Outbound Historical Reports

Attempts Per Campaign Daily

The Attempts per Campaign Daily report shows the status (summary and percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period and the breakdown of attempts (in percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Breakdown of Attempts per Campaign Daily (the default)

  • Summary of Attempts per Campaign Daily

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

Breakdown of Attempts Per Campaign Daily Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date for the record in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

Right Party Connect

The percentage of calls attempted when the actual customer was contacted and handled, as indicated by agents using their desktop.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. VoiceDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Dialer Abandon

The percentage of contacts or attempts abandoned by the dialer because the agent was not available and "Abandon to IVR" was not configured.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Abandon to IVR

The percentage of contacts or attempts that were abandoned by the dialer but transferred to an IVR. That is, the percentage of attempts that were sent to IVR (or another dialed number) for treatment after the dialer reached a contact and no agent was available to take the call. Instead of hanging up on the customer, the customer was transferred to an IVR, which plays a message.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonToIVR/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


When the campaign is not configured for personal callback, the percentage of customers contacted that request a callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. CallbackCount/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Personal Callback

When the campaign is configured for personal callback, the percentage of contacts in which the customer requested a callback and was scheduled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. PersonalCallbackCount/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Not Home

The percentage of contacts where the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. CustomerNotHomeCount/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Wrong Number

The percentage of contacts where the party answering the phone indicated that the customer was not available.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. WrongNumberCount/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Abandon

The percentage of contacts where the customer ended the call immediately after being connected to an agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. CustomerAbandonDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Did Not Answer

Answering Machine

The percentage of contacts that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AnsweringMachineDetectToHal/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

No Answer

The percentage of contacts that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. NoAnswerDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. BusyDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. CanceledDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a Special Information Tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

No Dial tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a fax.


Network Error

The number of contacts that encountered one of the following problems:

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted

  • Network disconnected while alerting

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

Current Fields in the Summary of Attempts Per Campaign Daily Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date for the record in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Key Statistics

Customer Answered

The number of outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Right Party Connect

The number of call attempts, as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect

Dialer Abandon & Abandon to IVR

The number of calls that were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR because an agent was not available to take the call. Campaign configuration determines whether these calls are abandoned at the dialer or transferred to IVR.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonToIVR + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect



The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

The percentage of attempted calls that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did not Answer

The percentage of calls attempted when the number was dialed but the customer was not reached and there were no problems with the call ("Ring No Answer").

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CancelledDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of calls attempted where the contact was dialed and one of the following problems was encountered:

  • Fax machine detected

  • No dial tone when dialer port went off hook

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer

  • Operator intercept (SIT Tone) was returned from network when dial attempted.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Dial

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback calls that were rejected by the agent. (An attempt should be made to contact these customers again.)

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

These calls are not counted as attempted.

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback calls that were rejected by the agent. (The agent did not call these customers.)

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

These calls are not counted as attempted.

Campaign Consolidated Daily

This report shows the daily activity and performance of the selected campaigns and their skill groups for the selected time period and provides analysis of the actual customer calls (outbound calls which reached live voice, inbound calls, or calls transferred to the campaign's skill group) for the selected campaigns and their skill groups for the selected time period.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Campaign Consolidated Daily (the default)

  • Campaign Consolidated Detailed Daily

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Current Fields in the Campaign Consolidated Daily Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report that is generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date for the record in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Agent Time In Campaign


The FTE value for the agents logged in and skilled for the campaign and not working in other skill groups (or not ready). If all agents spend full-time on the campaign's skill, the FTE is the number of agents.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)/ Skill_Group_Interval.ReportingInterval


The percentage of time that agents spent talking in one of the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime - Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)

Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing calls in one of the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime- Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)


The percentage of time the agents were available in one of the campaign's skill groups; but not working.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime- Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)

Account Statistics

Connects/ FTE Agent Hour

The FTE value for the number of calls of agents for the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls) * Skill_Group_Interval.ReportingInterval/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime, 0)

Time between Agent Connects

The average time in seconds between the connecting customer calls to the agents.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

The Summary Avg for Time between Agent Connects is calculated using the following formula: Summary Avg for a selected campaign = idle time/ agent connects.


