- Preface
- Introduction
- CTI OS Client Interface Library Architecture
- CIL Coding Conventions
- Building Your Custom CTI Application
- CTI OS ActiveX Controls
- Event Interfaces and Events
- CtiOs Object
- Session Object
- Agent Object
- Call Object
- SkillGroup Object
- Helper Classes
- SilentMonitorManager Object
- CTI OS Keywords and Enumerated Types
- CTI OS Logging
- Agent Object Properties
- Agent Statistics
- Methods
- Arguments Parameters
- DisableAgentStatistics
- DisableSkillGroupStatistics
- EnableAgentStatistics
- EnableSkillGroupStatistics
- GetAgentState
- GetAllProperties
- GetElement
- GetMonitoredAgent
- GetMonitoredCall
- GetNumProperties
- GetPropertyName
- GetPropertyType
- GetSkillGroups
- GetValue Methods
- IsAgent
- IsSupervisor
- Login
- Logout
- MakeCall
- MakeEmergencyCall
- QueryAgentState
- ReportBadCallLine
- RequestAgentTeamList
- RequestSupervisorAssist
- SendChatMessage
- SetAgentGreetingAction
- SetAgentState
- StartMonitoringAgent
- StartMonitoringAgentTeam
- StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams
- StartMonitoringCall
- StopMonitoringAgent
- StopMonitoringAgentTeam
- StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams
- SuperviseCall
Agent Object
The Agent object provides developers using the CTI OS Client Interface Library with an interface to agent behavior. The Agent object exposes methods to perform all agent behaviors, such as logging in and setting the agent state.
The object stores specific agent information as properties, including the AgentID, AgentPassword, AgentInstrument, AgentExtension, and SkillGroups. When the agent is logged in to an ACD, the Agent object receives updates through AgentStateEvents and Agent Statistics updates.
You can use the Agent object in two different modes:
In Agent Mode, the application creates an Agent object and informs the Session about the agent using Session.SetAgent().
In Monitor Mode, the client application sets a message filter, and if the event stream involves events for Agent objects, those objects are dynamically created at the CIL as needed.
Agent Object Properties
The following table lists the agent object properties.
Note | The data type listed for each keyword is the standardized data type discussed in CTI OS CIL data types in Chapter Three. For more information about the appropriate language specific types for these keywords Table 1. |
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
AgentAvailability Status |
One of the following values: UNKNOWN (-1), NOT AVAILABLE (0), ICM AVAILABLE (1), or APPLICATION AVAILABLE (2). |
Agent CallMode |
A value that indicates the agent's call mode. Valid values are call-by-call (3) and nailed-up (4). |
AgentExtension |
Extension associated by ACD to agent. |
AgentID |
Can be set prior to login or after logout. |
AgentInstrument |
Instrument associated by ACD to agent. |
AgentRemote Number |
The phone number that the agent uses for remote login. |
AgentState |
One of the values in Table 2 representing the current state of the associated agent. |
ClassIdentifier |
Identifies the type of this object. |
SilentMonitorCallUID |
The unique object ID of the silent monitor call. This is the call that results from calling SuperviseCall() with the SupervisorAction set to eSupervisorMonitor.
SilentMonitorTargetAgentUID |
This property contains the unique object ID of the agent who the supervisor is currently silent monitoring.
Extension |
Extension associated by ACD to agent. |
CurrentConnection Profile |
The last selected agent connection profile. |
IsSupervisor |
Indicates whether this agent is a supervisor. |
LastError |
Last error code, if any. Otherwise this value is 0. |
PeripheralID |
ID of peripheral. |
PeripheralType |
The type of the peripheral. |
Statistics |
An Arguments array containing the statistics listed in Table 1. |
*The CTI OS server imposes no restriction on the maximum length of this string. However, such restrictions are generally imposed by your switch/ACD and Cisco CTI Server. For more information about length restrictions for this string, see the documentation for the switch/ACD or CTI Server.
Agent Statistics
You can access statistics by first using GetValueArray on the Agent object to obtain the "Statistics" Arguments array and then using GetValueInt on the "Statistics" arguments array to obtain the desired value:
' First get the statistics argumentsDim args As Arguments args = agent.GetValueArray ("Statistics") ' Then get the desired statistics Dim availTimeSession As Integer Dim loggedOnTimeSession As Integer availTimeSession = args.GetValueInt("AvailTimeSession") bargeInCallsToday = args.GetValueInt("BargeInCallsToday")
Note | Not all the statistics values listed in the following table are present in every system configuration. Whether or not a particular statistic value is available depends both on the protocol version of CTI Server with which CTI OS connects and on the peripheral on which the agent resides. |
Statistic |
Definition |
AvailTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Available state for any skill group. |
LoggedOnTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent has been logged in. |
NotReadyTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Not Ready state for all skill groups. |
ICMAvailable TimeSession |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Unified ICM Available state. |
RoutableTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Routable state for all skill groups. |
AgentOutCalls Session |
Total number of completed outbound ACD calls made by agent. |
AgentOutCalls TalkTimeSession |
Total talk time, in seconds, for completed outbound ACD calls handled by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AgentOutCalls Time Session |
Total handle time, in seconds, for completed outbound ACD calls handled by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AgentOutCalls Held Session |
The total number of completed outbound ACD calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
AgentOutCalls HeldTime Session |
Total number of seconds outbound ACD calls were placed on hold. |
HandledCalls Session |
The number of inbound ACD calls handled by the agent. |
HandledCalls TalkTime Session |
Total talk time in seconds for Inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. Includes hold time associated with the call. |
HandledCalls AfterCall TimeSession |
Total after call work time in seconds for Inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. |
HandledCalls Time Session |
Total handle time, in seconds, for inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. The time spent from the call being answered by the agent to the time the agent completed after call work time for the call. Includes hold time associated with the call. |
IncomingCalls Held Session |
The total number of completed inbound ACD calls the agent placed on hold at least once. |
IncomingCalls HeldTime Session |
Total number of seconds completed inbound ACD calls were placed on hold. |
InternalCallsSession |
Number of internal calls initiated by the agent. |
InternalCalls TimeSession |
Number of seconds spent on internal calls initiated by the agent. |
InternalCalls RcvdSession |
Number of internal calls received by the agent. |
InternalCalls RcvdTime Session |
Number of seconds spent on internal calls received by the agent. |
InternalCalls Held Session |
The total number of internal calls the agent placed on hold at least once. |
InternalCalls HeldTime Session |
Total number of seconds completed internal calls were placed on hold. |
AutoOutCalls Session |
