
Change History

This table lists changes made to this guide. Most recent changes appear at the top:




Updated Release of Document for Release 12.0(1)

December 2020

Edge Chromium (Microsoft Edge) updates

Install Microsoft Windows Server

Set Up CA Certificate for Chrome and Edge Chromium (Microsoft Edge) Browsers

Accept Security Certificates

Added new Section, Upgrade Windows Server

Upgrade Windows Server

July 2019

Added new Section, Upgrade SQL Server

Upgrade SQL Server

Updated Microsoft SQL Server to 2017

Removed prerequisite and modified note in the Section, Before you begin

Modified features list

Install Microsoft SQL Server

Added new rows for upgrading Windows Server and SQL Server

Common Ground Upgrade Task Flow

Updated Microsoft Windows Server to 2016

Throughout the document

Added a note on uninstalling antivirus and NIS Tools not supported

Upgrade Windows Server

Added a note on Windows Defender

System Requirements

Removed Network Gateways and Network Interface Controllers from PG setup

Installation Tools

About This Guide

This guide describes how to install the components and software for a new Unified CCE system, or to upgrade an existing Unified CCE system.


This guide is intended for users who install and upgrade Unified CCE contact centers.

The procedures assume that the system has been thoroughly designed and staged in preparation for the installation or upgrade.

Related Documents

Subject Link

Design considerations and guidelines for deploying a Unified CCE solution, including its various components and subsystems.

Design Guide

System diagrams, staging steps and sample test cases for supported models of Unified CCE.

Staging Guide

Pre-installation requirements and issues to address when you prepare for a Unified CCE installation.

Preinstallation and Planning

Communications, Services, and Additional Information

  • To receive timely, relevant information from Cisco, sign up at Cisco Profile Manager.

  • To get the business impact you’re looking for with the technologies that matter, visit Cisco Services.

  • To submit a service request, visit Cisco Support.

  • To discover and browse secure, validated enterprise-class apps, products, solutions and services, visit Cisco Marketplace.

  • To obtain general networking, training, and certification titles, visit Cisco Press.

  • To find warranty information for a specific product or product family, access Cisco Warranty Finder.

Cisco Bug Search Tool

Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST) is a web-based tool that acts as a gateway to the Cisco bug tracking system that maintains a comprehensive list of defects and vulnerabilities in Cisco products and software. BST provides you with detailed defect information about your products and software.

Field Notice

Cisco publishes Field Notices to notify customers and partners about significant issues in Cisco products that typically require an upgrade, workaround, or other user action. For more information, see Product Field Notice Summary at

You can create custom subscriptions for Cisco products, series, or software to receive email alerts or consume RSS feeds when new announcements are released for the following notices:

  • Cisco Security Advisories

  • Field Notices

  • End-of-Sale or Support Announcements

  • Software Updates

  • Updates to Known Bugs

For more information on creating custom subscriptions, see My Notifications at


This document uses the following conventions:



boldface font

Boldface font is used to indicate commands, such as user entries, keys, buttons, folder names, and submenu names.

For example:

  • Choose Edit > Find.

  • Click Finish.

italic font

Italic font is used to indicate the following:

  • To introduce a new term. Example: A skill group is a collection of agents who share similar skills.

  • A syntax value that the user must replace. Example: IF (condition, true-value, false-value)

  • A book title. Example: See the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Installation and Upgrade Guide.

window font

Window font, such as Courier, is used for the following:

  • Text as it appears in code or that the window displays. Example: <html><title>Cisco Systems, Inc. </title></html>

< >

Angle brackets are used to indicate the following:

  • For arguments where the context does not allow italic, such as ASCII output.

  • A character string that the user enters but that does not appear on the window such as a password.