Agent Connects

The number of calls (outbound and inbound) handled per agent for the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

Not Connected

The number of customer calls that were not connected to any agent or device. This includes calls which were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR (includes inbound and outbound calls) and resulted in customer abandon in queue or routing script error.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Note: This column is invalid if the Outbound Reservation Script does not use ReleaseCall when not reserving an agent. This results in extraneous Router Error call reports, which inflate the value in this column.

Dialer Abandon To Other

The number of calls which are in "abandon to IVR" state and have completed in a way that is not associated with a skill group in this campaign. This value only applies to Campaigns where the skill groups associated with the campaign are not used for inbound.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR - (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError)

Note: This column is approximate because the abandon to IVR can occur in one half hour interval and the call completion occurs in another.

This column is invalid if the Outbound Reservation Script does not use ReleaseCall when not reserving an agent, which results in undercounting in this column.

This column is invalid if the skill group is used for anything other than outbound agent campaigns, for example inbound or transferred calls, as this results in undercounting in this column.

This column is invalid if the abandon to IVR script queues to multiple skill groups in this campaign because RouterErrors and RouterCallsAbandQ are counted once in each skill group the call was queued to, which results in undercounting in this column.

Outbound Statistics

Average Handle Time

The average length of calls (Inbound and Outbound) handled by the agent during the campaign's skill group selected interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime - Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

% Abandon

The percentage of calls that reached a live voice and were abandoned by the dialer or abandon to IVR because no agent was available.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)

Hit Rate

The percentage % of the outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The Total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Current Fields in the Campaign Consolidated Detailed Daily Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report that is generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields) Description


The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Agent Connects

Outbound Immediate

The number of outbound calls where the customer was connected to an agent immediately (without waiting in the queue).

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.PreviewCalls

After Abandon To IVR & Inbound

This field includes the following calls:

  • Outbound calls that were handled by an agent in this skill group after Abandon To IVR.

  • Outbound calls from a Transfer to IVR campaign that were queued back to agents.

  • Inbound and transferred calls that were routed to agents in this skill group.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled

Not Connected

Customer Abandon

The number of contacts when the customer ended the call immediately after picking up the phone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect

Dialer Abandon

The number of contacts abandoned by the dialer.

Derived from:Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Customer Abandon in Queue

The number of contacts when the customer ended the call while in queue.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ

Script Error

The number of calls that resulted in an error condition in the call routing script.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError

Dialer Abandon To Other

Script Dequeued

The number of calls that were initially abandoned to IVR because no agent was available and then queued to a skill group for this campaign and again removed from the queue during the interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsDequeued


The number of calls that were routed to another skill group or never made it to the skill group. This column is approximate because the abandon to IVR can occur in one half hour interval and the call completion occurs in another interval.

Derived from:Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR - (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError + Skill_Group_Interval. RouterCallsDequeued)

This column is approximate because the abandon to IVR can occur in one interval and the call completion occurs in another interval.

Campaign Consolidated Half Hour

The Campaign Consolidated Half Hour report shows the list of Consolidated Calls and Agent Statistics per Campaign by Half Hour and Breakdown of completed calls.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Campaign Consolidated Half Hour (the default)

  • Campaign Consolidated Detailed Half Hour

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

  • Skill_Group_Interval

Current Fields in the Campaign Consolidated Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date and time at the start of the half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Agent Time In Campaign


The Full Time Equivalent (FTE) value for the agents logged in and skilled for the campaign and not working in other skill groups (or not ready) in the half-hour interval. If all agents spend full-time on the campaign's skill during the half hour interval, the FTE is the number of agents.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)/ Skill_Group_Interval.ReportingInterval


The percentage of time that agents spent talking in one of the campaign's skill groups.

(Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime - Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)

Wrap Up

The percentage of time that agents have spent in Wrap-up state after incoming or outgoing calls in one of the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime- Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)


The percentage of time the agents were available in one of the Campaign's skill groups but not working.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime- Skill_Group_Interval. BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime)

Agent Statistics

Connects/ FTE Agent Hour

The FTE value for the number of calls of agents in the interval for the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls) * Skill_Group_Interval.ReportingInterval/ (Skill_Group_Interval.LoggedOnTime - Skill_Group_Interval.BusyOtherTime - Skill_Group_Interval.NotReadyTime, 0)

Time between Agent Connects

The average time in seconds between the connecting customer calls to the agents.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.ReservedStateTime + Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.AvailTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

The Summary Avg for Time between Agent Connects is calculated using the following formula: Summary Avg for a selected campaign = idle time/ agent connects


Agent Connects

The number of calls (outbound and inbound) handled per agent for the campaign's skill groups.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

Not Connected

The number of customer calls that were not connected to any agent or device. This includes calls which were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR (includes inbound and outbound calls) and resulted in customer abandon in queue or routing script error.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Note: This column is invalid if the Outbound Reservation Script does not use ReleaseCall when not reserving an agent, which results in extraneous Router Error call reports that inflates the value in this column.

