Hold Reversion

Hold Reversion Overview

When you place a call on hold, the Hold Reversion feature alerts you when the held call exceeds a configured time limit. When the configured time limit expires, an alert is generated on your phone to remind you to handle the call.

The following alerts are available:

  • The Phone rings or beeps once
  • The status line displays "Hold Reversion"
  • The LED next to the line button flashes continuously
  • A vibrating handset icon displays


The type of alert that you receive depends on the capabilities of your phone.

To retrieve a reverted call, you can:

  • Pick up the handset
  • Press the speaker button on the phone
  • Press the headset button
  • Select the line that is associated with the reverted call
  • Press the Resume softkey

For details, see the user guide for your particular phone model.

Hold Reversion Prerequisites

  • Cisco CallManager service must be running on at least one node in the cluster
  • Cisco CTIManager service must be running on at least one node in the cluster
  • Cisco Database Layer Monitor service must be running on the same node as the Cisco CallManager service
  • Cisco RIS Data Collector service must be running on the same node as the Cisco CallManager service
  • Cisco Tftp service must be running on at least one node in the cluster
  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer must be installed, if you want to use non-English phone locales or country-specific tones

Hold Reversion Configuration Task Flow

Perform the following steps to configure Hold Reversion for your phones. This procedure assumes that you have configured directory numbers for phones, or that you are using auto-registration.

Before you begin

  • If phone users want the hold reversion messages to display in a language other than English, or if you want the user to receive country-specific tones for calls, verify that you have installed the locale installer.

  • Review Hold Reversion Prerequisites


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Generate a Phone Feature List

Run a phone feature list report to determine which phones support the Hold Reversion feature.

Step 2

Configure Call Focus Priority for Hold Reversion

Configure the call focus priority setting against the device pool for your phones.

Step 3

Perform one of the following procedures:

Configure the Hold Reversion timer settings. You can configure the timer using a clusterwide service parameter, or configure the settings on an individual phone line.



The settings on an individual phone line override the clusterwide service parameter settings.

Configure Call Focus Priority for Hold Reversion

As an administrator, you can prioritize incoming calls and reverted calls. By default, all incoming calls are handled before reverted calls, however you can change the call focus priority so that reverted calls take precedence.

Before you begin

Generate a Phone Feature List


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > Device Pool and open the device pool that applies to your phones.

Step 2

In the Reverted Call Focus Priority field, choose one of the following options and click Save:

  • Default—Incoming calls have priority over reverted calls.
  • Highest—Reverted calls have priority over incoming calls.

Step 3

Click Save.

Step 4

Reset any devices in the Device Pool by performing the following steps:

  1. Click Reset. The Device Reset window displays.

  2. In the Device Reset window, click Reset.

What to do next

Perform one of the following procedures to configure Hold Reversion Timer Settings:

Configure Hold Reversion Timer Defaults for Cluster

Perform this procedure to configure clusterwide service parameters that apply hold reversion timer default settings for all phones in the cluster.


When you configure the clusterwide service parameters, the configuration is applied as the default hold reversion setting for all phones in the cluster. However, the settings on an individual phone line can override the clusterwide defaults.

Before you begin

Configure Call Focus Priority for Hold Reversion


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > Service Parameters.

Step 2

From the Server drop-down list, choose the server that is running the CallManager service.

Step 3

From the Service drop-down list, choose Cisco CallManager.

Step 4

Configure values for the following clusterwide service parameters:

  • Hold Reversion Duration—Enter a number from 0 to 1200 (inclusive) to specify the wait time in seconds before Cisco Unified Communications Manager issues a reverted call alert to the holding party phone. If you enter 0, Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not issue reverted call alerts, unless it is configured on a phone line.
  • Hold Reversion Interval Notification—Enter a number from 0 to 1200 (inclusive) to specify the wait time in seconds before Cisco Unified Communications Manager sends periodic reminder alerts to the holding party phone. If you enter 0, Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not send periodic reminder alerts unless the timer is configured on a phone line.

Step 5

Click Save.

Configure Hold Reversion Timer Settings for Phone

Perform this procedure to configure Hold Reversion timer settings for a phone and phone line.


You can also configure Hold Reversion timer settings using a clusterwide service parameter. However, the settings on an individual phone line override the clusterwide service parameter setting.

Before you begin

Perform Configure Hold Reversion Timer Defaults for Cluster to configure Hold Reversion clusterwide defaults.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

Click Find and select the phone on which you want to configure Hold Reversion.

Step 3

In the Association pane on the left, click the phone line on which you want to configure Hold Reversion.

