all devices for which users are actively logged in.

Step 6

Find a Remotely Logged-In Device

Search for a specific device or list all devices for which users are logged in remotely.

Step 7

Remotely Lock a Phone

Some phones can be locked remotely. When you remotely lock a phone, the phone cannot be used until you unlock it.

Step 8

Reset a Phone to Factory Defaults

Reset a phone to its factory settings.

Step 9

Phone Lock/Wipe Report

Search for devices that have been remotely locked and/or remotely reset to factory default settings.

Step 10

View LSC Status and Generate a CAPF Report for a Phone

Search for LSC expiry status on phones, and also generate a CAPF report.

Add Phone Manually

Perform the following procedure to add a new phone manually with a user.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Phone > Find and List Phones.

Step 2

From Find and List Phones page, click Add New to manually add a phone.

Add a New Phone page is displayed.

From Add a New Phone page, if you click "click here to add a new phone using a Universal Device Template" hyper link, the page is redirected to the Add a New Phone page to add a phone from the template with or without adding a user. See Add New Phone from Template with or Without an End User for more information.

Step 3

From the Phone Type drop-down list, select the phone model.

Step 4

Click Next.

The Phone Configuration page is displayed.

Step 5

On Phone Configuration page, enter the values in the required fields. See online help for more information on fields.

For additional information about the fields in the Product Specific Configuration area, see the Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide for your phone model.

Step 6

Click Save to save the phone configuration.

What to do next

Move an Existing Phone to a End User

Add New Phone from Template with or Without an End User

Perform the following procedure to add a new phone from the template with or without adding a user. Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the universal device template settings to configure the phone.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured a universal device template in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Phone > Find and List Phones.

Step 2

From Find and List Phones page, click Add New From Template to add a phone from device template with or without adding an end user.

Add a New Phone page is displayed.

From Add a New Phone page, if you click "click here to enter all phone settings manually" hyper link, the page is redirected to the existing Add a New Phone page to manually add a phone. See Add Phone Manuallyfor more information.

Step 3

From the Phone Type (and Protocol) drop-down list, select the phone model.

The protocol drop-down displays only when the phone supports multiple protocols.

Step 4

In the Name or MAC Address text box, enter the name or MAC address.

Step 5

From the Device Template drop-down list, select a universal device template.

Step 6

From the Directory Number (Line 1) drop-down list, select a directory number.

If the directory numbers in the drop-down list exceeds the maximum drop-down limit, the Find tab is displayed. Click Find, a pop-up dialog box opens with Find Directory Number criteria.

Step 7

(Optional) Click New, enter Directory Number, and select a Universal Line template, if you want to create a new directory number and assign it to the device.

You can alternately create a phone using a user associated Directory Number, go to User Management > User/Phone Add > Quick/User Phone Add.

Step 8

(Optional) From the User drop-down list, select the end user for whom you want to add a new phone.


It is mandatory to select the user for Cisco Dual Mode (mobile) devices.
If the number of end users in the drop-down list exceeds the maximum drop-down limit, the Find tab is displayed. Click Find, a pop-up dialog box opens with Find end user criteria.

Step 9

Click Add.



For Non-Size safe phones, the phone templates are created based on the selection of Phone Template Selection for Non-Size Safe Phone and Auto Registration Legacy Mode parameters on Enterprise Parameters Configuration page.

Add Successful message is displayed. Cisco Unified Communications Manager adds the phone and Phone Configuration page is displayed. See the online help for more information about the fields on Phone Configuration page.

What to do next

Move an Existing Phone to a End User

Add a New Phone from Template with an End User

Perform the following procedure to add a new phone for an end user.

Before you begin

The end user for whom you are adding the phone has a user profile set up that includes a universal device template. Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the settings from the universal device template to configure the phone.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose User Management > User/Phone Add > Quick/User Phone Add.

Step 2

Click Find and select the end user for whom you want to add a new phone.

Step 3

Click the Manage Devices.

The Manage Devices window appears.

Step 4

Click Add New Phone.

The Add Phone to User popup displays.

Step 5

From the Product Type drop-down list, select the phone model.

