Transitional Real Time Reports

Agents Real Time

The Agents Real Time Report displays the current activities of agents assigned to a skill.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.


This report has one grid view, Agents Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped by Skill Group Name and sorted by Agent Name.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Person

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Agents Real Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The first name and last name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The login name of the agent.

Derived from: Agent.LoginName


The phone extension into which the agent is logged.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Extension

Peripheral Number

The login ID of the agent.

This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent.PeripheralNumber


A code and text (if configured) from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If no reason code is defined, this value is 0 (zero).

This field is a calculated field derived from:

 CASE WHEN Agent_Skill_Group_Reat_Time.ReasonCode = 0
ELSE (select ReasonText from Reason_Code where ReasonCode = Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.Reason Code)


The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange, Select NowTime From Controller_Time)


Whether the call is inbound, outbound, or neither of these.

This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction


The method of communication: phone, chat, or email.

This value is taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Media_Routing_Domain

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Agent Team Real Time

Run this report to show the agent status in real time.


This report has one grid view, Agent Team Real Time.

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Agent Team

The Enterprise Name of the Agent Team.

Derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.


The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName ", " Person.FirstName.

Precision Queue / Skill Group

Precision Queue or Skill Group or Not Applicable.

Precision Queue is derived from: Agent_Team.EnterpriseName.

The precision route associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the Media Routing Domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can log in to multiple precision routes, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.

Skill Group Name is derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName.

The skill group associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the Media Routing Domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can be logged in to multiple skill groups, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.


The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState.


The direction of the call that the agent is currently working on:

  • NULL= None

  • 0 = None

  • 1 = In

  • 2 =Out

  • 3= Other

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Direction.


The type of outbound task on which the agent is currently working.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.Destination.


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If no reason code is defined, this value is 0 (zero).

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode.

Report Summary: There is a summary row for Agent Team, a summary row for each Supervisor and a report summary for all data. For more information, see Report Summary Rows.

Call Type Real Time


This report has the following grid views:

  • Call Type Real Time

  • Call Type Today Real Time

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Call_Type

  • Call_Type_Real_Time

Grouping: This template is sorted by Call Type Name.

Call Type Real Time View

The Call Type Real Time Report displays information about how call types are handled during the current interval.

Value List: CallTypeId

Current Fields in the Call Type Real Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time))

Avg Speed Of Answer

The Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval. The total Answer Time for all tasks of the call type divided by the number of tasks of this type answered during the current 5-minute interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5)


The number of tasks abandoned at the IVR during the rolling five-minute interval, while offered to the agent and on route to the agent.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5

Avg Abandon Time

The average time of abandoned calls for this call type during the rolling five-minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallDelayAbandTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Avg Handle Time

The average time taken during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is calculated based on: Call_Type_Real_Time.HandleTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Flow In

The number of calls that are Redirected On No Answer in the rolling five-minute interval. This does not include calls rerouted using the router requery feature.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsRONATo5

Flow Out

The number of tasks that are run as a Requalify or Call Type node and flowed to another call type during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5


The number of calls active for this call type offered during the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is derived from: CallsAtAgentNow+CallsAtVRUNow

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Call Type Today Real Time View

The Call Type Today Real Time report displays the information for each call type at the start of the day.

Value List: Call Types

Current Fields in the Call Type Today Real Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time))

Avg Speed Of Answer

The Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval. The total Answer Time for all tasks of the call type divided by the number of tasks of this type answered during the current 5-minute interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5)


The number of tasks abandoned at the IVR during the rolling five-minute interval, while offered to the agent and on route to the agent.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5

Avg Abandon Time

The average time of abandoned calls for this call type during the rolling five-minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallDelayAbandTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Avg Handled Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it has taken during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Flow In

The number of calls that have been Redirected On No Answer in the rolling five-minute interval. This number does not include calls rerouted using the router requery feature.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsRONATo5

Flow Out

The number of tasks that run a Requalify or Call Type node and flowed to another call type during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5

Active Calls

The number of calls of this call type offered during the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: CallsAtAgentNow + CallsAtVRUNow

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Call Type Real Time View

The Call Type Real Time Report displays information about how call types are handled during the current interval.

Value List: CallTypeId

Current Fields in the Call Type Real Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time))

Avg Speed Of Answer

The Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval. The total Answer Time for all tasks of the call type divided by the number of tasks of this type answered during the current 5-minute interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5)


The number of tasks abandoned at the IVR during the rolling five-minute interval, while offered to the agent and on route to the agent.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5

Avg Abandon Time

The average time of abandoned calls for this call type during the rolling five-minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallDelayAbandTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Avg Handle Time

The average time taken during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is calculated based on: Call_Type_Real_Time.HandleTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Flow In

The number of calls that are Redirected On No Answer in the rolling five-minute interval. This does not include calls rerouted using the router requery feature.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsRONATo5

Flow Out

The number of tasks that are run as a Requalify or Call Type node and flowed to another call type during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5


The number of calls active for this call type offered during the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is derived from: CallsAtAgentNow+CallsAtVRUNow

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Call Type Today Real Time View

The Call Type Today Real Time report displays the information for each call type at the start of the day.

Value List: Call Types

Current Fields in the Call Type Today Real Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Call Type Name

The enterprise name for the call type.

Derived from: Call_Type.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Call_Type_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time))

Avg Speed Of Answer

The Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval. The total Answer Time for all tasks of the call type divided by the number of tasks of this type answered during the current 5-minute interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: (Call_Type_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5)


The number of tasks abandoned at the IVR during the rolling five-minute interval, while offered to the agent and on route to the agent.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5

Avg Abandon Time

The average time of abandoned calls for this call type during the rolling five-minute interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallDelayAbandTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.TotalCallsAbandTo5


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Avg Handled Time

The average time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) it has taken during the rolling five-minute interval to handle a task.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.HandleCallsTimeTo5 / Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Flow In

The number of calls that have been Redirected On No Answer in the rolling five-minute interval. This number does not include calls rerouted using the router requery feature.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.CallsRONATo5

Flow Out

The number of tasks that run a Requalify or Call Type node and flowed to another call type during the rolling five-minute interval.

Derived from: Call_Type_Real_Time.OverflowOutTo5

Active Calls

The number of calls of this call type offered during the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: CallsAtAgentNow + CallsAtVRUNow

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Group Interval Graphical

The Skill Group Interval Graphical Real Time Report displays the total number of calls queued for the specified time interval for one or more specified skill groups.

Query: This report data is built from an anonymous block.


This report has one chart view, Skill Group Interval Graphical.

Grouping: None

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Table(s) from which data is retrieved:

  • Skill_Group_Interval


This report is a real-time report only for the latest interval displayed in the graph for the current date; for earlier intervals, the graph contains historical data. For any previous date, this displays only the historical data for calls queued.

Skill Group Not Ready

Skill Group Not Ready Detail Real Time

The Skill Group Not Ready Detail Real Time Report displays the number of agents in Not Ready state for one or more specified skill groups.

Query: Anonymous Block


This report has one grid view, Skill Group Not Ready Detail Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Skill Target ID.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Skill Group Not Ready Detail Real Time Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The precision queue or skill group associated with the task on which the agent is currently working. If the agent is not involved in any task in the media routing domain, this field shows Not Applicable. Because an agent can be logged into multiple skill groups, this field is not filled until the agent is assigned a task.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of tasks currently in the queue.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow '+ Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsQueuedNow'

Agents Logged On

The number of agents that are currently logged on to the skill group. This count is updated each time an agent logs on and each time an agent logs off.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOn

Not Ready Agents

The number of agents in the Not Ready state for the skill group. Not Ready is a state in which agents are logged on but are neither involved in any call handling activity nor available to handle a call.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.NotReady

Reason code RC0 - RC9

A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the last state change for the agents. If no reason code is defined, this value is zero (0).

This is directly derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Group Not Ready Real Time

The Skill Group Not Ready Real Time Report identifies the agents who are in the Not Ready state for one or more specified skill groups.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Skill Group Not Ready Real Time and one chart view, Skill Group Not Ready Graphical Real Time.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Skill Group Name.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Person

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Current Fields in the Skill Group Not Ready Time Report Grid View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The last name and the first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The agent's login name.

Derived from: Person.LoginName

Peripheral Number

The agent's login ID.

Derived from: Agent.PeripheralNumber


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agent's last state change. If no reason code is defined, this value is 0 (zero).

Derived from:

CASE WHEN Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode = 0
ELSE (select ReasonText from Reason_Code where ReasonCode =Agent_Real_Time.ReasonCode) END


The length of time since the agent's last change, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange , Select Nowtime From Controller_Time)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Group Status

Skill Group Agent Status Real Time

The Skill Group Agent Status Real Time Report displays the agent status in real time.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.

Views: This report has one grid view, Skill Group Agent Status Real Time.

Grouping: This report is sorted by Skill Group Name.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Person

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Group Real Time Agent Status

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The last name and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Real_Time.AgentState


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This field is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange , Select Nowtime From Controller_Time)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Group Real Time Status

The Skill Group Real Time Status Report displays call in service level, calls waiting, oldest call waiting, average speed of answer, handled calls, average handled time, abandoned calls and logged-on time for specified skill group(s).

Query: This report data is built from a database query.


This report has one grid view, Skill Group Real Time Status and the following chart views:

  • Calls Waiting Graph

  • Oldest Call Time Graph

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list located on the top left corner.

Grouping: This report is grouped and sorted by Skill Group Name.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Group Real Time Status

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise name for the skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group.Enterprise

Calls Waiting

The number of split or skill ACD calls currently waiting to be answered. This includes calls that are in queue and calls that are ringing at an agent voice terminal. It does not include direct agent calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCallsQNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This is a calculated field, calculated by subtracting the time the task entered the queue from the current time and derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time)),0)

Avg Speed Of Answer

The average time calls waited in queue or ringing before an agent answered. Average Speed of Answer during the rolling five-minute interval.

This is a calculated field, derived from: (Skill_Group_Real_Time.AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsAnsweredTo5)


The number of calls of this call type handled for the call type ending during the rolling five minute-interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandledTo5

Avg Handle Time

The average time spent by the agent in handling a task in the interval, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds).

This is a calculated field, derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.Handle Time / Skill_Group_Real_Time.CallsHandled


The number of calls that are abandoned in the router queue during the interval for a skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterCalls AbandQTo5

Logged On

The number of agents that are currently logged on to the skill group. This count is updated each time an agent logs on and each time an agent logs off.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.LoggedOn

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Group Status Graphical Real Time

The Skill Group Status Graphical Real Time Report displays the number of agents in each status for one or more specified skill groups.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.

Views: This report has a chart view, Skill Group Status Graphical Real Time.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Person

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent

  • Skill_Group

  • Service

  • Media_Routing_Domain

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

Skill Group Status Graphical RealTime

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.



Logged Out

The agent is logged off.

Logged On

The agent is logged on.

Not Ready

The agent is not available to be assigned a task. If an agent is Not Ready in one skill group, the agent is Not Ready in all skill groups within the same Media Routing Domain.


The agent has put himself in the Ready state using his agent desktop tool.


The agent is working on a task or a call in this skill group.

Work Not Ready

The agent is performing wrap-up work for a call in this skill group. The agent enters Not Ready state when wrap up is complete.

Work Ready

The agent is performing wrap-up work for a call or task in this skill group.

If the agent is handling a voice call, the agent enters Not Active state when wrap up is complete.

If the agent is handling a non-voice task, the agent might enter Not Active or Not Ready state when wrap up is complete.

Busy Other

The agent is Active, Work Ready, Reserved, or on Hold/Paused in another skill group.


The agent has been offered a call or task associated with the skill group.

For voice calls, agents are Reserved when their phones are ringing.


The agent state is unknown.


For agents handling Outbound Option calls, the Hold state indicates that the agent has been reserved for a call because the Outbound Dialer puts the agent on hold while connecting the call.


The agent is talking on or handling calls.

An agent can be active in only one skill group at a time. While active in one skill group, the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state for the other skill groups.

Skill Status

Skill Status Agent Real Time

Run this report to show the agent status in real time.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.


This report has one grid view, Skill Status Agent Real Time.

Grouping: This template is grouped by Skill Group Name and sorted by Date Time.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:
  • Person

  • Agent

  • Agent_Real_Time

  • Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Service

  • Skill_Group

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Group Real Time Agent Status

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Agent Name

The last and first name of the agent.

Derived from: Person.LastName "," Person.FirstName


Value taken directly from the database.

Derived from: Person.LoginName


A code received from the peripheral that indicates the reason for the agents last state change. If not defined, this places none.

Derived from:

CASE WHEN Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.ReasonCode = 0
ELSE (select ReasonText from Reason_Code where ReasonCode = Agent_Skill_GroupĀ­_Real_Time.ReasonCode) END

Agent State

The current state of the agent.

Derived from: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.AgentState


The time spent in the current agent state in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This is a calculated field, derived from: DATEDIFF(seconds, Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time.DateTimeLastStateChange , Select Nowtime From Controller_Time)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.

Skill Status Real Time

Run this report to see calls waiting and Answer Wait Time for specified skill groups.

Query: This report data is built from a database query.


This report has one grid view, Skill Status Real Time.

Grouping: This template is grouped by Skill Group Name and sorted by Date Time.

Value List: Skill Groups

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Skill_Group_Real_Time

  • Skill_Group

  • Media_Routing_Domain

Current Fields in the Skill Group Real Time Status

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. Current fields are listed below in the order (left to right) in which they appear by default in the stock template.

Column (Field)


Skill Group Name

The enterprise skill group's enterprise name.

Derived from: Skill_Group.EnterpriseName

Calls Waiting

The number of split or skill ACD calls currently waiting to be answered. This includes calls that are in queue and calls that are ringing at an agent voice terminal. It does not include direct agent calls.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Real_Time.TotalQueuedNow

Longest Queued

The time spent in queue for the longest currently queued task, measured in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

This is a calculated field, calculated by subtracting the time the task entered the queue from the current time and derived from: DATEDIFF(ss, Skill_Group_Real_Time.RouterLongestCallQ, (SELECT NowTime from Controller_Time)),0)

Report Summary: This report has a report summary for all data.