- Preface
- Introduction
- CTI OS Client Interface Library Architecture
- CIL Coding Conventions
- Building Your Custom CTI Application
- CTI OS ActiveX Controls
- Event Interfaces and Events
- CtiOs Object
- Session Object
- Agent Object
- Call Object
- SkillGroup Object
- Helper Classes
- SilentMonitorManager Object
- CTI OS Keywords and Enumerated Types
- CTI OS Logging
SilentMonitorManager Object
The SilentMonitorManager object provides developers with an interface to silently monitor behavior. The SilentMonitorManager object performs all silent monitor tasks, such as starting, stopping, and managing silent monitor sessions. The SilentMonitorManager object stores specific silent monitor session information as properties.
You can use the SilentMonitorManager object in two different modes:
In Monitoring Mode, an application that wants to silently monitor conversation without being noticed by the calling parties must create a SilentMonitorManager object and set the mode to eSMMonitoringMode using the StartSMMonitoringMode method.
In Monitored Mode, an application accepts requests to initiate silent monitor sessions to forward the voice conversations to the remote monitoring application. The application creates a SilentMonitorManager object and sets the mode to eSMMonitoredMode using the StartSMMonitoredMode method.
For more information about these modes see Silent Monitor Session in Building Your Custom CTI Application
![]() Note | SilentMonitorManager Object methods and properties are not available in the Java or .NET CILs. |
![]() Note | SilentMonitorManager Object methods and properties are supported for use with Unified CCE only. |
![]() Note | SilentMonitorManager Object methods and properties are only supported for CTI OS based silent monitoring. |
The following table lists the SilentMonitorManager object properties.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
HeartbeatInterval |
Heartbeat interval for the silent monitor session. |
HeartbeatTimeout |
Timeout for no activity. |
IPPhoneInformation |
This property is only accessible via the GetIPPhoneInfo method. It contains all the information related to the IP Phone used by the application. |
MediaTerminationPort |
TCP/IP port where monitored conversation is sent for playback on system sound card. |
SessionInformation |
This property is only accessible via the GetSessionInfo method. It contains all the information related to the current active silent monitor session. |
SMManagerMode |
Mode in which the manager object operates (for more information, see the table below). If SetIPPhoneInfo is used, SMManagerMode attempts to use the information provided.
enum Value |
Description |
Numeric Value |
eSMModeNotSet |
Mode not set. |
-1 |
eSMMonitoredMode |
The manager accepts request for silent monitor sessions and forwards voice to the monitoring application. |
0 |
eSMMonitoringMode |
The manager can make requests to remote client to start a silent monitor session and send voice. |
1 |
The following table lists the SilentMonitorManager object methods.
Method |
Description |
AcceptSilentMonitoring |
Establishes a silent monitor session and immediately starts sending audio. |
GetIPPhoneInfo1 |
Retrieves the information of the IP Phone used by the client application. Gets its information from the RTP events that occur when RTP streams are created and modified. |
GetSessionInfo |
Retrieves the information related to the current silent monitor session. |
GetSMSessionList |
Retrieves a list of all active silent monitor sessions. |
IsMonitoredTarget |
Determines if the device/agent is a target being monitored. |
SetIPPhoneInfo1 |
Saves the information of the IP Phone used by the client application. |
StartSilentMonitorRequest |
Sends a silent monitor session start request to a targeted client. |
StartSMMonitoredMode |
Puts the SilentMonitorManager in Monitored mode. |
StartSMMonitoringMode |
Puts the SilentMonitorManager in Monitoring mode. |
StopSilentMonitorMode |
Sets the SilentMonitorManager mode to eSMModeNotSet. If a silent monitor session is active at this time, the session is terminated. |
StartSilentMonitorRequest |
The StartSilentMonitorRequest () method is used to initiate a CTI OS based silent monitor session. When this method is called and Cisco Unified Communications Manager based silent monitor is configured, it returns E_CTIOS_INVALID_SILENT_MONITOR_MODE. |
StopSilentMonitorRequest |
Stops the active silent monitor session. |
- Argument Parameter Rules
- AcceptSilentMonitoring
- GetIPPhoneInfo
- GetSessionInfo
- GetSMSessionList
- IsMonitoredTarget
- SetIPPhoneInfo
- StartSilentMonitorRequest
- StartSMMonitoredMode
- StartSMMonitoringMode
- StopSilentMonitorMode
- StopSilentMonitorRequest
Argument Parameter Rules
The following rules apply to the optional_args and reserved_args parameters in SilentMonitorManager object methods:
In VB, you can ignore these parameters. For example, you can treat the line:
StartSMMonitoringMode([reserved_args As IArguments]) As Long
as follows:
To ignore these parameters in COM you must send a NULL, as shown:
The AcceptSilentMonitoring method establishes the silent monitor session requested by the OnSilentMonitorRequestedEvent and immediately starts sending audio to the monitoring client. You should only use this method if the parameter DoDefaultMessageHandling was set to False when the subscriber handled the OnSilentMonitorRequestedEvent event.
