Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 12.5(1)SU3
Bias-Free Language
The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
The Cisco Serviceability Reporter service generates daily reports containing charts that display a summary of the statistics
for that particular report.
Reporter generates reports once a day on the basis of logged information.
Using the serviceability GUI, view reports from Tools > Serviceability
Reports Archive. You must activate the Cisco
Serviceability Reporter service before you can view reports. After you activate
the service, report generation may take up to 24 hours.
The reports contain 24-hour data for the previous day. A suffix
that is added to the report names shows the date for which Reporter generated
them; for example, AlertRep_mm_dd_yyyy.pdf. The Serviceability Reports Archive
window uses this date to display the reports for the relevant date only. The
reports generate from the data that is present in the log files, with the
timestamp for the previous day. The system considers log files for the current
date and the previous two days for collecting data.
The time that is shown in the report reflects the server
"System Time."
You can retrieve log files from the server while you are generating
The Cisco Unified Reporting web application provides snapshot views of
data into one output and runs data checks. The application also allows you to archive generated reports. See the
Cisco Unified Reporting Administration Guide for more
Serviceability Report Archive Considerations for Cluster Configurations
This section applies to Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service only.
Because the Cisco Serviceability Reporter is
only active on the first server, at any time, Reporter generates reports only
on the first server, not the other servers.
The time that is shown in the report reflects the
first server
"System Time." If the first server and subsequent servers are in
different time zones, the first server
"System Time" shows in the report.
The time zone
differences between the server locations in a cluster are taken into account when data is collected for the reports.
You can select log files from individual servers or from all servers in the cluster when you generate
Cisco Unified Reporting web application output and data checks include cluster data from all accessible
Once the system is generating daily reports, use this task to view daily reports in a PDF file.
Activate the Cisco Serviceability Reporter
Use this procedure to turn on daily system reporting with the Cisco Serviceability Reporter. For reports to generate, the service must be Activated.
Step 1
From Cisco Unified Serviceability, choose Tools > Service Activation.
Step 2
Select the Server and click Go.
Step 3
Under Performance and Monitoring Services, check the status of the Cisco Serviceability Reporter service.
Step 4
If the service is deactivated, check the adjacent radio button, and click Save.
Reports generate daily. It may take up to 24 hours for the first reports to generate.
Configure Cisco Serviceability Reporter Settings
Configure scheduling settings for the daily reports that the Cisco Serviceability Reporter generates.
Step 1
From Cisco Unified CM Administration chose System > Service Parameters.
Step 2
Select the Server on which the Cisco Serviceability Reporter is running.
Step 3
From the Service drop-down, select the Cisco Serviceability Reporter.
Step 4
Configure settings for the following service parameters:
RTMT Reporter Designated Node—Specifies the designated node on which RTMT Reporter runs. Cisco recommends that you assign a non-call processing node.
Report Generation Time—The number of minutes after midnight that reports generate. The range is 0 – 1439 with a default setting of 30 minutes.
Report Deletion Age—The number of days that reports are saved on the disk. The range is 0 - 30 with a default setting of 7 days.
Step 5
Click Save.
View Daily Report Archive
Once the Cisco Serviceability Reporter is generating daily reports, use this procedure to view reports in a PDF file.
Step 1
Choose Tools > Serviceability Reports Archive.
Step 2
Choose the month and year for which you want to display reports.
A list of days that correspond to the month displays.
Step 3
Click the the day for which you want to view generated reports.
Step 4
Click on the report that you want to view.
To view PDF reports, Acrobat Reader must be installed on your machine. You can download Acrobat Reader by clicking the link
at the bottom of the Serviceability Reports Archive window.
Daily Report Summary
The Cisco Serviceability Reporter generates the following system reports daily:
Device Statistics Report
Server Statistics Report
Service Statistics Report
Call Activities Report
Alert Summary Report
Performance Protection Report
Device Statistics Report
The Device Statistics Report does not apply to IM and Presence Service and Cisco Unity Connection.
The Device Statistics Report provides the following line charts:
Number of Registered Phones per Server
Number of H.323 Gateways in the Cluster
Number of Trunks in the Cluster
Number of Registered Phones Per Server
A line chart displays the number of registered phones for each Unified Communications Manager server (and cluster in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration). Each line in the chart represents the data for a server for which data is available,
and one extra line displays the clusterwide data (Unified Communications Manager clusters only). Each data value in the chart
represents the average number of phones that are registered for a 15-minute duration. If a server shows no data, Reporter
does not generate the line that represents that server. If no data exists for the server (or for all servers in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration), for registered phones, Reporter does not generate the chart. The message "No data for Device Statistics report available" displays.
