Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Release Notes for Firmware Release 1.4(0)
These release notes support the Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 software release 1.4(0). These wireless smartphones require:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified Communications Manager):
Minimum: 11.5(1)
Recommended: 12.5(1) or higher
Supported Wi-Fi access point.
See the Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide for supported access point options.
New and Changed Features
The following sections describe the features that are new or have changed in this release.
![]() Note |
These features require the latest device enabler QED installer and software COP files. |
Extension Mobility Cross Cluster
Similar to extension mobility, extension mobility cross cluster (EMCC) allows different users to share a single phone at different times and still access their own phone settings. But EMCC also allows users to log in to a phone in a remote cluster within their organization, such as a different office or location.
Where to Find More Information
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series User Guide
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide
Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Personal Directory Contacts on Cisco Unified Communications Manager
The personal directory allows you to store personal contacts to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager, rather than to a single phone. That way, you can access your personal directory contacts from any phone in the call control system.
Where to Find More Information
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series User Guide
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide
Barcode Test Scan
The Barcode app on the Webex Wireless Phone 840S and Webex Wireless Phone 860S has a new test scan feature that lets you check if the scanner correctly identifies barcodes.
Where to Find More Information
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series User Guide
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide
Extension Mobility Log In with No Directory Number
The extension mobility login prompt automatically appears if you're subscribed to extension mobility services but don't have a directory number (DN) configured. If you're not subscribed to extension mobility services and don't have a DN configured, then a prompt displays to configure a DN.
Wi-Fi Access Point Connection Information
If needed for troubleshooting, you can now quickly find details about the Wi-Fi access point (AP) connection for your phone
from the Call Quality Settings
app. If the AP supports them, the following information may be available:
SSID (Service Set Identifier)
AP name
BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier)
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)
CU (Channel Utilization)
Where to Find More Information
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide
User Interface Updates
To make it easier to use your phone, the color and style of some elements like onscreen buttons and icons have a new look.
The only icon that is different from previous releases is on the Call Quality Settings
Where to Find More Information
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series User Guide
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 800 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Wireless LAN Deployment Guide
Google Security Update
Google security libraries were updated.
Related Documentation
Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 Documentation
Find documentation specific to your phone model and language on the product support page for the Webex Wireless Phone. From this page, you can also find the Deployment Guide.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation
See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation Guide and other publications that are specific to your Cisco Unified Communications Manager release on the product support page.
Download the COP Files for Release 1.4(0)
Download the correct device enabler QED installer and software Cisco Options Package (COP) files for your phone and Cisco Unified Communications Manager version, so that you can install them on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers in the cluster.
Step 1 |
Go to the Software Download page for the phones. |
Step 2 |
From Webex Wireless Phone, choose the phone model. |
Step 3 |
Choose Download or Add to Cart for the required device enabler QED installer COP file. , and then click eitherDevice Enabler QED Installer COP file for 840: cmterm-840-installer.1-4-0.k4.cop.sha512 Device Enabler QED Installer COP file for 860: cmterm-860-installer.1-4-0.k4.cop.sha512
Step 4 |
Choose Download or Add to Cart button for the required software COP file. , and then click either theSoftware COP file for 840: cmterm-840-sip.1-4-0-975-34190.k4.cop.sha512 Software COP file for 860: cmterm-860-sip.1-4-0-1327-34190.k4.cop.sha512
Load the COP Files to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
You must install the Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 device enabler QED installer and phone software Cisco Options Package (COP) files into each Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified Communications Manager) in the cluster.
![]() Note |
These COP files are signed with the sha512 checksum. Cisco Unified Communications Manager versions before version 14 don't automatically include support for sha512. |
For the first installation, install the device enabler QED installer file first and then the software file.
For future software updates, there is not always a corresponding device enabler QED installer update. When a software update is available, check the latest version of the device enabler QED installer file to see whether you also must update it.
![]() Note |
With each new software release, the Cisco apps are also updated in the Play Store. However, if you manage the phones through an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) application, we recommend that you update the firmware on the phones to minimize any risk of app incompatibility. |
Before you begin
Download the device enabler QED installer and phone software COP files from the Software Download site.
If you have Unified Communications Manager version 11.5 or 12.5 and don't already have sha512 checksum support enabled, install ciscocm.enable-sha512sum-2021-signing-key-v1.0.cop.sgn.