Total number of AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. |
AutoOutCalls TalkTime Session |
Total talk time, in seconds, of AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AutoOutCalls Time Session |
Total handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AutoOutCalls Held Session |
The total number of completed AutoOut (predictive) calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
AutoOutCalls HeldTime Session |
Total number of seconds AutoOut (predictive) calls were placed on hold. |
PreviewCalls Session |
Total number of outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. |
PreviewCalls TalkTime Session |
Total talk time, in seconds, of outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
PreviewCalls TimeSession |
Total handle time, in seconds, outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
PreviewCalls HeldSession |
The total number of completed outbound Preview calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
PreviewCalls HeldTime Session |
Total number of seconds outbound Preview calls were placed on hold. |
Reservation CallsSession |
Total number of agent reservation calls completed by the agent. |
Reservation CallsTalk TimeSession |
Total talk time, in seconds, of agent reservation calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
Reservation CallsTime Session |
Total handle time, in seconds, agent reservation calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
Reservation CallsHeld Session |
The total number of completed agent reservation calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
Reservation CallsHeld TimeSession |
Total number of seconds agent reservation calls were placed on hold. |
BargeInCalls Session |
Total number of supervisor call barge-ins completed. |
InterceptCalls Session |
Total number of supervisor call intercepts completed. |
MonitorCalls Session |
Total number of supervisor call monitors completed. |
WhisperCalls Session |
Total number of supervisor whisper calls completed. |
EmergencyCallsSession |
Total number of emergency calls. |
AvailTimeToday |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Available state for any skill group. |
LoggedOnTime Today |
Total time, in seconds, the agent has been logged in. |
NotReadyTime Today |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Not Ready state for all skill groups. |
ICMAvailable TimeToday |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Unified ICM Available state. |
RoutableTime Today |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Routable state for all skill groups. |
AgentOutCalls Today |
Total number of completed outbound ACD calls made by agent. |
AgentOutCalls TalkTime Today |
Total talk time, in seconds, for completed outbound ACD calls handled by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AgentOutCalls Time Today |
Total handle time, in seconds, for completed outbound ACD calls handled by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AgentOutCalls HeldToday |
The total number of completed outbound ACD calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
AgentOutCalls HeldTime Today |
Total number of seconds outbound ACD calls were placed on hold. |
HandledCalls Today |
The number of inbound ACD calls handled by the agent. |
HandledCalls TalkTime Today |
Total talk time in seconds for Inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. Includes hold time associated with the call. |
HandledCalls AfterCall TimeToday |
Total after call work time in seconds for Inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. |
HandledCalls TimeToday |
Total handle time, in seconds, for inbound ACD calls counted as handled by the agent. The time spent from the call being answered by the agent to the time the agent completed after call work time for the call. Includes hold time associated with the call. |
IncomingCalls HeldToday |
The total number of completed inbound ACD calls the agent placed on hold at least once. |
IncomingCalls HeldTime Today |
Total number of seconds completed inbound ACD calls were placed on hold. |
InternalCalls Today |
Number of internal calls initiated by the agent. |
InternalCalls TimeToday |
Number of seconds spent on internal calls initiated by the agent. |
InternalCalls RcvdToday |
Number of internal calls received by the agent. |
InternalCalls RcvdTime Today |
Number of seconds spent on internal calls received by the agent. |
InternalCalls HeldToday |
The total number of internal calls the agent placed on hold at least once. |
InternalCalls HeldTime Today |
Total number of seconds completed internal calls were placed on hold. |
AutoOutCalls Today |
Total number of AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. |
AutoOutCalls TalkTime Today |
Total talk time, in seconds, of AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AutoOutCalls TimeToday |
Total handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive) calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
AutoOutCalls HeldToday |
The total number of completed AutoOut (predictive) calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
AutoOutCalls HeldTime Today |
Total number of seconds AutoOut (predictive) calls were placed on hold. |
PreviewCalls Today |
Total number of outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. |
PreviewCalls TalkTimeToday |
Total talk time, in seconds, of outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
PreviewCalls TimeToday |
Total handle time, in seconds, outbound Preview calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
PreviewCalls HeldToday |
The total number of completed outbound Preview calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
PreviewCalls HeldTimeToday |
Total number of seconds outbound Preview calls were placed on hold. |
Reservation CallsToday |
Total number of agent reservation calls completed by the agent. |
Reservation CallsTalk TimeToday |
Total talk time, in seconds, of agent reservation calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent begins after call work for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
Reservation CallsTimeToday |
Total handle time, in seconds, agent reservation calls completed by the agent. The value includes the time spent from the call being initiated by the agent to the time the agent completes after call work time for the call. The time includes hold time associated with the call. |
Reservation CallsHeldToday |
The total number of completed agent reservation calls the agent has placed on hold at least once. |
Reservation CallsHeldTimeToday |
Total number of seconds agent reservation calls were placed on hold. |
BargeInCalls Today |
Total number of supervisor call barge-ins completed. |
InterceptCalls Today |
Total number of supervisor call intercepts completed. |
MonitorCalls Today |
Total number of supervisor call monitors completed. |
WhisperCalls Today |
Total number of supervisor whisper calls completed. |
EmergencyCalls Today |
Total number of emergency calls. |
AvailTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Available state for any skill group. |
LoggedOnTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent has been logged in. |
NotReadyTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Not Ready state for all skill groups. |
ICMAvailable TimeSession |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Unified ICM Available state. |
RoutableTime Session |
Total time, in seconds, the agent was in the Routable state for all skill groups. |
AgentOutCalls Session |
Total number of completed outbound ACD calls made by agent. |
The following table lists the Agent object methods.
