Contact Sharing Overview
Contact Sharing uses extrapolation to distribute calls and increase the overall agent and call handling capacity. Contact Sharing enables customers with multiple Unified Contact Center Enterprise (Unified CCE) systems to distribute calls across those systems. The Contact Director (sometimes called an IVR ICM) acts as an initial entry point for the call. If the call needs agent attention, Contact Sharing decides where to route the call based on Live Data real-time state information from the Unified CCE target systems. You can configure Contact Sharing to base routing decisions on factors such as the number of calls in queue, agent availability, average handle time, and custom calculations.
Use Unified CCE
Administration to create and maintain the Contact Sharing groups and rules. A
group is a collection of skill groups and precision queues across target
systems. Each group has a rule that defines the logic for selecting the best
skill group or precision queue in that group for a routing request. Each group
has an
Accept Queue
condition to include or exclude the individual skill groups and
precision queues from the group for the routing decision. You can then route
the call to the Unified CCE target system whose precision queue or skill group
is the best match for the group's rule. The target system's routing scripts
determine the final method for handling the request.
Note |
Contact Sharing gadgets are enabled only for the Contact Director deployment type. |
For Contact Director configuration limits, see the chapter on configuration limits in the Solution Design Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at
Contact Sharing Call Flow
The basic Contact Sharing call flow runs as shown in this diagram:
A call comes into the Voice Gateway on the Contact Director.
The Voice Gateway passes the call to CVP for VRU processing.
When the caller opts to speak to an agent, CVP passes the call data to the Router through the VRU PG.
The Router runs a script that assigns the call to a particular Contact Sharing Group. The Router sends the call data to the Application Gateway to pass to that Contact Sharing node.
The Contact Sharing node uses the Group Rule to determine which skill group or precision queue in its Queue should get the call. The node passes the selected target instance and its extrapolated guess of the best skill group or precision queue back to the Application Gateway.
The Application Gateway passes the information to the Router which routes the call to the selected target instance.