Release Notes

Use these release notes with the Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones running SIP Firmware Release 12.0(6).

  • Cisco IP Phone 8811 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 8841 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 8845 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 8851 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 8861 Multiplatform Phones

  • Cisco IP Phone 8865 Multiplatform Phones

The following table describes the individual phone requirements.


Support Requirements

Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones

Cisco BroadWorks RI

Asterisk 18.0

New and Changed Features

Support for Manual Mode Switch from MPP Devices

With the Firmware Release 12.0(6), you can now manually switch the operating mode of call queues. This function effectively routes calls to appropriate destinations depending on the operating mode you've selected. With this function, you can reduce the customers' call waiting time and provide better service.


This feature is applicable for Webex Calling only.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide

Support for Hot Desk Only Calling Service

With the Firmware Release 12.0(6), Cisco IP Desk Phone with Multiplatform Firmware (MPP) supports the Hot desk only calling service when the scheduling mode of a workspace is set to Hot Desking. In this scenario, a phone operates in hot desking host mode by default. The phone cannot receive inbound calls and you can dial emergency numbers only. To access the hot desking guest mode, use the camera of your mobile and scan the QR code in the Desk available screen on the phone.

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide

Upgrade Firmware

You can upgrade the phone firmware with TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS. After the upgrade completes, the phone reboots automatically.


Step 1

Click this link:

On the Software Download web page that is displayed, ensure that IP Phone 8800 Series with Multiplatform Firmware is selected in the middle pane.

Step 2

Select your phone model in the right pane.

Step 3

On the next page that is displayed, select Multiplatform Firmware.

Step 4

On the next page that is displayed, select 12.0.6 in the All Releases > MPPv12 folder.

Step 5

(Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the file name to see the file details and checksum values.

Step 6

Download the corresponding file.

  • 8845 and 8865:

  • Other phones in 8800 series:

Step 7

Click Accept License Agreement.

Step 8

Unzip the file and place the files in the appropriate location on your upgrade server.

The appropriate location is the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS download folder, depending on the protocol that you want to use for the upgrade.

Step 9

Upgrade the phone firmware with one of these methods.

  • Upgrade the phone firmware from the phone administration web page:

    1. On the phone administration web page, go to Admin Login > Advanced, Voice > Provisioning > Firmware Upgrade.

    2. In the Upgrade Rule field, enter the load file URL as described below.

      Load file URL format:

      <upgrade protocol>://<upgrade server ip address>[:<port>]>/<path>/<file name>.loads


      • 8845 and 8865:

      • Other phones in 8800 series:

    3. Click Submit All Changes.

  • Upgrade the phone firmware directly from your web browser:

    In the address bar of your web browser, enter the phone upgrade URL as described below.

    Phone upgrade URL format:

    <phone protocol>://<phone ip address[:port]>/admin/upgrade?<load file URL>

    Load file URL format:

    <upgrade protocol>://<upgrade server ip address>[:<port>]>/<path>/<file name>.loads


    • 8845 and 8865:

    • Other phones in 8800 series:



Specify the <file name>.loads file in the URL. The <file name>.zip file contains other files.

Limitations and Restrictions

Phone Behavior During Times of Network Congestion

  • Administrative tasks, such as an internal port scan or security scan.

  • Attacks that occur on your network, such as a Denial of Service attack.


View Caveats

You can search for caveats (bugs) with the Cisco Bug Search tool.

Known caveats are graded according to severity level, and are either open or resolved.

Before you begin

You have your user ID and password.


Step 1

Click one of the following links:

Step 2

When prompted, log in with your user ID and password.

Step 3

(Optional) For information about a specific caveat, enter the bug ID number (CSCxxnnnnn) in the Search for field, and press Enter.

Open Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are open for the Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 12.0(6).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

  • CSCwf30157—Video phone: Camera led may be off in ad-hoc conference call.

  • CSCwf24915—8865 no video since srtpm_srtpifUnprotect failure after hold resume several times.

  • CSCwf10956—Macro $SERVIP is not expanded in Log Request Msg in syslog.

  • CSCwb46008—Many PRTs with logs missing for around 5 seconds.

  • CSCwe55809—Personal contact calls play the distinctive ring while there's an active call on 8800 phones.

  • CSCwm05273—A slight clicking sound can be heard when resuming a held call.

Resolved Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are resolved for the Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 12.0(6).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

  • CSCwm80009—8851 (V15+): Certain BT headsets sometimes lose the ability to hear far end audio.

  • CSCwm78402—MPP 88x1 phone fails to detect the KEM intermittently.

  • CSCwm43045—12-0-5MPP // Auto Collapse Into Line Key moves primary outcall line to shared line.

  • CSCwm30458—MPP desktop phone crashes while switching audio output paths.

  • CSCwm07809—MPP device connection to TR-69 ACS fails.

  • CSCwm05247—88xx phones are not removing recording icon after receiving &quot;a=record:off&quot; in the SDP.

  • CSCwk25793—ES-256-CBC Encryption Cisco IP Phone with Multiplatform Firmware (MPP) Administration Guides.

  • CSCwk90483—Small probability of USB headset detection failure.

  • CSCwm06165—MPP Dictionary Server Script d1 value input as freeform shows the wrong date format in call history.