- C++
- int AcceptSilentMonitoring(Arguments & args );
- HRESULT AcceptSilentMonitoring ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- AcceptSilentMonitoring (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
Arguments array that contains the parameters listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
MonitoredUniqueObjectID |
Unique Object ID of the object being monitored. |
MonitoringIPAddress |
TCP/IP address of the monitoring application. |
MonitoringIPPort |
TCP/IP port of the monitoring application. |
SMSessionKey |
Unique identifier for the Silent Monitor Session. |
HeartbeatInterval |
Heartbeat interval for the silent monitor session. |
HeartbeatTimeout |
Timeout for no activity. |
OriginatingServerID |
TCP/IP Address:Port of the CTI OS server from which the request originated. |
OriginatingClientID |
Client Identification of the monitoring application. |
DoDefaultMessage Handling |
When this parameter is set to True, it instructs the SilentMonitorManager to immediately start sending audio and establish the silent monitor session. If this value is set to False, it instructs the SilentMonitorManager not to send voice and not to establish the silent monitor session. It is then the responsibility of the subscriber to report this status accordingly. |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The GetIPPhoneInfo method gets the information about the client application IP Phone.
![]() Note | You do not have to use this method. You can use the defaults to figure out the information to sniff packets from. |
- C++
- C++: Arguments * GetIPPhoneInfo(void);
- HRESULT GetIPPhoneInfo ( /*[out,retval]*/ IArguments ** IPPhoneInfo);
- VB
- GetIPPhoneInfo () as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments
Return Value
This method returns an Arguments array that contain the parameters listed in the following table.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
ClientAddress |
IP Address of the IP Phone to be used by the client application. |
BitRate |
Audio transmission bit rate. |
PacketSize |
Number of milliseconds of audio stored in a packet. |
Direction |
One of the following values that indicates the direction of voice flow between the calling party and the called party: 0: Input 1: Output 2: Bidirectional |
RTPTypea |
One of the following values that indicates the type of RTP messages between the calling party and the called party: 0: audio 1: video 2: data |
EchoCancelation |
One of the following values that indicates whether the echo cancellation feature is enabled on this IP Phone: 0: Off 1: On |
PayLoadType |
Audio codec type. |
The GetSessionInfo method retrieves the information related to the current silent monitor session.
