Table Of Contents
Release Notes for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6)
Migrating from Cisco Unified Mobility to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Migrating the Cisco Unified Mobility Data
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System CLI Commands
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
Cisco Product Security Overview
Release Notes for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6)
January 9, 2008
These release notes describe limitations and restrictions, important notes, caveats, and documentation updates for Cisco Unified Mobility (formerly Cisco Unified MobilityManager) Release 1.2(6).
These release notes provide the following information:
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
Related Documentation
Cisco Unified Mobility Documentation
Refer to the documentation set for Cisco Unified Mobility for detailed configuration and use information. Navigate from the following URL:
Cisco Unified IP Phone Documentation
Refer to publications that are specific to your language, phone model and Cisco Unified Communications Manager version. Navigate from the following URL:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation
Refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation Guide and other publications specific to your Cisco Unified Communications Manager version. Navigate from the following URL:
Installation Notes
Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6) is compatible with Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 4.x and 5.x. The following installation notes apply to this release:
Restart Cisco Unified Mobility whenever Cisco Unified Communications Manager is upgraded.
During a new installation, you may be prompted to respond to multiple "DVD Found/Media Check" messages. At the first prompt, enter Yes to ensure the integrity of the DVD. Then enter No to subsequent prompts to continue the installation.
If you are upgrading from a previous Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2 release, you can perform a software upgrade.
Cisco Security Agent (CSA) is supported in Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6). If you are upgrading from Release 1.2(3) to 1.2(6), disable Cisco Security Agent (CSA) before performing the upgrade.
If you are upgrading from Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.1(2), you must do a new install. The new install must be on a system with the same IP address as the system used for Cisco Unified MobilityManager 1.1(1). For more information about installation, refer to the Cisco Unified Mobility Installation Guide:
Important Notes
This section provides information about Cisco Unified Communications Operating System support. For more information, see the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide. Navigate from the following URL:
The following Cisco Unified Communications Operating System GUI options are not supported:
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Security: Certificate Management and IPSec Management
Migrating from Cisco Unified Mobility to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
This section provides guidelines for migrating Cisco Unified Mobility data to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0.
Before performing the migration, verify that the user names configured for Cisco Unified Mobility are also configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Specifically, if user1 is the Cisco Unified Mobility user whose data will be migrated to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, user1 must already be in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0 does not allow remote destination numbers to be shared; therefore, you must remove any duplication during migration.
The remote destination number in Cisco Unified Mobility may have a 9 or 91 prefix access code. Confirm that these prefixes are consistent with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.0 configuration during migration.
Migration Files
The data files listed in this section must be migrated to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
This file contains the following fields:
The REMOTE DESTINATION PROFILE NAME is taken from the Mobile Voice Access User ID field in Cisco Unified Mobility. CSS and DEVICE POOL are derived from an AXL query from Cisco Unified Communications Manager
In the DESCRIPTION field, the tool adds a default description, userID_RDP.
This file contains the following fields:
This file contains the following fields:
In the DESTINATION NAME field, the tool adds a default name userID_RD.
This file contains the following fields:
This file contains warning messages.
Feature Data checking starts -----.Remote Destination 95551212 has been associated with two users: 1681000RDP and 1682000RDP.Feature Data checking ends -----.Migrating the Cisco Unified Mobility Data
Use this process to migrate standalone Cisco Unified Mobility data to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 6.0(1):
Step 1
Log into Cisco Unified Mobility and export the configuration data files in CSV format:
Use Export > Feature Data for CMMRDProfile.csv, CMMAccessList.csv, CMMRemoteDestination.csv, and CMMUserEnable.csv.
Use Export > Log for CMMFeatureDataExport.log.
Step 2
Log into Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Release 6.0(1). Choose Bulk Administration > Upload/Download Files to upload the four CSV files.
Step 3
Choose Bulk Administration> Mobility > Remote Destination Profile> Remote Destination Profile Template to create a template and its associated line template. In the Rerouting Calling Search Space field, enter the value taken from the Outgoing CTI port Calling Search Space in your current Cisco Unified Communications Manager system.
Step 4
Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile, and insert the file CMMRDProfile.csv. Check the error log to verify that no error occurs.
Step 5
Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Access List, and insert the file CMMAccessList.csv. Check the error log to verify that no error occurs.
Step 6
Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination, and insert the file CMMRemoteDestination.csv. Check the error log to verify that no error occurs.
Step 7
Choose Bulk Administration > Users, and update the file CMMUserEnable.csv. Check the error log to verify that no error occurs.
Bulk Provisioning CLI
A new CLI utility in Cisco Unified Communications Operating System administration allows for bulk provisioning of Cisco Unified Mobility users.
