Deployment Type Info API
Use the Deployment Type Info API to view or edit the current system deployment type.
get: Returns the current deployment type and the results of the capacity and system validation tests, using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/deploymenttypeinfo.
update: Sets the specified deployment type if the system validation check, capacity check, and VM Validation for that deployment type pass and are required.
changeStamp: See Shared Parameters.
vmHosts: vmHost information, including name, address, username, and password parameters of Side A and Side B. Only required when switching to Packaged CCE, to allow access to the ESX servers for VM validation.
permissionInfo: See Permissions.
systemValidationStatus: A collection of validationRules that show the potential errors regarding system configuration. Each rule contains the following parameters:
name: The name of the rule.
isValid: Indicates if the rule is passing. Values are true/false.
min: The minimum number of items required to match for this rule.
max: The maximum number of items required to match for this rule.
actual: The current number of items configured that match this rule.
capacityInfo: A collection of capacityRules indicating if the capacity limits are valid. Each rule contains the following parameters:
name: The name of the capacity rule.
max: The maximum number of items allowed for the rule.
actual: The current number of items configured for the rule.
vmValidationLogURL: The URL to download a file about VM layout validation.
deploymentType: The type of deployment. The following types are supported:
0: No deployment type specified. Initial type set at installation. Once set to another deployment type, you cannot switch back to 0.
1: NAM (Deprecated)
2: Contact Director
3: NAM Rogger (Deprecated)
4: ICM Router/Logger
5: UCCE: 8000 Agents Router/Logger
6: UCCE: 12000 Agents Router/Logger
7: Packaged CCE: 2000 Agents
8: ICM Rogger
9: UCCE: 4000 Agents Rogger
10: Packaged CCE: Lab Mode
11: HCS-CC: 2000 Agents
12: HCS-CC: 500 Agents (Deprecated)
13: UCCE: Progger (Lab Only)
14: HCS-CC: 4000 Agents
15: HCS-CC: 12000 Agents
16: UCCE: 2000 Agents
17: Packaged CCE: 4000 Agents
18: Packaged CCE: 12000 Agents
19: UCCE: 24000 Agents Router/Logger
20: HCS-CC: 24000 Agents
You can only use Live Data on deployment types UCCE: 2000 Agents, UCCE: 4000 Agents Rogger, UCCE: 8000 Agents Router/Logger, UCCE: 12000 Agents Router/Logger, UCCE: 24000 Agents Router/Logger, HCS-CC: 2000 Agents, HCS-CC: 4000 Agents, HCS-CC: 12000 Agents, HCS-CC: 24000 Agents, Packaged CCE: 2000 Agents,Packaged CCE: 4000 Agents, Packaged CCE: 12000 Agents, and Packaged CCE: Lab Mode.
Example Get Response