Branding Customizations

Branding Overview

The Branding feature lets you upload customized branding for Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Branding gets applied to the Cisco Unified CM Administration login and configuration windows. Among the items that you can modify include:

  • Company logos

  • Background colors

  • Border colors

  • Font colors

Append Logo in Self Care Portal

The Branding feature allows you to append your company logo to the Unified Communications Self Care Portal login page and to the user interface header. You must include the branding_logo.png file in your file and upload the zip file into Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The logo displays in the Self Care Portal after you enable branding in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

There is no option to customize background colors or fonts for the Self-Care portal.

Branding Prerequisites

You must create your file that contains the specified folder structure and files. For details, see Branding File Requirements.

Branding Task Flow

Complete these tasks to apply branding in Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the Unified Communications Self-Care Portal.

Before you begin


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Configure your branding settings using one of these procedures:

Apply branding across the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.

Step 2

Restart the Tomcat Service

You must restart the Cisco Tomcat service for the new branding setting to get picked up by the Unified Communications Self-Care Portal.

Enable Branding

Use this procedure to enable branding customization for Unified Communications Manager. Branding updates appear even if the system is enabled for SAML Single Sign-On.


To enable branding, you must use the primary administrator account with privilege level 4 access. This is the main administrator account that is created during installation.


Ensure that you use only one among GUI and CLI to enable branding as well as to disable it. For example, if you enable branding using the GUI interface, you must use the GUI interface itself to disable branding. Else, it will not function properly.

Before you begin

Prepare your file and save it in a location that Unified Communications Manager can access.


Step 1

Log in to Cisco Unified OS Administration.

Step 2

Choose Software Upgrades > Branding.

Step 3

Browse to your remote server and select the file.

Step 4

Click Upload File.

Step 5

Click Enable Branding.



You can also enable branding by running the utils branding enable CLI command.

Step 6

Refresh your browser.

Step 7

Repeat this procedure on all Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster nodes.

If you want to append your company logo to the Self-Care Portal user interface, see Restart the Tomcat Service.

Disable Branding

Use this procedure to disable branding in your Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. You also need to disable branding if you want to remove your company logo from the Self-Care Portal.


To disable branding, you must use the primary administrator account with privilege level 4 access. This is the main administrator account that is created during installation.


Ensure that you use only one among GUI and CLI to enable branding as well as to disable it. For example, if you enable branding using the GUI interface, you must use the GUI interface itself to disable branding. Else, it will not function properly.


Step 1

Log in to Cisco Unified OS Administration.

Step 2

Choose Software Upgrades > Branding.

Step 3

Click Disable Branding.



You can also disable branding by running the utils branding disable CLI command.

Step 4

Refresh your browser.

Step 5

Repeat this procedure on all Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster nodes.

If you want to remove your company logo from the Self-Care Portal user interface, see Restart the Tomcat Service

Restart the Tomcat Service

You must restart the Cisco Tomcat service for the branding updates to reflect in the Self-Care Portal.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have completed the following:
  • To append your logo to the Self-Care Portal, you must first enable branding in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The upload file must include a 44x25 pixel branding_logo.png file with your company logo. For details, Enable Branding.

  • To remove your logo from the Self-Care Portal, you must disable branding in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. For details, Disable Branding.


Step 1

Log in to the Command Line Interface.

Step 2

Run the utils service restart Cisco Tomcat CLI command.

Step 3

Repeat this procedure on all Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster nodes.

What to do next

After the service restarts, refresh your browser to see the changes in the Self-Care Portal.

Branding File Requirements

Before you apply customized branding to your system, create your file according to the prescribed specifications. On a remote server, create a Branding folder and fill the folder with the specified contents. Once you have added all the image files and subfolders, zip the entire folder and save the file as

There are two options for the folder structure, depending on whether you want to use a single image for the header or a combination of six images in order to create a graded effect for the header.

Table 1. Folder Structure Options

Branding Option

Folder Structure

Single Header Option

If you want a single image for the header background (callout item 3), your branding folder must contain the following subfolders and image files:

Branding (folder)
   ccmadmin (folder) (properties file)
      brandingHeader.gif (2048*1 pixel image)
      ciscoLogo12pxMargin.gif (44*44 pixel image)
   branding_logo.png (44*25 pixel image)

Graded Header Option

If you want to create a graded image for the header background, you need six separate image files to create the graded effect. Your branding folder must contain these subfolders and files

   ccmadmin (folder) (file)
      brandingHeaderBegLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      brandingHeaderBegRTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      brandingHeaderEndLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      brandingHeaderEndRTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      brandingHeaderMidLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      brandingHeaderMidRTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
      ciscoLogo12pxMargin.gif (44*44 pixel image)
   branding_logo.png (44*25 pixel image)

User Interface Branding Options

The following images display the customization options for the Cisco Unified CM Administration user interface:

Figure 1. Branding Options for Unified CM Administration Login Screen
Branding Options for Unified CM Administration Login Screen
Figure 2. Branding Options for Unified CM Administration Logged In Screen
Branding Options for Unified CM Administration Logged In Screen

The following table describes the callout options.

Table 2. User Interface Branding Options: Login Screen



Branding edits


Company Logo

To add your logo to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, save your company logo as a 44x44 pixel image with the following filename:

ciscoLogo12pxMargin.gif (44*44 pixels)



If you also want to append your logo to the header and login screen of the Self-Care Portal, you should also save your logo as the 44x25 pixel branding_logo.png file.


Unified CM Administration header font color



Header Background

You can use a single image or a combination of six images to create a grading effect.

Single Image option—Save your header background as a single image:

  • brandingHeader.gif (2048*1 pixel)

Graded background option:—Save your header background as six images for a graded effect:

  • brandingHeaderBegLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)

  • brandingHeaderBegRTR.gif (652*1 pixel)

  • brandingHeaderEndLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)

  • brandingHeaderEndRTR.gif (652*1 pixel)

  • brandingHeaderMidLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)

  • brandingHeaderMidRTR.gif (652*1 pixel)


Navigation text



Go button





Username text



Password text



Login button




Reset button




Bottom background color – right



Bottom background color – left





Table 3. User Interface Branding Options: Logged In Screen



Branding edits


User text (for example, 'admin')



Search, About and Login text


Unified CM Administration text heading



System Version, VMware Installation text



Branding Properties Editing Example

Branding properties can be edited by adding the hex code in the properties file ( The properties file uses HTML-based hex code. For example, if you want to change the color of the Navigation text item (callout item #4) to red, add the following code to your properties file:


In this code, header.navigation.color is the branding property that you want to edit, and "#FF0000" is the new setting (red).