Consolidated Data Reporting
The Cisco Unified Reporting web application, which is accessed at the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service consoles, generates consolidated reports for troubleshooting or inspecting cluster data.
Note |
Unless stated otherwise, the information, notes, and procedures in this guide apply to Unified Communications Manager and the IM and Presence Service. |
This tool provides an easy way to take a snapshot of cluster data. The tool gathers data from existing sources, compares the data, and reports irregularities. When you generate a report in Cisco Unified Reporting, the report combines data from one or more sources on one or more servers into one output view. For example, you can view a report that shows the hosts file for all servers in the cluster.
The Cisco Unified Reporting web application deploys to all nodes in a cluster at installation time. Reports are generated from database records.
Data Sources Used to Generate Reports
The application captures information from any of the following sources on the publisher node and each subscriber node.
RTMT counters
CDR_CAR (Unified Communications Manager only)
Unified Communications Manager DB (Unified Communications Manager only)
IM and Presence DB (IM and Presence Service only)
disk files
OS API calls
network API calls
The report includes data for all active clusters that are accessible at the time that you generate the report. If the database on the publisher node is down, you can generate a report for the active nodes. The Report Descriptions report in the System Reports list provides the information sources for a report.