Step 6

From the Device Protocol drop-down list select SIP or SCCP as the protocol.

Step 7

In the Device Name text box, enter the device MAC address.

Step 8

From the Universal Device Template drop-down list, select a universal device template.

Step 9

If the phone supports expansion modules, enter the number of expansion modules that you want to deploy.

Step 10

If you want to use Extension Mobility to access the phone, check the In Extension Mobility check box.

Step 11

Click Add Phone.

The Add New Phone popup closes. Cisco Unified Communications Manager adds the phone to the user and uses the universal device template to configure the phone.

Step 12

If you want to make additional edits to the phone configuration, click the corresponding Pencil icon to open the phone in the Phone Configuration window.

Collaboration Mobile Convergence Virtual Device Overview

A CMC device is a virtual device which represents the Remote destination associated to it. When an Enterprise phone calls to the CMC device, call gets redirected to the Remote destination.This feature aims at creating a device type Collaboration Mobile Convergence that is identical to Spark Remote Device with few customization and provides the following benefits.

  • Supports native mobile devices on Cisco Unified Communications Manager with similar functionality to a Spark Remote Devices.

  • Takes advantage of as a Spark-RD with capability that includes future development feature parity.

  • Allows customization for mobile specific use cases such as call move from Mobile to Deskphone, Deskphone to Mobile. (Add deskpickup timer on Identity page and enable via product support feature setting).

  • CMC devices can be included in hunt groups.

  • Capable of Shared line with Spark Remote Device.

  • License - Count as a separate device for license usage perspective. Any multi-device license bundle should support CMC-RD.

Licensing adjustment for CMC RD device

When a new CMC device is added, it consumes licenses based on the Number/Type of devices associated to the User. The type of license consumed by a CMC device depends on the number of devices the End user associated with it have.

  • If you are deploying a CMC device only, use an Enhanced License

  • If you are deploying a CMC device and a Spark RD, use an Enhanced License

  • If a CMC and a physical device: Enhanced Plus License

  • If a CMC, a Spark RD and a physical device: Enhanced Plus License

Add a Collaboration Mobile Convergence Virtual Device

Perform the following procedure to add a Cisco Collaboration Mobile Convergence (CMC) Remote Device for an end user.

Before you begin

The end user for whom you are adding the phone must have a user profile set up that includes a universal device template. Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the settings from the universal device template to configure the phone.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Phone .

Step 2

Click the Add New button.

Step 3

Click the Click here to enter all phone settings manually link.

The Add a New Phone window appears.

Step 4

From the Phone Type drop-down list, select Cisco Collaboration Mobile Convergence and click Next.

The Phone Configuration window appears.

Step 5

From the Owner User ID drop-down, select the End User who will own the device.

Step 6

From the Device Pool drop-down, select the Device Pool.

Step 7

Click Save .

A warning message pops up to click on the Apply Config button to have the changes take effect. Click Ok. Device gets added successfully.

Step 8

To configure Directory Number, Click on the CMC device that is added, enter the Directory Number and Click Save.

Step 9

To add a new Remote Destination for the CMC device that is added, click on the link in the Identity box.

Step 10

In the Remote Destination Configuration window, enter the Name, Destination number and Click Save.



For one CMC device that is added, only one Remote Destination can be added.

Step 11

To update the existing Remote Destination, enter the New Name and Click Save.

Step 12

To delete existing Remote Destination, Click the Delete button in the menu.

A message from webpage appears confirming the permanent deletion. Click Ok

Step 13

To delete CMC device from the Device Page, Select the Device Check box and Click Delete Selected from the menu.

CMC RD Feature Interactions

Table 2. CMC RD Feature Interactions



Shared Line handling

  • In a set up where you have a shared desk phone with a CMC RD and Spark RD associated , when a user calls from an enterprise phone to a CMC Device DN, all the three - CMC RD, Spark RD and the Shared desk phone rings.

  • Answering from any of the remote destinations displays the message “Remote in Use” on the shared desk phone.

  • Answering from any of the shared desk phone disconnects both remote destination phones (CMC RD and Spark RD phones).

