Cisco Unified Reporting

Consolidated Data Reporting

The Cisco Unified Reporting web application, which is accessed at the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service consoles, generates consolidated reports for troubleshooting or inspecting cluster data.


Unless stated otherwise, the information, notes, and procedures in this guide apply to Unified Communications Manager and the IM and Presence Service.

This tool provides an easy way to take a snapshot of cluster data. The tool gathers data from existing sources, compares the data, and reports irregularities. When you generate a report in Cisco Unified Reporting, the report combines data from one or more sources on one or more servers into one output view. For example, you can view a report that shows the hosts file for all servers in the cluster.

The Cisco Unified Reporting web application deploys to all nodes in a cluster at installation time. Reports are generated from database records.

Data Sources Used to Generate Reports

The application captures information from any of the following sources on the publisher node and each subscriber node.

  • RTMT counters

  • CDR_CAR (Unified Communications Manager only)

  • Unified Communications Manager DB (Unified Communications Manager only)

  • IM and Presence DB (IM and Presence Service only)

  • disk files

  • OS API calls

  • network API calls

  • prefs

  • CLI

  • RIS

The report includes data for all active clusters that are accessible at the time that you generate the report. If the database on the publisher node is down, you can generate a report for the active nodes. The Report Descriptions report in the System Reports list provides the information sources for a report.

Supported Output Format

This release supports HTML/CSV output for reports. You can identify a report in Cisco Unified Reporting by the report name and the date-and-time stamp. The application stores a local copy of the most recent report for you to view. You can download the local copy of the most recent report or a new report to your hard disk, as described in "Download new report." After you download a report, you can rename downloaded files or store them in different folders for identification purposes.

System Requirements

Cisco Tomcat Service

Cisco Unified Reporting runs as an application on the Cisco Tomcat service, which activates when you install Unified Communications Manager and the IM and Presence Service. Ensure that these products are running on all nodes in the cluster.


The report subsystem gathers information from other nodes by using an RPC mechanism via HTTPS. Ensure the HTTPS port is open and the Cisco Tomcat service is running on the node to successfully generate a report.

To enable HTTPS, you must download a certificate that identifies the node during the connection process. You can accept the node certificate for the current session only, or you can download the certificate to a trust folder (file) to secure the current session and future sessions with that node. The trust folder stores the certificates for all your trusted sites. For more information about HTTPS, see the "Introduction" chapter in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide.

To access the application, you access the Administration interface in a browser window. Cisco Unified Reporting uses HTTPS to establish a secure connection to the browser.

Required Access Permissions

The Cisco Unified Reporting application uses the Cisco Tomcat service to authenticate users before allowing access to the web application. Only authorized users can access the Cisco Unified Reporting application. For Unified Communications Manager, by default, only administrator users in the Standard CCM Super Users group can access Cisco Unified Reporting to view and create reports.

For Cisco Unified Communications Manager and IM and Presence Service, users in the Standard CUReporting Authentication role can access Cisco Unified Reporting.

As an authorized user, you can use the Cisco Unified Reporting user interface to view reports, generate new reports, or download reports.


For Unified Communications Manager, administrator users in the Standard CCM Super Users group can access administrative applications in the Unified Communications Manager Administration navigation menu, including Cisco Unified Reporting, with a single sign-on to one of the applications.

UI Components

The following figure shows the UI components for Cisco Unified Reporting.

Figure 1. UI Components

  1. Upload, Download, Generate icons

  2. Report List

  3. Report Details


The report categories, available reports, and report data vary, depending on release.

Sign In From Administration Interface

Perform either of the following steps to sign in to Cisco Unified Reporting from the Administration interface.

  • For Unified Communications Manager, select Cisco Unified Reporting from the navigation menu in the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.

  • For the IM and Presence Service, select Cisco Unified IM and Presence Reporting from the navigation menu in the Cisco Unified CM IM and Presence Administration interface.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are authorized to access the Cisco Unified Reporting application.
When you log in to Cisco Unified Reporting, the last successful system login attempt and the last unsuccessful system login attempt for each user along with the user id, date, time and IP address is displayed in the main Cisco Unified Reporting window.

Supported Reports

This section details the supported reports for Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service. You can identify a report in Cisco Unified Reporting by the report name and the date-and-time stamp. Cisco Unified Reporting stores a local copy of the most recent report for you to view.

Unified Communications Manager Reports

The following table describes the types of system reports that appear in Cisco Unified Reporting after you install Unified Communications Manager.

Table 1. Unified Communications Manager Reports That Appear in Cisco Unified Reporting



UCM Users with Out-Of-Date Credential Algorithm

Provides a list of end users' whose passwords or PINs are stored and hashed using SHA1.

Report Descriptions

Provides troubleshooting and detailed information about the reports that appear.

Security Diagnostic Tool

Provides a summary view of information about security components.

