Cisco Line Device Specific Extensions
The following table lists and describes the subclasses of Cisco Line Device-Specific Extensions. This section contains all of the extensions in the table and descriptions of the following data structures:
Cisco functions |
Synopsis |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecific class specifies the parent class to the following classes. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting class turns the message waiting lamp on or off for the line that the hLine parameter specifies. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting class turns the message waiting lamp on or off for the line that a parameter specifies and remains independent of the hLine parameter. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary class turns the message waiting lamp on or off, as well as provides voice and fax message counts for the line specified by the hLine parameter. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn class turns the message waiting lamp on or off and provides voice and fax message counts for the line specified by a parameter and is independent of the hLine parameter. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream class controls the audio stream for a line. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs class controls the reporting of certain line device specific messages for a line. |
Cisco Unified TSP 4.0 and later do not support this function. The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer class performs a setupTransfer between a call that is in CONNECTED state and a call that is in ONHOLD state. This function will change the state of the connected call to ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER state and the ONHOLD call to CONNECTED state. This action will then allow a completeTransfer to be performed on the two calls. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled class gets used to redirect a call to another party while resetting the original called ID of the call to the destination of the redirect. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall class gets used to register a CTI port or route point for the Dynamic Port Registration feature, which allows applications to specify the IP address and UDP port number on a call-by-call basis. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall class sets the IP address and UDP port number for the specified call. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled class to redirect a call to another party while setting the original called ID of the call to any other party. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificJoin class joins two or more calls into one conference call. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID class allows the application to set SRTP algorithm IDs. You should use this class after lineopen and before CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall or CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificAcquire class explicitly acquires any CTI Controllable device in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system, which needs to be opened in Super Provider mode. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire class explicitly de-acquires any CTI controllable device in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC class redirects a call to another party while including a FAC, CMC, or both. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC class blind transfers a call to another party while including a FAC, CMC, or both. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor class opens a CTI port in third-party mode. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen class triggers actual line open from TSP side. Use this for delayed open mechanism. |
The CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial class allows the application to set or reset SpeedDial/Label on an intercom line. |
The CciscoLineIntercomTalkback class allows the application to initiate talk back on an incoming Intercom call on an Intercom line. |
The CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority class enables the application to redirect calls with specified priority. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring class allows applications to send a start monitoring request for the active call on a line. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording allows the application to send a recording request for the active call on that line. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording allows the application to stop recording a call on that line. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode enables the application to set the IPv6 address and addressing mode during registration. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCallIPv6 class sets the RTP parameters for calls for which you must specify IPv6 address. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer class transfers calls across lines or on the same line. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification class is used to register the call Pickup Group for notification on calls for Pickup. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification class is used to unregister the call Pickup Group for notification on calls for Pickup. |
This feature allows to invoke the pickup, group-pickup, other-pickup, and directed pickup feature from the application. Apart from providing API to invoke feature, application will have capability to register Call pickup group for alert notification, whenever a call is available for pickup. The CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest class is used to Pickup the call from the PickGroup. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest class allows the application to initiate agent greeting to the customer call. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest class allows the application to stop agent greeting that is playing on the agent-to-customer call. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport class allows the application to initiate Zip tone on the Agent Call. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport class allows the application to enhance or update feature support. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination class is used to add new Remote Destination to CTI Remote Device. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination class is used to remove Remote Destination from List of Remote Destinations of CTI Remote Device. |
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination class is used to update Remote Destination information on a CTI Remote Device. |
CciscoLineDevSpecificHoldEx class is used to put call on hold and specify media content that should be played while call is on hold. |
Transfer with media |
The CciscoSetupTransferWithoutMedia class allows the application to transfer a call that does not have media setup. |
Cisco TSP implements several line device-specific extensions and uses the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of the LINEDEVCAPS data structure for those extensions. The Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext structure in the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file defines the DevSpecific area layout. Cisco TSP organizes the data in that structure based on the extension version in which the data was introduced:
// LINEDEVCAPS Dev Specific extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext { Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00030000 ext30; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00060000 ext60; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00070000 ext70; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00080000 ext80; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00090000 ext90; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00090001 ext91; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000A0000 extA0; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000C0000 extC0; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000D0000 extD0; Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000E0000 extE0;
For a specific line device, the extension area will include a portion of this structure starting from the beginning and up to the extension version that an application negotiated.
The individual extension version substructure definitions follow:
// LINEDEVCAPS 00030000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00030000 { DWORD dwLineTypeFlags; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00030000; // LINEDEVCAPS 00060000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00060000 { DWORD dwLocale; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00060000; // LINEDEVCAPS 00070000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00070000 { DWORD dwPartitionOffset; DWORD dwPartitionSize; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00070000; // LINEDEVCAPS 00080000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00080000 { DWORD dwLineDevCaps_DevSpecificFlags; // LINEFEATURE_DEVSPECIFIC DWORD dwLineDevCaps_DevSpecificFeatureFlags; // LINEFEATURE_DEVSPECIFICFEAT RECORD_TYPE_INFO recordTypeInfo; INTERCOM_SPEEDDIAL_INFO intercomSpeedDialInfo; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00080000; // LINEDEVCAPS 00090000 extention // // -------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00090000 { IpAddressingMode dwLineDevCapsIPAddressingMode; // LINEFEATURE_DEVSPECIFIC } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00090000; // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Cisco Extention 00090001 // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // LINEDEVCAPS 00090001 extention // // -------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext00090001 { DWORD MaxCalls ; DWORD BusyTrigger ; DWORD LineInstanceNumber ; DWORD LineLabelASCIIOffset ; DWORD LineLabelASCIISize ; DWORD LineLabelUnicodeOffset ; DWORD LineLabelUnicodeSize ; DWORD VoiceMailPilotDNOffset ; DWORD VoiceMailPilotDNSize ; DWORD RegisteredIPAddressMode;// IpAddressingMode DWORD RegisteredIPv4Address ; DWORD RegisteredIPv6AddressOffset; DWORD RegisteredIPv6AddressSize; DWORD ApplicationFeatureFlagBitMap;// CiscoFeatureInformation DWORD DeviceFeatureFlagBitMap; // CiscoFeatureInformation } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT00090001; typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000A0000 { DWORD dwPickUpGroupDNOffset; DWORD dwPickUpGroupDNSize; DWORD dwPickUpGroupPartitionOffset; DWORD dwPickUpGroupPartitionSize; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT000A0000; typedefstruct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000C0000 { DWORD DeviceProtocolType; DWORD RemoteDestinationOffset; DWORD RemoteDestinationSize; DWORD RemoteDestinationCount; DWORD RemoteDestinationElementFixedSize; DWORD IsMyAppLastToSetActiveRD; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT000C0000; typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000D0000 { DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityBitMask; DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityOffset; DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilitySize; DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityCount; DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityElementFixedSize; DWORD ClusterIDSize; DWORD ClusterIDOffset; } CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT000D0000;
See the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file for additional information on the DevSpecific structure layout and data.
CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT000D000 structure contains following information:
Fields | Description |
DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityBitMask | Bitmask field indicates which fields in MultiMediaCapability structure Info are valid |
DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityOffset | Offset pointing to the DeviceMultiMediaCapability structure Information |
DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilitySize | Size of the DeviceMultiMediaCapability Information |
DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityCount | Count of MultiMediaCapaility Info available |
DWORD DeviceMultiMediaCapabilityElementFixedSize | Size of MultiMediaCapability Structure |
DWORD ClusterIDSize DWORD ClusterIDOffset |
Offset/Size of the name of the cluster ID where the line is located |
MultiMediacapability Information
CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask - Bit mask indicates which fields in MultiMediaCapability Structure Exposed are valid and can be used by Applications. Following is the Enum Definition which is used to update this bitmask field.
enum CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask { CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_VideoCapability = 0x00000001, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_TelepresenceInfo = 0x00000002, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_ScreenCount = 0x00000004 };
Device MultiMedia Capability of the Device is exposed as a structure DeviceMultiMediaCapability in the DevSpecific part. This structure contains the fields deviceVideoCapability, telepresenceInfo and screenCount.
typedef struct DeviceMultiMediaCapability { DWORD deviceVideoCapability; DWORD telepresenceInfo; DWORD screenCount; } DeviceMultiMediaCapability;
Data fields | Value |
DeviceVideoCapability | This field contains the type value defined in the following enumeration. [CiscoDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo] |
TelepresenceInfo | This field indicates if Telepresence interop is supported by the device, defined in the following enumeration. [CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo] |
ScreenCount | This field indicates the number of screens present on the device. |
enum CiscoLineDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo { CiscoLineDeviceVideoCapability_None = 0x00000000, CiscoLineDeviceVideoCapability_Enabled = 0x00000001, }; enum CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo { CiscoDeviceTelepresence_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceTelepresence_Enabled = 0x00000001, };
As part of 11.5 release, CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT has been modified to include CISCO_LINEDEVCAPS_EXT000E0000 structure.
// LINEDEVCAPS 000E0000 extention //
typedef struct Cisco_LineDevCaps_Ext000E0000
DWORD DeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus;
Data fields |
Value |
DeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus |
DeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus field contains the type value defined in the following enumeration [CiscoDeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus]. |
enum CiscoDeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus
CiscoDeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus_NotApplicable = 0,
CiscoDeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus_Login = 1,
CiscoDeviceHuntGroupLoginStatus_Logout = 2
Cisco TSP implements several line device-specific extensions and uses the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of the LINECALLINFO data structure for those extensions. The Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext structure in the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file defines DevSpecific area layout. Cisco TSP organizes the data in the structure, that is based on the extension version, in which the data is introduced:
// LINECALLINFO Dev Specific extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext { Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00060000 ext60; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00070000 ext70; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00080000 ext80; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00080001 ext81; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00090000 ext90; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00090000 ext91; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext000A0000 extA0; Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext000D0000 extD0; ;
For a specific line device, the extension area includes, a portion of the structure from the beginning to the extension version that an application negotiated.