Figure 1. Line Chart That Depicts Number of Registered Phones Per Server. The following figure shows an example of a line chart representing the number of registered phones per Unified Communications
Manager server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration.
Number of MGCP Gateways Registered in the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of registered MGCP FXO, FXS, PRI, and T1CAS gateways. Each line represents data only for
the Unified Communications Manager server (or cluster in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration); so, four
lines show server (or clusterwide) details for each gateway type. Each data value in the chart represents the average number
of MGCP gateways that are registered for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for a gateway for the server (or all the
servers in a cluster), Reporter does not generate the line that represents data for that particular gateway. If no data exists
for all gateways for the server (or for all servers in a cluster), Reporter does not generate the chart.
Figure 2. Line Chart That Depicts Number of Registered Gateways Per Cluster. The following figure shows an example of a line chart representing the number of registered gateways per cluster, in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration.
Number of H.323 Gateways in the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of H.323 gateways. One line represents the details of the H.323 gateways (or the clusterwide
details in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration). Each data value in the chart represents the average number
of H.323 gateways for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for H.323 gateways for the server (or for all servers in a cluster),
Reporter does not generate the chart.
Figure 3. Line Chart That Depicts Number of Registered H.323 Gateways Per Cluster. The following figure shows an example line chart representing the number of H.323 gateways per cluster in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration.
Number of Trunks in the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of H.323 and SIP trunks. Two lines represent the details of the H.323 trunks and SIP trunks
(or the clusterwide details in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration). Each data value in the chart represents
the average number of H.323 and SIP trunks for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for H.323 trunks for the server (or
for all servers in a cluster), Reporter does not generate the line that represents data for the H.323 trunks. If no data exists
for SIP trunks for the server (or for all servers in the cluster), Reporter does not generate the line that represents data
for SIP trunks. If no data exists for trunks at all, Reporter does not generate the chart.
Figure 4. Line Chart That Depicts Number of Trunks Per Cluster. The following figure shows an example line chart representing the number of trunks per cluster in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration.
The server (or each server in the cluster) contains log files that match the filename pattern DeviceLog_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm.csv.
The following information exists in the log file:
Number of registered phones on the server (or on each server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster)
Number of registered MGCP FXO, FXS, PRI, and T1CAS gateways on the server (or on each server in a Unified Communications Manager
Number of registered H.323 gateways on the server (or on each server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster)
Number of SIP trunks and H.323 trunks
Server Statistics Report
The Server Statistics Report provides the following line charts:
Percentage of CPU per Server
Percentage of Memory Usage per Server
Percentage of Hard Disk Usage of the Largest Partition per Server
Cluster-specific statistics are only supported by Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service.
Percentage of CPU Per Server
A line chart displays the percentage of CPU usage for the server (or for each server in a cluster). The line in the chart
represents the data for the server (or one line for each server in a cluster) for which data is available. Each data value
in the chart represents the average CPU usage for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for the server (or for any one server
in a cluster), Reporter does not generate the line that represents that server. If there are no lines to generate, Reporter
does not create the chart. The message "No data for Server Statistics report available" displays.
Figure 5. Line Chart That Depicts the Percentage of CPU Per Server. The following figure shows a line chart example representing the percentage of CPU usage per server in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration.
Percentage of Memory Usage Per Server
A line chart displays the percentage of Memory Usage for the Unified Communications Manager server (%MemoryInUse). In a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration, there is one line per server in the cluster for which data is available. Each
data value in the chart represents the average memory usage for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists, Reporter does not
generate the chart. If no data exists for any server in a cluster configuration, Reporter does not generate the line that
represents that server.
Figure 6. Line Chart That Depicts Percentage of Memory Usage Per Server. The following figure shows a line chart example representing the percentage of memory usage per Unified Communications Manager
server in a cluster configuration.
Percentage of Hard Disk Usage of the Largest Partition Per Server
A line chart displays the percentage of disk space usage for the largest partition on the server (%DiskSpaceInUse), or on
each server in a cluster configuration. Each data value in the chart represents the average disk usage for a 15-minute duration.
If no data exists, Reporter does not generate the chart. If no data exists for any one server in a cluster configuration,
Reporter does not generate the line that represents that server.
Figure 7. Line Chart That Depicts Percentage of Hard Disk Usage of the Largest Partition Per Server. The following figure shows a line chart example representing the percentage of hard disk usage for the largest partition
per server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration.
