Delete Commands

delete account

This command allows you to delete an administrator account.

delete account account-name

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the name of an administrator account.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete cuc futuredelivery

This command deletes all messages that have been marked for future delivery.

delete cuc futuredelivery

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


The following example deletes two messages that have been marked for future delivery.

admin: delete cuc futuredelivery

Deleting File : UmssMtaFutureDelivery/UnityMbxDb1/5C56C086-E64B-11DC-9BAF-41FC55D89593.eml

Deleting File : UmssMtaFutureDelivery/UnityMbxDb1/6D7DD796-E64B-11DC-A0E6-D1FD55D89593.eml

Files : Found = 2, Deleted = 2

Note: Files that are in use cannot be deleted


delete cuc locale

This command deletes the specified locale and all of the associated files and settings from Connection.

delete cuc locale locale-id

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Specifies the ID of the locale that you want to delete.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

Before you run this command, you must stop the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services. After you run this command, you must restart the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services. While running "delete cuc" locale command, you can choose to retain or not retain the locale mappings at your Unity Connection System.

If you choose to retain locale mapping, then after re-install of same locale, all objects like Subscribers and Call handlers  are automatically mapped to retained locale. If you choose not to retain the locale mapping, then after uninstall all locale mappings are lost.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Cisco Unity Connection


The following example deletes the en-GB locale and all of the associated files and settings.

admin:delete cuc locale en-GB

en-GB uninstalled


delete dns

This command allows you to delete the IP address for a DNS server.

delete dns addr

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the IP address of the DNS server that you want to delete.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After you execute this command, the system asks whether you want to continue.


If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connectivity.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete dscp

This command deletes a DSCP port tag.

delete dscp port-tag

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents a DSCP port tag, which is a string that is mapped to a TCP or UDP port to identify the application that uses the port. This value is for the portTag field displayed when you use the command show dscp defaults . The set of port tags is predefined.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

After you delete an enabled port tag, DSCP marking on that port tag stops. You can recreate a deleted port tag when you use the set dscp marking command; enter the name of the port tag that you previously deleted.


Use the command show dscp defaults to list the configured port tags.


Command privilege level: 1

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete ipsec policy_group

This command deletes all policies within the specified group or all groups.

delete ipsec policy_group {group | | all}

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents a specific group name.


Deletes all groups.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete ipsec policy_name

This command deletes an IPSec policy with given policy name.

delete ipsec policy_name { policy_group | | policy_name }

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the policy group.


Represents the policy name.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete process

This command allows you to delete a particular process.

delete process process-id [force | terminate | crash]

Syntax Description

Parameters Description

Represents the process ID number.


Causes the process to stop.


Causes the operating system to terminate the process.


Crashes the process and produces a crash dump.

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)

Usage Guidelines

Use the force option only if the command alone does not delete the process; use the terminate option only if force does not delete the process.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection

delete smtp

This command allows you to delete the SMTP host.

delete smtp

Command Modes

Administrator (admin:)


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

Applies to: Unified Communications Manager, IM and Presence Service on Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection