This command dumps the current day log for this process, unless you specify different dates or times with other arguments.
[/dir Dirs]
This command specifies the directory location of the log files for any processes listed on the command line after the /dir
switch. If no /dir switch is used, the current directory is used by default.
The InputFile specifies a specific .ems file to dump. The /if token is optional. If you specify an input file, the /bd, /bt,
/ed, /et, /hr, and /all arguments are ignored.
Writes output to a text file in the \logfiles directory. The filename is formed when you add the .txt suffix to the specified
process prefix or input file name (without the .ems suffix). The file is written to the current directory.
OutputFile specifies an output text file; for example, c:\temp\mylog.txt.
Specifies continuous output. The command does not exit after it reaches the end of the log. Instead, it waits and writes any
further entries that appear in the log.
BeginDate(mm/dd/yyyy) specifies the begin date. If used with /bt, this specifies a range of dates. Otherwise, dumplog dumps events for only the specified date.
BeginTime(hh:mm:ss) specifies the begin time. Use with /et in order to specify a range of time.
EndDate(mm/dd/yyyy) specifies the end date. Use with /bd in order to specify a range of days. |
EndTime(hh:mm:ss) specifies the end time. Use with /bt in order to specify a range of time.
HoursBack specifies a number of hours back from the current time.
Displays all information from the specified process log files.
Displays information from the most recent log file for the process.
Displays information from the next to last log file for the process.
MatchString displays only events that contain a match for the specified string.
ExcludeString displays only events that do not contain a match for the specified string.
Displays milliseconds in time stamps.
Use multiple colors when you dump merged logs. Each process is given a different color. You must specify either a ProcessPrefix
or an InputFile. If you give only a ProcessPrefix value (for example, rtr, nm, or lgr), dumplog displays the current day log for that process by default.
Enables the CiscoLog functionality.
Prefix parameters for unzip, for example gzip -d -c.
Infix parameter for unzip, for example ">".
Postfix parameter for unzip, for example "".
Temp file for unzip, for example "temp.ems".
File postfix parameter, for example ".gz".
When the EMS files are copied to a system in a different timezone, or if the timezone on the system is changed, without this
option, all the queries made will be relative to the machine on which the logfiles were generated. Otherwise, /tzadjustoff
is used in order to switch the behavior where queries are made with respect to this machine time.
Use /tzadjustoff if you are gathering logs across a DaylightSavingsTime (DST) change.