Software Upgrades

TFTP File Management


The Software Upgrades > TFTP File Management menu option is not applicable for Unified CCX.

Set Up Customized Logon Message

You can upload a text file that contains a customized logon message that appears when users log on to Unified CCX applications. In the applications, the message appears in one of the following ways as:

  • A pop-up window, as soon as the authentication page is loaded.

    • Cisco Unified CCX Administration

    • Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability

  • A pop-up window, after entering username and password.

    • Cisco Identity Service Management

    • Cisco Finesse Administration

    • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center

    • Finesse Desktop

  • A text in the authentication page.

    • Disaster Recovery System

    • Cisco Unified Serviceability

    • Cisco Unified OS Administration


If the message appears in a pop-up window, you must acknowledge the message to log in.

In CLI, the message is displayed after you enter the username and again after you enter the password.

To upload a customized logon message, the procedure is as follows:


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration window, navigate to Software Upgrades > Customized Logon Message.

The Customized Logon Message window appears.
Step 2

Click Browse. Choose the text file that you want to upload.

Step 3

Select the required file and click Upload File.


You cannot upload a file that is larger than 10kB.

The customized logon message appears.
Step 4

To revert to the default logon message, click Delete.


By default, there is no custom message configured for Cisco Finesse.

Your customized logon message is deleted, and the system displays the default logon message.