The definitions for individual extension version substructure are as follows:
// LINECALLINFO 00060000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00060000 { TSP_UNICODE_PARTY_NAMES unicodePartyNames; } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT00060000; // LINECALLINFO 00070000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00070000 { DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureOffset; // offset from base of LINECALLINFO DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureSize; // includes variable length data total size DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementCount; DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementFixedSize; DWORD DSCPInformationOffset; // offset from base of LINECALLINFO DWORD DSCPInformationSize; // fixed size of the DSCPInformation structure DWORD DSCPInformationElementCount; DWORD DSCPInformationElementFixedSize; DWORD CallPartitionInfoOffset; // offset from base of LINECALLINFO DWORD CallPartitionInfoSize; // fixed size of the CallPartitionInformation structure DWORD CallPartitionInfoElementCount; DWORD CallPartitionInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD ExtendedCallInfoOffset; // = = = > ExtendedCallInfo { } DWORD ExtendedCallInfoSize; // DWORD ExtendedCallInfoElementCount; // DWORD ExtendedCallInfoElementSize; // } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT00070000; // LINECALLINFO 00080000 extention // // --------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00080000 { DWORD CallSecurityStatusOffset; DWORD CallSecurityStatusSize; DWORD CallSecurityStatusElementCount; DWORD CallSecurityStatusElementFixedSize; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoOffset; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoSize; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoElementCount; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoOffset; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoSize; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementCount; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD TSPIntercomSideInfo; DWORD CallingPartyIpAddr; } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT00080000; // LINECALLINFO 00080001 extension // // --------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00080001 { DWORD CPNInfoOffset; //array of structure of CPNInfo structure DWORD CPNInfoSize; DWORD CPNInfoElementCount; DWORD CPNInfoElementFixedSize; } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT00080001; // LINECALLINFO 00090000 extention // // --------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext00090000 { DWORD IPv6InfoOffset; DWORD IPv6InfoSize; DWORD IPv6InfoElementCount; DWORD IPv6InfoElementFixedSize; DWORD FarEndIPAddressingMode; }CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT00090000; // LINECALLINFO 000A0000 extention // // --------------------------------- typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext000A0000 { DWORD CallAttributeBitMask; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDInfoOffset; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDInfoSize; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDInfoElementCount; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDElementFixedSize; //HuntList DWORD HuntPilotInfoOffset; //point to HuntPoiltInfo DWORD HuntPilotInfoSize; DWORD HuntPilotInfoCount; DWORD HuntPilotInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD GlobalCallID; DWORD CallManagerID; } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT000A0000;
typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext000D0000 { DWORD CallingPartyMultiMediaCapBitMask; //refer to CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask DWORD CalledPartyMultiMediaCapBitMask; //refer to CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask DWORD CallingPartyMultiMediaCapInfoOffset; //refer to DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo DWORD CallingPartyMultiMediaCapInfoSize; DWORD CallingPartyMultiMediaCapInfoCount; DWORD CallingPartyMultiMediaCapInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD CalledPartyMultiMediaCapInfoOffset; //refer to DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo DWORD CalledPartyMultiMediaCapInfoSize; DWORD CalledPartyMultiMediaCapInfoCount; DWORD CalledPartyMultiMediaCapInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD MultiMediaStreamsInfoOffset; //refer to VideoStreamInfo DWORD MultiMediaStreamsInfoSize; DWORD MultiMediaStreamsInfoCount; DWORD MultiMediaStreamsInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD RecordingAttributeInfo_ExtD0_Offset; DWORD RecordingAttributeInfo_ExtD0_Size; DWORD RecordingAttributeInfo_ExtD0_Count; DWORD RecordingAttributeInfo_ExtD0_ElementFixedSize; } CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT000D0000;
Calling and Called MultiMediaCapability Information
The video capability of the calling party and the called party is exposed as a structure DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo in the DevSpecific part. The structure contains the following fields:
TelepresenceInfo, and
typedef struct DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo { DWORD VideoCapStatus; DWORD TelepresenceInfo; DWORD ScreenCount; } DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo;
Data fields | Value |
DeviceVideoCapability |
Contains the value that is defined in the following enumeration [CiscoDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo]. |
TelepresenceInfo |
Indicates if Telepresence is enabled on the device, which is defined in the following enumeration [CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo]. |
ScreenCount |
Indicates the number of screens present on the device. |
CallingPartyMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask |
Indicates which fields of DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo structure have valid information [CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask]. |
CalledPartyMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask |
Indicates which fields of DeviceCallMultiMediaCapInfo structure have valid information [CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask]. |
enum CiscoDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo { CiscoDeviceVideoCapability_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceVideoCapability_Enabled = 0x00000001, }; enum CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo { CiscoDeviceTelepresence_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceTelepresence_Enabled = 0x00000001, }; enum CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapInfoBitMask { CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_VideoCapability = 0x00000001, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_TelepresenceInfo = 0x00000002, CiscoDeviceMultiMediaCapability_ScreenCount = 0x00000004 };
MultiMediaStream Information
When the call arrives on an opened line, the TSP sends the LINE_CALLDEVSPECIFIC event to the application with Multimedia Stream information.
The application then sends a query to the LINECALLINFO to get a detailed Multimedia Stream information. The information is exposed as a part of the VideoStreamInfo structure in the DevSpecific part of the LineCallInfo.
The structure contains the following data.
typedef struct VideoStreamInfo { DWORD StreamId; DWORD CompressionType; // MEDIAPAYLOAD DWORD BitRate; DWORD MediaMode; DWORD bKeyInfoPresent; //ipv6 DWORD RxRTPDestinationV6Offset; DWORD RxRTPDestinationV6Size; DWORD RxRTPDestinationV4; DWORD RxIpAddrMode; DWORD TxRTPDestinationV6Offset; DWORD TxRTPDestinationV6Size; DWORD TxRTPDestinationV4; DWORD TxIpAddrMode; MultiMediaEncryptionKeyInfo MediaEncryptionKeyInfo; } VideoStreamInfo;
Data fields | Value |
StreamId |
Indicates the index of the MultiMedia stream. |
CompressionType |
Indicates the compression type of the video stream. |
BitRate |
Indicates the bit rate of the video stream. |
MediaMode |
Indicates the media mode of the video stream. |
PacketSize |
Indicates the packet size of the video stream. |
bKeyInfoPresent |
Indicates whether Key Information is present. |
RxRTPDestinationV6Offset RxRTPDestinationV6Size |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Reception RTP destination IPv6 information. |
RxRTPDestinationV4 |
Indicates the IPv4 address of the video stream. |
RxIpAddrMode |
Specifies the reception IP addressing mode. |
TxRTPDestinationV6Offset TxRTPDestinationV6Size |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Transmission RTP destination IPv6 information. |
TxRTPDestinationV4 |
Indicates the IPv4 address of the video stream. |
TxIpAddrMode |
Specifies the transmission IP addressing mode. |
MediaEncryptionKeyInfo |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Multimedia Encryption Key information. |
Cisco TSP reports a detailed multimedia Encryption Key Information to the applications as a part of the structure CiscoTsp_MultiMediaEncryptionKeyInfo, if there is secure connection to CTIManager. The application user is authorized to receive multimedia Encryption Key Information.
The multimedia Encryption Key information that is provided by Cisco TSP includes TxKeylen, RxKeylen, Txkey, RxKey, TxSalt, RxSalt, AlgorithmID, TxIsMKIPresent, RxIsMKIPresent, and SecurityIndicator.
The administrator must configure TLS Enabled and SRTP Enabled flags on CallManager Admin User pages to receive the key materials. TLS link must be established between TSP and CTIManager.
typedef struct CiscoTsp_MultiMediaEncryptionKeyInfo { DWORD AlgorithmID; DWORD TxKeyOffset; DWORD TxKeySize; DWORD RxKeyOffset; DWORD RxKeySize; DWORD TxSaltOffset; DWORD TxSaltSize; DWORD RxSaltOffset; DWORD RxSaltSize; DWORD TxIsMKIPresent; DWORD RxIsMKIPresent; DWORD SecurityIndicator; } CiscoTsp_MultiMediaEncryptionKeyInfo;
AlgorithmID |
Specifies the negotiated algorithm id. |
TxKeyOffset TxKeySize |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Transmission Key information. |
RxKeyOffset RxKeySize |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Reception Key information. |
TxSaltOffset TxSaltSize |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Transmission Salt information. |
RxSaltOffset RxSaltSize |
Contains the value in bytes from the beginning of LINECALLINFO structure. Contains the value in bytes of the variably sized Reception Salt information. |
TxIsMKIPresent |
Indicates whether Transmission MKI is present. |
RxIsMKIPresent |
Indicates whether Reception MKI is present. |
SecurityIndicator |
Specifies the security indicator. |
See the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file for additional information on the DevSpecific structure layout and data.
The TSP_Unicode_Party_names structure and SRTP information structure describe the device-specific extensions that the Cisco Unified TSP made to the LINECALLINFO structure. DSCPValueForAudioCalls will contain the DSCP value that CTI sent in the StartTransmissionEvent.
ExtendedCallInfo structure has extra call information. For Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 7.0(1), the ExtendedCallReason field belongs to the ExtendedCallInfo structure.
CallAttributeInfo contains the information about attributeType (Monitoring, Monitored, Recorder,securityStatus) and PartyInfo (Dn,Partition,DeviceName)
CCMCallID contains CCM Call identifier value.
CallingPartyIPAddress contains the IP address of the calling party if the calling party device supports it.
CallSecurityStatus structure contains the overall security status of the call for two-party call as well as conference call.
DWORD TapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameOffset; DWORD TapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameSize; DWORDTapiCallerPartyLocale; DWORD TapiCalledPartyUnicodeNameOffset; DWORD TapiCalledPartyUnicodeNameSize; DWORDTapiCalledPartyLocale; DWORD TapiConnectedPartyUnicodeNameOffset; DWORD TapiConnectedPartyUnicodeNameSize; DWORDTapiConnectedPartyLocale; DWORD TapiRedirectionPartyUnicodeNameOffset; DWORD TapiRedirectionPartyUnicodeNameSize; DWORDTapiRedirectionPartyLocale; DWORD TapiRedirectingPartyUnicodeNameOffset; DWORD TapiRedirectingPartyUnicodeNameSize; DWORDTapiRedirectingPartyLocale; DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureOffset; // offset from base of LINECALLINFO DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureSize;// includes variable length data total size DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementCount; DWORD SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementFixedSize; DWORD DSCPValueInformationOffset; DWORD DSCPValueInformationSize; DWORD DSCPValueInformationElementCount; DWORD DSCPValueInformationElementFixedSize; DWORD PartitionInformationOffset; // offset from base of LINECALLINFO DWORD PartitionInformationSize; // includes variable length data total size DWORD PartitionInformationElementCount; DWORD PartitionInformationElementFixedSize; DWORD ExtendedCallInfoOffset; DWORD ExtendedCallInfoSize; DWORD ExtendedCallInfoElementCount; DWORD ExtendedCallInfoElementSize; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoOffset; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoSize; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementCount; DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementSize; DWORD CallingPartyIPAddress; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoOffset; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoSize; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoElementCount; DWORD CCMCallIDInfoElementFixedSize; DWORD CallSecurityStatusOffset; DWORD CallSecurityStatusSize; DWORD CallSecurityStatusElementCount; DWORD CallSecurityStatusElementFixedSize; DWORD IsChaperoneCall; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDInfoOffset, DWORD UniqueCallRefIDInfoSize; DWORD CallAttributeBitMask; typedef struct SRTPKeyInfoStructure { SRTPKeyInformation TransmissionSRTPInfo; SRTPKeyInformation ReceptionSRTPInfo; } SRTPKeyInfoStructure; typedef struct SRTPKeyInformation { DWORDIsSRTPDataAvailable; DWORDSecureMediaIndicator;// CiscoSecurityIndicator DWORDMasterKeyOffset; DWORDMasterKeySize; DWORDMasterSaltOffset; DWORDMasterSaltSize; DWORDAlgorithmID;// CiscoSRTPAlgorithmIDs DWORDIsMKIPresent; DWORDKeyDerivationRate; } SRTPKeyInformation; enum CiscoSRTPAlgorithmIDs { SRTP_NO_ENCRYPTION=0, SRTP_AES_128_COUNTER=1 }; enum CiscoSecurityIndicator { SRTP_MEDIA_ENCRYPT_KEYS_AVAILABLE, SRTP_MEDIA_ENCRYPT_USER_NOT_AUTH, SRTP_MEDIA_ENCRYPT_KEYS_UNAVAILABLE, SRTP_MEDIA_NOT_ENCRYPTED };
If isSRTPInfoavailable is set to False, rest of the information from SRTPKeyInformation must be ignored.