CMC Device to work in Call Manager Group (CMG) Setup

  • When a CMC device is associated with a Call Manager group, it always runs on primary server and runs on the next active secondary server of the Call Manager Group only if the primary server is down.

  • If the primary server goes down mid call, then the ongoing call is still preserved and after the call ends, the CMC device registers to secondary server.



    When the call is in preserved mode, media between the phones still remains active, but no other actions can be performed except disconnecting the call.

  • If the Primary server was down initially and call was initiated while the CMC device was registered to Secondary server and then the Primary server comes up during ongoing call, the call will go into preservation mode and after the call ends the CMC device registers to Primary server.

Call Anchoring

All the basic incoming calls from the CMC device and Number to Remote Destination calls are anchored in the enterprise network.

When the CMC Remote Device is configured, users can place and receive calls from their mobile device with all calls being anchored to the enterprise:

  • A user can dial directly to a CMC Remote destination from an Enterprise number.The call is anchored in the enterprise network. In this scenario, the desk phone(shared line of CMC device) does not ring, but remains in Remote in Use state.

  • A user can dial from CMC Remote destination to any Enterprise number. The call is anchored. In this scenario, the desk phone (shared line of CMC device) remains in Remote in Use state.

Single Number Reach

  • In the Remote Destination configuration page, if the Enable Single Number Reach checkbox is unchecked, the call do not get extended to the CMC RD and the call gets rejected.

  • The incoming calls from Remote Destination and the outbound Number to Remote Destination calls do not get affected irrespective of the Enable Single Number Reach checkbox selection.

  • If there is shared desk phone with the CMC device and if the Enable Single Number Reach checkbox is unchecked, then the call gets extended to the shared desk phone but not to the CMC RD.



If the Single Number Reach Voicemail Policy is set to user control the mobility destination number will NOT be triggered in the event of a Blind transfer to the primary extension. Only the primary extension will be triggered.

User control setting supports consult transfers. Timer Control Voice mail avoidance policy supports both Consult and Blind transfer.

Call Routing based on Time of Day (ToD)

  • You can use the Time of Day configurations for the Remote Destination to set up a ring schedule (for example, you can configure specific times such as Monday - Friday between 9 am and 5 pm). Calls will only be redirected to your Remote Destination at those times.

    Call from the Enterprise phone to CMC number gets routed based on the Ring Schedule fixed in the Remote Destination configuration page. Ring Schedule can be specified as below:

    • All the Time – Call gets routed at any time. There is no restrictions.

    • Day(s) of the week – Calls get routed only on the selected specific day.

    • Specific time - Calls get routed only in the selected office hours. Make sure to select the Time Zone.

  • When receiving a call during the Ring schedule, call from the Enterprise phone to CMC number gets routed based on the call number or pattern added in the Allowed access list or Blocked access list in the Remote Destination configuration page.

    • Allowed access list- Destination rings only if the caller number or pattern is in the Allowed access list.

    • Blocked access list- Destination do not ring if the caller number or pattern is in the Blocked access list.



    At any point of time, only Allowed access list or Blocked access list can be used.

User Locale settings

The CMC Virtual Device uses the locale settings that are configured in the Phone Configuration window to determine locale for the phone display and phone announcements. This policy works for regular calls, and for calls to a Conference Now number.

For the announcement part, when calling (any enterprise phone) and called (CMC device) phone with same language selected in User locale settings, the announcement on both calling and Remote Destination is based on the User Locale settings selected in the Phone configuration page.



For example, when calling from a Remote Destination which is associated with a CMC device, to a Conference Now number, the announcement is based on the User Locale settings selected in the Phone configuration page of the CMC device.

New Access code for HLogin and HLogout

This functionality helps the administrator to set the Hunt Group Login and Logout number for the CMC device using the added service parameters:

  • Enterprise Feature Access number for Hunt group Login.

  • Enterprise Feature Access number for Hunt group Logout.

When a user enters the Hlogin number from the RD associated to a CMC device, only then the calls will get redirected to the RD on dialing the hunt pilot number associated with the CMC device.

When a user enters the Hlogout number from the RD associated to a CMC device, then the calls will not get redirected to the RD on dialing the hunt pilot number associated with the CMC device.

