Usage Records Overview
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides records that allow you to see how configured items are used in your system. Configured items include devices, as well as system-level settings such as device pools, date and time groups, and route plans.
Dependency Records
Use dependency records for the following purposes:
Find information about system-level settings, such as servers, device pools, and date and time groups.
Determine the records in the database that use other records. For example, you can determine which devices, such as CTI route points or phones, use a particular calling search space.
Show dependencies between records before you delete any records. For example, before you delete a partition, use dependency records to see which calling search spaces (CSSs) and devices are associated with it. You can then reconfigure the settings to remove the dependency.
Route Plan Reports
The route plan report allows you to view either a partial or full list of numbers, routes, and patterns that are configured in the system. When you generate a report, you can access the configuration window for each item by clicking the entry in the Pattern/Directory Number, Partition, or Route Detail columns of the report.
In addition, the route plan report allows you to save report data into a.CSV file that you can import into other applications. The.CSV file contains more detailed information than the web pages, including directory numbers for phones, route patterns, pattern usage, device name, and device description.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the route plan to route both internal calls and external public switched telephone network (PSTN) calls. Because you might have several records in your network, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration lets you locate specific route plan records on the basis of specific criteria.