Method |
Description |
DisableAgentStatistics |
Disables agent statistic messages. |
DisableSkillGroupStatistics |
Disables skill group statistic messages. |
DumpProperties |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
EnableAgentStatistics |
Enables agent statistic messages. |
EnableSkillGroupStatistics |
Enables skill group statistic messages. |
GetAgentState |
Returns the current agent state. |
GetAllProperties |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetElement |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetMonitoredAgent |
Returns the Agent object that is currently being monitored. |
GetMonitoredCall |
Returns the Call object that is currently being monitored. |
GetNumProperties |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetPropertyName |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetPropertyType |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetSkillGroups |
Returns an array of SkillGroups objects |
GetValue |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetValueArray |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetValueInt |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
GetValueString |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
IsAgent |
Checks the current mode and returns true if agent mode. |
IsSupervisor |
Checks the current mode and returns true if supervisor mode. |
IsValid |
For more information, see CtiOs Object |
Login |
Logs an agent in to the ACD. |
Logout |
Logs an agent out of the ACD. |
MakeCall |
Initiates a call to a device or agent. |
MakeEmergencyCall |
Lets an agent make an emergency call to the supervisor. |
QueryAgentState |
Gets the current agent state from CTI Server and retrieves it. |
ReportBadCallLine |
Informs the CTI OS Server of a bad line. |
RequestAgentTeamList |
Retrieves the current agent team list. |
RequestSupervisorAssist |
Allows the agent to call an available supervisor for assistance. |
SendChatMessage |
Send asynchronous messages between CTI clients. |
SetAgentGreetingAction |
Sets the value of the Agent Greeting Action to enable or disable Agent Greeting for the logged in agent. |
SetAgentState |
Requests a new agent state. |
SetValue |
Sets the value of the property whose name is specified. |
StartMonitoringAgent |
Enables monitoring of a specified agent. |
StartMonitoringAgentTeam |
Enables monitoring of a specified agent team. |
StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams |
Enables monitoring of all agent teams. |
StartMonitoringCall |
Enables monitoring of a specified Call object. |
StopMonitoringAgent |
Disables monitoring of a specified agent. |
StopMonitoringAgentTeam |
Disables monitoring of a specified agent team. |
StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams |
Disables monitoring of all agent teams. |
SuperviseCall |
Enables monitoring a call of an agent on your team. |
- Arguments Parameters
- DisableAgentStatistics
- DisableSkillGroupStatistics
- EnableAgentStatistics
- EnableSkillGroupStatistics
- GetAgentState
- GetAllProperties
- GetElement
- GetMonitoredAgent
- GetMonitoredCall
- GetNumProperties
- GetPropertyName
- GetPropertyType
- GetSkillGroups
- GetValue Methods
- IsAgent
- IsSupervisor
- Login
- Logout
- MakeCall
- MakeEmergencyCall
- QueryAgentState
- ReportBadCallLine
- RequestAgentTeamList
- RequestSupervisorAssist
- SendChatMessage
- SetAgentGreetingAction
- SetAgentState
- StartMonitoringAgent
- StartMonitoringAgentTeam
- StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams
- StartMonitoringCall
- StopMonitoringAgent
- StopMonitoringAgentTeam
- StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams
- SuperviseCall
Arguments Parameters
The following rules apply to the optional_args and reserved_args parameters in Call Object methods:
The DisableAgentStatistics method is sent by an agent to request that real-time statistics stop being sent to that agent.
- C++
- int DisableAgentStatistics (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT DisableAgentStatistics (/*[in]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- DisableAgentStatistics (reserved_args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int DisableAgentStatistics (Arguments reservedargs)
- .NET
- CilError DisableAgentStatistics(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The DisableSkillGroupStatistics method is sent by an agent to request that real-time statistics stop being sent to that agent.
- C++
- int DisableSkillGroupStatistics (Arguments& optional_args)
- HRESULT DisableSkillGroupStatistics (/* [in, optional]*/ IArguments * optional_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- DisableSkillGroupStatistics (optional_args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int DisableSkillGroupStatistics (Arguments optional_args
- .NET
- CilError DisableSkillGroupStatistics(Arguments args)
- optional_args
An optional input parameter containing a pointer or a reference to an Arguments array containing a member that is a nested Arguments array with the keyword SkillGroupNumbers. Within this array, for each skill group to be disabled, specify a string key of an integer starting with 1 and an integer value for skill group number and specify a string key of an integer and integer value for skill group priority. If the parameter is NULL or missing, statistics are disabled for all skill groups to which the agent belongs.
- errorcode
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The EnableAgentStatistics method is sent by an agent to request that real-time statistics be sent to that agent.
- C++
- int EnableAgentStatistics(Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT EnableAgentStatistics (/*[in]*/ IArguments* reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- EnableAgentStatistics (reserved_args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int EnableAgentStatistics(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError EnableAgentStatistics(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The CTI OS server sends agent statistics in an OnAgentStatistics event. For more information about the PollingIntervalSec and PollForAgentStatsAtEndCall registry settings and how these settings affect the refresh rate of agent statistics, see OnAgentStatistics in Chapter 6, Event Interfaces and Events
The EnableSkillGroupStatistics method is sent by an agent to request that real-time statistics be sent to that agent. If the Argument array is empty, then statistics for all skill groups are sent. This is useful when a monitoring application needs to view all statistics without having to enumerate and loop over each statistic to enable it.
