Configure NAT64 for IPv6-Enabled Deployment
NAT64 allows communication between IPv6 and IPv4 networks. For IPv6-enabled deployments, you must set up NAT64 so that supervisors on an IPv6 network can access Unified CCE Administration web tools on an IPv4 network.
You can use either Stateful and Stateless NAT64. To read more about which translation type is the most appropriate for your deployment see Table 2. Comparison Between Stateless and Stateful NAT64 here:
Note |
NAT64 is NOT supported on M train IOS. T train is required. For more information on Contact Center Enterprise Compatibility Matrix, see |
The following example network diagram and interface configuration demonstrates Stateful NAT64 translation between an IPv6 network and an IPv4 network.
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description ipv4-only interface
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
nat64 enable
no mop enabled
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description ipv6-only interface
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
nat64 enable
ipv6 address 2001::1/64
ipv6 enable
ipv6 unicast-routing
ipv6 cef
nat64 prefix stateful 3001::/96
nat64 v4 pool POOL1
nat64 v6v4 list V6ACL1 pool POOL1 overload
ipv6 router rip RIPv6
ipv6 router rip RIP
ipv6 access-list V6ACL1
permit ipv6 2001::/64 any
Configure DNS for IPv6
To meet the requirement that Unified CCE Administration be accessed by FQDN, a Forward lookup AAAA record for the AW must be created in DNS.
The steps in this procedure are for a Windows DNS server.
Step 1 |
In Windows, navigate to Administrative Tools > DNS. This opens the DNS Manager. |
Step 2 |
In the Forward lookup zone, navigate to your deployment's domain name. |
Step 3 |
Right-click the domain name and select New Host (A or AAAA). |
Step 4 |
In the New Host dialog box, enter the computer name and IP address of the AW. Click Add Host. |
Determine IPv6 Translation of IPv4 Address for DNS Entry
You can determine the IPv6 address needed for the AAAA DNS record by running a ping command on any Windows machine using mixed notation. Type “ping -6” followed by your IPv6 Nat64 Prefix, two colons, and then the IPv4 address.
In the ping response, the IPv4 address is converted to the hexadecimal equivalent. Use this address in your static AAAA record.
Note |
Optionally, DNS64 can be used in place of static DNS entries. Use of DNS64 helps facilitate translation between IPv6 and IPv4 networks by synthesizing AAAA resource records from A resource records. The NAT64 Technology: Connecting IPv6 and IPv4 Networks whitepaper gives an overview of DNS64 and how it is used with IPv6: |