The server (or each server in a cluster configuration) contains log files that match the filename pattern ServerLog_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm.csv.
The following information exists in the log file:
Percentage of CPU usage on the server (or each server in a cluster)
Percentage of Memory usage (%MemoryInUse) on the server (or on each server in a cluster)
Percentage of Hard disk usage of the largest partition (%DiskSpaceInUse) on the server (or on each server in a cluster)
Service Statistics Report
The Service Statistics Report does not support IM and Presence Service and Cisco Unity Connection.
The Service Statistics Report provides the following line charts:
Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Devices
Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Lines
Cisco TFTP: Number of Requests
Cisco TFTP: Number of Aborted Requests
Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Devices
A line chart displays the number of CTI Open Devices for the CTI Manager (or for each CTI Manager in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration). Each line chart represents the data for the server (or on each server in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster) on which service is activated. Each data value in the chart represents the average number of CTI open devices
for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists, Reporter does not generate the chart. If no data exists for any one server in
a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, Reporter does not generate the line that represents that server. The
message "No data for Service Statistics report available" displays.
Figure 8. Line Chart That Depicts Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Devices. The following figure shows a line chart example representing the number of open devices per Cisco CTI Manager in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration.
Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Lines
A line chart displays the number of CTI open lines for the CTI Manager (or per CTI Manager in a Unified Communications Manager
cluster configuration). A line in the chart represents the data for the server (or one line for each server in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration) where the Cisco CTI Manager service is activated. Each data value in the chart represents the
average number of CTI open lines for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists, Reporter does not generate the chart. If no
data exists for any one server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, Reporter does not generate the line
that represents that server.
Figure 9. Line Chart That Depicts Cisco CTI Manager: Number of Open Lines. The followings figure shows a line chart example representing the number of open lines per Cisco CTI Manager in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration.
Cisco TFTP: Number of Requests
A line chart displays the number of Cisco TFTP requests for the TFTP server (or per TFTP server in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration). A line in the chart represents the data for the server (or one line for each server in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster) where the Cisco TFTP service is activated. Each data value in the chart represents the average
number of TFTP requests for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists, Reporter does not generate the chart. If no data exists
for any one server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, Reporter does not generate the line that represents
that server.
Figure 10. Line Chart That Depicts Cisco TFTP: Number of Requests. The following figure shows a line chart example representing the number of Cisco TFTP requests per TFTP server.
Cisco TFTP: Number of Aborted Requests
A line chart displays the number of Cisco TFTP requests that were aborted for the TFTP server (or per TFTP server in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration). A line in the chart represents the data for the server (or one line for each
server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster) where the Cisco TFTP service is activated. Each data value in the chart
represents the average of TFTP requests that were aborted for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists, Reporter does not generate
the chart. If no data exists for any one server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, Reporter does not
generate the line that represents that server.
Figure 11. Line Chart That Depicts Cisco TFTP: Number of Aborted Requests. The following figure shows a line chart example that represents the number of Cisco TFTP requests that were aborted per TFTP
The server (or each server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster) contains log files that match the filename pattern
ServiceLog_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm.csv. The following information exists in the log file:
For each CTI Manager - Number of open devices
For each CTI Manager - Number of open lines
For each Cisco TFTP server - TotalTftpRequests
For each Cisco TFTP server - TotalTftpRequestsAborted
Call Activities Report
The Call Activities Report does not support IM and Presence Service and Cisco Unity Connection.
The Call Activities Report provides the following line charts:
Unified Communications Manager Call Activity for a cluster
H.323 Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster
MGCP Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster
MGCP Gateways
Trunk Call Activity for the Cluster
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Activity for the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of Unified Communications Manager calls that were attempted and calls that were completed.
In a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, the line chart displays the number of calls attempted and completed
for the entire cluster. The chart comprises two lines, one for the number of calls that were attempted and another for the
number of calls that were completed. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, each line represents the
cluster value, which is the sum of the values for all the servers in the cluster (for which data is available). Each data
value in the chart represents the total number of calls that were attempted or calls that were completed for a 15-minute duration.
If no data exists for Unified Communications Manager calls that were completed, Reporter does not generate the line that represents
data for the calls that were completed. If no data exists for Unified Communications Manager calls that were attempted, Reporter
does not generate the line that represents data for the calls that were attempted. In a Unified Communications Manager cluster
configuration, if no data exists for a server in the cluster, Reporter does not generate the line that represents calls attempted
or completed on that server. If no data exists for Unified Communications Manager call activities at all, Reporter does not
generate the chart. The message "No data for Call Activities report available" displays.
Figure 12. Line Chart That Depicts Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Activity for a Cluster. The following figure shows a line chart representing the number of attempted and completed calls for a Unified Communications
Manager cluster.
H.323 Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of calls that were attempted and calls that were completed for H.323 gateways. In a Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration, the line chart displays the number of calls attempted and completed for the
entire cluster. The chart comprises two lines, one for the number of calls that were attempted and another for the number
of calls that were completed. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, each line represents the cluster
value, which equals the sum of the values for all the servers in the cluster (for which data is available). Each data value
in the chart represents the total number of calls that were attempted or calls that were completed for a 15-minute duration.
If no data exists for H.323 gateways calls that were completed, Reporter does not generate the line that represents data for
calls that were completed. If no data exists for H.323 gateways calls that were attempted, Reporter does not generate the
line that represents data for calls that were attempted. In a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, if no
data exists for a server in the cluster, Reporter does not generate the line that represents calls attempted or completed
on that server. If no data exists for H.323 gateways call activities at all, Reporter does not generate the chart.
Figure 13. Line Chart That Depicts H.323 Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster. The following figure shows a line chart representing the H.323 gateway call activity for a Unified Communications Manager
MGCP Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of calls that were completed in an hour for MGCP FXO, FXS, PRI, and T1CAS gateways. In a
Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, the chart displays the number of calls that were completed for the entire
Unified Communications Manager cluster. The chart comprises four lines at the most, one for the number of calls that were
completed for each of the gateway types (for which data is available). Each data value in the chart represents the total number
of calls that were completed for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for a gateway, Reporter does not generate the line
that represents data for calls that were completed for a particular gateway. If no data exists for all gateways, Reporter
does not generate the chart.
Figure 14. Line Chart That Depicts MGCP Gateways Call Activity for the Cluster. The following figure shows a line chart representing the MGCP gateways call activity for a Unified Communications Manager
MGCP Gateways
A line chart displays the number of Ports In Service and Active Ports for MGCP FXO, FXS gateways and the number of Spans In
Service or Channels Active for PRI, T1CAS gateways. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, the chart
displays the data for the entire Unified Communications Manager cluster. The chart comprises eight lines, two lines each for
the number of Ports In Service for MGCP FXO and FXS, and two lines each for the number of Active Ports for MGCP FXO and FXS.
Four more lines for the number of Spans In Service and Channels Active for PRI and T1CAS gateways exist. For a Unified Communications
Manager cluster configuration, each line represents the cluster value, which is the sum of the values for all servers in the
cluster (for which data is available). Each data value in the chart represents the total Number of Ports In Service, Number
of Active Ports, Spans In Service or Channels Active for a 15-minute duration. If no data exists for the number of Spans In
Service or the Channels Active for a gateway (MGCP PRI, T1CAS) for all servers, Reporter does not generate the line that represents
data for that particular gateway.
Figure 15. Line Chart That Depicts MGCP Gateways. The following figure shows a line chart representing the MGCP gateways.
Trunk Call Activity for the Cluster
A line chart displays the number of calls that were completed and calls that were attempted in an hour for SIP trunk and H.323
trunk. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, the chart displays the number of calls that were completed
and calls that were attempted for the entire Unified Communications Manager cluster. The chart comprises four lines, two for
the number of calls that were completed for each SIP and H.323 trunk (for which data is available) and two for the number
of calls that were attempted. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, each line represents the cluster
value, which is the sum of the values for all nodes in the cluster (for which data is available). Each data value in the chart
represents the total number of calls that were completed or number of calls that were attempted for a 15-minute duration.
If no data exists for a trunk, Reporter does not generate the line that represents data for the calls that were completed
or the calls that were attempted for that particular trunk. If no data exists for both trunk types, Reporter does not generate
the chart.
Figure 16. Line Chart That Depicts Trunk Call Activity for the Cluster. The following figure shows a line chart representing the trunk call activity for a Unified Communications Manager cluster.
The server (or each server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration) contains log files that match the filename
pattern CallLog_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm.csv. The following information exists in the log file:
Calls that were attempted and calls that were completed for Unified Communications Manager (or for each server in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster)
Calls that were attempted and calls that were completed for the H.323 gateways (or for the gateways in each server in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster)
Calls that were completed for the MGCP FXO, FXS, PRI, and T1CAS gateways (or for the gateways in each server in a Unified
Communications Manager cluster)
Ports in service, active ports for MGCP FXO and FXS gateways and spans in service, channels active for PRI, and T1CAS gateways
(in each server in a Unified Communications Manager cluster)
Calls that were attempted and calls that were completed for H.323 trunks and SIP trunks
Alert Summary Report
The Alert Summary Report provides the details of alerts that
are generated for the day.