- C++
- int EnableSkillGroupStatistics (Arguments& optional_args)
- HRESULT EnableSkillGroupStatistics (/*[in]*/ IArguments * optional_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- EnableSkillGroupStatistics (optional_args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- Java:int EnableSkillGroupStatistics(Arguments optional_args)
- .NET
- CilError EnableSkillGroupStatistics(Arguments args)
- optional_args
An optional input parameter containing a pointer or a reference to an Arguments array containing a member that is a nested Arguments array with the keyword SkillGroupNumbers. Within this array, each member has a string key of an integer starting with 1 and an integer value that is a skill group number to be enabled and a string key of an integer and integer value that is a skill group priority to be enabled. If the parameter is NULL or missing, statistics are enabled for all skill groups to which the agent belongs.
- args
Refer to the description for optional_args above.
- errorcode
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The CTI OS server sends SkillGroup statistics in the OnSkillGroupStatisticsUpdated event of the SkillGroup object.
The GetAgentState method returns the current state of the agent.
- C++
- enumCTIOS_AgentState GetAgentState()
- HRESULT GetAgentState (/*[in]*/ long *state)
- VB
- GetAgentState () As Long
- Java
- int GetAgentState()
- .NET
- AgentState GetAgentState()
Output parameter (return parameter in VB) containing the current agent state in the form of one of the values in Table 2.
Return Value
For C++, VB, Java, and .NET, this method returns the current state of the agent.
For more information about the GetAllProperties method, see CtiOs Object.
For more information about the GetElement method, see CtiOs Object.
The GetMonitoredAgent method returns the Agent object that is currently being monitored.
- C++
- CAgent* GetMonitoredAgent()
- HRESULT GetMonitoredAgent (/*[out, retval]*/IAgent **agent)
- VB
- GetMonitoredAgent () As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IAgent
- Java
- Agent GetMonitoredAgent()
- .NET
- Agent GetMonitoredAgent()
Output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains a pointer to a pointer to an Agent object containing the currently monitored agent.
Return Value
This method returns the current monitored agent. The C++, Java, and .NET versions return null if no agent is currently being monitored.
The GetMonitoredCall method returns the Call object that is currently being monitored.
- C++
- CCall* GetMonitoredCall()
- HRESULT GetMonitoredCall (/*[out, retval]*/ICall **call)
- VB
- GetMonitoredCall () As CTIOSCLIENTLib.ICall
- Java
- Call GetMonitoredCall()
- .NET
- Call GetMonitoredCall()
Output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains a pointer to a pointer to a Call object containing the currently monitored call.
Return Value
This method returns the current monitored call. The C++, Java, and .NET versions return null if no call is currently being monitored.
For more information about the GetNumProperties method, see CtiOs Object.
For more information about the GetNumProperties method, see CtiOs Object.
For more information about the GetNumProperties method, see CtiOs Object.
If skillgroupstats is enabled, the GetSkillGroups method allows a client to retrieve a list that contains references to all the skill group objects to which the agent belongs. To retrieve skill groups enable skill group statistics, and turn off agent event minimization by setting its value to 0 on the CTI OS server in the registry key, for example:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems,Inc.\Ctios\<Customer-Instancename>\CTIOS1\Server\Agent\MinimizeAgentStateEventsThe skill group information is available on the agent state change event if the minimization is turned off. The following code example shows how to access the skill group properties of the Agent object:
Log m_Agent.DumpProperties Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 20 If m_Agent.IsValid("SkillGroup[" & i & "]") Then Set argskills = m_Agent.GetValueArray("SkillGroup[" & i & "]") Log "SkillGroup[" & i & "]:" & argskills.DumpArgs Else Log "SkillGroup[" & i & "] args doesnt exist" End If Next i
- C++
- Arguments & GetSkillGroups();
- HRESULT GetSkillGroups (/*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT * pVariantArgs);
- VB
- GetSkillGroups () As Variant
- Java
- Arguments GetSkillGroups()
- .NET
- Arguments GetSkillGroups()
Return Value
In C++ the GetSkillGroups method returns an Arguments array containing references to CSkillGroup objects.
Each element in the returned Arguments array consists of a key/value pair, in which the element key is the Unique Object Id of the skill group object and the value is a reference to a CILRefArg object instance that contains the actual reference to a CSkillGroup object. To retrieve a reference to a skill group object, you need to do something similar to what is shown in the following code example.
Arguments & arSkills = m_Agent->GetSkillGroups(); if(Arguments::IsValidReference(arSkills)){ for(int nI = 1; nI <= arSkills.NumElements(); nI ++){ string strUOID = arSkills.GetElementKey(nI); CilRefArg & pRefArg = (CilRefArg &) arSkills.GetValue(strUOID); if(Arg::IsValidReference(*pRefArg)){ CSkillGroup * pSkill = pRefArg->GetValue(); pRefArg->Release(); cout << "Skill Object (" << strUOID << ") ; cout << " Skill Group Number: " << ; pSkill->GetValueInt(CTIOS_SKILLGROUPNUMBER); } }
In COM the GetSkillGroups method returns a pointer to a variant that encapsulates a Safearray where each element is a pointer to an ISkillGroup object.
To retrieve references to skill group objects, you need to do something similar to what is shown in the following code example.
HRESULT hr = S_OK;VARIANT varSkills; VariantInit(&varSkills) hr = m_Agent->GetSkillGroups(&varSkills); if(SUCCEDED(hr)){ if(varSkills.vt == (VT_ARRAY | VT_DISPATCH) ){ long lNumElements = 0; SafeArrayGetUBound(varSkills.parray,1,&lNumElements); for(long nI = 0; nI < lNumElements; nI ++){ ISkillGroup * pSkill= NULL; hr=SafeArrayGetElement(varSkills.parray,&nI,&pSkill); if(SUCCEDED(hr)){ int nSkillGrpNumber = 0; VARIANT vPropKey; VariantInit(&vPropKey); vPropKey.vt = VT_BSTR; vPropKey.bstr = OLESTR("SkillGroupNumber"); pSkill->GetValueInt(vPropKey,&nSkillGrpNumber); pSkill->Release(); VariantClear(&vPropKey); } } } }
In VB, the GetSkillGroups method returns a variant array where each element is a reference to a CTIOSClientLib.SkillGroup object.