If MasterKeySize or MasterSlatSize is set to 0, then corresponding MasterKeyOffset or MasterSaltOffset must be ignored.
typedef struct DSCPValueInformation{ DWORD DSCPValueForAudioCalls; } typedef struct PartitionInformation { DWORD CallerIDPartitionOffset; DWORD CallerIDPartitionSize; DWORD CalledIDPartitionOffset; DWORD CalledIDPartitionSize; DWORD ConnecetedIDPartitionOffset; DWORD ConnecetedIDPartitionSize; DWORD RedirectionIDPartitionOffset; DWORD RedirectionIDPartitionSize; DWORD RedirectingIDPartitionOffset; DWORD RedirectingIDPartitionSize; } PartitionInformation; Struct ExtendedCallInfo { DWORD ExtendedCallReason ; DWORD CallerIDURLOffset;// CallPartySipURLInfo DWORD CallerIDURISize; DWORD CalledIDURLOffset;// CallPartySipURLInfo DWORD CalledIDURISize; DWORD ConnectedIDURIOffset;// CallPartySipURLInfo DWORD ConnectedIDURISize; DWORD RedirectionIDURIOffset;// CallPartySipURLInfo DWORD RedirectionIDURISize; DWORD RedirectingIDURIOffset;// CallPartySipURLInfo DWORD RedirectingIDURISize; } Struct CallPartySipURLInfo { DWORD dwUserOffset; //sip user string DWORDdwUserSize; DWORDdwHostOffset; //host name string DWORDdwHostSize; DWORDdwPort;// integer port number DWORD dwTransportType; // SIP_TRANS_TYPE DWORD dwURLType;// SIP_URL_TYPE } enum { CTI_SIP_TRANSPORT_TCP=1, CTI_SIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, CTI_SIP_TRANSPORT_TLS } SIP_TRANS_TYPE; enum { CTI_NO_URL = 0, CTI_SIP_URL, CTI_TEL_URL } SIP_URL_TYPE; typedef struct CallAttributeInfo { DWORD CallAttributeType; DWORD PartyDNOffset; DWORD PartyDNSize; DWORD PartyPartitionOffset; DWORD PartyPartitionSize; DWORD DeviceNameOffset; DWORD DeviceNameSize; DWORD OverallCallSecurityStatus; } typedef struct CallAttributeInfo_ExtA0 { DWORD CallAttributeType; DWORD PartyDNOffset; DWORD PartyDNSize; DWORD PartyPartitionOffset; DWORD PartyPartitionSize; DWORD DeviceNameOffset; DWORD DeviceNameSize; DWORD OverallCallSecurityStatus; DWORD TransactionID;//Secure R & M } CallAttributeInfo_ExtA0; typedef struct CallAttributeInfo_ExtB0 { CallAttributeInfo_ExtA0 attr_a0; DWORD ActiveToneDirection; } CallAttributeInfo_ExtB0; typedef struct CCMCallHandleInformation { DWORD CCMCallID; } enum { CallAttribute_Regular = 0, CallAttribute_SilentMonitorCall, CallAttribute_SilentMonitorCall_Target, CallAttribute_RecordedCall, CallAttribute_WhisperCoachingCall, CallAttribute_WhisperCoachingCall_Target, CallAttribute_Recorded_Automatic, CallAttribute_Recorded_AppInitiatedSilent, CallAttribute_Recorded_UserInitiatedFromApp, CallAttribute_Recorded_UserInitiatedFromDevice } CallAttributeType typedef struct CallSecurityStausInfo { DWORD CallSecurityStaus } CallSecurityStausInfo enum OverallCallSecurityStatus { OverallCallSecurityStatus_Unknown = 0, OverallCallSecurityStatus_NotAuthenticated, OverallCallSecurityStatus_Authenticated, OverallCallSecurityStatus_Encrypted }; typedef struct CPNInfo { DWORD CallerPartyNumberType;//refer to CiscoNumberType DWORD CalledPartyNumberType; DWORD ConnectedIdNumberType; DWORD RedirectingPartyNumberType; DWORD RedirectionPartyNumberType; DWORD ModifiedCallingPartySize; DWORD ModifiedCallingPartyOffset; DWORD ModifiedCalledPartySize; DWORD ModifiedCalledPartyOffset; DWORD ModifiedConnectedIdSize; DWORD ModifiedConnectedIdOffset; DWORD ModifiedRedirectingPartySize; DWORD ModifiedRedirectingPartyOffset; DWORD ModifiedRedirectionPartySize; DWORD ModifiedRedirectionPartyOffset; DWORD GlobalizedCallingPartySize; DWORD GlobalizedCallingPartyOffset; } CPNInfo; enum CiscoNumberType { NumberType_Unknown = 0, // UNKNOWN_NUMBER NumberType_International = 1, // INTERNATIONAL_NUMBER NumberType_National = 2, // NATIONAL_NUMBER NumberType_NetSpecificNum = 3, // NET_SPECIFIC_NUMBER NumberType_Subscriber = 4, // SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER NumberType_Abbreviated = 6 // ABBREVIATED_NUMBER }; typedef struct Cisco_LineCallInfo_Ext000A0000 { … //HuntList DWORD HuntPilotInfoOffset;//point to HuntPoiltInfo DWORD HuntPilotInfoSize; DWORD HuntPilotInfoCount; DWORD HuntPilotInfoElementFixedSize; }CISCO_LINECALLINFO_EXT000A0000; //HuntList typedef struct HuntPilotInfo { DWORD CallingPartyHuntPilotDNOffset; DWORD CallingPartyHuntPilotDNSize; DWORD CallingPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset; DWORD CallingPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize; DWORD CalledPartyHuntPilotDNOffset; DWORD CalledPartyHuntPilotDNSize; DWORD CalledPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset; DWORD CalledPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize; DWORD ConnectedPartyHuntPilotDNOffset; DWORD ConnectedPartyHuntPilotDNSize; DWORD ConnectedPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset; DWORD ConnectedPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize; }HuntPilotInfo; typedef struct UniqueCallRefIDInfo { DWORD UniqueCallRefIDOffset; DWORD UniqueCallRefIDSize; } UniqueCallRefIDInfo; typedef enum { TSPCallAttribute_Normal = 0x00000000, TSPCallAttribute_IntercomOriginator = 0x00000001, TSPCallAttribute_IntercomTarget = 0x00000002, TSPCallAttribute_SilentMonitorCall = 0x00000004, TSPCallAttribute_SilentMonitorCall_Target = 0x00000008, TSPCallAttribute_RecordedCall = 0x00000010, TSPCallAttribute_ChaperoneCall = 0x00000020, TSPCallAttribute_CallForwardAllSet = 0x00000040, TSPCallAttribute_CallForwardAllClear = 0x00000080, TSPCallAttribute_WhisperMonitorCall = 0x00000100, TSPCallAttribute_WhisperMonitorCall_Target= 0x00000200, TSPCallAttribute_BIBCall = 0x00000400, TSPCallAttribute_ServerCall =0x00000800, TSPCallAttribute_SendMediaToBIB = 0x00001000 } CallAttributeBits
Cisco TSP exposes the multimedia capability information of a linedevice in the devspecific data of LINEGETCALLINFO when LineGetCallInfo is invoked with Extension version 0x000D0000 or higher.
The calling party and the called party multimedia capability is exposed as a structure DeviceVideoCapInfo in the DevSpecific part. This structure contains three fields:
telepresenceInfo, and,
typedef struct DeviceVideoCapInfo{ DWORD VideoCapStatus; DWORD TelepresenceInfo; DWORD ScreenCount; } DeviceVideoCapInfo;
Data fields |
Value |
DeviceVideoCapability |
DeviceVideoCapability field contains the type value defined in the following enumeration [CiscoDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo]. |
TelepresenceInfo |
This field indicates if Telepresence is enabled on the device, defined in the following enumeration [CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo]. |
ScreenCount |
This field indicated the number of screens present on the device. |
enum CiscoDeviceVideoCapabilityInfo { CiscoDeviceVideoCapability_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceVideoCapability_Enabled = 0x00000001, }; enum CiscoDeviceTelepresenceInfo { CiscoDeviceTelepresence_None = 0x00000000, CiscoDeviceTelepresence_Enabled = 0x00000001, };
Parameter |
Value |
TapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Caller party identifier name information, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiCallerPartyLocale |
The Unicode Caller party identifier name Locale information |
TapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiCallerPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Caller party identifier name information, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiCallerPartyLocale |
The Unicode Caller party identifier name Locale information |
TapiCalledPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiCalledPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Called party identifier name information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiCalledPartyLocale |
The Unicode Called party identifier name locale information |
TapiConnectedPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiConnectedPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Connected party identifier name information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiConnectedPartyLocale |
The Unicode Connected party identifier name locale information |
TapiRedirectionPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiRedirectionPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Redirection party identifier name information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiRedirectionPartyLocale |
The Unicode Redirection party identifier name locale information |
TapiRedirectingPartyUnicodeNameOffsetTapiRedirectingPartyUnicodeNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Unicode Redirecting party identifier name information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
TapiRedirectingPartyLocale |
The Unicode Redirecting party identifier name locale information |
SRTPKeyInfoStructureOffset |
Point to SRTPKeyInfoStructure |
SRTPKeyInfoStructureSize |
Total size of SRTP information |
SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementCount |
Number of SRTPKeyInfoStructure element |
SRTPKeyInfoStructureElementFixedSize |
Fixed size of SRTPKeyInfoStructure |
SecureMediaIndicator |
Indicates whether media is secure and whether application is authorized for key information |
MasterKeyOffsetMasterKeySize |
The offset and size of SRTP MasterKey information |
MasterSaltOffsetMasterSaltSize |
The offset and size of SRTP MasterSaltKey information |
AlgorithmID |
Specifies negotiated SRTP algorithm ID |
IsMKIPresent |
Indicates whether MKI is present |
KeyDerivationRate |
Provides the KeyDerivationRate |
DSCPValueForAudioCalls |
The DSCP value for Audio Calls |
CallerIDPartitionOffsetCallerIDPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Caller party identifier partition information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
CalledIDPartitionOffsetCalledIDPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Called party identifier partition information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
ConnectedIDPartitionOffsetConnecetedIDPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Connected party identifier partition information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
RedirectionIDPartitionOffsetRedirectionIDPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Redirection party identifier partition information, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
RedirectingIDPartitionOffsetRedirectingIDPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Redirecting party identifier partition information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
ExtendedCallReason |
Presents all the last feature-related CTI Call reason code to the application as an extension to the standard reason codes that TAPI supports. This provides the feature-specific information per call. As phones that are running SIP are supported through CTI, new features can get introduced for phones that are running on SIP during releases.