Unified CM Cluster Overview

Provides an overview of the Unified Communications Manager cluster. This report includes the following details:
  • The Unified Communications Manager or IM and Presence Service versions that are installed in the cluster

  • The hostname or IP address of all nodes in the cluster

  • A summary of hardware details

Unified CM Data Summary

Provides a summary of data that exists in the Unified Communications Manager database, according to the structure of the menus in Unified Communications Manager Administration. For example, if you configure three credential policies, five conference bridges, and ten shared-line appearances, you can see that type of information in this report.

Unified CM Database Replication Debug

Provides debugging information for database replication.


For this report, generation may spike CPU and take up to 10 seconds per node in the cluster.

Unified CM Database Status

Provides a snapshot of the health of the Unified Communications Manager database. Generate this report before an upgrade to ensure that the database is healthy.

Unified CM Device Counts Summary

Provides the number of devices by model and protocol that exist in the Unified Communications Manager database.

Unified CM Device Distribution Summary

Provides a summary of how devices are distributed throughout the cluster; for example, this report shows which devices are associated with the primary, secondary, and tertiary nodes.

Unified CM Directory URI and GDPR Duplicates

Provides a detailed list of duplicated User Directory URIs, Learned Directory URIs, Learned Numbers, and Learned Patterns on the system.

Unified CM Extension Mobility

Provides a summary of Cisco Extension Mobility usage; for example, the number of phones that have a Cisco Extension Mobility user logged in to them, the users that are associated with Cisco Extension Mobility, and so on.

Unified CM GeoLocation Policy

Provides a list of records from the GeoLocation Logical Partitioning Policy Matrix.

Unified CM GeoLocation Policy with Filter

Provides a list of records from the GeoLocation Logical Partitioning Policy Matrix for the selected GeoLocation policy.

Unified CM Lines Without Phones

Provides a list of lines that are not associated with a phone.

Unified CM Multi-Line Devices

Provides a list of phones with multiple line appearances.

Unified CM Phone Category

Provides a listing of phone models in a given category for use with the Universal Device Templates. When enabling self provisioning for a user, you may choose to allow any or all of these categories of phones by providing a template for each category.

Unified CM Phone Feature List

Provides a list of supported features for each device type in Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Unified CM Phone Locale Installers

Provides a list of Cisco Unified IP Phone firmware versions supported by the installed Phone Locale Packages.

Unified CM Phones With Mismatched Load

Provides a list of all phones that have a mismatched firmware load.

Unified CM Phones Without Lines

Provides a list of all phones in the Unified Communications Manager database that do not have lines that are associated with them.

Unified CM Shared Lines

Provides a list of all phones in the Unified Communications Manager database with at least one shared-line appearance.

Unified CM Table Count Summary

Provides a database-centric view of data. This report is useful for administrators or AXL API developers that understand database schema.

Unified CM User Device Count

Provides information about associated devices; for example, this report lists the number of phones with no users, the number of users with one phone, and the number of users with more than one phone.

Unified CM Users Sharing Primary Extensions

Provides a list of users that share a primary extension on the system.

Unified CM VG2XX Gateway

Provides a summary of gateway endpoint security profiles.

Unified CM Voice Mail

Provides a summary of voice-messaging-related configuration in Unified Communications Manager Administration; for example, this report lists the number of configured voicemail ports, the number of message waiting indicators, the number of configured voice messaging profiles, the number of directory numbers that are associated with voice message profiles, and so on.

Unified Confidential Access Level Matrix

Provides all information about the Confidential Access Level Matrix.

IM and Presence Service Reports

The following table describes the types of system reports that display in Cisco Unified Reporting after you install the IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager.


From Release 10.0(1), the IM and Presence cluster information is available from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager node. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager, select Cisco Unified Reporting > System Reports > Unified CM Cluster Overview.

You can view and generate any of the report types in the following table.

Table 2. IM and Presence Service Reports That Display in Cisco Unified Reporting



IM and Presence Database Replication Debug

Provides debugging information for database replication.


For this report, generation may spike CPU and take up to 10 seconds per node in the cluster.

IM and Presence Database Status

Provides a snapshot of the health of the IM and Presence Service database. Generate this report before an upgrade to ensure that the database is healthy.

IM and Presence Table Count Summary

Provides a database-centric view of data. This report proves useful for administrators or AXL API developers that understand the database schema.

IM and Presence User Sessions Report

Provides a list of all active users signed-in sessions with one or more devices.

Presence Configuration Report

Provides configuration information about IM and Presence Service users.
  • Users that are synced from Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Users that are enabled for IM and Presence Service

  • Users that are enabled for Microsoft remote call control

  • Users that are enabled for calendaring information in IM and Presence Service

Click View Details to see the list of users in sortable columns.