To retrieve references to skill group objects you need to do something similar to what is shown in the following code example:
Dim obSkill As CTIOSClientLib.SkillGroupDim arSkills As Variant Dim lNumElements as Long arSkills = m_Agent.GetSkillGroups() lNumElements = UBound(arSkills,1) For nI = 0 to lNumElements Set obSkill = arSkills(nI) Print "SkillGroup" & obSkill.GetValueString(CStr("UniqueObjectId")) & _ "Skill Group Number: " & obSkill.GetValueInt(CStr("SkillGroupNumber")) Next End For
GetValue Methods
For more information about the GetValue, GetValueInt, GetValueArray, and GetValueString methods, see CtiOs Object.
The IsAgent method determines whether the AgentMode connection is for an agent rather than a supervisor.
- C++
- bool IsAgent()
- VB
- IsAgent () As Boolean
- Java
- boolean IsAgent()
- .NET
- bool IsAgent()
Output parameter (return parameter in VB) that returns true if the current AgentMode connection is for an agent and false if it is for a supervisor.
Return Value
Returns true if the current AgentMode connection is for an agent and false if the connection is for a supervisor.
The IsSupervisor method determines whether the AgentMode connection is for a supervisor.
- C++
- bool IsSupervisor()
- HRESULT IsSupervisor (VARIANT_BOOL * bIsSupervisor)
- VB
- IsSupervisor () As Boolean
- Java
- boolean IsSupervisorMode()
- .NET
- bool IsSupervisor()
Output parameter (return parameter in VB) that returns true if the current AgentMode connection is for a supervisor and false if it is for an agent.
Return Values
If the current session is for a supervisor, this method returns true. Otherwise the method returns false.
The Login method performs a login to the ACD (if supported). Generally, the minimum parameters required to log in to an ACD are AgentID and AgentInstrument. Often, based on customer configuration, the minimum requirements include an ACD password (AgentPassword). Some switches require PositionID in place of (or in addition to) AgentInstrument. Optional arguments include Extension or AgentWorkMode.
To sign on a mobile agent, you must set the following parameters:
rArgs.SetValue(Enum_CtiOs.CTIOS_REMOTELOGIN, "true");
- C++
- virtual int Login(Arguments & args);
- HRESULT Login ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * pVariantArgs, /*[out]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- Login (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int Login(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError Login(Arguments args)
Input Parameters
Arguments array that contains the login parameters that are listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
AgentID (required)** |
The agent's login ID. |
AgentInstrument |
The agent's instrument number. |
LoginName (required)** |
The agent's login name. |
AgentExtension |
The agent's teleset extension. Optional if AgentInstrument is provided. |
AgentPassword (optional) |
The agent's password. |
AgentWorkMode (optional) |
A value representing the desired work mode of the agent. Used by Avaya Communications Manager (ACM) ECS with default value of ManualIn. |
NumSkillGroups (optional) |
The number of Skill Groups that the agent is currently associated with, up to a maximum of 20. |
PeripheralID (optional) |
The Unified ICM Peripheral ID of the ACD the agent is attached to. |
SkillGroupNumber (optional) |
The number of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
SkillGroupPriority (optional) |
The priority of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
Agent CallMode |
A value that indicates the agent's call mode. Valid values are call-by-call (3) and nailed-up (4). |
AgentRemote Number |
The phone number that the agent uses for remote login. |
RemoteLogin |
A value that indicates the agent is configured for remote login as a remote agent. |
*The CTI OS server imposes no restriction on the maximum length of this string. However, such restrictions are generally imposed by your switch/ACD and Cisco CTI Server. Consult the documentation for the switch/ACD or CTI Server for information on length restrictions for this string.
** Either AgentID or LoginName is required.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
If the Login request is successful, it returns a CIL_OK CtiOs_Enums.CilError code In addition, the requesting client can expect an AgentStateChange event if the request is successful with an Arguments member with keyword "AgentState" and value of the agent's current state. (For more information about possible values, see GetAgentState.)
If the Login request is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event and the request returns one of the following CtiOs_Enums.CilError codes:
E_CTIOS_INVALID_SESSION -- either the agent is not associated with the session or the session is not connected.
E_CTIOS_INVALID_ARGUMENT -- null or invalid arguments were provided.
E_CTIOS_LOGIN_INCONSISTENT_ARGUMENTS -- Login request argument values for AgentId and/or PeripheralID do not match the values that were set by SetAgent() prior to the Login request.
The Logout method logs the agent out of the ACD. If the ACD configuration requires or supports other parameters, you can pass these in as logout parameters. Examples are logout reason codes (supported on ACM ECS, Unified CCE).
- C++
- int Logout (Arguments& args)
- HRESULT Logout (/*[in]*/ IArguments args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- Logout (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int Logout(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError Logout(Arguments args)
Input Parameters
Input parameter in the form of an Arguments array that contains the Logout parameters that are listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
EventReasonCode |
Reason for logging out. Required for Unified CCE , optional for all other switches. |
AgentPassword (optional) |
The agent's password. |
NumSkillGroups (optional) |
The number of Skill Groups that the agent is currently associated with, up to a maximum of 20. |
SkillGroupNumber (optional) |
The number of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
SkillGroupPriority (optional) |
The priority of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
AgentID (optional) |
The agent's login ID. |
AgentInstrument |
The agent's instrument number. |
PeripheralID (optional) |
The Unified ICM Peripheral ID of the ACD the agent is attached to. |
*The CTI OS server imposes no restriction on the maximum length of this string. However, such restrictions are generally imposed by your switch/ACD and Cisco CTI Server. Consult the documentation for the switch/ACD or CTI Server for information on length restrictions for this string.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
If the request is successful, the client receives an OnAgentStateChange event with an Arguments member with keyword "AgentState" and value eLogout. If it is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event. The client also receives an OnPreLogout event before the OnAgentStateChange event, and an OnPostLogout event afterwards.
