Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Not Responding
This section covers issues related to a Unified Communications Manager system that is not responding.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Stops Responding
The Unified Communications Managersystem does not respond.
When the Cisco CallManager service stops responding, the following message displays in the System Event log:
The Cisco CallManager service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time. The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 ms. Restart the service.
Other messages you may see in this situation:
Timeout 3000 milliseconds waiting for Cisco CallManager service to connect.
The Cisco Communications Manager failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
At this time, when devices such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones and gateways unregister from the Unified Communications Manager, users receive delayed dial tone, and/or the Unified Communications Managerserver freezes due to high CPU usage. For event log messages that are not included here, view the Unified Communications Manager Event Logs.
Possible Cause
The Cisco CallManager service can stop responding because the service does not have enough resources such as CPU or memory to function. Generally, the CPU utilization in the server is 100 percent at that time.
Recommended Action
Depending on what type of interruption you experience, you will need to gather different data that will help determine the root cause of the interruption.
Use the following procedure if a lack of resources interruption occurs.
Collect Cisco CallManager traces 15 minutes before and after the interruption.
Collect SDL traces 15 minutes before and after the interruption.
Collect perfmon traces if available.
If the traces are not available, start collecting the perfmon traces and track memory and CPU usage for each process that is running on the server. These will help in the event of another lack of resources interruption.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Does Not Display
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration does not display.
Possible Cause
The Cisco CallManager service stopped.
Recommended Action
Verify that the Cisco CallManager service is active and running on the server. See related topics or the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide.
Error When Attempting to Access Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
An error message displays when you are trying to access Unified Communications Manager.
Possible Cause
The services did not start automatically as expected. One of the services stopping represents the most frequent reason for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration not displaying.
Recommended Action
Try starting the other services.
Error When Attempting to Access Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration on a Subsequent Node
An error message displays when you are trying to access the Unified Communications Manager Administration.
Possible Cause
If the IP address of the first Unified Communications Manager node gets changed while a subsequent node is offline, you may not be able to log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration on the subsequent node.
Recommended Action
If this occurs, follow the procedure for changing the IP address on a subsequent Unified Communications Manager node in the document, Changing the IP Address and Host Name for Unified Communications Manager.
You Are Not Authorized to View
When you access Unified Communications Manager Administration, one of the following messages displays.
You Are Not Authorized to View This Page
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.
Server Application Error. The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detailed information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.
Error: Access is Denied.
Possible Cause
Recommended Action
Contact TAC for further assistance.
Problems Displaying or Adding Users with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
You cannot add a user or conduct a search in Unified Communications Manager.
Possible Cause
You may encounter the following problems if you are working with Unified Communications Manager that is installed on a server that has a special character (such as an underscore) in its hostname or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 with SP2 and a Q313675 patch or above.
When you conduct a basic search and click submit, the same page redisplays.
When you try to insert a new user, the following message displays.
The following error occurred while trying to execute the command.Sorry, your session object has timed out. Click here to Begin a New Search
Recommended Action
You may not be able to add a user or do a search on Unified Communications Manager Administration, if your Unified Communications Manager hostname contains any special characters such as underscore or period (for example, Call_Manager). Domain Name System (DNS)-supported characters include all letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and hyphen (-); any special characters are not allowed. If the Q313675 patch is installed on your browser, make sure that the URL does not contain any non-DNS supported characters.
For more information about the Q313675 patch, refer to MS01-058: File Vulnerability Patch for Internet Explorer 5.5 and Internet Explorer 6.
To resolve this problem, you have the following options:
Access Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration by using the IP address of the server.
Do not use non-DNS characters in the Server Name.
Use the localhost or IP address in the URL.
Name to Address Resolution Failing
One of the following messages displays when you try to access the following URL:
Internet Explorer—This page cannot be displayed
Netscape—Not Found. The requested URL /ccmadmin was not found on this server.
If you try to access the same URL by using the Cisco Communications Manager IP address ( instead of the name, the window displays.
Possible Cause
The name that you entered as "your-cm-server-name" maps to the wrong IP address in DNS or hosts file.
Recommended Action
If you have configured the use of DNS, check in the DNS to see whether the entry for the your-cm-server-name has the correct IP address of the Unified Communications Manager server. If it is not correct, change it.
If you are not using DNS, your local machine will check in the "hosts" file to see whether an entry exists for the your-cm-server-name and an IP address that is associated to it. Open the file and add the Unified Communications Manager server name and the IP address. You can find the "hosts" file at C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Port 80 Blocked Between Your Browser and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server
One of the following messages displays when a firewall blocks the port that is used by the web server or the http traffic:
Internet Explorer—This page cannot be displayed
Netscape—There was no response. The server could be down or is not responding
Possible Cause
For security reasons, the system blocked the http access from your local network to the server network.
Recommended Action
Verify whether other types of traffic to the Unified Communications Manager server, such as ping or Telnet, are allowed. If any are successful, it will show that http access to the Unified Communications Manager web server has been blocked from your remote network.
Check the security policies with your network administrator.
Try again from the same network where the server is located.
Improper Network Setting Exists in the Remote Machine
No connectivity exists, or no connectivity exists to other devices in the same network as the Unified Communications Manager.
When you attempt the same action from other remote machines, Unified Communications Manager Administration displays.
Possible Cause
Improper network configuration settings on a station or on the default gateway can cause a web page not to display because partial or no connectivity to that network exists.
Recommended Action
Try pinging the IP address of the Unified Communications Manager server and other devices to confirm that you cannot connect.
If the connectivity to any other device out of your local network is failing, check the network setting on your station, as well as the cable and connector integrity. Refer to the appropriate hardware documentation for detailed information.
If you are using TCP-IP over a LAN to connect, continue with the following steps to verify the network settings on the remote station.
. -
Choose Local Area Connection, then Properties.
The list of communication protocols displays as checked.
Choose Internet Protocol (TCP-IP) and click Properties again.
Depending on your network, choose either Obtain an ip address automatically or set manually your address, mask and default Gateway.
The possibility exists that a browser-specific setting could be improperly configured.
Choose the Internet Explorer browser
. -
Choose the Connections tab and then verify the LAN settings or the dial-up settings.
By default, the LAN settings and the dial-up settings do not get configured. The generic network setting from Windows gets used.
If the connectivity is failing only to the Unified Communications Manager network, a routing issue probably exists in the network. Contact the network administrator to verify the routing that is configured in your default gateway.
If you cannot browse from the remote server after following this procedure, contact TAC to have the issue investigated in more detail.
Manage Impact of Cisco RAID Operations
Cisco Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) Controller conducts background operations such as Consistency Check (CC), Background Initialization (BGI), Rebuild (RBLD), Volume Expansion & Reconstruction (RLM) and Patrol Real (PR).
These background operations are expected to limit their impact to I/O operations. However, there have been cases of higher impact during some of the operations like Format or similar input output operations. In these cases, both the I/O operation and the background operations may consume large amount of CPU resources. It is recommended that CC and Patrol Read jobs are scheduled when the load is relatively less. If there are CallManager servers where huge load is running at the same time, it is recommend that you limit possible concurrent background operations and other intensive I/O operations of CallManager.