
Installation Task Flow

This section lists the installation tasks for a Unified CCE contact center solution.

Installation procedures for Unified CCE components appear later in this chapter. For the non-Unified CCE components in your solution, follow the links in the table to access the installation guides for those components.

For the Unified CCE components, the sequence you follow can vary according to the distribution of Unified CCE components on virtual machines.

Task See

Ensure that virtual machines are ready for installation

Set Up Virtual Machines for Installation

Install Unified Communications Manager

Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Install Unified CCE components (Router, Logger, Administration & Data Servers, peripherals)

Install Unified CCE Software

Install Outbound Option

Create Outbound Option Database

and then see

Outbound Option Guide for Unified Contact Center Enterprise at

Install Finesse

Cisco Finesse Server Installation

Install Enterprise Chat and Email

Enterprise Chat and Email Installation Guide (for Unified Contact Center Enterprise) at

Install Single Sign-On Identity Service Standalone (4000, 8000, 12000 Agent Deployment)


Install Coresident Deployment (2000 Agent Deployment)

Install Cisco Identity Service Standalone Deployment


Install Coresident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

Install Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Standalone (4000, 8000, 12000 Agent Deployment)


Install Coresident Deployment (2000 Agent Deployment)

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center at


Install Coresident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

Install Live Data Standalone (4000, 8000, 12000 Agent Deployment)


Install Coresident Deployment (2000 Agent Deployment)

Live Data Standalone Installation


Install Coresident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

Install Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (Unified CVP) 1

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal at

Install Unified Contact Center Management Portal (Unified CCMP)

Installation and Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Management Portal at

Install Cisco SocialMiner

Cisco SocialMiner User Guide at

Install Cisco MediaSense 2

Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco MediaSense at

1 If you are using IP IVR for self-service and queueing, see Getting Started with Cisco Unified IP IVR.
2 UCCE 12.0 supports only Cisco MediaSense 11.5.

Installation Tasks

The following section provides instructions about installing Unified CCE components. For instructions about installing non-Unified CCE components in a Unified CCE solution, see the links to component-specific documents in the Installation Task Flow.


Take a backup of the VM snapshot before installing the Unified CCE software, because uninstallation support is not provided .

Install Unified CCE Software


Step 1

Mount the Unified CCE Installer ISO image to the virtual machine. For more information, see Mount ISO Files.

Step 2

Open the ICM-CCE-Installer, click Next.

Step 3

Select Fresh Install and click Next.

The installer program proceeds through a series of screens on which you specify information.

Step 4

To apply Unified ICM any Maintenance/Minor Release, click Browse and navigate to the Maintenance/Minor Release software.

Step 5

Run the mandatory update before applying any ES, if you have a fresh install or Technology Refresh upgrade planned for PCCE or UCCE 12.0(1), on the Windows Server 2016. You can download the CCE 12.0 Mandatory Update for Fresh Install/Tech Refresh from

Set up Organizational Units

Add a Domain

Use the Domain Manager tool to add a domain.

Step 1

Log in with a Domain Administrator privilege.

Step 2

Open the Domain Manager Tool from Unified CCE Tools shortcut on your desktop.

Step 3

Click Select. under Domains.

Step 4

You can add domains through the Select Domains dialog box, or you can add a domain manually if the target domain cannot be detected automatically.

To add domains by using the controls in the Select Domains dialog box:

  1. In the left pane under Choose domains, select one or more domains.

  2. Click Add to add the selected domains, or click Add All to add all the domains.

To add a domain manually:

  1. In the field under Enter domain name, enter the fully qualified domain name to add.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Click OK.

Add Organizational Units

Use the Domain Manager tool to create the Cisco root Organizational Unit (OU) for a domain, and then create the facility and instance OUs.

The system software always uses the root OU named Cisco_ICM. You can place the Cisco_ICM OU at any level within the domain where the Unified ICM Central Controller is installed. The system software components locate the root OU by searching for this name.

The user who creates the Cisco Root OU automatically becomes a member of the Setup Security Group for the Cisco Root OU. In effect, this user is granted privileges to all Unified CCE tasks in the domain.


Step 1

Log in with a domain administrator privilege and open the Domain Manager Tool from Unified CCE Tools shortcut on the desktop.

Step 2

Choose the domain.

Step 3

If this OU is the first instance, then perform the following steps to add the Cisco_ICM root:

  1. Under Cisco root, click Add.

  2. Select the OU under which you want to create the Cisco root OU, then click OK.

    When you return to the Domain Manager dialog box, the Cisco root OU appears either at the domain root or under the OU you selected. You can now add the facility.

Step 4

Add the facility OU:

  1. Select the Cisco Root OU under which you want to create the facility OU.

  2. In the right pane, under Facility, click Add.

  3. Enter the name for the Facility, and click OK.

Step 5

Add the instance OU:

  1. Navigate to and select the facility OU under which you want to create the instance OU.

  2. In the right pane, under Instance, click Add.

  3. Enter the instance name and click OK.

Step 6

Click Close.

Add Users to Security Groups

To add a domain user to a security group, use this procedure. The user is then granted the user privileges to the functions that are controlled by that security group.


Step 1

Open the Domain Manager tool and select the Security Group you want to add a user to.

Step 2

Under Security group, click Members.

Step 3

Under Users, click Add.

Step 4

Select the domain of the user you want to add.

Step 5

(Optional) In the Optional Filter field, choose to further filter by the Name or User Logon Name, apply the search condition, and enter the search value.

Step 6

Click Search.

Step 7

Select the member you want to add to the Security Group from the search results.

Step 8

Click OK.

Add Unified CCE Instance


Step 1

Open the Unified CCE Web Setup tool from shortcut on your desktop.

Step 2

Sign in as a domain user with local administrator rights.

Step 3

Click Instance Management, and then click Add.

Step 4

On the Add Instance page, from the drop-down list, choose the customer Facility and Instance.

Step 5

Enter an instance number.

The same instance name can occur more than once in a domain, so the instance number provides the uniqueness. The instance number must be between 0 and 24. The instance number must match for the same instance across your entire deployment. For an Enterprise (single instance) deployment, select 0 unless there are reasons to select another value.

Step 6

Click Save.

These steps of adding instance must be repeated on each Windows Server VM that hosts the Unified ICM component(s).

Set Up Unified CCE Central Controller and Administration and Data Server Components

Create Component Databases

To improve database performance, Unified ICM uses a reduced fill factor from previous releases for the index pages in every table of the Logger, AW, and HDS databases.

Create Logger Database

Perform this procedure on the Side A and Side B Rogger VM.


Step 1

From Unified CCE Tools, open the ICMDBA tool, and click Yes at any warnings that display.

Step 2

Navigate to Server > Instances.

Step 3

Right-click the instance name and choose Create to create the logger database.

Step 4

In the Select Component dialog box, choose the logger you are working on (Logger A or Logger B). Click OK.

Step 5

At the prompt, "SQL Server is not configured properly. Do you want to configure it now?", click Yes.

Step 6

On the Configure page, in the SQL Server Configurations pane check Memory (MB) and Recovery Interval. Click OK.

Step 7

On the Stop Server page, click Yes to stop the services.

Step 8

In the Select Logger Type dialog box, choose Enterprise. Click OK to open the Create Database dialog box.

Step 9

Create the Logger database and log as follows:

  1. In the DB Type field, choose the Side (A or B).

  2. In the region field, choose your region.

  3. In the Create Database dialog box, click Add to open the Add Device dialog box.

  4. Click Data.

  5. Choose the drive on which you want to create the database, for example, the E drive.

  6. For the Size field, consider whether to choose the default (which is 1.4GB, a fairly minimal size) or calculate a value appropriate for your deployment by using the Database Size Estimator Tool. If you calculate the value, enter it here.

  1. Click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

  2. Click Add again.

  3. In the Add Device dialog box, click Log.

  4. Choose the drive where you created the database.

  5. In the Size field, choose the default setting or, if you have calculated an appropriate size for your deployment, enter that value.

  6. Click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

Step 10

In the Create Database dialog box, click Create, then click Start.

Step 11

When you see the successful creation message, click OK and then Close.

Create HDS Database

Perform this procedure on the Administration & Data Server on which you want to create the HDS database.


Step 1

Open the ICMDBA tool, and click Yes at any warnings that display.

Step 2

Navigate to Servers > Instances.

Step 3

Right-click the instance name and choose Create.

Step 4

In the Select Component dialog box, choose Administration & Data Server. Click OK.

Step 5

At the prompt "SQL Server is not configured properly. Do you want to configure it now?", click Yes.

Step 6

On the Configure dialog box, click OK.

Step 7

On the Select AW Type dialog box, choose Enterprise. Click OK to open the Create Database dialog box.

Step 8

Create the HDS database as follows:

  1. From the DB Type drop-down list, choose HDS.

  2. Click Add.

  3. On the Add Device dialog box, select Data.

  4. From the Available Drives list, choose the drive on which you want to install the database.

  5. In the Size field, you can leave the default value or enter an appropriate size for your deployment.


    You can use the Database Size Estimator Tool to calculate the appropriate size for your deployment.

  6. Click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

  7. Click Add.

  8. On the Add Device dialog box, select Log.

  9. From the Available Drives list, choose the drive on which you created the database.

  10. In the Size field, you can leave the default value or enter an appropriate size for your deployment.

  11. Click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

Step 9

On the Create Database dialog box, click Create and then click Start.

Step 10

When you see the successful creation message, click OK and then click Close.

Create Outbound Option Database

Outbound Option uses its own SQL database on the Logger. Perform the following procedure on the Side A Logger or the Side B Logger.

After you complete this procedure, see the Outbound Option Guide for Unified Contact Center Enterprise at .


Step 1

Open the ICMDBA tool and click Yes to any warnings.

Step 2

Navigate to Servers > <Logger Server> > Instances > <Unified CCE instance> > LoggerA or LoggerB. Right-click the instance name and select Database > Create.

Step 3

On the Stop Server message, click Yes to stop the services.

Step 4

In the Create Database dialog box, click Add to open the Add Device dialog box.

Step 5

Click Data, and choose the drive on which you want to create the database, for example, the E drive. In the database size field, you can choose to retain the default value or enter a required value.

Step 6

Click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

Step 7

In the Add Device dialog box, click Log. Choose the desired drive. Retain the default value in the log size field and click OK to return to the Create Database dialog box.

Step 8

In the Create Database dialog box, click Create, and then click Start. When you see the successful creation message, click OK and then click Close.

For more information see the Outbound Option Guide for Unified Contact Center Enterprise guide at

Configure SQL User Account for Outbound Options High Availability

Complete these steps on both sides of the Logger to configure the Microsoft SQL User for Outbound Options High Availability database operations:


Step 1

Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on the Logger.

Step 2

Navigate to Security > Logins, right-click Logins and select New Logins.

Step 3

On the General Screen:

  1. Enter the login name.

  2. Select SQL Server authentication.

  3. Enter and confirm the password.

Step 4

On the Server Roles page, select the sysadmin check box.

Step 5

Navigate to Security>Logins>NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, right-click Properties.

Step 6

On the server roles page, check the sysadmin check box.

Step 7

Click OK.

Add Components to Unified CCE Instance

Add Logger Component to Instance

Perform this procedure on the Side A and Side B Loggers; both logger machines must be up and operational.

Before you begin

If you choose to enable Outbound Option, you can also enable Outbound Option High Availability. Outbound Option High Availability facilitates two-way replication between the Outbound Option database on Logger Side A and the Outbound Option database on Logger Side B. Use the ICMDBA tool to create an outbound database on Side A and Side B; then set up the replication by using the Web Setup tool, as described in several of the following steps.


Step 1

Open the Web Setup tool.

Step 2

Choose Component Management > Loggers. Click Add, and then choose the instance.

Step 3

On the Deployment page, select the Logger (A or B). Click Duplexed, and then click Next.

Step 4

On the Central Controller Connectivity page, enter the host names for Sides A and B for these interfaces: Router Private and Logger Private. Then, click Next.

Step 5

If an external AW-HDS-DDS exists in the deployment, check Enable Historical/Detail Data Replication. If no external AW-HDS-DDS exists in the deployment, leave Enable Historical/Detail Data Replication unchecked.

Step 6

On the Additional Options page, click Display Database Purge Configuration Steps.

Step 7

Click the Enable Outbound Option check box if you are installing a Unified CCE Logger and choose to deploy Outbound Option.


If this Logger is being added for a Rogger server, where there are two IP addresses that are configured on the public Network Interface Card (for IP-based prioritization), uncheck "Register this connection's addresses in DNS" for the public ethernet card. In addition, ensure that there is only one A-record entry in the DNS server corresponding to the host name of the server, which maps to the normal priority IP address. This is necessary for processes like the campaign manager and replication running as part of the Logger service, to listen on the right interface IP address for client connections.

Step 8

Click the Enable High Availability check box to enable Outbound Option High Availability on the Logger. (An Outbound Option database must exist on Logger Side A and Logger Side B.) Checking this check box enables Outbound Option High Availability two-way replication between the Outbound Option database on Logger Side A and the Outbound Option database on Logger Side B. Two-way replication requires that you check this check box on both the Logger Side A and Side B Additional Options page. If you disable two-way replication on one side, you must also disable it on the other side.

You must enable Outbound Option in order to enable Outbound Option High Availability. Similarly, if you want to disable Outbound Option and you have enabled Outbound Option High Availability, you must disable High Availability (uncheck the Enable High Availability check box) before you can disable Outbound Option (uncheck the Enable Outbound Option check box).


Disabling HA will not disable outbound option, customer has to explicitly disable outbound when HA is disabled.

Step 9

If you enable High Availability, enter a valid public server hostname address for Logger Side A and Logger Side B. Entering a server IP address instead of a server name is not allowed.


The SQL server name must be the same as the server host name since this value used to resolve the server IP address and locate the SQL DB on that server.

Step 10

If you enable High Availability, enter the SQL Server Admin Credentials (Username and Password), which are required to establish two-way replication. The username and password must be the same on Logger Side A and Logger Side B, and the user must have the SQL Server System Admin privilege.

SQL replication requires that the correct SQL system admin username and password be in place when setting up Outbound Option High Availability. Changing the password for the SQL user used to set up SQL replication in Outbound Option High Availability causes replication to fail until you disable High Availability and re-enable it with the new username and password. Because of this requirement, be careful about how and when you change the password for this user.

Step 11

If you enable High Availability, enter the Active Directory Account Name that the opposite side logger runs under or a security group that includes that account. For example, if you are running Websetup on the logger on Side A, enter the name of the Active Directory account (or security group) that is run on Side B logger.

Step 12

Select the Syslog box to enable the Syslog event feed process (cw2kfeed.exe).

The event feed is processed and sent to the Syslog collector only if the Syslog collector is configured. For more information about the Syslog event feed process, see the Serviceability Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at
Step 13

Click Next.

Step 14

On the Data Retention page, modify the Database Retention Configuration table:

  1. For these tables, set the retention period to 40 days:

    • Application_Event

    • Event

    • Network_Event

    • Route_Call_Detail

    • Route_Call_Variable

    • Termination_Call_Detail

    • Termination_Call_Variable

  2. Accept the default settings for all other tables. If your contact center requires access to any of that data for a longer period, enter an appropriate value.

Step 15

Click Next.

Step 16

On the Data Purge page, configure purges for a day of the week and a time when there is low demand on the system.

Step 17

Accept the default Automatic Purge at Percent Full.

Step 18

Click Next.

Step 19

In the Summary window select the Create Service Account option, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the domain user.

    Verify that the user is created in the specified domain.

  2. Enter the valid password.

  3. Review the Summary and click Finish.


Use the same domain user account for all the distributor and logger services. If you want to use different domain accounts for the logger and the distributor, ensure that the distributor service user account is added to the local logger UcceService groups on Side A and Side B.

Add Router Component to Instance

Perform this procedure for Side A and Side B Routers.


Step 1

In the Web Setup tool, select Component Management > Routers.

Step 2

Click Add to set up the Call Router.

Step 3

On the Deployment page, choose the current instance.

Step 4

In the Deployment dialog, select the appropriate side.

Step 5

Click Duplexed, and then click Next.

Step 6

In the Router Connectivity dialog, configure the Private Interface and Public Interfaces. Click Next.


For the address input fields, use Fully Qualified Domain Names instead of IP addresses.

When there are two IP addresses configured on the public Network Interface Card (for IP-based prioritization), manually add two A-records on the DNS server. One A-record is for the high priority IP address and the other one is for the normal priority IP address. The host part of the two DNS entires should be different from the hostname of Windows server. Use the new DNS entries to configure the interfaces. This note applies to the Router and to all PG machines.

Step 7

In the Enable Peripheral Gateways field, enter the number assigned to the PGs to enable it. Click Next.

Use a hyphen to indicate a range and commas to separate values. For example, "2-4, 6, 79-80" enables PG2, PG3, PG4, PG6, PG79, and PG80. Spaces are ignored.

Step 8

In the Router Options dialog, the Enable Quality of Service (QoS) is enabled by default. Click Next.

On the Router Quality of Service page, you see preconfigured values for the Router QoS for the Private Network. These values only appear if you selected a Side A Router. You can change the values in the DSCP fields if necessary.
Keep QoS enabled for all Unified CCE Private network traffic. For most deployments, disable QoS for the public network traffic. For more details, refer to the appropriate section in the Solution Design Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at
Step 9

In the Router Quality of Service dialog, click Next.

Step 10

In the Summary dialog, make sure that the Router summary is correct, then click Finish.

Add Administration & Data Server Component to Instance

Follow this procedure for all types of Administration & Data Servers:

  • Configuration-Only Administration Server—Supports configuration changes only. Does not support reporting.

  • Administration Server and Realtime Data Server (AW)—Supports configuration changes and real-time reporting. Does not support historical reporting.

  • Administration Server, Realtime and Historical Data Server, and Detail Data Server (AW-HDS-DDS)—Supports configuration and real-time and historical reporting, including call detail and call variable data.

Not all fields apply to all server types.


AW Database is created when you add Administration & Data Server Component. Data from the Config_Message_Log table is replicated from the Logger database to the AW database; you can use the AW database for auditing purposes. When you add the Administration & Data Server component, the retention period for the Config_Message_Log table in the AW database defaults of 90 days. To change the retention period, modify the following registry key: Cisco Systems, Inc.\ICM\<instancename>\Distributor \RealTimeDistributor\CurrentVersion\Recovery\CurrentVersion\Purge\Retain\System\ConfigMessageLog.


Step 1

Open the Web Setup tool.

Step 2

Select Component Management > Administration & Data Servers. Click Add.

Step 3

On the Deployment page, choose the current instance.

Step 4

On the Add Administration & Data Servers page, configure as follows:

  1. Click Enterprise.

  2. Select the deployment size:

  3. Click Next.

Step 5

Select the radio button for your deployment size (either Small to Medium or Large).

For deployment size definitions and guidelines, see the Solution Design Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise.
Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In a Small to Medium Deployment page, select the radio button for your preferred option.

The three options from which to select are:

  • Administration Server, Real-time and Historical Data Server and Detail Data Server (AW-HDS-DDS)

  • Administration Server and Real-time Data Server (AW)

  • Configuration-Only Administration Server

If you select AW-HDS-DDS, you must also specify Enable Historical Detail Data Replication during Logger setup.
Before you select a role that includes Historical Database Server (HDS), you must deploy an HDS database on this instance by running the Cisco Unified Intelligent Contact Management Database Administration Tool (ICMDBA) on the local machine.
Step 8

Click Next.

Step 9

On the Server Role in a Large Deployment page, select the radio button for your preferred option.

The four options from which to select are:

  • Administration Server and Real-time and Historical Data Server (AW-HDS)

  • Historical Data Server and Detail Data Server (HDS-DDS)

  • Administration Server and Real-time Data Server (AW)

  • Configuration-Only Administration Server

If you select AW-HDS or HDS-DDS, you must also specify Enable Historical Detail Data Replication during Logger setup.
Before you select a role that includes Historical Database Server (HDS), you must deploy an HDS database on this instance by running ICMDBA on the local machine.
Step 10

Click Next.

Step 11

On the next page of the wizard, enter connectivity information between Primary and Secondary Administration and Data servers.


Each site has at least one and usually two Administration & Data Servers that serve as real-time data Administration & Data Servers for the site. The primary Administration & Data Server maintains an active connection to the real-time server through which it receives real-time data. If the site has two Administration & Data Servers, Administration Clients are configured to automatically switch to a secondary Administration & Data Server if the first Administration & Data Server becomes non-functional for any reason. The secondary Administration & Data Server also maintains connections to the real-time server; however, these connections remain idle until needed. The secondary Administration & Data Server uses the primary Administration & Data Server, as their source for the real-time feed.

Indicate whether the server being setup is the Primary or Secondary Administration & Data Server at the site, by clicking on the radio button.

Next enter the host name or IP address of the Primary and Secondary Administration and Data Server at the site. The Secondary Administration and Data Server field is mandatory. If there is no secondary Administration and Data Server being deployed at the site, then the same host name as that of the primary needs to be provided in this field.

Each primary and secondary pair must have its own Site Name, and the Site Name must be exactly the same on both Administration & Data Servers for them to be logically viewed as one.

Step 12

On the Database and Options page, configure as follows:

  1. In the Create Database(s) on Drive field, choose C.

  2. Uncheck the Configuration Management Service (CMS) Node check box.

  3. Check the Internet Script Editor (ISE) Server check box.

  4. Click Next.

Step 13

On the Central Controller Connectivity page, configure as follows:

  1. For Router Side A, enter the Router Side A IP address.

  2. For Router Side B, enter the Router Side B IP address.

  3. For Logger Side A, enter the Logger Side A IP address.

  4. For Logger Side B, enter the Logger Side B IP address.

  5. Enter the Central Controller Domain Name.

  6. Based on the Reference Design of your deployment type, distribute your AW-HDS and HDS-DDS VMs on Side A or Side B by selecting Central Controller Side A Preferred or Central Controller Side B Preferred. For details on the Reference Designs, see the Solution Design Guide for Cisco Packaged Contact Center Enterprise at

  7. Click Next.


The Administration & Data Server can connect to the router with a hostname of maximum 15 characters.

Step 14

In the Summary window select the Create Service Account option, and complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the domain user.

    Verify that the user is created in the specified domain.

  2. Enter the valid password.

  3. Review the Summary and click Finish.


Use the same domain user account for all the distributor and logger services. If you want to use different domain accounts for the logger and the distributor, ensure that the distributor service user account is added to the local logger UcceService groups on Side A and Side B.

Set up Peripheral Gateways

To set up all the following types of Peripheral Gateways (PG), complete the procedures in this section:

  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager PG (CUCM PG)

  • Voice Response Unit PG (VRU PG)

  • Media Routing PG (MR PG)

  • Unified CCE Gateway PG (UCC Enterprise Gateway PG)

Configure Peripheral Gateways in PG Explorer

Follow this procedure to complete the first portion of PG configuration. After this procedure, you add a peripheral to the PG; you cannot save the configuration unless there is at least one peripheral in the configuration.

Not all fields apply to all PG types.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Logger, Router, and Distributor services are running.


Step 1

From your desktop, double-click the Unified CCE Tools icon, and open Administration Tools folder from Unified CCE Tools icon on the desktop.

Step 2

Double-click the Configuration Manager icon.

Step 3

Select Tools > Explorer Tools > PG Explorer Tool.

Step 4

Click Retrieve, then click Add PG.

Step 5

Complete the Logical Controller section as follows:

  1. Logical Controller ID—Leave blank. This value is generated automatically when the record is saved.

  2. Physical Controller ID—Leave blank. This value is generated automatically when the record is saved.

  3. Name—Enter a unique enterprise name for the PG.

  4. List Tools —Select Agent Settings.

  5. Client Type—Select as follows from the drop-down list:

    • For a CUCM PG: CUCM

    • For a VRU PG: VRU

    • For an MR PG: MediaRouting

    • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: UCC Enterprise Gateway

  6. Configuration Parameters—Leave blank.

  7. Description—Enter any other information about the PG. Configuration Manager copies this value to the description fields of the logical interface controller, physical interface controller, peripheral, and (if applicable) the routing client records.

  8. Physical Controller Description—Enter a description for the physical controller.

  9. Primary CTI Address—Enter the address for the primary CTI server. Make this entry in the form of <IP address or server name where the CTI server is installed>: <Client Connection Port Number>.

  10. Secondary CTI Address—Enter an address for a secondary CTI server (for duplexed systems).

  11. Reporting Interval—Select the 15 or 30 Minute reporting interval option (default is 30 Minute). Unified CCE software stores historical information in either half-hour or 15-minute summaries (but not both), based on the reporting interval value that you set. The Router sends these records to the Logger, which in turn writes them to the Central Database.

Step 6

Do not exit the PG Explorer tool. You add a peripheral to the PG and save the configuration in the next procedure.

Add Peripherals to Peripheral Gateways

Fields can vary according to PG type.


Step 1

With the PG record open in the PG Explorer tool, highlight the PG icon in the tree hierarchy in the lower-left corner of the window.

Step 2

On the Peripheral tab, enter the following:

  1. Name—Enter a unique enterprise name for this peripheral.

  2. Peripheral Name—Enter the name of the peripheral as it is known at the site. Unlike the Enterprise Name field, the value of this field does not have to be unique. For example, at each site you can label the peripherals Switch1, Switch2, and so forth.

  3. Client Type—Select as follows:

    • For a CUCM PG: CUCM
    • For a VRU PG: VRU
    • For an MR PG: MediaRouting

    • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: UCC Enterprise Gateway

  4. Location—Enter the peripheral's location, for example, the name of a city, building, or department.

  5. Abandoned Call Wait Time—Enter the minimum time (in seconds) an incoming call must be queued before being considered an abandoned call if the caller hangs up.

  6. Configuration Parameters—As desired, enter a string containing any parameters that must be sent to the device to initialize it. In most cases, you leave this field blank.

  7. Peripheral Service Level Type—The default type of service level calculation that the peripheral performs for its associated services. Select Calculated by Call Center.

  8. Call Control Variable Map—As desired, enter a string that describes the mappings of the peripheral call control variables to Unified CCE call control variables.

  9. Agent Phone Line Control—Specify one of the following agent phone line control options:

    • Single Line: Enables single-line monitoring and reporting (default).

    • All Lines: Enables multiline monitoring and reporting.

  10. NonACD Line Impact—Specify one of the following nonACD line impact options:

    • Available Agent Goes Not Ready: Agent state is set to Not Ready with a system reason code when the agent answers or calls out on a secondary line while in the Available or Not Ready state.

    • Available Agent Stays Available: Agent state is unchanged when agent is on a call on a secondary line.

  11. Description—As desired, enter any additional information about the peripheral.

  12. Default Desk Settings—Select as follows:

    • For a CUCM PG: Select the Agent Desk Settings that you created earlier

    • For a VRU PG: None

    • For an MR PG: None

    • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: None

  13. Enable Post Routing—Check this check box to enable the Unified Communications Manager peripheral to send route requests to the Router. When you check this check box, the Routing Client tab is enabled.

Step 3

On the Advanced tab, enter the following:

  1. Available Holdoff Delay—Set this field to zero.

  2. Answered Short Calls Threshold—Maximum duration, in seconds, for a short call. Any calls with a duration below the threshold are considered short. You can choose to exclude short calls from handle times you calculate.

  3. Network VRU—The type of network VRU. Select as follows:

      • For a CUCM PG: None

      • For a VRU PG: Select the corresponding Network VRU that you created earlier.

      • For an MR PG: Select the Type 2 Network VRU that you created earlier.

      • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: None

    • Agent Auto-Configuration— Not supported for Unified CCE. Leave this option disabled.

    • Internal IPTA Only—Be sure that you check this check box for the Unified CCE System PG.

    • Agent Targeting Mode—Determines how the Router builds the labels. Select Rule Preferred.

      When this check box is checked, only the local PG can target agents on the PG. The Router uses the skill group IPTA configuration to select agents. When this check box is unchecked, for calls routed between different PGs, the Router picks the agent (which minimizes the benefit of the Unified CCE System PG). Unchecking the check box also requires the creation of more device targets.

    Step 4

    On the Agent Distribution tab, enter the following:

    1. Enable Agent Reporting—Check to allow Unified CCE reporting on agents.

    2. Agent Event Detail—Enables label text (as opposed to numeric) Not Ready Reason Code reporting.

    3. The Agent Distribution Entries section of this tab contains entries for agent Administration & Data Servers available for distributing agent report data for the selected peripheral. Click New, then define the values in the Currently Selected site section of this tab as follows:

      • Administration & Data Server site name: The name of the currently selected site in the agent distribution entries list. For MR PGs, do not specify a name for this field.

      • Agent real time data: Check to enable the flow of agent real-time data from the peripheral to the Administration & Data Server. Uncheck to disable the flow of agent real-time data.

      • Agent historical data: Check to enable the flow of agent historical data from the peripheral to the Administration & Data Server. Uncheck to disable the flow of agent historical data.

    Step 5

    On the Routing Client tab, enter the following:

    1. Name—An enterprise name for this routing client. The name must be unique among all routing clients in the enterprise.

    2. Timeout threshold—The maximum time, in milliseconds, the routing client can wait for a response to a routing request.

    3. Late threshold—The threshold value, in milliseconds, for classifying responses as late. Any response that exceeds this threshold is considered late even if it does not exceed the Timeout threshold.

    4. Timeout limit—The maximum time, in seconds, for which the routing client waits for a response. If the routing client receives no responses from the Unified CCE system within this limit, it terminates routing operation.

    5. Default media routing domain— Retain the default value, which is None.

    6. Default call type—Use this call type for any route request that does not match a defined call type mapping.

      The drop-down list contains all configured call types. The Unified CCE uses the default call type for any routing request from the routing client that does not otherwise map to a call type. If you do not define a default call type for the routing client, the Unified CCE uses a general default call type if you define one through the System Information command.

    7. Configuration parameters—Leave blank.

    8. Dialed Number/Label map—Indicates whether only specific labels are valid for each dialed number associated with this routing client (when selected) or whether all labels associated with the routing client are valid for any dialed number (when not selected). Leave unchecked.

    9. Client Type—Select as follows from the drop-down list:

      • For a CUCM PG: IPCC/Enterprise Agent

      • For a VRU PG: VRU

      • For an MR PG: MediaRouting

      • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: UCC Enterprise Gateway

    10. Description—More information about the routing client.

    11. Network routing client—A name used to associate routing clients across instances.

    12. Network transfer preferred—If this check box is checked, indicates that network transfer is preferred. When the target of a call is reachable by both a label defined for the requesting routing client and by another label defined for the network routing client that prerouted the call, this option indicates which choice is preferred.

    Step 6

    Click Save.

    Step 7

    Record the Logical Controller ID and Peripheral ID for subsequent use in setting up the PG.

    Configure Peripheral Gateway Setup


    To ensure that PGs work synchronously, configure the PGs that are collocated on the same physical server in the same order on both the sides. This must be based on the order in which they are installed and not on peripheral identifiers. For information on port utilization, refer to the Port Utilization Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Solutions at

    Before you enable secured connection between the components, ensure to complete the security certificate management process.

    For more information, see the Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at


    Step 1

    Open the Peripheral Gateway Setup tool from Unified CCE Tools on the desktop.

    Step 2

    Click Add in the Instance Components section.

    Step 3

    Click Peripheral Gateway.

    Step 4

    Complete the following steps in the Peripheral Gateway Properties dialog box.

    1. Choose Production Mode. Do not set the Auto Start feature until after the installation is complete.

    2. Specify whether the PG is part of a duplexed pair.

    3. In the ID field, select from the drop-down list the PG device number as enabled in the Router.

    4. If the PG is duplexed, specify whether you are installing Side A or Side B. If the PG is simplex, select Side A.

    5. In the Client Type Selection section of the window, select the client type:

      • For a CUCM PG: CUCM

      • For a MediaRouting PG: MediaRouting

      • For a VRU PG: VRU

      • For a UCC Enterprise Gateway PG: UCC Enterprise Gateway

    Step 5

    Click Add, and then click Next.

    Step 6

    Enter the Logical Controller ID generated while configuring the PG in the PG Explorer tool. Click Add and select PIM 1 from the list. Click OK.

    Step 7

    Configure the PG properties:

    1. To put the PIM into service, check the Enabled option. Enabling the PIM allows it to communicate with the peripheral when the Peripheral Gateway is running.

    2. Enter the peripheral name in the Peripheral name field. Usually, the enterprise name from the associated Peripheral record is the most appropriate name to use. When creating peripheral names, use short descriptive names and keep the length to a minimum.

    3. Enter the Peripheral ID in the Peripheral ID field. This is the ID that you created when you configured the PG in the PG Explorer tool.

    4. For CUCM PG:

      1. Enter the Agent extension length.

      2. In the CUCM Parameters section, in the Service field, provide the IP address of the CUCM.

      3. Enter the credentials of Application User that you created in CUCM.

        For more information about Application User, see Set Up Application User.

      4. Select the appropriate Mobile Agent Codec, and click OK.

    5. For MR PG:

      • To add MR PG for ECE:

        1. In the Application Hostname (1) field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the ECE services server. If you have installed two services servers for high availability, provide the information for the primary service server on Side A.

        2. In the Application Connection Port (1) field, enter the port number on the ECE services server that the PIM will use to communicate with the application. The default port is 38001.

        3. In the Application Hostname (2) and Application Connection Port (2) fields, enter the hostname or the IP address of the secondary ECE services server VM and port number on Side B.


          Set these values only if you have installed two services servers for high availability.

      • To add MR PG for Customer Collaboration Platform:

        1. In the Application Hostname (1) field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the Customer Collaboration Platform.

        2. By default, Customer Collaboration Platform accepts the MR connection on Application Connection Port 38001. The Application Connection Port setting on Customer Collaboration Platform must match the setting on the MR PG as specified in the Application Connection Port (1) field.

        3. Leave the Application Hostname (2) and Application Connection Port (2) fields blank.

      • To add MR PG for Outbound Option:

        1. In the Application Hostname (1) field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the BA_IP Dialer.

        2. In the Application Connection Port (1) field, enter the connection port for the BA_IP Dialer. Otherwise, accept the default port number (38001) on the application server machine that the PIM uses to communicate with the application.

      • To add MR PG for any third-party application:

        1. In the Application Hostname (1) field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the multichannel application server machine.

        2. In the Application Connection Port (1) field, enter the port number on the application server that the PIM will use to communicate with the application. The default port is 38001.

        3. If two applications interact with the Unified CCE, in the Application Hostname (2) field, enter the hostname or the IP address of the second application server machine. If you are using the hostname, the name must be in the hosts file.

        4. For two applications that interact with the Unified CCE, in the Application Connection Port (2) field, enter the port number on the second application server machine that is used by the PIM.

      The below steps are common for any application server:

      1. For Heartbeat Interval (seconds), specify how often the PG checks its connection to the call server. Use the default value.

      2. For Reconnect Interval (seconds), specify how often the PG should try to reestablish a lost connection to the call server. Use the default value.

      3. Check the Enable Secured Connection checkbox to enable secured connection.

        Enable Secured Connection establishes a secured connection between MR PIM and Application Server.

        Ensure that you provide the correct information in the Application Hostname(1) and Application Connection Port(1) fields.

    6. For VRU PG:

      1. In the VRU host name field, enter the name by which the VRU is known to the network.

      2. In the VRU connect port field, enter the number of the VRU connection port that the PG connects to.

      3. In the Reconnect interval (sec) field, specify how often, in seconds, the PG tries to re-establish a lost connection to the VRU. The default value is usually appropriate.

      4. In the Heartbeat interval (sec) field, specify how often, in seconds, the PG checks its connection to the VRU. The default value is usually appropriate.

      5. In the DSCP field, use the drop-down box to override the default value and set it to the desired DSCP value. The list of DSCP values in the drop-down box are the same as what are used during setup for connection between the Peripheral Gateway (PG) and the CallRouter. On an existing VRU PG system, this registry key does not exist. In that scenario, the PIM code uses CS3 as the default value when the VRU PIM process is activated.

      6. Check the Enable Secured Connection checkbox to enable secured connection.

        This establishes a secured connection between VRU PIM and CVP.

    Step 8

    Click OK.

    Step 9

    From the Peripheral Gateway Component Properties window, click Next. The Device Management Protocol Properties window appears.

    1. Enter the appropriate settings and click Next. The Peripheral Gateway Network Interfaces window appears.

    2. Configure the Private Interface and Public interfaces and click Next.


      For the address input fields, use Fully Qualified Domain Names instead of IP addresses.

      When there are two IP addresses configured on the public Network Interface Card (for IP-based prioritization), manually add two A-records on the DNS server. One A-record is for the high priority IP address and the other one is for the normal priority IP address. The host part of the two DNS entires should be different from the hostname of Windows server. Use the new DNS entries to configure the public interfaces. This note applies to the Router and to all PG machines.

    Step 10

    In the Check Setup Information window, verify the setup information and click Next.

    Step 11

    When the Setup Complete window appears, click Finish .


    When you add new PG, ensure that the PG ID is provided in the Router configuration. Provide the number that is assigned to the PG in the Enable Peripheral Gateway field in Web Setup

    Install Cisco JTAPI Client on PG

    After setting up the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) PG, you must install the Cisco JTAPI client. PG uses Cisco JTAPI to communicate with CUCM. Install the Cisco JTAPI client from CUCM Administration.


    Continue with the steps provided in this section if you are installing the JTAPI client for CUCM version earlier than Release 12.5.

    To install the JTAPI client for CUCM, Release 12.5 and above, see Install Cisco JTAPI Client on PG.

    Before you begin

    Before you install the JTAPI client, ensure that the previous version is uninstalled.


    Step 1

    Open a browser window on the PG machine.

    Step 2

    Enter the URL for the Unified Communications Manager Administration utility: http://<Unified Communications Manager machine name>/ccmadmin.

    Step 3

    Enter the username and password that you created while installing and configuring the Unified Communications Manager.

    Step 4

    Choose Application > Plugins. Click Find.

    Step 5

    Click the link next to Download Cisco JTAPI for Windows.We recommend you to download the 64 bit version. However, if you have already downloaded the 32 bit version, you can proceed to step 7.

    Download the JTAPI plugin file.

    Step 6

    Choose Save and save the plugin file to a location of your choice.

    Step 7

    Open the installer.

    Step 8

    In the Security Warning box, click Yes to install.

    Step 9

    Choose Next or Continue through the remaining Setup screens. Accept the default installation path.

    Step 10

    When prompted for the TFTP Server IP address, enter the CUCM IP address.

    Step 11

    Click Finish.

    Step 12

    Reboot the machine.

    Install Cisco JTAPI Client on PG

    Complete the following procedure only if you are installing JTAPI client to connect to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 12.5 and above.

    Before you begin

    Before you install the JTAPI client, ensure that the previous version is uninstalled.


    Step 1

    Open a browser window on the PG machine.

    Step 2

    Enter the URL for the Unified Communications Manager Administration utility: http://<Unified Communications Manager machine name>/ccmadmin.

    Step 3

    Enter the username and password that you created while installing and configuring the Unified Communications Manager.

    Step 4

    Choose Application > Plugins. Click Find.

    Step 5

    Click the link next to Download Cisco JTAPI Client for Windows 64 bit or Download Cisco JTAPI Client for Windows 32 bit.

    Download the JTAPI plugin file.

    Step 6

    Choose Save and save the plugin file to a location of your choice.

    Step 7

    Unzip the JTAPI plugin zip file to the default location or a location of your choice.

    There are two folders in the unzipped folder CiscoJTAPIx64 and CiscoJTAPIx32.

    Step 8

    Run the install64.bat file in the CiscoJTAPIx64 folder or run the install32.bat file in the CiscoJTAPIx32 folder.

    The default install path for JTAPI client is C:\Program Files\JTAPITools.

    Step 9

    To accept the default installation path, click Enter and proceed.

    Follow the instructions. Click Enter whenever necessary as per the instructions.

    The JTAPI client installation completes at the default location. The following message is displayed:

    Installation Complete.
    Step 10

    Reboot the machine.

    What to do next


    The default location, where the JTAPI client is installed, also contains the uninstall64.bat and uninstall32.bat file. Use this file to uninstall this version of the client, if necessary.

    Set up CTI Server

    Use the PG Setup tool to set up a CTI Server.

    Add CTI Server Component


    Step 1

    Open Peripheral Gateway Setup tool from Unified CCE Tools on the desktop.

    Step 2

    Click Add in the Instance Components section.

    The ICM Component Selection dialog box opens.

    Step 3

    Click CTI Server, and click OK.

    The CTI Server Properties dialog box opens.

    Set CTI Server Properties


    Step 1

    In the CTI Server Properties dialog box, check Production mode and Auto start at system startup unless your Unified CCE support provider tells you otherwise. These settings set the CTI Server Service startup type to Automatic, so the CTI Server starts automatically when the machine starts up.

    Step 2

    Check the Duplexed CTI Server option if you are configuring redundant CTI Server machines.

    Step 3

    In the CG Node Properties section, the numeric portion of the CG node ID must match the PG node ID (for example, CG 1 and PG 1).

    Step 4

    The ICM system ID is the Device Management Protocol (DMP) number of the PG associated with the CTI Gateway. Generally this number is the number associated with the CG ID in step 3.

    Step 5

    If the CTI Server you add is duplexed, specify which Side you are setting up: Side A or Side B. If the CTI Server is simplex, choose Side A.

    Step 6

    Click Next.

    The CTI Server Component Properties dialog box opens.

    Set CTI Server Component Properties

    The CTI Server Component Properties dialog box supports the following modes of connections:
    • Secured and Non-Secured Connection (Mixed-mode): Allows secured and non-secured connection between the CTI Server and the CTI clients.

    • Secured-Only Connection: Allows secured connection between the CTI Server and the CTI clients.


    Non-Secured only mode is not supported.


    To enable secured connection between the components, ensure to complete the security certificate management process.

    For more information, see the chapter Certificate Management for Secured Connections in Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at

    In the CTI Server Component Properties dialog box, setup automatically displays the default Secured Connection Port and the Non-Secured Connection Port values. Use these values or change them to the required port numbers. CTI clients use these ports to connect to the CTI Server.

    If you have multiple CTI servers running on a single machine, each CTI server must use a different port number set for Secured connection and Mixed-mode connection.


    Step 1

    Select the appropriate connection type.

    1. For Secured Connection, check the Enable Secure-Only Mode check box.

      This option disables the Non-Secured Connection Port field.

    2. For Mixed-mode connection, ensure that the Enable Secure-Only Mode check box is unchecked.

      This is the default connection mode.

    Step 2

    To ensure that an agent is logged in to the client before the client receives events from the CTI Server, check the Agent Login Required for Client Events check box. This ensures that the clients are prevented from accessing data for other agents.

    Step 3

    Click Next.

    The CTI Server Network Interface Properties dialog box opens.

    Set CTI Server Network Interface Properties


    Step 1

    In the CTI Server Network Interface Properties dialog box, in the PG public interfaces section, enter the public network addresses for the PGs associated with the CTI Server.

    Step 2

    In the CG private interfaces section, enter the private network addresses of the CTI Server.

    Step 3

    In the CG visible interfaces section, enter the public network addresses of the CTI Server.

    Step 4

    Click Next.

    The Check Setup Information window opens.

    Complete CTI Server Setup


    Step 1

    In the Check Setup Information window, ensure that the settings displayed are as you intended. If you want to modify any settings before proceeding, use the Back button.

    Step 2

    When the settings are correct, click Next.

    Step 3

    The final screen displays and asks whether you want to start the Node Manager now.

    Step 4

    Click Finish to exit setup (and optionally start the Node Manager).

    If you choose to start it, the Node Manager automatically starts the other Unified CCE processes on the CTI Server.

    Install Unified CCE Administration Client

    Install Administration Client

    Don’t install the Administration Client on a system that already has other Unified CCE software installed; the Administration Client must reside on a standalone machine. AdminClientInstaller is available in the Unified CCE Installer ISO image .

    For information on supported operating systems, see the Contact Center Enterprise Compatibility Matrix at


    If Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 is not installed before installing the administration client, then run the following command to avoid delay in launching the administration client for the first time:
    • For 32-bit: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>ngen.exe executequeueditems

    • For 64-bit: %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>ngen.exe executequeueditems


    Step 1

    Mount the Unified CCE Installer ISO image to the virtual machine. For more information, see Mount ISO Files.

    Step 2

    Launch AdminclientInstaller from AdminClientInstaller folder.

    The Administration Client Installer program proceeds through a series of screens on which you specify information.

    Step 3

    When the installation is complete, reboot the server.

    Set up Administration Client

    You cannot run the Administration Client Setup tool remotely through a browser. Run the tool on the local machine.

    Before you begin

    Any user who is a local administrator on the machine and a domain user can log in. However, to view the lists and to perform tasks with the Administration Client Setup tool, you must have the following permissions:

    • Administrator on the local machine

    • Either a domain administrator or a member of at least one Setup security group in the machine domain.


    Step 1

    Open the Administration Client Setup tool from Unified CCE Tools shortcut on the desktop.

    Step 2

    Sign in as a domain user with local Administrator rights.

    Step 3

    Click Instance Management, and then click Add.

    Step 4

    On the Add Instance page, from the drop-down list, choose the customer facility and instance.

    Step 5

    Enter an instance number.

    The same instance name can occur more than once in a domain, so the instance number provides the uniqueness. The instance number must be between 0 and 24. The instance number must match for the same instance across your entire deployment. For an Enterprise (single instance) deployment, select 0 unless there is a reason to choose another value.

    Step 6

    Click Save.

    Step 7

    Select Component Management > Administration Clients.

    Step 8

    Click Add.

    Step 9

    Select an instance for the Administration Client from the drop-down list.

    Step 10

    Click the radio button for your Administration Client type.

    Step 11

    Enter the hostname or IP address of the Primary and Secondary Administration & Data Servers. If you have only one Administration & Data Server, specify it for both Primary and Secondary Administration & Data Servers; both fields are required

    Step 12

    Click Save.

    Install Unified CCE Language Pack

    The Unified CCE Language pack is used to install the localized version of the help files of the Unified CCE Web Administration tool.

    The Unified CCE Language pack also contains the customized version of Configuration Manager tools for east Asian locales like Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The language pack enables localized input to be entered in those Configuration Manager tool sets.

    These tool sets include some of the following tools:

    • Explorer Tools

    • List Tools

    • System Information

    • Outbound Option related tools

    Update the Java Runtime Environment (Optional)

    Before updating the Java Runtime Environment (JRE),

    • Export the certificates of all the components imported into the truststore.

      The command to export the certificates is
    • Enter the truststore password when prompted.

    The main Unified CCE Installer installs the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to a default location (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre<version>) and creates a JAVA_HOME environment variable set to that location. In most circumstances, you do not need to modify or configure the JRE after the Unified CCE installation. For information on the version installed, see the Java requirements in the Contact Center Enterprise Compatibility Matrix at

    If required, you can update the JRE installed by the Unified CCE installation to a later version.

    To update the Unified CCE JRE to a later version:

    1. Review and see the Java requirements in the Contact Center Enterprise Compatibility Matrix to confirm that Unified CCE supports the JRE version you want to install.

    2. Follow the JRE installer procedure to install the JRE to the VM on which your Unified CCE components are installed.

    3. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the new JRE.

    4. Restart the virtual machine.


    The ICM-CCE-Installer installs the version of Java that is listed in the Contact Center Enterprise Compatibility Matrix. If an older version of JRE is currently installed on the deployment machine, the installer does not uninstall it, you must manually uninstall it.

    After updating the Java Runtime Environment (JRE),

    • Import the certificates for all the components that you previously exported from the truststore before you updated the JRE.

      The command to import certificates is keytool -import -keystore <JRE path>\lib\security\cacerts -file <filepath>.cer -alias <alias>.
    • Enter the truststore password when prompted.

    • Enter 'yes' when prompted to trust the certificate.

    Upgrade Tomcat Utility

    Use the optional Cisco Upgrade Tomcat Utility to:

    • Upgrade Tomcat to version 7.0 build releases. (That is, only version 7.0 build releases work with this tool.) You may choose to upgrade to newer builds of Tomcat release 7.0 to keep up with the latest security fixes.

      Tomcat uses the following release numbering scheme: For example, you can upgrade from 7.0.62 to 7.0.65 . You cannot use this tool for major or minor version upgrades.

      Revert a Tomcat upgrade.


      If you use the utility to upgrade Tomcat multiple times, you can revert to only one version back of Tomcat. For example, if you upgrade Tomcat from 7.0.62 to 7.0.63, and then to 7.0.75, the utility reverts Tomcat to 7.0.63.

    Before using the tool:

    • Download the Tomcat installer (apache-tomcat-version.exe) from the Tomcat website: . Copy the installer onto the Unified CCE component VMs. For Example C:\UpgradeTomcatTool.

    • Download the utility zip file, extract it, and run the file to upgrade Tomcat.

      Download link:

    • Delete or back up large log files in these directories to reduce upgrade time:
      • <ICM install directory>:\icm\tomcat\logs
      • <ICM install directory>:\icm\debug.txt

    Upgrade Tomcat

    For detailed information on the results from each step, see the ../UpgradeTomcatResults/UpgradeTomcat.log file.


    Stop Unified CCE services on the VM before using the Tomcat Utility.


    Step 1

    From the command line, navigate to the directory where you copied the Upgrade Tomcat Utility.

    Step 2

    Enter this command to run the tool: java -jar UpgradeTomcatTool-<version>.jar -upgrade

    Step 3

    When prompted, enter the full pathname of the new Tomcat installer.

    For example:
    Step 4

    When prompted, enter yes to continue with the upgrade.

    Step 5

    Repeat these steps for all unified CCE component VMs.

    Revert Tomcat

    For detailed information on the results from each step, see the ../UpgradeTomcatResults/UpgradeTomcat.log file.


    Stop Unified CCE services on the VM before using the Tomcat Utility.


    Step 1

    From the command line, navigate to the directory where you copied the Upgrade Tomcat Utility.

    Step 2

    Enter this command to run the tool: java -jar UpgradeTomcatTool-<version>.jar -revert

    Step 3

    When prompted, enter yes to continue with the reversion.

    Step 4

    Repeat these steps for all unified CCE component VMs.

    Silent Installation

    In certain situations, such as when a system administrator wants to install or upgrade software silently on multiple systems simultaneously, a silent installation is performed to run an installation wizard.

    Silent Installation Prerequisites for Unified CCE Release 12.5(1)

    Before running a silent installation, complete the following tasks:

    • Stop all applications that are running on the system.

    • By default, silent installation assumes the following parameter: Install on Drive C.

      To override this default, edit the ICMCCSilentsetup.ini file in the ICM-CCE-Installer directory.

    • Mount the ISO image to the target machine, and make the following edits on the target machine:

      • If you are performing a Technology Refresh upgrade, change the szInstallType from 0 to 1. The default value of 0 is for a Fresh Install.

      • If you are performing a Technology Refresh upgrade, provide a path for the szExportedRegistryPath parameter where the exported registry from source machine is placed.

      • To change the drive on which you are installing the application, change the szDrive parameter. Replace C with the drive where you want to install.

      • If you do not want to apply SQL Security Hardening, change the line that reads szSQLSecurity=1 to szSQLSecurity=0.


    You can apply SQL Security Hardening during the installation, or you can use the Security Wizard to apply it after the install.

    Perform a Silent Installation for Unified CCE Release 12.5(1)


    Step 1

    Mount the Installation ISO image to the target machine. For more information, see Mount ISO Files.

    Step 2

    From a command prompt window, navigate to the ICM-CCE-Installer directory.

    Step 3

    Enter the command setup.exe /s.

    Installation starts. Upon successful installation, the server reboots.

    Step 4

    Run the mandatory update before applying any ES, if you have a fresh install or Technology Refresh upgrade planned for PCCE or UCCE 12.0(1), on the Windows Server 2016. You can download the CCE 12.0 Mandatory Update for Fresh Install/Tech Refresh from


    If the installation is not successful, no error message appears in the command prompt window. You must check the installation log file <SystemDrive>:\temp\ICMInstall.log to determine the reason why the installation failed.

    Set Deployment Type in Unified CCE Administration Configuration

    Perform the following steps to set the deployment type.

    For more information on deployment types, see the following document:

    Solution Design Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise at


    Step 1

    On Administration & Data Server, from the desktop open the Unified CCE Tools folder and navigate to: Administration Tools > CCE Web Administration .

    Step 2

    Log in as a Config security group member in the format user@domain.

    Step 3

    Double-click Unified CCE Administration.

    Step 4

    Click Infrastructure Settings > Deployment Settings.

    Step 5

    On the Deployment Type page, select your deployment from the drop-down menu and click Next.

    Step 6

    Click Done.

    Cisco Finesse Server Installation

    Cisco Finesse server is installed on a virtual machine (VM). The installation runs from an ISO image and uses an OVA template. For more information, see Cisco Finesse Installation and Upgrade Guide at


    Configure a DataStore ISO file on the virtual CD/DVD drive of the target VM to install Finesse.

    The installation takes about an hour. For most of that time, it can run unattended. Much of the installation requires no action on the part of the person who runs it. When user input is required, use the following keyboard navigation and selection actions. The installation wizard screens do not recognize a mouse or a touchpad.

    To do this

    Press this key

    Move to the next field.


    Move to the previous field.


    Select an option.


    Scroll up or down a list.

    Up or Down Arrow keys

    Go to the previous screen.

    Tab to Back and press the Spacebar

    Get information about a screen.

    Tab to Help and press the Spacebar

    Installation Task Flow

    The following table provides an overview of the tasks you perform to install Cisco Finesse. Tasks must be performed in the order they are listed.


    Install Finesse on the primary node.

    See Install Finesse on Primary Node.


    Configure the database settings.

    See Configure Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server Settings.


    Configure the CTI server settings.

    See Configure Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings


    Restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat on the primary node.

    See Restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat.


    Validate configuration

    See Validate Configuration


    Configure the cluster settings for the secondary node.

    See Configure Cluster Settings.


    Install Finesse on the secondary node.

    See Install Finesse on Secondary Node.


    Ensure replication is functioning between the two nodes.

    See Check Replication Status.


    Install language packs (optional).

    See Install language pack.

    9 Install VMware Tools See Install VMware Tools for VOS

    Install Finesse on Primary Node


    Step 1

    Follow the instructions in the OVA README.txt file to import and deploy the OVA, to edit VM settings, and to power on the VM and edit the BIOS settings in the console. For more information, see the section on Installation Files.


    Do not use Thin Provisioning or a VM snapshot when creating a VM to host Cisco Finesse. The use of Thin Provisioning or snapshots can negatively impact the performance of Cisco Finesse operation.

    Messages appear while the preinstallation script runs. When the preinstallation script ends, the DVD Found screen opens.

    Step 2

    Select OK on the Disk Found screen to begin the verification of the media integrity and a brief hardware check.

    If the media check passes, select OK to open the Product Deployment Selection screen. Continue to Step 3.

    If the media check fails, the installation terminates.

    Step 3

    The Product Deployment Selection screen states that the Cisco Finesse product suite will be installed. This screen has only one choice: OK.

    Select OK to open the Proceed with Install screen.

    Step 4

    The Proceed with Install screen shows the version of the product that is currently installed (if any) and the version of the product for this ISO. For the initial installation, the version currently installed shows NONE.

    Select Yes on the Proceed with Install screen to open the Platform Installation Wizard screen.

    Step 5

    On the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed to open the Basic Install screen.

    Step 6

    Select Continue on the Basic Install screen to open the Basic Install wizard.

    The Basic Install wizard presents a series of screens that present questions and options pertinent to the platform and the setup configuration. Help is available for each wizard screen.

    The first Basic Install wizard screen is Timezone Configuration.

    Step 7

    On the Timezone Configuration screen:

    1. Use the up and down arrows to locate the local time zone that most closely matches your server location. You can also type the initial character of the time zone to move to that item in the list. The Timezone field is based on country and city and is mandatory. Setting it incorrectly can affect system operation.

    2. Select OK to open the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen.

    Step 8

    On the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue to use automatic negotiation for the settings of the Ethernet network interface card (NIC).

    The MTU Configuration screen appears.

    Step 9

    In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units (1500).


    Finesse supports the default setting of 1500 for MTU only. No other value is supported.

    Your selection of No opens the Static Network Configuration screen.

    Step 10

    On the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static network configuration values as follows, referring to the Configuration Worksheet if necessary:

    1. Enter the Host Name.

    2. Enter the IP Address.

    3. Enter the IP Mask.

    4. Enter the GW Address.

    5. Select OK to open the Domain Name System (DNS) Client Configuration screen.

    Step 11

    On the DNS Client Configuration screen, select Yes to specify the DNS client information.


    DNS client configuration is mandatory for Cisco Finesse. Select Yes on this screen. If you select No, after the installation is complete, agents cannot sign in to the desktop and you have to reinstall Finesse.

    Step 12

    Specify your DNS client information as follows, referring to the Configuration Worksheet if necessary:

    1. Enter the Primary DNS (mandatory).

    2. Enter the Secondary DNS (optional).

    3. Enter the Domain (mandatory).

    4. Select OK to open the Administrator Login Configuration screen.

    Step 13

    On the Administrator Login Configuration screen:

    1. Enter the credentials for the administrator.

    2. Select OK to open the Certificate Information screen.

    Step 14

    On the Certificate Information screen:

    1. Enter the following data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country.

    2. Select OK to open the First Node Configuration screen.

    Step 15

    On the First Node Configuration screen, select Yes to indicate that you are configuring the first node.

    Your selection of Yes opens the Network Time Protocol Client Configuration screen.

    Step 16

    On the Network Time Protocol Client Configuration screen, enter the IP address, NTP server name, or NTP Server Pool name for at least one external NTP server.

    Step 17

    After you complete the NTP configuration, select OK. This action opens the Security Configuration screen.

    Step 18

    On the Security Configuration screen, enter the Database Access Security password, and then select OK.

    Step 19

    On the Application User Configuration screen, enter the credentials for the application user.

    Select OK to open the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen. This screen states that the platform configuration is complete.

    Step 20

    On the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK.

    The installation begins.

    The installation can take up to an hour to complete and can run unattended for most of that time.

    During the installation, the monitor shows a series of processes, as follows:

    • Formatting progress bars

    • Copying File progress bar

    • Package Installation progress bars

    • Post Install progress bar

    • Populate RPM Archive progress bar

    • Application Installation progress bars (multiple Component Install screens, security checks)

    • An informational screen saying the system will reboot momentarily to continue the installation

      If you see the following virtual machine question, select Yes, and then click OK:
      Figure 1. Virtual Machine Message

    • A system reboot

      Messages stream down your monitor during the reboot. Some of them prompt you to press a key. Do not respond to these prompts to press a key.

    • Application Pre Install progress bars

    • Configure and Setup Network progress bars


      If a Network Connectivity Failure screen appears during the Configure and Setup Network process, click Review, and then click OK at the Errors screen. Follow the prompts to reenter the information that caused the failure. The installation continues when the connection information is complete.

    • Security configuration

    A message appears that states the installation of Cisco Finesse has completed successfully.

    The installation of Cisco Finesse has completed successfully.
    Cisco Finesse <version number>
    <hostname> login: _

    What to do next

    Sign in to the Finesse administration console on the primary Finesse server (https://FQDN of Finesse server:8445/cfadmin) to configure CTI server, Administration & Database server, and cluster settings.

    After you configure these settings, install Finesse on the secondary node.

    Configure Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server Settings

    Configure the Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server settings to enable authentication for Cisco Finesse agents and supervisors.


    If you are using HTTPS, the first time you access the administration console, you see a browser security warning. To eliminate browser security warnings each time you sign in, you can trust the self-signed certificate provided with Finesse or obtain and upload a CA certificate.


    Step 1

    Sign in to the administration console.

    Step 2

    In the Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server Settings area, enter the Administration & Data Server settings as described in the following table. Refer to your configuration worksheet if necessary.



    Primary Host/IP Address

    The hostname or IP address of the Unified CCE Administration & Data Server. For example, abcd12-5-aw-a.

    Backup Host/IP Address

    The hostname or IP address of the backup Unified CCE Administration & Data Server. For example, abcd12-5-aw-b.

    Database Port

    The port of the Unified CCE Administration & Data Server.

    The default value is 1433.


    Cisco Finesse expects the primary and backup Administration & Data Server ports to be the same, hence the Finesse administration console exposes one port field. You must ensure that the port is the same for the primary and backup Administration & Data Servers.

    AW Database Name

    The name of the AW Database (AWDB). For example, ucceinstance_awdb.


    The domain name of the AWDB. For example,


    The username required to sign in to the AWDB.


    If you specify a domain, this user refers to the Administrator Domain user that the AWDB uses to synchronize with the logger. In which case, the AWDB server must use Windows authentication and the configured username must be a domain user.

    If you do not specify a domain, this user must be an SQL user.


    The password required to sign in to the AWDB.

    Step 3

    Click Save.

    Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings

    Actions on the Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings gadget:

    Use the Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings gadget to configure the A and B Side CTI servers.

    All fields on this tab are populated with default system values or with values an administrator has previously entered. Change values to reflect your environment and preferences.

    For configuring secure connection select the Enable SSL encryption check box.

    Test the CTI connection for given configuration using the Test Connection button.


    After you make any changes to the values on the Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings gadget, you must restart all the nodes of Cisco Finesse Tomcat. To make changes to other settings (such as Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server settings), you can make those changes and then restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat.

    If you restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat, agents must sign out and sign in again. As a best practice, make changes to CTI server settings and restart the Cisco Finesse Tomcat Service during hours when agents are not signed in to the Finesse desktop.

    The secure encryption and Test Connection functionality is supported only from Unified CCE 12.0.


    Although the B Side Host/IP Address and B Side Port fields are not shown as required, A and B Side CTI servers are mandatory for a production deployment of Unified CCE and Cisco Finesse.

    The following table describes the fields on the Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server Settings gadget:



    A Side Host/IP Address

    The hostname or IP address of the A Side CTI server. This field is required.

    This value is typically the IP address of the Peripheral Gateway (PG). The CTI server runs on the PG.

    A Side Port

    The value of this field must match the port configured during the setup of the A Side CTI server.

    This field is required and accepts values between 1 and 65535.

    You can find this value using the Unified CCE Diagnostic Framework Portico tool on the PG box. For more information about Diagnostic Framework Portico, see the Serviceability Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise.

    The default value is 42027.

    Peripheral ID

    The ID of the Agent PG Routing Client (PIM).

    The Agent PG Peripheral ID should be configured to the same value for the A and B Side CTI server.

    This field is required and accepts values between 1 and 32767.

    The default value is 5000.

    B Side Host/IP Address

    The hostname or IP address of the B Side CTI server.

    B Side Port

    The value of this field must match the port configured during the setup of the B Side CTI server.

    This field accepts values between 1 and 65535.

    Enable SSL encryption

    Check this box to enable secure encryption.

    • Save: Saves your configuration changes.

    • Revert: Retrieves the most recently saved server settings.

    • Test Connection: Tests the CTI connection.

    CTI Test Connection

    When you click Test Connection:

    1. Input validation is done on the request attributes.

      Host/IP Address must not be empty. Port and Peripheral IDs must be within the valid range.

    2. Validation is done to check if the provided Host/IP is resolved by Finesse box.

    3. Validation is done to check if AW Database is reachable and if a valid path ID is configured for the provided Peripheral ID.

    4. Socket connection is established to the provided Host/IP and port. The connection might fail if there is no route to the provided IP. If SSL encryption box is checked, this step also checks for successful TLS handshake. For TLS handshake to be successful, mutual trust has to be established between Finesse and CTI server.

      For information on how to establish trust between Finesse and CTI server, see Security Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise at

    5. After successful socket connection, a CTI initialization request is sent to check if the provided host is a CTI host.

      If the CTI response is a success for the CTI initialization request and peripheral provided is configured with Unified CCE, it is confirmed to be a CTI host.

    6. CTI connection is closed by sending a CTI session close request.


    If Test Connection is successful for Side A or B of the CTI cluster and the other side fails, it is a valid configuration as CTI server works in active-passive mode and connects to the active node. Inactive CTI node will refuse connection on the CTI port. However, Administrator has to ensure that the failed side also has a valid entry for CTI host and port field. System cannot verify this due to server restrictions.

    If Test Connection is successful on Side A and B of the CTI cluster, then there is an error in the system configuration. Verify that the Side A and B of the CTI node have valid entries for port and host.

    Test connection API success result does not guarantee peripheral to be online. It only validates if the peripheral provided is configured with Unified CCE.

    Test connection API with insecure connection parameter will function as intended for earlier versions of Unified CCE deployments.

    Restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat

    After you make changes to the Contact Center Enterprise CTI Server, Contact Center Enterprise Administration & Data Server, or cluster settings, restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat for the changes to take effect.


    After you restart Finesse, it can take approximately 6 minutes for all server-related services to restart. Therefore, you wait 6 minutes before you attempt to access the Finesse administration console.


    Step 1

    Access the CLI and run the following command:

    utils service restart Cisco Finesse Tomcat

    Step 2

    You can enter the command utils service list to monitor the Cisco Finesse Tomcat Service. After Cisco Finesse Tomcat changes to STARTED, the configured agents can sign in to the desktop.

    Validate Configuration

    After starting the Tomcat service, you must test the configuration for the changes you have made.


    Step 1

    Log in to the GUI

    Step 2

    Click Test to test the configuration changes.

    Validation errors, if any, in the configuration are displayed.

    If there are any errors, you must restart the Tomcat service after you resolve the errors.

    Configure Cluster Settings

    Configure the cluster settings for the secondary Finesse node. The secondary Finesse node handles agent requests if the primary server goes down.


    Step 1

    If you are not already signed in the primary node, sign in to the administration console of the primary node with the Application User credentials.

    Step 2

    In the Cluster Settings area, in the Hostname field, enter the hostname of the secondary Finesse server.

    Step 3

    Click Save.

    Install Finesse on Secondary Node

    Install the same version of Finesse on both the primary and secondary Finesse nodes.


    Configure a Datastore ISO file on the virtual CD/DVD drive of the target VM to install Finesse.


    Finesse administration tasks can only be performed on the primary Finesse server. After you install the secondary server, sign in to the administration console on the primary server to perform administration tasks (such as configuring reason codes or call variable layout).

    Before you begin
    • Install Finesse on the primary server. See Install Finesse on Primary Node.

    • Use the Finesse administration console on the primary Finesse server to configure CTI server, Administration & Database server, and cluster settings.

    • Ensure that the DNS server has forward and reverse DNS set up for both the primary and secondary node.


    Step 1

    Follow the instructions in the OVA README.txt file to import and deploy the OVA, to edit VM settings, and to power on the VM and edit the BIOS settings in the Console.

    Messages appear while the preinstallation script runs. When the preinstallation script ends, the DVD Found screen opens.

    Step 2

    Select Yes on the DVD Found screen to begin the verification of the media integrity and a brief hardware check.

    If the media check passes, select OK to open the Product Deployment Selection screen. Continue to Step 3.

    If the media check fails, the installation terminates.

    Step 3

    The Product Deployment Selection screen states that the Cisco Finesse product suite will be installed. This screen has only one option: OK.

    Select OK to open the Proceed with Install screen.

    Step 4

    The Proceed with Install screen shows the version of the product that is currently installed (if any) and the version of the product for this ISO. For the initial installation, the version currently installed shows NONE.

    Select Yes on the Proceed with Install screen to open the Platform Installation Wizard screen.

    Step 5

    On the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed to open the Basic Install screen.

    Step 6

    Select Continue on the Basic Install screen to open the Basic Install wizard.

    The Basic Install wizard presents a series of screens that present questions and options pertinent to the platform and the setup configuration. Help is available for each wizard screen.

    The first Basic Install wizard screen is Timezone Configuration.

    Step 7

    In the Timezone Configuration screen:

    1. Use the up and down arrows to locate the local time zone that most closely matches your server location. You can also type the initial character of the time zone to move to that item in the list. The Timezone field is based on country and city and is mandatory. Setting it incorrectly can affect system operation.

    2. Select OK to open the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen.

    Step 8

    On the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue to use automatic negotiation for the settings of the Ethernet network interface card (NIC).

    The MTU Configuration screen appears.

    Step 9

    On the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units (1500).


    Finesse supports the default setting of 1500 for MTU only. No other value is supported.

    Your selection of No opens the Static Network Configuration screen.

    Step 10

    On the Static Network Configuration screen, enter the static network configuration values as follows, referring to the Configuration Worksheet if necessary:

    1. Enter the Host Name.

    2. Enter the IP Address.

    3. Enter the IP Mask.

    4. Enter the GW Address.

    5. Select OK to open the Domain Name System (DNS) Client Configuration screen.

    Step 11

    On the DNS Client Configuration screen, select Yes to specify the DNS client information.

    IMPORTANT: DNS client configuration is mandatory for Cisco Finesse. Select Yes on this screen. If you select No, after the installation is complete, agents can't sign in to the desktop and you have to reinstall Finesse.

    Step 12

    Specify your DNS client information as follows, referring to the Configuration Worksheet if necessary:

    1. Enter the Primary DNS (mandatory).

    2. Enter the Secondary DNS (optional).

    3. Enter the Domain (mandatory).

    4. Select OK to open the Administrator Login Configuration screen.

    Step 13

    On the Administrator Login Configuration screen:

    1. Enter the credentials for the administrator.

    2. Select OK to open the Certificate Information screen.

    Step 14

    On the Certificate Information screen:

    1. Enter the following data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country.

    2. Select OK to open the First Node Configuration screen.

    Step 15

    On the First Node Configuration screen, select No to indicate that you’re configuring the second node.

    A warning message appears that indicates you must first configure the server on the first node before you can proceed. If you already configured the first node, select OK.

    Step 16

    On the Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen, select No to proceed with the installation after connectivity is verified.

    Step 17

    On the First Node Configuration screen, specify the information about the first node as follows:

    1. Enter the Host Name of the primary Finesse server.

    2. Enter the IP Address of the primary Finesse server.

    3. Enter the Security Password of the primary Finesse server.

    4. Confirm the Security Password.

    Step 18

    Select OK to open the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen.

    Step 19

    On the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK.

    The installation begins.

    The installation can take up to an hour to complete and can run unattended for most of that time.

    A message appears that states the installation of Cisco Finesse has completed successfully.

    The installation of Cisco Finesse has completed successfully.
    Cisco Finesse <version number>
    <hostname> login: _

    What to do next

    Check the replication status. If all nodes in the cluster show a replication status of 2, replication is functioning correctly.

    After installation, by default the configuration that controls the reverse-proxy authentication is enabled. When the reverse-proxy authentication is enabled and multiple client-side certificates are configured on the system, it impacts the certificate acceptance pop-ups from clients that are connected directly to the Finesse server without using a reverse-proxy. To prevent these pop-ups from appearing, use the utils systems reverse-proxy client-auth command on both the Finesse nodes to disable the reverse-proxy authentication that don’t need VPN-less access to Finesse.


    It can take 10–20 minutes to establish replication fully between the two nodes.

    To access platform-specific applications like Disaster Recovery System, Cisco Unified Serviceability, and Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, use the following URL, https://FQDN of Finesse server:8443.

    Check Replication Status


    Step 1

    Access the CLI on the primary Finesse server.

    Step 2

    Sign in with the Administrator User credentials that are defined during installation.

    Step 3

    Run the following command:

    utils dbreplication runtimestate

    This command returns the replication status on both the primary and secondary Finesse servers.

    Install Cisco Identity Service Standalone Deployment

    Follow this sequence of tasks to install the Cisco Identity Service (Cisco IdS) standalone deployment.




    Verify that you created a separate virtual machine for the IdS publisher node and the IdS subscriber node. See Set Up Virtual Machines.


    Install IdS publisher node. See

    Install Publisher/Primary Node of Cisco Identity Service


    Set IdS subscriber node. See Set IdS Subscriber Node


    Install IdS subscriber node. See

    Install Subscriber/Secondary Node of Cisco Identity Service


    Upgrade VMware Tools. See Install VMware Tools for VOS

    Install Publisher/Primary Node of Cisco Identity Service

    Before you begin

    DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Cisco Identity Service. To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, select Cisco Identity Service and click OK.

    4. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    5. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    6. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    7. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    8. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same timezone for all the nodes.

    9. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    10. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    11. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    12. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    13. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    14. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    15. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    16. In the First Node Configuration screen, select Yes.

    17. In the Network Time Protocol Client Configuration screen, enter a valid NTP server IP address and select OK.

    18. In the Security Configuration screen, enter the security password and select OK.

    19. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    20. In the Application User Configuration screen, enter the application username. Enter, and confirm the application user password. Select OK.

    21. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 5

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Set IdS Subscriber Node

    You must provide the publisher node the address of the subscriber node. You do this with the set ids subscriber command.


    Step 1

    Log in to your publisher IdS node.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to set the subscriber node:

    set ids subscriber name

    Specifies the hostname or ip address of the IdS subscriber node address.

    What to do next

    You can use these Cisco IdS CLI commands only in an IdS standalone deployment. You run these commands on the IdS publisher node.

    Required Minimum Privilege Level: Ordinary

    Use this command to show IdS subscriber node information.

    show ids subscriber

    There are no required parameters.

    Required Minimum Privilege Level: Advanced

    Use this command to unset IdS subscriber node configuration.

    unset ids subscriber

    There are no required parameters.

    Install Subscriber/Secondary Node of Cisco Identity Service

    Before you begin

    DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Cisco Identity Service. To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file.

    Before you install the subscriber/secondary nodes, you must install the publisher/primary nodes and configure the clusters.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, select Cisco Identity Service and click OK.

    Step 5

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    2. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    3. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    4. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    5. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same time zone for all the nodes.

    6. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    7. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    8. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    9. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    10. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    11. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    12. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    13. In the First Node Configuration screen, select No.

    14. In the warning screen, select OK.

    15. In the Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen, select No.

    16. In the First Node Access Configuration screen, enter the host name and IP address of the first node. Enter and confirm the security password. Select OK.

    17. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    18. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 6

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Live Data Standalone Installation

    Follow this sequence of tasks to install Live Data Standalone.




    For all deployments except the 2000 agent reference design, verify that you created a separate virtual machine for the IdS publisher node and the IdS subscriber node. See Set Up Virtual Machines.


    Install Live Data Primary Node.

    See Install Publisher/Primary Node of Live Data


    Set Live Data Secondary Node


    Install Live Data Secondary Node.

    See Install Subscriber/Secondary node of Live Data


    Upgrade VMware Tools. See Install Vmware Tools.


    Configure Live Data with AW


    Configure Live Data Machine Services


    Configure Live Data for Unified Intelligence Center Data Sources


    Restart Live Data


    Set Up Certificates for Live Data

    Install Publisher/Primary Node of Live Data

    Before you begin

    DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Live Data. To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file. Live Data and single sign-on (SSO) require FQDNs to work properly.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, select Live Data and click OK.

    4. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    5. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    6. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    7. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    8. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same timezone for all the nodes.

    9. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    10. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    11. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    12. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    13. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    14. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    15. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    16. In the First Node Configuration screen, select Yes.

    17. In the Network Time Protocol Client Configuration screen, enter a valid NTP server IP address and select OK.

    18. In the Security Configuration screen, enter the security password and select OK.

    19. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    20. In the Application User Configuration screen, enter the application username. Enter, and confirm the application user password. Select OK.

    21. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 5

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Set Live Data Secondary Node

    Use the set live-data secondary command to provide the primary node the address of the secondary node.


    Step 1

    Log in to your primary Live Data node.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to set the secondary node:

    set live-data secondary name

    Specifies the hostname or IP address of the Live Data secondary node.

    Install Subscriber/Secondary node of Live Data

    This task is required for installation of the DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Live Data. To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.

    Before you begin


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file. Live Data and single sign-on (SSO) require FQDNs to work properly.

    Before you install the subscriber or secondary nodes, you must install the publisher or primary nodes and configure the clusters.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, select Live Data and click OK.

    Step 5

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    2. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    3. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    4. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    5. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same timezone for all the nodes.

    6. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    7. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    8. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    9. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    10. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    11. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    12. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    13. In the First Node Configuration screen, select No.

    14. In the warning screen, select OK.

    15. In the Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen, select No.

    16. In the First Node Access Configuration screen, enter the host name and IP address of the first node. Enter and confirm the security password. Select OK.

    17. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    18. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 6

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Configure Live Data with AW

    Configure Live Data with AW to access the primary AW DB and the secondary AW DB. The command also automatically tests the connection from Live Data to the primary or secondary AW, checks to see if you (as the configured user) have appropriate AW DB access, and reports the results.

    You can use the optional skip-test parameter if you do not want to perform the test. When you include the skip-test parameter, the command does not check if you (as the configured user) have appropriate AW DB access and does not report results.


    You do not need to configure the AW DB on both the Publisher and the Subscriber. The configuration is replicated between the Publisher and Subscriber.

    Before you begin

    Before you can configure Live Data, you must first configure a SQL user (with special permissions) to work with Live Data, as described in Configure SQL User Account.

    The SQL administrative user "sa" or a user with sysadmin privileges must then execute the following SQL queries on the master system database for the SQL user who is configured to work with Live Data:

    USE master
    GRANT CONTROL ON CERTIFICATE :: UCCESymmetricKeyCertificate TO "<user>"

    Step 1

    Log in to your Live Data server.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to configure Live Data with the primary AW DB. The command automatically tests the connection from Live Data, checks the user permission, and displays results.

    The skip-test parameter is optional. Include it only if you do not want to perform the test.

    set live-data aw-access primary addr port db user [skip-test]

    Step 3

    Run the following command to configure Live Data with the secondary AW DB. The command automatically tests the connection from Live Data, checks the user permission, and displays results.

    The skip-test parameter is optional. Include it only if you do not want to perform the test.

    set live-data aw-access secondary addr port db user [skip-test]

    You can also optionally run the following command at any time to show and test the AW configuration that you set from Live Data to the primary and secondary AW DBs.

    The skip-test parameter is optional. Include it only if you do not want to perform the test.

    show live-data aw-access [skip-test]

    For more information, see set live-data aw-access .

    Configure Live Data Machine Services

    This command tells the AW where your Live Data machine services are located.



    Step 1

    Log in to your Live Data server.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to configure the Live Data machine services:

    set live-data machine-services awdb-user

    Use the user@domain format to specify the AW database domain user with write-access permission. The domain is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), and the username is a user principal name. You must be authorized to change Unified CCE configuration.

    • The Router and Peripheral Gateway (PG) TIP and TOS connection information is automatically populated for Unified CCE deployments that support Live Data. To set the deployment type, see Set Deployment Type in Unified CCE Administration Configuration. The Live Data server uses this information to establish a connection, and receive reporting data as well as agent and call events as they occur.

    • Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) PG, generic PGs with CUCM peripherals, and Unified CCE Gateway PGs are supported for Live Data.


    Once you have updated the host name of Live Data Server, you need to re-run the below set of commands, otherwise new host name will not be accepted.

    set live-data machine-services awdb-user

    set live-data cuic-datasource cuic-addr cuic-port cuic-user

    Verify that the show machine-services display changed hostname.

    It is necessary for you to re-run the set of commands, otherwise Live data machine services will not be updated with the new host name.

    Configure Live Data for Unified Intelligence Center Data Sources

    This command tells Unified Intelligence Center how to access Live Data.


    If you are using any certificates that are unapproved by Cisco, ensure to import the CUIC certificate into the Live Data server before you run set live-data machine-services.


    Step 1

    Log in to your Live Data server.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to configure your Live Data Unified Intelligence Center data sources:

    set live-data cuic-datasource cuic-addr cuic-port cuic-user

    Restart Live Data

    After you complete the configuration procedures for the AW, the Live Data Machine Services, and the Unified Intelligence Center data source, restart the Live Data system to enable the changes.


    Access the Live Data CLI and run the following command:

    utils system restart

    Whenever a new peripheral gateway that supports Live Data gets deployed and started, its feed will not be available to Live Data server automatically. Restart the Live Data server to start the feed from the newly deployed Peripheral Gateway.

    Set Up Certificates for Live Data

    For secure Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, and Live Data server-to-server communication, perform any of the following:

    • Use the self-signed certificates provided with Live Data.


      When using self-signed certificates, agents must accept the Live Data certificates in the Finesse desktop when they sign in before they can use the Live Data gadget.

    • Produce a Certification Authority (CA) certificate internally.

    • Obtain and install a Certification Authority (CA) certificate from a third-party vendor.

    Install Coresident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

    Follow this sequence of tasks to install the coresident deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS).



    1 Set Deployment Type in Unified CCE Administration Configuration:

    Set Deployment Type in Unified CCE Administration Configuration


    Install Coresident Deployment Primary Node.

    See Install Publisher/Primary Node of Co-resident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)


    Install Coresident Deployment Secondary Node.

    See Install Subscriber/Secondary Node of Co-resident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)


    Add Coresident (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS) Machine Type to the System Inventory


    Upgrade VMware Tools. See Install Vmware Tools.


    Configure Live Data with AW


    Configure Live Data Unified Intelligence Center Data Sources


    Restart Live Data


    Set up certificates for Live Data. See


    Unified CCE 2000 agent reference design use the UCCE: 4000 Agents Rogger deployment type. But, you can use the 2000 agent reference design OVA and server layout.

    Install Publisher/Primary Node of Co-resident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

    Before you begin

    DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Coresident deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS). To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file. Live Data and single sign-on (SSO) require FQDNs to work properly.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, for the Progger (Lab only) or 2000 agent reference design, choose Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS, and then select OK. The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS option installs Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and Cisco Identity Service (IdS) on the same server.

    4. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    5. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    6. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    7. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    8. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same timezone for all the nodes.

    9. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    10. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    11. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    12. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    13. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    14. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    15. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    16. In the First Node Configuration screen, select Yes.

    17. In the Network Time Protocol Client Configuration screen, enter a valid NTP server IP address and select OK.

    18. In the Security Configuration screen, enter the security password and select OK.

    19. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    20. In the Application User Configuration screen, enter the application username. Enter, and confirm the application user password. Select OK.

    21. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 5

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Install Subscriber/Secondary Node of Co-resident Deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS)

    Before you begin

    DNS Configuration is mandatory for installation of Coresident deployment (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS). To configure DNS, add the VMs to the forward and reverse lookups of the DNS.


    If the deployment uses host files in addition to DNS, use FQDNs in the host file. Live Data and single sign-on (SSO) require FQDNs to work properly.

    Before you install the subscriber or secondary nodes, you must install the publisher or primary nodes and configure the clusters.


    Step 1

    Create a virtual machine for your VOS-based contact center application using the OVA.

    Step 2

    Mount the ISO image for the software to the virtual machine.

    Step 3

    Select the virtual machine and power it on.

    Step 4

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Disk Found screen, click OK to begin the verification of the media integrity.

    2. In the Success screen, select OK.

    3. In the Product Deployment Selection screen, for the Progger (Lab only) or 2000 agent reference design, choose Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS, and then select OK. The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS option installs Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and Cisco Identity Service (IdS) on the same server.

    Step 5

    Follow the Install wizard, making selections as follows:

    1. In the Proceed with Install screen, select Yes.

    2. In the Platform Installation Wizard screen, select Proceed.

    3. In the Apply Patch screen, select No.

    4. In the Basic Install screen, select Continue.

    5. In the Timezone Configuration screen, use the down arrow to choose the local time zone that most closely matches where your server is located. Select OK.


      For Live Data servers, use the same timezone for all the nodes.

    6. In the Auto Negotiation Configuration screen, select Continue.

    7. In the MTU Configuration screen, select No to keep the default setting for Maximum Transmission Units.

    8. In the DHCP Configuration screen, select No.

    9. In the Static Network Configuration screen, enter static configuration values. Select OK.

    10. In the DNS Client Configuration screen, enter your DNS client configuration. Select OK.

    11. In the Administrator Login Configuration screen, enter the Platform administration username. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator. Select OK.

    12. In the Certificate Information screen, enter data to create your Certificate Signing Request: Organization, Unit, Location, State, and Country. Select OK.

    13. In the First Node Configuration screen, select No.

    14. In the warning screen, select OK.

    15. In the Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen, select No.

    16. In the First Node Access Configuration screen, enter the host name and IP address of the first node. Enter and confirm the security password. Select OK.

    17. In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select No.

    18. In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen, select OK. The installation begins and runs unattended.

      • There is a reboot in the middle of the installation.

      • The installation ends at a sign-in prompt.

    Step 6

    Unmount the ISO image.

    Add Coresident (Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS) Machine Type to the System Inventory


    Step 1

    In Unified CCE Administration, navigate to System > Deployment.

    Step 2

    Add the new machine to the System Inventory:

    1. Click Add.

      The Add Machine popup window opens.

    2. From the Type drop-down menu, select the following machine type:

      CUIC_LD_IdS Publisher, for the coresident Unified Intelligence Center, Live Data, and Identity Service machine available in the 2000 agent reference design.

    3. In the Hostname field, enter the FQDN, hostname, or IP address of the machine.

      The system attempts to convert the value you enter to FQDN.

    4. Enter the machine's Administration credentials.

    5. Click Save.

    The machine and its related Subscriber or Secondary machine are added to the System Inventory.

    What to do next

    If you remove a component from your deployment, delete it from your System Inventory. If you add the component again, or add more components, add those components to the System Inventory.

    Configure Live Data with AW

    This command tells Live Data how to access the primary AW DB and the secondary AW DB. The command also automatically tests the connection from Live Data to the primary or secondary AW, checks to see if the configured user has appropriate AW DB access, and reports the results.

    You can use the optional skip-test parameter if you do not want the test that is performed. When you include the skip-test parameter, no checking is done to see if you (as the configured user) have appropriate AW DB access, and no results are reported.


    You do not need to configure the AW DB on both the Publisher and the Subscriber. The configuration is replicated between the Publisher and the Subscriber.

    Before you begin

    Before you can configure Live Data, you must first configure a SQL user (with special permissions) to work with Live Data, as described in Configure SQL User Account.

    The SQL administrative user "sa" or a user with sysadmin privileges must then execute the following SQL queries for the SQL user who is configured to work with Live Data.

    USE master
    GRANT CONTROL ON CERTIFICATE :: UCCESymmetricKeyCertificate TO "<user>"

    Step 1

    Log in to your Live Data server.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to configure Live Data with the primary AW DB. The command automatically tests the connection from Live Data, checks the user permission, and displays results.

    (The skip-test parameter is optional; include it only if you do not want the test performed.)

    set live-data aw-access primary addr port db user [skip-test]

    Step 3

    Run the following command to configure Live Data with the secondary AW DB. The command automatically tests the connection from Live Data, checks the user permission, and displays results.

    (The skip-test parameter is optional; include it only if you do not want the test performed.)

    set live-data aw-access secondary addr port db user [skip-test]

    You can also optionally run the following command at any time to show and test the AW configuration that you set from Live Data to the primary and secondary AW DBs.

    (The skip-test parameter is optional; include it only if you do not want the test performed.)

    show live-data aw-access [skip-test]

    For more information, see set live-data aw-access .

    Configure Live Data Unified Intelligence Center Data Sources

    This command tells Unified Intelligence Center how to access Live Data.

    Before you begin
    • Ensure that AW distributor and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Publisher are in service.

    • Ensure that AW DB connection information is updated on the same node, where you want to configure Live Data CUIC data source.

    • Configure Live Data endpoints in the Machine Service table.


    Step 1

    Log in to your Live Data server.

    Step 2

    Run the following command to configure your Live Data Unified Intelligence Center data sources:

    set live-data cuic-datasource cuic-addr cuic-port cuic-user

    Restart Live Data

    After you complete the configuration procedures for the AW and the Unified Intelligence Center data source, restart the Live Data system to enable the changes.


    Access the Live Data CLI and run the following command:

    utils system restart