Dialer Abandon To Other

The number of calls that are in "abandon to IVR" state and have completed in a way not associated with a skill group in this campaign. This value applies only to Campaigns where the skill groups associated with the campaign are not used for inbound.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR - (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError)

Note: This column is approximate because the abandon to IVR can occur in one half-hour interval and the call completion occurs in another.

This column is invalid if the Outbound Reservation Script does not use ReleaseCall when not reserving an agent, which results in under counting in this column.

This column is invalid if the skill group is used for anything other than outbound agent campaigns, for example, inbound or transferred calls, as this results in undercounting in this column.

This column is invalid if the abandon to IVR script queues to multiple skill groups in this campaign because RouterErrors and RouterCallsAbandQ are counted once in each skill group the call was queued to, which results in undercounting in this column.

Outbound Statistics

Avg Handle Time

The average length of calls (Inbound and Outbound) handled by the agent during the campaign's skill group selected interval.

Derived from: (Skill_Group_Interval.TalkTime - Skill_Group_Interval.TalkReserveTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkReadyTime + Skill_Group_Interval.WorkNotReadyTime)/ (Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval. PreviewCalls)

% Abandon

The percentage of calls that reached a live voice and were abandoned by the dialer or abandon to IVR because no agent was available.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)

Hit Rate

The percentage of the outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Current Fields in the Campaign Consolidated Detailed Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date and time at the start of the half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Agent Connects

Outbound Immediate

The number of outbound calls where the customer was connected to an agent immediately (without waiting in queue).

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.AutoOutCalls + Skill_Group_Interval.PreviewCalls

After Abandon To IVR & Inbound

This includes the following calls:

  • Outbound calls that were handled by an agent in this skill group after Abandon To IVR.

  • Inbound and transferred calls that were routed to agents in this skill group.

  • Outbound calls from a Transfer to IVR campaign that were queued back to agents.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval. CallsHandled

Not Connected

Customer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after picking up the phone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect

Dialer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval abandoned by the dialer.

Derived from:Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Customer Abandon in Queue

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call while in queue.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ

Script Error

The number of calls that resulted in an error condition in the call routing script.

Derived from:Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError

Dialer Abandon To Other

Script Dequeued

The number of calls that were initially abandoned to IVR because no agent was available and then queued to a skill group for this campaign and again removed from the queue during the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsDequeued


The number of calls that were routed to another skill group or never made to the skill group.

Derived from:Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR - (Skill_Group_Interval.RouterCallsAbandQ + Skill_Group_Interval.CallsHandled + Skill_Group_Interval.RouterError + Skill_Group_Interval. RouterCallsDequeued)

This column is approximate because the abandon to IVR can occur in one half-hour interval and the call completion occurs in another interval.

Campaign Half Hour Summary

The Campaign Half Hour Summary report shows the status for all campaigns for the selected time period, the status (summary and percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period, and the breakdown of attempts (in percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Breakdown of Attempts per Campaign Half Hour (the default)

  • Summary of Attempts per Campaign Half Hour

  • Summary of Call Counts per Campaign Half Hour

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

Current Fields in the Breakdown of Attempts (%) Per Campaign Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date and time at the start of a half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

Right Party Connect

The percentage of call attempts when the actual customer was contacted and handled, as indicated by agents using their desktop.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. VoiceDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Dialer Abandon

The percentage of contacts or attempts in the half-hour interval abandoned by the dialer because agents were not available and there was no configuration in place for "Abandon to IVR".

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Abandon to IVR

The percentage of attempts that reached a customer and were abandoned to IVR because no agents were available to handle the call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of call backs requested by the customer when the campaign is not configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Personal Callback

The percentage of call backs scheduled and requested by the customer when the campaign is configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Not Home

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval when the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Wrong Number

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval when the party answering the phone indicated that the customer did not live there.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Abandon

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after being connected to an agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. CustomerAbandonDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Did Not Answer

Answering Machine

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AnsweringMachineDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

No Answer

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. NoAnswerDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. BusyDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CanceledDetect /Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a Special Information Tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

No Dial tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a fax.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect

Network Error

The number of contacts that encountered one of the following problems:

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted.