Cluster-specific statistics are supported only by Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service.
Number of Alerts Per Server
A pie chart provides the number of alerts per
node in a cluster. The chart displays the serverwide
details of the alerts that are generated. Each sector of the pie chart
represents the number of alerts generated for a particular server in the cluster. The chart includes as many number of
sectors as there are servers (for which Reporter generates alerts in the day)
in the cluster. If no data exists for a server, no sector in the chart
represents that server. If no data exists for all servers, Reporter does not
generate the chart. The message
"No alerts were generated for the day" displays.
Cisco Unity Connection only: A pie chart provides the
number of alerts for the server. The chart displays the serverwide details of
the alerts that are generated. If no data exists for the server, Reporter does
not generate the chart. The message “No alerts were generated for the day”
The following chart shows a pie chart example that represents the number of alerts per server in a Unified Communications
Manager cluster.
Figure 17. Pie Chart That Depicts Number of Alerts Per Server
Number of Alerts Per Severity for the Cluster
A pie chart displays the number of alerts per alert severity.
The chart displays the severity details of the alerts that are generated. Each
sector of the pie chart represents the number of alerts that are generated of a
particular severity type. The chart provides as many number of sectors as there
are severities (for which Reporter generates alerts in the day). If no data
exists for a severity, no sector in the chart represents that severity. If no
data exists, Reporter does not generate the chart.
The following chart shows a pie chart example that represents the number of alerts per severity for a Unified Communications
Manager cluster.
Figure 18. Pie Chart That Depicts Number of Alerts Per Severity for the
Top Ten Alerts in the Cluster
A bar chart displays the number of alerts of a particular
alert type. The chart displays the details of the alerts that are generated on
the basis of the alert type. Each bar represents the number of alerts for an
alert type. The chart displays details only for the first ten alerts based on
the highest number of alerts in descending order. If no data exists for a
particular alert type, no bar represents that alert. If no data exists for any
alert type, RTMT does not generate the chart.
The following chart shows a bar chart example that represents the top ten alerts in a Unified Communications Manager cluster.
Figure 19. Bar Chart That Depicts Top 10 Alerts in the Cluster
The server (or each server in a
cluster) contains log files that match the
filename pattern AlertLog_mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm.csv. The following information
exists in the log file:
Time - Time at which the alert occurred
Alert Name - Descriptive name
Node Name - Server on which the alert occurred
Monitored object - The object that is monitored
Severity - Severity of this alert
Performance Protection Report
The Performance Protection Report does not support IM and Presence Service and Cisco Unity Connection.
The Performance Protection Report provides a summary that comprises different charts that display the statistics for that
particular report. Reporter generates reports once a day on the basis of logged information.
The Performance Protection Report provides trend analysis information on default monitoring objects for the last seven that
allows you to track information about Cisco Intercompany Media Engine. The report includes the Cisco IME Client Call Activity chart that shows the total calls and fallback call ratio for the Cisco IME client.
The Performance Protection report comprises the following charts:
A line chart displays the hourly rate of increase or decrease for number of calls that were attempted and calls that were
completed as the number of active calls. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration, the data is charted for
each server in the cluster. The chart comprises three lines, one for the number of calls that were attempted, one for the
calls that were completed, and one for the active calls. If no data exists for call activity, Reporter does not generate the
Number of Registered Phones and MGCP Gateways
A line chart displays the number of registered phones and MGCP gateways. For a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration,
the chart displays the data for each server in the cluster.The chart comprises two lines, one for the number of registered
phones and another for the number of MGCP gateways. If no data exists for phones or MGCP gateways, Reporter does not generate
the chart.
System Resource Utilization
A line chart displays the CPU load percentage and the percentage of memory that is used (in bytes) for the server (or for
the whole cluster in a Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration). The chart comprises two lines, one for the CPU
load and one for the memory usage. In a Unified Communications Manager cluster, each line represents the cluster value, which
is the average of the values for all the servers in the cluster (for which data is available). If no data exists for phones
or MGCP gateways, Reporter does not generate the chart.
Device and Dial Plan Quantities
Two tables display information from the Unified Communications Manager database about the numbers of devices and number of
dial plan components. The device table shows the number of IP phones, Cisco Unity Connection ports, H.323 clients, H.323 gateways, MGCP gateways, MOH resources, and MTP resources. The dial plan table shows the number
of directory numbers and lines, route patterns, and translation patterns.