Attribute API

Attribute API

Attributes identify a call routing requirement, such as language, location, or agent expertise. You can create two types of attributes: boolean or proficiency. For example, you can create a Boston attribute that specifies that the agent assigned to this attribute must be located in Boston. Then, if a precision queue requires an agent who lives in Boston, then an agent with the attributes Boston = True is a good match. When you create a proficiency attribute, you assign a proficiency level to the agent.

Use the Attribute API to list the attributes currently defined in the database, define new attributes, and view, edit, and delete existing attributes.




  • create: Creates an attribute.

  • delete: Marks one attribute and associated Agent attribute values for deletion, but does not permanently delete them.

  • get: Returns one attribute, using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/attribute/<id>.

  • list: Retrieves a list of attributes.

    • Query parameters:

      • selectedAgentCount: Use this query parameter to augment attribute information about multiple agents. The selectedAgentCount parameter shows the number of specified agents associated with this attribute. For example, to find out how many of agents 5000, 5001, 5002, and 5003 in the list have this associated attribute, add selectedAgentCount=5000,5001,5002,5003.


        Using selectedAgentCount automatically sets the summary list query parameter to true.

      • Summary list: See list.

  • update: Updates one attribute.

    • Query Parameters:

      • removeNonMatchingDepartmentalRefs: Use this query parameter to remove all agent attributes from an attribute when they no longer belong to the department id specified in the query parameter or the global department. For example, to remove all agent attributes that do not belong to department 5000 or the global department, add removeNonMatchingDepartmentalRefs=5000. If this parameter is not specified, the agent attributes must belong to the attribute's department or the global department.


  • refURL: The refURL of the attribute. See Shared Parameters.

  • name: The name of the attribute. See Shared Parameters.

  • changeStamp: See Shared Parameters.

  • description: See Shared Parameters.

  • dataType: The data type of the attribute. Values are:

    • 3: Boolean.

    • 4: Proficiency.

  • defaultValue: Used to specify the default value for the attribute when assigned to an agent, if no explicit value is provided. Values are:

    • Boolean: true\false.

    • Proficiency: 1-10.

  • agentAttributes: A collection of agent attribute references for this attribute, including the description, refURL, and read-only parameters agentId, userName, firstName, and lastName. Also includes the attributeValue parameter which indicates the value (true/false or 1-10) of the attribute for this agent. See References.

  • agentAttributesAdded: A collection of agent attribute references (Attribute API) to be added to the attribute, including the agent refURL and the attributeValue of each agent. If the attributeValue is not specified, it is assigned the default value. Agents that already have this attribute are updated with the specified attributeValue. This parameter is update only, and cannot be used in conjunction with the agentAttributes parameter. This parameter can be used with the agentAttributesRemoved parameter. See References.

  • agentAttributesRemoved: A collection of agent attribute references (Attribute API) to be removed from the attribute, including the refURL of each agent. This parameter is update only, and cannot be used in conjunction with the agentAttributes parameter. This parameter can be used with the agentAttributesAdded parameter. See References.

  • agentCount: Read-only field. Number of agents associated with the attribute.

  • selectedAgentCount: Read-only field. Indicates the number of specified agents associated with this attribute. Returned only when using the selectedAgentCount query parameter.

Search and Sort Values

The following table shows the parameters that are searched and the parameters that are sortable.

Search parameters Sort parameters
  • name
  • description
  • name (default)
  • dataType
  • defaultValue
  • description

See Search and Sort.

Example Get Response
