Download Failure in Some Nodes of the Cluster
Problem: Download failed in some nodes of the cluster while performing simplified upgrade.
Solution: Verify the Software location configuration for the nodes that failed to download. Invalid location or wrong credentials
may cause the failure. If you are using the 'Use download credentials from publisher' option, then, ensure that the configuration
of the failed node is correct.
To verify, perform one of the following:
User Interface: Open the Install/Upgrade page of the node and see if the check box is checked. If it is checked, it indicates that the configuration is correct. If
the check box is not checked, check it and click Next to save the configuration and then click Cancel to exit from the Install/Upgrade page.
CLI: Use the utils system upgrade initiate command, and ensure that ‘Use download credentials from Publisher (yes/no)’ is set to ‘yes’. If it is set to ‘yes’, it indicates
that the configuration is correct. If not, set it to ‘yes’ and come out by selecting ‘q’ and execute the utils system upgrade cancel command for a clean exit.

Use download credentials from Publisher is unselected and the Unified Communications Manager cluster upgrade may fail because the subscriber will not use the same
download credentials of publisher. Need to go to each Subscriber and select the option "Use download credential from Publisher", for the subscriber to use the publisher download credentials.
Download or Installation Failure in Some Nodes of the cluster
Problem: Download or Installation failed in some nodes of the cluster while performing simplified upgrade.
Solution: Open the Install/Upgrade Cluster page using User Interface or the utils system upgrade cluster status command using the CLI and identify the failed nodes. Verify that the upgrade or install operation is not already in progress
on those failed nodes by executing the utils system upgrade status command from the CLI. Follow the single node upgrade troubleshooting steps given in the 'Upgrade Failure' subsection in the
'Troubleshooting Unified Communications Manager Upgrades' section to continue the upgrade.

When simplified upgrade fails in Download or Install phase:
User Interface: Install/Upgrade Cluster page displays the status of each node to identify the failed nodes until cancel is clicked.
CLI: utils system upgrade cluster initiate or utils system upgrade cluster status displays the status of each node to identify the failed nodes until the utils system upgrade cluster cancel command is executed.
Switch Version or Reboot Failure in Some Nodes of the Cluster
Problem: Switch version or reboot failed in some nodes of the cluster while performing simplified upgrade.
Solution: Open the
Restart/Switch-Version Cluster page using User Interface and identify the failed nodes. Fix the issues (network/certificate issue etc.) and retry the switch
version or reboot on the failed nodes by skipping the completed nodes in the
Restart/Switch-Version Cluster page.
Unified Communications Manager Publisher was rebooted/power-cycled During Cluster Upgrade and the Cluster Upgrade Status is
not Visible
Problem: The Unified Communications Manager Publisher was rebooted/power cycled during cluster upgrade and the cluster upgrade status was not visible.
Solution: The Unified Communications Manager Publisher controls the cluster upgrade operations. You must not reboot or power cycle it during an upgrade. If you do that,
the processes are killed and you cannot get status from other nodes. Also, the Unified Communications Manager Publisher will not be able to provide instructions to other nodes and results in upgrade failures. Login to each node and
cancel the upgrade.
High CPU Alerts During Cluster Upgrade
Problem: High CPU alerts were received during Cluster upgrade
Solution: You need to schedule cluster upgrades during the least server usage. The upgrade processes are CPU and Disc-intensive and
can cause CPU Alerts.
Retrying a Cluster Upgrade after a Failed Cluster Upgrade
Problem: How to retry a cluster upgrade after a failed cluster upgrade?
Solution: First, cancel the cluster upgrade. We recommend that you reboot the nodes after a failed upgrade before retrying an upgrade.
Download Failure due to SSL Error
Problem: Download failed in a few nodes nodes due to SSL error.
Solution: Ensure that the cluster has SSL trust set up between the nodes.
The Switch Version or Reboot of Cluster Nodes did not Occur as per the Modified Batch
Problem: The switch version or reboot of cluster nodes did not occur as per the modified batch.
Solution: Before starting a cluster reboot or switch version, ensure that the modified batch orders are saved.
Changes to 'Skip' Checkbox are not Saved
Problem: Skip check box selections are not saved.
Solution: The 'skip' option is used to exclude a node during reboot or switch version and this selection is not saved. You need to
select the option every time.
Unable to Retry Cluster Upgrade or Single-node Upgrade
Problem: Unable to retry cluster upgrade or single-node upgrade.
Solution: Perform a cluster upgrade cancel by executing the utils system upgrade cluster cancel command using the CLI. Also, perform a single-node cancel on the Unified Communications Manager Publisher by executing the utils system upgrade cancel command using the CLI