SIP OAuth Mode

SIP OAuth Mode Overview

Secure registrations to Unified Communications Manager involves a process of updating CTL files, setting up a mutual certificate trust store and so on. If devices are switching between on-premises and off-premises, it is difficult to update LSCs and renew Certificate Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) enrolment each time when a secure registration is completed.

SIP OAuth mode allows you to use OAuth refresh tokens for all devices authentication in secure environments. This feature enhances the security of Unified Communications Manager.

Unified Communications Manager verifies the token presented by the endpoints and serves the configuration files only to authorized ones. OAuth token validation during SIP registration is completed when OAuth based authorization is enabled on Unified Communications Manager cluster and other Cisco devices.

OAuth support for SIP registrations is extended for

  • Cisco Jabber devices from Cisco Unified Communications Manager 12.5 release onwards

  • SIP Phones from Cisco Unified Communications ManagerRelease 14 onwards


By default, TFTP is secure for SIP phones when SIP OAuth is enabled. TFTP file download happens through secured channel, and only for authenticated phones. SIP OAuth provides end to end secure signaling and media encryption without CAPF on-premises as well as over MRA.

The following are the Phone Security Profile Types that can be configured for OAuth.

  • Cisco Dual Mode For iPhone (TCT device)

  • Cisco Dual Mode For Android (BOT device)

  • Cisco Unified Client Service Framework (CSF device)

  • Cisco Jabber for Tablet (TAB device)

  • Universal Device Template

  • Cisco 8811

  • Cisco 8841

  • Cisco 8851

  • Cisco 8851NR

  • Cisco 8861

  • Cisco 7811

  • Cisco 7821

  • Cisco 7841

  • Cisco 7861

  • Cisco 8845

  • Cisco 8865

  • Cisco 8865NR

  • Cisco 7832

  • Cisco 8832

  • Cisco 8832NR

SIP OAuth Mode Prerequisites

This feature assumes that you have already completed the following:
  • Ensure that Mobile and Remote Access is configured and the connection is established between Unified Communication Manager and Expressway. This rule isn't applicable to On-Prem SIP OAuth deployments.

  • Ensure that Unified Communications Manager is registered to a Smart or Virtual account with allow export-controlled functionality.

  • Ensure the client firmware supports SIP OAuth.

  • Tomcat and Tomcat-EC certificates should both be CA signed, and signed by the same CA. This is because you can only upload a single Phone-Edge-trust certificate, and that must be the root certificate of the Tomcat signed certificate. The phones must trust both the Tomcat and Tomcat-EC certificates for SIP OAuth to work.

SIP OAuth Mode Configuration Task Flow

Complete the following tasks to configure SIP OAuth for your system.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Upload CA Certificate to the Phone Edge Trust

Upload CA Certificate to the phone edge trust to get the tokens. This step is not applicable for Cisco Jabber device.

Step 2

Configure Refresh Logins

Enable oauth with refresh login flow on Unified Communications Manager to register the device via SIP OAuth.

Step 3

Configure OAuth Ports

Assign the ports for OAuth for each node that has OAuth registration.

Step 4

Configure OAuth Connection to Expressway-C

Configure a mutually authenticated TLS connection to Expressway-C.

Step 5

Enable SIP OAuth Mode

Enable OAuth services using a CLI command on the publisher node.

Step 6

Restart Cisco CallManager Service

Restart this service on all nodes that have OAuth registrations.

Step 7

Configure Device Security Mode in Phone Security Profile

Configure OAuth support within a Phone Security Profile if you are deploying encryption for the endpoints.

Upload CA Certificate to the Phone Edge Trust

Use this procedure to upload the root certificate of Tomcat signed certificate to the Phone Edge Trust from the publisher node. The certificate is only visible on the publisher node.


This procedure is performed only for Cisco Phones and not applicable for Cisco Jabber.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified OS Administration, choose Security > Certificate Management.

Step 2

Click Upload Certificate/Certificate chain.

Step 3

In the Upload Certificate/Certificate chain window, from the Certificate Purpose drop-down list choose Phone-Edge-Trust.

Step 4

In the Upload File field, click Browse and upload the certificate.

Step 5

Click Upload.

Configure Refresh Logins

Use this procedure to configure Refresh Logins with OAuth access tokens and refresh tokens for Cisco Jabber clients.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > Enterprise Parameters.

Step 2

Under SSO and OAuth Configuration, set the OAuth with Refresh Login Flow parameter to Enabled.

Step 3

(Optional) Set any other parameters in the SSO and OAuth Configuration section. For parameter descriptions, click on the parameter name.

Step 4

Click Save.

Configure OAuth Ports

Use this procedure to assign the ports that are used for SIP OAuth.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose, System > Cisco Unified CM.

Step 2

Do the following for each server that uses SIP OAuth.

Step 3

Select the server.

Step 4

Under Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP Port Settings, set the port values for the following fields:

  • SIP Phone OAuth Port

    Default value is 5090. Acceptable configurable range is 1024–49151.

  • SIP Mobile and Remote Access Port

    Default value is 5091. Acceptable configurable range is 1024–49151.



Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses SIP Phone OAuth Port (5090) to listen for SIP line registration from Jabber on-premises devices over TLS. However, Unified CM uses SIP Mobile Remote Access Port (default 5091) to listen for SIP line registrations from Jabber over Expressway through mTLS.

Both ports use the Cisco Tomcat certificate and Tomcat-trust for incoming TLS/mTLS connections. Make sure that your Tomcat-trust store is able to verify the Expressway-C certificate for SIP OAuth mode for Mobile and Remote Access to function accurately.

You must perform extra steps to upload the Expressway-C certificate into the Tomcat-Trust certificate store of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, when:

  • Expressway-C certificate and Cisco Tomcat certificate is not signed by the same CA certificate.

  • Unified CM Cisco Tomcat certificate is not CA signed.

Step 5

Click Save.

Step 6

Repeat this procedure for each server that uses SIP OAuth.

Configure OAuth Connection to Expressway-C

Use this procedure to add the Expressway-C connection to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. You need this configuration for devices in Mobile and Remote Access mode with SIP OAuth.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Expressway-C.

Step 2

(Optional) In the Find and List Expressway-C window, click Find to verify X.509 Subject Name/Subject Alternate Name that is pushed from the Expressway-C to Unified Communications Manager.



If required, you can modify the values. Alternatively, if the entries are missing, add Expressway-C information.

If the Expressway-C has a different domain than the Unified Communications Manager, then the administrator needs to access the Cisco Unified CM Administration User Interface and add the domain to the Expressway C in the Unified CM configuration.

Step 3

Click Add New.

Step 4

Enter an IP Address, Hostname or fully qualified domain name for the Expressway-C.

Step 5

Enter a Description.

Step 6

Enter the X.509 Subject Name/Subject Alternate Name of the Expressway-C from the Expressway-C certificate.

Step 7

Click Save.

Enable SIP OAuth Mode

Use the Command Line Interface to enable SIP OAuth mode. Enabling this feature on the publisher node also enables the feature on all cluster nodes.


Step 1

On the Unified Communications Manager publisher node, log in to the Command Line Interface.

Step 2

Run the utils sipOAuth-mode enable CLI command.

Restart Cisco CallManager Service

After enabling SIP OAuth through CLI, restart the Cisco CallManager service on all nodes where endpoints register through SIP OAuth.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Serviceability, choose Tools > Control Center > Feature Services.

Step 2

From the Server drop-down list, select the server.

Step 3

Check the Cisco CallManager service and click Restart.

Configure Device Security Mode in Phone Security Profile

Use this procedure to configure the device security mode in the phone security profile and is required only if you have set the Device Security Mode within that phone’s Phone Security Profile to Encrypted.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > Security > Phone Security Profile.

Step 2

Perform either of the following:

  • Search for an existing phone security profile

  • Click Add New

Step 3

In the Phone Security Profile Information section, from the Device Security Mode drop-down list, choose Encrypted.

Step 4

From the Transport Type drop-down list, choose TLS.

Step 5

Check the Enable OAuth Authentication check box.

Step 6

Click Save.

Step 7

Associate the Phone Security Profile to the phone. For more information on how to apply the phone security phones, see "Apply Security Profiles to Phone" section in Security Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.



Reset your phone for the changes to take effect.



When SIP OAuth Mode is enabled, Enable Digest Authentication and TFTP Encrypted Config options are not supported. Phones will download the TFTP config file securely over https(6971) and use the token for authentication.

Configure SIP Oauth Registered Phones for MRA Mode

Use this procedure to configure SIP OAuth registered phones to MRA mode.

Before you begin


This section is applicable from Release 14 onwards.

Make sure your phones are configured to use Activation Codes. For more information see Set Registration Method to use Activation Codes section in System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


When using SIP OAuth over MRA , user cannot use username / password for login but have to use activation code based onboarding


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose Device > Phone.

Step 2

Click Find and select the device which you want to configure for off-premises mode.

Step 3

In the Device Information section, do the following:



For SIP OAuth over MRA mode, use only activation code and do not use username/password based login.

Step 4

In the Protocol Specific Information section, choose the OAuth enabled SIP profile from the Device Security Profile drop-down list. Make sure that the phone supports OAuth firmware. For more information, on how to create a security profile, see Configure Phone Security Profile section in System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Step 5

Click Save and Apply Configuration.



The phone switches to MRA mode and initiates communication with the Expressway. If your internal network does not allow communication with Expressway from on-premises, the phone doesn't register but is ready to contact Expressway when it's powered up off-premises.