Hotline Overview
The Hotline feature extends the Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) feature, which allows you to configure a phone so that when the user goes off hook (or the NewCall softkey or Line Key gets pressed), the phone immediately dials a preconfigured number. This is useful for phones that are designated for calling emergency or "hotline" numbers.
The administrator can configure a delay of up to 15-seconds. This allows the user time to place a call before the phone defaults to the hotline number. You can configure the Off Hook To First Digit Timer parameter to set the timer in
.Hotline adds the following additional restrictions and administrator controls for phones that use PLAR:
Hotline devices (devices configured to use hotline) that receive calls will receive calls only from other hotline devices, and will reject non-hotline callers.
You can configure a Hotline phone to call only, receive only, or both call and receive.
You can restrict the features available on a Hotline phone by applying a softkey template to the phone.
Analog hotline phones ignore inbound hookflash signals.
Route Class Signaling
Hotline uses route class signaling to allow Hotline phones to receive calls only from other Hotline phones. A route class is a DSN code that identifies the class of traffic for a call. The route class informs downstream devices about special routing or termination requirements. A Hotline phone can only accept calls from a Hotline phone with the same route class.
Call Screening
Hotline also provides Configurable Call Screening based on caller ID. Configurable Call Screening allows a receiving Hotline phone to screen calls based on caller ID information and allow only callers in a screening list to connect.