By default the CMC device is Hloggedin. In either case, a direct call to the CMC device is not affected.

CMC Remote Destination call extention based on delay before ringer timer configured in Database

If delay before ringing timer in DB is configured as 5000
  • When called from an Enterprise phone to CMC number, the shared line rings and the call reaches the Remote Destination after five seconds.

  • When called from an Enterprise phone to CMC number, if the shared line answers the call before five seconds, the call do not get extended to Remote Destination.

  • When called from Enterprise phone to CMC number, the shared line rings and if the calling party disconnects the call before five seconds, the call do not get extended to Remote Destination.

If delay before ringing timer in DB is configured as 0

Any call from Enterprise phone to CMC number will alert the Remote Destination and the shared line at the same time.

Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) Support

BAT support is provided for CMC device

CMC RD Feature Restriction

Table 3. CMC RD Feature Restrictions



CMC Remote Destination Association

The following restrictions apply:

  • You can associate a CMC device to one remote destination only.


  • If the end user is deleted, then its associated CMC device and the RD (Remote Destination) is also deleted.



    Even if the Enable Mobility check box is checked or unchecked, the CMC and the RD is unaffected. The CMC device is not deleted.



    Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not support call handle preservation for CMC devices.

Move an Existing Phone

Perform the following procedure to move a configured phone to an end user.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose User Management > User/Phone Add > Quick/User Phone Add.

Step 2

Click Find and select the user to whom you want to move an existing phone.

Step 3

Click the Manage Devices button.

Step 4

Click the Find a Phone to Move To This User button.

Step 5

Select the phone that you want to move to this user.

Step 6

Click Move Selected.

Find an Actively Logged-In Device

The Cisco Extension Mobility and Cisco Extension Mobility Cross Cluster features keep a record of the devices to which users are actively logged in. For the Cisco Extension Mobility feature, the actively logged-in device report tracks the local phones that are actively logged in by local users; for the Cisco Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature, the actively logged-in device report tracks the local phones that are actively logged in by remote users.

Unified Communications Manager provides a specific search window for searching for devices to which users are logged in. Follow these steps to search for a specific device or to list all devices for which users are actively logged in.


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

Select the Actively Logged In Device Report from the Related Links drop-down list in the upper right corner and click Go.

Step 3

To find all actively logged-in device records in the database, ensure the dialog box is empty and proceed to step 4.

To filter or search records:

  1. From the first drop-down list, select a search parameter.

  2. From the second drop-down list, select a search pattern.

  3. Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable.



    To add additional search criteria, click the (+) button. When you add criteria, the system searches for a record that matches all criteria that you specify. To remove criteria, click the (–) button to remove the last added criterion or click the Clear Filter button to remove all added search criteria.

Step 4

Click Find.

All matching records display. You can change the number of items that display on each page by choosing a different value from the Rows per Page drop-down list.

Step 5

From the list of records that display, click the link for the record that you want to view.



To reverse the sort order, click the up or down arrow, if available, in the list header.

The window displays the item that you choose.

Find a Remotely Logged-In Device

The Cisco Extension Mobility Cross Cluster feature keeps a record of the devices to which users are logged in remotely. The Remotely Logged In Device report tracks the phones that other clusters own but that are actively logged in by local users who are using the EMCC feature.

Unified Communications Manager provides a specific search window for searching for devices to which users are logged in remotely. Follow these steps to search for a specific device or to list all devices for which users are logged in remotely.


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

Select Remotely Logged In Device from the Related Links drop-down list in the upper right corner and click Go.

Step 3

To find all remotely logged-in device records in the database, ensure the dialog box is empty and proceed to step 4.

To filter or search records:

  1. From the first drop-down list, select a search parameter.

  2. From the second drop-down list, select a search pattern.

  3. Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable.



    To add additional search criteria, click the (+) button. When you add criteria, the system searches for a record that matches all criteria that you specify. To remove criteria, click the (–) button to remove the last added criterion or click the Clear Filter button to remove all added search criteria.

Step 4

Click Find.

All matching records display. You can change the number of items that display on each page by choosing a different value from the Rows per Page drop-down list.

