
Enabling Cisco Unified SIP Proxy Traces


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Cisco Unified SIP Proxy > Traces.
  2. To capture the network traffic on Cisco Unified SIP Proxy interfaces, check the Packet Capture check box.
  3. To enable tracing on your system, check the Enable Tracing check box.
  4. Set the trace values for the following components (For details on the level to chose for each component, see Component Levels):
  5. Click Update to save your changes.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Cisco Unified SIP Proxy > Traces.

The system displays the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy Traces page.

Step 2

To capture the network traffic on Cisco Unified SIP Proxy interfaces, check the Packet Capture check box.

  1. Click Start to start packet capture.

  2. Click Stop to stop packet capture.

Each packet capture request is limited to 40 MB. When the buffer size of the packet goes beyond 40 MB, the packet captures are overwritten, that is, the packet capture will always provide information of the last packet capture done. This prevents disk space over utilization. You can capture two packets of 20 MB each. This log file is located at: /opt/CUSP/dsnrs/log/packetcapture. The Cisco Unified SIP Proxy administrator must download the latest file before starting the next packet capture request.

Step 3

To enable tracing on your system, check the Enable Tracing check box.

Step 4

Set the trace values for the following components (For details on the level to chose for each component, see Component Levels):

  • Base Tracing

  • Routing

  • Proxy-Core

  • SIP-Wire-Log

  • Normalization

  • Proxy-Transactions

  • SIP-Ping

  • License-Mgmt

  • Trigger-Conditions

  • Accounting

  • SIP-Search

  • Config-Mgmt

Step 5

Click Update to save your changes.

Component Levels

For each component, you can choose one of the following levels:

Component Levels




Uses the trace level of the parent.


Logs messages of debug severity or higher.


Logs messages of info severity or higher.


Logs messages of warning severity or higher.


Logs messages of error severity or higher.


Logs messages of fatal severity or higher.


Does not log messages.

Viewing the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy Log File


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Cisco Unified SIP Proxy > Log File.
  2. To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.
  3. To save the trace log file information, do the following:


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Cisco Unified SIP Proxy > Log File.

The system displays the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy Trace Log File page and shows the contents of the trace log file.

Step 2

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 3

To save the trace log file information, do the following:

  1. Click Download Log File.

  2. Save the file to a convenient location.

  3. Click Close when done.

Configuring Trace Settings

Use this procedure to enable traces, or debug message output, for components in the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy system. Components are entities and activities in the system. You can review the output by selecting Troubleshoot > View > Trace Buffer.


Enabling too many traces can adversely affect the system performance.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Traces.
  2. To enable a trace on a system component, check the check box next to the name of the component.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.
  4. Click OK in the confirmation window.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Traces.

The system displays the Traces page, with a hierarchical listing of the system components.

Step 2

To enable a trace on a system component, check the check box next to the name of the component.

  • To expand the list of components, click the + sign next to any upper-level component. To condense the list of components, click the - sign next to any upper-level component.

  • Check the check box next to any upper-level component to enable the traces for all of the components under that component. Uncheck the check box next to any upper-level component to disable the traces for all of the components under that component.

Step 3

Click Apply to save your changes.

Step 4

Click OK in the confirmation window.

Viewing Tech Support Information


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > View > Tech Support.
  2. To save the tech support information, click Download Tech Support.
  3. Save the file to a convenient location.
  4. Click Close when finished.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > View > Tech Support.

The system displays the Tech Support page and shows a collection of configuration data.

Step 2

To save the tech support information, click Download Tech Support.

Step 3

Save the file to a convenient location.

Step 4

Click Close when finished.

Viewing a Trace Buffer


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > View > Trace Buffer.
  2. To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.
  3. To save the trace buffer information, do the following:
  4. To clear the trace buffer, do the following:


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > View > Trace Buffer.

The system displays the Trace Buffer page and shows the contents of the trace buffer.

Step 2

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 3

To save the trace buffer information, do the following:

  1. Click Download Trace Buffer.

  2. Save the file to a convenient location.

  3. Click Close when done.

Step 4

To clear the trace buffer, do the following:

  1. Click Clear Trace Buffer.

  2. Click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Viewing a Log File


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > View > Log File.
  2. To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.
  3. To save the log file, do the following:


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > View > Log File.

The system displays the Log File page and shows the contents of the log file.

Step 2

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 3

To save the log file, do the following:

  1. Click Download Log File.

  2. Save the file to a convenient location.

  3. Click Close when done.

Enabling SIP Message Logging

Use the SIP message log to capture and troubleshoot SIP calls handled by Cisco Unified SIP Proxy. By default, the SIP message log is disabled. When the SIP message log is enabled, you can enter an optional expression to filter the messages that are stored.


If record-route is not configured for a network, the system does not display mid-dialog SIP messages in the SIP message log.


Enabling the SIP message logging feature can have a significant performance impact on your system. We recommend that you limit the volume of calls processed by Cisco Unified SIP Proxy to less than 15 calls per second before you enable SIP message logging. We also recommend using the SIP message log filter whenever possible to limit the number of SIP messages that the system logs every second.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Controls.
  2. Select if you want to enable or disable SIP message logging.
  3. (Optional) Enter a regular expression filter. This reduces the number of calls that are written to the SIP message log. An example of a regular expression filter is 999…1020. If you enter this, the system will match any number beginning with 999 and ending with 1020. Only messages that match the regular expression will pass through the filter and be stored.
  4. Click Update.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Controls.