The MakeCall method initiates a call to a device or agent. The simplest form of the request requires only a DialedNumber.
Note | You can select and make the call against the skillgroup. Do not set the value if the default skillgroup is desired. |
- C++
- int MakeCall (Arguments& args)
- HRESULT MakeCall (/*[in]*/ IArguments *args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- MakeCall (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int MakeCall(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError MakeCall(Arguments args)
Input Parameters
Input parameter in the form of an Arguments array that contains the MakeCall parameters that are listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
DialedNumber (required) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
The number to be dialed to establish the new call. |
PeripheralID (optional) |
The Unified ICM Peripheral ID of the ACD the agent is attached to. |
AgentInstrument (optional) |
The agent's instrument number. |
CallPlacementType (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
A value specifying how the call is to be placed is identified in Table 2. |
CallMannerType (optional) |
A value specifying additional call processing options is identified in Table 3. |
AlertRings (optional) |
The maximum amount of time that the call's destination remains alerting, specified as an approximate number of rings. A zero value indicates that the peripheral default (typically 10 rings) is used. |
CallOption (optional) |
A value from Table 4 specifying additional peripheral-specific call options. |
FacilityType (optional) |
A value from Table 5 indicating the type of facility to use. |
AnsweringMachine (optional) |
A value from Table 6 specifying the action to be taken if the call is answered by an answering machine. |
Priority (optional) |
This field should be set to TRUE if the call receives priority handling. |
PostRoute (optional) |
When this field is set to TRUE, the Post-Routing capabilities of the Unified ICM are used to determine the new call destination. |
UserToUserInfo (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
The ISDN user-to-user information. |
CallVariable1 (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
Call variable data set in the new call in place of the corresponding data in the active call. |
... |
... |
... |
CallVariable10 (optional) |
ECC (optional) |
ECC data that is set in the new call in place of the corresponding data in the active call. |
CallWrapupData (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
Call-related wrapup data. |
FacilityCode (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
Set the FacilityType to 1 for trunk groups and enter the trunk access code in the FacilityCode. Set the FacilityType to 2 for skill groups and enter the SkillGroupID in the FacilityCode. Set the FacilityType to 0 for unspecified and enter a split extension or other data needed to access the chosen facility in the FacilityCode. |
AuthorizationCode (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
An authorization code needed to access the resources required to initiate the call.
AccountCode (optional) |
STRING, maximum length 40 |
A cost-accounting or client number used by the peripheral for charge-back purposes. |
SkillGroupNumber |
This keyword is not functional in MakeCall. Instead, to specify the skill group in MakeCall, enter a FacilityType of 2 and enter the SkillGroupID in the FacilityCode. |
CallPlacementType |
Description |
Value |
Use default call placement. |
0 |
An inside line call. |
1 |
An outbound call. |
2 |
An outbound call that does not require an access code. |
3 |
A call placed directly to a specific position. |
4 |
A call placed directly to a specific agent. |
5 |
A call placed to a supervisor for call handling assistance. |
6 |
*The CTI OS server imposes no restriction on the maximum length of this string. However, such restrictions are generally imposed by your switch/ACD and Cisco CTI Server. Consult the documentation for the switch/ACD or CTI Server for information on length restrictions for this string.
CallMannerType |
Description |
Value |
Use default call manner. |
0 |
Attempt the call only if the originating device is idle. |
1 |
Always attempt the call, disconnecting any currently active call. |
2 |
Attempt the call only if the originating device is idle or is receiving dial tone. |
3 |
CallOption |
Description |
Value |
No call options specified, use defaults. |
0 |
Attempt the call only if the calling agent is "online" (available to interact with the destination party). |
1 |
Attempt the call only if ACDNR on the calling agent's set is activated. |
2 |
Attempt the call only if ACDNR on the calling agent's set is not activated. |
3 |
Applies a buzz to the base of the telephone set as the call is initiated. |
4 |
Applies a tone to the agent headset as the call is initiated. |
5 |
Applies a call classifier to the call (ACM ECS). |
6 |
FacilityType |
Description |
Value |
Use default facility type. |
0 |
Facility is a trunk group. |
1 |
Facility is a skill group or split. |
2 |
AnsweringMachine |
Description |
Value |
Use default behavior. |
0 |
Connect call to agent when call is answered by an answering machine. |
1 |
Disconnect call when call is answered by an answering machine. |
2 |
Do not use answering machine detection. |
3 |
Do not use answering machine detection, but disconnect call if answered by a modem. |
4 |
Connect call when call is answered by an answering machine, disconnect call if answered by a modem. |
5 |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
If the request is successful, the client receives one or more of the following call related events:
If the request is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event.
The MakeEmergencyCall method makes an emergency call to the Agent's supervisor.
- C++
- int MakeEmergencyCall ()
- HRESULT MakeEmergencyCall (/*[in, optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- MakeEmergencyCall () As Long
- Java
- int MakeEmergencyCall (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError MakeEmergencyCall(Arguments args)
- reserved_args
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
- args
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
- errorcode
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions
The MakeEmergencyCall request is very similar to the RequestSupervisorAssist request in the following two ways:
Both requests place a call from the requesting agent to a supervisor and are routed employing the same script. A typical script might attempt to route the call to the primary supervisor first (if logged in and in available state) and, failing that, to route the call to a skillgroup that all supervisors belong to.
You can configure Unified ICM Agent Desk Settings to make both call requests via a single step conference or consult call. If the consult method is chosen, the agent can complete the established consult call as a transfer or conference.
These two requests have the following important differences:
Only Emergency calls can be recorded, if so configured in the Unified ICM Agent Desk Settings.
The calls are reported separately in Unified ICM reporting.
Having these two separate requests gives a site some flexibility in implementing supervisor help for its agents, instructing agents to use one for certain cases and the other for different situations. In general, use the MakeEmergencyCall method for higher priority calls than calls made with the RequestSupervisorAssist method. For example, you can train agents to click the Emergency button if the customer has more than $1,000,000 in an account, and otherwise to click the Supervisor Assist button. The Supervisor can differentiate the agent's request by noting the CallType.
The MakeEmergencyCall request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
The QueryAgentState method lets a client retrieve the current state of the agent.
- C++
- int QueryAgentState (Arguments & args );
- HRESULT QueryAgentState ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- QueryAgentState (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int QueryAgentState (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError QueryAgentState(Arguments args)
Input Parameters
Arguments array that contains the parameters listed in the following table.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
Agent ID |
Agent's login ID. |
AgentInstrument |
Agent's instrument number. |
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
If the request is successful, the client receives an OnQueryAgentStateConf event. If it is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event.
The ReportBadCallLine method informs the CTI OS server of the poor quality of the agent's line. A note of this is recorded in the database.
- C++
int ReportBadCallLine () int ReportBadCallLine (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT ReportBadCallLine (/*[in, optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- ReportBadCallLine () As Long
- Java
- int ReportBadCallLine (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError ReportBadCallLine(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions
The RequestAgentTeamList method is called by a supervisor to make a request to the CTI OS server for a list of agents in the supervisor's team.
- C++
int RequestAgentTeamList () int RequestAgentTeamList (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT RequestAgentTeamList (/*[in, optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- RequestAgentTeamList () As Long
- Java
int RequestAgentTeamList () int RequestAgentTeamList (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError RequestAgentTeamList(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
Supported for use with Unified CCE only.
If this request is successful, the CTI OS server sends a separate OnNewAgentTeamMember event for each agent in the supervisor's team. If this request is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event.
The RequestSupervisorAssist method allows the agent to call an available supervisor for assistance.
- C++
virtual int RequestSupervisorAssist(); int RequestSupervisorAssist (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT RequestSupervisorAssist (/*[in, optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /* [out, retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- RequestSupervisorAssist () As Long
- Java
- int RequestSupervisorAssist(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError RequestSupervisorAssist(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
Supported for use with Unified CCE only. For more information, see MakeEmergencyCall.
The SendChatMessage method sends asynchronous chat-like messages between CTI OS clients. Users can specify a distribution of one or more clients, and attach a text message.
- C++
- int SendChatMessage (Arguments& args)
- HRESULT SendChatMessage (/*[in]*/ IArguments *args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- SendChatMessage (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long)
- Java
- int SendChatMessage(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError SendChatMessage(Arguments args)
Input parameter in the form of an Arguments array that contains one or more of the SendChatMessage parameters listed in the following table.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
Distribution (required) |
Currently the only supported value is "agent". |
Target (optional) |
When the Distribution is set to DistributeToAgent, you must include this field with the AgentID of the intended recipient. When the LoginName is set to the LoginName of the agent to receive the chat message, you must also set this field to the login name of the agent to which to chat. |
Message (optional) |
The text of the user message. Maximum message size is 255 bytes. |
LoginName (optional) |
Login name of the agent to receive the chat message. To chat to an agent by login name, set "LoginName" and "Target" to the login name of the agent to which to chat. |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The recipient receives the message via the OnChatMessage event.
The SetAgentGreetingAction Sets the value of the Agent Greeting Action to enable or disable Agent Greeting for the logged in agent.
Agent Greeting is supported with CTI OS desktops created using the COM or C++ CILs.
- C++
- int SetAgentGreetingAction(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT SetAgentGreetingAction (/*[in]*/ IArguments *args, int * errorcode)
- VB
- SetAgentGreetingAction (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
Input Parameters
Arguments array containing the following fields.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
AgentAction |
1 = Disable Agent Greeting for the logged in agent. 2 = Enable agent greeting for the logged in agent/-The state to which to set the specified agent. The value of this field must be one of the values in Table 2. |
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
A successful request results in an OnAgentGreetingControlConf event. If this request is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event.
The SetAgentState method requests a new agent state. Login and Logout are valid agent states and can be set using the SetAgentState method as well as by using the Login and Logout methods.
- C++
- int SetAgentState(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT SetAgentState (/*[in]*/ IArguments *args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- SetAgentState (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int SetAgentState(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError SetAgentState(Arguments args)
Input Parameters
Input parameter in the form of an Arguments array that contains one or more of the SetAgentState parameters listed in the following table.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
AgentState (required) |
The state to which to set the specified agent. The value of this field must be one of the values in Table 2. |
AgentID (required) |
The agent's login ID. |
AgentInstrument |
The agent's instrument number. Optional if Agent Extension is provided. |
AgentPassword (optional) |
The agent's password. |
AgentWorkMode (optional) |
A value representing the desired work mode of the agent. Used by ACM ECS with default value of ManualIn. |
NumSkillGroups (optional) |
The number of Skill Groups that the agent is currently associated with, up to a maximum of 20. |
EventReasonCode (optional) |
Reason for logging out. Required for Unified CCE , optional for all other switches. |
PeripheralID (optional) |
The Unified ICM Peripheral ID of the ACD the agent is attached to. |
SkillGroupNumber (optional) |
The optional, user-defined number of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
SkillGroupPriority (optional) |
The priority of an agent skill group associated with the agent. |
*The CTI OS server imposes no restriction on the maximum length of this string. However, such restrictions are generally imposed by your switch/ACD and Cisco CTI Server. Consult the documentation for the switch/ACD or CTI Server for information on length restrictions for this string.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
A successful request results in an OnAgentStateChanged event. It can also result in OnPreLogout, OnPostLogout, and/or OnLogoutFailed events. If this request is unsuccessful, the client receives an OnControlFailureConf event.
The StartMonitoringAgent method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to start monitoring the specified Agent object. This call causes the supervisor to receive all of the monitored call events (See IMonitoredCallEvents Interface in Event Interfaces and Events) for this agent until the supervisor calls StopMonitoringAgent.
- C++
- int StartMonitoringAgent(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT StartMonitoringAgent (/*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StartMonitoringAgent (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int StartMonitoringAgent(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StartMonitoringCall(Arguments args)
- args
Arguments array that contains the constant CTIOS_AGENTREFERENCE set to the string value of the UniqueObjectID of the agent to be monitored.
- errorcode
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently, Unified CCE only).
The following code snippet gets the unique object ID string for an agent, then uses uses the SetValue method to store the Agent object ID and string constant CTIOS_AGENTREFERENCE in an Arguments array.
String StrUID = agent.GetValueString(CTIOS_UNIQUEOBJECTID Id); arg.SetValue(CTIOS_AGENTREFERENCE, StrUID);
The StartMonitoringAgentTeam method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to start monitoring the specified agent team. A client supervisor uses this method to receive all of the OnMonitorAgentStateChange events for every agent on the specified team.
- C++
- int StartMonitoringAgentTeam (Arguments& args)
- HRESULT StartMonitoringAgentTeam (/*[in]*/ IArguments args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StartMonitoringAgentTeam (args as CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int StartMonitoringAgentTeam (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StartMonitoringAgentTeam(Arguments args)
Arguments array that contains the constant CTIOS_TEAMID set to the integer TeamID to be monitored.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently, Unified CCE only).
The StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to start monitoring all the agents on all the supervisor's teams. This causes the supervisor to receive monitored agent events for all of the agents in the supervisor's team (for more information, see IMonitoredAgentEvents Interface in Event Interfaces and Events).
- C++
- int StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams (/*[in, optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams ([reserved_args as CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments]) As Long
- Java
- int StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams (Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams(Arguments args)
- reserved_args
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
- args
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
- errorcode
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently, Unified CCE only).
The StartMonitoringCall method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to set the value of the currently monitored call that is used in the SuperviseCall method. Since there is no StopMonitoringCall, call this method with an empty args parameter to clear the value of the currently monitored call.
- C++
- int StartMonitoringCall(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT StartMonitoringCall (/*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StartMonitoringCall (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int StartMonitoringCall(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StartMonitoringCall(Arguments args)
Arguments array that contains the constant CTIOS_CALLREFERENCE set to the string value of the UniqueObjectID of the call to be monitored.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
The StopMonitoringAgent method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to stop monitoring the specified Agent object. This stops all Monitored Call events being sent to the supervisor.
- C++
- int StopMonitoringAgent(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT StopMonitoringAgent (/*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StopMonitoringAgent (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int StopMonitoringAgent(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StopMonitoringAgent(Arguments args)
Arguments array that contains the constant CTIOS_AGENTREFERENCE set to the string value of the UniqueObjectID of the agent to stop monitoring.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
The StopMonitoringAgentTeam method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to stop monitoring all the agents on all the supervisor's teams.
- C++
- int StopMonitoringAgentTeam (Arguments& args)
- HRESULT StopMonitoringAgentTeam (/*[in]*/ IArguments args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StopMonitoringAgentTeam (args as CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments) As Long
- Java
- int StopMonitoringAgentTeam(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StopMonitoringAgentTeam(Arguments args)
Arguments array that contains a constant CTIOS_TEAMID set to the integer TeamID of the team to stop monitoring.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
The StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to stop monitoring all of the agents on all the supervisor's teams.
- C++
- int StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams (Arguments& reserved_args)
- HRESULT StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams (/*[in,optional]*/ IArguments reserved_args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode)
- VB
- StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams([reserved_args as CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments]) As Long
- Java
- int StopMonitoringAllAgentTeams(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError StopMonitoringAgentTeam(Arguments args)
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Value
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
The SuperviseCall method allows the client, which must be a supervisor, to perform a supervisory action specified by the args parameter.
The SuperviseCall method is the CTI OS version of the SUPERVISE_CALL_REQ message. This method is used to barge-into and intercept agent calls by specifying a supervisory action of eSupervisorBargeIn and eSupervisorIntercept respectively. To support Cisco Unified Communications Manager silent monitor, the supervisory action eSupervisorMonitor was added. For more information, see Unified CM-Based Silent Monitoring in Your Application.
- C++
- int SuperviseCall(Arguments& args)
- HRESULT SuperviseCall (/*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int errorCode)
- VB
- SuperviseCall (args As CTIOSCLIENTLib.IArguments ) As Long
- Java
- int SuperviseCall(Arguments args)
- .NET
- CilError SuperviseCall(Arguments args)
- args
An input parameter in the form of a pointer to an Arguments array that contains members with string values that are the UniqueObjectIDs of the desired agent (AgentUniqueObjectID) and call (CallUniqueObjectID). Package these with the keywords "AgentReference" and "CallReference" respectively.
The third required parameter is one of the following integers representing the desired supervisory action.
Value |
Enum |
Description |
3 |
eSupervisorBargeIn |
BargeIn to the specified call of the specified agent. |
4 |
eSupervisorIntercept |
Intercept the specified call of the specified agent. |
1 |
eSupervisorMonitor |
Used to silently monitor the call of the specified agent. |
0 |
eSupervisorClear |
Used to clear the silent monitor call. |
Note | Both SupervisorMonitor and eSupervisorClear only apply to Cisco Unified Communications Manager based silent monitor. This is packaged with the constant CTIOS_SUPERVISORYACTION or the string "SupervisoryAction". |
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
This request is specific to the Supervisor feature and should only be used on switches or configurations that have the necessary support (currently,
A BargeIn action is very similar to a Single Step Conference where the agent is the conference controller. As such, only this agent can add other parties to the conference; the supervisor cannot do this.
An Intercept can only be performed by a supervisor who has already performed a BargeIn. The Intercept simply hangs up the original agent, leaving only the customer and the supervisor talking.
E_CTIOS_INVALID_SILENT_MONITOR_MODE is returned when Agent.SuperviseCall() is called when CTI OS Based silent monitor is configured.