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

Current Fields in the Summary of Attempts Per Campaign Half Hour Report View

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The date and time of the start half hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Key Statistics

Customer Answered

The number of the outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: Cam paign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Right Party Connect

The number of call attempts as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect

Dialer Abandon & Abandon to IVR

The number of calls that were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR because of there were no agents available to take the call. Campaign configuration determines whether these calls are abandoned at the dialer or to IVR.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonToIVR + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect



The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

The percentage of attempted calls that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Answer

The percentage of calls attempted when the number was dialed but the customer was not reached and there were no problems with the call ("Ring No Answer").

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CancelledDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of calls attempted where the contact was dialed and one of the following problems was encountered:

  • Fax machine detected.

  • No dial tone when dialer port went off hook.

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted.

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

  • Operator intercept (SIT Tone) was returned from network when dial attempted.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Dial

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback calls in the half-hour interval rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Note: These calls are not counted as attempted.

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback calls rejected by the agent. These customers are not dialed.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Note: These calls are not counted as attempted.

Current Fields in the Summary of Call Counts Per Campaign Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report that is generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName


The central controller date and time at the start of the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


Summary total of the number of calls attempted in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Requested Callback

The number of callback contacts.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallBackCount

Requested Personal Callback

The number of callback contacts scheduled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallBackCount


The number of contacts for which a voice was detected in the half hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect


The number of contacts in the half hour interval that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect

No Answer

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect

No Ringback

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that did not detect a ring back. The Calls with CallResults 4, 27 and 28 are mentioned in this column.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

No Dialtone

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half hour interval that detected a fax.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect

Network IVR

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that detected a network answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NetworkAnsMachineDetect

Answering Machine

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect

SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that detected a special information tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback contacts in the half hour interval that were rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback contacts that were rejected by the agent. These customers are not dialed.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Customer Not Home

The number of contacts in the half hour interval when the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount

Wrong Number

The number of contacts in the half hour interval when the party answering the phone indicated that the customer did not live there.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount


The number of contacts in the half hour interval where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CanceledDetect

Dialer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half hour interval abandoned by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Abandon to IVR

The number of contacts in the half hour interval that were abandoned by the dialer. However, instead of hanging up on the customer, the customer was transferred to an IVR which plays a message.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Customer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after picking up the phone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect

Talk Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents spent talking on the phone in the half hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.TalkTime

Wrap Up Time

The length of time the agents spent in wrap-up work.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrapupTime

Dialer Call Result Summary Half Hour

The Dialer Call Result Summary Half Hour report displays the status of each dialer for the selected time period.

Views: This report has one grid view, Dialer Call Result Summary Half Hour.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Dialers

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Dialer

  • Dialer_Interval

Current Fields in the Dialer Call Result Summary Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the dialer.

Derived from: Dialer.DialerName


The central controller date and time at the start of the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DateTime


Summary total of the number of contacts dialed in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ContactsDialed

Requested Callback

The number of callback contacts.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.CallBackCount

Requested Personal Callback

The number of callback contacts scheduled.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.PersonalCallBackCount


The number of contacts for which a voice was detected in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.VoiceDetect


The number of contacts for which busy signals were detected in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.BusyDetect

No Answer

The number of contacts which were not answered in the half hour-interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.NoAnswerDetect

No Ringback

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a ring back.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

No Dialtone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a fax.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.FaxDetect

Network IVR

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a network answering machine.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.NetworkAnsMachineDetect

Answering Machine

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect

SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a special information tone (SIT).

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.SITToneDetect

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback contacts in the half-hour interval that were rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback contacts that were rejected by the agent. The agent did not call these customers.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Customer Not Home

The number of contacts in a half-hour interval where the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount

Wrong Number

The number of contacts in a half-hour interval where the party answering the phone indicated that the customer did not live there.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.WrongNumberCount


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.CancelledDetect

Dialer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval abandoned by the dialer.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AbandonDetect

Abandon to IVR

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that were abandoned by the dialer and transferred to IVR, which plays a message.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Customer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after picking up the phone.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect

Dialer Capacity Daily

The Dialer Capacity Daily report displays the status of each dialer for the selected time period.

Views: This report has one grid view, Dialer Capacity Daily Report.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Dialers

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Dialer

  • Dialer_Interval

Current Fields in the Dialer Capacity Daily Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the dialer.

Derived from: Dialer.DialerName


The date for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DateTime

Port Status

Ports in Service

The full-time equivalent value of registered dialer ports during the interval. If this is less than the full number of ports allocated, then it describes a system issue where ports were offline for some time.

Derived from: (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime+Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)/ Dialer_Interval.ReportingInterval


The percentage of nonbusy ports in the current interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime/ (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Contacting Customers

The percentage of time spent by the dialer ports for calling customers during the current interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DialingTime /(Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Reserved Agents

The percentage of time spent by the dialer ports for reserving agents during the current interval for an agent campaign.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime/ (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Out of Ports

The percentage of time maxed out by the dialer during the current interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AllPortsBusyTime/(Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Dialer Statistics


The number of customer contact calls attempted by the dialer during the current interval. This includes all attempts, whether customers were reached or not.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ContactsDialed

Avg Attempt Time

The average time length in seconds of a customer attempt.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DialingTime/Dialer_Interval.ContactsDialed

Reservation Calls

The total number of reservation calls placed. This includes dialer requests to reserve agents that were rejected in the routing script because no agents were available or otherwise.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservationCallAttempts

Avg Reservation Time

The average length of a reservation call in seconds.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime/ Dialer_Interval.ReservationCallAttempts

Dialer Capacity Half Hour

The Dialer Capacity Half Hour report displays the status of each dialer for the selected time period.

Views: This report has one grid view, Dialer Capacity Half Hour Report.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Dialers

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Dialer

  • Dialer_Interval

Current Fields in the Dialer Capacity Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the dialer.

Derived from: Dialer.DialerName


The date and time of the start of the half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DateTime

Port Status

Ports in Service

The full-time equivalent value of registered dialer ports during the half-hour interval. If this value is less than the full number of ports allocated, then it describes a system issue where ports were offline for some time.

Derived from: (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime+Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)/ Dialer_Interval.ReportingInterval


The percentage of nonbusy ports in the current half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime/ (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Contacting Customers

The percentage of time spent by the dialer ports for calling customers during the current half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DialingTime /(Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Reserved Agents

The percentage of time spent by the dialer ports for reserved agents during the current half-hour interval for an agent campaign.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime/ (Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Out of Ports

The percentage of time maxed out by the dialer during the current half-hour interval.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.AllPortsBusyTime/(Dialer_Interval.IdlePortTime + Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime + Dialer_Interval.DialingTime)

Dialer Statistics


The number of customer contact calls attempted by the dialer during the current half-hour interval. This includes all attempts, whether customers were reached or not.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ContactsDialed

Avg Attempt Time

The average time length of a customer attempt in seconds.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.DialingTime/Dialer_Interval.ContactsDialed

Reservation Calls

The total number of reservation calls placed the current half-hour interval. This number includes dialer requests to reserve agents that were rejected in the routing script because no agents were available or otherwise.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservationCallAttempts

Avg Reservation Calls

The average length of a reservation call in seconds.

Derived from: Dialer_Interval.ReservePortTime / Dialer_Interval.ReservationCallAttempts

Import Rule

The Import Rule report displays the status of imported records for the selected time period.

Views: This report has one grid view, Import Rule Report.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Import Rule

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Import_Rule

  • Import_Rule_History

Current Fields in the Import Rule Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template. You can change them.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the import rule.

Derived from: Import_Rule.ImportRuleName

Start Date

The date and time the import rule is scheduled to start.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.StartDateTime

End Date

The date and time the import rule finished.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.EndDateTime


The total time duration.

Derived from: DateDiff(ss,Import_Rule_History.StartDateTime, Import_Rule_History.EndDateTime)

Records Status

Total Records

The total number of records present in the import list.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.TotalRecords


The total number of records imported into the Do Not Call List.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.GoodRecords


The total number of import records that did not meet format criteria. These records are captured in an import error file.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.BadRecords

Records To Dial

The total number of records imported to dialing lists based on existing query rules.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History. ImportedToDialingListCount

Records With Unknown Prefix

The total number of records that did not match the prefixes in the region prefix table and were assigned with the default time zone for the campaign.