The system displays the SIP Message Logging page.

Step 2

Select if you want to enable or disable SIP message logging.

Step 3

(Optional) Enter a regular expression filter. This reduces the number of calls that are written to the SIP message log. An example of a regular expression filter is 999…1020. If you enter this, the system will match any number beginning with 999 and ending with 1020. Only messages that match the regular expression will pass through the filter and be stored.

Step 4

Click Update.


In the event of a reload, the log control option in SIP message logging reverts to disabled state and the selected preferences are reset. The user needs to re-assign the preferences.

Searching SIP Message Calls

You can search the SIP message log for certain calls by entering search parameters. If you enter multiple search parameters, the system only returns values that match all the criteria. If you enter no parameters, the system returns all the calls.

There are many SIP messages within each call; if any individual SIP message matches the search criteria, the system displays that call in the search results.


The system returns a maximum of 500 calls. You can refine the results by entering more search parameters.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Search Calls.
  2. Enter data on which to search. See Data for Call Search.
  3. Click Search.
  4. To clear the SIP message log, click Clear SIP Message Log.
  5. To see more information about a call that the system returned, click it. The system displays the Call Log page with details about the call.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Search Calls.

The system displays the SIP Message Log Search page.

Step 2

Enter data on which to search. See Data for Call Search.

Step 3

Click Search.

The system refreshes the page and displays any calls that match the search criteria.

Step 4

To clear the SIP message log, click Clear SIP Message Log.

Step 5

To see more information about a call that the system returned, click it. The system displays the Call Log page with details about the call.

Data for Call Search

Data for Call Search



Called Party—The following parameters apply to the party initiating the call:

Request-URI contains

Matches the supplied string against the SIP Request-URI field in each SIP message

Remote Party ID contains

Matches the supplied string against the SIP Remote Party-ID field in each SIP message

P-Asserted ID contains

Matches the supplied string against the SIP P-Asserted ID field in each SIP message

To header contains

Matches the supplied string against the SIP To Header field in each SIP message

Calling Party—The following parameters apply to the party receiving the call:

From: header contains

Matches the supplied string against the SIP From Header field in each SIP message

Date and Time—The following parameters limit the search results to an inclusive window of time:

Start Time

Calls before this time are excluded.


If you enter a value in this field, it must include a time and not just a date. If you do not enter a time, the system returns nothing.

End Time

Calls after this time are excluded.


If you enter a value in this field, it must include a time and not just a date. If you do not enter a time, the system returns nothing.

Viewing SIP Message Calls

The Call Log page displays the individual SIP messages that were processed by the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy during the dialog. It shows the time the message was handled and the direction relative to the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Search Calls.
  2. Enter data on which to search. See Searching SIP Message Calls.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click on any call.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > SIP Message Log > Search Calls.

The system displays the SIP Message Log Search page.

Step 2

Enter data on which to search. See Searching SIP Message Calls.

Step 3

Click Search.

The system refreshes the page and displays any calls that match the search criteria.

Step 4

Click on any call.

The system displays the Call Log page with details about the call.

Enabling the Failed Calls Log

Use the failed calls log to capture and troubleshoot calls that either fail during initial call setup or that do not terminate normally.

The failed calls log is disabled by default. After you enable it, the system automatically generates a log entry for call setup requests that result in a non-successful status. Similarly, calls that do not terminate properly, including calls exceeding the configured session timeout (when call admission control is enabled), will generate a failed calls log entry.


You enable the failed calls log independently from the SIP message log. If you want to review the SIP message details for a failed call, enable the SIP message log. See Enabling SIP Message Logging.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log > Controls.
  2. Select Enable to enable the failed call log.
  3. If you want to include calls that failed due to license limitations, check Log failed calls due to license limit.
  4. Click Update.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log > Controls.

The system displays the Failed Call Logging page.

Step 2

Select Enable to enable the failed call log.

Step 3

If you want to include calls that failed due to license limitations, check Log failed calls due to license limit.

Step 4

Click Update.

Viewing the Failed Calls Log

Use the failed calls log to capture and troubleshoot calls that either fail during initial call setup or that do not terminate normally.


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log > Search Calls.
  2. To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.
  3. To see a different number of failed calls on each page, on the top right, choose another number from the drop-down box and click Go. You can choose to see 10, 25, 50, or 100 failed calls.
  4. To clear the log, click Clear All Calls.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log > Search Calls.

The system displays the Failed Calls Log page and shows the contents of the log file.

Step 2

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 3

To see a different number of failed calls on each page, on the top right, choose another number from the drop-down box and click Go. You can choose to see 10, 25, 50, or 100 failed calls.

Step 4

To clear the log, click Clear All Calls.

Viewing the History of a Failed Call


  1. Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log.
  2. To see more information about a particular failed call, click the underlined call ID.


Step 1

Choose Troubleshoot > Failed Calls Log.

The system displays the Failed Calls Log page and shows the contents of the log file.

Step 2

To see more information about a particular failed call, click the underlined call ID.

The system displays the Failed Call Session History page containing more information about the call.