For Refer, the reason code specified is CtiCallReason_Refer. For Replaces, the reason code specified is CtiCallReason_Replaces. |
CallerIDURLOffsetCallerIDURLSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Caller party identifier URL information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
CalledIDURLOffsetCalledIDURLSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Called party identifier URL information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
ConnectedIDURLOffsetConnecetedIDURLSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Connected party identifier URL information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
RedirectionIDURLOffsetRedirectionIDURLSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Redirection party identifier URL information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
RedirectingIDURLOffsetRedirectingIDURLSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Redirecting party identifier URL information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure |
CallAttributeType |
Identifies whether the following information (DN.Partition.DeviceName) is for a regular call, a monitoring call, a monitored call, or a recording call |
PartyDNOffset, PartyDNSize, |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Monitoring/Monitored/Recorder party DN information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
PartyPartitionOffset PartyPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Monitoring/Monitored/Recorder party partition information and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
DeviceNameOffset DeviceNameSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field that contains the Monitoring/Monitored/Recorder party device name and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the LINECALLINFO data structure |
OverallCallSecurityStatus |
The security status of the call for two-party calls and conference calls |
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager caller ID for each call leg |
CallingPartyHuntPilotDNOffset CallingPartyHuntPilotDNSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot DN, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
CallingPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset CallingPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot Partition, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
CalledPartyHuntPilotDNOffset CalledPartyHuntPilotDNSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot DN, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
CalledPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset CalledPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot Partition, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
ConnectedPartyHuntPilotDNOffset ConnectedPartyHuntPilotDNSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot DN, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
ConnectedPartyHuntPilotPartitionOffset ConnectedPartyHuntPilotPartitionSize |
The size, in bytes, of the variably sized field containing the Hunt Pilot Partition, and the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of LINECALLINFO data structure. |
IsChaperoneCall |
This field specifies whether the call is a chaperone call or not. |
0x00000001 |
0x00000002 |
0x00000004 |
0x00000008 |
0x00000010 //M&R |
0x00000020 //M&R |
0x00000040 //SecureConf |
0x00000080 //CPN |
0x00000100 //CPN |
0x00000200//IPv6 new |
0x00000400 |
0x00000800 |
0x00001000 |
Cisco TSP implements several line device-specific extensions that require applications to use LINECALLPARAMS structure to pass relevant data in the lineMakeCall request.
With extention 0x00080001 feature priority is introduced for DoNotDisturb-Reject feature. Feature priority can be specified in DevSpecific part of LINECALLPARAMS (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) as
typedef struct LineParamas { DWORD FeaturePriority; } LINE_PRAMS;
Starting with extention 0x000D0000 Feature Priority data is included in Cisco_CallParamsDevSpecific structure that replaces LineParams structure. The Cisco_CallParamsDevSpecific structure is defined in CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file as follows:
typedef struct Cisco_CallParamsDevSpecific_tag { DWORD CallPriority; DWORD DevSpecificFlags; } Cisco_CallParamsDevSpecific;
The DevSpecificFlags field in that structure is used to identify a specific feature and can be set to one of the following:
Cisco_CALLPARAMS_DEVSPECIFICFLAGS_PRIORITYCALL indicates the feature priority call for DoNotDisturb-Reject feature. The CallPriority field in Cisco_CallParamsDevSpecific structure should be used to specify feature priority.
Cisco_CALLPARAMS_DEVSPECIFICFLAGS_PERSISTENTCALL indicates that Persistent Call is to be created. In this case, two other LINECALLPARAMS fields are used:
CallingPartyID (dwCallingPartyIDSize and dwCallingPartyIDOffset) is used to specify calling-party ID
DisplayabeAddress (dwDisplayableAddress Size and dwDisplayableAddress Offset) is used to specify calling-party ID name
Cisco_CALLPARAMS_DEVSPECIFICFLAGS_ANNOUNCEMENTCALL indicates that Announcement call is to be created. In that case CallData field in the LINECALLPARAMS structure is used to specify an announcement ID. Announcement ID (or media-contmt ID) is a string with a maximum length defined in CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h as MAX_CISCO_TSP_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID_SIZE.
Cisco TSP implements several line device-specific extensions and uses the DevSpecific (dwDevSpecificSize and dwDevSpecificOffset) variably sized area of the LINEDEVSTATUS data structure for those extensions. Cisco TSP defines the DevSpecific area layout in the Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext structure in the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file. The extension version in which the data was introduced provides basis for how the data in that structure is organized.
// LINEDEVSTATUS Dev Specific extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext { Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00060000 ext60; Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00070000 ext70; Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00080000 ext80; } CISCO_LINEDEVSTATUS_EXT; typedef struct Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00080000 { CISCOLINEDEVSTATUS_DONOTDISTURB doNotDisturbStatus; } CISCO_LINEDEVSTATUS_EXT00080000; typedef struct CiscoLineDevStatus_DoNotDisturb { DWORD m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbOption; DWORD m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbStatus; } CISCOLINEDEVSTATUS_DONOTDISTURB;
For a specific line device, the extension area will include a portion of this structure, starting from the beginning and up to the extension version that an application negotiated.
The individual extension version substructure definitions follow:
// LINEDEVSTATUS 00060000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00060000 { DWORD dwSupportedEncoding; } CISCO_LINEDEVSTATUS_EXT00060000; // LINEDEVSTATUS 00070000 extention // typedef struct Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00070000 { char lpszAlternateScript[MAX_ALTERNATE_SCRIPT_SIZE]; // An empty string means there is no alternate script configured // or the phone does not support alternate scripts } CISCO_LINEDEVSTATUS_EXT00070000; // LINEDEVSTATUS 00080000 extention // // Status extention 00080000 Data Structure// typedef struct Cisco_LineDevStatus_Ext00080000 { CISCOLINEDEVSTATUS_DONOTDISTURB doNotDisturbStatus; } CISCO_LINEDEVSTATUS_EXT00080000; typedef struct CiscoLineDevStatus_DoNotDisturb { DWORD m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbOption; DWORD m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbStatus; } CISCOLINEDEVSTATUS_DONOTDISTURB;
You can find additional information on the DevSpecific structure layout and data in the CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h header file.
The CiscoLineDevStatus_DoNotDisturb structure belongs to the LINEDEVSTATUS_DEV_SPECIFIC_DATA structure and gets used to reflect the current state of the Do Not Disturb feature.
- DWORD dwSupportEncoding
This parameter indicates the Support Encoding for the Unicode Party names that are being sent in device-specific extension of the LINECALLINFO structure.
The typical values could be
enum { UnknownEncoding = 0,// Unknown encoding NotApplicableEncoding = 1,// Encoding not applicable to this device AsciiEncoding = 2, // ASCII encoding Ucs2UnicodeEncoding = 3 // UCS-2 Unicode encoding }
Be aware that the dwSupportedEncoding extension is only available if extension version 0x00060000 or higher is negotiated.
- LPCSTR lpszAlternateScript
This parameter specifies the alternate script that the device supports. An empty string indicates the device does not support or is not configured with an alternate script.
The only supported script in this release is "Kanji" for the Japanese locale.
- m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbOption
This field contains DND option that is configured for the device and can comprise one of the following enum values:
enum CiscoDoNotDisturbOption { DoNotDisturbOption_NONE = 0, DoNotDisturbOption_RINGEROFF = 1, DoNotDisturbOption_REJECT = 2 }; m_LineDevStatus_DoNotDisturbStatus field contains current DND status on the device and can be one of the following enum values: enum CiscoDoNotDisturbStatus { DoNotDisturbStatus_UNKNOWN = 0, DoNotDisturbStatus_ENABLED = 1, DoNotDisturbStatus_DISABLED = 2 };
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 8.0 (0x00080000) or higher is negotiated. |
This section provides information on how to perform Cisco Unified TAPI specific functions with the CCiscoLineDevSpecific class, which represents the parent class to all the following classes. It comprises a virtual class and is provided here for informational purposes.
Header File
The file CiscoLineDevSpecific.h contains the constant, structure, and class definition for the Cisco line device-specific classes.
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCicsoLineDevSpecific(DWORD msgType); virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecific(); DWORD GetMsgType(void) const {return m_MsgType;} void* lpParams() {return &m_MsgType;} virtual DWORD dwSize() = 0; private: DWORD m_MsgType; };
- lpParms()
You can use function to obtain the pointer to the parameter block.
- dwSize()
Function will give the size of the parameter block area.
- m_MsgType
Specifies the type of message.
Each subclass of CCiscoLineDevSpecific includes a different value that is assigned to the parameter m_MsgType. If you are using C instead of C++, this represents the first parameter in the structure.
The CiscoLineDevSpecificType enumeration provides valid message identifiers.
enum CiscoLineDevSpecificType
SLDST_SWAP_HOLD_SETUP_TRANSFER, // Not Supported in CiscoTSP 3.4 and Beyond
Message Waiting
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting class turns the message waiting lamp on or off for the line that the hLine parameter specifies.
Note |
This extension does not require an extension version to be negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_MSG_WAITING){} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting() {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} DWORD m_BlinkRate; };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_BlinkRate
Any supported PHONELAMPMODE_constants that are specified in the phoneSetLamp() function.
Note |
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series supports only PHONELAMPMODE_OFF and PHONELAMPMODE_STEADY |
Message Waiting Dirn
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaitingDirn class turns the message waiting lamp on or off for the line that a parameter specifies and remains independent of the hLine parameter.
