Consider the call types that meet your reporting needs and configure a separate call type for each type of call treatment
that you want to offer.
Based on the deployment model, scripting, queuing, and on whether calls are translation-routed, you can define call types
Provide enterprise-wide routing statistics for the call center. For example, the number of calls to route to different peripherals
or the number of calls that encounter routing errors.
Group calls to report on certain types of activity that occur within the contact center. For example, you might create separate
call types for calls that redirect on no answer or calls that are transferred to another agent.
Report on statistics for a self-service VRU
Do you want to configure a separate call type associated with call transfers and conferences?
Doing so enables you to direct the transfer to a different routing script.
Do you plan to report on individual transactions within Network VRU Self-Service or Information Gathering applications?
If so, you might configure a separate call type for each transaction.
Do you want to separate Information Gathering VRU metrics from queue metrics?
If so, you might configure a separate call type for queuing.
Do you plan to use Outbound Option?
If so, create a separate call type for Outbound Option calls. Outbound Option uses a routing script in addition to a physical
call to reserve agents. The call type real-time and half-hour reports contain data that pertains only to reservation calls
and do not include reporting information for any outbound calls.
Do you want to configure a separate call type associated with RONA situations?
If you configure a separate call type associated with RONA, you can direct calls that Ring No Answer to a routing script designed
for this situation. You can report on this Redirection on No Answer call type to see how calls that redirect on no answer
are eventually handled.
You can also handle this situation with requery.
Do you want to determine the service level for call types?
Service level indicates how well you meet your goal for answering calls.
You can configure the service level setting individually for each call type or set a global Service Level for all call types.
Do you want to configure abandoned short calls to filter out calls that abandon quickly?
If you want to use abandoned short calls, configure the call type Abandon Wait Time. Calls that abandon within the Abandon
Wait Time are reported as short calls.
If you do not want to use abandoned short calls, leave the Abandon Wait Time field blank.
Do you want to define "bucket intervals" for reporting on answered and abandoned calls for the call type (Unified CCE)?
These "bucket intervals" appear in call type reports that display the number of calls answered and abandoned for each interval. Bucket intervals are
useful for monitoring when calls are abandoning or being answered.