- C++
- Arguments * GetSessionInfo(Arguments & args) ;
- HRESULT GetSessionInfo ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ IArguments * SMSessionInfo );
- VB
- GetSessionInfo (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
SMSessionKey |
Unique silent monitor session Object ID of the target object that is being monitored. |
MonitoredUniqueObjectID |
Unique Object ID of the target object that is being monitored. |
Return Values
This method returns an Arguments array containing the key/value pairs listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
SMSessionKey |
Unique silent monitor session Object ID of the target object that is being monitored. |
SMSessionStatus |
One of the ISilentMonitorEvent status codes in Table 2. |
AudioMode |
Reserved. Specifies the audio mode bitmask. |
AgentID/DeviceID |
Agent ID or DeviceID of the target being monitored. |
MonitoredUniqueObjectID |
Unique Object ID of the target object being monitored. |
MonitoredDeviceIPAddress |
TCP/IP Address of the monitored IP Phone. |
PeripheralID |
ID of the peripheral associated with the agent and IP phone. |
MonitoringIPAddress |
TCP/IP Address of the system receiving audio. |
MonitoringIPPort |
TCP/IP port on which receiving system is listening for audio. |
The GetSMSessionList method returns an Arguments array that contains the parameters listed in Table 1. All parameters are required.
- C++
- Arguments * CIL_API GetSMSessionList(void)
- HRESULT GetSMSessionList([out,retval] IArguments **pIArguments );
- VB
- GetSMSessionList () as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments
Return Values
Arguments array that contains a list of all Silent Monitor sessions. The current version only allows one active session, so the main use for this function is to use the NumElements method on the returned Arguments array to determine if the current SilentMonitorManager is in an active Silent Monitor session.
The IsMonitoredTarget method determines if the specified device or agent is a target that is being monitored.
- C++
- bool IsMonitoredTarget (Arguments & args);
- HRESULT IsMonitoredTarget ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL * bMonitored );
- VB
- IsMonitoredTarget () As Boolean
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
MonitoredUniqueObjectID |
Unique Object ID of the target object being monitored. |
Return Value
True if the specified MonitoredUniqueObjectID corresponds to the monitored agent or device; False otherwise.
The SetIPPhoneInfo method saves the information of the IP Phone used by the client application.
You use the SetIPPhoneInfo() function to set the specific IP address/port to sniff on for RTP packets on the agent system. If you call StartSMMonitoredMode() and have not called SetIPPhoneInfo(), then the silent monitor library sniffs on all IP interfaces on the agent system and figures out the correct interface. If you set a specific ip address/port to sniff with SetIPPhoneInfo(), then the silent monitor library sniffs for RTP packets on the agent system only on that specific address and specific port. SetIPPhoneInfo() is used externally by the Agent control to set a specific address for silent monitor sniffing.
![]() Note | AgentState control only uses SetIPPhoneInfo in a Citrix environment. Since the IP address/port that the phone is connected to is not local to the Citrix server, the AgentState control uses terminal services APIs to figure out the IP address of the real network interface. |
- C++
- int SetIPPhoneInfo (Arguments & args);
- HRESULT SetIPPhoneInfo ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- SetIPPhoneInfo (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments ) As Long
Arguments array that can contain the parameters listed in the following table:
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
ClientAddress (required) |
IP Address of the IP Phone to be used by the client application. |
BitRate (optional) |
Audio transmission bit rate. |
PacketSize (optional) |
Number of milliseconds of audio stored in a packet. |
Direction (optional) |
One of the following values that indicates the direction of voice flow between the calling party and the called party: 0: Input 1: Output 2: Bidirectional |
RTPType (optional) |
One of the following values that indicates the type of RTP messages between the calling party and the called party: 0: audio 1: video 2: data |
EchoCancelation (optional) |
One of the following values that indicates whether the echo cancellation feature is enabled on this IP Phone: 0: Off 1: On |
PayLoadType (optional) |
Audio codec type. |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The StartSilentMonitorRequest method sends a silent monitor session start request to a targeted client.
- C++
- int StartSilentMonitorRequest (Arguments & args, unsigned short * SMSessionKey );
- HRESULT StartSilentMonitorRequest ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*/[out]*/ unsigned short * SMSessionKey, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- StartSilentMonitorRequestInt (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments, ByRef SMSessionKey AsLong) As Long
Arguments array that contains the parameters listed in the following table. All parameters are required.