Note |
This extension does not require an extension version to be negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaitingDirn
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaitingDirn : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaitingDirn() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_MSG_WAITING_DIRN) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaitingDirn() {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} DWORD m_BlinkRate; char m_Dirn[25]; };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_BlinkRate
As in the CCiscoLineDevSpecificMsgWaiting message.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series supports only PHONELAMPMODE_OFF and PHONELAMPMODE_STEADY
- char m_Dirn[25]
The directory number for which the message waiting lamp should be set.
Message Summary
Use the CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary class to turn the message waiting lamp on or off as well as to provide voice and fax message counts for the line specified by the hLine parameter.
Note |
Be aware that this extension does not require an extension version to be negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_MSG_SUMMARY){} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary() {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} DWORD m_BlinkRate; MSG_SUMMARY m_MessageSummary; };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_BlinkRate
is any supported PHONELAMPMODE_constants specified in the phoneSetLamp() function.
- MSG_SUMMARY m_MessageSummary
A data structure with the following format:
typedef struct { DWORD m_voiceCounts; // indicates if new voice counts are // provided. True = counts will be displayed // on supported phones. DWORD m_totalNewVoiceMsgs; // specifies the total number of new // voice messages. This number includes all // the high and normal priority voice // messages that are new. DWORD m_totalOldVoiceMsgs; // specifies the total number of old // voice messages. This number includes all // high and normal priority voice messages // that are old. DWORD m_highPriorityVoiceCounts; // indicates if old voice // counts are provided. True = counts will be // displayed on supported phones. DWORD m_newHighPriorityVoiceMsgs; //specifies the number of new // high priority voice messages. DWORD m_oldHighPriorityVoiceMsgs; //specifies the number of old // high priority voice messages. DWORD m_faxCounts; // indicates if new fax counts are // provided. True = counts will be displayed // on supported phones. DWORD m_totalNewFaxMsgs; // specifies the total number of new // fax messages. This number includes all // the high and normal priority fax // messages that are new. DWORD m_totalOldFaxMsgs; // specifies the total number of old // fax messages. This number includes all // high and normal priority fax messages // that are old. DWORD m_highPriorityFaxCounts; // indicates if old fax counts // are provided. True = counts will be // displayed on supported phones. DWORD m_newHighPriorityFaxMsgs; // specifies the number of new // high priority fax messages. DWORD m_oldHighPriorityFaxMsgs; // specifies the number of old // high priority fax messages. } MSG_SUMMARY;
Message Summary Dirn
Use the CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn class to turn the message waiting lamp on or off and to provide voice and fax message counts for the line specified by a parameter and is independent of the hLine parameter.
Note |
Be aware that this extension does not require an extension version to be negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_MSG_SUMMARY_DIRN) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummaryDirn() {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} DWORD m_BlinkRate; char m_Dirn[25]; MSG_SUMMARY m_MessageSummary; };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_BlinkRate
is as in the CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetMsgSummary message.
char m_Dirn[25]
is the directory number for which the message waiting lamp should be set.
- MSG_SUMMARY m_MessageSummary
A data structure with the following format:
typedef struct { DWORD m_voiceCounts; // indicates if new voice counts are // provided. True = counts will be displayed // on supported phones. DWORD m_totalNewVoiceMsgs; // specifies the total number of new // voice messages. This number includes all // the high and normal priority voice // messages that are new. DWORD m_totalOldVoiceMsgs; // specifies the total number of old // voice messages. This number includes all // high and normal priority voice messages // that are old. DWORD m_highPriorityVoiceCounts; // indicates if old voice // counts are provided. True = counts will be // displayed on supported phones. DWORD m_newHighPriorityVoiceMsgs; //specifies the number of new // high priority voice messages. DWORD m_oldHighPriorityVoiceMsgs; //specifies the number of old // high priority voice messages. DWORD m_faxCounts; // indicates if new fax counts are // provided. True = counts will be displayed // on supported phones. DWORD m_totalNewFaxMsgs; // specifies the total number of new // fax messages. This number includes all // the high and normal priority fax // messages that are new. DWORD m_totalOldFaxMsgs; // specifies the total number of old // fax messages. This number includes all // high and normal priority fax messages // that are old. DWORD m_highPriorityFaxCounts; // indicates if old fax counts // are provided. True = counts will be // displayed on supported phones. DWORD m_newHighPriorityFaxMsgs; // specifies the number of new // high priority fax messages. DWORD m_oldHighPriorityFaxMsgs; // specifies the number of old // high priority fax messages. } MSG_SUMMARY;
Audio Stream Control
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream class controls the audio stream of a line. To use this class you must call the lineNegotiateExtVersion API before opening the line. When lineNegotiateExtVersion is called ensure the highest bit is set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters. This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually open, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. The CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream class provides the extra information that is required.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened (OR 0x80000000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters).
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Call lineDevSpecific with a CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream message in the lpParams parameter.
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_CRTL_OF_RTP_STREAM), m_ReceiveIP(-1), m_ReceivePort(-1), m_NumAffectedDevices(0) { memset(m_AffectedDeviceID, 0, sizeof(m_AffectedDeviceID)); } virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream() {} DWORD m_ReceiveIP; // UDP audio reception IP DWORD m_ReceivePort; // UDP audio reception port DWORD m_NumAffectedDevices; DWORD m_AffectedDeviceID[10]; DWORD m_MediaCapCount; MEDIA_CAPS m_MediaCaps; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_ReceiveIP:
The RTP audio reception IP address in network byte order
- DWORD m_ReceivePort:
The RTP audio reception port in network byte order
- DWORD m_NumAffectedDevices:
The TSP returns this value. It contains the number of deviceIDs in the m_AffectedDeviceID array that are valid. Any device with multiple directory numbers that are assigned to it will have multiple TAPI lines, one per directory number.
- DWORD m_AffectedDeviceID[10]:
The TSP returns this value. It contains the list of deviceIDs for any device that is affected by this call. Do not call lineDevSpecific for any other device in this list.
- DWORD m_mediaCapCount
The number of codecs that are supported for this line.
- MEDIA_CAPS m_MediaCaps -
A data structure with the following format:
typedef struct { DWORD MediaPayload; DWORD MaxFramesPerPacket; DWORD G723BitRate; } MEDIA_CAPS[MAX_MEDIA_CAPS_PER_DEVICE];
This data structure defines each codec that is supported on a line. The limit specifies 18. The following description shows each member in the MEDIA_CAPS data structure:
MediaPayload specifies an enumerated integer that contains one of the following values:
enum { Media_Payload_G711Alaw64k = 2, Media_Payload_G711Alaw56k = 3, // "restricted" Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k = 4, Media_Payload_G711Ulaw56k = 5, // "restricted" Media_Payload_G722_64k = 6, Media_Payload_G722_56k = 7, Media_Payload_G722_48k = 8, Media_Payload_G7231 = 9, Media_Payload_G728 = 10, Media_Payload_G729 = 11, Media_Payload_G729AnnexA = 12, Media_Payload_G729AnnexB = 15, Media_Payload_G729AnnexAwAnnexB = 16, Media_Payload_GSM_Full_Rate = 18, Media_Payload_GSM_Half_Rate = 19, Media_Payload_GSM_Enhanced_Full_Rate = 20, Media_Payload_Wide_Band_256k = 25, Media_Payload_Data64 = 32, Media_Payload_Data56 = 33, Media_Payload_GSM = 80, Media_Payload_G726_32K = 82, Media_Payload_G726_24K = 83, Media_Payload_G726_16K = 84, // Media_Payload_G729_B = 85, // Media_Payload_G729_B_LOW_COMPLEXITY = 86, } Media_PayloadType;
Read MaxFramesPerPacket as MaxPacketSize. It specifies a 16-bit integer that indicates the maximum desired RTP packet size in milliseconds. Typically, this value gets set to 20.
G723BitRate specifies a 6-byte field that contains either the G.723.1 information bit rate, or it gets ignored. The following list provides values for the G.723.1 field values:
enum { Media_G723BRate_5_3 = 1, //5.3Kbps Media_G723BRate_6_4 = 2 //6.4Kbps } Media_G723BitRate;
Set Status Messages
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs
Use the CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs class to turn on or off the status messages for the line that the hLine parameter specifies. The Cisco Unified TSP supports the following flags:
DEVSPECIFIC_MEDIA_STREAM—Setting this flag on a line turns on the reporting of media streaming messages for that line. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of media streaming messages for that line.
DEVSPECIFIC_CALL_TONE_CHANGED—Setting this flag on a line turns on the reporting of call tone changed events for that line. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of call tone changed events for that line.
DEVSPECIFIC_SILENT_MONITORING_TERMINATED—Setting this flag on a line turns on the reporting of Monitoring Session Terminated Event messages for that line. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of Monitoring Session Terminated Event Messages for that line.
DEVSPECIFIC_GET_IP_PORT—Setting this flag on a line turns on the reporting of Get IP and Port Notification Event messages for that line. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of Get IP and Port Notification Event Messages for that line.
DEVSPECIFIC_HOLD_REVERSION—Setting this flag on a line causes the application to receive a LINE_DEVSPECIFIC(dwParam1 = SLDSMT_HOLD_REVERSION) when a hold reversion happens on a held call. Clearing this flag on a line turns off the reporting of the LINE_DEVSPECIFIC(dwParam1 = SLDSMT_HOLD_REVERSION) event.
DEVSPECIFIC_IDLE_TRANSFER_REASON—Setting this flag on a line causes the reason to be reported as LINECALLREASON_TRANSFER when calls go to the LINECALLSTATE_IDLE state after a transfer is completed at the transfer controller. Clearing this flag on a line causes the reason to be reported as LINECALLREASON_DIRECT when calls go to the LINECALLSTATE_IDLE state after a transfer is completed at the transfer controller.
DEVSPECIFIC_SPEEDDIAL_CHANGED—Setting this flag on a line causes a LINE_DEVSPECIFIC(dwParam1 = SLDSMT_LINE_PROPERTY_CHANGED, dwParam2 = LPCT_INTERCOM_LINE, and dwParam3 = CiscoIntercomLineChangeResult) to be fired to the application when there is a change in the database or the application overwrites the speed dial setting. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of the LINE_DEVSPECIFIC(dwParam1 = SLDSMT_LINE_PROPERTY_CHANGED, dwParam2 = LPCT_INTERCOM_LINE, and dwParam3 = CiscoIntercomLineChangeResult) event.
DEVSPECIFIC_DONOTDISTURB_CHANGED—Setting this flag on a line causes a LINE_DEVSPECIFICFEATURE(dwParam1 = PHONEBUTTONFUNCTION_DONOTDISTURB, dwParam2 = typeOfChange, and dwParam3 = currentValue) to be fired to the application when there is a change in the DND configuration or status. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of the LINE_DEVSPECIFICFEATURE(dwParam1 = PHONEBUTTONFUNCTION_DONOTDISTURB, dwParam2 = typeOfChange, and dwParam3 = currentValue) event.
DEVSPECIFIC_DISPLAYABLE_ADDRESS—Setting this flag on a line causes the DisplayableAddress field in LINECALLINFO to be filled with the latest called partyDN/ASCCI name/Unicode name/Partition (separated by ":"). Clearing this flag causes the DisplayableAddress field in LINECALLINFO to be empty.
DEVSPECIFIC_DEVICE_STATE—Setting this flag gets the accumulative state of all the lines on the device and with the state being fired to the application using the LINE_DEVSPECIFIC(dwParam1 = SLDSMT_DEVICE_STATE, dwParam2 = State) events. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of the accumulative state of all the lines on the device.
The DEVSPECIFIC_DEVICE_STATE state is defined as:
enum lineDeviceState{ lineDeviceState_UNKNOWN = 0, lineDeviceState_ACTIVE = 1, lineDeviceState_ALERTING = 2, lineDeviceState_HELD = 3, lineDeviceState_WHISPER = 4, lineDeviceState_IDLE = 5 };
DEVSPECIFIC_PARK_MONITORING—Setting this flag on a line causes the Park Monitoring events to be fired to the application. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of the Park Monitoring events. For more information, see Park Monitoring.
DEVSPECIFIC_OTHER_DEVICE_STATE_NOTIFY—Setting this flag on a line notifies the application about the non-opened device state changes. Clearing this flag turns off the reporting of the other non-opened device state changes. For more information, see Other-Device State Notification.
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00020001 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_SET_STATUS_MESSAGES) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetStatusMsgs() {} DWORD m_DevSpecificStatusMsgsFlag; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_DevSpecificStatusMsgsFlag
Identifies which status changes cause a LINE_DEVSPECIFIC message to be sent to the application.
The supported values follow:
Note |
Cisco Unified TSP 4.0 and later do not support this. |
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer class gets used to perform a SetupTransfer between a call that is in CONNECTED state and a call that is in the ONHOLD state. This function changes the state of the connected call to ONHOLDPENDTRANSFER state and the ONHOLD call to CONNECTED state. This allows a CompleteTransfer to be performed on the two calls. In Cisco Unified TSP 4.0 and later, the TSP allows applications to use lineCompleteTransfer() to transfer the calls without having to use the CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer function. Therefore, this function returns LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL in Cisco Unified TSP 4.0 and beyond.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00020002 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_SWAP_HOLD_SETUP_TRANSFER) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificSwapHoldSetupTransfer() {} DWORD heldCallID; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD heldCallID
Equals the callid of the held call that is returned in dwCallID of LPLINECALLINFO.
- HCALL hCall (in lineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the connected call.
Redirect Reset Original Called ID
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled class redirects a call to another party while it resets the original called ID of the call to the destination of the redirect.
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00020003 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled: CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_REDIRECT_RESET_ORIG_CALLED) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectResetOrigCalled{} char m_DestDirn[25]; //redirect destination address virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_DestDirn
Equals the destination address where the call needs to be redirected.
- HCALL hCall (In lineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the connected call.
Port Registration per Call
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall class registers the CTI Port for the RTP parameters on a per-call basis. With this request, the application receives the new lineDevSpecific event that requests that it needs to set the RTP parameters for the call.
To use this class, ensure the lineNegotiateExtVersion API is called before opening the line. When calling lineNegotiateExtVersion, ensure the highest bit is set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters.
This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually open, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. The extra information required is provided in the CciscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall class.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened (or 0x80000000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters)
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Call lineDevSpecific with a CciscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall message in the lpParams parameter.
Note |
This extension is only available if the extension version 0x00040000 or higher gets negotiated. |
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_RECEIVE_RTP_INFO), m_RecieveIP(-1), m_RecievePort(-1), m_NumAffectedDevices(0) { memset((char*)m_AffectedDeviceID, 0, sizeof(m_AffectedDeviceID)); } virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall () {} DWORD m_NumAffectedDevices; DWORD m_AffectedDeviceID[10]; DWORD m_MediaCapCount; MEDIA_CAPSm_MediaCaps; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_NumAffectedDevices:
TSP returns this value. It contains the number of deviceIDs in the m_AffectedDeviceID array that are valid. Any device with multiple directory numbers that are assigned to it will have multiple TAPI lines, one per directory number.
- DWORD m_AffectedDeviceID[10]:
TSP returns this value. It contains the list of deviceIDs for any device that is affected by this call. Do not call lineDevSpecific for any other device in this list.
- DWORD m_mediaCapCount
The number of codecs that are supported for this line.
- MEDIA_CAPS m_MediaCaps -
A data structure with the following format:
typedef struct { DWORD MediaPayload; DWORD MaxFramesPerPacket; DWORD G723BitRate; } MEDIA_CAPS[MAX_MEDIA_CAPS_PER_DEVICE];
This data structure defines each codec that is supported on a line. The limit specifies 18. The following description applies for each member in the MEDIA_CAPS data structure:
MediaPayload is an enumerated integer that contains one of the following values.
enum{ Media_Payload_G711Alaw64k = 2, Media_Payload_G711Alaw56k = 3, // "restricted" Media_Payload_G711Ulaw64k = 4, Media_Payload_G711Ulaw56k = 5, // "restricted" Media_Payload_G722_64k = 6, Media_Payload_G722_56k = 7, Media_Payload_G722_48k = 8, Media_Payload_G7231 = 9, Media_Payload_G728 = 10, Media_Payload_G729 = 11, Media_Payload_G729AnnexA = 12, Media_Payload_G729AnnexB = 15, Media_Payload_G729AnnexAwAnnexB = 16, Media_Payload_GSM_Full_Rate = 18, Media_Payload_GSM_Half_Rate = 19, Media_Payload_GSM_Enhanced_Full_Rate = 20, Media_Payload_Wide_Band_256k = 25, Media_Payload_Data64 = 32, Media_Payload_Data56 = 33, Media_Payload_GSM = 80, Media_Payload_G726_32K = 82, Media_Payload_G726_24K = 83, Media_Payload_G726_16K = 84, // Media_Payload_G729_B = 85, // Media_Payload_G729_B_LOW_COMPLEXITY = 86, } Media_PayloadType;
MaxFramesPerPacket should read as MaxPacketSize and comprises a 16 bit integer that is specified in milliseconds. It indicates the RTP packet size. Typically, this value gets set to 20.
G723BitRate comprises a six byte field that contains either the G.723.1 information bit rate, or gets ignored. The values for the G.723.1 field comprises values that are enumerated as follows.
enum { Media_G723BRate_5_3 = 1, //5.3Kbps Media_G723BRate_6_4 = 2 //6.4Kbps } Media_G723BitRate;
Setting RTP Parameters for Call
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall class sets the RTP parameters for a specific call.
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00040000 or higher gets negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall
Class Details
class CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_SET_RTP_INFO) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCall () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer DWORD m_RecieveIP; // UDP audio reception IP DWORD m_RecievePort; // UDP audio reception port };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_ReceiveIP
This specifies the RTP audio reception IP address in the network byte order to set for the call.
- DWORD m_ReceivePort
This specifies the RTP audio reception port in the network byte order to set for the call.
Redirect Set Original Called ID
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled class redirects a call to another party while it sets the original called ID of the call to any other party.
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00040000 or higher gets negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_REDIRECT_SET_ORIG_CALLED) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectSetOrigCalled () {} char m_DestDirn[25]; char m_SetOriginalCalledTo[25]; // subtract virtual function table pointer virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return (sizeof (*this) -4) ; }
- DWORD m_MsgType
- char m_DestDirn[25]
Indicates the destination of the redirect. If this request is being used to transfer to voice mail, set this field to the voice mail pilot number of the DN of the line for the voice mail, to which you want to transfer.
- char m_SetOriginalCalledTo[25]
Indicates the DN to which the OriginalCalledParty needs to be set. If this request is being used to transfer to voice mail, set this field to the DN of the line for the voice mail, to which you want to transfer.
- HCALL hCall (in lineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the connected call.
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificJoin class joins two or more calls into one conference call. Each call that is being joined can be in the ONHOLD or the CONNECTED call state.
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager may succeed in joining some calls that are specified in the Join request, but not all. In this case, the Join request will succeed and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempts to join as many calls as possible.
Note |
This extension only applies if extension version 0x00040000 or higher gets negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificJoin
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificJoin : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificJoin () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_JOIN) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificJoin () {} DWORD m_CallIDsToJoinCount; CALLIDS_TO_JOIN m_CallIDsToJoin; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_CallIDsToJoinCount
The number of callIDs that are contained in the m_CallIDsToJoin parameter.
A data structure that contains an array of dwCallIDs to join with the following format:
typedef struct { DWORD CallID; // dwCallID to Join } CALLIDS_TO_JOIN[MAX_CALLIDS_TO_JOIN];
where MAX_CALLIDS_TO_JOIN is defined as:
- HCALL hCall (in LineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the call that is being joined with callIDsToJoin to create the conference.
Set User SRTP Algorithm IDs
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID class gets used to allow applications to set SRTP algorithm IDs. To use this class, ensure the lineNegotiateExtVersion API is called before opening the line. When calling lineNegotiateExtVersion, ensure the highest bit or second highest bit is set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters. This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually opens, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. Provide the extra information that is required in the CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID class.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x80070000, 0x4007000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened. (0x80070000 or 0x4007000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters)
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Call lineDevSpecific with a CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID message in the lpParams parameter to specify SRTP algorithm IDs.
Call lineDevSpecific with either CciscoLineDevSpecificPortRegistrationPerCall or CCiscoLineDevSpecificUserControlRTPStream message in the lpParams parameter.
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_SET_SRTP_ALGORITHM_ID), m_SRTPAlgorithmCount(0), m_SRTP_Fixed_Element_Size(4) { } virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID () {} DWORD m_SRTPAlgorithmCount; //Maximum is MAX_CISCO_SRTP_ALGORITHM_IDS DWORD m_SRTP_Fixed_Element_Size;//Should be size of DWORD, it should be always 4. DWORD m_SRTPAlgorithm_Offset; //offset from beginning of the message buffer virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
Supported Algorithm Constants
enum CiscoSRTPAlgorithmIDs{ SRTP_NO_ENCRYPTION = 0, SRTP_AES_128_COUNTER = 1 };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_SRTPAlgorithmCount
This numbers of algorithm IDs that are specified in this message.
- DWORD m_SRTP_Fixed_Element_Size
Should be size of DWORD, it should be always 4.
- DWORD m_SRTPAlgorithm_Offset
Offset from the beginning of the message buffer. This is offset where you start put algorithm ID array.
Note |
Be aware that the dwSize should be recalculated based on size of the structure, m_SRTPAlgorithmCount and m_SRTP_Fixed_Element_Size. |
Explicit Acquire
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificAcquire class gets used to explicitly acquire any CTI controllable device.
