Hunt Group Overview
A Hunt Group is a group of lines that are organized hierarchically, so that if the first number in the hunt group list is busy, the system dials the second number. If the second number is busy, the system dials the next number, and so on.
The phone users can log in to or log out of the hunt groups by using the HLog softkey or the Hunt Group line button on the IP phone. The phone provides a visual status of the login state, so that the user can determine whether they are logged in to one or more of their line groups.
The Hunt Group feature provides the following functions:
The HLog softkey on the IP phone allows the user to toggle between login and logout of phone.
A hunt group allows a caller to automatically find an available line from amongst a group of extensions.
The Hunt Group Log Off feature allows phone users to prevent their phones from receiving incoming calls that get routed to directory numbers. Regardless of the phone status, the phone rings normally for incoming calls that are not calls to one or more line groups associated with the phone.
The directory numbers (DNs) belong to line groups that are associated with the phone.
System administrators can log in or log out the users from the phones that are automatically logged into hunt groups.
The HLog softkey allows a phone user to log a phone out of all line groups to which the phone directory numbers belong.
From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 9.0 onward, the Hunt Group Log Off feature enables the use of mobile device as a desk phone. When you use the Hlog softkey through your mobile client, you no longer receive calls that are placed to the hunt pilot.