Before you can perform bulk insertion of users, you must create a userinfo.csv file on a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)-enabled system. The userinfo.cvs file must be in comma-separated value (CSV) format (columns that require non-blank entries are marked with *):
Mobile_Voice_Access_User ID*
Mobile_Unified_Communications Manager User ID*
Enable User Remote Access
Maximum number of Group Allowed
Maximum number Line Appearance Allowed
Maximum number of Remote Destination Allowed*
Maximum number of Allowed Caller Filters Allowed*
Maximum number of Blocked Caller Filters Allowed*
Group Identification*
Line Number*
Enable Caller ID Override
Caller ID Override Number
Enable Delay Before Ringing Cellular Phone
Delay Before Ringing Cellular Phone (msec)
Maximum wait time for desk phone pickup (msec)
Enable Cellular Phone Pickup
Remote Destination*
Enable Mobile Connect
Enable Maximum Cellular Phone Pickup Timer
Maximum Cellular Phone Pickup Timer (msec)
Enable Maximum Cellular Phone Ring Timer (msec)
Maximum Cellular Phone Ring Timer (msec)
Enable Minimum Cellular Phone Ring/Pickup Timer
Minimum Cellular Phone Ring/Pickup Timer (msec)
By convention, the first line of a CSV (comma-separated format) file is reserved for comments. Therefore, enter input values starting in the second row.
For example, an input line for the userinfo.csv file might be:
After creating the CSV file, follow these steps to add the user information using bulk provisioning:
Step 1
Enter this command to send the userinfo.csv file from the SFTP server to the Cisco Unified Mobility server:
utils get_cisco_mobile_connect_users_info
Step 2
Enter this command:
utils cisco_mobile_connect_users_insert
The system prompts with the following question:
Do you want to delete all the cisco mobile connect users from the database (Y/N):
Do one of the following:
Select Y, to delete the user information from the database and insert the contents of the new userinfo.csv file into the database.
Select N, to skip bulk deletion and proceeds with normal bulk insertion of userinfo.csv contents into the database.
Step 3
Log in to the Cisco Unified Mobility administration web interface.
Step 4
Choose System > Data Synchronization.
Step 5
Click Start Now to begin data synchronization and load the Mobile Connect users into memory.
The following information applies to bulk provisioning:
The user data is not validated by way of an AXL request to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
If the file format is incorrect, the bulk provisioning is executed, but the information is not added to the user database.
Each user ID is associated with only one remote destination.
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System CLI Commands
The following CLI commands are supported:
file check
show firewall
show logins
show open files
show open ports
show timezone config
utils create report hardware
utils create report platform
unset network dns
utils cisco_mobile_connect_users_insert
utils get_cisco_mobile_connect_users_info
utils reset_ui_administrator_password
Limitations and Restrictions
This section describes limitations and restrictions that apply to Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6).
Cryptographic Features
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Supported MCS Servers
The following MCS servers are supported for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6):
MCS-7815-I1 (3.0 GHz)
MCS-7825-H1 (3.4 GHz)
MCS-7835-H1 (3.4 GHz)
MCS-7835-H1 retrofit
MCS-7835-I1 (3.4 GHz)
MCS-7835-I1 retrofit
MCS-7845-H1 (3.4 GHz dual processor)
MCS-7845-H1 retrofit
MCS-7845-I1 (3.4 GHz dual processor)
MCS-7845-I1 retrofit
Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6) does not currently support the MCS-7825-I1 server.
Server Information
The following notes apply to server upgrades for Cisco Unified Mobility:
Moving hard disk drives from one server model to another is not supported (for example, MCS-7845-H1 to MCS-7845-H2). For example, the MCS-7845-H1 disks are SCSI based, while the MCS-7845-H2 disks are SAS based. Moving SCSI disks to an MCS-7845-H2 would cause an installation failure.
Moving hard disk drives from one server to another server of the same model is not supported if done as part of an upgrade. There may be compatibility issues that relate to the different versions of Cisco Unified Mobility that are installed on the different disk drives.
Mozilla/Firefox Browsers
Cisco Unified Mobility does not support simultaneous login to the administrator and user web pages.
This section contains these topics:
Using Bug Toolkit
Known problems (bugs) are graded according to severity level. These release notes contain descriptions of:
All severity level 1 or 2 bugs.
Significant severity level 3 bugs.
You can search for problems by using the Cisco Software Bug Toolkit.
To access Bug Toolkit, you need the following items:
Internet connection
Web browser
• user ID and password
To use the Software Bug Toolkit, follow these steps:
Step 1
To access the Bug Toolkit, go to
Step 2
Log on with your user ID and password.
Step 3
Click the Launch Bug Toolkit hyperlink.
Step 4
To look for information about a specific problem, enter the bug ID number in the "Enter known bug ID" field and click Search.
Open Caveats
Table 1 lists Severity 1, 2 and 3 defects that are open for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6).
For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online record for the defect by clicking the Identifier or going to the URL shown. You must be a registered user to access this online information.
Because defect status continually changes, be aware that Table 1 reflects a snapshot of the defects that were open at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of open defects, access Bug Toolkit as described in the Using Bug Toolkit.
Table 1 Open Caveats for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6)
Identifier Headline and Bug Toolkit LinkIncorrect status update on DRS storage location page due to no DNS server
During upgrade from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6, upgrade status shows "running" instead of "complete"
At the completion of Media Check, it is necessary push the DVD tray back in
Resolved Caveats
Table 2 lists Severity 1, 2 and 3 defects that are resolved for Cisco Unified Mobility Release 1.2(6).
For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online record for the defect by clicking the Identifier or going to the URL shown. You must be a registered user to access this online information.
Because defect status continually changes, be aware that Table 2 reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of resolved defects, access Bug Toolkit as described in the "Using Bug Toolkit" section.
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
For information about obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Cisco Product Security Overview
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Release Notes for Cisco Unified MobilityManager Release 1.2(6)
© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved