Average Speed of Answer

How ASA Is Calculated

Calculations for ASA differ based on the type of system associated with the reporting object.

Table 1. Calculating ASA

Reporting Object



Skill_Group_ Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_ Interval.CallsAnswered

CallType _Interval

Call_Type_ Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_ Interval.CallsHandled


Call_Type_Skill_Group_Interval. AnswerWaitTime / Call_Type_Skill_Group_Interval.CallsAnswered

Route_Real_Time. AvgSpeedAnswerTo5


Route_Half _Hour

Route_Half _Hour.AnswerWait TimeToHalf / Route_Half _Hour.CallsAnswered ToHalf


Service_Real_Time. AvgSpeedToAnswerTo5

Service_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Service_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5

Service_Interval. AnswerWaitTime

Service_Interval. AvgSpeedToAnswer


Precision Queue ASA

Skill_Group_ Interval.AnswerWaitTime / Skill_Group_ Interval.CallsAnswered


The method used to calculate ASA differs based on the type of system associated with the reporting object Unified CCE). The following table shows the calculations. X means that the value is included in the calculation.
Table 2. Calculations for ASA

Call_Type _Skill_Group

Call_Type _Interval

Skill_Group _Interval (Unified ICM)

Skill_Group (Unified CCE)

Service_Interval (Unified ICM)

Service_Interval (Unified CCE)

Delay Time/ Switch Time

Contains Network Delay


Contains Network Delay

Local Queue Time




Not Avail


Not Avail

Network Queue Time

SG Time



SG Time


Ring Time







Network Delay Time




ASA for Agent and Skill Group

Agent. The ASA is calculated for the agent at the PG level.

The internal queuing time is sent to the PG by Unified CCE Packaged CCE when an agent becomes available for the call. The PG adds up the internal queue time, ring time, and network time and adds that into AnswerWaitTime in the agent skill group table. AnswerWaitTime is then divided by the CallsAnswered for the agent.

skill group. The ASA is calculated for the skill group at the PG level.

For Unified CCE Enterprise Queuing, the time spent in the enterprise queue is not used in the calculation of AnswerWaitTime. The calculation includes the ACD queue time only.

For ACD queuing, the queue time is reported by the PG based on events received from the ACD.

Consider this example:

  • A call is queued at skill group X.

  • At Time T, the call is then queued at skill group Y at time T+30 seconds.

  • An additional 10 seconds transpire before the call is answered by an agent at skill group Y.

In this case, the internal queuing time will be 40 seconds. This is the total length that the call has been queued even though it was only queued at skill group Y for 10 seconds.

The agent's PG adds the internal queue time, ring time, and network time to create the total AnswerWaitTime for the call and adds it to AnswerWaitTime in the skill group table. AnswerWaitTime is then divided by CallsAnswered within the skill group table to arrive at the ASA for the skill group.

Precision queue. The ASA is calculated for the precision queue by summing skill groups across PGs which are associated with the precision queue.

Reports That Show ASA for Agents

The following reports show ASA statistics for agents and skill groups:

  • Unified IC Peripheral Skill Group Real Time All Fields

  • Unified IC Peripheral Skill Group Historical All Fields

ASA for Call Type and Service

The call type ASA is calculated as AnswerWaitTime divided by CallsAnswered.

Call type ASA is applicable only when calls are translation routed and includes time spent in the Enterprise Queue as well as time spent in the ACD queue.

ASA for the service is computed based on the AnswerWaitTime as reported from the peripheral. This value includes the time spent on the ACD after the call was offered up until the time the call was answered. If an Enterprise Queue is used, ASA reported for the service does not include time spent in the Enterprise Queue.

Reports That Show ASA for Call Type and Service

The following report contains ASA statistics:

  • Unified IC Call Type Historical All Fields