Step 5

From the list of records that display, click the link for the record that you want to view.



To reverse the sort order, click the up or down arrow, if available, in the list header.

The window displays the item that you choose.

Remotely Lock a Phone

Some phones can be locked remotely. When you remotely lock a phone, the phone cannot be used until you unlock it.

If a phone supports the Remote Lock feature, a Lock button appears in the top right hand corner.


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

From the Find and List Phones window, enter search criteria and click Find to locate a specific phone.

A list of phones that match the search criteria displays.

Step 3

Choose the phone for which you want to perform a remote lock.

Step 4

On the Phone Configuration window, click Lock.

If the phone is not registered, a popup window displays to inform you that the phone will be locked the next time it is registered. Click Lock.
A Device Lock/Wipe Status section appears, with information about the most recent request, whether it is pending, and the most recent acknowledgement.

Reset a Phone to Factory Defaults

Some phones support a remote wipe feature. When you remotely wipe a phone, the operation resets the phone to its factory settings. Everything previously stored on the phone is wiped out.

If a phone supports the remote wipe feature, a Wipe button appears in the top right hand corner.


This operation cannot be undone. You should only perform this operation when you are sure you want to reset the phone to its factory settings.


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

In the Find and List Phones window, enter search criteria and click Find to locate a specific phone.

A list of phones that match the search criteria displays.

Step 3

Choose the phone for which you want to perform a remote wipe.

Step 4

In the Phone Configuration window, click Wipe.

If the phone is not registered, a popup window displays to inform you that the phone will be wiped the next time it is registered. Click Wipe.
A Device Lock/Wipe Status section appears, with information about the most recent request, whether it is pending, and the most recent acknowledgment.

Phone Lock/Wipe Report

Unified Communications Manager provides a specific search window for searching for devices which have been remotely locked and/or remotely wiped. Follow these steps to search for a specific device or to list all devices which have been remotely locked and/or remotely wiped.


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

The Find and List Phones window displays. Records from an active (prior) query may also display in the window.

Step 2

Select the Phone Lock/Wipe Report from the Related Links drop-down list in the upper right corner of the window and click Go.

Step 3

To find all remotely locked or remotely wiped device records in the database, ensure that the text box is empty; go to Step 4.

To filter or search records for a specific device:

  1. From the first drop-down list, select the device operation type(s) to search.

  2. From the second drop-down list, select a search parameter.

  3. From the third drop-down list, select a search pattern.

  4. Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable.



    To add additional search criteria, click the + button. When you add criteria, the system searches for a record that matches all criteria that you specify. To remove criteria, click the – button to remove the last added criterion or click the Clear Filter button to remove all added search criteria.

Step 4

Click Find.

All matching records display. You can change the number of items that display on each page by choosing a different value from the Rows per Page drop-down list.

Step 5

From the list of records that display, click the link for the record that you want to view.



To reverse the sort order, click the up or down arrow, if available, in the list header.

The window displays the item that you choose.

View LSC Status and Generate a CAPF Report for a Phone

Use this procedure to monitor Locally Significant Certificate (LSC) expiry information from within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager interface. The following search filters display the LSC information:
  • LSC Expires—Displays the LSC expiry date on the phone.

  • LSC Issued By—Displays the name of the issuer which can either be CAPF or third party.

  • LSC Issuer Expires By—Displays the expiry date of the issuer.


The status of LSC Expires and LSC Issuer Expires by fields are set to "NA" when there is no LSC issued on a new device.

The status of LSC Expires and LSC Issuer Expires by fields are set to " Unknown" when the LSC is issued to a device before the upgrade to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11.5(1).


Step 1

Choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

From the first Find Phone where drop-down list, choose one of the following criteria:

  • LSC Expires

  • LSC Issued By

  • LSC Issuer Expires By

From the second Find Phone where drop-down list, choose one of the following criteria:
  • is before
  • is exactly
  • is after
  • begins with
  • contains
  • ends with
  • is exactly
  • is empty
  • is not empty

Step 3

Click Find.

A list of discovered phones displays.

Step 4

From the Related Links drop-down list, choose the CAPF Report in File and click Go.

The report gets downloaded.