The Call Recording feature provides two ways of recording the
conversations between the agent and the customer: automatic call recording and
selective call recording. A line appearance configuration determines which mode
is enabled. Administrators can configure no recording, automatic recording of
all calls, or selective recording for a line appearance. In selective call
recording, recording can be initiated using a softkey or programmable line key
assigned to the device, a CTI-enabled application, or both interchangeably.
Selective recording supports two modes: silent recording and
user recording.
In the silent recording mode, the call recording status is not
reflected on the Cisco IP device display. Silent recording is typically used in
a call center environment to enable a supervisor to record an agent call. A
CTI-enabled application running on the supervisor desktop is generally used to
start and stop the recording for the agent-customer call.
In the user recording mode, the call recording status is
reflected on the Cisco IP device display. A recording may be started or stopped
using a softkey, programmable line key, or CTI-enabled application running on
the user desktop.
The recording configuration on a line appearance cannot be
overridden by an application. TSP will report ‘Recording type’ information to
app in devSpecificData of LineDevCaps structure. Whenever there is a change in
with indication of LPCT_RECORDING_TYPE) event to application.
If the automatic call recording is enabled, a recording
session will be triggered whenever a call is received or initiated from the
line appearance. When the application invoked call recording is enabled,
application can start a recording session by using
CCiscoLineDevSpecificStartCallRecording (SLDST_START_CALL_RECORDING) on the
call after it becomes active. The selective recording can occur in the middle
of the call, whereas the automatic recording always starts at the beginning of
the call. The recorder is configured in CallManager as a SIP trunk device.
Recorder DN can not be overridden by an application.
TSP will provide start recording request in lineDevSpecific to
app for establishing a recording session. Application need to provide
toneDirection as input to TSP in the start recording request. The result of the
recording session is that the two media streams of the recorded call
(agent-customer call) is being relayed from agent’s phone to the recorder. TSP
will provide agent’s CCM Call Handle in the devSpecificData of LINECALLINFO.
TSP will inform the application when recording starts on its
provide recording call attribute information (deviceName, DN, Partition) in
devspecific data of LINECALLINFO after recording starts.
The recording session will be terminated when the call is
ended or if app sends stop recording request to TSP through lineDevSpecific –
CciscoLineDevSpecificStopCallRecording (SLDST_STOP_CALL_RECORDING).TSP will
recording is stopped by stop recording request.
Both recording and monitoring get supported only for IP
phones/CTI supported phones that are running SIP and within one cluster. It can
be invoked only on phones that support built in bridges. Also built in bridge
should be turned on to monitor or record calls on a device. Monitoring party
does not need to have a BIB configured. Recording and monitoring will not be
supported for secure calls in this phase.
Call Attributes
Call Attributes can be found in the DEVSPECIFIC portion of
the LINECALLINFO structure. The Call Attribute Info is presented in the format
of an array because Silent Monitoring and Call Recording could happen at the
same time.
DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoOffset;
DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoSize;
DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementCount;
DWORD CallAttrtibuteInfoElementFixedSize;
Offset pointing to array of the following structure:
typedef struct CallAttributeInfo{
DWORD CallAttributeType;
DWORD PartyDNOffset;
DWORD PartyDNSize;
DWORD PartyPartitionOffset;
DWORD PartyPartitionSize;
DWORD DeviceNameOffset;
DWORD DeviceNameSize;
enum CallAttributeType
CallAttribute_Regular = 0,
} ;
For recorded calls, if the application negotiates an
extension less than 0x000C0000 the CallAttributeType is set to
CallAttribute_RecordedCall. If the application negotiates an extension version
equal to 0x000C0000 or higher, the CallAttributeType is set to
CallAttribute_Recorded_Automatic, CallAttribute_Recorded_AppInitiatedSilent,
CallAttribute_Recorded_UserInitiatedFromApp, or
Call Recording Enhancement
Unified Communications Manager Release 9.0 the Call Recording feature is enhanced to allow user to start/stop current active
call recording by pressing softkey on IP phone. Record key toggles between start and stop modes.
When TAPI Application invokes Recording Start / Stop APIs it has the same effect as if the user pressed the Record key on
his IP phone. In addition, applications can control whether or not the phone display indication of on-going recording.
The data types that are used by Cisco TSP to report recording configuration and recording type to TAPI applications are re-worked
in order to reflect the recent changes in UCM.
There are no changes to the message sequence with this enhancement.
This feature is backward compatible.