![]() Caution |
Choose an appropriate time to perform this task. As part of this task you must restart each Unified Communications Manager in the cluster after you install a device enabler QED installer COP file, unless your version of Unified Communications Manager offers an alternate process that does not require a reboot. See the Manage Device Firmware section of the Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager for your Unified Communications Manager version, to see if it allows an installation process that does not require a reboot. |
Step 1 |
In each Unified Communications Manager in the cluster, select . |
Step 2 |
Enter the Software Location data. |
Step 3 |
Click Next. |
Step 4 |
Select the COP (.cop.sha512) file.
Step 5 |
Click Next to download the COP file to Unified Communications Manager. |
Step 6 |
Check that the file checksum details are correct. |
Step 7 |
Click Next to install the COP file on Unified Communications Manager. |
Step 8 |
Click Install Another and repeat steps 2–7 to install another COP file. |
Step 9 |
Perform the following actions based on the COP files that you installed. |
Install Manufacturing CA Certificates
The phones use a new manufacturing certificate authority (CA). Until Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified Communications Manager) includes these new certificates, you must manually add the new root and intermediate certificates to the certificate chain to trust the new Manufacturing Installed Certificates (MIC). After you add the new certificates to the trust chain, the MICs can be used for trust services such as SIP TLS, Configuration File Encryption, and LSC Certificate distribution.
Step 1 |
Download the missing root and intermediate certificates from the externally available Cisco PKI website. The missing certificates to complete the trust chain up to and including the root for the new MICs are:
Step 2 |
From your web browser, log in to the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration web page. |
Step 3 |
Under the Security menu, select Certificate Management. |
Step 4 |
Select Upload Certificate/Certificate Chain. |
Step 5 |
Select CallManager-trust for the Certificate Purpose, browse to the certificate, then select Upload. Repeat this step for all certificates on the Unified Communications Manager Publisher only as the certificate replicates to all other Unified Communications Manager nodes. |
Step 6 |
Select CAPF-trust for the Certificate Purpose, browse to the certificate, then select Upload. Repeat this step for all certificates on all Unified Communications Manager nodes as the certificate will not replicate to all other Unified Communications Manager nodes automatically. |
Limitations and Restrictions
View Bugs
You can search for bugs using the Cisco Bug Search Tool.
Known bugs are graded according to severity level, and can be either open or resolved.
For more information about how to use the Bug Search Tool, see Bug Search Tool Help.
Before you begin
To view bugs, you need the following items:
Internet connection
Web browser
Cisco.com user ID and password
Step 1 |
Click the following links to view bugs for the 1.4(0) release of the Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860:
Step 2 |
When prompted, log in with your Cisco.com user ID and password. |
Step 3 |
(Optional) Enter the bug ID number in the Search For field, then press Enter. |
Open Bugs
The following list contains a snapshot of severity 1, 2, and 3 bugs that were open at the time of the Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 software release 1.4(0).
For an updated view of open bugs or to view more information about specific bugs, access the Bug Search Tool as described in View Bugs.
CSCvz70007 840 phone continues to play call waiting tone periodically after the call has ended
CSCvz81223 840/860 is not refreshing the Personal Directory list every 2 hours as expected
CSCvz93775 Battery Percentage option in the Custom Settings app is not managing the Settings option correctly
CSCvz93791 Auto-rotate Screen option is missing if Disabled in Custom Settings app then set to User Controlled
CSCvz93805 Auto-rotate Screen option in the Custom Settings app is not managing the Settings option correctly
CSCwa01438 840/860 logs out of EMCC when the phone is restarted
Resolved Bugs
The following list contains a snapshot of severity 1, 2, and 3 bugs that were resolved at the time of the Webex Wireless Phone 840 and 860 software release 1.4(0).
For an updated view of resolved bugs or to view more information about specific bugs, access the Bug Search Tool as described in View Bugs.
CSCvx62886 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Frame Aggregation and Fragmentation Implementation of 802.11
CSCvy50683 840 send disassociate to AP2 with reason code:0x0001 during FT roaming
CSCvy59852 No DN displayed on Incoming alert UI when display name config
CSCvy59855 UI error when config 24 digit DN as share line number
CSCvy59858 UI error while CFW with 'Caller Name'&'Caller Number'&'Redirected Number'&'Dialed Number' enabled
CSCvy81870 Webex 840 doesn't display secure lock icon for encrypted call when answering within native phone app
CSCvy85323 Some values for Panic Button option when managing the Emergency app via an EMM are not working
CSCvy88209 Auto Answer Timer doesn't work on 860/840
CSCvz41642 Phone uses service name from phone service config instead of service name from phone subscription
CSCvz41661 Phone is able to get to EM app login screen even when Extension Mobility is not enabled