Step 4

Configure values for the following fields:

  • Hold Reversion Ring Duration—Enter a number from 0 to 1200 (inclusive) to specify the wait time in seconds before Cisco Unified Communications Manager issues a reverted call alert. If you enter 0, Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not issue reverted call alerts to this DN. If you leave the field empty (the default setting), Cisco Unified Communications Manager applies the setting from the Hold Reversion Duration service parameter.
  • Hold Reversion Ring Interval Notification—Enter a number from 0 to 1200 (inclusive) to specify the wait time in seconds before Cisco Unified Communications Manager sends periodic reminder alerts. If you enter 0, Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not send periodic reminder alerts to this DN. If you leave the field empty (the default setting), Cisco Unified Communications Manager applies the setting from the Hold Reversion Interval Notification service parameter.

Step 5

Click Save.

Step 6

Reset the phone by performing the following steps:

  1. Click Reset. The Reset Device window displays.

  2. Click Reset.

Hold Reversion Interactions

Table 1. Hold Reversion Feature Interactions



Music on Hold

MOH is supported on a reverted call if MOH is configured for a normal held call.

Call Park

If hold reversion is invoked and the held party presses the Park softkey, the holding party still receives hold reversion alerts and can retrieve the call. When the holding party retrieves the call, the holding party receives MOH, if configured.

If the held party parks before the hold duration exceeds the configured time limit, the system suppresses all hold reversion alerts until the call is picked up or redirected.


When a multilevel precedence and preemption (MLPP) call is put on hold and reverts, the MLPP call loses its preemption status, and the reverted call gets treated as a routine call.

After the call reverts, the system does not play a preemption ring. If a high precedence call becomes a reverted call, the system does not play a precedence tone.

CTI Applications

CTI applications can access hold reversion functionality when the feature is enabled for a line or the system. Cisco-provided applications such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant and attendant console provide hold reversion functionality using the CTI interface.

When hold reversion gets invoked, the CTI port receives event notification instead of the audible tone presented on Cisco Unified IP Phones. CTI ports and route points receive the event notification once only, whereas Cisco Unified IP Phones receive alerts at regular intervals.

See the following API documents for information about CTI requirements and interactions with hold reversion:

  • Cisco Unified Communications JTAPI Developer Guide
  • Cisco Unified Communications TAPI Developer Guide

Hold Reversion Interval for SCCP phones when interacting with SIP Phones

SCCP phones support a minimum Hold Reversion Notification Interval (HRNI) of 5 seconds, whereas SIP phones support a minimum of 10 seconds. SCCP phones set for the minimum HRNI of 5 seconds may experience a Hold Reversion Notification ring delay of 10 seconds when handling calls involving SIP phones.

Shared Lines

If a Cisco Unified IP Phone that supports hold reversion shares a line with a phone device that does not support hold reversion, the hold reversion configuration settings display only for the line on the supporting device.

If a shared line device disables the feature, hold reversion gets disabled on all other devices that share the line.

Ring Settings

If the ring settings that are configured for the phone specify Disabled, the phone does not ring, flash, or beep for the hold reversion feature.

Hold Reversion Restrictions



Cisco Extension Mobility and Cisco Web Dialer

Cisco Extension Mobility and Cisco Web Dialer features do not support the hold reversion feature.

Directory numbers

If a directory number is associated to a phone that does not support hold reversion, the feature settings do not display for that directory number in the Directory Number Configuration window.

Shared lines

If a Cisco Unified IP Phone that supports hold reversion shares a line with a phone device that does not support hold reversion, the hold reversion configuration settings display only for the line on the supporting device.

If a shared-line device disables this feature, hold reversion gets disabled on all other devices that share this line.

Ring settings

Hold reversion ring uses the ring settings that Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration defines for that user (disable, flash only, ring once, ring, beep only) except that flash gets converted to flash once, and ring gets converted to ring once.



When an IP Phone call is on normal hold, the ring settings (Phone Idle) from the Call Manager is applied.

Maximum number of reverted calls

The maximum number of reverted calls on a line equals the maximum number of calls on your system.

Cisco Unified IP Phones

You cannot configure hold reversion settings for DNs that are associated with phones that do not support this feature. Only Cisco Unified IP Phones that support the hold reversion feature display the hold reversion timer settings in the Directory Number Configuration window.

When Hold Reversion is configured for the system, the phone must support the feature or the feature does not activate.

See Cisco Unified IP Phone administration guides for Cisco Unified IP Phone models that support hold reversion and this version of Unified Communications Manager for any phone restrictions with hold reversion.