If a Superprovider application needs to open any CTI Controllable device on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system, the application should explicitly acquire that device by using the above interface. After successful response, it can open the device as usual.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00070000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificAcquire
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificAcquire : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificAcquire () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_ACQUIRE) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificAcquire () {} char m_DeviceName[16]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- m_DeviceName[16]
The DeviceName that needs to be explicitly acquired.
Explicit De-Acquire
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire class is used to explicitly de-acquire the explicitly acquired device.
If a Superprovider application has explicitly acquired any CTI Controllable device on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system, then the application should explicitly De-acquire that device by using the above interface.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00070000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire
Class Details
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_ACQUIRE) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificDeacquire () {} char m_DeviceName[16]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- char m_DeviceName[16]
The DeviceName that needs to be explicitly de-acquired.
Redirect FAC CMC
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC class is used to redirect a call to another party that requires a FAC, CMC, or both.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00050000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC
If the FAC is invalid, the TSP will return a new device-specific error code LINEERR_INVALIDFAC. If the CMC is invalid, the TSP will return a new device-specific error code LINEERR_INVALIDCMC.
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_REDIRECT_FAC_CMC) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificRedirectFACCMC () {} char m_DestDirn[49]; char m_FAC[17]; char m_CMC[17]; // subtract virtual function table pointer virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return (sizeof (*this) -4) ; }
- DWORD m_MsgType
- char m_DestDirn[49]
Indicates the destination of the redirect.
- char m_FAC[17]
Indicates the FAC digits. If the application does not want to pass any FAC digits, it must set this parameter to a NULL string.
- char m_CMC[17]
Indicates the CMC digits. If the application does not want to pass any CMC digits, it must set this parameter to a NULL string.
- HCALL hCall (in lineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the call to be redirected.
Blind Transfer FAC CMC
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC class is used to blind transfer a call to another party that requires a FAC, CMC, or both. If the FAC is invalid, the TSP will return a new device specific error code LINEERR_INVALIDFAC. If the CMC is invalid, the TSP will return a new device specific error code LINEERR_INVALIDCMC.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00050000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_BLIND_TRANSFER_FAC_CMC) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificBlindTransferFACCMC () {} char m_DestDirn[49]; char m_FAC[17]; char m_CMC[17]; // subtract virtual function table pointer virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return (sizeof (*this) -4) ; }
- DWORD m_MsgType
- char m_DestDirn[49]
Indicates the destination of the blind transfer.
- char m_FAC[17]
Indicates the FAC digits. If the application does not want to pass any FAC digits, it must set this parameter to a NULL string.
- char m_CMC[17]
Indicates the CMC digits. If the application does not want to pass any CMC digits, it must set this parameter to a NULL string.
- HCALL hCall (in lineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the call that is to be blind transferred.
CTI Port Third Party Monitor
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor class is used for opening CTI ports in third-party mode.
To use this class, ensure the lineNegotiateExtVersion API is called before opening the line. When calling lineNegotiateExtVersion, ensure the highest bit is set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters. This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually open, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. Provide the extra information that is required in the CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor class.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened. (OR 0x80000000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters)
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Call lineDevSpecific with a CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor message in the lpParams parameter.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00050000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_CTI_PORT_THIRD_PARTY_MONITOR) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificCTIPortThirdPartyMonitor () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
Send Line Open
The CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen class is used for general delayed open purpose. To use this class, ensure the lineNegotiateExtVersion API is called before opening the line. When calling lineNegotiateExtVersion, ensure the second highest bit is set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters. This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually open, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. The extra information required is provided in the CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID class.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened. (0x40070000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters).
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Call other lineDevSpecific, like CciscoLineDevSpecificUserSetSRTPAlgorithmID message in the lpParams parameter to specify SRTP algorithm IDs.
Call lineDevSpecific with either CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen to trigger the lineopen from TSP side.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x40070000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_SEND_LINE_OPEN) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificSendLineOpen () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
Set Intercom SpeedDial
Use the CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial class to allow application to set or reset SpeedDial/Label on an intercom line.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00080000 or higher is negotiated |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial
Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened (0x00080000 or higher).
Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line that is to be opened.
Wait for line in service.
Call CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial to set or reset speed dial setting on the intercom line.
Class Detail
class CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_LINE_SET_INTERCOM_SPEEDDIAL) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineSetIntercomSpeeddial () {} DWORD SetOption; //0 = clear app value, 1 = set App Value char Intercom_DN[MAX_DIRN]; char Intercom_Ascii_Label[MAX_DIRN]; wchar_t Intercom_Unicode_Label[MAX_DIRN]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD SetOption
Use this parameter to indicate whether the application wants to set a new intercom speed dial value or clear the previous value. 0 = clear, 1 = set.
- Char Intercom_DN [MAX_DIRN]
A DN array that indicates the intercom target
- Char Intercom_Ascii_Label[MAX_DIRN]
Indicates the ASCII value of the intercom line label
- Wchar_tIntercom_Unicode_Label[MAX_DIRN]
Indicates the Unicode value of the intercom line label
MAX_DIRN is defined as 25.
Intercom Talk Back
Use the CciscoLineIntercomTalkback class to allow the application to initiate talk back on an incoming intercom call on an intercom line.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00080000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineIntercomTalkback
Class Detail
class CciscoLineIntercomTalkback: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCciscoLineIntercomTalkback () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_INTERCOM_TALKBACK) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineIntercomTalkback () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
Redirect with Feature Priority
CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority enables an application to redirect calls with specified feature priorities. The following is the structure of CciscoLineDevSpecific:
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if the extension version 0x00080001 or higher is negotiated. |
class CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_REDIRECT_WITH_FEATURE_PRIORITY) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineRedirectWithFeaturePriority () {} CiscoDoNotDisturbFeaturePriority FeaturePriority; char m_DestDirn[25]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- enum CiscoDoNotDisturbFeaturePriority {CallPriority_NORMAL = 1, CallPriority_URGENT = 2, CallPriority_EMERGENCY = 3};
This identifies the priorities.
- char m_DestDirn[25];
This is redirect destination.
Start Call Monitoring
Use CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring to allow application to send a start monitoring request for the active call on a line.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00080000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_START_CALL_MONITORING) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallMonitoring () {} DWORD m_PermanentLineID ; DWORD m_MonitorMode; DWORD m_ToneDirection; // subtract out the virtual function table pointer virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} } ;
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_PermanentLineID
The permanent lineID of the line whose active call has to be monitored.
- DWORD MonitorMode
This can have the following enum value:
enum { MonitorMode_None = 0, MonitorMode_Silent = 1, MonitorMode_Whisper = 2, // Not used MonitorMode_Active = 3 // Not used } MonitorMode;
Silent Monitoring mode represents the only mode that is supported in which the supervisor cannot talk to the agent.
- DWORD PlayToneDirection
This parameter specifies whether a tone should play at the agent or customer phone when monitoring starts. It can have following enum values:
enum { PlayToneDirection_LocalOnly = 0, PlayToneDirection_RemoteOnly, PlayToneDirection_BothLocalAndRemote, PlayToneDirection_NoLocalOrRemote } PlayToneDirection
Return Values
Start Call Recording
Use CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording to allow applications to send a recording request for the active call on that line.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00080000 or higher is negotiated |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_START_CALL_RECORDING) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording () {} DWORD m_ToneDirection; DWORD m_InvocationType; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const { // subtract out the virtual function table pointer return sizeof(*this)-sizeof(void*); } };
DWORD m_MsgType
DWORD m_ToneDirection
This parameter specifies whether a tone should play at the agent or customer phone when recording starts. It can have the following values:
enum { PlayToneDirection_NoLocalOrRemote = 0, PlayToneDirection_LocalOnly, PlayToneDirection_RemoteOnly, PlayToneDirection_BothLocalAndRemote, PlayToneDirection_NotApplicable } PlayToneDirection
DWORD m_InvocationType
This parameter specifies whether the recording status is displayed on the phone (user-controlled recording) or not displayed (silent recording).
enum RecordingInvocationType { RecordingInvocationType_SilentRecording = 1, RecordingInvocationType_UserControlledRecording = 2 }
Return Values
StopCall Recording
Use CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording to allow application to stop recording a call on that line.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is only available if extension version 0x00080000 or higher is negotiated. |
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_STOP_CALL_RECORDING) {} virtual ~CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording () {} DWORD m_InvocationType; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const { // subtract out the virtual function table pointer return sizeof(*this)-sizeof(void*); } } ;
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_InvocationType
This parameter specifies whether the recording status is displayed on the phone (user-controlled recording) or not displayed (silent recording).
enum RecordingInvocationType { RecordingInvocationType_SilentRecording = 1, RecordingInvocationType_UserControlledRecording = 2 }
Return Values
Set IPv6 Address and Mode
Use the CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode class to allow the application to set IPv6 address and addressing mode during the static registration. To use this class, ensure the lineNegotiateExtVersion API must be called before opening the line. When calling lineNegotiateExtVersion, ensure the highest bit or the second highest must be set on both the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters. This causes the call to lineOpen to behave differently. The line does not actually open, but waits for a lineDevSpecific call to complete the open with more information. The extra information required is provided in the CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode class.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific| +--CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode
Note |
This extension is available only if extension version 0x80090000, 0x40090000 or higher is negotiated. |
Open Call lineNegotiateExtVersion for the deviceID of the line (0x80090000 or 0x40090000 with the dwExtLowVersion and dwExtHighVersion parameters)
Open Call lineOpen for the deviceID of the line.
Call lineDevSpecific with a CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode message in the lpParams parameter to specify IPv6 address and the IP Addressing mode as IPv6.
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_SET_IPv6_ADDRESS_AND_MODE), m_ReceivePort(-1), m_IPAddressMode( (IpAddressingMode) 1) { } virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificSetIPv6AddressAndMode() { } char m_ReceiveIPv6Address[16]; DWORD m_ReceivePort; IpAddressingMode m_IPAddressMode; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const { return sizeof(*this) -4; } // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORDm_MsgType
- Charm_ReceiveIPv6Address[16]
User has to specify the IPv6 address to register the CTI Port with
- DWORDm_ReceivePort
This specifies the port number for the user to register the CTI Port.
- Intm_IPAddressMode
This specifies the Addressing mode with which user wants the CTI Port/RP registered.
Set RTP Parameters for IPv6 Calls
Use CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCallIPv6 class to set the RTP parameters for calls for which you must specify IPv6 address.