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
AgentID or DeviceID |
AgentID or DeviceID of the target to monitor. Specify either an AgentID or a DeviceID, not both, |
PeripheralID |
ID of the peripheral associated with the agent or device. |
MonitoringIPAddress |
TCP/IP address of the system receiving audio. |
MonitoringIPPort (Optional) |
TCP/IP port where the monitoring application is listening for audio. |
HeartbeatInterval |
Interval in seconds between heartbeats. |
HeartbeatTimeout |
Seconds elapsing before a Silent Monitor session is aborted because of no heartbeats received from the monitored peer. |
An output parameter that contains the unique key to the started silent monitor session. You must use this key to perform any action on the currently active silent monitor session.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
If you use the DeviceID, there must be an agent associated with the device. The session timeouts if there is no agent logged into the device. An established silent monitor session ends if the associated agent logs out of the device.
E_CTIOS_INVALID_SILENT_MONITOR_MODE is returned when SilentMonitorManager.Start
SilentMonitorRequest() is called when Cisco Unified Communications Manager based silent monitor is configured.
If an application using a version of the CIL that is older than 7.2(1) connects to a 7.2(1) CTI OS Server configured for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Based Silent Monitor and calls SilentMonitorManager.StartSilentMonitor
Request(), the application receives an OnSilentMonitorStatusReportEvent carrying a status code of eSMStatusCCMSilentMonitor.
The StartSMMonitoredMode method puts the SilentMonitorManager in Monitored mode.
- C++
- int StartSMMonitoredMode (Arguments & args );
- HRESULT StartSMMonitoredMode ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- StartSMMonitoredMode (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
Cluster |
An array of IP addresses and/or hostnames for silent monitor services. These silent monitor service should all be members of the same cluster to ensure that the agent's calls can be silently monitored. The CIL randomly chooses one silent monitor service to which to connect. For more information about silent monitor service cluster configuration, see CTI OS System Manager's Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted. |
SMSAddr |
If Cluster is not present, you can use this parameter to specify the address of a silent monitor service to which to connect. |
SMSListenport |
The port on which the silent monitor services listen for connections. |
The QoS setting for the connection. |
SMSHeartbeats |
The interval in milliseconds between heartbeat packets. |
SMSRetries |
The number of heartbeats that can be missed before the connection is aborted. |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The StartSMMonitoringMode method puts the SilentMonitorManager in Monitoring mode.
- C++
- int StartSMMonitoringMode (Arguments & args );
- HRESULT StartSMMonitoringMode ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- StartSMMonitoringMode (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
SMSAddr |
A string that contains the address of the silent monitor service used to decode and play back the agent's phone call. |
SMSListenport |
The port on which the silent monitor services listen for connections. |
The QoS setting for the connection. |
SMSHeartbeats |
The interval in milliseconds between heartbeat packets. |
SMSRetries |
The number of heartbeats that can be missed before the connection is aborted. |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The StopSilentMonitorMode method sets the SilentMonitorManager mode to eSMModeNotSet. If a silent monitor session is active at the time, the session is terminated.
- C++
- int StopSilentMonitorMode (Arguments & reserved_args );
- HRESULT StopSilentMonitorMode ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * reserved_args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- StopSilentMonitorMode (ByVal reserved_args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
Not currently used, reserved for future use.
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.
The StopSilentMonitorRequest method stops the Active silent monitor session.
- C++
- int StopSilentMonitorRequest (Arguments & args);
- HRESULT StartSilentMonitorRequest ( /*[in]*/ IArguments * args, /*[out,retval]*/ int * errorcode );
- VB
- StopSilentMonitorRequest (ByVal args as CTIOSCLIENTLIB.IArguments) As Long
Keyword |
Type |
Description |
SMSessionKey |
Unique key of the current active silent monitor session |
An output parameter (return parameter in VB) that contains an error code from Table 1.
Return Values
Default CTI OS return values. For more information, see CIL Coding Conventions.