Derived from: Import_Rule_History.UnmatchedRegionPrefixCount

Query Rule Within Campaign Daily

The Query Rule Within Campaign Daily report shows the breakdown of attempts (in percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period and the status (summary and percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Breakdown of Attempts per Query Rule Daily (the default)

  • Attempts per Query Rule Within Campaign Daily.

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

  • Query_Rule

Breakdown of Attempts Per Query Rule Within Campaign Daily Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName

Query Rule

The name of the query rule.

Derived from: Query_Rule.QueryRuleName


The date for the record in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

Right Party Connect

The percentage of call attempts as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Dialer Abandon

The percentage of contacts or attempts abandoned by the dialer because of no agent was available to take the call and "Abandon to IVR" was not configured.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Abandon to IVR

The percentage of attempts that were sent to IVR (or another dialed number) for treatment after the dialer reached a contact and no agent was available to take the call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonToIVR/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of callbacks requested by the customer when the campaign is not configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Personal Callback

The percentage of callback scheduled and requested by the customer when the campaign was configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Not Home

The percentage of contacts where the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Wrong Number

The percentage of contacts where the party answering the phone indicated that the customer did not live there.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Abandon

The percentage of contacts where the customer ended the call immediately after being connected to an agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Did Not Answer

Answering Machine

The percentage of contacts that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect

No Answer

The percentage of contacts that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. NoAnswerDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. BusyDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CanceledDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


SIT Tone

The percentage of contacts that detected a Special Information Tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

No Dial tone

The percentage of contacts that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The percentage of contacts that detected a fax machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect

Network Error

The number of contacts that encountered one of the following problems:

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted.

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

Attempts Per Query Rule Within Campaign Daily Report

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName

Query Rule

The name of the query rule.

Derived from: Query_Rule.QueryRuleName


The date for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Key Statistics

Customer Answered

The number of the outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Right Party Connect

The number of call attempts as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect

Dialer Abandon & Abandon to IVR

The number of calls that were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR because there were no agents available to take the call. Campaign configuration determines whether these calls are abandoned at the dialer or to IVR.

Dialer Abandon is derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Abandon to IVR is derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR



The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

The percentage of attempted calls that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Answer

The percentage of calls attempted when the number was dialed but the customer (live voice) was not reached and there were no problems with the call ("Ring No Answer").

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AnsweringMachineDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CancelledDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of calls attempted where the contact was dialed and one of the following problems was encountered:

  • Fax machine detected.

  • No dial tone when dialer port went off hook.

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted.

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

  • Operator intercept (SIT Tone) was returned from network when dial attempted.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Dial

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback calls that were rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback calls that were rejected by the agent. The agent did not call these customers.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Note that these calls were not counted as attempted.

Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour

The Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour report shows the breakdown of attempts (in percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period, the status (summary and percentage) of each campaign for the selected time period, and the status for each Query rule within a campaign for the selected time interval.

Views: This report has the following grid views:

  • Breakdown of Attempts per Query Rule within Campaign Half Hour (the default)

  • Call Counts per Query Rule within Campaign Half Hour

  • Summary of Attempts per Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour

Select the view you want to see from the report drop-down list that is located on the top left corner.

Query: This report data is built from an Anonymous type query.

Value List: Campaigns

Database Schema Tables from which data is retrieved:

  • Campaign

  • Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval

  • Query_Rule

Current Fields in the Breakdown of Attempts (%) Per Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName

Query Rule

The name of the query rule.

Derived from: Query_Rule.QueryRuleName


The date and time of the start of the half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hour, minute, second) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customers Answered

Right Party Connect

The percentage of call attempts as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect /Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Dialer Abandon

The percentage of contacts or attempts in the half-hour interval abandoned by the dialer because no agents were available and "Abandon to IVR" was not configured.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonDetect/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Note: This column is calculated as a percentage of all attempts because all the remaining numbers are represented in percentage only. These columns always add up to 100%.

Abandon to IVR

The percentage of attempts that were sent to IVR (or another dialed number) for treatment after the dialer reached a contact and no agent was available to take the call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AbandonToIVR/Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of callbacks requested by the customer when the campaign is not configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Personal Callback

The percentage of callbacks scheduled and requested by the customer when the campaign was configured for personal callback.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customers Not Home

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomersNotHomeCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Wrong Number

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the party answering the phone indicated that the customer did not live there.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Abandon

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after being connected to an agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customers Did Not Answer

Answering Machine

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AnsweringMachineDetectToHal/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

No Answer

The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. NoAnswerDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. BusyDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of contacts in the half-hour interval where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CanceledDetect/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a Special Information Tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

No Dialtone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a fax machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect

Network Error

The number of contacts that encountered one of the following problems:

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted

  • Network disconnected while alerting

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

Current Fields in the Call Counts Per Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName

Query Rule

The name of the query rule.

Derived from: Query_Rule.QueryRuleName


The central controller date and time at the start of the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime


Summary total of the number of calls attempted in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Requested Callback

The number of callback contacts.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallBackCount

Requested Personal Callback

The number of callback contacts scheduled.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount


The number of contacts for which a voice was detected during the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a busy signal.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect

No Answer

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that were not answered.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect

No Ringback

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a ring back. The Calls with CallResults 4, 27 and 28 are mentioned in this column.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect

No Dialtone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that did not detect a dial tone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a fax.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect

Network IVR

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a network answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NetworkAnsMachineDetect

Answering Machine

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected an answering machine.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AnsweringMachineDetect

SIT Tone

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that detected a special information tone (SIT).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback contacts in the half-hour interval that were rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback contacts that were rejected by the agent. (The agent did not call these customers.)

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Customer Not Home

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the party answering the phone was not the customer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount

Wrong Number

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the party answering the phone indicated the customer didn't live there.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount


The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the dialer canceled a ringing customer call.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CanceledDetect

Dialer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval abandoned by the dialer.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

Abandon to IVR

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval that were abandoned by the dialer and transferred to IVR, which plays a message.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Customer Abandon

The number of contacts in the half-hour interval where the customer ended the call immediately after picking up the phone.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect

Talk Time

The total time in HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) that agents spent talking on the phone in the half-hour interval.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.TalkTime

Wrap Up Time

The length of time the agents spent in wrap-up work.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrapupTime

Current Fields in the Summary of Attempts Per Query Rule Within Campaign Half Hour Report View

Current fields are those fields that appear by default in a report generated from the stock template.

Columns (Fields)



The name of the campaign.

Derived from: Campaign.CampaignName

Query Rule

The name of the query rule.

Derived from: Query_Rule.QueryRuleName


The date and time at the start of the half-hour interval for the row's data in MM/DD/YYYY (month, day, year) and HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds) format.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.DateTime

Key Statistics

Customer Answered

The number of the outbound calls (attempts) that reached a live voice.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount +Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR

Right Party Connect

The number of call attempts as indicated by agents using their desktop, when the actual customer was contacted and handled.

Derived from: Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect

Dialer Abandon & Abandon to IVR

The number of calls that were abandoned by the dialer or abandoned to IVR because there were no agents available to take the call. Campaign configuration determines whether these calls are abandoned at the dialer or to IVR.

Dialer Abandon is derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect

AbandtoIVR is derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR



The total number of outbound calls attempted.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Customer Answered

The percentage of attempted calls that reached a live voice.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.VoiceDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.WrongNumberCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerNotHomeCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CustomerAbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.PersonalCallbackCount + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AbandonToIVR)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Answer

The percentage of calls attempted when the number was dialed but the customer (live voice) was not reached and there were no problems with the call ("Ring No Answer").

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval. AnsweringMachineDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.BusyDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoAnswerDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.CancelledDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted


The percentage of calls attempted where the contact was dialed and one of the following problems was encountered:

  • Fax machine detected.

  • No dial tone when dialer port went off hook.

  • No Ringback from network when dial attempted.

  • Network disconnected while alerting.

  • Low Energy ("or dead air") call detected by the dialer.

  • Operator intercept (SIT Tone) was returned from network when dial attempted.

Derived from: (Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.FaxDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoDialToneDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.NoRingBackDetect + Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.SITToneDetect)/ Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.ContactsAttempted

Did Not Dial

Agent Rejected

The number of preview or callback calls in the half-hour interval that were rejected by the agent.

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentRejectedDetect

Note: These calls are not counted as attempted.

Agent Closed

The number of preview or callback calls that were rejected by the agent (these customers are not dialed).

Derived from: Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval.AgentClosedDetect

Note: These calls are not counted as attempted.