Note |
Be aware that this extension is available only if extension version 0x00090000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCallIPv6: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCallIPv6 () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_USER_SET_RTP_INFO_IPv6) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificSetRTPParamsForCallIPv6 () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer char m_RecieveIPv6[16]; // UDP audio reception IPv6 DWORD m_RecievePort // UDP audio reception port };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_ReceiveIPv6
This is the RTP audio reception IPv6 address to set for the call
- DWORD m_RecievePort
This is the RTP audio reception port to set for the call.
Direct Transfer
Use the CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer to transfer calls across lines or on the same line.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer
Note |
Be aware that this extension is available only if extension version 0x00090001 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_DIRECT_TRANSFER) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificDirectTransfer () {} DWORD m_CallIDsToTransfer; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_CallIDsToTransfer
Consult dwCallID to be transferred
- HCALL hCall (in LineDevSpecific parameter list)
Equals the handle of the call that is being transferred.
The CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification class is used to register the call Pickup Group for notification on calls for Pickup.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification
Note |
This extension is available only if extension version 0x000A0000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification (): CCiscoLineDevSpecific (SLDST_CALLPICKUP_GROUP_REGISTER) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification () {} char callPickupGroupDN[MAX_DIRN]; char callPickupGroupPartition[MAX_PARTITION]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- Char CallPickupGroupDN []
-DN of the pickup Group
- Char CallPickupGroupPartition []
-Partition of the PickupGroup
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification class is used to unregister the call Pickup Group for notification on calls for Pickup.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification
Note |
This extension is available only if extension version 0x000A0000 or higher is negotiated |
Class Details
class CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ Public: CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification () : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_CALLPICKUP_GROUP_UNREGISTER) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificUnRegisterCallPickupGroupForNotification () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
The CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest class is used to Pickup the call from the PickGroup.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific +--CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest
Note |
This extension is available only if extension version 0x000A0000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Details
class CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest (): CCiscoLineDevSpecific (SLDST_CALLPICKUP_CALL) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificCallPickupRequest () {} DWORD PickupType; char PickupGroupDN[MAX_DIRN]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- Char PickupGroupDN []
-DN of the pickup Group/DN;will be required for GroupCallPickUp and DirectedCallPickUp
- DWORD PickupType
-indicates the type of pickup (CtiCallPickUp, CtiGroupCallPickUp, , CtiOtherPickup, DirectedCallPickup)
enum CallPickupType{ CallPickup_Simple = 0, CallPickup_Group = 1, CallPickup_Other = 2, CallPickup_Direct = 3 };
Start Send Media to BIB
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest class allows the application to initiate agent greeting to the customer call.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x000B0000 or higher is negotiated. |
TAPI line handle and TAPI call handle are required for this request.
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest (): CCiscoLineDevSpecific (SLDST_START_SEND_MEDIA_TO_BIB) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartSendMediaToBIBRequest () {} char m_IVRDN [49]; char m_CGPNTOIVR [49]; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer
- DWORD m_MsgType
- char m_IVRDN [49]
IVR port DN where Agent Greeting will be played from
- char m_CGPNTOIVR [49]
The CallingPartyDN passed to IVR. The application can use this field to pass DN as CallingPartyDN for the agent greeting call.
Stop Send Media to BIB
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest class allows the application to stop the agent greeting that is playing on the agent-to-customer call.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x000B0000 or higher is negotiated. |
TAPI line handle and TAPI call handle are required for this request.
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest (): CCiscoLineDevSpecific (SLDST_STOP_SEND_MEDIA_TO_BIB) {} virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificStopSendMediaToBIBRequest () {} virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
Agent Zip Tone
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport
The CCiscoLineDevSpecificPlaytone class is used to play the tone (Zip Tone) to the direction specified in the request.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x000B0000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CCiscoLineDevSpecificPlaytone: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific //AgentZiptone { public: CCiscoLineDevSpecificPlaytone() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_PLAY_TONE) { } virtual ~ CCiscoLineDevSpecificPlaytone() { } DWORD m_Tone; DWORD m_ToneDirection; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const { return sizeof(*this) -4; } // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_Tone -Indicates the Tone type
equals CTONE_ZIP
- DWORD m_ToneDirection -Indicates the direction of the tone to be played;
equals Tonedirection (Local/Remote)
Early Offer
Enable Feature
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport
The CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport class allows application to enhance or update feature support.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x000B0000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific{ public: CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport() : CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_ENABLE_FEATURE_SUPPORT) { } virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport() { } DWORD m_Feature; DWORD m_Feature_Capability; //Should have Value supported for Feature specified in m_Feature virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const { return sizeof(*this) -4; } // subtract out the virtual function table pointer
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_Feature
Feature value for which the capability needs to be changed and should have a value from the following Enum:
enum TspFeatureSupport { Feature_unknown = 0, Feature_EarlyOffer = 1 };
- DWORD m_Feature_Capability
The Capability information that needs to be changed/updated for the feature. This information changes depending on the feature.
Early Offer (Get Port) Support:
m_Feature should be Feature_EarlyOffer(1) and
m_Feature_Capability should have a value from following Enum:
enum TspFeatureOption{ Feature_Disable = 0, Feature_Enable = 1 };
Sample Code:
Here is a sample code that illustrates how applications must use this devspecific type, and fill the Class Object to enable/disable the Early Offer feature support.
void main(){ … … … …. CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport featureObject; featureObject.m_MsgType = SLDST_ENABLE_FEATURE_SUPPORT; featureObject.m_Feature = Feature_EarlyOffer(1); featureObject. m_Feature_Capability = Feature_Enable(1)/ Feature_Disable(0); int result = TSPI_lineDevSpecific(dwRequestID,hdLine, dwAddressID, NULL, &featureObject, sizeof(CciscoLineDevSpecificEnableFeatureSupport)); … … … …. … … … …. } New CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_EMLogin and CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_EMLogout values in the CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason enumeration type in CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h: enum CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason { CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_Unknown = 0x00000000, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_CallManagerFailure = 0x00000001, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_ReHomeToHigherPriorityCM = 0x00000002, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_NoCallManagerAvailable = 0x00000003, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_DeviceFailure = 0x00000004, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_DeviceUnregistered = 0x00000005, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_EnergyWisePowerSavePlus = 0x00000006, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_EMLogin = 0x00000007, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_EMLogout = 0x00000008, CiscoLineDevStateOutOfServiceReason_CtiLinkFailure = 0x00000101 }; New CiscoLineDevStateCloseReason enumeration type in CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h: enum CiscoLineDevStateCloseReason { CiscoLineDevStateCloseReason_Unknown = 0, CiscoLineDevStateCloseReason_EMLogin = 1, CiscoLineDevStateCloseReason_EMLogout = 2 }; New CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason enumeration type in CiscoLineDevSpecificMsg.h: enum CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason { CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason_Unknown = 0, CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason_OtherLineInactive = 1, CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason_OtherLineActive = 2, CiscoLineDevStateOtherReason_OtherLineCapsChange = 3 }; New LINEERR_DEVICE_INACTIVE error is returned if an operation is invoked on a line device in “inactive” state.
CCiscoLineDevSpecific | +--CciscoLineDevSpecificMonitoringUpdateMode
The CciscoLineDevSpecificMonitoringUpdateMode class allows the application to toggle between the silent monitoring and whisper coaching modes, and vice versa.
Note |
This extension is only available if extension version 0x000B0000 or higher is negotiated. |
Class Detail
class CciscoLineDevSpecificMonitoringUpdateMode : public CCiscoLineDevSpecific { public: CciscoLineDevSpecificMonitoringUpdateMode (): CCiscoLineDevSpecific (SLDST_UPDATE_MONITOR_MODE) {} virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificMonitoringUpdateMode () {} DWORD m_MonitorMode; DWORD m_ActiveToneDirection; virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this)-4;} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer };
- DWORD m_MsgType
- DWORD m_MonitorMode
Monitoring mode to toggle to
- DWORD m_ActiveToneDirection
Direction of the tone to be played
Add Remote Destination
+-- CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination
The CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination class is used to add new Remote Destination to CTI Remote Device.
Note |
This extension is only available on CTI Remote Device Line and if extension version 0x000C0000 or higher is negotiated. |
class CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific
CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination() :
virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificAddRemoteDestination()
char m_RDNumber [MAX_CTI_LINE_DIR_SIZE];
DWORD m_ActiveRD;
virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const
returnsizeof(*this) - sizeof(void*);
} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer
DWORD m_MsgType
Remote Destination Number [*Mandatory Field]
unicode Remote Destination Name
DWORD m_activeRD
0 – if this Remote Destination is not Active
1 or greater – when this Remote Destination need to be set as Active Remote Destination
Remove Remote Destination
+-- CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination
The CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination class is used to remove Remote Destination from List of Remote Destinations of CTI Remote Device.
Note |
This extension is only available on CTI Remote Device Line and if extension version 0x000C0000 or higher is negotiated. |
class CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific
CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination() :
virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificRemoveRemoteDestination()
char m_RDNumber [MAX_CTI_LINE_DIR_SIZE];
virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const
returnsizeof(*this) - sizeof(void*);
} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer
DWORD m_MsgType
Remote Destination Number [*Mandatory Field]
Note |
Remote Destination can be removed using Remote Destination Number which is used a unique key for Remote Destinations on a CTI Remote Device. |
Update Remote Destination
+-- CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination
The CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination class is used to update Remote Destination information on a CTI Remote Device.
Note |
This extension is only available on CTI Remote Device Line and if extension version 0x000C0000 or higher is negotiated. |
class CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific
CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination() :
virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificUpdateRemoteDestination()
char m_RDNumber [MAX_CTI_LINE_DIR_SIZE];
char m_NewRDNumber [MAX_CTI_LINE_DIR_SIZE];
DWORD m_ActiveRD;
virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const
returnsizeof(*this) - sizeof(void*);
} // subtract out the virtual function table pointer
DWORD m_MsgType
Current Remote Destination Number which need to be updated [*Mandatory Field]
unicode Remote Destination Name
char m_NewRDNumber [MAX_CTI_LINE_DIR_SIZE]
New Remote Destination Number [*Mandatory Field]
DWORD m_activeRD
0 – if this Remote Destination is not Active
1 or greater – when this Remote Destination need to be set as Active Remote Destination
lineHold Enhancement
Message Details
class CciscoLineDevSpecificHoldEx: public CCiscoLineDevSpecific
CciscoLineDevSpecificHoldEx() :
CCiscoLineDevSpecific(SLDST_HOLD_EX) {}
virtual ~ CciscoLineDevSpecificHoldEx() {}
DWORD m_MediaContentIdLength;
virtual DWORD dwSize(void) const {return sizeof(*this) - sizeof(void*);}
String that represents media content identifier (mediaContentID). Only known to UCM (uploaded to UCM) media content can be played.
DWORD m_MediaContentIdLength
Actual length of the string in the m_MediaContentId field.