IM and Presence Cluster Overview

Provides an overview of the IM and Presence Service cluster. This report, for example, tells you which IM and Presence Service version is installed in the cluster, the hostname or IP address of all nodes in the cluster, a summary of hardware details, and so on.

Presence Limits Warning Report

Provides information about users that have met or exceeded the configuration limits for the maximum number of contacts or watchers.

Click View Details to see the list of users in sortable columns.

Presence Usage Report

Provides usage information for logged-in XMPP clients and third-party APIs.

Click View Details to see the list of XMPP clients and third-party APIs in sortable columns.

Report Descriptions

Provides troubleshooting and detailed information about the reports that display. This report provides descriptions for the report, for each information group, and for each data item, as well as the data sources, symptoms of related problems, and remedies.

View Report Descriptions

Cisco Unified Reporting provides report help. The Report Descriptions link provides descriptions for the report, for each information group, and for each data item, as well as the data sources, symptoms of related problems, and remedies.


You may still need to contact TAC for additional help on report problems.


Step 1

Select System Reports.

Step 2

Select the Report Descriptions link in the list of reports.



Re-enter your Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration login credentials if you are prompted to re-login when you select an IM and Presence Service report.

Step 3

Select the Generate Report icon.

The report generates and is displayed.

Generate New Report

You can generate and view a new report.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Cisco Tomcat service is running on at least one node and you are using a supported web browser to view the report.

The application notifies you if a report will take excessive time to generate or consume excessive CPU time. A progress bar displays while the report generates. The new report displays, and the date and time updates.


Step 1

Select System Reports from the menu bar.

Step 2

Select a report.



Re-enter your Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration login credentials if you are prompted to re-login when you select an IM and Presence Service report.

Step 3

Select the Generate Report (bar chart) icon in the Reports window.

Step 4

Select the View Details link to expose details for a section that does not automatically appear.

What to do next

If the report shows an unsuccessful data check for an item, select the Report Descriptions report and review the troubleshooting information and possible remedies. Because the report descriptions report is dynamically generated from the database, you can also generate a new report descriptions report.

View Saved Report

You can view a copy of an existing report.


During a fresh install or upgrade, the Cisco Unified Reporting application does not save a local copy of the most recent report.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Cisco Tomcat service is running on at least one node and you are using a supported web browser to view the report.


Step 1

Select System Reports from the menu bar.

Step 2

Select the report that you want to view from the reports list.

Step 3

Select the link for the report name (dated and time stamped).

Step 4

Select the View Details link for details for a section that does not automatically appear.

What to do next

Download a new or saved report.

If the report shows an unsuccessful data check for an item, select the Report Descriptions report and review the troubleshooting information for possible remedies.

Download New Report

To download a new report, you store it locally on your hard drive. Downloading a report downloads the raw XML data file to your hard drive.


Step 1

Generate the new report.

Step 2

After the new report appears, select the Download Report (green arrow) icon in the Reports window.



You do not need to click the View Details link for report details before you download the document. The data are captured in the downloaded file.

Step 3

Select Save to save the file to the location on your disk that you designate.

To change the filename or the location where your file is stored on your hard disk, enter a new location or rename the file (optional). A progress bar shows the download in progress.

The file downloads to your hard disk.

Step 4

After the download completes, select Open to open the XML report.



Do not change the contents in the XML file, or your report may not appear properly on the screen.

What to do next

To view a downloaded report file in your browser, upload the file to your node.


For technical assistance, you can attach the downloaded file in an e-mail or upload the file to another node.

Download Saved Report

To download saved reports, you download the report and store it locally on your hard drive. Downloading a report downloads the raw XML data file to your hard disk.


Step 1

Open and view the details of the existing report.

Step 2

Select the Download Report (green arrow) icon in the Reports window.

Step 3

Select Save to save the file to the location on your disk that you designate.

To change the filename or the location where your file is stored on your hard disk, enter a new location or rename the file (optional). A progress bar shows the download in progress.

The file downloads to your hard disk.

Step 4

After the download completes, select Open to open the XML report.



Do not change the contents in the XML file, or your report may not appear properly.

What to do next

To view a downloaded report file in your browser, upload the file to your node.


For technical assistance, you can attach the downloaded file in an e-mail or upload the file to another node.

Upload Report

To view a downloaded report in your browser window, you must upload the report to the nodetand,.

Before you begin

Download a report to your hard drive.


Step 1

Select System Reports from the menu bar.

Step 2

Access any report to display the Upload Report (blue arrow) icon in the Reports window.

Step 3

Select the Upload Report icon.

Step 4

To locate the .xml file, select Browse to navigate to its location on your hard drive.

Step 5

Select Upload.

Step 6

Select Continue to display the uploaded file in the browser window.

What to do next

You can compare an uploaded report and a newly generated report side-by-side during an upgrade.